THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWJMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1930 PG HE The constant reflable service of Super Sheil and Shel Qasoline and the Uine-up of high grade Oils we seil wlll surely make you glad. You wiil fInd our Service, what- ever the season, just as depend- able. We offer you crank case and greasmng service. For your lamps or coal oil stove we have a splendid high grade water white Goal 011 that will make you glad for it bas high quality wthout the prie penalty. Let us sipply your needs. i:H~ O KI'- ~L Have Your Eyes Examined Consuit 01W Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL - Latest Methods- - Modern Instruments- R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglsts - Optometrista Phone 92 .4 IT WILL BUYCi BU] Only the used and modern a Then remr you shoul Bowmanv W.P. CC Phone 3 Only r10% Dowi o-, 2 Are the ternis on whl Theomlg PEASE 1 i Toronto TORONTOeS FINE SKYLINE. TJ his unique close-up of Toronto's waterfront gives he pcturc is the Royal'1York Hotel. Iargest hot,,]in a vivid idea of t he extraordinary growth of te the eritish Empire; lef t is the Star office; and riglit city's downtown area since early in 1928. Centre o! the fine structure of the BanI.. of Commerce. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE MAYOR ELLIOTT'S BROTHER OBITUARY j REAL BUSINESS BOOSTERi Monday evening, October 2th, the1 Miss Mary A. Cole, West Orange, N.J. young people of Trinity Society had'As Manager of a Montgomery-Ward; the pleasure of entertaining the sen-i Chain Store, Harold EUliott Wins 1 There passed to rest in West Or- ior f oruis, commercial class and staff $1000 ange, N. J.. on Tuesday, October 14, of the Higb School. The president, 1 Miss Mary Ann (PoUly) Cole after Mr. Smith Ferguson, presided. and, Mr. Harold Elliott's many f riends1 an illness of about two weeks f rom af ter opening exercises the president i in Bowmanville will be interested in a complication of beart and kidney of the Literary Society. Mr. Ken. 1 an article which appeared in the trouble. Morris, took the chair, and the fol- Traverse City (Mich.) Record-Eagle Deceased was a daughter o! the lowing program was gîven: Vocal o! Oct. 7th, whicb says: "Bearing Out, late Roger and Catherine Werry Cole solo, Miss Bernice Bellman; recita- the boast that business in Traverse! of Darlington, being born on the tion, "Canadian Born,"' Winnifred City is flot only good but v'ery good 1 Cole homestead now occupied by Mr. Rickard; piano solo, Newton Hack- and paying high tribute to the ability1 D. Fraser, south east of Betbesda. ney; Mr. L. W. Dippell gave the of Hal Elliott, word is received that Her early years were spent I Dar- young people a splendid account of the Montgomery-Ward store in Tra- îington, but in 1896 she went to West bis experiences in Russia; recitation, verse City is the winner among 55 Orange, N. J.. to make ber home witb Margaret Scott; vocal quartet, Misses' stores tbroughout the country in a, her sister. Mrs. E. L. Livingstone, Bernice Bellmnan and Helen' Argue, I month-long performance contest .to 1 where she continued to reside until and Messrs. Bob Corbett and Ken- pick the "best" store in the entire' ber death. netb Morris; piano solo. Pauline Ward chain. With the announce- Threanwr bogteefr Waga. After hisexcetionllyment cornes a check for $1000 to bel interment, the funeral, whicb was fine program some interestu'.g garnms distributed among the 24 employees, rvttkn laef* h ei were greatly enJoyed by ail. Re-If om the manager to the janitoi rivttkn lc o h ei f resbments were served by the mem- I sbaring in the award." Mr. Elliott dence of ber sister, Mrs. F. Woodger, bers of the executive. lis the youngest son0f Mr. John C.,'Centre Street, on Friday afternoon., Elliott and brother of Mayor M. J. Rev. E. A. Tonkin, wbo bad known Elliott. ber since early girlliood, conducted, the service asslsted by Rev. W. A.,i Bunner. the latter conducting the service ait the grave. The palbetar- KINDLY FAREWELL ers were: Messrs. Douglas Cole, J. B. 'Cole, W. C. Cole, Milton Samis, S. Mr. and Mis. M. W. Blackburn Roy Jackman and Frank Werry. Y u M yGiven Electrie Appliances expressive o! deep sympatby wt h o! Bae Une DarUgton, Beeatiflfoes aondtecse D pe dOn Friday eveflilg, October 17tb, She leaves to mourn ber asn D ependabout sixty friends and neighbors one brother, Mr. A. E. McCarthy, i rom the Base Line community gatb- Fort William; and three sisters, Mrs. J red at tbe home of Mr .and Mrs. E. F. Woodger, and Miss A. V. Cole, BEGO D IF YO . Foley for the purpose of saying Bowmanville, and Mrs. E. L. Living- farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Black- stone, West Orange, N. J. :ORBETT'S BREAD, burn and family bef ore their removal Among the relatives from a dis- f rom our midst. tance were Mrs. E. L. Livingstone, N4S, CAKES, OR A !ew minutes a!ter all had arriv- Mrs. May Pearce, West Orange, N. PASRYed. the gathering was called to order J.; Mrs. W. R. Cole, Toronto; and PA T Yby the chairman, and the !oilowingMrFanSpceFotWlamad addesswasrea byMrs Ro Tuli. a large number of relatives and best ingredients are At the appointed tiie Mrs. Norman friends f rom tbe surrounding coun- baked under the most Hazel Trull presented Mr. and Mrs . e neret ok lceii h baked nder te Inos Blackurn an famil witha beauti- Th nemttokpaeite Lfld scientifie methods. fui electrio floor lamp, an electric family plot in Betbesda Ceînetery. îembr i thee tmes iron, and a fernery in wbich were riemer i thse tmes three lovely ferns. d buy goods made by Altbougbtaken completely by sur- BOY SCOUT ACTIVITIES illecitiens.prise, Mr. Blackburn made a very 7ill ciizes. apropraterepy, n wichhe spoke Troop Meets Each Thursday Evening of the real f riendship of the Base -Hold Parade to Trinity Church Line people; also thanked theni for Nov. Znd - Organize a Cub Pack *their very pretty and useful gi!ts; and finally invited one and ail to' First Bowmanville Troop o! Boy corne and visit tbemn in their new Scouts met as usual, on Thursday home. nigbt, in Central Public Sebool wltb Foilowing wbicb were added a few about tbirty in attendance. The )RBETT kindly and appreclative words f rom Bowmanville Scouts, despite their Miss Bragg and others. short existence, are progresslng very Bowmanville 1 The remainder o! the evening was fast under S. M. Terry and Asst. S. j spent in cards, games and f riendly M. Conley. Foilowing the usual op- i conversation, after which refresb- ening ceremony S. M. Riggs of the ments were served. Shortly af ter 8tb Oshawa Troop gave the boys a Imidnight everyone joined in singing real interesting talk, on scouting For tbey are jolly good f ellows";, principals and laws. The lst Bow- thanked Mr. and Mrs. Foley for their i manville troop is now ready for reg- Ikindly generosity in the use of their ist ration and ail members wbo bave home; and departed. alter spending nct been attending recently and who a very pleasant evening. wisb to be registered sbould see Mr. rFollowing is the address: Terry at once. The boys ait each 0 eAs Long as Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn and Fam- meeting now bave a period o! games ily: Dear Friends-.-We. your frinds and period o! patrol work. andi ne;ghibors o! Base Uine se,-,tio)i. Arrangements have been complet- p " I ~vegathered to-nigbt to say -Good cd for the Bowmanville Troop con- Y ears B:,e" to yom. one of the oldest and posed of four patrols to bold a church m"1st highly esteemed families of our ,,arad, and attend service at Trinlty community. Lhmited Church on Sunday, Nov. 2nd. Pay the Balance1 We realize that you are flot gong Since the formation o! a troop in far f rom lis. yet we have feit that weBwm vieth twnbsena b many are now buying a could not let you go. even such a ,reat swing to scouting which will no short distance, without taking this doubt bave a fine effect on the youth opportunity of gatherIng once more o! the town in the moulding of their to show our esteemn for you al, future lives. Proof o! the enthus- are losing a family whom everyone young lads passed their tenderfoot has respected and bonored. Menm- test last Thursday after having only ories o! pleasant social tirnes spent 'three nigbts' training for the test. - ~ jtogether in home, school and church. They knew their knots. laws signs se li~~~~~fe in our midst. wn vrwt itetobe You, Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn, bave wnvltlttle athre. W T Rset for us an exemple o! the ideal Bwavletopbstrept hom inthecomu as , aehei rol- f ml by adohefole ING SYTEM Iwhicb our Saviour is bonored, and lads and the trooP is still open to IPLETELY INSTALLED ber daily bef ore the Throne of Orace: assatsotmse.i ra and even we bave f elt f!ar-reacblng favorite wltb the boys and hovery n is very simple, and any influence of this in our community. proficient in bis work which sek Mle property owner can quai- You bave around you a family o! well for tbe future of tbe troop activ- 'on't long for this type of whom any parents rnlght be Justly ites. but aveit or se hisroud; children wbo show in their Ned Rebder is the troop leader and buthae t fr sethi sufesand sicr ar e, h enta s boy geting toh ithern. Th wnter. ot urieand sncial pavestalteriitg.s ayoy wisbtin toh irthe m.The Ask for retaîls. There Is mucb more whlcb we troop has also decided to organize a' mlgbt say bere, in appreciation of cub pack. Mr. McLeod, of the pub- EFO U N D R-Y CO MELNtYand in respect for you as nelghbor, ýlic sebool staff, will be the leader, and 18-120 King St. East friend, and citizen, but may we be members will be receivedand the 2 Ontario allowed to surn it ail up in tbe pres- peck started to-night (Thursday) at IrelehoneELgi 010 entation of these gifts, given by your the public sehool between 6.30 and relphoe Lgi 011 devoted friends o! Base Uine. 7.30 p. m. AU boys between the ages -- ___The Community. Jo! eigbt and twelve years should be- friday, October 17, 1930 on bafld. WEDDING Meath-Miflward The marriage took place in St. John's churcb, Norway, on Saturday, Oct. 11, of Dorothy Winnifred, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Millward, to Mr. John Arthur Meatb, son of Mrs. Meatb and the late E. S. Meath, formerly of Bowmanvllle, Rev. A. B. Bryant officiating. The cburch was decorated with celsn themuins and palms, and the wed- ding music played by Mr. Mouid. During the slgning of the register Mr. Walter Millward, brother of the bride, sang "O Promise Me." The A & P ENCORE BIREAjD bride, who was given i marriage by her f ather, wore a gown of sheil plnk georgette with velvet bat and shoes to match. She carried a bouquet of Russell roses and wore the gift of the groom, a wrist watcb of white gold. She was attended by her sister, Miss Marjorie Millward, as maid of bonor, daintily gowned i apple green flat crepe with sboes to match and a bouquet of variegated roses. The groom's brother, Clarence Meath, acted as best man, and the ushers were the bride's brothers, Messrs. God.frey and Maxwell Mill- ward. Ater the ceremony a reception, was held at the bride's home, wbere the bride's mother received wearing A REAL BIRTHDAY BARGAIN- It' a New Klnd of Soap Soaks Out the Dli Rinso Lg- Pkg- IL9o 20e MACHM INUWAPVED A» > RALE!> PULL 2401. LOAV 8.0 ,FREIN FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fr.ah fruits and vegetables delivered dadly toa i of r stor«. A compl et e lbt of all native and imported fruits and vegetabi.. am b. had at attractive pri ces. KING STREET- BOWMANVILLE Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. William. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 Tmn n Cuflh ATirAN'rlC & PAcjgqc TEA '.I ALL TIRE BRAN IN THE WHEAT Shredded Wheat 2 Pkgs. 190 Bokar S '-LB. TI23o 2T 8 %5 0 NECTAR BRAND OUR OWN NECTAR M TEi MOANGE PEKOE Dom12 BRAIND b T à TE'i BAGS BLENDED INI>IA 3 PANCY SANTA CLARA VALLEY-CAL[FORNIA'S FINES? PRUNES * 0 P&G SOAP1OBrs340 CAMPBELL'S TOM ATO ASSORTED Soups 2,Tis 190 3,TLmu350 FINEsT rPîEAMELED Baclk Bacon WHOIBK lb- 320 Pork LoinsRIB OR LOIN HALF b2 Por]kLol'eins FOR RBOASTING *28 FRESH YOUNG ROASTING Io to 12 îi %erage SWEET PICKLED PORK 6 to 8 lb. Average HAMS W: lb . 24o Shoulders lb. I19e FINES? QUALITY A & P SELECTED BEEF-BO\ýELESS AND ROLLED PRIME RIBS Rat .28e IRIT £4 ]RID8 RBAST 0 FONS b.]L1- Frehly Smokcd Blb. ."CSI'D. IL7 IJ l.i* lesL.150 EXTRA DJETHDAY SPECIAL! OHOICEST QUALIT? ONTARIO BUTTER OUR OWN SILVERBEOOK OBRAMEET BUTTER «2'"E3 a gown of black brocade wlth white trimming and a hat of black velvet. Her flowers were a bouquet of sun- set roses. The groom's mother, who also received, w ý ý . . gown of orne- thyst crepe, wit'î a hat of the same shade. She cari-',-d roses and lily of the valley. Late, 1tlho bride and groom left for poits û.,-t. the former attired in a gray enseirble and a small hat of grey f elt. 0,1 their return they will live i Toronto. Mrs. G. L. Wagar and MIas Nichol- on attended the funeral of Mrs, Geo. B. Wagar, South Prederickeburg, who died Oct. 4th. PAGE TEMM