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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1930, p. 6

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PAGE S~IXTE CANADLAN STATESMMN. BOWMANVMIE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930 jHAYDON MAPLE GROVE GOLDEN WEDDING COURTICE C.G.I.T. RALLY rand Mrs. Leslie Graham and Mr. Wm. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mn.. James Crosaman, 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundie, Mrs. Successful Gathening HeId in Oshawa son Ro and Jim, Sundayed at Mr. Ansley Wenyes, Mrs. Petbick, Tor- Haydon, Complete Fifty Years of A. F. Rundie and Miss Anne Hoit. Cyrus d s . CaresSoergMrtc.fono vSud May s .I e-Mrie iesetMna i eaie nPn- The affiliated C.G.I.T. groups ofth Att nti n ' r.asnd MsCaresrightr. afonto vStdaMi. adMs .I et are iedale. Oshawa Preshyterial held their Sec- and Mrs. Alvin Hicks and Robe Miss Hfida Faley, spent the week- A very happy gathering of relatives1Mr and Mrs. N. B. McIver and ond Annual World Friendship al 1 m r a d o u t y n n H ar n on v iie d t M r.R ichad M c- e d w*th h er c us n ,M r. d M n . a sem led h o e o f fMr an d ' M r. ea , H mit nûse t i i g St. Chur , O shaw a, on N o. RN s atrmMr.andJames Cross- WhFrankJaby , oSa. ra meb s Mr. Wiliam Crossmn, an d Torntoth sM e.an r.Hwd mns.M. Sadrs. Coroo sian re- M.ane GrveL.mC. S Tenodn - a p Turse 0f mconey was prtescenete y Ms To.BowLnsaad tred at the miression.of Mrs. W tr E tourntjoy'w HtG.hrthem.isiedbrother.ns wih W.mthR.itiCournvera- Ypu Can Buy ~Mr. and Mrs. ElirradJohn, Tron-M r e. and8tb. ReeJeohnMGegod a stAoftermtig sper Anads svedbyic. and Mrs. Cortce his irwee iceayo heaflae rus 21 Ibs Epsom Salts anorFre.a, tuSaed d t Mr. aebiaCro htcular suat. ra yM.WlimCosa, Trnoti e mant's, n. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wo Mpe roe ma rdeand n th ue ter whic a pesantb Mr. anhos.B A.wF. nsyand rs. R te ogr e sonth grls 3 ls.Satptr fr tr nd MTrsntoA. McNteadfm iy Mrs. J. B. Wlodn, vist ed ith Mr. ocarviey wasma, pe, nt. mily,. .Oshaw, w nay gevsts an erssed her pleareas5 Mr ad rs Eme rale, em Dc 1th Rsevete at. uIi eamfof thoe rentesreeM. ian d f M r.and r. G.r. W. Rî. Cu la ereta nmerbig rsnt h '7 ls Grund rimtonefor 5c ae mvingintoMrs Creper' houe.iand rs. orac Hokley AoweopMrsiJoh Crppma andson s I, Mr.and rs. lenFlinondMissexpaine tha thee wrld rienshi 40 oz. Russian 011 for S.50 visited at Mr. Fred Cowling's, Purplel Quite a number from here, are at- Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Will Samelis, Margaret and Master Carl, Mr. and Rallies are for the purpose of im- Hill. and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samells, Mrs. Jack Flintoif and Master Bob, pressing on the girls the need of K i gal. ~~~~Mr. Lloyd Ashton lost a valuable at Trinity United Church, Towne Crossman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pas-Master George, aîî of Oshawa, were 1 Ird. We must understand that Co ie w o ii edn h ece' riig oreNsîtn r n r.FakM n r eb Flnofadfinsi mn h ain fteer (faterfat brndfaose herirtnodte heorMrseF thelw, ascaled ofo thee M. ad rs.HareyCrosma, undy.vsiorsatMr.HowrdFJi- eonctoon grattamey,"tht od or Several from bere are attending the ronto last week, owing to the ilness anoeMrndMrs. H rvda Crossman Mr. tof vi's bas de o one.loodwalrnatons o ,Trunttn;Churcb, Bowmanville. MrCongratulations teooMr.gGordonmiland others. Standard Tramning Scbool Classes in of ber sister, Mrs. James Burnett. and Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy, Haydon; iv . .Whfamatedd a m e of ne aid he puponsofte- Abernethy on bis recent marriage. James Crossman and Mary Ann banquet in Cobourg on Monday. day's program of Japanese folk songs, 1 K R L K SENNISKILLEN We welconie Mrs. Abernety toourl Mountjoy were married on October On Thursday afternoon of last games, stories, pictures and play was KE S AK E ' _community. 27th, 1880, at Haydon, by Rev. R. week the home of Mrs. Will Bickle te belp tbe girls to a better under THEDEENDBL ORG TOR vsied ersiser Mr. . Badey Mrs. Maeklin, Cobourg, is visiting Mallett, Bible Christian minister of was the meeting place of our W.M.S. standing of tbe traditions, tbe re- Mite r ss C.Hridge, Po.rtHe,ber dugbter, Mrs. Samuel Snowden. Tyrone circuit. After the devotional period in which, ligion and the customrs of the Jap-, _______0._________________and Lois Mr. Ernest Garbutt. Oshawa, spent Miss Aura Osborne read the Bible! anese people. s spntte ee-ndatW . aJlffrey's tfhe weekend wth JmArsrogTYRONE Iesson anddlM/rs. A. J. OeadMrs. Ms asnad isBeet MAPr Suo. adMs imtMr fVl Miss Ruth Armstrong, Grace Hos- Church service next Sunday at ficers were re-elected. Miss Sadie Oshawa, very ably led tbe sngn' *Vv~ Mr.H owl n agtrentia, visited their niece, Mrs. Or- pital. Toronto. spent a few heurs 10.30 a. m., League Thursday ev- Muir was appointed assistant band tbrougbout tbe day. Miss TempltonRU Dort Hbavelet nd from snd- Jeffrey. I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. ening was in charge of the Mission- leader for the Sunbeams Band at of BelvllBanbSc etyof anITe'e~~ pn e aswt oot re Armsrong.ary Vice President. Miss Alice No. 8 school. Raig eegve fiitdCG...gop ae a vry iM wdy ib oot red. Xiss Crossley, Port Hope; Mr. E. ____________Afiite ..IT gopsgv avry KY3 c Mr. and Mrs. F. Rogers and famiiy, Evans and Mrs. W. Patterson, Orono; Thompson. The following was the' by Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Boyce and Miss nestgbokrvw.S" àhi viste be mthr i Witb, bo Mr'. and Mrs. Catbcart and family, SALEM program: Rev. r. R. Bick, Hampton, Aura Osborne, and a solo was niceîy dii'ithe irlbokteview. She in- Klai io#'2g qusite jîl.e ohr nWiby h Kendal, were visitors of Mr~. adil land ndrs..G.HnyadMs gave an address on the Standard sung by Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. F. W.dcdtegrst aycarig fi ohoe-vr qut l.Tebr.M.adMs .HnyadMs Training School being held in Bow- Rundle's group who had charge cf Japanese cbaracters with wbom she Rr.evarMnzoilr andsMi'. H. er. Ruth, Newcastle, vtsjted witb Mr. and manville this week; reading, Missi the meeting served ref resbments to boped they would become better ofisti-.àd £ ~ ay We welconme oorvilaenMout. n MPisstenvscite lRand Mr. F.iW- Mr. W. G. Werry, on Sunday. Lola Richards, "Voice of the Winds"; about fifty and a pleasant haif bour friends. A new feature of the rally . s..rtlg . Mrs. NomnteCoon, ovillag t.ake daU Denby and friends in Pleona, re- Mr'. Kenneth Werry, wbo is teach- Mi's. A. W. Clemens gave a splendid was spent. Mrs. Bîckle was most were nine discussion groups led by sb Iowpdoec Mrs NomanCoo, wo wll akecenly.irlg at Antiocb, spent the week-end at topie on "Pioneers of Japan"; read- gracious as hostess. Misses Wei'ry, Watson, Spargo and coreo h ai o r.Sae r lto Aohdon lost a valuable Ptroo ing, Mi'. Albert Wood Quite a The Sunday services as usual were Rickard and Mesdames Perry, Petley, I botf h.. ad et J ~ ~M. and Mrs. Chas. Johns and familod bybeaig1t ec.IMi'. and Mrs. L. Savery and chil- number f rom here are attending the inspiring. and oui' pastor. Rev. H. C. Adams, Harston and Kirkland having eg s- l. and Miss Ruth Johns, visited Mrs. y.cl nMna ybekn t ek rn ecslvstda r 7V e c l J. lawotb, OhaaonSunday. Congratulations te Mi'. and Mrs ~ Nwate iie M' . Standard Training Schoni held in Wolf raim. preached an excellent ser- Stewardships as their theme. These I AJ.hur Brutronytheshawa, oon Welsh's. Bowmanville On Wednesday ev-1 mon in the morning on "A good word were followed by a few words by Miss grcflSIdoM o4 Glad te report Mrs. C. J. Kei'slakeArhrButote rilfa baby Mrs. F. L. Squair, Mi'. L. Sui ening the members of Orono Mission' for p00i' Thomas." The Sunday Templeton on giving to Missions ... aM.. )progressing favorably at bier home girl. an rs. W. E. Pollard, visited withI Band visited the Tyrone Band, andi School session was well attended and Lunch asevdithbsmn.A ug c sine br rtur frm S. Mch el's i'. and Mrth se llriffiren tMr. and Mrs. W. Moff at, Orono, on Igave a splendid program consisting the even.ing service was in charge of wsse'edi tePNflQ 'h r ud Hospital, Toronto. cotenhistdthmate' prn s un 0 f an address by Mrs. (Rev.) Sterl- the W. M. S. when Mrs. (Dr.) Car- Miss BaIl of Bowman,.ille was in1 edrbs sindr Mrs. A. ,TrnotMi'. and Mrs. H. Siemon and Miss Mrs. W. Peters, Mr'. T. Peters, ing, Orono; songs recitations and a scallen of Ontario Ladies' College. charge of tbe games whichw were Vu"osr as Tdhe Confterence uA nrth edr rt imn Trno i.adMs Oshawa, and Mi'. and Mrs. L. Iaco, short play Congratulations to Mr'. Whitby. was present and gave a very Thep ofernethe elaer-Grdt Son Task ;Mr and Mrs. E.5ni l'Toronto' eeauda ales~ and Mrs. D. Hicks, Harriston, on interesting address speaking on the mucb enjoyed by the girls. Two. $12&,si..5, iu d si ofteChristian Citizenship -Gorcousin, 1andIrs. E. J. Doi. wreSau d glerso their recent marriage Mi'. and missîonary work in general, also on beautiful Japanese stories illustrated Dept. of tbe Bay of Quinte Confer-; and Mrs. Hugh Annis, were Sunda hi osn r.E .Dig. .Ms .D ogo n atrtewr nCiaweeD.adb ldswr odb r.Aas ence, was fairly weII attended here, callers at Mi'. and Mrs. J. Slemon's. ia orry to report Mrs. R. Francess in GMen,'s.CD.hwdsoentahd Mase rshe wrk C in w e sries r. nd by sle wert ogey rs. pAams, on riayan Snd>.Sorry to report Mrs. J. Slemon isa very poo state of heaîth. wth their grandmaother. Mrs. Laura twenty years. Mrs. Carscallen is a very clearly tbe reasons for C.G.I.T. Yowg eope f Hmpon ntr-confined to lier bed.ad Miss Hilda Richards, who bas been Hicks, and other friends M'm ost leasing speaker and her ad- groups being affiliated and wbat tained with a Banquet, on Friday eve- family, Oshawa; Mi'. H. Stainton, for some time past, went to Toronto hunting expedition, brîirging home listeners with the great need of mis- this year is to be a loose-leaf scrap ning. Rev. W. P. Fletcher, Oshawa,, apovisited Mi'. Jas. Stainton te consult a specialist. We hope for Mr Alert Mr.ilîs i'ecentlyised at he adie' orsangtw hon ru ivnsintebstoef hb toe addressed the young people and dis- ,oi onie obi e.'satisfactory resuîts. MtwoAdert i'. rt i ils adTh s ie oirsangmissoarcgvinsbook, baîf Japanese and balf Canad- K cussion groups were held wbich wei'e: Mi'. and Mrs. S. Pethick and family Sympathy is extended to ourI'e~aen-, Mr Lou Buckley's, Newcastle land a lovely solo "Alone with God" snt to Japan. prftal o i.spent Sunday witb the îatter's sisterý er, Miss Gilbanks in the death of bier Glad to report Mi'. Everett Virtue a was sung with much expression byt theCofeene oninedunern unayaferoo ad vey~Mrs. E. Dickinson, Oshawa. 'aunt, Mrs. Taylor of Solina. îittîe better at time of writing Miss Francis Hancock. Bowmanville A very inspiring worship service S 4 'F ~ ' b theadoership o Mi'. S. Saywe the Mi' ri. and Mi's. S. Page, Enfield; Miss Word was received by Mrs. E. J.I Mrs. James AlIdread is viting lier Hospital. A quarettte was also sung, bM TH OA &E ~- leadrshp o Mr S.Sayell Mr Alberta Page, Boston, visited Mrs. Doidge last week, of the deatb of an daughter, Mrs. Harvey Strong, Osh- by Mesdames A. E. Rundle. K. E. ywas conducted by rs. Tait's group,' Fred. Riding and Mrs. Carrol Ander- Llod Pago aud uncle, Mr. John On- of Renfrew, Pa., awa Mrs. Elizabeth Wight is Courtice, G. F. Annis and W. R Oshawa. A short play was presentedý The best in 1oter Hsey hso Cnfnecews hefis of Ostsa.Oroston. Ormniston and Mrs. Edwin' which leaves only one surviving mem-l spending a few days with Mrs. Sher Courtice. Mrs. W. H. Nichols and 1b ru rmTiiy me rvl Ths ofeecewa h pfrtof tmises n Enfield, visited their aunt,, ber of a family of nine cbildren, who1 wood Rundle. Bowmanville Mi' ris. John Found acted as ushers and Cburcb, Bowmanvilîe ,and the raîly Phone 120Bomnie 4 ~ knd a asvenheldid rtoniesXIis. J. Mountjoy, Sr sen their chiîdbood days in Saîem, and Mrs. Clarence Woodîey, Edith took the offeiing which amounted to was brougbt to a close by the girls________________ teb ov nte ihwircin ithis Velma Orcharu, spent Sunday and attended school bere when the 1 and Joyce, visited with Mr'. and Mrs. nearly $20. 1joining bands and singing "Taps" the leadership of Young People. bihler aunt, Mrs. George Reid. late Mi'. John Hughes, father of Dr. Herb. Scott, Orono Mr'. and Mrs. We congratulate these three young 1Mi' Wilfi'ed Sanderson had a very' J. L. Hughes, Toronto, and Generali David Hicks, who have been visiting ______ men in their ability as leaders ini succe'ssful sale last week. J. Hughes of Bowmanville taught in her brother, Mi'. N. J. Woodley, and ___ Young People's work. Miss Vera Kerslake, Hampton;- Mi' the little red school bouse. other friends, are in Toronto attend--____ Mi'. and Mrs. C. Dunlop, Coldwatei', adMs i.HcaaSlna ii: S mCrsmsCnert willb ing the Royal Winter Fair on theirI visited.Mi'.. nd Mrs. T.SSiater. iihSae CritasI.c Mste r.Gath Peret T. vsited ried MsWm. Oke's. hl nDcmbr2n.Dn't forget way home at rIlTiston Miss Grace Mrs. E. Ludkin and grandson,j dM' 1 Jffesuoithe date. MacKay and Miss Alice Thops1o X E T ON L V LU S A Miss Myrte Je____________ i were the delegates to Young Popls siedigTofrodysntMt.o. League Convention held at Hamptoni in Toronto. .SOLINAonriaanSudy M'ad Several from oui' village are avail Br nt's. . . ochan iio rdyadSny M.ad Mi'.andMrs.C. . Loch nd Mss1Mrs. Raymond Clapp, Mi'. and Mrs. ing tbemseîves of the opportunity of Eva Loucb, Hampton, spent Sunday 1Mi'. and Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mi'. Robt. Hodgson and Miss Nina, Mrs. attndig he eacers Tainngwith their sister, Mrs. J. Pye. Bruce, visited at Mi'. Stanley Milder's, James Storey had a very enjoyable ClasesatBowanill eahvenng Mi'. and Mi's. J. Ferguson and Miss Sunderland. time recently at the home of Mi'. and of this week Elsie Ferguson, Uxbridge, viisited Dr., Mrs. Thos. Pascoe and Miss Mai'- Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Oshawa. . Mr'. C. W. Hastings and Mi'. Morley and Mrs. Ferguson, on Friday. garet, Mi'. L. T. Pascoe, Misses Mai'--,____ Hatnsar uyinill ay BowMn l:'J Jury and Mr.D. *Wonllso oyadEi aposeoe's. ___ »A SPECIL PRCHASE 0F week with ber mother, Mrs.erClot-tdaycevenigad wsMrei'. llsoes. I the or umr otge.o Wm.naySho i ners f Mi'. and Mrs. W.J. und eMiress worthy. Sterling, Orono, wbo delivered a fine cent guests of Mi'. Edgar Pascoe, M.adMs .DeitadLoa Mr n r.AbrtGy ootTbanlksgiving sermon. The choir Thornton's Corners. spent Sunday with Mrs. Devitt's par- viie aetMi'. and Mrs. W edrdtoates MissMro' odynme o u on e-etM. and Mrs. J. Mabood. G a y . r c h a d t a i n g h e o li g at p a r , a n p e g o oe d ly n u e r fe o u 'Y o u n g e p e 's-r . r V e ni g S u n d a y e d o n AtronFok Mrs. Martin and son Arthur, To-1 Miss Annie Oke the solo in the Rally in Hampton and visited friends. "The VeninlatennonF.ck rotspent the week-end with Mrs.: anthem.MisAaPcoTrnspt Glad to report that Mi. Wm. Ven- BeseRabbins. The Musical Comedy entitled "Re- the week-end with bier father, Mi'. H.'j nang is much improved in health. Mi'. and Mrs. W. MacMilan, Peter- ceiving the Parson" wbich was given G. Pascoe.. Mr'. Fred Tarvis is starting black- iiA ot m zngPic real boo e Hydr.mendhave coLeted iiithe iou people bere under the Mrs. Thos. Baker and Miss Vera, smithing in Blackstock. 1 JotA aigPiePeal The oni'vilae ad eolIauspices of tbe C.G.I.T., on Friday Mrs. W. T. Baker and Miss Louise, Mi'. and Mrs. Brown, Toronto, spent' ther orkinou vilae nd eolenight, was well gîven. Miss Elva Mrs. Chas. Howsam, visited Mrs. E. Sunday witb Mi'. and Mrs. Wm. Nes- Madefro £ C L QuaitySil Canton rp are enjoying te the full the conveni- Orchard, leader, deserves great credit J. Black at Oakwood, on Sunday and bitt. vaeýo Jpr uKt rp ences of electricity. foi the way it was put on. Miss found lier much improved in bealth 1 The sympathy of the entire comn lc adClr Mi'. R. Westaway bas retui'ned to Maron Orchard was accompanist. Cogauaiost i.Bert Mont- munity is extended te Mrs. Er'nest Bak ndClr Cameron, after having spentsvea Mrs. G. Preston spent a few days gomnery on bis recent marriage toe amr bs ohr r.W . weeks with bis daugbterMr.Ca-wtMr.FEli.isDotyMGegr, Tanon1 Taylor, Solina, died on Sunday. worthy. Ms Tb h cGeor autn Mi'. and Mrs. G. Trimble and Mi'r. T . lmni hvn i About forty-five relatives and1 of the mnte hly metingof teldWeM. and Mrs. R. Widdecombe, visited their bouMeandndstore wi visied Hydro. fthendof at andoand nd gav T Rde I esdeatUnteehome of MrsJ Os$ 4 4 9 mother, Mrs. Niddrie. latter's father, Mr'. L. Ashton, Ux- a genuine surprise on Monday eve- Wright. Opening prayer, Mrs. Archl-$ 49 Mr'. and Mrs. C. S. Wood, Orono, bridge, on Sunday. nn tbigtetit-br nîe er; Bible Reading, Mrs. D. Galbraith; visited Mi'. and Mrs. J. L. Jobns. nirnadMs.W G obisBw arifteir wtedding. Aftr niv Readings, Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mrs. Earle Mi'. L. T. Pascoe and mly isi ng.adîngW .RbisBw ayo herwdig f DreladMs Nra onjy Osaw fieds o fmiyviitdmanvile; INrs. Levi Robbins and fa.. "The more we are together".1Mi' Mel- Drelan .NomnMu ty At least 12 sparkling Oshwa riedsonSunday. ily, Hampton, were recent visitors of ville H. Staples of Orono caîled the, Miss Frances Elford sang a solo. t Just consider this Their many friends in oui' comn- Mr. F. Robbins. MassElascopay o rde adtne natsitrvte Bzarwic astplcheinte"sye hcblr n m itexedsmptytMi.WT. On Saturday evening Ms la speech explained the reason of the'j Town Hall, Friday, Dec. 5, wben Mi'. e stlfaurn chcb eoadjbt Taylor and family in the death -of Ashton was very pleasantly sui'prised gathering and little Miss Ruth Pen-fetrnjao Mrs. Taylor, wbo was laid to rest, on by a birthday shower, given ber by found, Ebenezer, presented Mrs. Run- Ralph Gordon, Toronto, will givi the eoain;l gsevs md r up b Tuesday aferi'ioon. er husband and children, and a few dle witb a beautiful bouquet of muns i'oGla ram ort thecorsS q atin;ln lee;m d rm sp Many of oui' homes were opened te of their friends. A fowl dinner beîng Mr'. and Mrs. Rundle tbanked the Gomead mt e ptat Mnrsttleit is§ikcnoncee;lvl rneo receive the young people delegates to served which every one thoroughly f riends for coming. The evening was honm from rthe osit alnLttî rt ult sl atn cee;lvl 'neo the Conference Sunday evening, and enjoyed. spent in a social way an( lunc was an, muc improed4in ea4t. to serve to tbem the evening meal. Miss E. M. Wei'ry, Toronto, spent; evdb h ais fe'wibtei Miss Effa Wrght is visiting friends ;1 clr;sie 4t 4 The sypathy f the ommuniy the witb er niee, Mis.J'esvd teadisigMi.anai'. St atains i s xtened t M'. J CemnsinR r -îso --uniemay or yar o-hpp i' Hn,!SmeîsspntSuda_ radio poles and fence posts. Pur- M iretIrs.[elbi esn"....... chasers to have to April 1, 1933, to J Friday, November 28th-Mr. David was given by Miss Fanny Smale and 'omodation. remove timber. Sale at 1.30) p. mn.' W. Johnston. Lot 5, Con. 2. Cart- iMi's. Jas. Smale took the devtiona. Mi'. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Mrs. YOUR FAVORITE LnMED T~erms: Cash or 6 months' ýcredit on J w ight, who as sold is f arm, w îll 1 The topic on W orld Peace was ta en T osPar yAWiby rsCos p approved notes with itrs at 6% /vseIl al of bis f arm stock, implements.! by Miss Helen Baker. Piano Solo,' ngt ag htrLl.Ohw, SH P IGC N R hn 14 W I VLE B YFO per annuin. grain, f eed, moots, etc. Sale at 1 Mrs. Isaac Hardy; Reading, Misa May, spent Sunday with their cousinMi'rES Tru Power, W .Maw, P. M. See bills. Theo. M. Slemon. Westlake, aftei' wbich a musical con- Wmn. Jolliffe, Cambridge St. North.-! Clerk. Acine.acint'48-2! test was enjoyed. Lindsay Post. I a ter actone ýb-- PAGE S=

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