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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1930, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN R'rATROhAN. BOWMANVUILE, THURSDAY, NOVMMER 13, 1930 Ready for COLD WEATHER? CAULKING and WEATHERSTRIPPING Before the severe weather sets in, have your house equipped wth cau]klng weatherstrip ln order to keep out drafts. ExPerlence teaches that a house properlY caulked and fitted wth the rlght kLnd of weatherstrip can be kept warm wth about 20% less fuel. Tis makes it a good ivestmnent. KIndly let us quote you prices cm tMa work. as It Wnl put you under no obligation. ABERETHYBROS. Phones 431 and 477r£l BOWMbANVM=L SICIINRLES J UST rich, pure country milkini handy formn. Iniproves your cooking. Forfree recipe book write The Borden Ca., Limlited. 140 St. Paul W., Mantreal ,bà FPIEE Rave Your Eyeo Examined Consult aur Eeglstered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL - Latest Methods - - Modem Instruments - R.M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglsts - Oitometrb.ta Phono 92 i POTATES FOR SALE Dooleys Extra Good Grade A Delivered right to your cellar. Phm.. lNr2 J. A. Werry& Son THE RUSH Stove and f urnace pipes to put up; cleaning out furnaces; and lnstalling new furnaces. More are showlug a preference for the Hlecla Furnaces because it saves 1 ton o! coal in 7. Von't buy a new furnace until you have learned about the tIccla. R. E. LOGAN PIumblflg. Heating & Tinsmlthlflg Phone: 264W Sbop; 264J House BoWMANVILLE 7 DARLINGTON COUNCIL !Bungalow at Ernot Memorial Park to be Used for Club HoUse Under Certain Conditions Regular meeting of Daliugton Council was heid on November 7tb with members ail present, witb Reeve Sulas Williams lu the chair. George Reid and N. Byers, Enuis- killen. asked for a sidewalk f nom their residences to the front street. The council will investigate the ne- quest. The question o! renting tbe Bung- alow at the Park to the men o! Hampton for tbe wlter months as a place to meet was discussed. On motion o! Councillors Pascoe and Blanchard the council will grant tbemn the request provided: (1) The Women's Institute have no object- ions; (2) That the men form tbem- selves into an organization and be- come responsible for the cane o! the building; (3) That it be le!t cdean and in as good order and conditions as when they take possession; (4) That it be open to the men o! the Township; (5) That the bours be from 2 p. M. until 10.30 P. M. Other communications were or- dered flled. Bis were ordered to be drawn on tbe Treasurer as follows: McClellan &Co., building mateial $ 59.26 F. G. Kersiake, work lu Park 20.00 W. R. Strike, legal work 17.75 Mrs. E. v. Scobeli, collector's bond 15.00 Counties' Treas. 50% maint. J. Walter at Bowmanville Hospital - .121.00 Counties' Treas. 50% maint. o! 3 Walters cbildren in I.O.D.E. Preventorium . 127.50 M. A. James & Sons, printing and advt. 236.04 Noble I. Metcalf, adv. T. S. S. S. No. 6 200.00 HI. R. Stinson, supplies Mrs. Savage 11.13 Mrs. Hatherley, supplies Mrs. Savage - 3.10 w. w. Horn, supplies Pettit f!amily 7.38 Mrs. A. F. Rundle, supplies Ernest !amiiy 2.55 Selectors o! Jurons 10.00 Bell Telephone Co. acct. 1.90 S. Williams, brick and tele- phone changes. .93 R. Burgess, tnucking 7.50 J. D. Hogarth, postage 1.25 J. D. Hogarth, paristone and cartage 2.05 S. A. Northcott. sheep inspect. 1.60 W. H-. Westlake, sheep dam- ages 6.00 Joseph Arvay. mason work 2.50 J. L. Johns, work on Twp Hall 50.00 T. H. Richards, building side- walk 12.00 T. H. Richards. repain sidew'lk 1.60 T. H. Richards. salany and supplies ...114.30 T. H. Richards, road maint. 30L45 T. H-. Richards, bridges and repairs 869.10 J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Clarke Council met at Orono. Nov. 4th, with Reeve M. J. Holman pre- sidlug and members ail present. Communications were read as fol- iows: Dominion Road Machiuery Co.; Judge L. V. O'Connor, enclosing copy of Voters' List for 1930 duly certifled; Dept. Public Higbways lun eference to the visit o! their auditor; G. A. Stokes, Supt. lu reference to com- pleted grades on certain bigbways. Counties' Cierk gave notice o! ad- mission to Port Hope Hospital o! Henry Wheeler on Oct. 6tb, and Mrs. Chas. Samuel Baldwin to Bowman- ville Hospital on Oct. l4th. F. A. Gaby, chief Hydro engineer, advised coundil that he was proceed- ing with the wonk o! gettiug out estimates on the capital cost and the rate per iamp f on street llghting la Newtonville. W. H. Brown, accounitant. subiit- ted copy o! report made by their auditor on bis inspection o! Town- ship road expendîture for the year 1929. Counciliors Morton and Dent ne- ported result o! interview with Arthur Curtis lu reference to road- way between Lots 18 and 19, Con. 8. and reconiended that no action be taken as expenditure is uunecessary in vlew o! !act that Curtis cblldren could attend school lu Section 19. Jno. Henry, Rond Supt. reported that he and Goverument Engineet investlgated dlaim o! Percy Patton. Engineer is o! opinion culvert lu question is lu ts proper place. Fred Blackburn made application for $5 as a bouuty for killug a dog while lu pursuit o! bis sbeep. Coun- cil did not entertalu this dlaim, In explanation the bounty pald Geo. Laing at lest meeting was consldered one o! speclal mention. the dog be- ing o! a type whlcb was dangerous to be running at large. A. C. Ritter, Teacher, was re!und- ed $9.58 on account o! an ernor in copying. Reeve Holinan was appoiuted to interview A. W. Roebuck at once in reference to outstanding account la case o! A. Fellows. Counicillors Lovekin and Couch were appoluted to lnspect C. N. R. rallway crosslngs on tbelr main line eat of Newcastle to boundary line ln reference to legal grades and re- port. Following bis were pald: Hydro Power Com. llght for hall $ 3.99 J.R. Cooeil 3.50e Jesi WaCoer, uppie.Jes 0 R. H. Wood, caretaker 4.00 Jno. Henry, Rond Supt. for October 116.41 S. R. Hart & Co., assessment rolîs 31.41 Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, monthly payment R. vs F. 48.00 H. G. Macdonald. township hall f rontage tax 2.97 C. Aluin. sheep damages 15.00 E. L. MacNachtan. Treas.. hospital fees to Oct. 2 7.00 Jno. Henry, road mainten- ance. Oct. 1212.881j Workmen's Comp. Board. additional assessmnent 2.5.201i Bank of Commerce, note re- tired 1500.00, Council adJourned to meet Tues.-I day. Dec. 2nd. at 2 p. m. A. J. Stapies, .J o.n Clerk. Reeve., NEW RECTOR 0F ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Family of Rev. C. R. Spencer Very Active in Work of Anglican Church ln Canada and Foreign Missions Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., wbo takes over bis new duties on Sunday, 'November l6th, as rector of St. john's Anglican Church, Bowman- villebas completed egbt years as rector of the Anglican Parish o! Shanty Bay, Hawkestone and East Oro in the County of East Simcoe and bas been Rural Dean of that dis- trict for several years. Mr. Spencer is son of Canon P. L. Spencer, D. D., and Mrs. Spencer of Hamilton. Canon Spencer was born in England, tbe son of a country Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A. squire. He came to Canada wben niue years o! age and a! ter a iimited education taugbt school and later joined the Anglican ministry. On June lst, 1875, Canon Spencer was united in marriage with Emma Sel- by, the ceremony being conducted by the Bishop of Niagara. From this union there wene nine children, seven o! whom are now in the service o! the Anglican Church. Of their nine children, one is a missionany in Jap- an, and three others have served thene; one is the wif e o! a clergy- man in Honolulu; and anothen son is preaching in Connecticut. The children are: Rev. Ernest Spencer, rector o! St. Paul's Church, Water- bury, Conn.; Miss Ethell Spencer, Deaconess in connection with St. Phoebe's House; Mrs. Maxwell, of Moose Jaw, Sask.; Rev. Clarence R. Spencer, rural dean o! East Simcoe and rector elect o! Bowmanvilie; Miss Florence Spencer, deaconess in service in Japan; Mrs. ýRev.> H. H. Corey, M. A., o! Japan; and Lancelot Spencer. M. A.. o! the Port Arthur High School. The eldest daughter of Rev. C. R. Spencer who is coming here is also marnied to a minister, Rev. Roy Melville o! Saskatoon. A quarter-century ago, Mn. Spen- cer was wedded to Miss Ethel Holmes o! Wilberforce, Haliburton County.ý They have four sons and seven daughters. Rev. C. R. Spencer was edlucatedi at Tninity College School, Port Hope,I and at Trinity College, Toronto. Hisi first appointment was to a mission in Haliburton. Frose there he went to Young's Point, near Peterboro. and then to Millbrook where he was assistant to the rector for thirteeni years. Prom Milibrook he came to Sbanty Bay, where be bas mlnistered with great acceptance for elgbt years. Durlng the Great War be served for tbree years as chaplalu overseas, go- ing over wlth the 39tb Batt. and be- ing later trans!erred to the Canadian Cavalry Brigade, where he attalned the rank o! Major. He Is a member o! tbe Barrie Post o! tbe Canadian Leglon and bas taken a deep interest' in the welfare o! the veterans. Mr. Spencer is an enthuslastlc Mason, belug a Past Master o! J. B. Hall Lodge, Mlllbrook, cbaplin o! Cor- Inthian Lodge, Barrie, and Most Wise Soverelgn ln the Rose Croix. Scottlsh Rite. ANOTHER COUNTY HIGHWAY LINK COMPLETED Local Municipal Officiais Attend Celebration ai Wooler Completlng another important llnk lu the blghway system o! the United Counties o! Nort4fmmberland and Durbam, Hon. Gèbrge S. Henry, Minister o! Hlghways. Tbursday evening formally declared open an 83/ mile stretcb o! paved roadway between Wooler and Trenton. Co- lnclding witb the openlng o! the bigbway, whlch took place iu Wooler Village. was the inauguration of the Hydro Eiectric service. whlch was also formally lnstltuted. Mayor M. J. Elliott, Reeve W. H. Canruthers and Deput-Reeve C. E. Rehder and their wlves were among tbe bonored guests to attend the celebration and banquet. FIT No odiar .weet lIm go long, co.U go little or docsso much foS you. WRIGLEYS Promotes good hat hme regulariy aftcr every mcii. It cleanses teeth and throat, &W een mouth and breath, and screngthent the guma. Your heaith ila aded whilc your Piu ure là acrved. IRObYAL COLISEUM TORONTO OBITUARY Mrs. H. G. Pascoe, Hampton After a very brie! illness, Sarah Catherine Awde, beloved wlf e o! Mr. Hl. G. Pascoe, passed peace!ully away at tbeir residence, south o! Solina, on Monday morning, November 3rd. She was daughter o! the iate Geo. and Mary Jane Awde and was born near Tyrone in 1867. In early lufe she associated berseif with the Meth- odist Church and has always been a true and !aitblul heiper in every de- partment of church work and was particulariy valuabie in the choir. She was married at Drayton in 1892. She was a kind and ioving wi!e and mother and will be much missed in the !amlly circie, in the church and in community work. Some ten years ago she suffered a very Serloii ness and underwent an operation wbich weakened ber constitution, aI- though sbe bad since enjoyed f aily good health. She passed away f rom an affection o! tbe heart.*1 The funerai Wednesday was very largely attended by !niends and neigbbors to show their esteemn to one they loved and respected. Ser- vices were conducted by ber pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick, wbo took for bis text, "Are there not tweive hours in the day." Mrs. W. R. Courtice sang "Some day the silver chord will break." The remains were laid to rest in the famiiy plot at Hampton Cemetery. She leaves to mourn ber passing. besides ber sorrowing husband, three sons, George o! Saskatoon, and Frank and Luther; and three daugb- ters, Elva and Irene and Ada a nurse in Toronto; aiso four brothers, Jon- athan o! Seneca, S. Dakota, Thos. o! Heward, Sask., George o! Drayton, and Joe o! Toronto; and two sisters, Mrs. Annie Langmnaid, Oshawa, and Mrs. McDougall of Drayton. The pail bearers were Messrs. Al. Ayre, A. T. Stainton, Roy Langxnaid, Bert Glaspeil, J. W. Balson and Jas. Carneron. The flower bearers were mostiy nephews. The flowers were very beautiful and included: Wreath f rom the Family, Mr. Jas. Cameron and Mary. Zion Church, Zion Ladies' Associa- tion, Mr. Samuel Jacks; Sprays- Geo., Maud and grandcbildren, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pockiington, Saska- toon, Mrs. Annie Langmaid and !am- ily, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Awde and !amily, Toronto. The Peters Famiiy and John and Harold Wil- liams, Three members o! the oid choir. Charlie, Annie and Lucy Lan- der, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Edwards. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Chamubers, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth and famiiy. Zion Young Men's Bible Class, Zion Football Club, Nurses and graduate nurses o! the Coronado Hospital. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ayre. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James, Oshawa. Mr. Allan Mc- Glashan, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant and faînily, Toronto. Mr. Arthur Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Cameron. Those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Awde and Mr. and Mrs. Jas McDougali, Drayton; Miss Leora McDougall, Norval; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Awde and Mr. John Awde, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Williams. Miss Ada and Mr. Loran Williams, Midiand; Mrs. Annie Langxnald and Misses Vida and Sybl, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wil- liams and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur West- lake and f amiiy, Oshawa. The most sincere sympathy o! a very wide circle o! !riends goes out to Mr. H. G. Pascoe and family ai this time o! their very sad bereave- ment. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. H. G. Pascoe and !amily de- sire to thank ail their nelgbbors and !rlends for the klndness and sym- patby extended to tbem in their ber- eavement, and also for the beautiful floral offerlngs. It's the toil ye give t'get a thing-- Tbe sweat an' biood an' cane- That makes the klnd of argument, Tbat ought to back youx prayer. -rving Batcheller. NOV. 19- 27 Canada's Gveatest Indoo, Agriculturai Showv Take in this year's brilliant Royal Fair. Make up your party now. AT'hrEýc-E Days> CLEÂRAI SALE £ OFFERING VALUES that YELL In order to make room f or our big stock of Xrnas merchandise, which is pouring in daily, we are off ering extraordinary values for this week-end's selling. We mnust have the space, £0 don't fail to corne in and avail your- selves of the rnany great savings off ered. We enumerte oniy a few of the rnany special values. Men's Sweaters A shipment just to hand-in- cluding all the newest colors and weaves, at prices that defy corn- petition, 98c to $4.50 Baby Blankets Soft fluffy finish and a good gen- erous sze in pink or1 49c blue, each ............ Winter 'Underwear We have it for the whole family at big savings. See our range before buying. Silk & Wool Hose A fine hose, plaited with a silk top~ and wool back. Ail the new faltones and sizes; per pair .................59c Comforters The biggest values in the trade- less than city prices $ 1.98 to $ 7.50 FOR BGE N BETERBARGAINS 98c Combinations 39c Boys' or girls', regular value 98c, ou t tey go,39 pair........................39 Flannelette Blankets Here you can effeet big savings; corne in white or grey: Full double bed Size--$1.98 Extra Large Size ....$2.29 Grey Wool Blankets 7 lbs. weight - they give great warrnth and splendid wear: No. 1 Quality ....$495 No. 2 Quality ....$6.95 Plaid Blankets Bought before the new tariff went into force. To-day's price is $3.98 pair. We off er our rie- rnaining stock, inal25 colors, at per pair ..25 Wool Flannels For children's warm dresses you can't beat these ail wool Flan- nels-ali the wanted ...59c colors; per yard ....... STORE WALK ABLC AND AVEA LOT PAGE FOUR q_ 4 WEDDING MountJoy-Slemon At the home of the bride's father, Mr. Thos. T. Siemon, of Haydon. was solemnized on Wednesday, October 29th, the marriage of bis second daughter, Ettie Vera May, and Mr. Lorenzo John Mountjoy, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mountjoy. of Nestieton, Ont. The wedding music was played by the groom's sister, Miss Rose Mount- Joy. Tbe bride, wbo was given in marriage by her father, was attlred attractlvely in beige georgette, carry- ing a bouquet o! sunset roses and fern and wearing the groom's gi! t, a white gold wrist watch. In the presence o! the near relatives the bridaI couple took their vows before a woodsy bank o! oak leaves and autumn flowers. Rev. J. R. Truni- pour o! Tyrone performed the cere- mony. Ater the signing o! the register. a dainty supper was served, the coi- ors carried out in the dining room being Pink and white. The bappy couple le! t by motor for a short honeymoon trip to Toronto and other western points, the bride travelling in a brown crepe dress, brown broadcloth coat, brown f elt hat, with matcblng accessories. Upon their return they will reside at Nestieton, Ontario. Previous to ber marriage a com- MUnlty sbower was heid in honor of the bride-to-be, wben sixty or more gathered at ber home and presented her with many useful and valuable gifts, to wbich she made a suitabie and appreciative repiy. Refresh- ments were served and a social time enjoyed by ail. SALEM LEAGEE League meeting Sunday a! ternooli was opened by President S. Buttery, a!ter which Mrs. Welsh, 2nd vice, took charge. Bible reading and ex- planation was given by Mrs. Honey; solo, Mrs. Newman: a very interest- ing letter f rom a missionary in Japan was read by Mrs. Welsh; mouth organ solo, Sid. Elcombe; readings. Mns. Irwin, Mrs. Honey, Reg.; Coombes and C. Foster; violIn solo Mr. C. Collacutt; Thanksgiving Talk by Mr. F. L. Squair. Meeting closed witb a bymn and the League Bene- diction. Dramatic Club will give their play at Lotus on Monday evening, Nov. 17. CITIZENS BEWARE! Notice is hereby given that no leaves or other refuse is permitted, by By-Law, to, be burned on any o! the paved streets in the Town o! Bowmanville and a penalty o! not less than $10.00 and costs wlll be im- posed for any infraction. By order 45-2 John Lyle, Clerk. PHYSICAL CULTURE Course in physical culture will in- clude caiisthenics, club swinging, wands, folk and national dancing. Classes re-open Thursday, Nov. 13, in St. John's Pars Hall. Ladies' class 2.30 p. m.; schooi girls 4.15 p. m. For particulars apply to, Miss E. Peardon. Bowmanville. Phone 324. 45-2 The Store Around the Corner This week we are offering the f ollowing 23c SALE Oxydol 23C pkg. Chipso 23C pkg. sunwheat Biscuits 23e pkg. Peanut Butter, lu glass 23C glas Tiger Catsup, qt. size 23c bottle Gillex 2 pkgs. for 23e S. O. S. Cleaner 2 pkgs. for 23e Seediess Raisins 2 lbs. 23c Pure Gold Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. 23c Yellow Globe Onions . 8 lbs. 23e Balance o! Shopping Baskets, 23c ea. - Cash Paid for New Laid Eggs - Blatchford's and Pratt's Poultry Food always la stock - We Deliver - Phone 450 - ROBT. W. OMS 04,tleý Good and Good for You

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