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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1930, p. 7

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PAGBenSvEN TEX CANADIAN gTATSAN, B3OWMANVTLLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBRE 2Srd, 1930 LOCAL AND OTHEEWISE LOCAL AND OTHEEWISE LOCAL AND OTHMWISE DUHM <LR OF<» RONT 1The Statesman 25c for balance of Mm. H. W. Fosten spent the week- Miss Darathy Alin, Toronto, was The firSt meeting of the Durbi 1930. end with ber cousin, Mrs. S. Wilson, home over the weekend. club of this season wll be held Mrs. C. B. Hurley is vlsiting rela- Toronto. Mr. Clarence F'erguson, Toronto, Tuesday evenlng, October 28th, 19 tives in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Haddy and Bet- was home over the weekend. at 8 o'clock at the resldenec of b Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devtt were ty, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. F. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weekes, Tor- aDiRs Wl. R lms o weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. Ir- A. Haddy's. onto, spent Sunday wlth relatives Dr ieosdale. rameisbe vine, Lnsy Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Comstock, and and f iiends here. prepared. The election of offic Mrs. Wannie Falrbairn Hoirnes, daughter, Audrey, spent the week-end Even with four extra pages we will take place and the dues may Cincinnati, 0hio, gave Miss S. A. at St. Catharines' 1 have several colunins of readlng pald an this evening. At tliis me Neads a pleasant call last week. Mrs. C. E. Sanders lia returned1 matter crowded out. ing there wilU be a reception a Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Skuce, Mt. trom a viit wlth ber sister, Mrs.1Mr. Wilbur H. Woods and son Gor- presentation ta Dr. and Mrs. Jaii Horeb, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Detroit, Micb, don Weston, spent Sunday wth bis L. Hughes wha by this tume yl James E. Flett for a few days last Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 'Tapson and a sister, Mme. Ueo. W. James. turn fromo their wedding trip week. part>' o! friende motored to Haliblir-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shaw and Washingtoni. Mise Mary and Miss Jenny Mitchell ton recently and called on friends. sonl Wesley, Toronto, were recent vis- of Staten Island, New York, were vis- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marwlck, itors at Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Marri- HOSPI[TAL BOARD MEET]INC Itlng Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell and O.A.C., Guelph, were recent visitors o! SOfls. other relatives here necently. the latter's uncle, Mr. W. C. Ferguson. Mr. B. G. Stevens, Solina, and Mr. The annual meeting of the Bc Col. Charles R. McCulough, Hami- Mme. Albert Mark and Miss Lyla. 1R. H. Armstrong motored to the manville Hospital Board wUl be h, ilton, who addressed the Women's Toronto, vislted the former's sîster,. Queen City and vislted frlends there on Monday, October 27th, at 8 P. Canadian Club Monday afternoon, Mrs. W. J. Found, over the week- recently. (instead of Tuesday). In the Cour was guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc- end. Mr. S. Frank Wilson o! Thte Wn- Rooam. Electicn of afficers i Clellan.1Mran r.TyoCiaad son Publishlng Co., Toronto, gave other business. C .Bao Mr. and Mrs. Jde Tenantad MmanMe.TyoCig, and The Statesman a f iencly cal on F. F. Morris,C..Mac daughter Doris, Orillila, Mr. Roger Mm. Veale, St. Cathanines, have been Saturda>'. President. Secrets Fishlelgh, Toronto, and Mmr. and Mm. vstck r adM.M . on Mr. and Mrs. W. Howe and Mme. BIRTHS Lorne Plunimer, Port Hope, were Stc. Ernest Glass, Clayton, N. Y., were ~eekend guests of Mr. and Mm. N. Mme. W. H-. Argue and Helen motor- recent guests of their cousin, Miss PROUT-To Mn. and Mra. C. A. Pr Plummer. eti to ilro on Sn yadweme alGere t on Sunday, October l2th, 1930, the gifi Milmok Sudy n ana, erg1t a son (william Rose). ~W. C. T. U. will meet li St. Paul's guests of M. and Mm. A. J. Hen-'M. and Mms. John Reid and sonMAR GE School Room on Tuesday, October derson. 1 A!fred, and Miss E. S. Jollow spent 28tb, at 3 p. m. A report of the M. F. W. Guernsey, consulting en- Sunday at Mm. and Mrs. R. H. ArXIi* BOTTRELL-McCAFFERY - In r Pr incial W. C. T. U Convention at gineer, Vancouver, B.C., was a wel- stong's, Maple Grove. Hope, Octoben 2t, 1880. by Rev. Fat Bevlle wil» be given b>' the dele- corne visitor this week with hie sis- iMm. and Mms. S. H.. Hancock, Brown, Mm. Thos. Bottreli and Mise J gate, Mrs W. A. Bunner. AUl ladies ter, Mme. J. A. McClellan. Rochester, N. Y., who are on a visit McCaffery, both o! Bownsflvilie. codally invlted. Mr. andi Mrs. E. P. Bratit and fani- to relatives in this viclnity. gave us DEATHS M. and Mns. T. R. James, Lind- ily have eturned froni the Goldena friendl>' cail on Saturday. HRi-nCutco ens say', caled Monda>' an Editor M. A. Wedding ceîeiratîon o! M. Badt's Mm. Fmed Conley and Mr. R. Me c HArRiSn,19ouc, A n ednes i eamsand M. and Mme. Robert Col- parentsMr. and Mms. Levi Bratt Leod, of the Public Schaol teaching oc toher 2nd 1930,agneardie, 9wie lacott, Concession St. They had e"laver Hill" Farm, Cayuga. The staff, weme ecent visitors of Mm. and Fuerai froni the esidence of ber0 spet te weked ithther dugh wmtb coplewer pesetedwit aMrs. John Conle>', Wellington. in-law, Mm Jamnes Short, Courtice, on1 sethMe, Grifflwt ts an d am. M- wrh opewr rsne haday, October 24th, at 2.30 P. M. Ini Kaer, Min Tomonrto.ad r e purse of gold. Over 60 gueste weme M. and Mms. Lorne Davis and Mr. ment ini Betheeda Cemeteny. Kagu, inToroto.present, eighteen of whom were pres- and Mme. Milton Plunkett, Toronto, PASCOE-SuddenlY in Bowmanville, Mr. and Mme. W. Rase Strike and ent a! the wedding 50 yeams ago. were Sunday guests o! Mm. and Mme. Satumday, October 18th, 1930, John I D. . Jmieon Caliee Ae. coe. Solina, aged 79 years. lnterred Mme. Ela Strike attendeti the special A vemy happy part>' of the Lyle- Mm. . Rapmines arldseMm.EdWih Hampton. ervihc at Lie- sen on Pr!Unit- Alun family aesembled at the home eritige were in Oshawa last week at )IN MEMORIAM Mrd Chumch a ddsay anh Sunday .o! Mme. John Allin, King Stmeet, aon the Horse Shoe Pitchmng Tournament In îoving memory o! W. E. JeweIl, Scholattheafemoo sesin nd day evening, October 2th, in helti during Pmspeity week, and passed away on October 25th, 1920. weme gut eater m nd MisesiEan or of Mm. Allin'es 8th bithday. were successful n- wnning flmt prize Wîfe and Far Stinsn. Asplendid supper was provideti andi in the doubles. Mm, Wm.- McLaugh- Stno.served by hiem family and a pleasant lin and son, Bumketon, won second in lovlng tnenory of our dear mot Man>' fiende weme rsn at the social time spent. Among those pres- prize. Mm. Luther Hooper, Tymone, on the 22nd o! Octob>er, 1927. reception on Saturday afternoon o! ent who are 80 or over were M. John won flime in the singles, and Mr. Three years have passed, dear mothe Mm. Ray Dilling who was at home Lyle. towtI clenk, 82; Mr. Joseph Pat- William McLaughlin second. Since iast we seen youm face, for thie flst time since hem marriage tinson, 82 in Novembem; William AI- Marion .J. Hickingbottom o! the And, oh home we mise YOU, at.No one can take your place. ahem home, Chumch St. Recelving lin, 80 andi Mm. John Allin 80. Shibley-Mitchel Studio o! Expres- Now you are sleeping solemn and with the bride who mas formerly Zet- sion andi Dramatic Art, Toronto, wull peaceful, ta Anderson weme hem mother. Mm. St. paul1j Church Male Quartette accept a limiteti number o! pupils Happlegt of us al, L. Anderson, and Mme. H. H. Dilling. composed o! Messrs. H. J. Knight, C. Hoping some day to meet you Smconuinencing the week o! October the in the happier ivorld above. The bride wore hem bridai gown of S. Hallmlan, Ueo. E. Chase andiSa twentieth, at the residence o! Mis. J. Sadly miseed by the Fam eggehell satin. Autumn flowers of Glanville gave the musical part o! the O'Neill, corner Church and Brown many kinde decorateti the eception aflni'Jersam> services at Venonvlle Ste. For appontaient telephone t room and on the tea, table wene blush Church last Sunday nmorning anti ev- nuixber 366. 42-2 aie plnk anti white decoations, pink can- ening in solo, due! andi cuatet numn The aftemnoon tea, home baklng COEESWNE ok duesin ilvr bîtirs iththewed bes. hisis he ecod tn en-hi sale, and sale o! useful andi other any heavy bre.ed, weight 1%~ to 2 ding cake centering. Mm. Bruce Berry popular barmnonY four have been n articles on Satumday afternoon li St. Phone 89, Bowmanville. poureti tea, and aesiting hem mere gaged b>' the Vernonville congregation. Paul's Sunday echool oam under Miss Novelda Berry and Mies Alice Coîbomne Unitedi Chumch have also en- auspices o! the Junior Missionar>' WORK WANTED>-Womnan wantsç Hihfed.MisMaio logh r- agdthese singers for anflivereary society Wasw»atne n h by the day. Apply to Mme. E. W Higbfieas Miselarion Cough mendagheiacross f rom Town Hall, BowmanvillE ceiveti a! the doon. services next month. eceipts imost grati!ylng. The tables4 _________________ andi oom were nicely decorated with ROSWNE-w rmr autumn flowems. The a!ternoon was uise ROOMS foANTED-two roee !uther made pleasant by the musical fumnisA.H.,Drmoe r lBht oueekee nuinbems contributed by Mms. Alex. 4pl:.H. rwrBBwav è Colville, in vocal solos; Misses Elsie Camuthers and Borea Murdof, pana Barn upwamds of $26 weekly groi solo; ad Mm ChsterJur, vilinmushrooms for us, ait winter, In cel solo; an Mr Cheter ury viclinIllueti-ated bookiet free. Canadian M, solo. Attentive walters served a roome Company, Toronto. tempting menu whlch everyone en- _ jayed. WANTEO-Robert Pameson la prelp to nepair boots and ehoes, neat Job, in PRONVRNTDARLINGTON MAN erate prices. Leave at Sfidney Moi PROMINENTWeiington Street,. Bowuanile. RASBUD~N AILHELP WANTED-Boy, 14 to 16 ill R eady John Pascoe, Solina, ies Sddenly with poultry. Aply to Miss M. J While in Bowmanville Hutchiaon, High St., Bownionville. Pl The sudden passing o! one o! Dar'- WIDaW, ENGLISH - age 42, w for H allow e'en lington's hlgb]y respecteti esidente like to meet fanmer or good men;1 on Saturday, October 18th, came as little money could inveet. Two chilÈ We have anticipated your wants for thie bsPPY, JoYous occasion, a great sltock ta town and country 2ad44pI'Husn antn SSe Our window fulil o! Haliowe'en suggestions includin.g Invita- f riends alike. Mr. Pascoe lI com- tion Carde, Place Carde, Table and Boom Decorations, Gaines, pan>' wth bis sister, Mrs. J. T. Bon- T e Puzu, Masks. Faise Faon, Pumpkins, Old Wltches, Black Cat die, hati come to Bowmanville to do T o 1 some shopping andi while puttlng bis HOUSE TO RENT-6 roins and1 Decratel Crepe for cotumnes. horse away In Trinit>' Church shedis garage., on Ontario St. Apply E. Pas, Lots of New Books of Fiction Juet Recelved suddenly collapsed and passed away 663. tre atBwa4vle from heairt failure, li bis 79th year. Mm. Pascoe is the lest son o! a HOUSE TO RENT--SeYSI roo1110, !amily o! seven sons and thr-e enworka, bath, alectriit ighte. loi daugter a!thelateEdwrd ntiKIng & Ontuio St., BOWinville. daugter ofthelat Edardandply A. A. Colwlll. Newcaetie. J. W . Jew ell ~ ~Mary Osborne Pascoe. Hei e abo nlce. pp>toM.G. a J» W e e lon the olti homesteati etaSln, ROOMS TO LET-Unfumnished. au. andi has livet inl that neighborhood corner Chiurch. and scugog Street,] Big 0 Bokaore Bowanvlleail bis 11e, retling frain active labor inville. a !ew yeams ago ta bhis late esidence east o! the village. He was a ver>' STORE OR OFFICE TO RENT - quiet unassuntlng maxi but a goad north aide of Klug Street, Bowrms. neigbor.f rentiand elpr atailideal location Just east o! Royal The neigbor frind nd elpe atalldecomated to suit tenant. Appy1 tintes o! neeti, one who was highly c. Mason. Barristen, neit door. epecteti and esteemeti b> ail who knew bim. HOUSE TO RENT-7 rooma, ail The fuxieral on Tuestia>'afternoon veniences. good garden, house In !momthefaml>'mesienc wa ve>' lass shape, near high echool. onÇ from th failyresierie ws vry st. available Nov. Jet. AppI>' H. largely attended. Rev. J. R. Bick, Coîborne, or Thos. Perey, Bowmax bis pastor, conducted the service, paylng a fine tribute ta him asa christian and member o! Eldad For Sale or Rent Chumch. Mis. W. R. Courtice, HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE- Courtice, sang ver>' effectivel>' "Some C. N. R., modern convenieflces. Day We'll Understand." The inter- T. E. FlMas.n.Phon116 18. ment took place in Hampton Cern- HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT eter>'. caeful tenant, on the ighway in The paîl bearers were six nephews: castie. For particulars apply to 13 Messrs. H. G. Pascoe, John Pascoe, Newcastle. * ~-aaI7irrt H. L. Pascoe, Albert Terwilleger, FOR SALE OR RENT-House on W e are ShowingVA"~ Mertan Waltere, Leslie Allun. The ner.o! Concession and Lberty St S ~~~ible asTe, Mm nilyMme. Ro>' Het- HO EFR A -B ut C larnce . îva"B-I-eCas r adMs o e--HUS O AEBa u don. Messrs. John Oliver anti Edgar on Carile Avenue, takea onlly fou Pascoe; Sprays-Mme. 7T6à. Pascaeo! coke per wiilter for furnace and Une Door West uf F. F. Morris Co. anifcî>.SUn aeis~iue has dons it th,e lst four wintsfl and family, Solina Wmen' ntterting for $25 per mofth; theo Mm. anti Mme. Arthur Milison, Mm. and three cloats upstairi, six oon anti Mme. Norman Buse, Mm. anti M. hall Inoluding bedmoorn and bai Arthum Drew and !aily, Mr. Clla. downstalrs: colli dividoci with c Scot andMargretwail;gars"o sud bon bouse. T4oem Scot ani Mrgaet.Misesize pply to C. 1N. Ruse, ILE. E. RN Reeves, Mr. andi Mn. A. J. Reynolda.1 ont. » 1 Articles For Sale ha HORSE FOR SALE-General pumpose. .on Appi>' F. B. Rundle. Phone 176-21. 4- 930, 4- Mir. FOR SALE - Onions, $1.00 a bushýel. .ath Apply tb Henry Ashton, Haydon. Phone 239r2l. 43-1 eig FOR SALE - Potatoes, good minter ters variet>', $1.00 a bag delivered. Âpply to ybe Bd. J. Doidge, R. R. 6, Bownanvilîe. tet- Phone l6Or2l. 43-t! and S'TOVE FOR SALE-Cooking range, ln neS good condition, 6 lide. dange oven, coppen me- water tank, bumne wood or coal. Apply toat Statesmnan Office. 43-2 CATTLE FOR SALE-7 head, 2 yeam old Durham and Hereford steers, ln gond condition, for saie om would pa> faere for winter feeding. Phone 389. 43-tf JO- FOR SALE - Solid oak dining noom suite, extension table, six chairsemand icîti sideboard. Apply to Mms. S. S. Ddmail, -M. Brown St., Bowmanville. Phone 662. adil 42-10 COWS FOR SALE - One Hoîstein, 5 yerS FORdSa LEo-d ne iHboidte; ne Jeursey-duram, oo rnew cl t oide;oneh Jersey-DT.amee eewerotofwmnil. 43-1 HONEV FOR SALE - Choice Cloven, Amber and Buckwheat Honey, ini 5 and 10 lb. pale. Froni the apla.ry of Thos. W. Buttemy. Phone 497M, Bowmanville. We deliver. 42-2* CHINA FOR SALE-Mme. C E. Sanders la offering a set of Limoge China; ban- gain if sold immedlateiy. May be seen at Mme. John Hamlyn's, Durham Street, Bownanville. 43-1* FOR SALE-Two cowe to freshen In 2 weeks; two sows, bred ecently; one heavy dranght horse, 8 yeans old, sound, weight about 1400 Ibo. Âpply Levi Ward, Enniskillen. Phone 199r4. 43-2e in excellent condition, also several dozen records, machine cost $13500, will selI at a fraction of original cost. C. Avery Johnston, dlo Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man, Bowmanville, or phone 338. 43-3 FOR SALE-A frame building covered with galvanized tron roof, 25x25, good frame loft, substantially built; would maire good coal shed, hen house or gar- age; no further use for saine; will be sold at a bargaîn. Apply to John Perey, Bowmanville. 42-tf FOR SALE-UJ»ed pianos for students. at very easy ternme and prices. Trustees will cali me for Information on organes for school purposes. I have pianos for school use and will oeil at nominal prices to promote mnusic study and later sale of more expensive Insftruments. F. J. Mitchell, Phone 106, Bowrnanville. 36-tf Personal Cut this out for luck.-Send birth date and lOc for wonderful horoscope of youn life. Prof. Raphael, Box 94, Grand Central Station, New 'York. 42-6* CABTING AND TRUCKING AUl inds of Carting. Truelng and Moving; local and long distance. H. BOMBARD Phonne6no Queen St., BowmanviIi. LAUNDBY WA14TED Ail kinds of laundry wonk don. PromPt- ly, satisfactomlly and at reamonable Dricu.. Write Post Ofice Box 12, or eaU lmis W. Marjorain, King St. B., Bownianville. Phone 478W. Apartmontz to Reut COMFORTABLE APARTMENT - In Statesman Block, 6 roonis, newiy dec- orated, modern conveniences, econoin- Ically heated. Âiply Geo. W. James, or phone 53. Lost or Found HORS"S ASTRAV - Çaine on Lot 20, Con. .bl4~. 2, horsee. Owner may have'wM=b1qýpr7i2ig property and paying expenses» C. Shaw, Hampton. Phone 376r2. 42-tf é Repaire of AUl Kinds W. J. Morouski, of Bowmaaville Car- riage Works, rear of Hydro Shop, sug- geste that you have your buggy or baby carniage equipped with rubber tires now that tires are 10% cheaper. He alaco doee all kinds of implement and machin- eny repalring, general blacksmlthing acetylene welding, woodwork, building new wagoas, repair buggy tope, uphol- stering, etc. one second hand buggy for sale In good condition. 42-20 OWEN NICHOLAS, Al.L.C Welsh Baritone Soloist Talent supplied for Church or concert work. BOWMANVILLE Phone 325 il HATELY'S GARAGE Now Open for Business Our new garage built on the aid stand Is now complete and modern in every detail. New up-to-date equlpmeflt enables us to give Yau firet class service in every particular. ý We repair ail makes of cars promptly and satlsfactorll. Let us look your car over now and put It lI shape for wlnter drlvlng. JACK IIATELY'S GARAGE Just around the corner from Royal Bank Bowmanville, Ont. 43-1 modI Overcoat Sale The Greatest Values We Have Ever Offered GROUP 1- -Éi this group you will finti aur very best cloths, lni the newest styles, ulsters, garda model, slip-an, shades o! grey, brown, navy, former values up ta $35.00, we are clearlig these coats this weekend, Thursday, Frida>', Saturday, for only>......... $26-95 GROUP _2 $22e75 Heavy qualit>' pure wool cloths, exceptianal values, ich shades in the season's lates! models anti colome. values that were up to $30.00, out the>' go tbis week-end. Thursday, fflday, and Saturda>' foar nly ....................$823.15 CROUP 3 $19050 This group o! coats offeme a wlde cholce for the early bu>'- em, in ail wool claths, matie b>' tependable makers, in style to suit the Young, or conservative man. These coats are ail gooti values a! $25.00, but this week-end we wIll clear thein out, Thursday, flday anid Saturda>'. for only ............... $19.50 MEN'S NAVY SUIT SPECIAL AT $19-75 A group of Men's navy blue suits in conservative and young mnins styles, values to $25.00, being offered this week-end only for $19.75 to clear. These are exceptional values in ail wool eloths. T. B. QI1LCHRIST Directly Opposite Rank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville POMMTES FOR SALE Dooley's Extra Good Grade A Delivered right to your cellar. Phone 195rt J. A. Werry &Son Enniskillen - 1 'à 1 1

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