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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1930, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 19 3 0PAE NN IR ED YRosE Tu- ´¿b &"l YOURENERGY STEP UP'YU Energy cornes from food that contains the elements of nutrition in well- balanced proportion and easily di- gested form. Get into partnership with Nature and step up your energy by eating Shredded Wheat with milk Ail the carbohydrates you need to furnish heat and energy, ail the min- eral saits for bones and teeth. Deli. clous for any meal with sliced bananas or stewed fruits. SHREDDED E PHOSPHODINE-." Tones and invigorates the whole nervous systein. makes ne-w Blood in oId Veins. Used for Nervou, Debiity. Mental and Brain Wrry Despondency. Ls, of Env. Palpitation o! he Hcart, Failing Memov'. rice $2per'box 3j (or 5 1 Sold by al dnuists. or mailed in plain ? kg. on recipt of prce. Nais'pamphWt maulect M. TU WOO MMCINECOJOONTO.oNT. ~ook's Regulating Compound A soaif. r.liabl. ,wuW*U medwcins. Sold in three de. greofaUetbSt-No. 1, $11 No 2 3, No. 3, 5 per box. i Sod' yail d'uu‡tafoment1 ~rnp don rePt cfprice. ~'s~' Freeparmphlet. Addrr THE COOK MEDICINE CO., EIGHTH INSTALLMENT He wandered through the crowded She _____rooms until he came across Lombard. should What Has Gone Before 'II want to speak to you." and t Giles Chittenham swears to avenge Lombard looked up. someli the death of his youxig hait -brother "Well-what is it?" 'societ? Rodney, driven to suicide by the no- "Corne outside-" deceivi torlous Julie Farrow who bad spurn- The two men went into the hall. in vai ed bis love. He will make Julie love "What on earth .. .?" Lombard. Witi bim, then tbrow ber aside as she asked again apprebensively. threw tbrew Rodney. He meets ber in Chittenham told hlm. caugi Switzerland, goes with her to the '"I understand that you've been .Bir hotel on the St. Bernard Pass, and talking about tbings that dont con- and t succeeds i winnlng ber love. To bis cern you." open. amazement, he discovers that be bas "My dear old chai-" and,i fallen overwbelmingly in love with "You know wbat I mean-Switzer- droppÁ ber bimself I And be la marrled, t<>land-" her. an Amercan girl with whom he baS 'I assure you, Cittenbam-" IId notbing in common. Giles eut in ruthlesslY. get Is Tben be dlscovers that this girl is "Don't let me hear any more about beast, flot the same Julie Farrow wbo ruiLi, tbat's ah., or I shahl have some- "G:l ed Rodney, but ber cousin of the thing to say to you that won't be genti: same name. She scorns him wben pleasant bearlng." had g be confesses bis love and bis inabil- Cittenbarn turned on bis beel and the co ity to marry ber. They meet haLer walked away. h in London, where she is going the* * ing hi Pace that kills. Another maxi, Law- "A new sensation," said Julie. ruffled rence Scbofleld, wants to marry ber, Sbe sat up in bed. lettmng the let- got to in spite of ber wld lite. Through bis friend Lombard, Giles Chittenham meets the "other Julie,"I the notorious woman wbo bad ruined Rodney's 1f e. She tells hlmn that -r she is going to die: the doctors bave given ber up as incurable and sbe la leavmng England. She is worried ' about ber cousin, the girl Chitten-: bam loves. That Julie-bis Julie- is going in fast company, among tbem a common little American girl named Sadie Barrow. And Sadie Barrow is Giles Chit- tenbam's wife. He did flot know that sbe was li England. That nigbt be meets ber at a party at bis moth- er's bouse. They pretend to be strangers. Now Go On WIth the Story "Oh, an old friend by now " JulieI declared. "We've known one an- other qulte a week, and love eacb' other dearly. Bim doesn't approve. "Are you in love wth hlmi?" sheÈ twitted She says that Sadie is common andil you are." bad f orm, and a wrong influence for me! Did you ever hear such rub- 'ter she had been readixig slip d'owxi think bÓsh?" on to the floor away. 'II should think Miss Lennox is "It was a lovely morxiing when I She rÓgbt," Giles answered, then stopped came home," she said flippantly. ly, al, agbast at tbe admission. His 0w11 "The first Lune I've ever seen tbe Sun hersel wife! .."And does Miss Barrow rise, by the way . . . no, not quite ber. share your views on lite that you and the'flrst time-" she added slowly. . * se ae uchgrat rend?"There was a littie silence. "Tbe tbink "As a matter of tact, she doesn't," flrst time was in Switzerland," she rence Julie answered. "She's inclined to be added deflantly. "On top> of an ex- . morbld. and nobody can accuse me ceedingly bigb mountain, and the "My of that." 1 devil said unto me .. ........the lhi "Morbid! cn B im tumned sharply youI," "Yes. She's got weird ideas onsoe Julie, for Heaven's sake shut up." voice. subjeets. For one thing. she's mad "Oh, ahl right," Julie giggled, and whefl on this latest spiritualistic craze." leaning over the ide of the bed grab- pe'hl "Nonsense!" bed up the f allen letter f rom the ui "You're not very polite. Ask her floor. "Listen to this!" she com- violexi yourself if you don't believe me. manded. "It's f rom Mrs. Ardron, "He That's wby sbe's in London now-to the mother o! the one and only ies Her see Chryer, the new medium." Chittenham! She says that she la outflx] "You're not serlous?" quite wiling f or us to hold a seance Bul "Of course I am! There's a seance in ber bouse to-mor?qw. and bring the g to-morrow. and we're ail going. the famous Cbryer. 'You'd better thene You'd better corne along toC." corne along, Bim.""D Her eyes cballenged hlm. "Or are Bim came to the foot of the bed D you afraid that they may read the "Our f riendship isn't what iL used to all o secrets of your ininost soul?" be," she said rather sadly. "We don't 5 "There is only one secret in my seem to agree any longer. You like I did1 soul for any one Lo read," ChÓtten- people wbom I-well. I just can't 'l' hami said. stand them, you know that. I de-Bm Sh luhe.test Doris and that Sadie Barrow, IW "How touching! The tragedy Of and Marco Essen . .. and that poor .M your marriage, I suppose." Th weak little f ool, Mrs. Ardron. No- "MG "No." said Chittenham. "h it's impossible to detest ber, sbe's toowr tragedy o! my love for you.' For a liarmless-" wr moment Julie seemed taken aback. 'II wisb Giles Cittenbam could tbeyi Rer lips quivered, and she bit tbem hear you." must sbarply. then she turned and called Julie flushed. Bin to Schofield: "Are you in love witbhlm?" she JuiÓe' "Lawrence, corne bere! Mr. Cit- twitted Bim sharply.III tenham is talkixig to me about bis Blm flushed to the roots of ber ted h( soul. and I'm almost reduced to closely-cropped hair.Il - ears." "No," she sald. "But you are." T Giles had forgotten Doris uiltil There was a littie silence, then Ju:i suddenhy sbe spoke: Julie started up, ber eyes blazing, ber ber li 'II saw you talking wlth Julie. Was lips qulvering wtb rage. II it she wbo made you anmr?" "Go out of my rooms," she com- then1 "Good heavens, no," Giles answer- manded. "How dare you say sucb a cheel ed, too eagerly for absolute convct- Ling? I've had enough o! You and think ion. "lSbe was alking about spirit- your sainthy ways. The sooner yoo ... t ualism." the better. I'm sick of being dlctated " "About Cbryer, the new medium? to and preacbed at. I-" But BIM Jui That lltLle American, Sadie Barrow, bad gone, closing the door sot tly be- but h is most enthusiastlc. She says that hixid ber. Iif she wants to kxiow the future, and Julie lay back on the plllows. She sald. that Chryer can tell ber." was trembling in every 11mb. "P "lSadie la a llttle f00," Cblttenham "How dared she say sucb a thing! gestec said unthlnkingly. Then be flusbed bow dared she?" she asked berseit he n dully, and bastlly apologlsed. passionately. "In love wth that man! inarr 'II sbould flot have sald that. I I bat hlm- How dare she ... bow "'N beg your pardon, and bers. Let us5 dare she! " hlm, talk about sometbing else." She shut ber eyes tlghtly, af raid of "Hei "'Very weil. Say-have you met the scalding tears tbat suddenly ail ov the other Julie yet?" seemed to rise from ber beart. ately. "Yes. A night or two ago. I was HaLe hlm! the man in whose armns I agreeably surprlsed," bhe sald at last. sbe had found the meaning of love; if IL "'You know she bas gone abroad?" the man whose travic mistake had dld hi 'II saw sometblng about iL in the broken her, body and soul. Until now Jul paper." she bad bardly reahised how much "l'X "Of course every one is saying that she had suffered since that evening tO 0 she bas gone witb somne man." in Swtzerland when Cittenham had Illy. Chittenham made a Swift gesture oid ber the rutb. of anger, but be instantly controiled himself. said. III know that la absohutely untrue." ____ he sald.-IÓsui Doris flushed.ji the ti are saylig." thoug "IPeople are Loo charitable!" -Giles Fil o0f long vout (was morbidly afrald lest Giles Id guess how be bad burt ber, to counteract that fear shel times deliberately sought bis ty, crucifyig hersel! in order to ie hlm. And IL had been ail iin. for Bim knew! itb a swif t litie movement Julie waside Lbe bedelothes and ?t up a wrap. ?im!" she went out of the room to Bim's door. Julie flung IL She entered wiLh a little rush, running across to ber friend, ped down on ber knees beside didn't mean iL. I'm sorry. For- said it . .. I'm a beast-a mean tbut you made me angry." ive it up, Julie," BÓm urged y. "Corne away wlth me. We've good imes together before, and country is Heaven now-" &turned round, ber arms bang- mply aL ber sides, ber hair d. "I can't!" she said. 'Tve to stay and face iL out. Hehl k I'm af raid-tbat I'm runxiing Lspoke quickly and incoherent- Amoat as if some power outside 1lf was forcing the words f rom ' rather die than that he should kthat. I'd rather marry Law- eSchofield." y dear, I don't understand in eat what happened between Bim said in ber cool, srnooth "You would neyer teil me riIakdyou. I only kxiew asI could belp you better-" ile flung up ber head witb a ?t jerk. le's married," she said deflantly. ar bead went down again on her lng arms and she began to, sob. n sat quite still, ber band on girl's bair tiUl Julie was quieter, she tried agaixi. )on't be a coward, Julie. Cut iL )uL and corne away witb me."* sbould be more o! a coward if that. He'd know I was afraid." iere was a littie silence, then asked: ilie, have you seen bis wife?" Vhose wife?" Ar. Chittenham's?" lood Lord, no. He told me tbey separated, or sometblng, but if are. I daresay it's bis fault. He tbe a brute to live with." n got Up slowly and walked Iita,1 s room. suppose iL's true?" she submlt- hesitatingly. Vhat la true?" rhat be la marrled?" Lie turned round, ber eyes wlde, lips parted. ª-suppose sol" she said slowly, the color blazed suddenly in ber >s. "Do you mean that . . . you Li be just sald lt-as an excuse to geL rld o! me?" Arell .. Il lie went on wltb ber dressing, her hands sbook badly. IfI really tbought that-" she erhaps I ougbt not to bave sug- ed it," Bim sald burredhy. "But riakes love Lo you--asks; you to ry hlm-" ,o, he neyer asked me Lo marry ,1Julie interrupted ruthlessly. just said ..-. oh, why need we go wer IL again?" skie asked passion- 'm only trying to help you, Julie. is true that he is married, why he make love to you?" hlie laughed. Don't ail married men make love )ther women?" she asked cynic- shouldn't have thougbt a man Mr. Chittenham would." Blmn hie made a littie sound o! anger. vppose I shall have to tell you ahi truth," sbe sald. "'IL ail sounds illy-like a cheap drama. He aght I was Jewel-I neyer told that, did I? He had some qulx- idea o! paylng me out for wbat thought I bad done to Rodney- yail blamed Jewel because he qd himsehf. you know. WeU, Gles ,ght IL would be a good idea to e me fail in love wltbhlhm and n laugb at me as a punisbment. iny, isn't IL?" she submltted qulv- tghy. "Welh, I f ell in love wlLb Lail rlgbt-and then atter he'd nd out bis mÓstake, and that I n'L Jewel after ail. be told me the ni. But flrst be said that he realiy id me-be sald that p‡rt o! IL Vt pretence at ahi but the real ig . . . I remember I was fool igb to, Lblnk IL must be ail rlgbt n. I was qulte ready totahi b is arms agaÓn and forgive i-" Rer volce was boarse wiLb *ry self-scorn. "And then be had el me the rest-that be was mar- mald tapped at the door and Please, Miss Farrow, wiUl you see Chlttenbarm?" Contliued Nexrt Week A BOX 0F TRICKS There'a a Trick in mlking money ont of Poultry. The Trick isto gut hotls of eggus ad t.he way todocf it in tpgive the hens adaily dose of- 1~p~ffcPOULTRY A opoonful a day enough for 15 lime "MAKES MENS LAY MORE EGGS" ASK VOUR DEALR Pratt Food Co,. o! Canada, Ltd. . Toronto WHEN FQQD oieSOURS** p4ie o^C4 Sweeten the Stoma cl 0 instant! y About two hours after eating many amcans for more than 50 years people suifer.frotm sour stomachs. It is the quick method. Resulta They cail il indigestion. It means corne almost instantly. It is the that the stomach nerves have been approved method. You wiIl neyer over-stimulated. There is excess use another when you know acid. The way to correct it is with Be sure to get genuine Phillips an aikali, wl4ich neutralizes many Milk of Magnesia prescribedb.*y times its volume in acid. physicians for over ifty years mn The right way la Phillips' Milk of correcting excess acids. 50e botties Mageei-jut atsees liuid; -any drugstore. The genuine is plasn, ffc ent nd ,r"=;s always a liquid-never made in tab- But Lkl ecs cds. IL has let form. Look for the naine Phillipa' remaiaed the standard with phy- on wrapper and bottie. One Standard Quality AT PRICES BELOW STANDARD If you look for quality ln building materials you Winl be attracted here. And if yon look for economy you wiU be doubly attracted. We supply ail types of construction materias-trom materials for minor alterations and repairs to complete houses. Get acqualnted with our low prices. We know we eau save yen money on every kind of construction work. Estimates cheerfuily furnished. McCLELLAN & CO. Phone 15 Bowmanvlle Don't Look for Mercy from Fire NO HOME IS IMMUNE Its visit may take you by surprise, and when its flaming fingers have reduced your home and possessions to pathetic ruins you xiii realize that full protection is the only sane poiicy. TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE Jiiut do more .. . see that you are fuiiy cov- ered against ioss. Let us give you full par- ticulars on insurance that wiiI protect you. jJ. MVASoN & %SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 5W King St. E. Bowmanville

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