THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLJE, THUSDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1930 PAGE IGETr Aci i SOROh11NO FAIR PRIZE WINNERS A. A. Rolph. French Marlgold-Miss -Mirs. T. Perey, Mrs. Jas. Bell. M. Oke, Miss M. Power. Nasturtlunis Sandwich Tray-Mlss M. Oke, Mrs. (Continued from last week) coll.-Mrs. W. J. Stutt, Mrs. Geo. Jas. Bell. Salad Bowl, hand p ed Cau m ndig stio Grai aBowend Petunias, single-Mrs. W. J. -Miss C. Colville, Miss E. Waddell, Ju Ge-C .rain an ewstl Stutt, Mrs. J. E. Armstrong. Pansies Flower Bowl, 10w type-Miss E. Wad- Jude-C R.Careth Necasle -Miss M. Oke, E. Waddell. Phlox, deil. Flower Bowl, high type-Miss Create Sourness, Gag and Pain. Fall Wheat-F. J. Osborne, C. A. perennial, coll.Mrs. A. A. Rolph. E. Waddell. 3 Cups and Saucers-' How to Treat. Chapman. Spring Wheat, soft-J. phlox, Drunimondi, coll.-Miss M. Miss E. Waddell. Tea Set-Mrs. H. L. Cryderman, E. C. Copprng. Bar- Oke, Miss D. Bail. Rose Coll.-Mrs. G. McDonald. Wood Carving-Miss Medilcal authorities state that ley, 6 rowed-Robt. Alln, J. L. Cry- J. E. Anderson, W. J. Lycett. Sweet E. Waddell. Reed Work-Miss M. nearly nine-tenths of the cases of derman. Barley, 2 rowed-J. L. Peas-Mrs A. A. Colwlll. Stocks- Oke, Mrs. Geo. Bowen. Best New stomach trouble, indigestion, sour- Cryderman. White Qats, American Miss M .Oke, Mrs. A. A. Rolph. Sal- Crat-Mrs. F. B. Whyte, Mrs. Jas. ness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, Banner-F. J. Osborne. White Oats, via-W. J. Lycett, Mrs. E. Dean Bell. etc., are due to an excess of hydro- any other varety-F. J. Osborne, J. Snapdragon-F. W. Tamblyn. Mrs. Fn r chloric acid in the stomach. The L. Cryderman. 12 stalks Flint Corn J. E. Armistrong. Verbenas-Mrs. J. On Pintne prti-MssE cellcate stomnach lmning is irritated, --C. A. Chapman. 12 stalks Dent E. Anderson, Miss M. Oke. Zinnias- Waddell. Figure-,J. L. Crydermnan, digestion is delayed and food sours, Corn--C. L. Powers. W. S. Moffatt. F. B. Loeki Mrs. E. Anderson. E. Waddenl. Animal-Miss E. Wad- causing the disagreeable symptoms FaUl Wheat, sheaf - Robt. AllUn. W1id Flowers, coll.-M. H. Staples, deni. Miss M. Sisson. Marine-Miss which every stomach sufferer knows Spring Wheat, sheaf-F. B. Lovekin. Mrs. A. A Rolph. Asparagus Spring- E. Waddell, Miss M. Sisson. Land- s0 well. White Oats, sheaf-Robt. Allln, E. C. arl-Mrs. J. E. Armstrong. Begonias scape-E. Wadden, M. Sisson. Fruit Artificial digestants are not needed Copping. Barley, sheaf-Robt. AllUn. -Mrs. Ed. Morton. Begonla, non- -E. Waddenl, Miss C. Colville. Flow- in such cases and may do real harm. Standing Feld Crop Competitio- bloomier-Mrs. J. Eagleson, Mrs. E. ers-Miss E. Waddenl, Miss C. Col- Try laying aside ail digestive aids Sheaf Oats - F. Briniacombe, W. Morton. Begonia, blooming-Mrs. D. ville. Water Colors, figure-Miss E. and instead get f rom any druggist Boyd, Raymond Chapman. Sheaf G. Hooper, Mrs. M. H. Staples. Rex Waddell, Miss C. Colville. Portrait some Bisurated Magnesia and take a Ensilage Corn--C. L. Powers, W. S. Begonia-Mlss C. Colville, Mrs. J. Miss E. Waddell, Elsie Rowe. Animal teaspoonful of powder or four tab- Moffat, A. J. Bigelow. Eagleson. Begonia, tuberous-Mrs. -Miss E. Waddenl, Mrs. Jas. Bell. lets in water right after eating. Tis Vegetables M. H. Staples. Foliage Plants, coi.- Marine-Miss E. Waddell, Miss C. sweetens the stomach, prevents the Judge-Thos. Burkell, Newcastle Mrs. M. H. Staples. Floral Design- Colville. Landscape-Miss E. Wad- formation of excess acid and there is Table Beets-J. L. Cryderman, C. Mrs. H. G. McDonald. House Plants, del, Miss M. Sisson. Flowers-Miss no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated C. Cain. Red Carrots-Robt. AllUn, coll.-Mrs. A. A. Rolph. Hanging E. Wadden. Fruits-Miss E. Waddenl, Magnesia (in powder or tablet f orn Mrs. T. Cowan. White Carrots- Basket-Miss E. Wadden. Sword Miss E. Rowe. Sepia-Miss E. Wad- -neyer liquid or milk) is harmless Mrs. T. Cowan. Citrons-Kenneth Fern-Mrs. J. E. Armstrong, Mrs. Ed. dell, Miss M. Sisson. Crayon Draw- to the stomach, inexpensive to take Hill, Mrs. Ed. Morton. Red Mangels Morton. ing-Miss E. Waddenl, Miss C. Col- and is the otefcetfr.o -.J.Obre rdCuhYe Domestie Manufacture ville. Pastel Drawing-E. Waddenl. magnesia for stomach purposes. It Mangels-M. H. Staples, F. J. Os- Pencil Drawing, figure-Miss C. Col- is used by thousands of people who borne. Sugar Mangels-M. H. Stap- Sweater Coat, knit-Mrs. J. E. An- ville, Miss E. Wadden. Pencil Draw- enjoy their meals with no more fear les, F. J. Osborne. Red Onions-Mrs. derson, Mrs. F. Stinson. Quilt, ap- ing, animal-Miss E. Waddenl, Mrs. of indigestion. 42-1 T. Cowan, Mrs. J. Eagleson. Yellow plique-Mrs. F. Stinson. Quilt, crazy Jas. Bell. Penci Drawing, Iandscape Onions-Mrs. T. Cowan, Mrs. j. patch work-Mrs. Ed. Morton, Miss -Miss E. Waddenl. Pen and Ink Simple and Sure-Dr. Thomas' Ec- Eagleson. Parsnips-E. C. Copping, L. Alun. Comforter, practical-J. L. Sketch-Miss E. Waddenl, Miss E. lectric On is so simple in application Mrs. J. Eagleson. Field Pumpkins- Cryderman, Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Ra Rowe. Kodak Pictures. animal and that a child can undestand the in- Fred Blackburn, S. D. Souch. Pie Rug, hooked and eut-Miss L. Allin. bird life-Mrs. J. Eagleson, Mirs H. structions. Used as a liniment the Pumpkins - Fred Blackburn, S. D. Housework Apron, serviceable-Mrs. G. McDonald. Poster Design-Miss only direction is to rub, and when Souch. Summer Squash-Robt. AI- F. Stinson, Mrs. F. B. Whyte. Child's E. Waddenl, Mrs. Jas. Bell. used as a dressing to apply. The lin. Winter Squash-W. R. Bail, F. Pullover, crochet-Mrs. J. E. Ander- directions are so plain and uninis- W. L. Tamblyn. Swede Tunips- son, Mrs. F. Stinson. Child's Pull- Domestic Science takable that they are readily under- Mrs. Geo. Bowen, F. J. Osborne. oven, knit-Mrs. J. Elino Anderson. Judge-Miss Edith Hopkins, Lindsay Evening rates on "Anyoiie" stood by young or old. Watermelons-Mrs. T. Cowan. Musk- Lady's Pullover, knit-Mrs. F. B. White Bread-Mrs. C. C. Cain, Mrs. (station-to-statiotS) calls '0w _____melons--Oeo. E. AJlin. Early Pota- Stinson, Miss L. Aflin. Coolie Coat E. Dean. Brown Bread-Mrs. F. B. hegin ai 7 p.m. Nsgbt raies toes-F. W. L. Tamblyn, Ed. Dean.. -Mirs. J. E. Armstrong. Comforter, Lovekin. Date Loaf-Mrs. M. H. begin ai 8.30 P.m. Jus: give Late Potatoes-Robt. Allen, F. J. Os-. fancy, homte made-Mrs. E. Morton, Staples, Mrs. J. R. Cooper. Buns- ber"Lo isanc-;e"edssq> bon. am rdutyE bi-F Mrs. Jas. Bell. Lady's Scanf, knit- Mrs. E. Dean, Mrs. C. C. Cain. Tea be rvcI you n-lsedon': UA&Iin Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. T. Percy. QuiltI Biscuits-F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. Robt. ànow the distant stumber, HA IV i 1 Fruivekin.cotton, pieced-Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. IAllen. Scones-Miss K. Waddenl, ftIffojgag3f lD uil ook il Busy bands-at liad ta9 Judge-W. J. Oke, Peterboro D. G. Hooper. Fancy Bedspread- Mrs. C. C. Cain. Shortbread-Mrs. op> for yoil. da adday oiPrin Winter Apples-F. J. Osborne, J. Miss L_ Alin, Miss M. Sisson. Rag Geo. Bowen, Mrs. J. E. Anderson. B and keeps t knsian L. Cryderman, F. B. Lovekin. Alex- Rug, braided-Miss L. AllUn, Miss M. Macaroons-Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Balmkeep theskinsoftand ander-F. J. Osborne, F. W Tamblyn. Oke. Child's Play Dress with bloom- Mrs. A. A. Colwlll. Sugar Cookes- pliable. Removes redness Duchess-F. B. Lovekin. St. Law-~ ers-Mrs. F. B. Whyte. Child's Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Mrs. T. Cowan. and relieves hintation. rence-F. W. Tamblyn, A. A. Rolph. Sweater and Cap, knit-Mrs. F. Stin- Jumbles-Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mrs. - At wuT i<Gnvnsei-. .FoteF.W son. Pieced Quilt, cloth-Mrs. E. A. A. Colwill. Spanish Bun-Mrs. I Wr'pA m a Tamblyn. Wealthy-H. M. Foster, Morton, Mrs. D. G. Hooper. H-ouse C. C. Cain, Miss K. Wde.Ga PEPP A NF. J. Osborne. Snows-F. J. Osborne, Dress, washable-Mrs. Jas. Bell. ham Gems-Mrs. C. C. Cain, J. L. Al AFred Couch. Cranberry Pippin-F. Verandah Jacket-Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Cryderman. Layer Cake, dark-Mrs. 1A LM -b B. Lovekin, M. H. Staples. Mcntosh Mrs. . Stinson. Plain Smock-Mrs. . E. Anderson, Mrs. C. C. Cain -J__. L. Cryderman, F. B. Lovekin. F. B. Whyte, Mrs. F. Stinson. Wool Layer Cake, liglt-Mllrs. J. E. Ander- Blenheim Pippin-F. J. Osborne, H. Sisson. Cake-Mrs. C. C. Cain, Miss Kate M. Poster. Colvert-F. J. Osborne, Ladies' Work I Waddell. Orange Cake-Mrs. J. E._________________ J. L. Cryderman. Baxter-J. L. Cry- Judge-Miss M. Magson. Toronto Anderson, Mns. A. A. Colwill. Crumb derman, F. J. Osborne. Delcious- Bedroomn Set-Mrs. J. E. Armn- Cake-Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mrs. C. C. ALMOST AS GOOD H. M. Foster, F B. Lovekin. Fallo- strong, Mns. Jas. Bell. Set Table Cain. Apple Pie-Mrs. Jas. Eagleson, wate-H. M. Foster, F. J. Osborne. Mats-Mrs. F. B. Whyte, Mrs. D. G. Mrs. F. J. Osborne. Pumpkin Pie- Fred King found that hie couldn't Ontario-F. J Osborne, H. M. Foster. Hooper. Slip, hand made-Mrs. T. Mrs. J. Eagleson, Mrs. A. A. Colwill. get home for his holldays this yean. e Seeks-M. H. Staples, H. M. Foster. Percy, Mrs. Jas. Bell. Table Runner, Lemon Pie-Mrs. A. A. Colwill, J~. L His mother was ternibly disappointed. £ WRibston Pippin-H. M. Foster, F. J. crochet,-Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. Jas. Cryderman. Tant Pie-Mrs. J. R. But Fred bas made amends-he calîs Osborne. Pewaukee-J. L. Cryder- Bell. Table Runnen, any othen kind Cooper, Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn. Raisin his mothen by long distance every man, F. J. Osborne. Wolf River- -Mirs. T. Percy, Mns. F. B. Whyte. Pie-Mns. H. G. MeDonald, Mrs. A. Sunday evening. His mothen de- F. B. Lovekin. Talman Sweet-H. M. Centrepiece, white, 18 in. on over- A. Colwill Cunnant Jelly-Mrs. Jas claires the weekly tant is the next Fosten. J. L. Cryderman. Bellefieur Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. Jas. Eagleson. Bell, Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn. Marna- best thi:ng to a visit. And, o! -M. H. Staples, F. Couch. Northern Centrepiece, coloed-Mrs. J. Eagle- lade-Mns. J. Eagleson, Mns. M. H. course, It', lZ.i ess expensîve. Spy-F. J. Osborne, Fred Couch. son, Mrs. T. Percy. Boudoir Pillow Staples. Apple Jelly-Mns. F B ________________ Golden Russet-M. H. Staples, . J. -Mrs. F. B. Whyte, J. L. Cryderman. Lovekin, Mrs. E. Dean. Mixed Pick- Osborne. Rhode Island Greenig- Sofa Pillow, quilted-Mns. J. Eagle- les-Mrs. J. R. Cooper. J. L. Cryde J 11 1. E pdwl Mil lRies ail day an J. L. Cryderman, F. J. Osborne. King son, Mns. T. Percy. Sofa Pillow, new man. Catsup-Mns. F. B . Whyte ld rW ak e ever day for three weeks. -H. M. Foster, F. B. Lovekin. Bald- work-Mns. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. H. Mns. D. G. Hooper. Chili Sauce 33as ne padet i-P .Osone .M.iner .Mury FnyWok chfern rs .A.pahMs.J .kne-ete L f ifr t 10 CENTS PER PACKET Bens Davis-M. H. Staples. F. B. kinds-J. L. Cryderman, Mns. T. Per- son. Cucuxnber Pickles-Mrs. J. R. ai Druggists, Grocers, Canerai toes1 Lovekin. Stank-Geo. E. AllUn, F. J. cy. Tea Cloth and 4 Serviettes, white Cooper, Mns F. B. Wrhyte. Onion Daily Annoyance Troublesorne Nighta WHY PA M RE . Osborne. Any other variety-F. J. -Mrs. J. E., Andeson, Miss C. Col- Pickles-Mns. S. D. Souch. Mrs. J. R. Wrecking Lives of Thousands THSE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hiamiltozn.On. ple-J. L rdraP . .Tm ooe-r. .Pry .J . Cooper, J. L. Cryderman. Bean To Do For Qulck Relief T~blyn. Collection Peas-A. A. Col- Armstrong. Chesterfield Boste- Pickles-Mns. F. B. Whyte. Mna. J. R. Backaches, HReadaches, Pains in will, Geo. E. Alun, A. A. Rolph. Mns. F. B. Whyte. Ladies' Pyjamas Cooper. Pickled Peas-Mrs. H. M. feet and legs, Nenvousness, Restless- 110W Of« WOMAN LOST Bartlett-F. W. Tarblyn .K A. Col- J. L. Cryderman, Mrs. H. G. McDon- Staples, Miss K. Waddenl. Meat ness, frequent but scanty rnto will ShedonA. A RolhF. W. aid. Crochet Work. cotton-Mrs. Jas Reish-Mrs. S. D. Souch. Mrs. M. H. with bunning and pain, getting-up- Tamblyn. Flemish Beauty-A. A. Bell, Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Tnay Cloth Staples. Collection Canned Fruit-. nights-ane smme of the more troub- fllhUlL FT Rolph, F. W. Tamblyn. A. 0. V.-A. -Mirs. D. G. Hoopen, Mrs. T. Cowan Mns. H. G. McDonald, Mns. M. H. lesome sigus that should have prompt 47 PO NDS O FAT A. Colwill. Buenre Bosc--Geo. Allin, Tea Cloth, 36 on 45 in.-Mrs. D. G. Staples. 5 lbs. Butter in cock- attention befone they reach a more F W. Tamblyn. Winter Nelles-A. A. Hooper, Mns. F. Stinson. Buffet Set Mrs. Geo. Bowen, Mns. A. A. Colwill. seious stage! "I have been taking Kruscben Sat Colwlll. Collection Plums-F. W. -Mrs- J. E. Anderson, Mrs. E. Dean. 15 lbs. Butter, winter pack-Mns. Geo No matter how stubborn youn case Ior neady 8 Inontils. 1 have eontiflued Tamblyn. Bradshaw-F. W. Tam- Buffet Scarf-Mrs. T. Percy, Mns. F. Bowen, Mrs. A. A. Colwill. may seem to be on how many medi- taiig one teapOoSful in warm water blyn. Impeial Gage-F. W. Tamb- Stinson. Boudoir Lamp Shade, silk Cblidren's Work cines you have tied without esults evoey morning. 1 then weighed 217 lyn Lobard-F. W. TamblynCC. -Mirs. H. W. Murray, Mns. F. B. Ouest Towels, emb.-Eunice Wad- don't think youn condition is hopeless pounds, waa always botliered.with Ca in n te variety-P. W Whyte. Boudoir Lamp Shade, parch- delI, Hazel Burley. Hand made Hand- on the natunal consequence o! ad- paim in my back and Iower part of Can yote1 abdxon and sies Tamblyn. Red Grapes-E. Waddell,l ment-Mrs. Jas. Eagleson, Mns. H. kechief-Miss Bell. Fancy Work vancing yeans until you have tried "Now I amn giad to say I amn a well A. A. Colwill. Green Gapes-H. G. 1 W. Murray. Pillow Cases. emb.- Bag-Miss Bell. Centrepiece, emb. in the amazing value o! Dr. South- womn, feel much stronger, yers McDonald, E. Wadden. Black Grapes Mns. Ed. Dean, Mrs. J. Armstrong. colos-Hazel Burley. Miss Bell. worth's "URATABS." yeager and rny wei ht is 170 pounds. -A. A. Colwill, F. W. Tamblyn. Hand made Tapestny-Mns. Jas. Bell, Pillow Cases, emb.-Miss Bell, Hazel On a strict guarantee o! money 1Ido not only feel better but I look Special for best Mclntosh Red Apples Miss A. Percy. Fancy Bed Sheet- - Burley. Quilt, patch-Miss Bell. back on finst box purchased if you better, no ail my friendasBay., -A. A. Colwill. Mrs. J. E. Armstrong, Mns. T. Percy. Dlning Table Bouquet-Eunice Wad- do not neceive swift and satis!ying i "I1 uhild neverybe without Ruce Flowens and Plants Roman Cut Wok-Mrs. J. E. Ander- den. Donl dressed as Canadian school relief any good dnuggist wlll supply Saitz, wfl neyer cease takig my diily Judge-W. W. Hicks, Lindsay sont, Mrs Jas. Bell. Luncheon Set, gil-Eunice Waddenl. Child's Fancy You with "Unatabs" In sealed pack- done and more thmi glad to highly Aster collection-Miss M. Oke, Mns. white-Miss L. Allin, Mns. T. Percy. Apron-Hazel Burley, Eunice Wad- ages containing a ten days' supply. recnsneed it for thse eat good that ia A. A. Rolph. Asters, white-A. A. Luncheon Set, colored-Mrs. T. Percy deil. If they bring great relief inside o! in ."u. S. A. Soon Rolph, Miss M. Oke. Asters, rose- Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Sideboard Specials by Orono Women's Institute 48 hours and a wonderful improve- " P.S.-You may tiink I1 arn Miss D. Bail, Mrs. D. G. Hoopen. Scar!, white-Mns. D. G. Hooper, Sofa Pillow. any kind-Mns. J. R. ment inside o! ten days. you will be exaggerating by writaflg sues a long Asters. red-J. L. Cryderman, Miss Mrs. F. Stinson. Ladies' Fancy Scar! Cooper, Mns. J. Eagleson. Tea Cloth greatly pleased-if they do not help. latter but buly I féee ne indebted to Bî.AtrmueA .RlU -Mirs. T. Percy, Miss A. Percy. and 4 sevettes-Mrs. J. R. Cooper, they cost you nothing! Ask youn you for put±sng out sucs woaderfil D. druggistes, tuvday.A.42-1h malt that I cannot s a -igh" J. L. Cryderman. Asters, purple-J. Fancy Punse, hand made-Mrs. J. E. dugs oa.4- ________________________L. Cryderman, A. A. Rolph. Best anr- Anderson, Mrs. H. W. Murray. Run -______________ ranged high basket-Miss M. Oke. nen for Tea Cart-Mrs. Jas. Bell, Best arranged low basket-Mrs. A. A. Mrs. H. W. Murray. Coll. Tatting- Mrs. H. G. McDonald. Centrepece- aRolpfl. Best and most atistic dis- Mrs. F. Stinson, Miss A. Percy. Guest Mrs. H. G. McDonald, Mns. J. R. dplyof annuals-Miss M. Oke, Mrs. Towel, white linen-Mrs. T. Percy, Cooper White Bread-Mrs. C Cý The StanaA.. Rolph. Best display o! peren- Mns. D. G. Hooper. Fancy BathCan r.GoBwe rhm Remedy foe anjas-Mrs. A. A. Rolph. Carnations oes-r.FStnnJL.Cy Gems-Mrs. C. C. Cain, Mrs. F. W. ZUO ALT r ne-Mirs. A. A. Colwill. Calendula- derman. Guest Towels, worked in Tamblyn. Scones-Mns. C. C. Cain, ZUOOTALTSar a fficient MsJ .CoeJ .Cyemn Colos-Miss C. Colville, Miss A. Mrs. T. Cowan. Plain Biscuits-Mrs. and harmiess remedy for headache Cosnos-Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Miss M. Percy. Worked Hand Towels-J. L. C. C. Cain, Mrs. Geo. Bowen. Layer Mr. Geo Legge, Editor of Granby Oke Cut Flowerss Coll.-Mrs. ,J. Cryderman, Mrs. H. W. Murray. Cake, dark-Mrs. J. Eagleson. Mrs. J. Leader-Ma i wrtes: Your ZUTOO Amtrn Dahlias Coll.-Miss M. Hand Towel with crochet insertion- KI LL 1 R. Cooper. Roll Jelly Cake-Mrs. E. TABLTSdcrv t b kow I AremrsnGgoo.r ahiaMr. Oea.Allin, Mrs. F. tinsn. DanRMis . add ---Cees-T-- p 1 J Twicc a week jimmy StayS Up until cigbt. tlsirty. Daddy is on the noad but be doesn't want to became a mtanger to bis son. And so, cvery Monday and Tbursday evening, be pays a visit by telephone. it doesn't coui much because he wats until eight-tbirty when thse lowest nigbt rates begin. It arnounts to about thse price of a movie for a cail and inrs eturu be gets something beyond maney - tbe voices of bis wife sud bis litne boy - a touch of homne - moments of affection for tbem al to rernemben and look forward to. Many people away from borne are usiug thse telephone these tisys ta bave negular visits watb thein famiies. Out-of-town calîs are so simple ta make sud they are quick and inexpensive. Tbey are the next best tbing to being really borne. "Peteaete&ê et !RE»D 1RosETE& feu al .106 Tmo QMnn.- - %à Um lJr m ?t t Each package marked Chinaware contains a piece of fine English ware, old ivory tint, new irregular borders. Q, î Q UAKER OAT COOS N 2/2MINUTES.ATRTS ATRBIS~O PINKY BELIEVES IN RECIPROCITY e FIMN Terry Gilkison 0e 1