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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1930, p. 3

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TEE CANADIAN STATKAN. DOWMANVHLU, THUR8DAY, NOv~~ î3, 1930 PAGE TERNE irâ THE MARK OF DISTINCTION AND VALUE-THE FASHION-CRAff LABEL 0 N4,. _ VERY INDUSTRY HAS IlS LEADER. IN CLQTHES-MAKING IT IS fý5HlO N -CAF SUITS THAT SHOW THEIR LEADERSHIP IN STYLE-STAMINA-WORTII From $29,Z0 S. G. Chartran SOLE AGENT BOWMANVILLE e CA¶J>PIUi'IR SCHOOL A SHORT course of sprofit-yielding in- struction on tractors- tractor uses-power ma- chines-work you can do with such machines and how to do it-how to get the most work from ma- chines and the longest life and best resuts-care and operation-correct lubrication. Told by experts from the 7"Cate rpillar" factory- shown by pictures, dia- grams andmotionpictures - both told and shown by thousands of feet of new TALKING MOVIES! Date: November 20-21. Time: 9.00 a. m. Sharp. Place: 510 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. CITIZENS BOW I SILENCE MINISTER 0F PUBLIC WELFAEi MAPLE GROVE RIEFLECTIONS TO HONOR WAR DEM) ADDRESSES ROTARY CLUB stlmnNo3 Impressive Armistice. Ceremonies (Continued from page 1) Conducted at Cenotaph by (Jan- Do You Rememnber- adian Legion - Attended by Hun- Mr. Martin, who is a gif ted orator, dreds of Citizens and Sehool spoke in a most cliarming and dramn- WHETHER or flot there lias everi Children. atic manner whlch completely capti- be os rbr undi h vated bis attentive audience. As a neîghborhood? We cannot recal "Lest we forget" was most im- Rotarian lie said lie was asked re- one in sixtY years-a Preferred fire pressiveiy and practically presented cently when would this great tidal i nsurance rate should be requested, to the minds of the younger genera- wave of Rotary recede. He feit after WE h avto ry ne tion and older citizens of this town wtnessing impressive moments such Cap tah A aland, frmy camert whe btwen eve o eihthu- as the club lias Just experienced that Town and large crowds of young dred pupils of the Higli and Public the spirit of Rotary will neyer recede. people wouîd meet at Maple Grove Scliools and Boys' Training School,_______________ Corners and walk the mile and a with their teachers, attended the hall ta attend the meetings en masse memorial service at tlie Cenotapli on vrSudyngt Tuesday, Nov. lltli. Thie square eeySna ilt surroundlng tlie cenotapli was also WHEN the higliWays were kept Up crowded witli members of the Can- by "Statute Labour," and how the adian Leglon, Boy Scouts and Cubs, boys used ta race their teams for relatives of the f allen lieroes, and . firat place in Snowden's grave, pit? citizens wlio were present in largeWHNtepuargmsote numbers. WEMtePplrgmso h The service was conducted by Mr. ~ ~ scliool ground were --Harbour Down," R. M. Cotton, president of tlie local "POm Pomn Pull Away," "-Two Old brandi of Canadian Leglon. wliile Cat5," "'Duck on the Rock" and Major W. J. Hoar was la charge of '"SMinae"Gplfd" lt bet nt nstik the school pupils. Promptly as the *'"Mhiniae Glf" edwtt e nownstik town dlock tolled tlie hour o! eleven froze the old birch tree? two minutes of silence was observed, wWE Ce"Pwrwstevt after which prayer was offered byernteserwtbiod"lre Rev.J. U Roins.pastr c TrlityPower" machine, and what a change' United Churcli. An address was given by Rev. F. came wltli bis steamn thresher, self H. Mason, rector of Newcastle Angli- feeder, band cutter, etc.? can Churcli. a veteran of tie World'*' WHAT becamne of Barneyad War, from the words: "I came not to arde hvnwi le ndh sedpaebu4.wr"-at 0 Lane," cOming direct from the "ould, 3.The speaker showed conclusive- --sd;as e ubewtibsdz IY tliat while war was a horrible and en k lslo led uback near h ez brutal thing, and that no rigit Grven itwolvdbakna h ,tbinking man or woman would ever Hon. W.G. Martin rvlPt uphold a system that iad caused soI much misery, broken liearts, wreck- Minister of Public Welfare, wiose ed homes, and ruined lives, yet for department now lias charge of Boys' - the sake of Justice and truth, men Training Scliool.II Iwould again take Up tie sword. May - I iIt neyer again be necessary, said the I sometimes think, sald the speak- speaker. er. that la a time of depression like Rev. W. J. Todd, preaclier of St. tis and as we approaci anotier . Andrew's Presnyterian Churcli, read Tlianksgivlag tiat there is no finer1 the names of the fallen soldiers tonic tlian knowmng that tuis wave wliose name appear on the cenotapli, of enthusiasm wlll neyer recede.A after whicli wreaths were Placed on Canadian is boni into a great story O T f the Cenotapi: From Bowmanville and lias a great heritage. Canada, O T R Higli School, by Stanley Rickard; was cliristened a Dominion in tihe FEA TURED 'A Bowmanville Public Sehool, by Clar- name of! the Lord and in tie name ence Garton and Douglas Fortier; of the Lord will she continue to The Ontario Governmen f rom Boys' Training Scliool by Ed- prosper f rom sea to sea. Tiere was forts to promote the salg ward Windsor and Russell Lee; from nothing finer, lie added, than te ap- the introduction of "Onl the Women's Canadian Club by Mrs. ply the analogy of war to life at a Joe O'Neill, secretary: f rom Bow- time like this, to take advantage of to extend the full co-op manilUe Brandi o! the Canadian the present hlst to strengtlien our make better times throul Legion by Sergt. Thos. Annison; be- Position and witi our eyes on the f ar or produced in Ontario. sides a number of wreaths f romn pri- distant horizon pray for the future this is net a new policy vate citizens. and carry on. Pauline Joinson, nal rout-n At the expiration of the two min- the Indian poetess, on lier deathbed Otaro Producs-eek"- utes' silence the Last Post and said, 'I will figlit on. I will flot capit- aoPrdcsWey-: Reveille were sounded by Sergt. Wm. ulate,' and Canada should note and Darrowdale o! the 8ti Royal Rifles, let the whoie world know tliat at FINES? QUALITY BUTTER Quebec. The color party, wlio this time it is not experiencing death drooped and raised tlie colors, was throes but experiencing a new birti. composed of A. E. Fewster, 75th Bn., One of the greatest things in the J. Goodali, 21st Bn.. and C. W. Tait, lif e of Canada, lie stated, was thel U T T : 2lst Bn. quality of citizenship. Canada i Rev. Dr. Best, minister of St. Paul's taking a leading part in improving United Ciurci. dlsmissed tlie gath- tlie conditions of citizenship in the SUNNY ering witli the benediction, and ahl world and old Ontario, the banner joined in singlng the National An- province. is dolag lier share too. AN EXTRAORDINAI tliem. Neyer was tliere a time in the history of tlie world wlien suci interest was Joe:"Dsrb yu ite' ewbigtae nth ef r fsufe-P E:& baby."1 ing and neglected liumanity. The A Brown: "Small features, red-fac- Ross Commission was not the birtli FANCY SANTA CLARA-N ed, leanshavn an a hr 0f this work but was the fruitation ed~ clan-iavn nd lird rin-1of years o! experience. They have VV H This school lu not oniy QOfor the owners of power equipmet-aud the operatoru.-but also for everyone who has an interest ini machiuery and how to use it mont effec- tively and profitabiy. '~ ?This coli odcd sincere effort to be of service ta users,op- erators, and ail others who are interested in power equlpmnent, iu this commuuùty. '~V ERERight inyour corn- pillar"scbaol is brougbt ta you-near at baud and convenient. W HENSe date: below. Te but it's chuck-fuil of interest and value from start to finish, you ca't affard ta miss a minute of the sessions. H 0? ust come-rbe schoo s ati) charges-bring your friends. We'd like te know how many to provide for -owrite, 'phone, or drap in te tell us yoi'iI attend this %chool. Toronto Tractor and Equipment Co., Ltd. i made rar-reacng reearones and investigation into tlie lospitals, into the penal system and into the in- dustrial scliools of the province. From these investigations the De- partment 0f Public Weliare lias ac- cess to the historical background of every social welf are enterprise. Witli tie Boys' Training Scoal la Bowmanville. lie in!erred. the town is naturally pro!oundly laterested la Welfare work and this laterest in tie welf are work is tie best way of keeping f orever green the memory of those that f cil. Tic onhy way to pay the dcbt we owe ticm is ta look after the living. Reference was made by the speak- er to tlie humanitarlan work of bis department In administerlng the Mothers' Allowanoe, tie OId Age Pensions, thie Soldiers' Aid Commis- sion. the care and guidance of handi- cappcd and under-prlvllegcd chlld- ren. R.! errlng to the Boys' Training School lie called It the "1prize pack- age of the whole bag." There la no institution, lie sald, on the North American continent doing a better work than ta belng done in Bowman- ville by Dr. Reaman and bis staff. Ini conclusion lie urged the service clubs to further their work among tlie crlppled children of the province and expressed the hope that la the future there would be homes for crlppled chlldren as there are now homes for the under-prlvileged and tic mentally def1ient. Ini closlng I would like to ask you to be prepared ta do your best la the name o! God and o! Common Huxnanlty, lie added. A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Martin for lis intenaely interesting and inspiring address was moved by Rotarlan Jlm Devitt. The death is recorded o! Mr. Fred Smith, a former bandaman o! the old Upper Canada Furniture Co.'s band and also a member for a short period of tlie Dominion Organ Ce.'s band. He le! t Bowmanville many years ago to become caretaker o! the Toronto Armourles. whlch position lie held until deati. Fred was sololat in the Queen's Own band, Toronto, under the capable conductorshlp of Mr. John Bailey. and played the euphon- lum. Mr. Bailey waa noted I musi- cal circles la tiat perlod for his or- chestrai saturday "pp" and belng a violinst o! the flrat rank. His pro- grams were a feature o! that d&y whldli haasfot as yet been uurpassed. Armistice Day There ta a voice from the tomb swcctcr than song; there t. a remem- brance o! the dead, te whlch we turn even f rom the charms o! the living. These we couid not excliangc for tlie song o! pleasure or the bursts o! revelry.-Washlngton Irving. ISOLAWlON GONE Tiere is no need for familles ta feel separated any more. Nor for anyqne ta be i.olated-lonely. There la always nearby a telephone ta take you 11volce vlsiting" witi frlends and relatives It t. 50 simple-canven- lent-and the evenlng and night rates niake it very inexpensive. K Arst£1nmi JELLO MILK AD A & P andu Encore 7 Full 24-oz. Machine Loar A & P FANCY WERITE LOAF, Se 910 PR ODUC 78 gr A"Là & P STOIRES it is te bec cngratulated upon its ef- ,e of preduets of the Province threugh itarie Products Week."1 A & P ls glad peratlon et ail stores ln this effort te igh the lncreased use of produets made We would like it noted, however, that rwith us. A & P has always featured will continue to do se-tbrough "On- .nd after. l AE DINONTARIO'S FINES? CREAMERIES E R Silverbroolk lb.I j Cveamewy PEDI VFIELD PASTEURIZED CREAMBRY, fLB. S" M'Y SPEOL4L! FIN STANDARD QUMLIT No. 4 SIove 6,%-43e NEW STOCK 0 ouib.2 mm2u .9 ChimmMre 1k Aisoftd Vlv oee 25,e Evapolaeayerail 1 ]Le C:3NDENS 3....... D2IW , $1, SURPRISEOAP I10 ft»43o AUSTRALIAN PACK, PEACHES Sune" or alves 2Z Nqie490 EGS morne xtas (la carton) 18«. 390o A & P BAKERY PRODUCTU AV SIECIAL PRICE Cherry Cake lb- 31.e Raisin Loaf 2 LOAVMS~7 MEATS IROASTS TEEFINEST PROCURANLE Qmuv Meat...earefluy beltel te plumae yen. then ~ptice d ies. yen. Portoishouse lb. 29o pime ib 'M. e Shoulder or Chuoek lb. 13e BaeO h. b 7 FINEST PRAMALEI> RACK Baeo he b L7 BlACON Blee lb. 32<'SILO Rastj~ lb. 25,8 Siiced or Centre Cuit. b 4ta SMOKED-SUGAR-CURED PICNIC HAMS Swiet's Shankieus lb.2 o Choice Young boasting PORIK ShoukcevR oant lb. 1 Se rutt P-oamt Lean lb. 25a HAMS Hal lb. 240 ew b iateMeat 2 lb. 2!% THE COFFEE SUPREME £10> AN PREPARED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. DO AR2 fé" 5 FREI ATLI<TI BT UE PECE Its Mellow, Fragrant, Wine-IIke lUcha.., Wili Please vou Cod teak*slb. Ise0Zibn. 250 HALF POUND TIN- .....2kc FRESH TELLOW TAIL ANOTHER EXCEPTIONAL COFFEE VALUE FlUets lb.zoe Flouaders lb. 120 FRESR IAKE ONTARIO 8 O"CLOCK ib. 3I WHITIEFISH lb. 150 <is rc ffeiiie FR5511 f FRUITS and VEG8T4RLEg Fresh fruits and vegetables delivered daily to ail of our stores. A complete ust Of ail native and i mportedl fruits and vegetables can be had at attracUive prices. KING STREET- BOWMAN VILLE Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 TmuGIIEAT ATLANTIC & PACJUIC TEA. <bý L~~LIMITD 0F CANAD A -r---. THE CANADUN ErrATBO&UN. BOWMANVU12, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930 PAGE TERM ileaters, Stoves & Ranges "Happy Thoughts" Make Warm Friends Sold at special prices to suit every purse. See our display before buying. Happy Thought Cosy Home Quebec$2 Ranges, square fire box, 14-irn $28v50 Quebec Ranges, round fire pot, $2 14-inch oven4 special value at........$ 67 Other Quebec Heaters to suit ever~1 demand and purse from .......... *36 Dominion Ammunition always dependable. Aladdin Lamps give white light from coal oil. Dustan's Cash Hardware We Serve You Well Bowmanville 7 XD 1

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