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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 1

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NIaunbt. With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. NEW ARRIVALS COAT4S and DRESSES SUPERB IN QUALITY AND STYLE AND REASONABLY PRICED 4 Lavishly Fur-Trimmed Coats DRESSES For Ail Occasions House Dresse Afternoon Dresses Evening Dresses ALL HATS IN THE STORE GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE SEASONABLE GOODS REASONABLY PRICED Silk Hosiery, very special line ..............7&c Other good Hosiery values .......$1.50 & $2.00 Ladies' Silk Underwear ...............$1.00 suit Celebrated Kenwood Blankets, al colors .. . .$9.00 M-adawaska Colored Wool Blankets ......$6.50 Other limes of Blankets, good values, $4.50 & $550 MEN'S WEAR FOR LESS Men's $1.00 Socks, Fm. and Sat. for ..........79c Underwear, reg.,$1.15 for ........................89 Winter Overcoats,..............$15-00 to $37.50 Men's Leather Windbreakers ..........$8.95 up Boys' Leather Windbreakers ..........$6.95 up Yyaths' Colored Cheviot Suits, 2 pants, reg. $25.00 for ..................................... $18.50 Men's Scarves from .................75c to $4.50 Men's Sweater Coats from .........$1.50 to $5.95 Men's Shirts, wonderful lrange ......90c to $4.50 Ties from ..................................25c to $1.50 Pyjamas from ....................$1.95 to @".75 TUXEDO SUITS Let us fil your order for a Ready-to-Wear Tuxedo or a special measure order. Accessories for Evening Dress. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman ýPHONE 104 IMTED BOv bMAN VILL I BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 $2.00 a Yeaî' in Advance -. - - -- - -r., -. 'I COMING EVENTS HISTORY 0F EXPRESS SERVICE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING TO SPEAK HERE SUNDAY Boys' Training School Christmsas 1 EAE T OAYCU Cailed to Pass Four By-Laws- Concert, Fiday, December 5th. Rotarian 'Mli' Minore Gives A Vry Tenders Asked for Reservoir Reserve Friday, Dec. l9th, for Interesting Talk on fils Classification Christmas Concert at Shaws' School.1 At a special meeting o! town Resenve Monday, Dec. 22nd, for1 Each month the Rotary Club de- coundil held Saturday evening, the Christmas Concert at Base Line No 3. votes one meeting te a classifcation !ollowing by-laws were passed: talk, that is a Rotarian gives an ad- .Ta empower mayor and clenk to Reserve Tuesday, Dec. 16th, for ai dress on bis business or Profession sign an agreement with J. A. Ellis,I Concert unden auspices o! the Mis- which hie represents i the club. It Unemployment Relief Fund Coms sie BacLso! rlnty hurh. was M. H. Minorc's turn on Friday to sionen, whereby town will undertake 1 Reserve Saturday afternoon, Nov. elucidate on what hie knew about the specal work to, reileve local unem- 29th, for Suppen and Sale of Home- express business. and "Shorty" cci- ploymnent to extent o! $15.365, o! made Cooklng fromn 5 te 7 p. m. in tainly handled bis subject in a man- which governinent agrees te pass St. Paul's Lecture Room under aus- ner that cenvinced bis audience lty Per cent e! samne; pices o! St. Faul's W. A. Watch 40 yeaîs' service witb the C. P. R. To provide for purchase o! certain for menu. had net been In vain. lands frem Raynes Estate for $250, The regular meeting o! The White It is rathen cimfcult te say just known as the flat, ta be uscd for park Shield Club wlll be held i St. Paul's when the business now called 'ex- Purposes on which project the Rotary Lecture Raam on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, Press' neally cemmcnced, was the Club is providing part o! land and! at 8 p. m. sharp. It is hoped a good speaken's opening remnark, as it is a capital te sustain sanie; number o! members wlll be in at- pensonal service. We do know tbat To provide for erectien o! concrete tendance, long before the days of raîîways, addition te reservoir 54x54xl2 !t. at Bewmanvillc Women'sIntue when news was despatcbed by cx- Slm nwihtnesaebig will meet in the S. O. E. Hall Cn t"- ePress pony iders, and when travel advertised i The Statesman ti day, Nov. 28th, at 3 p. m. Prograni on land was cenfined ta herses backs we. Paso ai aebe in charge of Group 6, Mrs. j. Tblck- and stage coaches, the riders and prepared by Ontario Bridge Ce.; son cnveer Sbjet:"Caadandrivers were the mediumns fer tras To probibit bunning o! leaves on soaved streets.ubBey. Sam A. Mantann Industries." porting notes, bills o! excbange, ___________e. amA.Mati Plaermee h emeney, secuities and small parcels. 1'Prominent Anctic Missienary, known' Plese emebe th rgular meet-i That is speaking particularly of the LOCAL AND OTRERWISE astemnwoutThCucbi ing ~ ~ ~ ,,. o!teMscSudyCu *llb North Ameican continent because1 Churchill," whe will speak in Trinlty beld i St. Paul's Lecture Rooi n the express service had its birth on1 Misses Jean Bell and Lillian Sut-i United Church. Suna onn Dec. 3rd. at 8 o'cleck sharp. An'this continent. ton Troto sen te eeen a nxt excellent prograus is in store for[t (oniud ntgo9 ome.rnosetth eknda e everyane. Mis. J. Clark Bell will Mn. and Mis.n. S.gelummenman take charge of the study perlod, and1Mran s.NS.Pum -d Port Hpee Music Study Club willî W. C. T. U. OFFERS PRIMES daughteî, Mrs. Stephen Jeffery,! DURHAM COUNTY GIRLS AT Present the prograni. Visitons weî- Maple Greve, spent a !ew days In GOVERNMENT HOUSE AND came. $10.00 Offered for Prizes--Boys' and Toronte last week visiting relatives Woe' aada lbisfru-Girls' Essays arnd !niends, and attended the Royal ROYAL YORK Wome's Cnadan Cub s!orun-Winten Fair.I ate in securing Mn. Dan McCowan 1 Novemben meeting o! the W. C. T. The aftemnoen tea, and sale e! Among those who were entertained again this yean. He will give bis new '.wshl nS.Pu' colr011hm aigudrasie ftoby His Honor the Lieutenant Gever- set o! slides and an address on "Nat- o U. w yas h eld n t. aul's hel reamhmebkiguInasicso!tonon and Mis. Ross at a reception and ural History" in St. Pauls S. S. ieam on TueMsay. A.ter o, t h pres-g groups o! Bowmanville Women's n tea at Government House, Torento, on Thursday, Dec. 4th, at 3.30 p. m. Mident Mis L. A. cTa reiditge stitute on Saturday a!ternoon was on Tuesday, for girls f nom Ontario Because this is such a treat it bas Mns. Toal erso te e ca n !te a success. The baking sald well and farms, Durham Ceunty was repre- I beendecied tat ay no-me evoinleerieshn ubnmany People enjeyed the pancakes sne yMse uilBkr o beendecded hatany en-embesoe members effered short prayens. and syrup and'other goad things. isne yMse uilBkr e IWho cane te corne may de se for an Minutes o! last meeting were nead nadMs .H thrad lina. Nora E. Gibson, Bowmanviile, admission of 25c. and confirmed. I wa decided te rjnd s . .FechradRuth McKessock, Selina, Deothy change the meeting day; te have a daugbter, Mns. Elmo Anderson, at- Monden, and Ina Van der Hoorne. I epresentative on the Cemmmiity tended the annual meeting of the Tbey wene aise guests at the Wom- NOTICE Welfare Society; and aise te sel Rose Society o! Ontario held at the, en' nstiute bnuta h oa numben o! bonds at $1.00 each te Royal York Hetel on Tuesday even- 1York Hetel on Wednesday evening. Mn. Alan Willianms. undertaken, contribute towards the expenses o! ing. Mi. Fletcher was the speaker,_____l_ Bowmanville, wishes te advise the the Wold's W. C. T. U. convention' his subject being "Growing Roses as1 Public that hee bas made arrange- in Toronto next June. Standards." Mis. D. R. Mennison necently visit- ments wtha first-class licensed un-: Ten dollars was voted te buy Mn. Wi. Ross o! Toronto bas been ed her brother, Mn. Wallace Shaw, detaker o! long eprinete attend prizes for the boy or girl cemingi appointed President o! Ontario Lad- Toronto. to bis business during hi lnsi highest in each group, in the test on les' College, Wbitby, succeedlng! Mn. and Mrs. Wm. J. Trenouth, Prompt attention will be given ta, ail ',Canadian Youth and the Liquor Chas. S. McGillivray, netiîed. The Nauanee, were recent guests o! Mn. cals by phoning 159'or 58. 48-1 Question." Al answes i this con- new president bas been a member of' and Mns. J. E. Allin, Base Uine. test must be completed and given to the Board for over 30 years, bis Tninity Y. W. met at the home e! Mn. and Mis. Thes. Coulter at- each cempetltor's Sunday school1 father, Aanon Ross, was one o! the, Mns C. H. Mason. Centre St. on tende theRoya Wintn Fan an teacher by next Sunday, Nov. 30tb.1 founders o! the school 57 years ago.1 Tue*dyeeig hnMs pîo visited friends in Teronte No extra tume wlll be allowed any*1Mn. Wm. Hlslep celebrated bis 8th president, preslded. The worship i cntstnt tisycar. YI blthday 0on November 20tb. A hap- period conslsted e! a responsive ser- jMrs. Gea. Pritchard sang veiy py gatheing o! relatives was held at. vice on "Fiiendisbip" i wicha4 TYRONE sweetly "The Sllghted Stranger," ac- the home o! is daughter, Mis. J. B. number o! the memabens taok part. companied by Mi. Francis Sutton. Allan. "Allndale Faim," wben the! Readings were given by Mis. Irwln Beavers Tuxis Square Mis. B. M. Warnlca gave a talk on 1 fellewing were present: Miss Agnesj R. Bragg and Mis. W. R. Strike, and I"The Needs of the Body" and em- Hislop, Mn. John Hlslop, Mrs. (Dr.) a pleasing solo by Mis. F. H. Moody. alcohol on the body. Meeting clos- Clune and childien. Whitby; Miss at the home o! Mrs. C. A. Bantlett,t Gra d onc rt ed wth prayer by Mis. W. A. Bunnen. Annie Allin and Mis. J. J. Lord, town. Klag St. AND ENTEKTAINMENT wlll be held in COMMUNITY HALL TYRONE on THURSDAY, DEC. 4th. Programme includes: A Debate, Wiolin, Piano and Vocal Solos, Recltatlons, etc. ADMISSION 10 CENTS A Cafeteria Lunch willbe seva by the C. G. 1. T. group. RESERVIE SUNDAY, DEC. 14th. to hear Gordon Lapp, Ontario Boys' Work Board, at Tyrone. Further announcement later. WED. - THURS. - FRI. NOVEDIBER 26 - 27 - 28 "COMMON CLAY" Wlth Constance Bennett, Lcew Ayies and Tuly Marhall. SAT. - MON. - TUES. NOV. 29 - DEC. 1 - 9 Sensation of ail Sensations! Richard flaithelmeu i ""THE DAWN PATROL" Listen te the dione of motors and the crackle o! flaming planes. Live wth these daredevil aces. Share their icys. Share their sorrows. Share their dangers, i the great.est air romance ever screened. Matinee Saturday ai 2.30 p. m. Sllverware Nlghi Every Tuesday WED. - THURS. - FR1. DECEMBER 3 - 4 - 5 Cecil B. DeMille's Greatest Brama "MADAM SATAN" Wlth Kay Johnson, Reglnald Den- ny, Lillian Roth, Roland Young, Julianne Johnston, Maitha Sleep- er, Mary McAllster, and Abe Ly- man's Band. Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. Prize- Winning Students at Bowman ville High School Clever Pupils to Recelve Awards ai Commencement Exercises Abeve are sbown talentcd pupils garet Dlckson, Squalr prize for best topic. Ada Annis, besi poem i o! Bowmanville lgh Scbool who student in French; Jury pnize for Screech Owl. Junior. Ada Aln, have won prises durlng past yeai. bigbest standing i English; Barton Jolliffe prize, lst for best cssay on prize for highest standing i Engllsh Imnperlal toplc. Top Row - Margaret Wlghtman, Litenature; best short story i Bottom Row-John Jury, Glfilan Men's Canadian Club prise, girl' Screech Owl, senior. pnize for highest on -Middle School hlghest standing iBritish History; Falrbalrn General Proflclency prize 3rd Row - Elsie Cairuthers, bes Exanis. Harold Osborne, Couch in Form 1. Phyllis Challis, Pair- short story i Screech Owl, Junior. prize <boy) for wrting i Form I. bain General Proflclcncy prise i Marlon Rlckard, Valedictorlan. Hel- Pauline Wagar, best poem In Screecb fForm IL. en Wllklns, Couch pnize (girl) for Owl, senior. 2nd Rw - CesterJuryMci'.For I. Elfreda Elliott, whose picture does 2nd ow ChsterJur, Mn'snet appear I above group, won the Canadian Club prise, boy'. hlghest 4th Row - Florence Bennett, Jol- Hoskin prize for hlghest standing ia standing i Bntsh Hlstory. Mai- liffe prize, 2nd bedt essaY On ImPerlal, Upper Scbool Exases. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Agnes Vanstone, Toronto, vis- ited her p&rents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. James L. Hughes, Toronto, were guests of bis brother, Gen. John Hughes, on Thursday Mis. Susan Charlton dled on Nov. 2Oth lin Kitchener, in her 87th year. Interment took place In Port Hope. Miss Belle Allen le! t Thursday with a Party of Toronto friends on a motor trip to Florida where they wili spend the wlnter. Rev. J. W. Buinner attended the Royal Show in Toronto and spent the weekend with his son, Mr. W. Ewart Bunner, at Weston. Mr. H. F. Pulford, Travelling Pas- senger Agent, Steamships Depart- ment, C-PR., was in town last week calling on the agents. Durham Old Boys' Club of Toronto ' meets to-night (Thursday) at thc residence o! Dr. and Mis. James L. Hughes, 47 Dundonald St. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Osborne, Misnes Adah and Maud Wright, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. H. os- Lborne and other relatives bere. Mr. R. M. Cotton, President of Canadian Leglon, was in Barrie Thursday attending the first reunilon of 157th Simcoe Foresters' Battallon. Mis. B. Thornton, Woodstock spent the weekend with her sister- in-law, Mrs. R. H. Warder. She al- so vislted relatives lin Orono and Oshawa. Mayor and Mrs. M. J. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Russell K. Bragg re- turned last week f rom a very en- joyable motor trip to New York City and Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. ROY Spencer, daugh- ters Helen * and Olive, son Ronald, Indian River, spent the weekend with tlielr aunts. Mis, W. C. Ferguson and Mis. A. W. Pickard. Mrs. F. C. Colmer, delegate fromn Bawmanville Branch, is attendlng Central Ontario Women's Institute convention 110w belng held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Brigadier W. B. Anderson, District Offlcer, commanding Military Dis- trict No. 3, Kingston, when attendlng the Duiham Regiment Officers, At Home, was guest of Major and Mus. E. Smith Ferguson. Mn. and Mrs. I. Q. Hefkey have returned from a three weeks' vaca- tion in Renfrew, Ottawa, and in western Ontario. Mr. Thompson, Oshawa, was acting manager at thc Royal Bank in Mi. Hefkey's absence, St. George's Anglican Church, Wllowdale, of which Rev. c. P. Muihead is rector, was offlclally op- ened on Nov. l9th by Blshop Sween- ey. Rev. Mi. Mulrhead was a for- mer rector of St. John's Church, Bowmanvllle. Mi. and Mis. A. E. Sawkins and daughter Shirley of Brantford, and Mr. WII Hermeston, resident mxan- ager O'brlen mine a! Amnos, Queboc, visited last week at the home e! Mr. and Mis. George C. Fýoster, Glenn- Laira, King St. E. Robt. J. McKnlght, Deputy Reeve o! Cavan Township, bas announoed bis candidaoy for offie of Warden of the United Counties e! Northum- berland and Durbamn for 1931. in succession to Warden W. H. Nelson, Reeve of Percy Township. Trinlty Young Peoplc's meeting=~ November 24th was In charge of the Llterary and Music group, wlihmiss Dalsy Clarkein the chair. Prograra icluded: Scripture readlng, Lllan Pritchard; Miss Daisy Clarke gave an explanation of Uic lesson; vocal wSos were rendered by Alice Medd, Ken- neth Morris and Ada Clarke; read- lng, Laverne Orcbard;- piano solo, Phyllis Challi; toplo was ably given by Misa Helen Cryderman, Recme-' tion perlod brought the meeting, tea close. Trlnity Mission Circle met Tues- day evenlng at the home e! mua. D. J. Chambers, Ontario Street. Miss Gertie Oke presded. ,Roil was cafl- cd and business transacted, after whlch a piano solo was nlcely rend- ered by Miss Dois Jamieson. The theme "lAdventuring for the King- dom of God-World Peace" was tak- en by Mis. D. J. Chambers. The study book, "Anne of Avon",, was ably Presented by Mis. Ruby Daniels and Miss Gertie Oke. Refresbnxents were servcd at the close. SUNDAY AT LOCAL CHUECHES St. Paura Unitul Cbureh Rev. D. W. Beat, D. D., Mlnlster 1l a. M.-34orning Worsblp.-"Man's Modesty"; 7 p. m.-Evening Worshlp -".A Recdeemed World"; 2.30 P. m. Sunday School. TriWtY I3nfted Chareh Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Sunday services: il a. m-Rv. S"M Martin, Churchill, Mam., Winl give an address on the Mlgsionary and ei $2.00 a Yeai, in A dvance 5c a Coi)v No. 48 1 main

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