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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 For treatinent of caked bags cows, or garget, use Douglas' Egy Ian Linimnent-the quick, sure re edy. Baves tuxie and expense. P vents blemished stock. ':::;CHILDREN CRY FOR UT- (aHnLREN hate to take medicint ~aarlbut every child loves tht tante of Castoria. This pure vegetabli preparation la just as god as it tastes juat as bland and just as harmiess as thq recipe reada. When BabYs cry warns of colic,i few drops of Castoria have him aoothed, aleep again in a jiffy. Nothing in mort valuable in diarrhea. When coated tongue or bad breath tell of constipation, invoke its gentle aid to cleanse and regulate a child's bowels. In cold oi ehildren's diseases, you should use i to keep thc system from clogging. Castoria in sold in every drugstore; the. genwine always bears Chas. H. Fletcher's signature. ,C S ORI L ~ I snMaad June I wua b.dl r=cwn and had faint op"~I unti It was a drag to do work., In July and Auguat 1 dldn't Sem to pick up solIde& çddto try LedaR.LPtnk- basa Vqtmbk Compound because I aaw ih adverdaed. 1 took two boules and now 1Iam ye domwlry worksand rnflk two 0. Ir any woman W"ta, lI wo»cettaw &»aoWe« 1w leue."-Mm as.ovft R N i ' "Ptal io va a~cmAssm ma &«IOL& SP M m - MD l @E« ~ ! O THM 11MLMEI - mmTOMMAN ADUUT.ý ECàLECTRIC 0O1L».U in UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY OBONO rpt- AND THANK-OFFERING 0 >re- (Prom The News of Nov. 2th.) r- (Held over f romn last week) Clarke Township Coundcil meets on INewcastle United Church Anniver-- Tuesday, Dec. 2nd. -isary and Thank-offering Services, on Mrs. M. Breslin and daugliter are JSunday, Nov. 2nd, were marked by 1 visiting with friends in Toronto. large congregaetions, practical, Up-- Mr. Howard Walshi, wbo was talc- lifting serinons by Rev. S. D. Falls, A.en ill with pneumonia, ta reported R.R., Book Stewart, Toronto and in % l&jm% mproving. spirational music by the choir, assist- Miss Margaret Scott, Columbus, ta "QUOA MD" tat e hve gne raz on he ub-spending a few weeks withliber aunt, ed by Mr. Justin E. Tuer, B.A., "UT A htw ae oeeayo h u-Mrs. Moffat, Park Street. Orillia. Ject of volume. We are quota mad."1 Miss Qule Davey bad lier hand Taking as a basis for his mornîng Afamous advertlsing agent waa As hie talked 1 recalled a conversa- badlly burned last week when aie theeth popet ors -"ehldtalklng with me about business in tion I bad some pears ago with antwpe n eI gisttesove. Your God-Is. 110:9, Dr. Fallis the United States. American who represents a Frencli Mr. J. W. Moat, mayor of Oakville, urged is hearers ta seek the spiritual It is bis funiction ta prepare the manufacturere iu this country. adMs ot eeweedvstr jlife, to try to find God, to learn to advertsting for several large manu- "I have a heart-breaking time with atdber.brot er Mr. R. Z. Hall. 1 nwHmbtet elz n facturers, and to consuit wth them that F'rencliman," hie said. "Every a irbohrs r .Z al kno Hi btte, t, ealze ndon their sales probleins. He goes year I go over there and plead wlth Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. McKay and * visualize Him, that they might Ce borne every nlght ail tlred out. He him to, double hta factory. We could daugbter, Miss Annabeli, were visit- m happier, better men and woren,liv- saYs lie dos' nwayod nUt eas mucho tb1ssduff if ie os at bis sister's, Mrs. Jas. R. Coop- -and making better use of ail material out o! It kuow wliat lie says? He just waves Mr. and Mrs. VanAistine, Mr. and blessings, present and yet to be dis- "'11 give you my program for a bis banda ln Frenchi fashion and Mrs. J. G. Jackson, Port Hope, were covered. The Preacher, the Herald, typicai day," lie sald. "I corne down sputters: *WbY should I doubem Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. jwho teaches men ta really know God to mY office a lîttîe before nine, and plant and work twlce as bardI ndNbSit, trkile as He is, the kind, loving, couider- there is the sales manager o! a shoe mY famlly are making money Mr. m. Carleton returned fromn ate, compassionate God, is doing a company waîtlng for me. Uis poc- enougli. We bave a good time. We Western Ontario wbere lie was cm- great work. God wants, above all kets are full of cbarts. His com- enJoy our lives. Wliy should we work ployed as engineer on a stcam roUler things else, that men should know pany's sales arc 20 per cent aliead ourselves to death?' " durlng road construction. Hlm. of last year, but ta hie satlafled? Not That seems to us Americans a very Mr. and Mrs. Robert Best. Thorn- Dr. Fallis submitted three pro- for a minute. He must set the mark terrible utterance. It ta treason tO bury, called on f riends bere, then left positions for the earnest consideration for next year 50 per cent ahead. the spirit of modern business. Of for Starkville to spend a day or two of hîs hearers as individuals and as "Then 1 go over ta tbe offce o! a course, a man sbould force bis pro- withliber mother, Mrs. Hallowell, now units of a nation. First, that the, food manufacturer.,Ucelias just clos- duction, and lita sales, and force bis nbr9t er moral tone of a nation compares with ed up the best year of bis history. owu poor mind and body until lie and corresponds with its conception And we try to figure out bow lie can dMes at the age of sixty wlth an order Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry attended a of God; second, that the confidence of do twice as mucli again! blank in lit a bad. dinner at lier f ather's, General John a nation depends on its conception of, "I lunch wltb the offioers of a ce- Somewliere bctween the Prencli Hughes, Bowmanvillc, at which Dr. and its attitude toward God; third ment company. If tbeY would get attitude and our attitude there must James L. Hughes and bride, Toronto, that the persistence of a nation ii together with their competitors, and be a lialf-way point that would com- were guests o! bonorn -pursuing ils course will depend on its agree to curtail production iust a bine the best elements o! both. Two o! our prominerit citizens, faith ln God, especially in times o! little, tliey could ail make more "Life," says tlie Bible, "ta more Messrs. William Staples and 0. A. stress and adversity. money. The price of their product than brcad, and the spirit tban rai- Gamsby, last week celebrated their Thechor ontibuedto he ericemght have to be rataed a trifie, but I ment." It also asks the question,#s birtbdays. Orm dlaims to be 64, but o!e oirthonthued , "thousrcren doubt it, because the sales expense "What shail it profit a man if lie, says neiglibor Bill is 92. Both look of orsipth anhem "houcron-would be that much less. But will gain the whole world and losc bis well and heartY. est the year with Thy goodness. tbey curtail? Neyer. Every year own life?" At special Convocation in Toronto, Mrs. Geo. Honey, soprano soloist, must show bigger figures. The quotas Or, lu modern language, wbat's Rev. Luxon Burgess, B. A., was grant- sang, "I have redeemed thee," and Mr. must go Up and up.1 the use o! killing yourself by being ed bis M. A. degree. Rev. Burgess J. E. Tuer, Orillia, assisting the choir, "The trouble with this country la I quota mad? lis pastor on Lucknow circuit. sang after the sermon, "The story o!f _______________________________ ~ irdprmn !tesba the rodial Sn,"wordfor ordcîosed Wednesday, the principal, with the Bibical text. JUDICIAL HEARING 0F APPEAL business assessment is concernied, ev- Miss Foster, receiving word that bier DrIals vnigsro a ery one o! the municipalities Is as- brother. Ernest Roy Foster, Bowmnau-m sequel to bis momning theme, in which1 (otnc rmpg ) sse o smtig an eyvle a id hie argued with al earnestness and Cn I fo ag ) smai d frsome ver lgSm yvle Rev Wm.Strigpacean- tenderness that if men would laiow'1 mid that the county judge sliould sal n otevr ag.Rv m trigpece ni God, get a clear revelation of Hum, reacli bis conclusions as accurateîy Bar Approves versary sermons at Enniskilleii Sun- they must hunger and thirst a!ter as possible, not overlooking any evi- Col. F. D. Boggs, K. C., crown at- day. Rev. . . M.Whyte, pastor o! that Hum, yearn for Hum, seek diigently1 dence that ia o! material value, but torney and counties solicitor, spoke circuit, tkn h evcshr to find Him, make the gaining of a. lu sucli a manner as will entail no first a! ter His Uonor's address and momning and eveuing. knowledge of Hum the dominating unnecessary expense. But witb the declared that the clear statement o! Hydro Power commission are tait- ide ofthïr ive. nlyby n rdet best o! intentions, counsel before me the case and the suggestions made îng the connected load for the com- passion for God, persisted in with ah! know bow expenses can mount up. as to economizing both turne and the mercial rating in town this week. leth frvr fhi mra adspriua,ý, Limit Evidence public maney were most acceptable. Mr. Edson Keat, puflman couduct- th entlfervor ofbis moal and spirt amAt the outsct we should limit the D. H. Chlsholm, K. C., Port Hope, or o! Canadian National Toronto- 16 mntwal eing , oueda manoibea amount o! evidence, for this enquîry made the suggestion, already refer- Winnipeg train, spent MondaY lu e kowGodasHe stheGo o!be us be concludcd by the firt o! red ta, that the wbole matter be left town. s;tiful sunsets, of the fiowers, of love Jauar.TePIsto tee-i ug 'onol ad ihu kand friendships of al things pure and aury. th se rpon si o! the n- lu Jud e mO'Connor's i and wtout Mr. Artbur Allen, north ward, bas quiy tetoascrtaneabasadfrwte daggJg liematcrmut n acotly built a model garage. Mr. Robert iovlyth Go wom esu cinetaimposition o! counties tax rates and unnecessary public enquiry. Jobnston did the work. reveal. It was the writer of the 42nd througliout these unlted counities. George Drcwry, Brighton; W.R. a* Psalm who expressed this passion for "-Now under the Act, assesment Strike. Bowmanville; N. A. McColi, Several members O! the German , God in the poetic words, as the heart must be made ou the basta o! actual Campbellford; and Arche Cochirane, Milltary Team, now competing lu the M panteth after the water brooks, s0 value. That ta not necessarlly the Cobourg; also made brie! addresscs. jumping Tournament at the Royal d panteth my soui after tbee, 0 God. sale value o! a particular propcrty. I______Wlnter Fair. Toronto, spent Suuday Gysu hrtt od.th ivn I susne mn ivov nas-f at the Campbell FarinS. and rode out Mysu1tset o God, helvigIttaJate lment lvovc l For Spramns and Bruses-There is some of the borses. They greatly d Dr. Fallis prefaced bis sermon with Citing information reccived !rom nothlug better for spralus and con- admired the tborougbbred stalilon, )r a brie! history o! the United Church Judge Justin o! Halton, who bas cou- tusions than Dr. Thomas' Echectric Micliavo. It Publiihing House, the Ryerson Press; ducted five e<uallzation appeals and 011. [t wIll reduoe tic awelling that Rev. B. A. G. Willoughby, B. A.. an o! it steady growtb froin a smal b-ta now cngaged lu a sixth, Judge 0'- fOllows a SPrain, wW cool tbe inflai- old Orono boy, son o! the late Rev. ginning 101 years ago when Dr. Eger- Connor advised that munîcîpalties, cd fleali and draw the pain. it wUl J. w. Willoughby, a anc time pastar C'o yron îhtehepo e now Sattafied wltb their assessmeut, take Uic ache out o! a bruise by o! the old Chittian churcli here, ta 1clergymen who put $2000 into the sbould witbdraw from the lnu iriy couiteracting the inflammation. A anuounccd ta give an illustrated hec- venture, !ounded The Christian An example ta the Village o! Hast- trial will couvince anY wlia doubt ils ture, subject "'Iccland" and "The Guardian, now merged in The New ings, which did not Jolu with power. passion play" Thursday, December SOutlook, the officiaI organ o! the Brighton, Coîborne aud Newcastle lu 4tb, lu Hygea Houae. 40 Elrn Street, * Uitd hucho!Caad.theDr general appeal. They bave, lu- Taronto. Rev. Mr. Willoughby ta I UaliedonderedowCandamemnder.o!cidentally, not sent representatives to BfA m AmLq, ow o! Chicago, Il. werelie lias a Fai he nded hhould aîl ebimseof ayoftemeetings and illustrate BlaVV'r W eakne reputation as a forceful speaker. thanitedenCmbr if ldcahe nelthe Pucintbdgew'Cos ormade. To m aeoM~in, r.rMa, Stapheton (former stalk- a itkellcgunch per. he Ryecer- uquîry only lswould limît the T ou les me igt s er arn) bas erected a large Steel sou Presato! hcb Dar. FilaThead that bery oly ve osmunidipalities 1eýed barn on the property. Monday hast lon Phessofeat anDr. iggsisitutionat b ethcy bave a grievauce, ~Vri7U~uwulta cehebrate the completion of this -s teodsan igsinttto an twould be Up ta tlicm ta state Switl R fine structure a dance was hld at oilkninCanada, having started and prove those grievances. the borne attended by mnany o! the on the ground floor over a century Then, if tbey are suatalued, aud if If you are troubled witli a buruing Young people aud grawn-ups o! the ago, before even American pubishers the valuation ta lowered lu thein, it sensation, Biadder Weakness, fre- neighborhood and district. had entered the Canadian field. It: will mean howering the valuation for quent daily annoyance, gttlug-up- Ail the members of the deer bunt- bsd neyer shown a deficit, always aj ail the municlpalîties in the counities. niglits, duil pains lu back, lower ab- lng parties returned home the early good profit in which the church as ai domen sud dowu througb groins- part o! the week f romn the north whohe benefits. It now bas a weekiy No Income Taxes you should try the amazing value o! country. The Kendal party, Messrs. pay roll o! $10.000 and bas at pres- HUta Uonor then drew attention to Dr. Soutliworth's "Uratabs" and sec A. West, Harry Mercer aud Henry cnt $1W0,000 tied up lu the production te fact t bat lu the valuatars' re- what a wonderful differcuce tbcy Bowcn, succecded in bagglng eleven o! the new bymn book. port, business assessinent ta totalled make! If this grand ohd formula o! deer. separatehy at $970,747, and income a well knawn Physîclan brings you Mr. J. A. Vance, Millbrook, Secre- The choir supported the preacher assessinent at $207,885. the swift coin!ort lt lias brought ta tary o! the Ohd Age Pension Board witb the antheuis "Let Us Rejoice," "I may say," the judge declared, others, you surely willI be thank ul of the United Counties o! Nortlium- and "Abîde Witb Me," Mr. Robt. W. "that for the purpase o! taxation for and very well pleased. If lt doca not berhand sud Durhamn, was in town Watan taking the reading bariteone county purposes, businessansd Incame satlsfy, the drugglst that supplied 1 Wednesday on business. solo. Mr. Tuer again deligbted the assessmeut must be added ta the real y'ou ta authorlzed ta returnu rU~ egewswdlseddo us worshippers with bis solo, "The Lord estate assessinent. mouey on first box purchaaed. d81 a eening un Pateet Cnhues- Is My Shepherd," Pain. 23. "Witbout my seeklng it, for I bave thyevseclal snPakr eing W. J. _________not souglit outslde opinions since be-fo Bragg, M.P.P., o! Bowmauvllle. Hta glnniug this inqulry, one party threw M e us~ .i address was very lu!ormlug: "The BACK TO NORMAL out the suggestion ta me that thta a nu a utfo Provincial House. how formed aud phase o! the iuquiry miglit be drap- ilfntoNI Lh iiznhpcm Louise and Mary had been "very £e.Y urIdgeto ite asscrd sseae o special" friends tl Loulsc's marriage "Iwn osaeta twl tthinx mtngerM. edW took lier away. Then their f riend- be dropped. We wlU deal wltb mat- oeMP HisuJcwl b sbip seerned ta widen with the miles. ters lu this bearing as we flnd tbcm, Warns Atainat Dopint Stofzach With "Ten, M.P. Hssubioe wandb Remeberig an uigt o!hav nsd be governed by the law. Artilciai Dlgestt t fnto Read f the case su 10 ct o! Lovng fsfnto. Jea oistane tcepb nlg, Mary dfLded "Saine municipalities are very hax Most people wba sufer, cither oc- Mr. Andrew Muir, wbo lias becu uitac ould e a ealtih toMalL.ouîse in the matter o! assessment, partucu- caalOnally or chronically frain gas, ernploycd for somc time past on the I s.Adi aeth a o larly o! incomes. Looking over titis sournes sad indigestion, have now fano r .J ieowl n It as An i pvedth wa t ~list, sud I could naine thein, I flnd discontinued disagreeable dIcta, pst- gage lu farming on bis own accounit, return ta the aid intiiuacy. same municlpalties bave sbsalutely eut f oods sud the use o! harmful bsving reuted the late John Morris no incarne assessinent. It certaînly drugs, stomacli tanîcs, mediclues sud f arn, lot 34, 7tb concession, Clarke, Jus Ak ora oxof doesn't look very welh. artificial digestanta, and lustead take for a terni o! 5 years. He ta hooklug Just sk Fr a Bx of "I arn qulte assaured that some1 a teaspoanful or four tableta a! Bis- forward ta the arrival o! bis mother, luacîamiie&hae.o aseamnt raed.a-esiialitthe ater+.. f-two sisters sud s brother froiScot- Rui* %ons mS LLluT RE» RosE TEvA ~fti t4]' lot HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck la &walting yonr e«U to dcliver tt your baument the Mi dof coal that bendreda o!familles thromghont tSi town have fourni» aUafatory. Yen cmn depend upon thia oii-eatabiahed ool yard te furnlah utrlctiy high quaUty coal at ail tures Order now for prompt dellvey. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal- The Standard Anthracite Steve Ceai ....... Ett Chestnut Pea Backwheat Nut Coke $16.50 16.00 13.00 A discount cf $1.00 per ton for cash wIll be allowed from above prices. MeClellan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bowmnanville TOMMYS NOT DOUBLE-JOINTED Terry Gilkison W ELCOME! et ýti U L &0 mu 0 ~g~g~Diffeient fromn every other Oats QUAKIER OATÎ COKS INS2% MMUTES AFIE H AE OL s Àtoi, a IL PAGE siolTr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930

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