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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1930, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV]LLE. THUR.SDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1930 nI ~ T NORONO ing. Mrs. F. rlcner.Sb INDIG STIONject for study-"'Japan Facing theà Froi The News of Oct. l6th.) Modern World. Prayer was oferedi Mr. Orin Gamsby recently visited by Mrs. Sterling and Miss Davey; de-0 Bansbe hyKrschn od fieds at Port Perry and Scugog. votional leaflet by Mrs. H. Mcil I suffered for sorme 'ears fron visiting her cousin. Mrs. Robt. Rain- en by Mrs. C. Harris, Mrs. R. Allen. a bad stoma.ch1I sed to fel ery ey. Mrs. Bannon. Miss F. China.and cliserable alfter mea!s The doctor Mr. and Mrs. A. HiIf. Pittsburg. Mrs. W. Allen; and a vocal duet by .W alvse me to take Ep fm Sadts, but Fa.. visited with Dr. and Mrs. Kers- Mrs. R. H. Brown and Mrs. W. S. L it did me no good. 1 decided to try lake. Cobbledick were much appreciated. Kruschen and an now taking it. and Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Pittsburg. A dainty lunch was served, after DCLL MEN was such a failure that hi6 letter of- have doue for the past 12 months. Fa.. visited with Mr. W. F. Roipli at whicli a vote of thanks was tendered fering lis services to lits country was and 1 amn very glad ta tel you that my the Kunrite liotel. the Kirby ladies by Mrs. C. Wood,: I arn getting oId enougli f Slo 5 fot e-, en answered by the War De- etmc feel in ere torer Mr. P. H. Jory. Department Of seconded by Miss M. Walsh. and re- that some of the little acorns whidli partment. 1yehl asgo than rt asu5he1 w..20 Public Higliways, was liere Monday sponded to by Mrs. Trull. I saw planted are beginning to show' The army was f ull o! more brilliant yeaso, hks o Kw bdlvaengme W-- auditing the bookcs of township roads. Mrs. R. N. Smith, a well known up as quite sizeable oaks. men. Halleck, for instance, knew san wenitges lope ~ î's Rosedale Packing Company have resident of Clarke Township, entered For example. there was an office ail about tacties. Ini any crisis he the same with vour body when vour their madhinery practically all ini- into rest on Sunday, September 7th, boy in the place where 1 worked af- haeoul e. Must whaN aoleon ould agtric-or digestive jwficesfaii ta stalled and are ready to begin oper- 1930. She was born in Clarke town- ter leaving college. He was flot a havge n. MeCleianhavato)l flow. What you need is a taenie ations. slip 69 years ago. and was the tliu7d brigît office boy. We did flot thinko!gnu. htddGrthae Natnre's own tonc--Nature's six Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is daugliter of the late Mr. and Mrs. that he would ever amount to very He had a superstition. When lie minerai saits. without a rival. Stops bleeding in- Richard Bullied. She was united in mudli. He did flot think so himself. started out on anythng lie liated to Von gel ail these six slta in stantîy. Cauterizes wounds and marriage with the late Richard N. He had none of the Vision whicli we turn back. It applied even to small Kruschen. The first effet of ths prevents blaod poisoniflg. Smith,. of Starkville. and since his read about. He just kept on keep- things. If. when he left the house sis la 1 promnote the flow o! theJ Miss Edna Stutt, who has been ini demise has made hier home between ing on. in the mornings, he found he had saiaad50aae heaptt. poor health. is reported rapidly in- lier two dhildren, George N. Smithi Well, the other day I Pickraed up ifogoten.Alashewn Il ert acetingesi tuhe star en- proving at the home of lier sister, and Mrs. Cecil Glass, b hmshe isomething liend neyer re- bi eragte dl r on adare u n-hie Mrs. (Dr.) Demaray. Detroit. survived. together with two grand- photagrapli of our ex-office boy, and comad ndmme lie dd licame forgd to pour otend a t te, Messrs. James Cuttell and Henr'y sons. Lloyd and Ray Glass. and two the announcement that lie lad .iust ctmndoggi edl, lddn ,thsin- foc am inhhe slinpomteialftrate Junker. accompanied by Mrs. Geo. sisters. Mrs. I. G. Jackson, Port Hope, been elected president of a ratlier exorably gle pushedilead. in flow of thes vital juiceawbilh deal Mitchell and Miss Lillian Cuttell, and Mrs. James Page. Torborn. Sask,., important company. iihen I was in coilege. the Presi- wth partly digested food and prepare Toronto, motored ta Hamilton Sun- also four brothers, Tige, at Kendal: As years go on. and the business i dn ad Hny Wr ecir Il flnaly for absorption imb the day and spent tlie day with the for- George at Coe Hill: Jack at Winni- oftedutyepns i opn en aistudenrin Amrst oee.r mer*s daugliter. Miss Aima Cutteil, peg; and Fred at Buffalo. Deceased will expand witli it, for lie will be a stood at, or near, the foot of lis _______________________wliam tliey report improved ifl was laved by ah wlio knew lier for careful administrator. And some class. Nearly a hundred years lv health. lier cleerful disposition. Service hv Obstinae Casesof Annversaryservice in Pak Stree was cndaytlisy associomaeWal-ill hgive ocimta wpassed. hand PAmlierstd Coers egell liasaspro- O siat aeUo nie hrch, ron . n PrkStreet lascNonced ev. Tora s wal- gsdinner and iail lim as a great lead- cluced no second Henmy Ward Be FI ..~.L.:.(ie~ Oct. 26th, at il a. m. and 7 p. mi. were beautiful. Paîl-bearers wereeran ipctewl bhugne. thougli many men have stood t HelIlurhlids le Rev. j. u. Robins. Bowmanviile. wili thmee cousins, Will and Tone Lang- tlie Board Room.1 or near, the foot of their clas" bc the special preaclier for the morn-' staff. Percy and Anson Gilroy. Fred Perliaps you have read Mr. Wood-1 Just being dul. or standing at the A well-knoV.n phyician in lis lios- ing service. and Rev. P. L. Jtill, of and Samn Smitli, Newtonville. The ward's biograply af Genemal Grant.1foot of the class, is no assurance o!l pia ndpiate practice discovemed Brooklin. for the evening. Special flower bearers were David Moore. Coe If so, you rememnber that lie stool success, o course. On the other ptat and preipto a kana music by the choir. Hill; Ray Foster. Toronto; I. G. Jack- 10w in lis classes at West Point, and liand, àtis nothing to be discourag- Moones Emerald 011 ciiuted with f Miss Jo Armstrong, who lad been son. Port Hope. Rosco Green. Tor- was later disdharged f rom tlie armmy ed about-a fact of which Isemr equal parts af ordînary Olive ail. will , spending a f ew weeks at lier mothers onto. Wlien the Civil War broke out lie evidence almTost evemy day. lielp ta reduce the most obstînate'liere retumned last week ta, Hartford,__________________________________ case o! piles witli iust a f ew applica- Conn.. going via Cleveland. 0. wlere tions. and stop all itching. burning, she attendedi the National Canven- , ELEVEN YEARS BLACKSTOCK EDN blccding. and distress tion o! Dititians. Mrs. Armstrong ___ EDN Sufferers should get a battie of' accompanied lier ta Cleveland. CONSTIPATION 1 On Wednesday. Oct. 8th, members Cowan-Bennctt Moones Emcrald 011 and begin the spendiflg tlie week witl lier sonl GLYCERIN MIX EN~DS IT o! thle W. M. S. of Blackstock Unitedi treatmcnt at once. It 's a remedy George. Ohio manager for Eugenc Fr1 er ridt e i fClurdli visitcd Port Ferry W. M. S. Miss Eddis Marjomie Bennett, eld- that is easily applied, and thc flrst mc.. N. Y. C. "FriyesItrdtagtid9 Af ter the opening devotions by the est daugîter o! Mr. A. E. Bennett, application g:ves instant relief and Meeting of thc Young Peoples constipation," says Chas. E. Blair. Port Perry ladies, Mrs. Joînston. was mamied on Saturday, October conf art. Ail goaci druggists lave it, League o! Part Street Churdli was, Then at last the simple mixtture, president o! Blackstack, took charge, lltl, ta Mr. John F. Cowan, son o! or can get it for yau an shlort notice. lcld on Oct. 14t1. The program Adieika. made me regular." and thc followîng interesting pro- the late Fred W. Cowan o! Newcastle, 43-1 consisted o! a duet by Miss Duncan The simple mixture of glycein, gramn was given: Mrs. C. Hill gave a in Yokminster Clurdli, Toronto. ______ ----and Mrs. V. Wilson; solo by Miss Val- bucktliom bark, saline, etc., (Alreading on India; Mrs. Van Camp Rev. W. A. Cameron officiated. The fIUIIE I eta Allen; and violin sala by Dr. Ker- ika) acts on BOTH upper and lowcr sang a solo, accompan.ied by Mrs. wedding music was played by Mr. slakc. Reeve M. J. Holman gave an bowel, relieving constipation ini 2 Wright; Mms. Mauntjay gave a paper D'Alton McLaughlmn, and duing the U E rm n mintersting address on the organiza- hours- Brings out poisons you neyer on "What is the Churdli?": recita- sging o! the eitrMs.Hol andIPII counties' counicil. Adîcrika gve youm stomadli and baw- at Life," was given by Mrs. Gereli orated with Autumn flowers and fol- IUIIIIIU.~ It Will Relieve a Cold.-Colds are els a REAL cleaning and sec 10w and Mrs. Taylor, one tak.ing the pes- iage for the occasion. The bride was cammonest ailments o! nankind and good you feel. Jury & Lovell, Drugs. siniistic view and the otiler the op- given in marriage by hem father, and if neglected may lead ta, seriaus con-I1 43-1 timistic; Mrs. Wright gave an instru- sIc wore a gown o! wood-brown tittions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil mental: Mrs. Archer a rcading; Mrs. crepe, with yoke and trimming o! Pr sloe g tbhs wîll elieve the branchial passages o!f A sP W R U Stinson gave a talk on Temperance. ecru lace. Hem brown soleil velour Cepund., BJ.ood inflammation spcedily and thruh A GO SP W R U Port Ferry ladies serveti tea at the hat was trimmcd witl beige and Naii.agd Ijks Pob ly and will strengthen thein against INVIGORATING TONIC close. brawn velvet, and she carried yeliow subsequent attack. And as it eases ___ Congratulations ta, Miss Reta roses. orchids and lily-of-the-valiey. the inflammation it will usually stop Inrase Your Bodly Vigor, Eat With Swain. dranatic soprana. who was Miss Erma Bennett, hem sister. was Ek~,Qm.b-"Il a d the cougli because it allays the irri- a Keen, Hcaty Appetite, and En- reccntly appointeti soloist at Simpson lier on.ly attendant, wearing a f rock à= tow naaa hmN vM &Bmy hS tation in the tîroat. Try it and jyaNwKn !Sud e eî-Aeu ntdCudi oot. o! damk ememald canton crepe, trim- an~d cdwmillprove it. . ng Slecp by Taking Sargon. MisMblAgeadMs lve mcd with lace, with matching felt lig 1 atnd~ Upwamds o! 200 tons o! canniing ___ Van Camp o! Peterbomo and Toronto hat, trimmed with a green and gold A I 2 ai comn were received It the Oono Can- The instant and record-breaking Normal Sclools espectively, recently feather ornamient. Her flowers were1 LiaIeeo. ning Factomy this year and possibly success o! Sargon is easlly cxplained. visited licre. American Bcauty roses. Mr. Ted1 'O' 2X >X another 200 tons delivered at Baw- Its cfc sans meit ilt Mm. and Mrs. Nathan Rumnley. Stark, cousin o! thc groom, was bes dos..'I e. manville cannery, grown in Clarkefritefrsfwdospole~î Midland. visited relatives liere. man. After the ceremony, Mm. an tUIlatCnm township this season. Growcrs iniaesfeig!omlwmdvtît Mrs. Jas. Hall, Toronto, visited Mms. Cowan le!t by motor for Mon helpe Zy wo)a he imediat vicnity ho hae ha are ufferng fom loeredvitaltrearlatieuebec. tand, theecMariteiMa etieaad Z=a ynerff excllent felso! corn are Mrs. and eofininatit on. beginatelits Mr. T. Smith ecntly made a busi- on tîcir eturn will live at 236 Greer ,e.b & Stapleton. Isaac E. Clapinan. M. st imation i tonie fets. Thas- ness trip ta Hamilton. Road, Tomonto. am u d Chatterton and W. Cochrane.. Mr. ands af taxic, un dlown men and Mr. John Edwards las returned une R. C. Lovekin lias been receiving women Who have taken it report it romn is motor trip ta the West. OBITUAJIY 50 taken the agent at the !actory. sest iktcnmgtu n Mr. and Me~. Jno. McLauglilin ___ BkodMdine~~ p» 1, jIMm. Isaac Winter lias returncd a!- stîcin onpc the feet. u n u were in Peterbdîo reccntiy. Qhey halped mea. I Wun werle ter a vîsit at lis old home at Moun- It is not only a powefui econ- Mrs. M. Smithi and Mms. John Rey- MisEzbehAnWly huim women sigab~out nuri5 j tainsitie. Man.. wlidh lie homestead- strcietnc eindt at noltis spent Sunday weck witl Mr. Atra neinUnssaeien âne."-ns ~ d n 182,be ar te bildnga! hetone and stengtl ta the entire sys- adMs .R M2 ~ii. o! Whitby for thc past 14 years, ini BàrchtOwz4 Quebes C.P.R. 48 yeams ago. His ncarest ten. but it is a constitutianal treat- the person af Miss Elizabeth Allun, _______________________market tawni was Brandon, 90 miles men~t as weîî and exerts a temend- INSTANT TRAVEL 'dicd at the liane o! 1er cousin, Fred diradt btwhh cosa fca eo ous influence upon the processes o!f S. Allin, on Saturday, Oct. 4tli. The rairoa whch roses conerofassimilation andi elimination. It al- Slightly marc thani one minute is deceased was in her 82nd ycar, was lai f sarn, c ittle ige tofau- Iso con tains ingredients o! recagnized tcaeaeUereurdt on a daugliter of the latte Mr. and Mrs. tainsde smangup wtl is po t Iterapeutic value whicî arc valuable plete a loi,, distance telepliane caîl. Richard Ain. She was boni in OsI- ,lice. gencral store. etc. Isaac met for their influence upon the appetite just aandnute!-and in a flash your with a hcarty eception fron the old I n ieto.vaice lias crosscd a liundmed miles awa nid laes ta cusnMr.um li os timers, or the !ew survivors o! those If nd deto n. o! u nth on-isai atoua Dsac one brother, J. B. Allin, o! the Base early tiays.. ings feeling rested anti e!resled and mieans lîttle. andi rates are renark- Line East. Deccaseti. a kindly old Mrs. Lttie Panes, a anc tine esi- ready for a gooti hcaty breakfast; if ably low-cspecailly aftcm 7 p. ni lady, liad many frientis in this vicin- dent o! Oona. passcd away Octaber yau arc not brim full o! cnemgy and ity. The funcral was helti on Monday 6th. 1930. at Gencral Hospital, Tor.- ready for a gaod day's work, you are a!tcmnoon and was largely attendcd anto. Iran hs. eraedo! thebrn ot cnjoyîng thec blcssings o! healtl by fiends and relatives f ram Wlit- in Brntol. Deeacdame obm sthat slauld be yours. Q mLic.k by. Columbus, Toronto, Neweastle, iontBrist asal. go. ndiame To-i It is not natural for people ta sun- R le Bowmanville, and Oshiawa. The ser- roantrym 25 years go.reinginTo-ply tdrag tîmoughlifle neyer knowîngi R le vice was conducteti by Rev. A. L. fomon sam e2ycar beoe inn what it is to enjoy a weîî day Richards, o! the United Churcli at taOrna Tcylaermoedto Nature neyer intentiet it andulss w.osnv ?thc buse and cemetemy. The bear- Inglewaod wherc the farnily continue e suffcringue tareid. heissuviet b hmyou are ufeigfronin e ognce ~ , rs wcre Messrs. Richard Allin, W. 1ubnd-or asanyou ag o r spcciflc disease, Sargon î and Sar- OBANOOVCOMBN ..A'li'd.J lesW. Dawn. William Ayres, Robert hubn.fu osadfu ag-gon So!t Mass Pilîs are designcd ta!3AfG Cousin. Robert Bravener and Joshua ters. anti a brother anti sister in Eng- avercome your troubles and give you Crawfortli. Interment taok place in ]andi. Deccaseti was in hem Sist year. a new grip on Ille. A~ the fanily plat in the Union Ceme- Toypfor pecranofasccm ing assureti eve cnstipatiostî-ip o!ar-iglit ~tor publonic meeingcalet y sue gon Soft Mass Pills are a necessary! or Jttrpbi etn ald h part o! the Sargon treatinent antiEMD This little srpo ih f oOrono Publicity Association Thurs- should be taken daily until regulamîty 'wx niglit and niglit, da cenng epesnttvefanesof bawcl movenent is well establisli- e ek brigît to-day. of the district anti otler parts o! cd. Anti let no shadow a! to-morrow. A Y C I D tetwsi eepeetad Sargon now lias the lamgest sale ofi .mm Nom sorrow f romn the deati yesterday, Elnever be ;ure just what ous acreage of canning products. a chie a l r'Pstes;ý, bit the Tt today an ay well becansieretiAdif cmes slisould be sad. or The rm»;s. Msr?;sfTQo ITand one of te g!itst heath ivin 0 neve'y ml e i to-day. idemt,ov e n alwavrs cbe H ien e (7rydMoore o! Wellington, expresseti deso h ae 'e a tlcast-to-day.---Selecteti ý,,!ý,tic' 'igihtest harmmin ittfreqluent1Ic,vpýd iran the' grawers o! ClarkcmnîefriJuy& ovltsle gtaeî>I)atflrrointcpooiinldme- ALVYTM AL ý0 i ,tei as vour ehilti ha tonRhp.ilway 'îîo pl i.sfe,c.rish. oreries ant' or odrswl ntCndinNtinlR Câ.storia soothe andiqie î One TinWoman Gin 9 (tnadTîme ,~ ts oe oc . cn nly expel wor-îs fran thc systen.VWS ON EAST BOUNOI e I THAT ICY HAND of winter is waiting to descend again. Make sure that you and yours are protected-fill Your bins TODAY with Famous Reading Anthra- cite, the cleaner. more economnical bard coal. We'II deliver promptl>'. Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanville THAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL Persian Balm. is lnevitably chosen rby disccming women. Deliglitful to use. Subtly f ragrant. Cooling and re! reshmng. Imparts a rare youtl- fui dham nta the complexion. Inval- uable for so!tening and making hantis flawlessly white. Tones andi stimulates the skin. Use! ul for the family alsa. Protects the tender skin of the chilti and is excellent for the f ather as a hair fixative and cool- ing shaving lotion. HURT ? W ORK won't wait for a Wheadache to, wear off. Don't look for sympathy a! such turnes, but get some Aspirin. It neyer fails. Don't be a chmonic suiferer froin headaches, or any other pain. See a doctor and get at the cause. Meantime, don't play martyr. Theme's always quick confort in Aspirin. It 1 neyer daes any harm. Isn't it foolish ta, suifer any needless pain? It may be only a simple headache, or il may be neu- ralgia or neuritis. Rheumatism. Lumbago. Aspirin is stili the sensible thing ta take. There is hardly any ache or pain these tablets can'! relieve; they are a great confort ta women who suifer periodically; thcy are e CUBES Add Nutrimnent and RelIsh to Stews, Gravies, Croquettes and Meat Pies In Tins Of 4 and 10O Cubes esuifer without hope of breaking the chains which bmnd you do not put off another day the purchase of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Remedy. A trial wiII drive away all doubt as to its efic- iency. The sure relief that cornes will corivince you more than any- thing that can be written. When lielp is so sure, wliy suif er? 'IbiS matchless remedy is sold by dealerý everywhere. always to be relied on for breaking up colds. Buy the box that says Aspirin and bas Genuine printed in red. Genuine Aspirin tablets do not depress tihe heart. Ail druggists. 4AS PI1 R Q TRADE MIARK REG. N, EVERYBODY IMAKES MISTAKES L EP)'>k--i 'TC Z: ...t 0L FýJO L' 1 L1 i î-,' a .'F 5ý1 FEIUY Terry Gilkison gtm uurfw New pattern Q UAKIER OAT COOKS LN 21/2 NLNUTES AFTER THE ATLR BOILS 1307 PAGE EIGET

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