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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVHLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER~ 1930 LEGAL M. G. V. GOOTLD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Mconey ta boan on Farmn and Town property. Royal Banik Building, Dowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, Klng Street. Bowmanville, Ontario. Phiones: Office 102, Houso 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, SoUictor, Notary Loans - Investmeiits B3owmvine - Next ta Royal Theatre phonos: office 688; Bouse 553. DENTAL DE. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Denistry, Toronto University. Craduate of the Royal Co~lgeof Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., BowmanvillO. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equlpment i Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistent Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Eowmanvllbe. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phono 90. Bouse phone 283. X-Ray Equlpmont i Office. MEICAL C. W. BLEMON, M.D., CM. Oraduate of Trinity Metilcal Colloge. Toronto. Office anti resitience: Dr. ]Belth's former residonce. Wellington Street, Bowmanvllle. Phono 259. J. CLARK BELL M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (EdIn.), D. P. H~. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tiiley) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen Universty; Follow o! the Royal College of Surgeons. Edinburgh* Office and resitionce: Queen Street,1 Bawmanvillo. Phono 89. Office Hours: 2 ta 4 p. mi., 6 ta 8.30 p. mi. 1 CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS1 THEROPYI DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto College of Chfropractics wIll be in the Bow- manvilie office Tuesday, Thursday end S8aturday evenlngs, phone 141J. Residential calls made durlng fore- Don. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. AU Complete Motor or Horse Equlpment. AHCailpromptly attended ta. Private Ambulance Bowmanvllle phone: 10 and 34. Branch Stores: Orono & Newcastle. Etubalmer andi Funeral Director. tention. No extra charge for dis-i tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Phono 58 or 159, Bowrnan- Ville. ont. 3t AUCTIONZERS THEO M. SEMON Auetioneer Fam and Bouse Sales a Speclalty. Terow moderate. Enniakillen P. o.1 Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARYL E.G. KER8LAKE, V.S., B.V.Be. O- Non r raduate of the Unversity of Toronto. Ail cases given promptl and cars! ta attention. Office: Dr. MeiCoy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3021, Orono 18-1. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Town cf B.wmanilIe ~ County ef Durbam To Wt: By virtue of a warrant issued by te Mayor of the Town of Bowmnanvile bear- Ing the date of the 18th day of Auguât. sale of lands ln arrears of taxes iin the Town of Bowmanviiie wiIi be held atny Office et the hour of two 0'ciock Lni the attemoon on the ix th day of Deoernher, 1»30. unie.. the taxes and conta are sooner paid. Notice ta hereby tlven that the liât Of land. for sale for arrearu of taxes la bing pubtishe.d ln the Ontario Gazette on the 23rd day of Auguet and -at copiéesof the said liât rnay Ie had at ny OMfO.. Tréaaurer'a Office, tht, lSth dey of August. i930 1-aa JOHN LYLE, Tresmurer. Daily Annoyance TroublesomeNights, Cauae By Bladder Weakness Are Wrecklnt Health et Thousande Who Sheuld Be ln Primo of Lite A big prcentage o! men anti wo- men o! mature years are troubled wth Bladdter anti Uriary Weaknees, causing Backaches, Nervausness. ro- quent nlght risinge anti burnlng ir- ritations throughout thse day. Those conditions not only make l! e miser- able, but they sap vitalitY, under- mine heath anti frequently beadtot most painful operatians. In ortier to swiftby relieve even tise most obstinate anti tistressin'g o! thoso conditions, Dr. Soutisworth (a wel knowfl physiclali) affers yau thse value o! a timoe-teeteti prescrip- tion calleti "Uratabs' -anti you are invitedti t try it at once, wthout sllghtest riait a! cost unbese pleaseti. At ail druggists. 46-1 THE EDITOR TALKS i One of the most terrible humani tragedies o! this age was the de-1 struction of the giant airship R101l with its precious human freight. This interesting story is given by Rev. J. H. Bateson. C. B. E., in the Methodist limes of impressions of the Memorial Service in St. PauI's. London, which we have found in- tensely interesting and so give it this week to Statesman readers and hope no repetition of SO awful a calamity will take place in the present gener- ation. Mr. Bateson writes thusly: Some months ago privilege was accorded me of going over airship R101, then on the stocks. It was a neyer-to- be- forgotten experience. My guide anti frienti was one of those who were responsible for the construction of the giant of the air. I saw him again on, Friday. al the close of the memorial service in St. Paul's, and he recalled a visit which lef t a lasting impression on my mind. Passing through the shops anti shetis, pausing here anti there for explanations anti temonstrations, it was difficult to believe that such ap- parently frail material as was being employeti to create the airship coulti be built up into a rigiti vessel whlch, humanly speaking. woulti be strong as steel, ready to face any winti or weather anti resist the concentrateti forces of the elements. Possibly into no structure which the hantis of mani have fashioneti was there put such skill anti ingenuity. care anti pat- ience, as into alrship RIOL. They were indeeti master mintis which planneti the structure, anti master builtiers who carrieti out the design. I remember the care with which the envelopes were being prepareti. AlI that human foresight coulti de-1 vise was tione to ensure safety. Every inch of the huge envelopes was sub- jeet to careful examination by train- eti eyes lest there shoulti be weakness or flaw in the texture. The girls engageti in this task. like the men who were working on the skeleton of the ship. were putting conscience anti skill into minutest tietails in tus- charge of the trust committeti to them. They were naturally prouti o! their hantiiwork anti equally an- ticipateti the day when R101 woulti start on its career o! usefulness anti make its contribution to worlti com- merce. By busy brain anti teft hanti nothing. humanly speaking, was le! t untione to secure the suc- cessful launching anti ensure thel long anti useful life of the pritie of Cartiington. 0 0 It seemeti as though the highest hopes o! the workers were about to ho realiseti when the airship was suc- cessfully launcheti. Little was it thought that, for reasons at present unknown. but by the act o! Goti, the ship would, at the very commence- ment of her oversoas voyage, lie a mangleti wreck in France involving the loss o! alI her passengers anti most o! her crew in a storm in the night. The totally unexpecteti anti start- ing disaster has toucheti the whole of civilisation. It has evoketi uni- versal sympathy for the famiiles anti f rientis o! passengers anti crew who met thoir doom in the early hours o! the flrst Sunday in October. That sympathy has founti expression i London in the unceasing stream o! mon, women anti chiltiron which fileti through Westminster Hall as the deati lay in state, anti in the silent crowds which lineti the streets on Saturday morning as the funeral cor- toge commenceti its journoy to the final resting nlace at Cartilngton. In St. Paul's Cathetiral, on Frliay mnorning, this sympathy founti ex- Pression in a unique memorlal ser- vice, attendeti not only by the frientis o! the doceaseti, but by prince anti peer, Ministers of State anti the Do- minions, representatives of the Royal Navy, the Army anti the Royal Air Force, Indian princes anti ambassa- dors o! the great nations o! the world. There was a remarkable ab- sence o! alI pomp anti pageantry. It was a homely gathering o! frientis anti sympathisers, anxlous to do hon- Our to the memory o! thse gallant deati anti to offer thoir prayors for ýthe sorely bereaveti. The service, as was fitting, was characterised by the utmnost simplic- ity. The great congregation, num- bering many thousantis. joinet inh singing. not without emotion, two o! the groatest hymne which are thse common possession o! the universal Christian Church-"Rock o! Ages" anti 'Jesu. Lover o! my Soul." Thse prayors, like the hymns, were those which are dear to the hearts o! al who have laid to rest ahl that is mortal o! their loveti ones. TeWord 0o! Goticoncerning 1-those who have come out et great tribulation, anti have washeti their robes anti matie them white in the blooti o! the Lamb," the Sitepherti psalm, anti "Lord, Thou hast beers our dwelllng place in aIl genera- tions," deepeneti the sense a! the reality o! the Unseen, anti the world's glorious Hope in its risen anti tri- umphant Lord. A beautiful feature o! the service was the slnging by thse choir, unaccompanieti. o! sentences f rom the llturgy of St. Chrysostom, with their "Allelula! Alleluia! Aile- luiah!" in the very presence a! death. The Deati March in "Saul," anti the "Last Post" soundeti by trumpeters o! the R. A. F., brought a solemn but inspiring service to its close. The service o! worship anti inter- cession enieti, 1 was introducedti t one o! the survivors. It was not the time or place ta elicit information concerning the disaster. It was only possible. by a shake o! the hanti anti a word. to express thanks for a life spareti. anti a syrnpathetic word. To this rman, as we believe it was toaail, the memorial service was full o! help andi inspiration from the Lord Most High. Two microbes sat on a pantry shel! Andi watched. wth expression paineti, The milkman's stunts, anti they bath saiti at once, "Our relations are gettlng strain- eti." "Use Church as Sleeping Quarters" th onwt oseso os reatis a heading in a city newspaper. Shows, Dances, Midnight Follies, anti Is this an admission of fact or aný the like f rom nearby towns and cities inducoment to get more people to until the custom has become a public go to church? nuisance. -0 One way of reducmng automobile accidents would be a general agree- ment among motorists to use their brakes instoati o! their horns when they see a petiestrian aheati. -0- George Hart, Oshawa alderman, prominont business man in the Motor City anti a former resitient o! Bow- manville, was recently honoreti by being electeti presitient of the South Ontario Conservative Association. Next thing you know George will bel chosen as a candidate to administer a tiefeat to Billy Sinclair o il Moore. Many suggestions have been offer- eti to relieve business tiepression anti -0- In Whitby a special committee has been appointeti to prepare a booklet advertising the many intiustrial anti other ativantages of the town and the rich farmmng district surrounti- ing it. Bowmanville town council' hati a very attractive booklet entit- led "Get Into Canada" printed nearly 20 years ago with the objeet of in- ducing U. S. industries to locate here. Considerable of this literature was distributed but the majorlty o! the bookiets are still in the basement o! the town hall "hitiing its light under a bushel."1 Courses in retailing anti salesman- shlp are being conducteti by the ex- tension tiepartment of Toronto Uni- create work for the --unemployeti. .by ity amdoreants nti l thecek Our suggestion woulti be to close up Ib it ecasanthrclk. the government lîquor stores throughl Gooti idea, but why not bring these out ntaro fr on yer an t 'courses to the towns o! Ontario so out~ ~ ~ ~ ~j ntrofroeyaanihUS that the intiependent merchant anti direct to useful channels th e $50.- his helpors may be shown in an ef - 000,000 anti more which is spent on fective way how to compote with city liquor in this province in a twelve months. department stores, mail ortier houses. Af ter spentiing Suntiay in pleas- ure-seeking anti neglecting to attend either the morning or the evening service in his church, a member o! a local church, while in a reflective mood, was overheard to remark, when he heard the attendance was small: "Well, if ahl our church mem- bers were just like me, what kinti o! a church woulti our church be?" Bell Telephone Co. is removing its polos from the streets o! Brampton anti substituting underground con-1 duits to carry the wires. The re-1 moval o! unsightly telegraph. tele-1 phono anti hytiro polos anti wires woulti be welcome news to any com- 1 munity which is interesteti in im- 1 proving the appearance o! its streets. --0-- Lindsay Council has tiecideti not to give unemployment relief nor jobs under the relie! schomes to mon who are tiriving automobiles o! their own. On the theory that the man who can buy gasoline shoulti be able to buy the necessities o! h! e for his family, tis is a sounti policy. Some muni- cipalities are also refusing relief to mon who holti liquor permits. petitibrs anti bell ringers who tako thousantis of dollars each week out of these towns. yet tio fot pay one cent of local taxes? Dr. R. S. Copelanti. Toronto. says: Four weeks vacation out o! a work- ing year is not a day too much. A great many persons feel that they get the effect o! a vacation by tak- ing week-ends now anti then. I do not consitier this atiequate for the average hard-working individual. If I hati my way every housewif e. every farmer. every labourer, as well as the cierks anti business people. woulti enjoy the physical anti mental bene- fits of a real vacation. If it hati no other benefits the increaseti ap- preciation o! home woulti make it worth while. Typographical Union in Toronto is protesting against printing being sent out o! city to town printing o! - f ices. "This work belongs to Tor- onto," they say. That's rich, says the Orillia Packet. For Ontario towns f airly swarm with drummers f rom Toronto print shops. who for years have been taking to the city printing that "belongs to the towns." - 0-- But why put all the blame on the Every editor receives scores o! travelling salesman? How about the 1anonymous letters in the course of a hip-loyal local business man who is year making throats, criticizing or everlastingly preaching "be loyal tc offering some great upli!ting idea your own community" anti gets his 1that the wrlter o! the letter is not printing done out of town anti taises too sure of, or is ashameti to attach an occasional Wednostiay afternoon his namne. Somehow we always off for him anti the "missus" ta shop thinik o! an anonymous letter-writer in Toronto? anti a cowardly person who will hide -0 - behinti a fonce anti throw stones at Vancouver Council o! Womon h an innocent passerby as synonymous. givlxng fine leadiershipi a campaign -0 -__ta encourage the buylng o! produets ,Boarti o! Education in Alliston l'av of its own prfcylnce first, thon those been informeti by Department of o! Canada and o! the Empire. AI- Education that its high sehool grants ready two thousanti Vancouver wom- have been eut off until It complies on have pledged themselves to ask with the tiemanti that the Board pro- ,Where Prom"' whenever a pur- vide btter facilities in the way of chase le madie. It le planneti to have a new building. The Board has them sign a pbotigo to give preference taken the cue anti tecidedti t pro- in their buylng ta, gootis o! provincial, ceeti at once wlth sait building. Canadian or Britishs origin. As the Bowmanville would probably have great bulk of the purchasing le done receiveti a similar notice hati t women, a successful country-witie neglectedti t erect an addition ta the campaign such as inaugurateti by High School a year ago. Vancouver Women would have an A immense influence upon the buying The Milton Reformer last week habits o! the people anti divert to entered its forty-sixth year o! pub- Canadian or British goode millions lication. It has an experlence unique o! dollars that are annually spent in newspaper circbes in the !act that now in prociucts rromn countries out- Editor Richard White, who launchetij f. . the journal, is stlll in charge anti has1 been aîl through the years since the, journal was founieti. That bath the1 Reformer anti its founder wha le al native o! Durham Caunty anti a brother o! Col. Edwy White, may long ho spareti ta wld an influence andi represont the County Town is the wish o! The Statesman. How ta koep boys on thse farre is a question o!ten discusseti. Dr. Christie, president a! thse Ontario Agricultural College, tells a story o! a fariner wha hat i eght sons, anti as each boy came to the age o! twebve years ho was taken inta partnershlp wit.h his f ather on the farm. As each boy bocame o! age, a nelghbor- img farma was baught anti today they are ail on f arme o! their awn. If you want to drive your boys off the farm, just keep the business sideofo it ta yourself, the Doctar concludes. -0-1 Thse practice o! uslng tebephone1 anti telegraph pales for ativertising! purposes has boon abjectet ta f rom1 time ta timo by thse Business Mon'si Association anti by the press, statesi the Brampton Conservator. But the1 practice continues, anti ragged anti discoloreti placards present a very unsightly appearance as they dlingt ta the posts until carniet away byf the winti. Bowmnanville citizenst might well ralse a similar objection( for tiuring tise past summer pale along King St. have been in almostt constant use as bilîboartis ta placardý several worthy and- active women's organizatians such as the Women's ~Institute. Women's Canadian Club, tanti Home & School Club, that coulti help along this movement in a most effective manner if they woulti anly take the initiative. Arthur Bagley adtiressing the Tor-! onto Kiwanls Club recently on "Cut- ting Corners" sait more in f ewer words than we have reati in a long timne. Here's his philosophy o!fl! e: "Eat less anti chew more; ride less anti walk more; wear less anti bathe more; work les anti play more; talk loss anti think more; go lose anti sleep more; waste less anti give mare: scolti Iess anti laugh more; preach less andi practiso mare, anti you wiil be botter fathers, husbands anti business mon." Then ho went on ta say that work nover killeti a man ant iImpresseti upon thoma that play. worship. love anti foodi are os- sentiais if life woulti be worth living. Men who run at high speeti, cuttlng corners anti taking bumps are like motor cars anti watchos, ho sait; they neeti ta bo run into the garage occasionally for a general check-up anti re- irs. Walking, ho saiti, was the "e- ;iest. cheapeet, sanest recre- ation" :nd if business mon who drive their c,: rs ta work were ta park the cars h.t!!-way bewteen homo anti af- fice anti walk the reet of the way thoy wauld be greatly benefiteti phys- icaily, rnentally anti epirltually. ARTHUR BRISBANE'S OPINION City Editor Expresses Views Known ta Weekly Publishers for Years The influence o! the country week- ly in relation to the big metropolitan daily in the conmmities they serve is often a point of discussion. The following opinion o! Arthur Brisbane. 'chie! editorial writer o! William H. Hearst's chain o! American news- papers, is, therefore, interesting: "The smaller newspapers of the country are the rnost important Jnewspapers, and incidentally in pro- portion to their circulation, their adi- vertising results are the biggest andi their advertising rates the smallest in the country. They are read through from endi to endi. Every copy o! Icirculation means an entire f amily, Inot a family that lives in one room with a can opener. but a family that owns its house, andi lanti arounti it, at least ninety times out of a hun- dreti; a family that buys everything f romn the roof on the house. to the cement on the cellar floor, f rom the hat on mother's heati to the shoes on the boys' f eet. The service that their publishers rentier to the pub- lic is. in my opinion, the most im- portant service rençiereti by any class of citizens in Canada. The country etiltors are distributors of informa- tion; they reach the mintis of the boys that leave the farms. anti they are the nation's mental police force."' DARLINGTON FARMER HEADS FIRST CO-OPERATIVE PACKERS Huge Park Packing Plant at Barri Belng Erectod - Proposition Cn trolled hy Farmers of Sioscoe County. Many 0f our readers will be inter- esteti in the announcement that the First Co-operative Packers o! On- tario, Ltti. o! Barrie, have awardeti the contract anti operations are ai- reatiy untierway for the erection o! their modemn plant. Thomas Olsen, formerly associateti with the Harris Abbatoirs, Toronto, anti who has ex- tensive f armn operations on Manvers Roati, north o! Bowmanville, is the energetic anti enthusiastic manager o! the company. Being a native o! Denmark he is thoroly conversant with the methotis useti in making his native country such a successful pork raising country anti most fav- oreti exporters to the British market. Farmers in Darlington will be inter- esteti in the very informative article by Mr. Olsen on another page on- titleti "Our Bacon Tratie With Eng- land." The Barrie Examiner gives this in- formation about the plant at Barrie: The building is 130 by 82 foot, 2 storeys anti a cellar 9 f eet, 6 inches, the full size o! the building. There is also a livestock pen, one storey, [52 by 85 feet. Reinforceti concrete will be useti throughout. AUl parti- [tion walls anti panels in outside are to be either brick or vitrifieti tile. To those behinti this proposition f romn it sinception, the turning o! the flrst soti means a greati deal, indicat- ing as it does that the objective ta which they have presseti is now al- most within reach. To date 1148 contracts have been signeti. Thse list will be kept open until 1500 contracts are receiveti, the capacity o! the plant boing only sufficient to take the hogs o! 1,500 members. As an indication o! how much work has been put into this undertaking by the provisional diroctors, Mr. Olsen the manager, stateti that 56 per cent o! the contracte hati beon obtaineti by them personally. The manager further stateti to The Examiner that the cost o! organization has been lesa than 1 1-2 per cent., whlch le rnuch loss than in the usual company pro- motion. "m sure it was heref' P \1ALUABLE papers-agreemelcs, deeds, stocks, bonds, policies-ali these things are subject to constant danger from loss if kept on your farm. Fire and theft, too, are always a menace. There is no need to run these risks when a Safety Deposit Box costs as littie as $3 a year to rent, yet gives you every protection. Ask to sec oniethet uexrt time you art im the Bank e The Royal Bank of Canada Bowmanville Branch The afrernoan was nearly over when he sud- denly rernezberod - their wedding anni- versary to-morrow and ho had neglected to find out about that stone marten neckpiece. If only Betty were borne to elp him, instead of a bundred miles away at school. His eye fell on the telephone - a happy inspiration. Two minutes later - while he beld the line - Bettys voice carne over the wire. Yes, certainly, she knew the fur ber mother wanted. Moreover, she could tell hlm exactly wbere to go to get it. 1 L I G. Hefkey, Manager Tbe telephone is always a cowenience and o iena alite. saver. Out-oI-lown cais art quick, de pendable and inex- pensive. An4,d tbey are nou' as simple to make as calling your next-door neigbbour. I - One Standard Quality AT PRICES BELOW STANDARD If you look for quality in building materlals yen will be attracted here. And If you look for econcmay you wlll be doubly attracted. We upply ail types of construction materlals-from materlals for minor aiterations and repairs ta complete bouses. Get acqualnted with aur low prices. We know we ma gave you money on overy kind cf construction work. Eutimates cheerfully furnished. McCLELLAN & CO. PMoue 15 Bowinanvtfe e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVUJýE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER/# 1930 PAGE TWO il ý il Le Le Is D LS n p ý 1

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