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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TN TEECANADAN STTESMA. BOWANVILE. THTRSAai, LVOVO GRANT FLEMING. M MATERNAL MORTALITY The death of a mother is the great- est tragedy that can occur. The lass af the mother brings in its trin sobu ma"y social ills, that it is beyond our ability ta put its far-reachlng re- suits inta wards. Unfartunately. such tragedies are flot uncommon. Ini this country, six mothers lase their lives for every thousand cbfldren barn alive. The appalling tbing abaut these deatbs is that many ai them need nat accur, as it is passible to prevent them. To the woman herseif and ta her. famlly, it may appear as if she bad been struck down by a boit f rom tbe 1 blue. Wîhat bas actuaily bappenedi1 is that a condition develaps, but goest unnoticed untUl seriaus symptmns' manifest themselves.r Wben the expectant mother is un-r der the regular supervision af berc doctor, he can detect any abnormalv condition f ram the start, and he can, br proper treatment, prevent the de- veiopment af any seriaus condition. This la one reason-and it sbould 9 be a sufflelent one-wby every expec- tant mother should bave prenatal t] care. By prenatal care, we mean li that, througbout ber pregnancy, ai f rom the earliest montbs, sbe should be seen by ber doctor at regular i- tl tervals, once a month, at first, and P: twice a montb durlng the latter paft af ber pregnancy.M Prenatal care la preventive care. It allows, as we have pomnted out, for ng the early discovery and proper treat- 01 Ment ai abnormal conditions. It ai- s.t makes for a more comertable slI PregnancY if the woman follows the th advloe wblch the doctor gives ber. to Wamen are aiten told tbt mb process ai chiidbirtb lsa anormal function, and tbat tbey shoiild flot mý consider themselves as being any- l thing but normal during tbat period. be This la ail true, but It does nat fol- 1cli 10w that, in the performance ofaisl narmnal body function, medicial help1. and guidance are not needed. l Eating la a normal process wblch n we carry tbrougb several times a day, en, and yet we know that most people ta, need t. be helped bY foilowlng some Intelligent direction as ta, the select- ton of their foods. Digestion lsaa normal function ai tbe body whlch ' Usuallr gaes on wtbout our being m( âware that It la taklng place, yet, 0on once In a wilie, tbe digestive process doi gets out af order, and then we need po medical help.ca We would say te expectant matb-Ca ers that It la qulte rlgbt for thern ta Pr 11*4 - ît"lfl ind New Canadian Pacific Giant ONLY A MEMOBY NOW Pop (leers, Bud Doble and Red e sWilkes. Tbey ranted about current To C m a The once flourishing institution, prices af commadities. They argued disapeared fromthe cities and the opinion that any horse that to tbysabeoasati te ntrei ald subjets, but we unanios n 0FTErecaîl wben long raws af vebicles, good roader. As soon as warmn S . .f rom buckboards ta tbe snappy dem- weatber caon the loafers moved fid u 201(UIlt ca aoine b pcso their chairs out in front. There tbey either side af tbe main floor drive- whittled bobbers for fishing. or cary- way of the livery stable, their shaits ed their initiais. Wben a game ai Edifrd*bY prapped higb wth notcbed baards. "quaits" was in pragress they made Sulkies. toa. and a prim littie gig up a critical gallery. W.D. - ASSOCIATE SECRETARY with patent leather dash-board and Largely because af these hiangers- glass-sided lamps at tbe side. in on and because it was the Mecca for, cansider their condition as belng whicb candles were burned. Tangles the sporting fraternity. the liveryf normal, but that they sbould not for- of harness hung. in profusion an stable aiten bad an unsavory repu-.l get that wbat tbey want ta do is ta numerous pegs, saime sets gaudily tation. Substantial lay leadera ai- .. keep normal. The best way ta main- decorated with rings af brigbt cal- ed it and ministers aiten classed it tain the normal condition and ta ors. and witb a glinting silver crest along witb the poolroom and the prevent any seriaus abnormality la urider a glass medallion near the saloon, as a "bell-hale." The tawn '~~ through the prenatal care whicb the blinders. pug. ever-present. had no uplifting famil docor gves.influence. Cock-fighters tried out famil docor gves.White and yellow flynets were fes- their birds on the ground floor down- Question cancerning Health, ad- taoned here and there. Boxes naiied stairs. Race track touts made tbe dressed ta the Canadian Medical As- up in convenient spots contamned place their beadquarters. And the saciation. 184 Coilege Street, Toron- curry cambs, round cans of axle no above. witb its weaîth of frag- ta. wiii be answered persanaily by grease and horse clippers. Ropes ai rant timothy bay. was a true haven P leter.sleigb beils were looped over spikes for every immoderate tippler wbo re-A corrier. The horses were usuaily tbat itwould be very inadvisable ta SAFETYS TEN COMMANDS stalled downstairs. On the ceiling tyfralniga i w oiie beams tin signa were tacked that ad- tyfralniga i w oiie Ontario Safety League Issues Ten vertised Gitcbell's Liniment and Chet Shafer. in the Detroit News Tablets af AdviceKndespaiCu.Adabea recails that the livery stable t.-ie First: Thou shaît bave no other siate which was tacked ta the waliltans rtaekwergaSw- thought but tby wark. oftbe oce was samne such verse, tika stickpin crosswise thraugh bis Second: Thou shaît take no un- lougbecamprhniegnraad tie, rented a rig on a Sunday and, necessary risks, nor try ta show off, mnta iteivr uies drove around with the top down and nor play practical jokes. for by thi oiino helvr uies one foot dangiing over the side. And caeeWbipho aes oinuy ligbt, spotting a loafer moared by an awn-J :ariesnes thu myes doinjry ri've slow, ing rope, he's sing out, boisterously: ~ . rhih il bveefectupo bethrd Pay cash, ",Haw's your corposity sagaciatin' and iourth generatiana ta i ollow. Before you go. 1~a.Emr" Ele hcln Third: Thou shaît not swear nor The planklng ai the floor was worn wou. ld repy:"Sa'st'erocucnd Ho1 oajse thtme hntbnsd o and spllntered witb the action ai are you Ez"" "Sick abed on two Fg rh eebr buatnt many sbarp-shod boof s. The runf- chairs," he'd retort as he cracked bis I be anlyt anemean th o arnd bat ning gear of the rigs were washed by whip and clattered alang for more ives ail onhesnare jo a d hata swipe dressed in overails and an sailles, leaving ini bis wake tumuit- .s tlilne ownesbr.wh a avr.fsi-uaus îaugbter and the comment from Fifb: anr ty jb nd hysifating marier ai giving a wbeel a Elmer: "Ez sure's a goer. Gai an atain R. G. Latta, mare f amili bafth tby da may jb lng la em-f twist ta see if it was true. AUl livery -serfor evrythiI. AftI antic passengers as "Joci loyment. Tawsat o da tbleswipe s r haatersBstihy Some of the livery stables around' Paifis nrEmpres aiBritain.T Sixth: Thuwatnt la oe orthes and shiies But they the country bave steadily reslated ta Captain Latta after 26 yearx nacinry he i isinmotovehd horeswerephiosopersandthe encroachment af the grease- Canadian Pacifie Steamships ,wbi( Seventb: Thou shait not watch thy spotted mecbanlc, whase idea ai' a with the rank ai 4tb officer. In Leighbor's work, but attend ta thine Wbips were kept in a rack, hung tboraugbbred is a machine that bits Captain Latta sailed witb severala ýwn. by the knot ai the lash. On a rickety on ail cylinders. But yeilowing became chiei officer ai the Monte2 Eightb: Thou shait not let the table in the office, set against the newspapers of an ancient date now epration ai seven years as chiei of leeves ai tby shirt bang baose, nor wail under a glass-doored case con- abstruct a view tbrough cobwebbed tionp ta commander ai the Manmou he flaps ai tby coat ta be unbut- taining special chain and jainted windows of the silent office. The J in 1923, he anticipated promotion1 mned, as tbey may get caugbt in bits. were a f ew smudged copies of smart aleck cbugs past in a flivver the fleet b bis appointment ta achinery and thereby do great bod- the village newspaper, and a dog- now. driving wltb one band. The Empresa o Britain, ih was y barin. eared deck ai cards for games af waoden sign, a horse's bead wlth Montroala. After a 'shortiinterlude Ninth: Thou shait nat throw casino. Prints of Maud S. with ber crossed whips, and gilded, no longer Scotiand, the Scottisb shipmaster w iatches nor greasy waste on the record 2.09V/4, Chinies and Pala Alto creaks in the wlnd. The carry-ail, ai Australia, comimand o f which hg oor, nor scatter ail around the adorned the walls. These together the greatest ofai Il ceremonial vebic- conveying Premier R. B. Bennet arlngs, as a dlrty warker la a witb the prints oi jockeys, vied les, bas vanisbed. 1no one knows Conierence, in arder ta "stand by u.msnY worker, and a clumsY worker rather unauccessfuily for notice wlth wbere. And the prancing steeds, Britain during the last stages ai h;. a menace ta bis feilow workers. the smafl card pbatograpbs of bur- wlth their gay flynets and rlnged Tentb: Thou sbalt not interfere lesque queens, in tigbts that came martingales, have gone ta the land_________ ith the swltehes, nor the dynamos, with one ai' tbe few brands ai "caf- wirence none return. r the beits, nor the cables, nor the fin nails" known ta the day. And let hum go wbere be will, or gines, nar anything else tbou art Sucb was the typical Iivery stable. worth as be camres. -Emerson. Id la dangerous. Ini winter the round-belled stove ai H3M BY PROXIY _ the office was red hat much ai the New liquor permits are naw being tinie, simmering the water in a dirty Dora was bnsy ail day, but in the I know fia method ta secure the sued, whlch indicate the amount of pan an top. In suinier the flues long evenlngs-bow she mlssed ber repeal. ai bad or abnoxious laws, sa ney being spent by the lxousebold buzzed wth insolent abandon thru iamily and bier homne-town friendsl effectual as tbe.ir strict enforcement. ialcoholic beverages. If the drinks wide rents in the screening af the One nigbt ît wuI necessary for ber -Ulysses S. Grarnt. )n't supply the necessary stagger doar. Loafers abaunded for plenty, ta telephone her mother. Bath dis-j ssilythefiure wll o a i smein ail seasans, waitlng for an appar- cavered how pleasant a "Long Dis-l The question la: Gsily he igueswiRdo a, n smetunity ta drive. Tlpped back in their tance" visit was, and now they have "How much of the stuiffai exist- ses, commenta the Actan F'ree chairs their priarity rigbts were in- weekly chats. Dora feels almost as ence are you willing ta barter for a es.alienable. Tbey drowsily discussedi thougli she were 'back home.", dollarf' -Don Marquis. 12.« a. ni. lOanadian Pacife EiIwaln (Standard lime) WEST BOUNO EAST BOUND t6.'17 a. m. D 10.03 a. nm. o07.10 a. m. D 3.11i p. m. * 7.55 a. m.* 9.30 p. Mi. D l'l p. M. t112.20 a. mi. D 7.17 pr. Mo 01.18 a. nm. D-DalHy; *-Daily exoept gund,,y; :-Daly for pointa weat of Tarouo. o-DaIIy for Passengers to and frorn Toronto. You Who Are Employed m You Who Are Financially Able and Can Buy Should Buy NOW at New, Much Lower Price Levels It 's The Dollar That's Spent That Cornes Back To You fie Bowmanville Merchants whose announcements appear in The Statesman, are presenting to you Buying Oppoî'tunities each week that should start you buying your Fail and Winter requirements. They appeal to you to take advantage of the present low price levels and make youî' purchases now, saving yourself money and assisting in creating new business that w~il1 start the wheels of industry turning. Eveî'v man and woman who is in a position to buy should buy now, because in so doing you are p)ut- ting more money in circulation, increasing the national buying p)ower~, speeding up business, keeping the wheels of industryî'unning, creating jobs for the un- employed, strengthening your own job or your own business, saving money for your farnily budget and giving your dollars a chance to corne back to you. Haî'd tirnes and depression is an absurditv in Canada where we have bumper crops and an abund- ance of everything. Present conditions are simply a state of mind whereby the consumer has taken on an attitude of retrenching, which bas effected everv î'e- tail store, everv manufacturer and lastly every citizen of our countrry. You and 1 were the cause of this slump)--you and I can now relieve it if we will just go out and buy as we have done in other years. Let's do it! Read Every Page In This Issue For The Big "BUY NOVV" Bargains In Bowmanville. ~44 s iarly known ta trans- During bis many years as commander of Canadian ck" Latta, bas been Pacific liners on the St. Lawrence seaway, Captain 12,500-ton Canadian Latta has conveyed many famaus people acrosa the The promotion cornes Atlantic, numbering amongat hie more distinguisbed rs' service with the friends H.R.H. tbe Prince af Wales, who launched hie ch he joined in1 1904 new command; Prince George, the Duke ai Gloucester, n the next six years Lord and Lady Wiilingdon, Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, ships and eventually zuma in 1910.OThe Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, Rt. Hon. Winston ifficer saw bis j;romo-, Churchill, Baron Byng af Vimy, former Governor- )utb. Six years later, General ai Canada and commander ai the Canadien ta the crack ship of Corps in France; Prime Minuster Ferguson, af Ontario, her namesake, the Lord Dawson af Penn, physician-in-ordinary ta H.M. later renamed the the King, and many others distinguished in the fields af de on the Empress ai finance, palitics and art. went ta the Empresa h mrs fBian wihwl aebrmie îe relinquisbed aiter ThEmrsofrianwihwilakbem.dn ett ta the Imperial voyage ta Quebec next June, is here shown in an artistie the new Empresa ai presentation ai what she will look lke wben she entera econstruction, service next June. Captain Latta is inset.. RAILWAY TMETABLE Canadian Na#onal Railway (Standard Tme) WEST BOUNO EAST BOUND 9. 50 a. mn. 8.42 a. mi 1.51 P. nM. 1.16 P. m. 6.48 P. nM. 2.28 p.n. 7.42 p. m. 7.50 p.ni 9.53 P.ini. 12.23 a. mi. ----- -- --- 1 1 1 PAGIE TEN THE CANADIAN STATBUL4N, BOWMANVnJýZ, TRUPMAY, NOMMER 27. 10» *1

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