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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1930, p. 5

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PAGE PM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMaNVH.L, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1930 'e gave the topic "The Church in Jap- an" In a verI' interesting manner; vocal solo, Miss Dorotby Pluxnmer. Af ter the meeting the young folks enjoyed a f ew gaines. Ail young people are welconie to these weekly meetings. DUSTANSy Ou ort nua hrte et aePrsns tl GetrVaus'Ia -lv cen LT.-COL. EDWY WHITE RETIRES FROM SALVATION ARMY Native of West Durham Termainates 45 Years' Active Army Service in Canada and United States (From War Cry. Atanta, Georgia) The retirement of Lt.-Colonel and Mrs. Edwy White f roin active service in The Salvation Army takes from the battle front a pair of very inter-. esting Salvationists whose career bas been colorful and productive of good. Lt.-Colonel White has to his credit during forty-five years of Officershipj the acquisition of more than a mil- lion dollars wortb of Salvation Army property; and included in this are Divisional Headquarters buildings at Columbus, Ohio; Jacksonville, Fia.; Milwaukee, Wîs.; and Dallas. Texas. Also two splendid fresh air camps, one at Army Lake, Wis., forty miles from Milwaukee, and the other the Lone Star Camp. near Dallas. Texas. Lt.-Colonel Edwy White became a soldier of the Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada. Corps at the age of seven- teen, and was commissioned on the field as a Lieutenant on October Ist, 1885, just forty-flve years from the day on which this is being written. For six and a haîf years he had com- mand of Canadian corps. During five of thosc years he was a single Officer, ind as such was hiable to transfer on short notice. Sixteen Canadian Corps fiourished under bis direction. He was united in marriage on Sep- tember 29th, 1890, to Captain Olive Haskin, the ceremony being perforin- cd by Colonel Spooner at Port Hope, Ontario, Corps. Colonel Spooner af- terwards became a Missionary offilcer and was Promoted to Glory in India. Colonel White was transferred to the United States on December lst, 1891, his first appointment in this country being Buffalo, N. Y., No. 1 Corps. His entire Field experience was spent in the Eastern Territory where be had command of nine American Corps. He was promoted to the rank of Staff-Captain at Worcester, Mass., ini 1900, and placed in charge of the Western Massachusetts and Rhode Island Division. During the next thirty years he bad command of eigbt Divisions, and opencd fifty new Corps for the Salva- tion Army. His Divisional commands include Connecticut, Pittsburg. Cen- tral 0hio, Southwest New York, the Lakce Division and the Texas Division. Since leaving Divisional work the Colonel bas been on special duty at Territorial Headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. Lt.-Colonel and Mrs. White have two Offilcer children: Mrs. Major Holz of Okahoma City, Okia., and Mrs. Adjutant Alec Thomas of Minneapo- lis, Minn. Colonel White saw active service with the Salvation Armny forces i France during the World War, being Zone Major of the Toul Sector where be acquitted himself with distinct- Ion. One of the high lights of the Col- onel's career happend i 1904 when, with Colonel Holz, now Commission- er, be and a Company of Salvation- ists cntered tic feud district in the mountains of Kentucky, holding Evangellstic and Revival meetings throughout tliat section wltb the aim in view of lessening the hatred tbrough the power of religion. The enterprise was bcraldcd very widely at the tinie, and one news- paper syndicate, the Scripps-Booth ptper of Cincinnati, 0hio, assigncd a special reporter to accompany the Brigade. Colonel White's conversion and af- filiation with the Salvation Army came about througb the opening i Bowmanville of a Corps. Wide ad-I vcrtising was given to the fact that the Salvation Armny would "fire the first gun" in the public square of Bowmanville on a given date. Thc entire section of the country was stirred and when Captain Ada Hinds, witb an assistant, arrived in Bow- manville to hold ber first open air meeting, there wcre tbousands of Canadians, many of whom had cone more than a bundred miles to witness the opening of the Arrniy campaign. So dense was the crowd on the public square that ofece windows and even roof s of adjacent buildings wcrc used to accommodate the crowd. Young Edwy White, just turning seventeen, was the son of a prosper- ous building contractor of Bowman- ville. The father was also attractcd to the meetings. and going one night, came home with tbe report that lie could not understand that kind of religion. Wben the son was con- verted. however, he became a regular attendant, gnd aftcrwards built a splendid auditorium in Bowmanville for the Salvation Army. During almost their entire married 1f e Lt.-Coloiiel and Mrs. White have bad in their home Mrs. Wrhite's mother, Mrs. Mary Haskins. She is untol hel to hem n gng wise ments at this sale. Be thrifty. m25 Buy your future require- Make your dollars work overtime. Prepare a list of your needs, send it in or phone it in. Prices are at the lowest point. GLASS WARE Milk Pitchers ...........13c Butter Dishes ...........13c 6 Fruit Nappies ........13c 4 Green Custard Cups .. . .13c Sugar Bowl .............13c Candy Jar ................ 13c 4 Tumblers, thin blown, 13c Berry Bowls ............13c Butter Dishes (1 lb.) ...13c Pickle Dishes (2 varieties), 13c 6 Mouse Traps ..........13c 3 doz. Spring Clothes Pins, 13e Whisks ................... 13c 30 Poultry Leg Bands .... 13c 3 Dessert Spoons (special value).................. 13c 4 Nail Brushes ..........13c ~00 Fry Pans, 8" ...........13C Mendets .................. 13e GRANITE WARE White Gra'ite Pie Plates 13c i déPudding Pans 13c Grey Dippers ...........13e Straight Sauce Pans, With cover ................... 13c Sink Strainers ..........13c 2 Mixing Bowls ........13c 2 Cups ..................13C 2 Ladies ...............13c Wash Basins ...........13C Sauce Pans, 3 sizes ....13c Pudding Pans, 3 sizes ...13c Tan Jersey Gioves ......13c Stove Pipes (knock down) 6" or 7" ..............13 Paint Brush, 2" ........13c Stove and Furnace Repaira for any make can be sup. plied on short notice. Place your order at once. Pad Loeks ................ 13c 1 Pint Sauce Pans (alumin- um, reg. 35e) ........13c Kitchen S harpening Stones, 13c 1 doz Hat & Coat Hooks 13c Liquid Stove Polish ....13c Potato Mashers, eolored, 13c Strainers, 5" ............13c 3 Fuse Plugs ............13c Pointing Trowels .......13c PAINTS ¼/-Pint Varnish Stain .... .13c 1/4-Pint Gray Enamel ...13c ¼/-Pint Ivory Enamel .. . .13c 1/8..Pint White Enamel.... .13c 5" Pliers ...............13C 2 Cake Turners (aluminuni) 13C Clothes Line Pulleys ...13c Egg or Vegetable Slicer, 13c Shaving Stick ...........13c Rubber Kneel-On Pads. .13e Pire Shovels (long) ....13c SPECIAL A number of dinner sets of sanie pattern will be sorted and sold at Thirteen Cents per piece. Cup and saucer included as one piece. 3 Tea Kettie Knobs (so cold) .................. 13c Il TIN WARE Dust Pans, colored, (reg. 25e).................... 13c Round Storey Cake Tins, (3 to a set), per set .... 13c 2 Clean Cut JeHly Cake Tins, (limited number) ...13c Muffin Tins, 6's, large .... 13c 2 Muffin Tins, small, 6's, 13c Tea Caddies ...........13c Coffee Caddies ..........13e 1 Quart Dippers ........13c Oblong Ca ke Tins ......13c Brasso..................... 13c Flashlight Batteries ....13c 2 Paring Knives ........13c Claw Hammer ..........13c Long Handie Dust Pans, (2 piece) each ........13c 4 Carpenteri Pencils ....13c Dusting Cloth, 3 yards .... .13c Clothes Line Rope, 30 ft. 13c Hickory Axe Handles, (seconds).............. 13c EXTRA SPECIAL FIVE STRING BROOM Regular 45c The firat 25 customers on Friday and Saturday morning wili buy this broom at 13c TOYS 2 Rubber Bails, (reg. 15c each).................... 13c 4 Pkgs. Pistol Caps (reg. 5e each) ..............13c 2 Ratties (reg. 15e ea. ) 13c 2 Celluloid Doils (reg. 15e each')................... 13c 1Curry Combs ............13c R A D10 If considering a new Radio this year consult us regarding new iow prices. For elear, dlean eut and natural neception listen in to the Silver Marshall or Stewart Warner set and be convinced of the superb quaiity. Our prices on Radio sets are $99.50 and up complote. NOW is the time to buy. 60 Watt Bulbs, after 3 p. nm. (3 to eaeh customer), 13c Rubber Stair Treads ...13c Stove Lining, 21/2 lbs...13c Sait & Pepper, aluminum, pair.................... 13c BRUSHES Serub Brushes ..........13c Bowl Brushes ...........13c Horse Brushes ..........13c Sink Brushes ...........13c 2 Pt. Rule .......... 13.......l 2 Basting Spoons, aluinin- uni ...................3c Putty Knife .........1....l Floor Wax, ½/-lb ........13c 1 lb. Tin............... 26c 1 pr.Coleman Mantles... .13e 2Egg Whips ...........13c 4 Caster Cups ...........13c Poeket Knif e...........13c 2 Dressing Combs ......13c Ladies' Work Basket ...13c Pair Leather Soles ......13c Carpet Beaters ..........13c HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES During this sale we are display- inacmlete lune o AP TIouG Ranges and Heaters. An opportune tume to consider and select your proper stove. Our Cash Prices are unbeatable. The quality and operation of HAPPY THOUGHTS are baeked with sev- enty years' experienee and service -a record. Happy T ho u g h t stoves are built to withstand long service, whieh in the past has been elearly demonstrated. Compare our prices with other stoves. Ask for complete information, and de- cide for yourseif that when "you buy a HAPPY THOUGHT you buy the best." - - - - -- _ _ A »Mww w DUSTAN'S CASII r jWE SERVE YOU WELL GENERAL HARDWARE N~ LIIINA Colored Fruit Bowls (rieg. 40e) ............. ...13c Gold Band Cup and Saucer ................. 13c Cups and Saucers, various colors and designs ...13c 6 Eg Cup s.............13c 2 Qold Band Tea Plates 13e Gold Band Dinner Plate 13c Cream Pitchers, colored, 13c Sugar Bowls ............13c Salt and Peppers......13c Electrie Heater Plugs ...13c 1/4-1lb. Tire Tape ........13c Serew Drivers ...........13c DO NOT MISS THESE 13c SPECIALS Hack Saw Frame ........13e Hack Saw Blade ........13c Fiat File, 8" ............13c Double Sockets ........13e Nickle Plated Pliers ...13c Axie Grease, 1 lb ........13c 2 Cleaning Sponges ....13c 2 Attachment Plugs ....13c 2 tins Pep Hand Cleaner 13c 2 Cakes Mýay Flowers Toilet Soap ...........13e 2 Tins Velvet Shoe Polish, (black or brown) ...13c 2 Lantern Glasses (short or tali) .............13c Stainless Paring Knife, (colored handie) ....13c Feit Weatherstrip, 10 1C Boy Scout Knives ......13c Shop Early. Phone Orders wil be fiIled in the order received. Phono Early. rWe need your trade to build up our business; the coin- munity needa our business to help it prosper. IARDWARE RIRCHANT PHONE 74, BOWMANVILLE Previously Presented in Hardware. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 24 0 j A wonderful opportunity to make a big savi ng. - - - v Ir -2 P"i V% 1 1

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