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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1930 I I Te eamo Sor 1The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENTý -INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY CLUB THURSDAy, NOVEMBER 13th, 1930 q: HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT New Off6cers Elected -Namne to lie______ I Olympias"-Art Edger and Miss Bella Moulds, Miss Kay Bus- Tise sympathy of the community iS Large Crowd Present To Hear Pro- Rube Kemp co-managers. seil, Miss B. Hatton, Mr. Jas. Hatton, extended to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Selby gram and Witness Presentation of __ __ 't e oc ey - - th ofi 1g Mr. W. Orrel, Ottawa; Mr. and M rs. in the death of their baby daughter, P i . gui l'he iocevsesonl5 isite f jig T. C. Moise, Toronto; Miss Sara Moise, who did flot long survive her twin S\Ircaclv the beys are talking about Oshawa, were Tbanksgix ing guests of brother. TIhe Seatiisg capacity of the New-1 c ondition ;and soisse are even doing a5 Mr. and Mrs. B. Moise. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Breen, and Mr. castie Consnunity Hall was taxed ai- lîtl eeri.in t hrdrsthirmo-'Mr. and MLis. Ernest Walton and and Mrs. Geo. Wise and faiW, Tor- f5051 to tihe limit at the Higli Semai 1,1<. lgti5g on.\ ing streOU dis-family, Buttonville, Mr. and Msno petrakg -n shteCommencement Exerise atFia s lttî gthein onKig sret ds-Harris and family, Erin, and Mrs. Misses Breen. Pierview. eeig h il cisila es Cussing Iast vears problenîs and "how~ Andrus, Pickering, were week-end vis- ,oMisshAnnieTKeneflek is spending a functioning emtnosyadsces i ~ ~~~ we nearlv won" and figurirsg Out itors at Mr. and Mis. Fred Gralsam's, otitinTsnt with her nieces fully foi, 72 years since its foutsding -juùst who is eligible for junior hockey AIr. 0and1 Ms. R. W. Walton's and Mr. and nephews. and inl corporation in 1858, the year andl iviso is to go into the intermie-i and Mrs. Ansoni Walton's. Twenty- Mrs. A. E. Mellow and son Clare of the incorporation of Newcastle as STUDENTS TRIUMPH OVER diates.u,,îî one metsibers of tise Waîton fanîiîy sat - n ort aanels kt a village. So wide spread lias becomeI B.H.S.GRDUTEI hiers tîire are ewconSit i* doivn <jTîianksgix'ing diimner~ atth1 visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean. the interest ln its animal Commence- B. H. S. RADUATES in toiviwn wo have let it drop here andihoule of Mr. Land Mes. A. Walton on They were joîned foir the weekend by ment tîsat persons froni nsany points Lai Mnue TimhdwnFolowng~there that their hockey ability is quite iuonday and on Sunday es ening twen- Mr. Melîow. cutside the school area look foi'ward YardMiutRun csExStwnts loingDe- good. Sonie oi these are alright, b ut ty-nine of the family connection had Mr. and Mss. W. J. Eilbeck and t h aeo h vn n lnt thdRnPae E-tdnsi e getrmjrt r orysnre e itsM.adMs .W. Wîo.Jack, Mrs. Ida and Miss Frances ta the date ft. vn n lnt tet"o"SemnI e. hockeaers. riyae rlysr ine e il r ndMs . Wlo Stinson, Toronto, were Thanksgivmng foat-The intIeniediIteurheldhtckeyeetingrs.Mr. and -Mrs. Jos. Desîsane, nee Miss visitors at Mr'. and Mrs. Geo. Eil- And sa this year again, aîthouglsi Thaîksivrigda rnrst rstch T e ineidiueFriedy nigmtethegsIrene Preston, botlî of Napanee, who beck's, Gray Gables. many faiîed to note seriouslythat the some local rugby enthusiasts and iset inth c.uncl habe and elct were narried in St. Paul's Anglican Miss Lucy Beault. Toronto. spent prograns was annouinced tobint som plyes wIlhol is mmor fr e teseefiees:Chureh, Toronto, on Oct. 28, called oni the weekend with her aunt, Miss 7.30 and arrived about 8 o'claek, thus, somne lime. They will bc reinindcd Hors. President-Peter Lanibroe their onle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Annie Kenefick. msigtenmesc Iefrthî eeytime they walk or try.to walk. President--J. A. Ginn; Vice-l'res. îPOlNel .M.adMs rn rno n o B.H.S.ex-stuents eit suerioror in * t 'Mrs.Frankrvillebasshawae OvisitedOsatheirsicous-eiMajors- M H.oDud.lWyDudl hairmanman0f need of exercise and chalîenged thej Executive-Shinny Moise. Reg Jones, 1l1ons1e froiii Toronto, nsuch improved in mns, Mr'. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. the Board of Education, acted as prescrit rugby teamn to a struggle-and Alex Edniondstone. lsealth. Mr. Lonnie Gibson and f riend, To- ehairmian o! tIse eversing, spokie a few what a struggle it was !-The scene of Tîhe animtal meeting of 0.11A. tikes, Mueli îppreîieîssiîîn is fet e ronto. spent Thanlcsgiving wth bis words of welcome and announced the acio ws rem f arex Cmpan place at RovaI York ors Nov. 15. Jack among lus relatives and neiglibors 0X Me. Allan and Miss Salome How- Re.FH.Msmebrfth the time xvas just foloiving the con- Gunn xvas appointed representative for - er the eriticai condition o! Mr. Austin paensMe ad rsF. H. Gibson. tenî-fur-fetursof the et sumption asmc ns o Nody ard and friends, Toronto. spent *oa cfmuhgos o Noda.the club xitll Gordon Chartran ai a- Turner who lias been in Bowmanviîle Thanksgiving weekend with Rev. Bad, condueted devotional exercises, Throngs gathered to ivitnesstIse ternative. ýhospital since last week. Scott and Mes. Howard. opening witls a carefully prepared gloriotîs array and botîs tearsss canse on Interniediate team couid fot cde Messes.Clres idGereIss Dr. W. H. Walton-Bali and f amiy prayer. maied. Somlookr-immrensed ithepd rs olits mnsager and another meeting and Miss Gertrude Irish, Toronto, and Mr. and Mi's. Fred Teeleaven Tise lrogeani tdseru proceeded some- J makngthm lokimens, std oisrswas held ors Tuesday. It ivas (lecided wxeee Thanksgiving visitors at the and sons, Toronto, spent Thanksgiv- whiat as follows: devoid of much protections. to rcquest A\rt Edger and Nuisehomne of their cousins, Major and Mes. ing at their countr'y estates, New- Pr'incipal Geo. A. Coyne presented The grads were very consfident, butiJKensp to take over the managership. H. W. Dudley. castle-on-the -Lake. his own prize of $3 and $2 ta Edwin 1hey werehtibe disappoasteng. ci a few moments of rather loose pîay cachisgcandteranig. ehanging ils Major- Dudley, Me. EarI Walton and' Mr. and Mis. H. J. Ragen and Hancock, and Hurbert Anderson re- the usîder graduates %vaîked tliscr older nainse 'Sieks" te "l3"osrnsanviîie %Mr. Gordon Laking of the village each daughters. were weeicend guests of spectiveîy, forpî'oficiency la the lst adversaries up the field ansd kicedfor1 r.JhDoga.frial $25ect LenBty a pin. Afe msinte lterthx lynispias." ssmceeeded in winning a gnose at Mr. Mses. Jo nnougls frn, Is.$15 aeet Loee Btt a on.A evmnuelte hY1There is a good deal of isiaterial as Howard W. Pearce's shooting match MatrenthSmn. eloe and Mliidred Bedwin foi- neatîy kept repcated tise demionstration anîd before sos ftels er uir r ve last'Saturday afternoon. visited bis oncle and aunt, Me. and note bsooks, the two girls being judged the quarter svas fisislsed thev liai age. It appears' tiat rnost of lsst Mm'. Eîeoy Gibson and son, Pr'eston, Mrs. H .Hncc.oeftewe-on ruaas'; n and $25utaLlod Yun three points to their credit. But tli-i.. ears irtcrietiste îeaîs i ii stili bc sperît Tlsanksgiving with Mr. and Mes. Ms Jed. fin oono setitoi' ydgîa' ednpced sînaponcuaI- was mielte olast. The ever valiantIcit enie asrsbers. J. 1H. Gibson's.TMins eie TrwinMs . Ceot. sentityteLlfoyd bei ng ees au înostu- i andi courageous heginners casrise lite PIayees ilii iot go teo shaxva e Mrss. H. Ansder'son eceix ed word and Miss Emma Beman.ittetfrs rsogsbottn t-i their ewri and began te do a littie lractice fer sortie rinse, but ever\ iast week of tihe deatis of ber' aunt, Mr. and Mes. Robt. Crowther, Miss (lents witii a recor'diof slways iuiesent' heavy îlursging. They dove tiseir way rîsenîsîer tc)doa itletrinngai Iic iss Maî'gareeî Nesbitt, Voodstock, Clara Ashîe Bowmanx'iile, and Miss and nexes' laIe during tise eai-ly paît througls tise une until a scoring dis- -runrsing. boxrrsg. bicycle ridissg. .'tssxwlso was for nsany year's Chie! of Reg- May Freeman, Maple Grove, were of tise fssll teirni. tansce. Ther tlsey kicked the pigskin b)ersdlilg exeecises are s.ood, but Voir istry Division, Winidsor P.O., liaxing weekend guests of Me. and Mes. Miss Nev a Switzer, 1H.S. Asat., pm'e- over the line, but B.H.S. backfield nilrst (d0 thens regularis'. Try exer- been appointed to the office by tise late Walter Crowthes'. sented i ier' prizes cf $6, foi' iiglsest, muffed the bail and Leon Gunn (for cising every nisiht or ii tIse nsorsissg'Sic John A. Macdonald. Mes, A. D. Wheeler and children. 1proficiemscy iin 2nd fori, to Walter! the Grads) fell on il for a t' 'sildewus*, for fifteens or txerstv minrutes ausdiVU ; Arssong aur local niurosis wisr went Toronto, and Mr. and Mes. Rex Blackburn, and $4 foi,'second iigliest and fis-e points. Tluirgs looke I setter xill feel better aînd-lbe able te stanssi ut to Halibus'ton on a deer bunt ar'e Wynn and Arthur, Brantford. spentito Arsuabeile Hendey. for tise last-cesguîator. BtIs tire the first peactice on ice ivithosst wit-,'Ms'. Henry Bowen, a veteran cf thse Thanksgiving with Me. and Mes. D.1 Fix e guIrs-June Browns, Mary Van teanîs se' red arsetier poeirt hefere caise, ess Art. Tonms andi Bill J. Galbraiths. 1DtsenAde oahn, Annabelie haif- tinsse inakiîig ilt6-4. (;ra<sl..i adi ng. j cirs, pat M dsipe n r e yand re Batsî nd, By thisstime tise formser trsdeitsSaneyGahmadiscisinandeMr. i Hend,'yrthud Lor nd Eawty an lt- were a little tire(I afîe tise exertions INEXPERIENCED WHITBY TEAIM fot.e iiai i issn eiir ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN I oys, cAit'ekl tn in H aoiacn- an h etgv leiacac o DEFEATED BY B. H. S. i Me. and Mrs. O'Neil attended tise CHURCH cok osptes inae atseoarri'icai en- recuperate ansi aise te arransge tiseir !fuilerai cf lier siste', AMrs. Lesterm' dyNv 6 l am-oyA ulra a nulfaueo h few of t henu. Mae n bafliîg pas Severai Long Runs and Forward Goolsi, at Napaniee, last Tiîursday. Cosmmunions; 7 p.ri.--Ev-ensong; 9.45 Conmmencenment. Tise performance cf fe ften ay afigIIýsPasses Feature One-Sided Game- Thsis ns tise seconds sister Mss. O'Neii a.n.-YugMn il is fts each coîntestant bespoke caî'eful pre- had beets tried. but tises' o einsee Whitby-, a New Teamn Likely ta be in lias lost wiliin tise pas, six weeks. YugMnsBbeCasi h baflin tetisnnsix's tsai totisir eage NxI earAfing isewee-en siitos a ~ Vestry; 2 priis.-Sundssy Sciool. par'ation. Eacli spoke cîeariy, logical- opoet.Members of tise W. A. continue l n massaiaibtdfe'dc opeet.and Mes. P. ONei's, Toronto stmeet, metin e r Turda een ,gaseoI-sin sbetmtedprnet The third quar-ter isegans xithis tis-uv In an exhibition rugby gamne 0f vere: NMe. andiMes. Keiietîs Desisane," "beey ~xnig cste subleifetinsaef' eoien,ex cf the Grads limnping et feelinig.the-iriFriday Bowmanville Hîgis Sehool'2M. ansdi Mis. Wns. Geraldi andi Mr' a study gn'ouîs attise homes cf diffen-ent stle ase ifetio f rgice. ex- bruises, but they were gainse ais tore1 easily sefeated Whirîsy 1-igh sSchool Wee,% inson e.«es i'îd . iembei's.Tise i'etdif g of this yeae's pr'essin<n andl degmesc rignsiy inthe students xiith evervtisinsg tisex 25-0. Werla ' ale nterwyt stutIy book ain Jaîsai is proving vem'y June Broîwn spoke on Pn'ospes'ity, ind.Te Weiain lias ing apocatTheedsonortiseletedawaycnlyinteî'esting amsd instructive. Last deiving deep imb business, pulticai had Thy aain kikedfor.s in Tse isieespî'sened s'cenlyBrantfoed ta attendi a Provincial Ban-- Tsuî'sday tise mseeting was ised at and econonsie problems. Mary Van making the scre 7-4. They heid tise organizesi tean tisat was laeking in bers' Convsention ansd Banquet. MisTenwiriss. Nov. li it wiii Dusen sîsake f Canada, Our Country. leasi until the last five msinutes of tise expeî'ience. They made a fine show- iTise Sisaws Syndicate tbresbing out e Miss H. H. Ardagh's.Au'eBnah'subeta Te game xhen Dons Williams made a ing ondes' sucis conditions andi a Audreut- Mt'5.ujet asTh spectacular forty yard runs from cens much bettes' one tisan B. H. S. disi fit, opeeated by Me. Geo. Moffatt and tbAaY.P.A. lseld a nîost enjoyable Hal- W'aterways of Canada, bier navigable Ireflesi nd ise afer n usucess agins Cooue tw yers go.ItMe. John Robinson bas finisised tise lowe'en masquerade paî'ty in the Par'- rivers, lakes and canais. tfiel and Jimmen Wilianms goliss-waisteobenunggame thenasi wisaî season and is now bcused at Me. isls Hall Tisursday evening, Mes. F. Annabelle Hendry's was a nature mimentuma and went through the lice a gamne, but let us net go into tîsat. Sans. Rickards until next fali. It bas H.IsnadMs oehCusnsuytlWosadGres i for a touchdown, Newxton Hacknev Next year Whitby plans te enter, hsid s i ner fuln'. T . H e- w-ee tise judges. Prizes weee awan'ded: Autunmn. Loreen Battys was, Cais- convertesi the bail ausd the spirits oif the league with Bowmanville. Osha- 1sIde h aso r .H lm e.BteMnei;RyJns the Grads feul a littie. Tisey trieri wa and Peteeboro. ence's menticned in a previaus issu e Ga oir admn c e, ada, what cati 1 do for nsy country. Monk; best boy, Harry Brown, hbbo Arthur Loekisart dilated in a free and hard for the rest cf tise garnie, but te The oPening quarter showed B. H. it lias since tum'ned out tise saine van'. s rie wndlnWllas v ne avail. The game endesi xith the S. with an early score. Wbitby kicked ' yo etenot tMr .R -latrix' best mati, John Elston, bue- easy manner ansi witis conisiden'able lîresent day sch'lars leading 10-7. off, Dec Slemon caught the kick and an'd's and Mmr. Gee. Allin's at the rate can ' -r humor, oun Farming Conditions in Haroldi "Dec" Siemon sustained th ie advanced it ten yards. The marchs be- o! neaî'iy 100 bushels an acre. We Electirun cf officers for A.Y.P.A. ne- Edwihen OHaco.ksoels n ai twisted his arm ansi dislecatesi his left then a foewaed pass, the famous play pî'cisased feon Mn'. A. W. Glenney, Gibson' Vice-Pres.-Miss Alicia Wiî. ada: Hem' Achievements Since Con- cibow. This has heen thse oniy serious which seldom woeks, but this tinse it successor ta C. R. Carx'eth. Altisougis îiams' 'Secy.-Miss GwendoIyn wii- federation. accident of the season ansi happensesiw as perfect . The bail tiavelled near- those mentionesi are amoag the eut- hrs ra.Ms ayVnDzn r.Rgrwf ftecara near the iast cf the garne. I ot ad noteoe rso Hadn rp nti etotieh Monthiy Representatîve-Mies Bessie cf tise Baard's Prizes ansi Medai Coin- Players-Gras i ere: Jabez Vans-Harold Colmer who ran anethee ten erenen speak cf many others nat fair Lake. mittee, presentes tise Montague Scisol- stone, Jinîs Devitt, Stuart Candier. yards before he was tackled. Tisen behinsi them. A very îateeesting ansi enthuslastîc arships te Helen Lycett and Roy GreoryColerJac Miore Dik Jimmie iliasWiliiamsViebawaslgsgiven a tptisefombaeheetngagste fiyinglComiate Jmepmast framstadin tnte Grory CAliomer , J iore ik ontise next play ansi went usrougîs public ansi privale fiagstaffs in tiese mein ftse Parisi allCommitte.jamesior bgietsani ng un tisss$12ce Fred Buckley, Byron Crx'derman, Ern- fore a teuchdown. A few minutes later village markes tise commemoration of thwas h tse Prish n hloniNovqunio atculloss$ ie est Brown, John James, Alan Kniglst - Ken Osborne madie a speedy thirty Armistice Day on Tuessiay, November th wlthie eide nt in tich se wchair, qe eci..H aonbe f f Yard con. Again the locals tore ever llh.Neaeîy every citizen woree a a eieit ucaenwcais e.F .Msn nbiafa Ronald Adams. tise une te, make thse score 10-0. In poppy la remembrance of tise tragesi spaons andi table linen ia preparation Mes. D. J. Galbraiths, presenesi tise For B.H.S.-Snap, Newt. Hackney; the second quarter B. H. S. bad a ansi sacrifice of lise Great War, ansi a for tise annuai fali supper. It was Samuel Wimat Goisi Medai ta Helen quarter, "Doc"' Sienson; halves, WVil- lucky break or a nice bit e! playing wreati of DoppiDes in tise Memoriai aIse decidesi te assist tise chair in Lycett, pupil of eltiser sex wlth higis- liams, Herb. Colmer, Bagnell; wings, Coîmer kicked thse bail over tise une Libraey paidsilsent tribute te tiseiproviding new surplces. est standing in junior matricuIation Ingram, Haroldi Coînser; outsides, Gord andi whlle tise Whitby balves were memory of Newcaslle's deasi berces _______cIass, Helen baving securesi ail 12 sub- Adams, Deug Wright; nuidiles, Wil- sebating as te what they 'shoulsi do cf tise wae. Jects wlth honors in 8. iiams, Adams; insides, Vanstoinse, Jury. Coimer deoppesi on tise bail for a- Please reserve Salurday, December ST. GEORGE'S MEN-S CLUB Reeve W. F. Rickard presentesi la Referee-Alan Campbell. nother touch. Don Williams was aise 6îis, tise date of tise bazaar ansi tea Tom Spencer, Jr., a parchnsent ceeti- I dn'tbelev indecivin tise sceeing columin 1h15 quarter lin tise S.S. Hall, unsier tise auspices A meuls club was successfully In- ficate awarded t0 hlm by tise Royal I dn~ belee I dcellrg folks, following a spectacuhar aixty yard cf Mî's. A. Cawaa's geaup a! tise W. augurated on Thucsday evenlng, Nov. Canadian Hîmnnsse Society foi' prompt but if you've leiedisard thouglits you run. This was the nicest rn of the A fts ntdCsri.6h ihts oiwn fies action ansi presence cf nîii in savlng alnt obleegesi te own lem up. "Take' day ands iowesi ceai football straigis Week-end guests of Mr. ansi Mes. Han. Pres.-Rev. F. H. Masan, M.A. Miss Eleance Anderson f ccii drawn- em te tise Locd in prayer," as the arming as neaely six îacklees triesi te .C lioer i ahrie.D rs-ate euies g in Lake Ontario on July 21s1 last bymun says, andi then don't go on stop hlm. H .Alnwr isfteM.D rs-atrCotes havn~ ern-Kae Dugas lggxs. In isenet hif hity bcam aT. Allun, iis brother, Mr. Clarence Vice-Pres-Beet Breretan. near tise 015 breakwater aithtie har- ceai tisceat andi under thse fine line- Allan, ansi sister, Miss Belle Aluin, Treas-Harolsi Gibson.ba.Ts esuecfteIrganws piunging o! Scott they were in a Orona, ansi Mes. Aluins sister, Miss Sec.-Reg. Le Gresley. quité ouI of tise ordlnary, but ne otis- Miother R.stored t. Family scorîng position several limes, bu Ethel Webber. Nineteen members were present andi er-pince or limie woulsi have been 'thy ackd iseexra ore uttcrr a most enjayable game of carpet balis qulte sa appropriate for Ibis presen- If ~ ~ ~ te 700 &ked the extresny t vrB aiforei *arr made tise evenlng a very pleasant one ý1tation. Tom is ait present a student omelafobed h vraehpyand toe. B. H.S. Gane anoter e THANKSGIVING SUPPER for all. aIlise higis scisociansi Eleanor An- coinortbleOntaro housewife wisat touchInlatise ast quarter making tise iesn hs ielesvd sal *gnof 49% Pound& would rilan l _________________ erawîs ieli aei sais her. aiseho wouid probabîy looks agisast score 25-0.TieAnuîS &t ~ ~ ý Tiheey ugeton Spos, B.H S Ln-u as-Thaaksgx'rnsg Sppee 1year's graduate, wlnner of tise Praf. krcwever, one wero in lise posilacti of Fiying wing, CeJiner; Halves, D. - I Squale French Prize tSte Gentagus Me&. Roberts, a woman wiIi £nil ims ole. -coNnectlwill heSi.nGthre sScholarship, tise Wilmot GoisiMedai, of young chissdren in a amali Ontario Igam urtr ecCsrciNwate ises la ov 1tise town wïiere tisere was -'ittitîu eas'n Semon; snap. Hackney; midiles, PrssHl nTedy a.ltias te rzs Ipeet iak adrayto keep," growing weaker Wright, A. Williams; insides, Morris, fo .0t m necletto Tom's courageous action, sile is and waakar from overwork and pov- Vantn:otieDAdmO uprfcl easpttë. B- pursuing ber senior nîntriculatlon or17, flnally olged le ieavtu her 11111e dtn olîe.D das s upra osimas oaas a-course at tise Kennedy Caileglate In- one* te friends, and nelghors and be- borne: subs, Bagnehi. Jury. G. Adams, ads, pumpkia pies ansi ather celle- take herses! tu tlii, Toronsto Hospital Oke. scies is being preparesi by lise ladies stittite, Windsor. r for Conaumnptivea c f tise cangregation, ta be follawed by Edwin Hancock, Gwendoiya Wi- Addeess: 274 Augusta Ave.. Thiak what mlght happen if they There la aothing goosi nor basi, 2143 Danfor-th Ave. lThe Fairy Aeî'opiane.sag Toronto. 46-tf werp mierd readers. Buît lhissking makes il se. 1 iI ________________ _li -Arthur Murphy. -Shakespeare. (To be continuesi) C. S. MASON W ILL HAVE MORE NEW CG TS THIS WEEK 4 Buy RosedalehSpreme Brand PORKSAUSAGES At these lending stores in Bowmanville: Harry Allun, Grocer Fred Nelles, Red & White Store- The Dominion Stores E. W. Trimble Store F. S. Coulter Superior Store and ail other leading stores in Durham County. Manufactured at Orono by the ROSEDALE PACKING COt . rFOR HEALTH'S SAKE AS WELL AS FOR ECONOMY EAT CORBETT'S WIIOLESOME BREAD One of Corbett's Delivery Wagons is on your street every day. Hail him as he passes and try a loaf. W. P. CORBETT Phone 3 Bowmanvill. Special Fur Coat Week At the lowest possible prices in Canada > Muskrat Coat...$85-00 to $95.O0O Hudson Seal, squirrel trim . .$205.00 French Seal ..................$89O0 Persian Lamb ...............$90.00 DON'T FEED MOTHS Have vour Old Furs made into FASI-IONABLE GARMENTe' at a very small cost. JOHN E. MILLERj King St. E. Phone 170 towmanviIle m M 4 1 m PAGE TEN

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