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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 1

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tan With Whîch Is Incorporated Týhe Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2Oth, 1930 $2.00 a Year ini Advance IMake This Store Your Headquarters f or Buying Sensible jand Useful Gifts for Christmas NE'N ARRIVALS COATS and DRESSES SUPERB IN QUALITY AND STYLE AND REASONABLY PRICED Lavishly Fur-Trimmed Coats DRESSES For Ail Occasiong House Dresses Afternoon Dresses Evening Dresses ALL HATS IN THE STORE GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE SEASONABLE GOODS REASONABLY PRICED Silk I{osiery, very special ine ..............75c Other good Hosiery values ........$1.50 & $2.00 Ladies' Silk Underwear .................$1.00 suit Celebrated Kenwood Blankets, ail colors .... .$9.00 Madawaska Colored Wool Blankets ........$6.50 Other lines of Blankets, good values, $4.50 & $550 TUXEDO SUITS Let us fil your order for a Ready-to-Wear Tuxedo or a special measure order. Accessories for Evening Dress. DRESS WELL FOR LESS Men's Strong Tweed Suits, up to $22.50 for ...........$16M5 Youths' Colored Cheviot Suits, 9- pants, reg. $25. for.... .$18.50 Men's Sweater Coats from $1.50 Boys' Brown Real Leather Coats and Windbreakers .... .$6.95 up Full line of Boys' Aviation Caps from ..................75c up Men's Light Fali Overcoats, up to $25.00, now ....... $18.50 Winter Overcoats, $15. to $37.50 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 1PHONE 104 IMTED BOWMALN VILL 6 YGU CAN HEL] 'P -BUT WILL YOU ? tDOUBLE WEDDING CELEBRATION HOSPITAL BOARD OFFICERS Golden Jubilee o! Mr. and Mrs. John F. F. Morris Re-Elected President MeGregor, East Whitby, and Wed- 1 ding of Their Daughter Takes Directors of Bowmnanville Hospital Place Same Evening. held their first meeting since the annual meeting on Monday evening Events of more than ordinary in- at the Nurses' Residence. The 0f - terest took place on Friday evening, f icers were re-elected as follows: 1 November l4th, at the home of Mr. President-F. F. Morris; Vice Presi- and Mrs. John McGregor, Kedron, dent-W. Ross Strike; Secretary-1 East Whitby, when their golden wed- Treasurer--C. H. Mason; Directors-( ding was celebrated and a "really" J. W. Alexander, T. C. Ross, T. Si wedding was solemnized in the pres- Holgate, W. J. Dudley, J. O'Neill, F. ence of a jolly company of relatives 0. Mcllveen. Representatives on and friends numbering about eighty. the Board f rom Women's Auxiliary The golden wedding celebrants, are Mrs. V. H. Storey, Mrs. E. R. John McGregor andi Arvilla Lee, were Bounsaîl, Mrs. T. E. Flaxman. Audi-E married on November l7th, J880, by tors - Geo. L. Hall, Alec Lyle.t Rev. S. Salton, and have resided in Committees were appointed as fol- East Whitby ever since. Among the lows: Finance-nStrike, Ross, Mcfl-t guests were the groomsman and veen; Building-Dudley, O'Neill, Al-% bridesmaid of fifty years ago, Mr. exander; Grounds-Holgate, Dudley.t Fred Lee and Miss Janet Mcaregor. Strike.V Other guests were present f romn Ux- Auditors presented their reportc bridge, Greenbank. Oshawa, Toronto, whicb showed the books in flrst-class4 and Bowmanvîlle. condition.c After all had assembled a splendid- Superintendent's report for Octob-E ly prepared wedding supper was serv- er sbowed 9 blrths, and total days' ed. the tables bemng attractive with stay o! patients 424, as comparedr gold candles, mumis, and other yel- with 280 for sanie month last year.E low decorations in keeping with the! Financial statement of liospital forE golden occasion.. year ending Sept. 30, 1930, sbowinge Immediately following the supper profit of $93.43. appears on anothert a real surprise was sprung on the' page.t guests when Miss Dorothy McGregor,I youngest daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, and Mr. Bertram E. GRANDMOTHERS' DAY Montgomery, son o! Mrs. Montgom- Bi~nil rnho oe' ery and the late W. H. Montgomery, o-anilBrchfWmes Enniskillen, were united in marriage. Institute Visits Tyrone È Rev. D. Munro, minister of the Pres- byterian Church, Oshawa, officiating j About thirty members o! Bownian- (Continued on page 10) ville Women's Institute went by Gar- __________tons bus to Tyrone on Wednesday LIFE SKETCH 0F HAROLD GULLY. and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon AS TLD B HIMELF with the members of Tyrone Branch. AS TLD B HIMELF It being Grandmothers' Day a num- ber of the members were in costume Successful Business Man Returns to and the program was in keepirn- v.ith HCsHuone own ta Tnei Rtar the occasion. Meeting was held inf Clubo! Rs Wnderngs the Community Hall and opened nietin 0fBowan-with Mrs. Luther Hooper. president. The weekly ieigoBwmn and Mrs. Norman Woodley. secretary. ville Rotary Club was held at the in charge o! their offices. A ter the Balmoral Hotel on Friday. Nov. l4th. business had been dispensed with. at Following the meal. President Hermue hearty welcome was extended to the Brown lnrormed the club that a new visitors by the president. and coin- member wvas about to bc taken intol munity singing was enjoyed. led by the club in the person of J. Earl, Mrs. Lorne Phair. with Miss Mae Cunningham. His classification iS Brent at the piano. Physical Training. being instructor The grandmnothers in costume f romt at Boys' Training School. Elmore Ibath branches were asked to paradet Reaman introduced the new member. around the hall. The judges. Mrs. Tommy Ross welcomed Earle, and A. W. Clemens and Miss E. E. Hay- Joe obin insruced hm inthecraft, awarded the prizes as follows: aims and objects of Rotary. The Most old fashioned grandmother- candidate replied to the fiowery in-. Mrs. W. H. Hicks, Tyrone. Mrs. G. H. troduction with thanks and assur- Bickell. Bowmanville; Best dressed ance that he would do his best to grandinotber-Mrs. Brooks, Tyrone, measure up to the Rotary ideals. Mrs. Clara BYsin. Bowmanville. The guest speaker was next given There were a number o! others very an opportunity to orate. being intro- worthy o! prizes. duced by Percy Corbett. He was Mrs. Harry Alfin. president, Look no less a personage tban Harold Gul- charge and a short prograni was giv- ly, Vice President and General Man- en by the visitors. opening with ager o! Silverwood's Dairies Limited, chorus singing o! old-time melodies. Toronto, and a native o! Bowman- with short introductions ta "Hold the ville. He spoke on bis adventures Fort," "Suwanee River" and "Darling since he le! t the peaceful town some Nellie Gray." Mrs. D. J. Chambers, 27 years ago. He held bis listeners in Spanish .costunie, sang "Came ta in a constant uproar witli his wltty the Fair"; Miss Alice Medd sang remarks and novel experiences, as "'Just Awearying for You"; Mrs. 0. he unravelled bis 27 years' exper- E. Pritchard, "Silver Threads Among ience.. Starting as a shippmng the Gold." Recitations were given clrk with McLaughlin Carniage CO. by Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl, "Verses on an lie turned to banking but bis health Old-!ashloned Picture"; by Mrs. B. denianded more outslde work, so lie M. Warnica on "Wliistling i Heav- took a job as vaudeville booklng ag- en"; and a reading, "lTheni Ol' ent. Later lie returned to banklng Tunes" by Miss Haycra!t. Accomp- desut he caier's rce. his gintanists were Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Mrs. desrt hecasie's ag, tistimeJ.Thilckson and Miss Mae Brent. f or the sea, but not for long. He Mr.LJ.G danvie te came ashore and rusticated at Ty- thans o! T.roodBandi or then rone f or a year. Then lie joined ,Joyabîe prograni, af ter wbich a very the City Dairy until the war broke tempting supper was served froni out. He remained on army duty tables decorated wth yellow munis, until bay lever dlsquallfied hlm as a candîes. etc. comnbatant soldier wlien lie resunied The tbanks o! the visitors for the bis duties wth the City Dalry. Two. splendid supper was volced to the years ago lie afflliated witb the $11- Tyrone ladies in a vote o! thanks verwood's Dairies wblch compa'iy i moved by Mrs. Frank Jackman and experiencing sucli phenomenal suc- seconded by Mrs. W. L. Buttery. cess and growth._____ Harold bas the happy faculty o! SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS seeing the silver llning o! every sit- ACCEPT CHALLENGE uation and bis address falrly scintil--__ lated wth humor a la WiII Rogers. To Help Boys and Girls to Complete To show wbat changes bad taken Christian Living - Large At- place in bis short career on life's t journey lie said lie had seen t he 011,tendance at Training School lamp succeeded by gas and it by1 This week a very sîgnificant gath- electrlclty: wagons and buggies suc-I erlng o! young people are holding (Continued on page 10) forth at Trinity United Churcli. They are nearly 100 leaders wbo HAMPTON .are tuhn the young 111e o! West Durham Theyrepresent workers Chicke Pie from the cradle raIl classes ta the ChikenPieaduli bible cas The purpose o! SUPPER ~aending for leadership in t1.<'ý SUPPER dpata eqitoSuwia School work. This kind off scho3' Special Church Services on symbolizes in iiself the trmendcpidu SUNDAY, NOV. 23rd. drives that have been made in the work since is founder, Robert ai 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. ni. Raikes. gathered together the groupý Mornlng Service: o! street urchins that composed the REV. J. R. R. COOPER, firsi Sunday School. B.A., B.D., Ph.D.' From an organization thai exlsted And Home Choir. priarily as a bible school and for Evenlng Service: the purpose o! acquainting cbildren with Scripture, the modern Sunday DR. G. H. STEVENSON, M.D., School lias become an organization Supt. Ontario Hospital, Whltby that feels that it is responsîble for Asslsted by Tyrone Choir. glving a full and fine expression ta, the wbole o! 11lf e. At no time in the B. T. S. "AT HOME" Brisliant Function in Colorful and Artistie Setting Ferguson Hall at the Boys' Train- ing Scbool was the scene on Friday evening of the fi! il annual "At Home" when over two bundred guesis enjoyed ibis delightful and! outstanding social function o! the year. The guests were recelved by the Superintendent, Dr. G. Elmnore Reaman, and Mrs. Reanian, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hill and Mr. and Mis. E. P. Bradt. The bail presented a very strlking and attractive appearance whicli %vas beautifully decorated witli shad- ed colored lights, artistically bung amld cedar branches. On the stage in the background was a mountain- cus woodland scene witb the setting sun givig a cbarmlng color effect ta the picture. Clusters o! spruce and cedar trees wlth patches o! shrubbery bere and there and a water!all trickling ihrougli tbe rocks and wending uts way among the trees presented a mosi deligbt!ul and eallstic rustie scene on the stage. The designig and carrying oui o! ibis decorative scheme refi,çcts great credit on Messrs. D. W. 1f'slop and G. E. Carr. The dancing was ahl that could be desired, niade possible by a !aultless floar, and !ascinating miusic by that well known musical organisation, iurton Till and bis orchestra !rom Toronto. Du ring the evening Prof. Henri La,: e: me o! Toronto rendered two ve' y dellghtful cello solos, acompan- ced by Madame Laserre ai the piano. r)t, :ing the lniermlsslbn a dainty ,'nc'ieon was served in the class ".nsadjoining the auditorium. Pi ize winnems were: Ladies' Lucky P, xc Trot--Mr's. T. B. Gilchrisi; .,cnt-V Lucky Waltz-Mr. Irvng Best ;DcI mpersonation o!' ru'n Andy-Ex-Mayor T. S. Hal- Coinmitee in char'ge a! the Ai 4.rrwere Mr. P. L. Beckett, chair- ian: Miss F. M. Galbraih, Miss Qrace Caverly, Mr. R. J. Fenton. PALESTINE CHAPTER OFFICERS John Baker Eleeted Firat Principal of Royal Arch Masons Palestine Cliapter, No. 249, Royal Arch Masons, lield its annual election o! officers on Monday, Nov. 17th, whlch resulted as f ollows: Z.-John Baker. H.-E. H. Brown. J.-M. W. Comstock Treas.-F. F. Morris Scribe E-J. R. Stutt, Scribe N-R. M. Cotton Prin. Soi .-T. B. Gilchrlst Janltor-L. A. Parker Audtors-L. T. McLaughlin and F. J. Groat. groups: The Adult group under the direction of' Melville H. Staples; the Children's Leaders under the direct- ion o! Mrs. J. J. Eaton and Miss C. Oliphant; Mr. C. F. Plewman takes the leaders of teen age boys and girls: the Young People's Leaders are iunder the supervision and instruction o! W. J. Christie. Dean o! the scliool. Community Weitare Committee Makes Urgent Appeal for Clothing and Money An urgent appeal to citizens o! Bownianville ta help witb the work o! the Conimuniiy Welfare Commit- tee in caring for the needy families o! the town during the approaching winter was issued by the Comnmitte, at a meeting held in the Council Chaîber on Wednesday evening. The meeting was poorly attended with only eight menibers in attend- ance. D. R. Morrison, chairman o! the comîitee, presided, and T. A. Annison acied as iemporary secre- tary. Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., was appointed seceretary ta succeed the Rev R. J. Sbires who resigned when leaving Bowmanville at the end of September. Tbe report showed $112 le! ti the treasury. besides a considerable supply o! clothing star- ed in St. John's Churcli. Ministers o! local churches wV be requested by letter to announce the appeal froni the pulpits on Sunday. Secretary will write Town Council asking for a grant ta take care o! transienis. The commitiee on transients were given p9wer ta have prlnted meal tickets which will be sold ta citizens ta give ta imansienis calllng at their homes, while a nuni- ber wvill be le!t with the police de- partinent to disiribute ta ihose calI- ing at the police station for help. Mrs. A. H. Fletcher. Mrs. A. L 'Nicliolls, Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl and Mrs. J. Thickson were appointed a committee ta take care o! single girls out o! work. The Appeal Community Welfare Commnittee isi in urgent need o! donations o! cloth- ing, boots and other weaming apparel for use in relieving distress. The Coîmittee is also in need o! money ta aid in their work. Citizens having clothing or other donations are asked ta leave theni ai the Parish Hall on Temperance St. between 11 a. mi. and 12 noon when Mr. Tait, the caretaker. will be in attendance. Any citizen ta whomn it is nat convenient ta caîl at the parish hall are requested ta phone the executive. one o! whom will cail to collect the donation. The execu- tive are: D. R. Morrison, 154 or 20; Rev. C. R. Spencer. 273; Mr. and Mrs.1 A. L Nicholîs. 127: J. Swindells. 216; and Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl. 583 . TRIP AROUND THE WORLD Former Bowmanvlle Lady Leaves Next Week on Cruise Mr. and Mis. Howard Lapp and son Fred, Campbellford, visited Mr. and Mis. Everett Hoar over the week-end. Mrg. Lapp leaves nexti week for a cruise around the world on the C. P. R. palatial steamer, the "Empress o! Australia." The trip is firsi prize for a numerical contesi given by "The Canadian Horticultur- ist" and "Farm and Dalry" o! Peter- boro. Christmas will be spent i Jerusaleni, and New Years in Egypt. Other places vlsited will be New York, Maderia, Gibraltar, Algerla. Monaco and France, Italy, Greece, India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Java, Strait Settlements, Fed. Malay States, Siami, Philllpplne Islands, China, Formosa, Japan, Hawaii, Panama Canal Zone, and Cuba. Mrs. LaPP will retumn to Canada the lasi o! April. COMING EVENTS Boys' Training School Christmas Concert, Frlday, Deceniber 5th. Reserve Friday evening, Nov. 28th, for Supper and Sale o! Home-made Cooklng under auspices o! St. Paul's W. A. Providence School wlll hold a Christmas Tree and Concert ai the scbool on Deceiber 18, ai 8 o'clock. Good prograni. 47-50 W. C. T. U. will meet in St. Paul's Sunday Scbool roorn on Tuesday. Noveniber 25th, ai 3 p. ni. AUl lad- ies are cordlally lnvlted. Reserve Monday evenlng, Dec. 22, for St. Paul's Sunday Scbool Christ- mas Tree and Entertainnient. Watcb for later announcenients. Dont forget the Bean Supper the ladies a! St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcli are holding i the Sunday School roonis on friday, November 2lst, frai 5 ta 7 p. mi. Tickets 25c. Reserve Saturday afiernoon, Nov. 29th. for Supper and Sale o! Home- made Cooking froni 5 ta 7 p. ni. in St. Paul's Lecture Rooni under aus- pices o! St. Paul's W. A. Watcb for menu. L. O. L. 2384 wlll bald a Xmas Tree and Enteriainnieni. Watch for furiber announcement as to date, etc. In the icantime all menibers are requested to get in toucli with the comniuttee, Bros. Gîlfillan, Swindells, Mitchell and T. Bennett. Reserve Saturday,_ Nov. 22nd, for Home Cooking Sale under auspices o! the Women's Institute ta be beld in Harry Allin's skyscraper, ïCOng St. Sale opens at 3 p. m. Business people and others are invlted to corne and enJoy the pancakes and syrup for 10c, sandwiches, cake and coffee 15c. WED. - THURS. - FRU. NOVEMBER 19 - 29 - 21 THOSE THREE FRENCH GIRLS also "The Laurel Hardy Murder Case" SATý - MON. TUES. NOVEMBER 22- 24 - 25 The True Lite Story of a Western Bad Man The onle big, stlrring, outdoor story o! the Great West. Klig Vidor, dlrector of mlglity screen plays. lias created a masterpiece of tbrllls, blended wltli a love- story o! surpassing power. BILLY THE KID Wlth John Maek Brown, Wallace Beery, Kay Johnson, K[arI Dane. Matlnee Baturday at 2.30) p. m. Sllverware Nlght Every Tuesday WED. - THURS. - FR1. NOVEMBER 26 - 27 - 28 COMMON CLAY Wlth Constance Bennett Portraylng the most beart taucli- ing role of her career, and Lew Ayres, lnterpretlng a superb ro- mantlc Part, supported by Tufly Marshall, Beryl Mercer & others. Matlnee Wednesday at 4 p. m. The Management do not recom- niend this ploture for eilidren. CObMNG NOV. 29 - DEC. 1 - 2 THE DAWN PATROL 5c a Copy No. 4'7 1 GOVERNMENT APPROVES 0F UNEMPLOYMENT AID Bowmanviile Receives Only Hait of $15,365 for Relief Work - Special Council Meeting Special meeting o! Counicil was held on Nov. l8th. Reeve W. H. Carruthers presided in absence o! Mayor M. J. Elliott.- Counicillors Jones, Garton and Campbell were tabsentees. Meeting was called ta consider report f rom J. A. Euls on unemployment relief. Judge L. V. O'Connor notified Council that meeting ta hear appeals against equalizatian o! assessment made by the Counties' Council wil be beld i Cobourg, Nov. l8th. Reeve Carruthers and Councillor Strîke were appointed ta attend. Letter from J. A. Ellis, Secretary Uneniployment Relief Fund, was read as follows: "The Goverment bas approved o! the following works being under- taken by your municipality: Waterworks reservoir. $7500 Watermain ta park 3685 Grading park road.. 2500 Grading and ditching 1500 $15.365 The grants will be based on ex- penditures not exceed.ing the $15,- 365.00 above ientioned o! whicb thýe Dominion and the Ontario Govemn- ments will each pay one quarter, and your municipality anc half. No payment can be made in re-1 spect o! expenditures made by your Corporation after March 31, 1931, for direct relie! or an account o! the construction o! the works before set out." Citizens have been misinformed by other newspapers regardîng ibis f!und in that tbey have staied Bowmanville is ta receive the entire $15,365 f rom the goverieni. Only bal! o! this cames frai. that source and the bal- ance must be raised by direct taxa-1 tion in ibis iunicipality. It should alsa ho understood that ibis relie! wark provided for the uncmployed will nai lasi throughout the winter, s0 that strîngent econoîy should be1 exercised by aîl concerned. Waterworks Commutice was eni- pawerecl ta enîiploy a competent en- gineer ta draw plans and specifica- flans for a proposed equalizer roser- voir and ta advertise for tenders for conetruction o! rame. Waierworks Commuttee was auth- jorized ta seIl electric motar, siarting eciipient and transiformers i punip bouse for largest amount obtainable. Roads & Streets Committee was empowered ta proceod witb ditching, gi'ading and gravelling on Base Uine, Tabb's Road and Middle Road, as pari o! scbeme entered into with goverment ta aid unemployment. LOCAL AND> OTHERWISE Miss. Pauline Wager attended the commencement exercises of Cobourg Collegiate Institute last Friday. Mrs. C. J. Smale and family spent Thanksgiving wlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peebles, Coiborne. Mrs. Geo. Foster and daughters, and Mrs. J. Philp were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott, Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hinkson and son Hubert, Batavia, N. Y., recently vis- ited ber mother, Mrs. Robt. Holmes. Mrs. F. M. Taniblyn lias returned home after an enjoyable two montha' visit with relatives in Mldland and Toronto. Mr. Stanley Falls, Toronto, and brother Arthur, recently vlsited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn, Providence, and Mrs. Jennings, New- castle. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Smytb O'Brien. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. William Brock, and Mrs J. Hately were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Mr. Norman Elliott spent the weekend with the latter's father, Mr. S. El- liott, Edenvale, who is qulte ill. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. McCoy, Sask- atoon, Mrs. James McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McCoy and Mrs. McCoy Sr., Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Norman Taylor. We wlsh to extend congratulations Ito Sam B. Pollard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald S. Pollard, Toronto. Sam is one of the prize winners of Central Higli School of Commerce, reporteci in the Toronto daily papers of November l3th and l5th. He won the Sir Jno. C. Eaton scholarshlp, in General Business Course. The many Bowmanviile f riends of Miss Ruth Origg, youngest daugliter of Mrs. David Grigg, Toronto, are sorry to learn that she was knocked down by an auto on Bloor Street on Saturday afternoon and sustamned head injuries and is now in General Hospital where she is receivmng med- ical care. We hope for a speedy re- covery. Mr. A. S. Baker, Landscape Arcli- itect, and bis staff of town beauti- fiers, have been busy the past week getting the school grounds in shape f or the open air ice rink being erect- ed by the Rotary Club. A level sur- face 150 x 100 f eet lias been excavat- ed and graded and ail is now in readiness for Jack Frost to do lis work. The basebail diamond and grounds have been rectified also. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. W. J. Richards on Friday, Nov. l4th, it belng the oc- casion of bis mother's 83rd blrthday. Mrs. Richards was taken completelY by surprise. Rer seven children with their busbands and wlves and several grandchildren enjoyed sup- per with her. - Afterwards the even- 1lng was spent lin games and music. .Ai le! t later in the evenlng, lioping >she may be spared ta enjoy manY more pleasant blrtlidays. May we again remind citizens that tbey can do their part in lielplng the unemployed lin town by glving tbem the odd Job about your home, sliop or premises. It may be only »a small Job, a !ew liours' work per- haps, but it means a wliole lot to, the man who want work to feed and clothe bis famlly. Just put your- self out a littie bit ta see that tliese man who, wants work to f eed and do is phone 316 ta Councillor T. H. Lockbart who will see that a suitable man is sent ta your place lmmed- latelY. Those getting work are also urged ta practise economy. qk - tteman

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