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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMANf. BOWMKANVULLE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930PAELVR For Troub SOUR SCH~ M ATURN CONST1AION Ba. Nus EVERY man, oa will occasionaly over-in don't sufer for your in, It's folly to do so when easly sweeten and set upset stomnach with a lit Milk of Magnesia. Hearty eaters have learned the quick comfoi Meet anti-acid brings. Smn how it neutrali.zes nicol back a sweet taste; breath. Women know w for nausea-or sick heac when children have o% are bilious, constipated « upset-give them a lit When You OVER INDULGE and child saine, pleasant-tagting and milky- idulge. But white Phillips' MIk -of Magnesia. diacretionS. v ou can go, You'IlI e througb with crude t0 a saur, mlethods once you learn the perfect tI Phillips' way. Nothing else has the sarne quick. gentie effect. Doctors pro- la~sribe à for indigetion. nausea. ,ttàper- headache. a's been standard .kr k~w with them for over 50 years. ine ; brings grds the Insist on genuine Phillips' Milk h a t it does of Nlagnesia; a less perfect product ýdache. And may not act tht- Sanie. The genuine ývereaten- is aiwa-,s a lqiuid-never in !fablet r otherwise forn-and the name Phi:li,,-' Ls Mte of the always on bottle and wrappt!r. Prompt relief from HEADACHES, SORE THROAT, LUMBAGO RHEUMATISM, NEURMS, NEURALGIA, COLDS, ACHES and PAINS DOES NOT HARM THE HEART ASPIRIN A e*pvp Aalsv " packgwbh ectains prou dirýe Eon au> "Amiri Ofu i12 ta=ea.Mmabo" i i 4Mmd10-A dug . pers"BIanRan tones mnd stimulates valuable for softening the banda and the skin. pragrant au a flowr.'makiIli them flawlesuly whte. Cool Cool as morning dew. Eafeguards and rot reshing. Daintily f rgrant. and beautifles the most delicatelY- Dellghttul to use. Chasen unhesitat- teztured skln. Cr«.ates copleions ingly by ail woinen who care for of ouquLsite charm. Adda a subtle feminine distinction. finish ta the daintiest woman. In- FILL YOUR COAL BIN WITH LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHIRACITE i ~71 Cd 7~ cfza Theze prices are effective from Nov. lit: Stove Coal .................$16M0 Egg ............................. 16.00 Chestnut....................... 1600 Pea.............................. 13.50 Buckwheat .................... 11.50 Coke ........................... 13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed from above prices. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Buildes'Suppies and Fuel Ph... 163 or 202 B0Wimivill. The Children of the Farm 'VnhFru e gcade»i' went raciag on again so violently hlm ta go-be broke out passionately that it seemed ta be cboking ber. "Bow can you think of marryini And ahe looked Up desperately, meet- Scliofleld? What happiness would il ing bis eyes fIxed. upon lier with sucli le for you if you don't love hlm-" a look of love and longing in tbem "I don't expect ta ta happy," Julli that it was more than she could lear. laugbed aliakenly. "Anyway. It can. She put out lier banda appealingly. not matter to rau any longer. Ploasi 'Go away. please go away," she go away and leave me." whispered. "Julie!" lie said pleadingly. "Julie." He caugit lier banda la Skie said nothing. Sbe liardil bis. "Forgive me. Julie. Say rau seemed ta le Iistening, and hleie forgive me, that rau don't late me, bis arma f ail fromn about lier. that rau understand." "I shail sec you to-morrow." "What do I want you ta do? Wby, StiR no answer and after a mo« notbing. There la nothing we can do. ment lie went out lata the little bal we must juat go on. I always knew and opened the front door. it woubd ta like this. even last niglit. He was se sure she wouid cail tc Tliere's nothlng we can do. I shail hlm. perbaps rmn after hlm. Be wai marry Lawrence Scbofield, I suppose, se sure tban in a moment she woulc if lie wlU take me back agan-" ta in bis arma, ber lips crusbec "Julie-don't ta cruel-" against bis-lie countcd the secondi "I am not se cruel as you are. I feverlshly by bis lieart-bcats. neyer wanted you ta corne inta my But Julie did flot move, and aht life. It was you wbo followed me." gave no sigri. Witli a smotbered sob skie turned ta Chittenliai looked lack. rush past hlm ta the door. But Chub- "Julie!" tenhain was too qulck for ber. lie Be waitcd a moment, but the ail. reaclied the door tafore she did. bar- ence remained unbroken, and i ring ber way. went out of the fLat, sbutting tliî "Let me go-let me go." door behlnd hlm. y. L9 it 1 ie 1- ;e [Y Id d is Le Le Le THIRTEENTH INSTALLMENT Wbat Has Gone Betore Giles Chttenham sets out ta make Julie Farrow love bina, întending to throw ber over in revenge f or the suicide of bis brother Rodney, whom Julie lad cast off. He succeeds, but flnds that lie bas f alle» desperately ini love witli ber hlxnse,11. Tben lie discovera tbat it was flot this Julie Farrow. but lier cousin of the same name, who bad driven bis brother ta deatli. But Giles is married, ta an American girl named Sadie Barrow, witb wbom lie bas flot Uived for a long time. Sadie unexpectedly turns Up in London, at a party at Giles' mother's bouse, but bath keep sUlent about their marriage. Julie. dlsillusloned, entera into the wild niglit lite of London ta try ta drown ber angulali. Lawrence Scbo- fleld wants ta marry lier. Lombard, who had ftrst introduced lier ta Chit- tenlaam. demands money f rom Giles with the tlireat tbat if lie is flot paid lie will tell Scbofleld that Chltten- liam and Julie spent the niglit ta- gether on the St. Bernard Pass. Later Julie confesses ta Chittenhana tbat she loves bina. At a spiritualist seance at Giles' j motlier's bouse Sadie Barrow, bis wl! e, suddenly goes blind. She calis ta him and he respands, revealing the f act that she is bis wife. Julie, who bas sent Scbofield away be- cause of ber love for Chittenhana, goes home in despair. Now Go On With the Story Julie moved wîtb difficulty. Sbe was cold and acbing in every limb. She slipped off lier wet clothes ad put on a warmn dressmng-gown, lier banda were sbaking witb cold. She was pouring the waterf o tbe kettle when a knock came on the front door-a heavy knock tbat sounded botb urgent and insistent. Bina. perhaps! Julie put tbe kettle down and flew across tbe lttle hall. Bim. dear Bina. Julie felt as if al- ready hall ber troubles were lfted from bher as ahe drew back the latch -then sbe gave a littie cboking cry. "Yes-you must let me came in, Julie," Chittenliam said, and witbout a word Julie staod aside. She was conscious instantly of aomething dif- ferent-strange about him--somie-1 tbing that killed both the mingled hope and anger that struggled for supremacy in lier beart. Sbe f elt that if ahe went to bis arms she would be repulsed-tbat if she show- ed him bitter scorn it would leave him unnaved-that notbing could touch i hm. "I had to come-I*m sorry if you, are angry wltli me-but I bad ta come-just to say good-bye-" He turned and hall raised bis bead, looking at Julie. Then suddenly bis face cbanged-it was as if the, strangeness were wlped out of it in a single flash. givlng place ta sucli a look - of unutterable pain that Julie caugit lier breatb in an involuntary, cry. "To say goad-bye-?" "Yes"-be took a quiclc step ta- wards ber and then stopped-"ýSadie la blind." lie said. Julie stared at him. lier eyes blank, lier lips parted, tben after a long moment: "What do you mean?" sbe wispered. Chittenham made a little impa- tient geture. "Just that-wbat I bave said, she la bllnd-apparently she bas f elt It coming and been dreading it for montlis. That la why she came f rom America wtbout telllng me--ahe went ta see some German speciallat -I don't know yet wbat lie told lier, sbe was to il and frightened ta be very coherent. And thon this f eflow Cliryer on top of t all-you heard what lie said about some one in the roomn never seelng the sunahine again. Didn't lie speak of blindness --darkness---Gýod knows wliat! The f eiow abould be lockcd up. Sadie took it ta lieracUf. of course. and the audden sbock flnlsbhed it; perbaps it would have happened anyway. the doctor thinka so. but even lie cannot tell. lie as e may temporarilire- cover lier slgt-lf she doesn't-" He stopped abruptly. and Julie said li a shaking voice: "How awful! How port ectly aw- Bo it wus. Bbc feit ahockod. tun- ned and yet it was quito imp&allY. every other emotion was clouded over. stifled by those flrst worda wblch Chttenham lad apoken ta her. *I lad ta corne. just ta a»Y goad- bye.". What lad le meant by that' Good bye! How could they ever say good- bye mter laut niglit? He had sid then that they wauld neyer Part agin. Clittenhain went on: 111 wu sure you would Underatand what a difference it makes, I wu sure you would try ta help me, Julie --doar! You seu. ahe han't any one but me. rau ueo, there are some thinga it's imposuible for a -an k do wbcn a womnana if-nd f riglit- She leat at hlm wltb impotent banda. the tears raining down lier It scemed ta Julie that alie atood f ace. "Oh. let me go. let me go--" for bours, leanlng against thie vail, "Not like this. Julie; we can't part lier lady se tired tbat it was to lite this--oli, my dear, dear cild-" mucli effort even ta move over ta She was in bis arma, lier face bld- the lire and a coin!ortable chair. deni on bis aboulder, bis lips against Her head aclied miserably. Witli a lier baîr, while lie whispered over and supreme effort she draggcd berself over again bow mucli le loved lier. acroas the room ta the fire. It lad baw onîr she fiiled bis lieart. But lurnt down, and she replenislied it wbat could lie do? If only abe would witb sbaking banda. She f elt a" if tell binawbat lie could do? But Julie already a lite-turne bad passed since bad no answer, and presentby lier Chittenbamn came ta the flat, and bitter sobllng ceased, and she lay yet only a moment ago lie laà leen quietly la hia armas. It was she wlio there wltli her, se close that she lad spoke firat, after a long silence, but te put out ber band ta taucli "I'm sorry I cried. it was siRyl bina. and now lieliad gone, back ta And se useless. AMter ail. ît'a no Sadie. back ta bis wife! mare than 1 cxpected - I always I I neyer wlllingly sec hlm Iknew if I let mysebi care foif any onc again." Julie tald lierself passionate- it would le like thLs.-" Skie drew ly. "Be lias decelved me twlce.I away f rom bina.'"I thlnk you bad wiil neyer forgive hlm as long as I better go before i make another live." scene for you ta remember me by." She got up almost vlolently as She wlped lier eyes and trled ta tbougb driven br the audden re- smile. action of thouglit. "It's aU irglt-please go naw-" Bbc would aend at once toa cia- She avertod lier eres. "Please go field. She would not laie a moment. nov, and please neyer came back She went ta thc 'phone and called again." bis nunaber, but it wus onir mter a It was what Chittenla ad want- long time that the liotel people cauld cd lier ta amy. wltb aU a man's dis- give lier any newa of bina. lie of acenes and suf ering, he lad He vas out at the moment, ther boped that ahe would refuse ta isten naid, but lie was certainly returning ta bina ani aend hlm awar, but nov that niglit. that abe bad donc se. lie knew it vas There was a little pause-thon: nat wbat he bad wantod. mter ail. "Mr. Schafield la leaving London Be lad wanted lier ta keep lim; early ta-morraw mornlng." againstiùs botter ludgment; le lad "LIeaving-" clung ta Utchelleef that ahe would Julie foît as if hem lait anchor had try ta keep hüm f rom Radio, for btaon frarn ler--the waves of wliom lie lad no feeling but the misery and utter lonellneas seomod ta merest ptr--a pitr that wms not. and bat up afreali ail round ber. The neyer could ta. akin ta love. voice at the other end af the 'Phano Wltli Julie sobblng la lis armas t aakod politeir if a message could ta lad soemed impossIble over ta lot lier taken. go-be baved lier se muc--no wo- "No-aoh. noa, tlank rau." la ad ever before stirTed bis hemrt 1 Julie lung Up the rcie n and bis imagination-no woman ever turned mway. Lawrence was boving would. If they nover mM amin London. evng lier 1-she was selzed vould ta the amme alvaya: abe vas wtl exaggerated panic. WIat was lis, ther vore madc for ecdiother. to become aiflier? Evon Bla vas He thought af bis vif e as alie l.-d earr of ber. thore wus no place for taon vben le f t ber an boum mgo. ber la the vorld. Rut Lawrene lad frmntlc vlth tear, crylng and sel- bovcd lier, must aureby stil love lier. llag; it made bina sbudder ta e- She emembered the despair la bis meatar thc var aIe lad clung t orees wben she tald bina she wauld nat hlm. begging hlm flot ta beave hcr. marrr him. I'After ail, rou're ar busland, and 1 Usecudol e o o I've got nobody ese la Uic vorld. ~I.fntahe cwud an ueona for a mo- know I laven't leon ai nice ta rau tment aI e a conidet-tlat eery- as I might lave taon, but don't leave utlig ould tmli u lt-Uta eohiM me novIl'a lbind, don't beave me. 1ji a80hm h ot1k hl Odesm. Oh, ar (ld. vbmt yl be- le1t alono la the dark, strainlng ev- came of me?" ery nerve ta get ta tbe one persan The pathos ai ber us bheart- who can take avar dmead and the lreming.Rade. va ld alarsdcsolatt- sense of lonellnesa. breeng.soadpne. s ad altway-I Re took off ber bom%@ govu and cinglai ta hlm bik n e , t>o be 'drcswd agmin vlth slaklng fingers.. clingifl o ta bave ter. Rie us ku she vas still very cold. lut ber face vife, le wus pldgod ta ber Ir bon- and bead feit burning. or. And rot nov tlat Julie lad tald IsIc wauld Dut berself tarond Chittenhaan's eacli. ta-morraw vbon lie "cam lie sliould find lt to late. iIf Lavrexce vould tako ber awaY 'ta-niaht se vauld go vith lina. RIe Iwas timed of bopinîr for tblngs that npvor <rame truc. afraid of a love that ffed b y KrDSCU t a t-qxt. SIe drave straiglit h lintel whcre Lavrence us3 staylnrz. 1I wa a martyr ta hieadmebes, witb Nn h- wau nat in vt. and theY could e requent attacke of dn,.ineusaffeting nnot ea yat viat boum le vould ta 1 my vWSio. My occupationain a very retlimntng. It vau peat nine thon. >, edetary o-a printer's reader. 1 "11il watt a littlewvile and sec if gave Krucehen Salta a good trial, and Mr. Schofis-ld retumi" Julie sald. trom then onwards 1 aeosned quite The min"ites tlcked sar. and bat- artotber person. The hesdadhes dis- Pr sIc sunposed that aIe muiqt bave appeared and the dizzines. mand the fanoen inta a stupor, out of vhidb sho inost wonderful thing ta me in that 1 waa roused with a stamt ta the seund e aveave back te veaker glasses, a of a climing dock. Julie wabked Io lns which I had discarded »orne yea across ta Uic porter. e -aflot being stmmng enough. 1I 11 cannot watt any longer. I vin b suffée ro rm bad circulation leave a note for Mr. Scbofield." during the early mornings of wnter. e New at 58 1 ciiz enjoy coid baths ail Cantinued Next Week e the year round, enjoy m ana cager >for my food, m ana what 1 consider ---- fity -thle sort of litfles&i that makes ToAtiaSfer. DrJ.. e livig* jy.-(G. 1F.) T shaSfees r .D g fLeadaches ."casa nearly always be KlogsAtm eeYCmSlk 0 ti'iued te a disordered stomadl ogsAsli eey onslk or te par" alonstipatio-a corn- a belping liand ta a sinklag swim- bplaint many indoor worlcers suifer mer. It gives nov 111e and lape- trom witlaaut ever suspecting it. something lie las came ta boileve ima- iKruschen Saitâ go right down te possible. Ita tanefit la too evident e the root of the trouble nd remove to ta qustlond-it la its ovn lest ci the cause by gently peazuading the argument-its ovri lest advertise- -organs of eliminatioia te fonction ment. if rau suffer from aatlima get ýr exaetly as Nature intended tiiey this time-trled remedy and flnd help, CL sliauld. like thousands of othera. --rarig . .. panig ... think- ing of the future, perbaps. Let a Savings Account shape their course. Let them look forward to what money in the bank will do. It will buy land- stock-implemnents. Open an account for your boy and help him cultivate the habit of saving. You wHI like bankind At the Royal Buy Health of your grocer Your grocer haHeaIth to se i-teInd et Health that cornes from light, nowrihigi easly digestcd foods. You wiIl find ikin every pacage of Sbreddcd Whemt Fat it every day with milk or cream and you wEl be healthy and strong, ready for evey teg of mental and physical endurance. Ail the. body-building elements ini the whole whemt grain-nothing addcd, nothing token sway -and 80 easily digestcd. les deliciaus with fruits. SHREDDED Balada Orange Pelko. bam by f ar the fUnest flaveur "Julie." He cauglit ber banda iu bis. "Fargive me, Julie. Say rau forgive me, that yau don't hate me, that you understand." SAF E for COLDS g 6 PAGE BLZVM 1 The Royal Banik of Canadat Bowmanville Branch L. Q He&eSy, Manaeer rDofl't Look for Mercy from Fire NO HOME IS IMMUNE Its visit may take you by surprise, and when its flammng fingers have reduced your home and possessions to pathetic ruis you will realize that full protection is the only une policy. TAKE AiL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE But do more ... see that you are fully cov- ered against Ioss. Let us give you ful par- ticulars on insurance that w111 proteet you. jJ. MVASON & SON Road Esat. and Insuuaae Drokorn Phone 50 King St. E. Bowu.anll. 1- 4*1

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