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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 12

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 IMISSION BAND'S ANNUAL AUTUMN THANK-OFFER The Store Around the MembrLs of the Park Street Ur Church Mission Band, Orono, Cornercompanied by their superintend CorerMrs. H. Rowe. Mrs. (Rev.) Win.e ling, and Mrs. R. H. Brown, vi, the Golden Rule Mission Band o: United Church here last Satui Fiee!rnFree!ndrce! : boted t Free Fre f, F eetnumbers of the Thank-offering Thi wek i orer o itrouce companiments for the two choi Thi wek i orer o itrouce by the Orono boys, and Mrs. Bi Crosse and Blackwel's Goods played for the musical dialogui we are offering the following: Mrs. Brown's little daughter; E leen Spencer, accompanied by 1 Glass C. & B. LttlechiP Marmalade sister, Mrs. H. Hurlburt, and GJ 1. Glass C. & B. Branston Pickles Pollard, accompanied by Mrs. man. contributed vocal solos as The T o fo 49C local Bands share of the progs TheTwofor49c MrS. Rowe. sister of Mrs. M~ and ne in o Spgheti FEE. Lindsay. who with hier husband sud ne tn o Spaheti FRE., staying at Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Other Crosse and Blackwell Goods dagh's. gave an interesting anc at moderate prices. formative talk on China, spea particularly of the womnen f olk _________telling a number of incidents si FeedBlachfod'sEggMash- -ashing how the gospel of Christ ai, FeedBlathfod's gg ash ashwrought a change for the betti Paid for Eggs - We Deliver the habits. manner of b! e and Phone 450. ral outlook of the Chinese wc among whom as a member of _______China Inland Mission she has working for twenty years, in ROBT. W. HOLMES. pany with lier husband. Mr. lough. Mrs. (Dr.) Butler. superînter Of the local Mission Band. intrc ed Mrs. Rowe to the audience, ar __________________________which were many ladies of the T NEWCASTLE ed Church and several f romn MEMORIAL LIBRARY George's. Evelyn Allin. president. condu Report for October 1930: Number the meeting in a smooth, busines o! new members. 13; total nuinber, nianner. with Jean Rickard att 347. Circulation for month: Non- 1 ing to hor secretarial duties.1 fiction 71; Fiction 668; Juvenile 118. jorie Lycett and Muriel Shaw Total 857 books; Magazines loaned the scripture lessons and Marie1 76. Fines on overdue books $2.36. nings gave a missionary rea( C. Butle~r, irariarv Mrs. J. E. W. Philp made M LING~ nt,, The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT TIURSDAY ,NOVEMBER 27th, 1930 ýf the NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE CONCLAVE NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL irday- __ __ hree Mrs. S. Jose la visiting relatives at Big Gathermng for Boys-Attractive Report for the Months of September pro- Consecon and Rossmore. Program Arranged and October eac- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and sons ruses spent Sunday week with hier relatives A conclave for boys 15 to 18 years Senior Room examined in Reading, rown in Toronto. will be held in Newcastle Community Writing, Composition. Arithmetic,1 te by Mrs. P. Hare entertained the memt- Hall, Saturday. Nov. 29th, commenc- and History. Figures indicate per- ath- bers o! the Newcastle Ladies' Bowl- lng at 2.15 p. m. The committee li centage obtained:1 her ing Club on Wednesday evening. charge o! the conclave have drawn Sr. IV--Gladys Matchett 83, Mar-! ladys Miss Clara Caswell has secured a up an attractive program and have. jore Lycett 77, Gladys Poilard 74,1I Be- position in Toronto and will be en- been fortunate in securing able lead- Evelyn Allin 74, Harold Deline 72,1 sthe tering upon her new duties next ors f or the day. C. F. Plewman. Vora Brown 70, Charlie Brereton 68, ramn. Monday.1 Secretary o! the Boys' Work Board, Marie Henning 66, David Noden 64, label Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke, Col- Rev. Charlie Daniels, Director o! Jack Toms 60. iwas lins Bay' were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Camps, Ed. Devitt, who is in charge Jr. IV-Ruth Honey 66, Kathleen Ar-P. arofor a f ew days and attended! of sports, and others, wlll be pres- Spencer 62. John Van Dusen 62, d in- the Military Baîl. o nt. A shield will be presented to Norton Cowan 61. Gertrude Bona- aking Mr. Alred Graham, who has beenj the best six-man relay team. A ban- than 59, Louise Hancock 57, Dorothyl :and his father's chief help in the coal quet is being prepared and there Aldread 55, Muriel Shaw 53, Joe 1 ;how- business, has gone away for an ex- will be other foatures. Every boy Hockin 53, Ralph Gibson 50, Mar-1 lways tended holiday and rest. who comes within the age limit la garet Burley 50, Ilean Clark 49, Katiel er in United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- urged to go. Registration fee is only Clark 43, Robert Duck 42. gen- ers, B. A., Pastor. 1l a. m.-Morn- fifty cents. Sr. II-Victor Garrod 78, Archie mnen ing Worship; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Other Conferences Held: Reports Martin 78, Moily Quigg 76, Lloyd fthe School; 7 p. m.-Evening Service, corne to us from other centres o! Hancock 73, Frances Brereton '73, been Oft he Newcastle sportsmen who successful conferonces and conclaves Dorothy Henning 69, Stanley Brown con- w north on a deer hunt. Bill Hoar held this year. Midland was the 68, Jimmie Coyne 67, Hazel McMan- and a the only one fortunate enough scene o! one of the largeat three-day us 65, Clarence Clark 63, Mike ArYch fur- to shoot one and bring it home with conference on record. One hundred 61, Rota Powell 57, Arthur Painter him. and i ffty boys were present and great 59. Allan Clark 56. ident Public School Commencement Ex- enthuslasm bas been aroused in Sim- Thos. A. Rodger, teacher. duc- ercises and presentation o! prizes in coe County as a resuit. Charlie mogCommunity Hall this Friday evening, Plewman was in charge. Report o! United Church Anni- Unong Nov. 28th. Program begins at 7.30 The Cornwall conference was also versary and other Newcastle nw St. sharp. R . M . h a success. The attendance went ov- appears on other pages. Mr. R .Aln .Ao h n er the hundred mark. Gordon Lappl Residents o! Newcastle will be in- ucted glican Synod office, Toronto, visited was in charge and hie had a strong1 terested to learn thatMrA.B siehis cousins, Messrs. John and Mark group o! leaders with himu to make Mainwarîng's poultry exhibit at.h ssieand Misses Ada and Elizabeth Allin, the event one to be remembered by Royal Winter Pair has met withi end- last week. the boys. great success. This is Mr. Main-1 Mar ileco rcýiio gnnrnv vpnne wLrie'sfirs soV OS* and*lie ' i' *.. reiad Hen- ding. :urielt Aprons . 25e Centres 40c Scarf s 35e Bags $1.00 Pillow Cases $1.00 Lunch Sets 75e Pillow Tops $1.00 Rellable DoUls 25e Up Teddy Bears $190 up Books o! Fiction 85e up Story Books 10eo Gift Statlonery 25e up Christmas Carda 2e up (with lined envelopes) Smith Pottery hand palnted Lamps complete $4.80 Pen & Pencil Sets 15e t0 $10,00 JE WELL BOWMANVMLL - SDustan's Cash HardwareI Te Shop of Useful Gifts mdotte clasa he secured lst prize for Lcockerel, and for three pullets. làt, id and 3rd prize respectively. These irds were all f rom a pair recently, mported f rom England. Have You a Sweet Tooth ? Then corne to our stor e where you xviii find an excellent assortrnent of FRESH CHOCOLATES and HOME-MADE CANDIES Yj)u'Il be surprised at the variety wie carry. Bowmanville Bakery 1A. W. Jacobs, Proprietor Dec. 22nd, for Lake Shore Xmas En-Ib tertainnient and Basket Social. Ad- NEWS 0F THE BOYS' ELECTION an mission 25c and 15c; ladies with a( baskets free. Prizes for prettiest Albert Woods and John Jury Candi- 2n and highest priced baskets. dates in West Durham - Election bi Mr. R. M. Cale, Bowmanvllle, has December 6th. ir been hauling home the timber and hr sgi tbarellcio lumber of the barn which hie recently Teei on ob eleeto bought from Mrs. T. M. Gibson. The this year. Two candidates are in barn was erected over 60 years ago the field, both aspiring to represent by the late Dr. Chandler, dental sur- West Durham in the Tenth Older geon and manufacturer of dentist's Boys' Parliament. At present the supplies. Mr. Richard Alun and the riding is the scene of a hot campaign late Sylvester Elldridge were the fight and both boys are working hard, builders. to cover ahl the territory. A number frorn here attended the Albert Wood's campaign lias takenI barn warming and benefit dance in him into several centres where hie Mr. Mac Stapleton's new barn on the has been heard with interest by the former J. C. Hancock farm last Mon- boys. Enniskillen. Leskard and So-, day evening week. The new Pres- lina have been the favoured places ton steel truss barn, sold to Mr. s0 far.. Stapleton by Mr. W. N. Buckley, was John Jury is also working hard I just recently erected on the founda- and hias spoken to audiences in tion of the old barn which was burn- Hampton. Enniskillen. Orono, Maple ed after harvest. together with all the Grove and Courtice. John hias been season's crop and a large number of. well received and hias aroused real implements. Neighbors and friends intercst in the election fight. f rom miles around attended the Both candidates spoke in Bow- dance. which was organized and i nanville Wednesday, Nov.Il9th. It, managed by a committee and neted vas a busy night as they spoke, first around $100. at the Teachers' Training School ini __________Trinity Church, and then at a com- ST. EORE'SCHURII EWS bined meeting of the Swastika Tuxis ST. EORG'S HU RII NIYSSquare of St. Paul*s and the New- castle Tuxis Square. Albert Wood St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. was introduced by John Chaliners, Mason. M. A., Rector. November, and John Jury by Donald WiWàims. 30th. First Sunday in Advent, St. Both made excellent speeches at both Andrew: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion;Imetnsshwganniaeko- 9.45a. -Bibe SudyClas inves ledge of boys' work and problems. try; il a. m.-Morning Prayer; 2 Local boys are much interested in p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Ev- the approaching election and session ensong. of the Tenth Boys' Parliament. For The Rector announces that during several years boys have been going to the Sunday evenings in Advent hie the Parliament f rom this constituen- will preach on "Foundations of our cy. Stuart James, Alex McGregor, Faith." His subject next Sunay Gregory Colmner, Jim Hancock, and mornmng will be "Faith in God." Stanley Rickard have been represen- The Annual Fowl Supper was held tatives in other years. in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, No- There are three candidates for the vember l8th. It was very successful premiership this year: Ted Leonard f rom both a financial and social of Lakel'leld and Queen's University; point of vlew. The table decorations John Lauman of Wateloo; and Don were particularly effective under the Buchanan of Toronto and Varslty. able supervision Of Mrs. B. Molse All have had ample experience both who contrlbuted a cluster of chrys- in parliament and in boy's work and anthemurns to each table. After a keen contest for the premiership is the supper an entertainment was expected. held, Mrs. F. H. Mason and Mrs. Saturday, Dec. 6th. la Election Day. John Garrod respectively rendering Ail boys eligible to vote are urged to brifliant pianoforte selections. A do so. Many of the boys will use a very interestlng address was given by ballot for the fIrst time. The cam- Mr. A. B. Mainwarlng, a former of- palgns of the candidates have been ficer in the British Navy. Mr. managed by boys and the platforrn Mainwaring, who was in command of work done by boys. The members- a mine sweeper, spoke o! the naval elect wml go to parliament as the re- operations during the Great War. presentatives of boys and wlll discuss He told of the clever camouflaglig 0f and survey boys' problems. the mystery ships In their hazardous A mass meeting wlll be held in St. work of hunting submarlnes. the Paul's Church, Bowmanville, Wed- menace of the U boats. etc., and con- nesday, Dec. 3rd. Corne and hear cluded with a promise to speak in both candidates speak. the near future of the surrender o!f______ the German Fleet and to show sides Rv .H ao fS.Gog' taken f romn actual photographs of Rv .H ao fS.Gog' that stlrring and dramatic event. and Rev. W. P. Rogers of the United Rev. W. P. Rogers, pastor of the. Church were ini Cobourg last Mon- ,United Church, also Rev. C. R. Spen-dawektenlghemeigf cer, rector of St. John's Church, the Ministerial Association of Nor- Bowmanvllle. each brought the greet- thumiberland and Durham and heard ings of their respective congregations Rt. Rev. C. A. Seager . .,. D. C. L., and their good wlahes to St. George's. Bishop of Ontario, deliver an address A very enJoyable evenlng closed wlth on Church Union. singing the National Anthem. On Tuesday afternoon the annual _________ bale was packed in the Parish Hall » by members of the W. A. On Tuesday evening the Mission Study Class met in the Rectory and was well attended. On Thursday evening. Nov. 27th, " in the Parish Hall, under the aus- pices of the W. A., a Japanese even- ing will be held at 8 p. m. at which lantern slide views of Japan and Japanese curlos wlll be shown. fol- YOU ARE THE lowed by a play entltled "The Other1 Point of Vlew.". BIGGEST FACTOR NOTICE TO BOY ELECTORS Whatever your business, Returning Offilcer Issues Rules 1 whatever your job. YOU are Voters' lista wlll be closed Nov. 29. the biggest factor in it. And Lista must be completed and in my your value depends largely hands on or before that date. upon your personal efflclency, To vote boys must be twelve or your ability to see clearly, over and under twenty-one years of think clearly and act senslbly. age, and must be members of Tuxis Squares. Trail Ranger Camps, or Registered Sunday School Classes. If you have not had your name plcdon the voter., list do so now. Polling booths and hours of v'ot- G .M Bosnell me ,,ill bc announced next week. Alex MeGregor, . OPTOMETRIST Returning Office Shaw a life member and Miss Emma O ffice Over Flood's Store i Rwlnddid the saine for Marie Port Hope Henniflg. Margaret Toms, treasur-11 er, presented the life memhership Office Rgours: pins and cer-tificatf,ý to Muriel and I ENSA ahwe Marie.WENSA eah ek In addition to the $1000 thus re-I 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 P. M. Sceived the general thank-offerlng Toronto Office: conclusion o! the program the boys 1 and girls passpd around home-made candy. Let us bring your OLD FURS Up-to-date at a very amail cost. J. E.MILLER Dry Goods and Furs Bowmanville PHONE 186 FOR FOOD NO SOONER ORDERED THAN DELIVERED DEPENDABLE GROCERIES FOR LESS New Santa Clara Prunes- 1Oc lb; 2 lbs. 25c; 15e lb. Hand Picked Tomatoes 10e tin Choice Pumpkin . oti Fry's Cocoa, 1/2-1b. tin .....21c Cooking Figs 10c lb. Peanut Butter, 2 lb. jar 39e Cooking Beans 4 lbs. 25e Castile Soap 10 cakes 25e Feed the hens Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash FRES'H INGREDIENTS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Not too early to get ready for this ail important duty o! preparing for the Christ- mas Cake. Just arrived-!fresh mlxed peel, shelled almonda and walnuts, extracta, bak- ing powders. Harry Aluni, Crocer 11111 h -- il ~ee Kiisheu THIS BEAUTIFUL SET 0F BREAKFAST DISHES FREE With each Suite, consistirig of Kitchen Cabinet, Porcelain Top Table and Two Chairs, ini beautiful enamel finish. See these at our store. Pe Fe MORRIS CO. Phone 10 Home Furnishers - Fiwrniture PAGE TWELVE ISTYLE IS NOIED QULY J.w. "fIG 24" <e' 'I SEE WHAT SANTA CLAUS has leit a DUSTAN'S When you see our won- derful display of practical and useful gifts for Christ- mas glving youll say Santa ha.c been working overtime and searched in ail parts of the world. There's such a variety to choose f rom in our store that it makes shopping a real joy and a genuine pleasure. There's little gifts and big gif ts- but ail so dîfferent and unique f rom the ordinary. Shop at our store and you'll appreciate shopping iniBowmanville. g' Bowmanville

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