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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 7

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PAGMe avU, ,u ,'AM&A AN TEST6MAN, BOVIBANVILLE, TRURSDAY, NOVoeERM 27, 1980 Do You Know Why Good Bread is Called "The Staff, of Lif e? " A staff, of course, la a support --sometblng upon wich yau cau depend to give added strengtlz, assistance over the difficuit places. The simile la a fittlng one for good bread. Corbett's Bread con- tains ail the basic nourlahing lngred- lents that the body needa to gener- ate strength and health. Corbett's Bread la easily digestible, la dltnctly pleasng ta the taste, and, esten at every meal buds a reserve of health-. fui energy te meet the tough spots ln f e. Corbett's Bread la made lu Dow- manville by local men. SATUBDAY SPMCAL 4 to 6 p. m. 8 te 10 p. m. Peppermint Pattles i pound lots oniy 25e LB. Hame-Made Hlumbugs 30e LB. W. P. CORBETT Phone 3 Bowmanville Treasured Gifts SHE'LL ADORE IF IT'S JEWELRY Pind ber gift liere - the gif t that will brlng gaspa of shcer deligit . . .you'fl find it here in thus wonderful collection of Jewelry appropriate for Christmas glvng. Charmlng, inexpensive pleces of cstume jewelry, brace- lets, watches or gorgeous dlanionds. A SMALL DEPOSIT NOW wll secure your chice of our wonderful assortment of Christmas 01f ts. IL-C BOY SCOUT ACTIVITIES RACE-In' Lindsay, Nov. 24th, 1930, rZhs. Sn frciclr tr mdcAe Louis A. Race; aged 65 years. full Information. Stone & Wellington, anci (By Special Scout Reporter) MLUi-tToronto 2. 48-4 stre MLUI AtCobourg, Nov. 20, 1930,___________________ace; Mary Jae McLaurin, ln ber 93rd year. ti orSl or. Bowmanville Troop No. 1 BOY Interred at Napanee.ArilsFrS eFo Scouts meet each Thursday eveniiig MASSON-At 47 Langfard Ave.. Ton- lHa at the Public School gymnasitin. onto, Andrew Maison, ln bis 72nd year. TEAM FOR SALE-Apply in the even- the Theoffcer 0f trop nterred at Ujnion Cemetery, Oobawa. lng ta J. H. Dunn, Hunt Street, Bawman-- the ofies ftetro r: ville. 47-:1 Scoutmaster - Sam Terry; Ass't. SMITH-In Port H-ope, on Nov. 22nd, H________________ Scoutmaster-Fred Conley Se 1930,bando ard Johan Smt, bled bu eas- FOR SALE-Choice regtstered Here- an Treas. - Charlie Cawker; Troo baONd a Irearnt t aoedof5hear.fard Bull, 2 years oid. Apply ta Harvey ai LeacrNe Rhde; atparo MONTOVAtthehoe i isson- A. Hardy. Phone 167r22. 48-1 baa Leader-ed Reher; lstPatrolin-law, Mn. Charles Garrard. Hlaydan, an--rn Leader-Bradley Honeyman; 2nd Fnîday, Nov. 219t, 1930. Thomas Mount- FOR SALE - Two fresb Mikb Cos, ad Patrol Leader -Lawrence Relider; jay, ,ged 73 yeara. and four cattie for staîl feeding. Levi hall 3r Ptrl eae-BydSimo; SEARLE-In Bowmanvillle, on Tues- Wand, Ennisklllen. Phone 199r4. 48-2 dov 4th Patrol Leader--John Neal. day,No.2t,13, hacRoet--- Searle, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Chas. D. HAY FOR SALE-Two staeks mixed Ap, Last week's meeting opened with Seanle, aged 4 year9, 6 monthi. bay and one staok ai straw. Appiy taOon, the Scouts arranged in a horseshoe ABERNETHY-"' Dalingtan, oni Mon- W. L. Bartan, Bowmanville. Ont. 47-tf formation, while thie ceremony of dy Nov. 24tb, 1930, John J. Aternetby, breaking the flag took place and theblavdhsan iMr Hg.ae 65 FOR SALEaaGod General Purpase years. Interred ln Bowmnivlle Cern- Horse, 12 years aId. Apply ta Leslie Scout Oath was repeatedbyci etery. BrookB, Hampton. Pbone 308r5. 48-2U memnber presenit. 1 McCULLOCH-Sudd{inly on Nov. 21st, FRAEFRSL HA-ie The troop was then divided intoi 1930. at 39 Hillsboro Ave., Toronto, James FRAEFRSL HA-ie f goup tolean sgnalng kntsMcCllaliaged 76 years, dearly beloved leiss itniace, formeriy uîed ln Eldad grouhs to leornSsrabaHiIi,, orrntsIy ai Narth Church. Apply ta Harvey Hardy, pbone -' htl.l';ln( of Saror HB.,G. StervenoNphohne "; or22. tenderfoot tests, flrst aid and com- Darlngtoli.16îr- BG.Sensphe232 -t pass work. CLATWORTHY-Suddeiily at Wbitby, Some boys passed tests for tender- on Thursday, Nov. 20th, 1930, William SOWS FOR SALE-Pure bred York- foot badges and are now entitled te o~ oty beloved busband ai Elizabeth.i sbire saws, in farrow; bacon type; grand be called a "Tenderfoot." Jan Stirtewant, aged -2 years. Interred sire 'vas grand champion at the Rayai Charlie Cawker pasd tests for in El,-nezer Cemetery.i T. J. Cale, R. R. 3 Bowmanvil]e. Pbone passe Ier' BRITTON-At Port Perry, on Fniday, 203-4. 46-3w' sigallng.Ncd Rehder also passed 1Widaw ai the late Joseph Bitton, in heri FOR SALE-Tvao good Durham caws; test for first-class signalling. S2nd v,ar. Interment at Pine Grave about 300 bushels of Mangolds and Tur- Boysin ecod-casssigallng est1 Cefleery 'Mthe ofMrs W.B. ol-nip; quantity ai Hay, Corn and Grain. Boy i scon-cas sinaln tet eltry . o mothier fM.W.B a-Apply W. J. Reynolds, Hampton R. R. 1, wlio passed are Boyd Slcmon, CliIfford 1adBvmnlle or phone 167r13. 47-2 Hall, Ralph Aines.i IN MEMORIAM CW O AEToJre os Wliile these instructions and test- CW O AEToJre os ing were going on Scoutmaster Terry MOORE-In laving menrory oi aur dean just renewed; two apringens; and a nun- had a knot-tylng contest and Assist- mothen, Rboda Walter Moore, Who peas- ber of Hoisteins, luit nenewed and ready cd awvay -Nov. 24th. 1922. ta renew. Apply ta T. W. Cawker, King ant Scoutmaster Conley gave the The yeara are swiitly passlng by, Street. Bowmanville. 49-1 Scouts a practice in hand Signais. But atilI we dont forget; FRSL-sdpaa o tdns A trop nspctin ws cndutedFor in the hearts that loved ber maît. aFOvRy Aes empanors.rusteets A trop inpectin wa condcted lier memary lingers yet. tvreayemendpis.Tues by Mr. Conley and Troop Leader Ned Ever Remembeed- will cail me for Information on organe 1 edrfrpit n arl I -Mrle agrtadLcfor scbool pnrpasea. 1 bave pianos for Rehder or pochIsin hi a p at o- 'Mni gret ndLen.h.olus ad will sell at nominal pricea etitionrwach Is ahiprosat es-tapramote music study and later sale oi cntfora cp. achpatol tared RINTY JNIED HURH more expeasive instruments. F. J. with 1001 points and points ar adedI - MtcellNPonTED, owmnvlle 8-t or taken off as thcy wln or .--. iYu1 eoi'sScit CnuceMiANelo e10F OR SAE-Willms Playe IThe Hawks (2nd Patrol) ost a point'Young Pol' oit odce INSFRSL-ilasPae itis inspection thus leaving the vng Service - H. W. Pointen Piano, waînut flnish. used only a lîttle Chicdee (4h Parol inth lsd aveFineAddesswhile, cannot be told rom new, egular Chiades<4t Ptrl i1uelOabav in ddeaprice $600.00, wlll selI for $450.00; also Patrol having most points above 10 QffadRsonliiis a umed oak Player Piano, excllent con- at cetain ime wns th coveed Gits an Respnsi(litia iin, special price $39.00. Special sale tropy. hie subject discussed bY Rev. J. U. on aIl this week. The Johns Piano trohy.Robins at the morning service in Store. 80 Slmcoe St. North, Oshawa- As there was not enougil tinie for Trmtity United Churcli on Sunday, 47-3w' ganireshefrmto wnasbroghtento when lie preached an excellent ser- AUTO PARTS FOR SALE - Auto th o ssho form tn aa t tenio mon bascd on the words* "Unte Vroclie rs, King Street East, Bowrnan- the cous saute hie flg a it waswomsoever much la given, of hùm ville, bave new and useS parts for many taken down. They then repeated sil ui b eurd" u 24.rakes ai cars. These are a few e the ord' Pryer nd ere ismised shal mch b reqire," L. 1 amisn,: Auto gai pumps, stop and tail Thes Lrdtserer ladwrocedlsiedfo Some people tink God should have igbts, locklng handles and cigan light- Tisisn the reouts.roeur o told thcm the exact amount ecdiens, locking radiator caps and generatans, dlsissng ic cous.sliould-give; Love la the supreme test 1928 Chevrolet heatens, jacks o ai al kinds. A court of Honour was held after ofclrce. Gd isntmau-i or mats. and bead light glaie.Ge the cou meeingte tlk ver Usi ofcharcte. Go ha notmeaur-usoa ring before sendtng out" ait.'.n. tes o thetin op talk oer bfst-ecd bis love to us nor sliould wc meas- Pnices equal ta city wneckens. B. Fur- ceoftiec opsof emrof tea es, re aur love te Hlm. Our love, oui ber. Phone 438. - 46-31 couirtassarescomp ose fPoLeader s, taents, and Our service belong te o e ther ssstnt. rOP eaer Hlm. We measure ourselves by oui o e sistant Scotmnater and Scouum- gifts ho God. People do not lmpov- HUS OREéSvnromwt tei~eriSh ttemSelVes by what they give erwonk., bath, etsctri. light., located _______________________te Qed. King & Ontario St., Bowrnanville. Ap- Trhe evtenlng service was ln charge ply A. A. Ooilll.Newoets, .1-tf Smith Ferguson, preient, had charge, and Mr. Clarence Ferguson off ered the oPening prayer and read the ieson. Tic sddress on "Open- ing the Oates of To-morrow" was given by Mr. H. W. Pointen, wio conveyed te the Young people thc thouglit o! what their forefathers iad done i the generation gone by and ticir privilege and duty te the present and coming generation. It was a wdfl thougit out message by an carnest speaker, te a well-pleased audience. Thc musical service was f urnished by a chorus by 14 of thc younger members of the choir, and tic anthem "The Lord la MY SheP- herd" by the choir. Rev. J. U. Rob- ins disnilssed the meeting with tic benediction. Mr. A. E. Hiircock sang a solo at the mornlng service, and Mr. Ray- mond Cole at the Sunday Sehool ses- Ision, boti being mucli appreciated. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHIMCH Before a fairly large congregatiOn on Sunday morning, Rev. W. J. Todd, the minister, delivered a searching and practical sermon f rom the teit St. Mark 8:36 . He pointed out the folly of living only for the thinga of this 1f e, and the giving of little, or i some cases. no thougit te thc ail- important thlngs of the soul. With one or two apt illustrations, gleaned f nom the experlence of bis own min- lstry li former years, he provcd the futllity of allowlng business te, en- croacil on a man's duty ho bis home and chlfdren, te bis f ellow-men, and to bis God. A deep silence feU up- on thc congregahion, as lie spoke of the uncertainty of life, and of the importance of putting Christ fIrst i ahl things. At the evening service, tic officers and boys of the Training School were present In full strength, and thus tilere waa an unusually large congre- gation. Mr. Davldge, one of the teachers. read tie lesson, and the choir, under the leadership of Mr. R. E. Logan and Miss L. L. Bragg, rend- ered special anthems. Ater cx- pressing bis pleasure hi iaving so many visiters present ah the service, and assurlng them of a hearty wel- corne, Rev. W. J. Todd, minister of St. Andrew's, preaciled a suitable ser- mon, the chief points of which werc, "The value of maklng the moat we can out of the springtimie and sum- mer of life"; *'a readiness te help a scboolmate or companlon"; and, "the determination te be a mani or woman in the higicat and bcst sense of that word."' The young people llstened Iwlth great interest and reverence to the minlster's message, and wiUl, we are sure, sct upon It in comlng days and years. ROONS TO RENT-Two large unfur- nished roonis for light houselceeplflg, beâted by furoace; water iu living rooni. Apply ta G. Ms.bood, Churcb and Scugog t.. BowmanvUlle. 48-1' TO RENT-Brick bouse, $40 month; also frame cottage, $30 month; on the Dr. Baldwin property; wonderful location for hlgh clammblghway houa. or charm- Ing private home. Âpply Mr. Larmour an property, or Jury & Lovel'. Drug Store. 47-tf Apartments to Rent COMFORTABLE APARTMENT - In Stat'esman Blockc, 5 noome, newly dec- orated, modern conveniencos, econoni- ically heated. Âpply Gea. W. James or phone 63. For Sale or Rent FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-50 acres aIl cleared land, belng Lot 18, Con, S. Township oi Darllngton. Apply ta Elgin MauntJoy, 3n. R. 6, Bowmavllle. Phone 320r22. 47-2* Ail kinds ai laundry work dane prompt- ly, satlsiactarily and at neasanable pricea. Write Paît Office Boax 12, or call Mn.. W. MarJoram, King Street East, Baw- manville. Phone 478. TENDERS FOR EXTENSION 0F RESEBVOIR Tenders wlll be received by the under- signed up ta S.1atuday, Novemben 2Mt, 1930. at il o'clack a. m. for the. exten- sion af the equalizing Reservoir on Lot 10. ln the Third Concession of the Town- ship ai Darlington. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at the Town Clerk's office, Bowmanvili. The Iowest or any tender not necessarlly accepted. JOHN LYLE, 48-1 dlent. Marion J. Hickingbottom - Elocutionist - Pupils - Concerts Phone 366 Bowmanvllle Ken. 9354M, Toronto. 45-4 ROBERT WALTON BARMONE Medaflst Canadian National Exhibition 1926-28 la open for engagements for concert work of any kind. Phone 1204 - Newcastle 47-4-1 St. Paul's High Tea SATURDAY, NOV. 29th frm 5 to7 P.m. Chicken Patties - Pesu Creamed Potatoes - Salada Bread and Butter Fruit Jelly - Pie Tes Price à"0 NEW STORE1 I arn opening a mmall store on Lberty Street, and will kecp a stock of f resh grocerles. Phone orders taken for home-made cooklng. A supply o! Rawleigh goods always hi I stock. Pione 504. M»B. JAMES NOKES, LIbe,7 t. DuiBWMaai When you want to buy a STOVE Remember the Name Findlay s Oval You cou bbe, You ca» roat, You ca» broil. You can do anything that ca» b. donc with any range. No better Stove ever imade. .SEE THEM AT RICE & CO'Y. Opposite Pott Office Bownianvifle IOh Boy!- WHAT A SAL -THESE PRICES PROVE IT - Cali aund b. couvinced. o(oATS OVERCOAT LOT 1 $14.95 Young Men's heavy quslity, f ancy tweed effecta, also navy blue, polo Uined, values to $22.50, for .... $49 OVERCOAT LOT 2 $21.75 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats wool cloths of exceptional heavy welght.s, new shades and styles, values to $3000,.7 for ............... $21.7 OVERCOAT LOT 3 $26.95 You wiUl find in this lot our very best makes, in aU that's new for Fail and Wlnter, ail shades, values to $35.00, on sale fer.... ... $26.95 MEN'S ALL WOOL SOX 3 Pair for $1,00l T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanvill. j Real Eetate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-6-0 acres, being lot 22, con. 5, Darlingtofl, on whIch are brick 8-roamed bouse wlth modern conveR- lences; hard and soit water; outbuild- ings ln goad repair; 3 acres! orchard. For particulars apply on the premisez ta E. Hagglth. Hampton. Phone 198-21. 42-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick reuidenoe, containing eight rooms, batbroom, clos- ets and pentry; hardwood floon; and aIl modern convenienceu; good vegetable gandin; double garage; very deairable location. For ternas and particulareap- ply on the premlusea ta W. J. Brag, cor- ner Elgin and Horsey Ste., or box 29, Bowmanvllle. Phone 125. 30-tf e 'N 'N men- TUB UANAUM"'q QY.LMeý--, Lost or Found ROBE LOST-Saskatchewfn robe li.t in Bownianviile, Saturday .night Re- ward If left et Rice & Co'a Hardwnre Store.48-1 Wanted WANTEO-A girl ta assist in general housework, ather heip kept. Apply ta Mne. Southey, Elgin St., Bawmanvilllc. 48-tf WANTEO>-Rabert Pawîan li prepared ta repair boots, shaes and rubbers, neat Job, moderate prices. Leave at Sidney Marris', Wellingtan Street, Bowniaflvifle. 48-8we LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED -for Bowmanville a.nd Distri ct, for the -Old Reliable Fonthil I Nurseries.' .& alendid apening, with exclusive territory NETHS McCORMiCK""At Newcastle, Ontario, on Novemnber 17th, 1930, ta Mr. and Mm, Norman McCormIdk, a on - MABRuxGEs TEFBBLE-HOY - At the Parsonage, Orano, Thursday, Nov. 2th, 1930, by Rev. William Sterling. Cecl Alexander Tebble, Clarke, ta Marjorie Louvina Hoy, ai Oshawa. MOFFATT-SMITH - In St. Pau's Chunch, Llndsay, on Saturday, Nov. 22. 1930, Olive Marion, daughtex ai Mr. and Mns. Jubu Smith, Cavan, ta John Gar- don McKay, son Oi Mr. and Mrs. John Mofatt, Orono. DEATHS High School Commencemeng ln ASSEMBLY HALL THURSDAY & FIDAY November 27-28 at 8 p. m. Llterary and Atblete Prfses wlllIn. presented. M"00 alCoMMedY Mikado" - Folk Dancing- Gymnaste Dhslsy Orchestra SeletctIons. Pian opens at Mltchefl's Drug Store Tuesday, Nov. 25th,4 4 P. rm. ADMISSION 35o ýred, 1 acre orchard and ganden. bal- e pasture and woad land; running earn; brick bouse; electrlcity; iurn- ebarn; silo; on county road, Hamp- 1.Must be sold ta close an estate. eparticulars apply tao ea. Barman, impton, administraton ai the estate ai elate Mrs. Greenaway. 46-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Beat bult houa. Carlile Avenue, takes only four tons coke per winter for furnaco, and stove. A done It the lant four wintere; now ntlng for $26 per month; three rooma id tbree closets upatans, six roorna and MIlncluding bedroom and bathroom enatairs; cellar divided wltb cernent Ill; garage and hen house. Termes eany. pply ta C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton,> nt. Ist Il

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