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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN IEARN $6 TO$10PEU DAY Ambitiaus, reliable men wanted at once. i P I Part time pay whilii traininlg for Aviation tfII mechaiilCS, Garage Workc, Driving, Bat- R eady for tery, Electric Acetylefle Weddinia, i-ouse - WirInlg, industrial Eiectricity, Machiilt, Brlcklayiflg, Plasteriflg, Draftiflg, Barber- ing and HairdressIflg. Act quick, get your C O LD application in now. Write or cail for In- COLD formation. DOMINION TRADE SCH-OOLS, LTD. r 1i.t. rn Hadquarters, 7q Que.en West, I TH RToronto.M EmpioymCflt service-coast ta Coast. CAULKING C WEATHERSTRIPPING Notice to Creditors' Before the severe weather sets ai i, have your bouse ecquipped wth in the Estate of Lillian Greeflaway caullng weatherstrip in order to deceased. 1W keep out drafts. Experience h*p -oslai îng caimns against thej teacbes that a house properly ta ,o f Lillian GrwýnaWay, late of thel caulked and ftted with the rlgbt îî.aof Himltofl. 1.,ceased, Nvho died kind o! weatherstrip can be kept . or .ihaout the- 20th day of September, SC warmwit abut 0% essfue. 170.are iierebynotifie'd t0 sn d in 10 thel tI warm with bout 20%rsss fuel.soicitor on or before theD This makes it a good investment. nei1day ot october, 1930. full particitiara KIndly let us quote you prices of theIr aims. on th.ls work, as it will put you limmedliatolW after the said 20th day of D undr o1blgaio. ctober, 1930, the assects of the tetatrix Aý underno oligaton. vii i e distrihuted amnongst the parties -ntitledo thereto. haviflg regard only to0e ABERNETHY BROS. j daims of which the Executor shall have Phoes43 ad 7721Dated at Bowmanville this th day of a BOIVMANVELLE Octo)'r, 193()0 W. ROSS STRIKE, __________________________________ 4-2Solctor for the ExecutorB JUDG1NG CONTEST i DURHAM COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS Will bie beld at CANTON COMMUNITY HALL d FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1930 1w Beginning at 8.30 o'clock. ti Trip to the Royal Show or a Two-Weeks' Short Course at O. A. C., Guelph, for: IM (1) The highest scoring competitor. i1 (2) The coach whose team bas the highest aggregate score. c Trip to Toronto Royal Show for ten highest boys,iv 16 years old and under 20, who have kept a cost S account of some Farm Operation. I Other cash prizes i each class.c A Banquet wiII be held at 7 p. m. S For !urther particulars write or phone EMERY SMITH, Cavan, CHAS. GLENNEY, Newcastle, i Vice Pres. J. P. A. Sec. Treas. J. F. A.t E. A. SUMMERS. Agricultural Representative, Port Hope. f ALLIN'S CORNER make an ordinary mea' GROCERY Is The Popular Place for THRIFTY SHOPPERS who want the best Groceries at the lowest prices. You will find here the choicest of everything necessary to al a feast. Sweeten Up the meal with Honey: Clover Honey-50c for 5 lb. pail. Amber Honey-45c for 5 IL pail. FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY HARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BoWMAN VILLE ISPECIAL DRESS SALE Styles - FMares - Pleats With many new novel neck- Unes. Shades-the new FaIl shades including the seas- on's keynote, black. Rich satins and fiat crepes. Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 44. Special prices this week $9.50 to $11,095 John E.U Mill11r Phone 170 King St. E. Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, THURSDAY, O(CTOBER 16th, 1930 The NEWCASTLE INDI THURSDAY, OCTOBER l6th, 1 NEWCASTLE COUNTY ORANGE RALLY Mrs. J. Poole, Toronto, is visiting (Continued f rom page 1) Mrs. J. Cunningham. BowmafiiI îl, Ont., Oct. 10, 19301j Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Wright Sfld Wor. Bro. Creightoii Devitt, hildren visited Mi. and Mrs. J. R. Surketon, Ontario. Fisher last week. Dear Brotlit, r.Tlitere la part of a Dr. and Mrs. Latte, Kingston, and hyinn which runs somewhat as foliows: frindsfro Pteroro viitd Ïajo fWhen friemd liolds fellosbihp %wth riena fom pteroro vistedMajr frend,ý' and we soiiitinis ask ourselves, .nd Mrs. Dudley laut Sunday.Woar our nil-iis, aind ho are u Miss Norma Orchard spent the 0,gior? ilo has said Th neig hour jsh a wh onthionuhast powir weekend with hier parents, Mr. and to aid and bless.' Ve meet therefore MIrs. Albert Orchard, Port Perry. flot 'inîy as fr1 nos ami neigiilours, butý Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and grand- 1ls, as brothi . ihtiat 'ihile ire realizei t t ur m a'onubocsini on spent the sveekend with his tbro- 2,nieNvhat ountf o dinay ia v her. Mr. Thos. O'Neil. and family, say that it sg witii more than ordinaryý Lakefleld. ilaue ý"Perhaîîs iacU et uia ltion or ingrat- Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard and Mrs. W., ni,' ýforr i, ni.. ;îvours be- ). Bragg visited Mr. and Mrs. Irwin stoweii or sacrifie- s miai, la one of the Allin, Ida, last weekend and attend- trr001 crimes arit ii niosi outstanding eanniversary services there. sin îviich affînt,, itiiiiii.firace. and silice such is îls. w,' ire roîninded Misses Jean and Gladys Matchett oftlit u hr,'use -,t f W'.Forgut." and Miss Nellie Garrod, Newcastle, Ive wotuld nul îîasto time in vain fiat- and Miss Marion Rickard, Sbaws, tery or that whiichi sut cc,'sts insincerity, 1ht ire are flot îuinitilul of the part were home f rom Toronto, on Sunday. iîîich you have îtyithe lead You have His mother, wiie and daugliter, tukt'n, andi theo sacrifîces whiclî you have Belleville, spent the first part of the 'îvillingly oind,- for th.,ý e'iol ýitiil ivl- tire of our î.,îîtsA.socitIon. \We week with Mr. S. J. Chessell, acting have bîucome icelistilm,'d to look to >o C.N. R. agent, during Mr. Hare's for, ad(vie,' in :111 i 1tonsîîrtaining 10 holidays. the ~Ordor. )-on havi i iî..-flhonotired i I) the local hrethirîn i Nin iflgcected 10 tho United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- chair of the Pin slinz Oflicer in oiir ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Oct. 19: eriunty rLodgo. îhîichi office trou so al,Wy 11 a. m.-Morning Xorship; 2.30 p- dlii trinir 1h ;ast thrto vears, ai n.--Sunday School; 7 p. m.--Even- if %wo look for lîiuirh.-rionours voit have receivei at thli tis (5of lth' sir IÇoits ing Service. of the noyali .î'tinstitiution,, w h, n Mr. Walter Douglas. Providence, thoY .lected voit 10 nuir present i'i R. I., spent a !ew days last week with Masýterilitat of iAssooî1it, Deptlty G7randl o,'.,rf the G;rand llack ('hapter of his mother, Mis. John Douglas, with tnaroEast. vhom Mr. and Mi. H. J. Ragen and Wve Nwish tri'a aît'.ii, 001 only daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ný biîîig worthîi 't fi:,Il -hîîniuirs yoiî 3ritain, Toronto, spent the weekend. iiiii' iavc,'iii ii o o1h,' tact ,r. l te We learn f rom authentic sources therelîy entailod itîli xeetî)tionai abaility that Mr. Wmn. Harris bas sold his iuui1l liicoiniig nai,oî' ' ;n.t atm on the fare l it voit l ""i. rl,,n îfiici.'îl faimn, east of the village, to Mr.. tii a suieriorit, but li"\luiave aI- Clarence Turner. Mr. Harris and waiys rcmaineîl jiist -"o,'orithle Iîoy.s. Mri. and Mrs. Law and daughters ex- In conclusion, u saw. Sat 111ie(Io pect to move out about December lst. flot fee,'1olî i cir îii, l hi iorly '..'. ng 'W .l iii luhit w sli10 ,'xiîr, ss Rev. Gordon W. Gardner and Mrs. 10 yoîî a grenti.. x' iîgotf fllowslipl ,Gardner, Castleton, were guests of 0am1i rotherly toi iuy îrî's.'itinc you M1rs. lRev. i W. P. Rogers at the par- iil, a liractical lken itoftîr airn'ia- lion 'inîlestot'm iii th'.torm of a Pasi bonage for Sunday dinner. Rev. W. î'oîinty Uaaîor's Ii i and lit 19 our P. Rogers, by special request. was at oarn,'st Nisu hujiat onuz lit,,lîi'ipi)ross Castieton. preaching at anniversary :1-1d îrosflority %wili 1-îirlot. services,.l'ours traterlaly. W. M. No il ýJanies Brown. Rev. C0. W. Gardner o! Castleton W. M. N\o. 17TO lyland. and Mr. Thos. Buikell o! the local W. M. Ni.,'il o'l1ut.icl. SUnited Chuich, hati the pleasure o o M. M. ', o.nC Marin,. meeting and exchanging g'reetings at W. 'M No. 'iGniuntihaiini. the church on Sunday. They were W. M I No i. t -- 11.r'l ovr. former fellow citizens o! the village '%. M. No 0! ) Tohin If. ibson T r. of Noîwood. W. M. No. -.61-7r, i G. Smith. W. M. No. 221.tittniing. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Mr. Devitt, who was completely Mason, M. A., Rector. Suiiday, Oct. taken by surprise. in his character- 19th. Cbildren's Day: 10.15 a. m.- istic modest manner and with sin- Bible Study Class; il a. m.-Morn- cere expressions \vhich camne f romr ing Prayer and Holy Communion; the heart. thanked the brethren foi 2 P. m.-Children's Service in the the honor conferred on bim. Churcb; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. During tbe es'ening variety wva Mi. Downey, on the C. R. Lovekin given the program by musical sel- farm, sustained a severe loss last ections by Duncan Cowan and hi.u Sunday when bis two milch cows entertainers which was greatly en- both died f romn some unknown cause, joyed. either poisoning or over-eating, after A vote o! thanks by Messis. IHanin getting out o! their pasture and and Elliott was extended to the min. straying away. Wben found Mr. ister and officials of St. Andrew': Downey called a Vet. who on arrival Cburch for the use of 'lie churci found that their condition was such and other courtesies extended ti that notbing could save them. them. Rev. Gordon W. Gardner, Castle- Too much credit cannot be givei ton, preacbed before the usual large Mr. Halliday for the initiative showî congregation in the United Church and work done in staging this Or on Sunday morning, taking as his ange Rally wbich was such a tremen theme, the question: "Wbich way dous success, and wbich sbould b does your l! e slant?"' As the basis the means o! creating new enthus o! bis sermon hie used the two texts, iasm among Orangemen. "Lot pitched his tents toward Sod- om," Sodom the symbol o! wicked- BLACKSTOCK ness and sin, and "Daniel opened bis windows toward Jerusalem," Jerus- Cream-Better returns in the lon alemn symbol o! holiness and right- run by selling to Citizens Dairy Ltd eousness. Misses Beatrice and Grace phone 52, W'hitby. 42- Bragg, !rom the choir loft, sang in duet, "No Nigbt There." WOOD SALE Mr. and Mrs. Haie and Jack re- Wednesday, November 5th-Joh turned home on Monday !rom their Sepsics will seil on lot 34, con. trip to New York, Philadelpbia and Darlington, 1/2-mile west o! Enfleli Washington. In New York on Sun- about 10 acres o! standing mixe day they went to hear the celebrated timber in ¼/-acre lots, more and les Dr. Fosdick preach in bis new churcb purchasers to bave to April 1, 193: where the crowds were so great that to remove timber. Sale at 1 p. r they could not get i the churcb See bills. Theo. M. Slemon. aucl auditorium to see him, but heard him' loneer. by. means o! amplifiera as they sat in the crowded assembly room. In Washingtonl they went to the White House where they were graciously received and shown througb the building, including President Hoov- er's private apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ranson and children, Mrs. Ray Carr and children, COME TO Mr. Joe Hunter, Belleville, and Mr. Jas. Douglas, Toronto, attended the dispersion sale o! the late Mrs. Hunt- ter's household goods, furniture, ternoon. The weather was super- MA NDEL'S fine. bringing out a large number o! Iwould-be buyers and everything went like hot cakes under the persuasive tioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pol- P ard and !amily. wbo bave been oc- e l g O u le ading rinks have finishied and the (final standing shows that .J. E. W. Pbilp's rink win the silver trophy this yc'ar wilh 8 win andi 2 los;ses. Nx oBloa oe t The members o! Ibis rink are Franîk Nx oBlo oe Allîn, Win. E. Purdy, Dr. S. E. Stac- c.y, and J. E. W. Philp. skip. Ge0. Jamieson's anti W. Crowtber's rinks tied for second place wlth 6 gamnes each to their credit. cnnnný= 4 j. No.2c PEAS 3Tins27 SUPERI .èr GOLDEN NMET BADS-COHOB SALMON Tin31c 2 rim33. 'EXT'RA VPECrtA.!,.. wlt' ai- Band SHORTENINOflu;140 FRESH FRUITS and VEGEZ4BLES Fresh fruits and vegetables dehivered daily to ail of our stores. A complete list of ail native and imported fruits and vegefables ce, be had at attractive prices. KING STREET - BOWMANVILLE We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. SINGAPORE SLICED E A &~ P Pledges Itself to Support Ea'ery Effort to Promote So 2nd Lanadian Prosperit> A & P DES~T QUALITY BEEF PCAS Shoulder Diade BEST ROUND BONF OR THICK RIB Rfi ST L,.i week wben we offered Beef ai 25e per pound, A & P aroîised hie hou sewives of On- tario 10 a buying cnthusiasm seldom experietictd. Over 600,0300 pounds of beef passed through our warebouse as a restult. This. week we go a st"p fujirier andl announce a ncw anc'. îw'er onice on the sanie high quality A & P se- iected iteef. Rump rime Rib FULL CUT BFST 4 RIBS 5011 MeCORMICK'S PINEAPPLE AdYLMEJR CIdOIrCE QUALITY na. 23,e No.i l No. 4 Sieve Sweemt and Tender BRtEAD LOB CALAY SOAP 3 Cakes2j Grocr PhMnae:N. Wi83ms TinE Git1mAT ATt ANTIC & PACUP[C __________________LIMITED 0F CANADA____ TiC4oè ORANGETTE BISCUITS EXTRA CAKE FREE WITH PURCHASE 0F THREE 1 1 1 - P E N DE N T ISUNDAY AT LOCAL CHUB4JHES- EP E N D N T i St. ohn's Anglican Church EigleelhSunday alter Trinity, Eigter nth, 1930: il a. m.-Holy 930 Communion; 2.30 p. m.-Annuali fChildren's Service; 7 p. m.-Evefling SALEMPrayer. Ver sory hatMis MaionHony 1 Trinity United Church Verysory tat iss arin HneY Rev. J. U3. Robins, Pastor. Mrs. F. L. Squair and Mr. Lawrence il a. m. and 7 p. m.-Preachng by Squair stili continue in iii health. the pastor. Sunday School at 2.30 Several from our vicinity attended p rm. Public cordially invited to al anniversary services in Triflity Unit- services. ed Church and those who were nott in attendance surely missed a treat. St. PauI's United Church Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornish and Rev. D. W. Best, D. D.. Minister daugliter and Miss Keys, Oshawa, il a. m.-Morning Worship-"«The Mr. and Mrs. Fitze. Janetville, visit- Escape froin Unreal Worlds." 2.30 ed with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish oni p. m.--Sunday School. 7 P. m.- Sunday. Evening Worship-Address by Miss Mr. H. Janice motored to Cobourg Louise McCulley of Korea. Music on Sunday arnd visited with his by Ladies' Choir. mother, taking with him his boy On Sunday. October 26th, Anni- f riends, B. Hughes, F. Broombridge, versary Services at St. Paul's will be R. Richards and C. Gray. conducted by the Rev James R. Tuesday nigbt, October 2lst. New- Fraser, M-. A., D. D. castle Young People's League will visit Salem. Program will be put Tyrone Circuit on by the visitors, allter whlch Miss Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Minister Gilbank, the 3rd vice, will conduct Church services on Sunday: Beth- games. Lunch will be served. Ev- esda 10.30 a. m.; Salem 2.30 p. m.; erybody welcome. Trn 7 p. m. Miss M. Barrett. Newcastle, spent Trn the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. The Autumn Thank Offering of St. Honey and in company with themn on Paul's Women's Missionary SocietyI Sunday attended the funeral of Mr. will be held Sunday evening, October Barrett at Pickering, he being an' l9th, at the regular church service.I uncle of Mrs. Honey and Miss Bar-1 Miss Louise McCulley of Korea, will rett. Sympatby is extended to them 'be the speaker. Ail interested are in their bereavement. ij welcome. t E Meat Manager: G. McCoy. YOUR EYES The eye obeys exactly the action o! the mind. When a thought strikes us, the eyes fix and remain gazing at a distance. At the mention of an unfamiliar name, the eyes wink. There is no nlcety of learning sought by the mind which the eyes do flot vie in ac- quiring. Poor eyesight is a handicap, in social life and busi- ness. The squint becomes a scowi, the scowl a menace that repels those who would otherwise be glad to meet us face to face. Take care o! your eyes as you would any other priceless posses- sion. Flave your eyes examlned at least once a year. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Office Iours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. M. to 9.30 p. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. Machine Wr and ikwJbd A & p ENCORE Phone No. 83

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