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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 5

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TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 PAGE VIVE PUTTING OFF ONLY MAKES IT WORSE Don't wait tili you've got to cail us in a hurry or a real emergency to repair or instali a new furnace. Do it to-day before the cold weather sets in. Then your furnace will be in good con- dition for a hard winter's work. We Recommend and Seli McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACES HART QIL BURNERS Corne in and talk over your heating problems with us. Len Elliott, The Plum ber Phone 4 Bowrnanville WEST END GARAGE 24 HOUR SERVICE WEST END GARAGE 15 THE ONLY GARAGE IN TOWN GIVING AN ALL-DAY AND ALL-NIGHT SERVICE Many of our custorners tell us this is a great con- venience to thern. They cari bring their car in at night, have it repaired or washed, and it's ineady for thern in the rnorning. Then often an emergency caîl cornes in and we're right there to give you immediate service. Phone 188W. CLEMENS' WestEnd GARAGE Kig %t Woet Bowrnaviile *1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ I R.gulating Comrpound SA ai.rodi u bIs neU"@O u.,au. od inthm edi. of gm4tbNo.1, OP 1 ro2 8; N. 3 85pe boa. IrHE 000K MEDICINE eu VU3UTS.OMT.9' oeuetVoad' WDDSPHOSPMODINE. nIe (Great Eng<ash Aweparatina Tone, and rvigoral« t hecwhole nervous aystem. makua new Bod in od VeniLUsed for NrsoaaI - blty. Mentai and rain Wory Dewnde7. LoA 8 f Ei;IUft* Q ..a ls m . j se b.zm p lS.Sol by ildnuggla*aor mali in pla p&ukailreEtpoaipdt. 15wp.:s ooiuile OBITUARY Thomas MountJoy, Hajion The community of Haydon lost a 11e-long resident, when Thomas Mountjoy passed away on Frlday, November 2lst, at the home of bis son-in-law, Mr. Charles Garrard. Deceased, who was in bis seventy- third year, had been in poor bealth for some time, and suflered a severe stroke on Friday morning, and pass- ed quletly away the same a! ternoon. Interment was made on Monday, November 24th, ini Bethestia Camn- etery. Rev. J. R. Trumpour conduct- ing the service. The pail bearers were Messrs' Clar- ence Avery, Milton Siemon. heron Mountjoy, Cecil Siemon, SUlas Tre- win and Richard Hoskln. Tht floral tributes were carried by Messrs. Lor- enzo Mountjoy, Kenneth SameUls. Merwin Mountjoy, Harry Harper, Harvey Crossman, Cecil Crossman, ail nephews of the deceased. Surviving him are bis two daugh- ters, Mrs. Charles Garrard, Haydon, Mrs. Harold Gay, Oshawa; and one son, Elgin, of Haydon; also three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. James Crossman, Haydon, Mrs. Wm. Sam- eUls, Nestieton, Mrs. Frank Crossman, Taunton. Mr. John Mountjoy, Nes- tîtton Station, and Mr. James Mountjoy, Enniskillen. His wif e predeceased hlm eleven years aga. William B. Langstaff, Kendall A sad event whlch cast its shadow on tht whole community of Kendal occurred on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1930, when death took from our mldst William, beloved husband of Idella A. Langstaff and father o! littie Ber- nice E. Langstaff. He was born in the township of Clarke, Jan. 26th, 1874, on the old homestead of bis father, William Langstaff , situated on the 7th line, bis mother being Frances Gilroy. He was married by Rev. J. G. Lewis on November l4th, 1900, to Idella A.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruth- erford. He was a member of Ken- dal Church from boyhood, belng in the chor for more than twenty years. The funeral, whIch was under the auspices of 1. O. L. was a very large one, frientis and relatives coming from long distances. The floral tributes, one being a beautiful wreath f rom L.O.L. 405, and many other wreaths andi sprays, bore mute and lovlng testimony to the love and es- teem in which be was held. The pali bearers were Messrs. An- son and Percy Gilroy, Evan Quantril, George Smith and Milton Robinson. Flower bearens were Messrs. Wm. Hawkins, Fred Smith, Herb Hurd, Mark Saper, Lorne Hoskin, Ceci Glass, Elija Bullied, Harry Ruther- ford, Percy Patton, Haroldi Quantrill. Besides bis wffe andi daughter he is survived by his brother Anthony o! Newtonvllle, andi bis sister, Mrs. A. Hoskin o! Kendal.--Orro N qews. Mrs. W. T. Taylor, Solina, Cailedt ta er eternai home at noon on Sunday, Nov. lthi, brs. W. T. Taylor waa gently releaset f rom the suffering whicb she had borne wth such wond.rful Christian patience for many months. Mrs. Taylor, whome maleâ ne was Margaret Jane Gilbank!r a daugbter o! the late William andi Margaret Gilbank wbo came to Can-' ada from Yokahire lengiandinI 1851. Mrs. Taylor was born In Clarke Township IDn1M3 irere she spent ber maidenhoo&. On March 16th, 1866, she was united inI mar- niage with William T. Taylor and tbey settled on a !arm two miles soutb of Pontypool. T'wenty-nlne years &go, witb their family, tbey movedti a Sana and 1ninedlately identifie! themacives wtb thechurch andi Sumtay scbool and becaine actively engaged In ail movements for the welfure of the community. To few women bas been given the abillty ta serve iD sud2 manifolid capacities as Mms. Taylor. Her kinti belpfulness andi cheerful spirit won for ber a place o! endearment iD tht heants of those wbo hati tht pniv- ilege of ber f riendshlp. She will be greatly missed In tbe churcb andi Sunday schoal, which sue attendedi Sa regularly wtb evident enJoyment, tht Women's Institute, ID whlcb she took sucb a keen Iterest andi wbere 'she gave generous assistance, and by neigbbors and friends everywbere. In spite o! a condition of helpîtas- ness duing tht last few tisys, beri mmnd was very bright and ber inter- est iD andi for athers was maintain- eti even to the laut moments of ber lite. She leaves ta mourn ber bass, be- sides ber sornowing husband, four daughters, Mrs. Abert Raison. Miss Lena Taylor, Solina, Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Blackstock, Mrs. Everett Cryderman, Solina; one son, Mr. El- gin Taylor, who nesides on tht home- steati: eleven grandchildnen, Alan. Ileen. Russel and Haroldi Balson, IRalph and Lois Larmer. Bruoe anti Evelyn Taylor, Rass, Mary and Hazel Cryderman; ont sisten, Mrs. John brothaes, RJon. Gan. anHdon;r rteleve, Jon. Mlan.; ati hre William o! Bowmanville; and Davidi of Waldron. Sask. Tht f uneral on Tuesday, Nov. 1tb, was very largely attended, the ser- vice being conducted by tht pastor. Rev. S.- R. Bick. Paîl beaners were Messrs. N. C. and John Yellowlees, W. R. Westlake, S. E. Werry, John Baker and Alan MeKessack. In- terment took place in Eldati Ceme- teny. Aniong the many present were friends and relatives f rom Woodstock, Mdland, Smithfleld, Col- borne. Toronto, Pontypoal, Leskard, Orono, Newcastle, Broaklin, Black- stock, Oshawa, Bowmanvillt, and many other points. SOMETHING DIFFERENT day?" sigbed Mary. «'If I coulti only tblnk of sometbing differentlV' Tben she remembereti havlng read about Long Distance telephonlng. "Now, that's an ides! I know Ann would appreciate somnething persanal - like that. Ill cail ber rlght swsy!" P.S. Mary enjayed it, too! The cheapuess of Mother Graves' Worm Extermlrlator puts ht withinî reach of a&U, anti it can b. got st any tiruakft WOREVEIRV TASTE -F OR IEVEIRY FIJRSE! the following list should go far in solving your f GIFI PROBLEMS Give Hankies Give a Kimona Give Papetries 500 Boxes, values 03(1k I We h ave a verv sDecial value- Over 500 boxes to select frorn, I I I n M M M M M E M I M n I I I I n 'E all colors -and sizes; satin trim- rned; a $4.50 value $29 for................... 29 Give Sweaters We have them for the whole family -Men's, Wornen's and Children's, 98c to $3,95 Give Silk & Wool Hose Three fine values, in ail colore and sizes, per pair ........... 59c, 79c and 98c Give Fancy China See our varied stock, ail suitable for Xmas Gifts. You can choose from bon bon dishes or fancy g lates to full tea sets. See our ig and well assorted line, 39c to $17,95 Thisa ia only a partial list of our big stock of Gift Merchandise. Corne in and So.. Nielson'y s TESTORE 0F MAS CHEER in ail the Iatest assortrnents. Per i5ct59 box . . .....15Ct 59 Give Compendiums Two very special values - A special purichase at far leus than regular prices, Each ........... 29c to 49c Give Comforters Here we have real values-Sorne chintz, soine with sateen panels, sorne satin panels, sorne satin centres, some down filled. Note the saving prices: $1,98 to $7.50 Give Plaid Blankets Only 30 pair left--o don't de- lay. To-day's price $3.98 pair. Our price$25 per pair ..........$25 Give Tapestry Cushion Squares These give splendid wear and at our price should flot lust .on«. Storle WALK A BLOCKAND SAVE A LOTI àà-à.àoà.oaoàaàâàooàaaaanaaameêàêa*B* ~ The Musical Cruisaclersat Work Judging by the lettons beng received, countlesa thousands of Canadians studios CPRY at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Theo studios are and dwellors ini the Unitedi States tune in eveny Su nday afternoon to hear among the finest in North Amerîca being eAwipped with the very latent the Musical Cruisaders of th. Canadian Pa~cie Stearmhip Company in device. developeti for perfect broideaating. fier. ane two o! these studios their descriptive program based on the Empresa of AuBtralia's rounti-the- iu the Royal York andi from theni, week by week, programa are broadcast world cruise. The above Illustration shows the Cruisaders at work under throughaut the length anti breadth of Canada over the Canadian Pacifie the leadership cf Alfred Heathar. They are in the newly ftteti out radio Railway Company'm telegraph wrus anti chain of broadcasting stations. Lw e l 0 One Standard Quality AT PRICES BELOW STANDARD If you look for quality la building materlais yen wt be attraed here. Andi Il YOD look for economy you wiU b. doubly attraeffl. We uupply aul type. et comatme0tofl maternlai-froni matertals for mince alterations ani reair, to complete house. Get acquainted Mwttb ar Iaw prie«s. We know we mai gave yon money on every kinti of construction work. Estimates cheerfulli furnished. McCLELLAN & CO. Phono 15 DoWýmaile PAGE PM THE CANADIAN STATESbL4N, BOWMANVICLLE, TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 to $1.0 pe bo....... Give Silk Scarves The biggest stock and the best values in town, 29e to $1.39 Give Full-Fashioned Hose We have the best in the trade- an Orient product. The utrnost possible value-every pair guari- anteed lst quality; new Fali tones; in ail sizes; $10 per pair ............ 10 Give Gloves We have a big ran&e for Men or Women, ail specially priced. These always make a pleasing gift. 49c to $1.98 Pr. Give Tapestry Ruimers Beautiful designs and colSiings; ail ixnported from Europe, 98C to $11.8

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