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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES schaa1li the province o! Ontaria. The Doil Dance, a very pretty per- remember Miss Smith's patience in11 year-were sources a! real delight te Foioe tue we had three there at fanmance, was gracefully enacted by aur somewhat, colloqiiiall3r speaklflg, the musc loyers lin the schoal. These (Cntnud rm ageiocfe. PBut we have two at present, Misses Evelyn and Jean Millsan, the dumb 2nd Farn literattire class xIn have bath been under the talented (ContinuedfPro!.agearks. wha has a continental fanrer as the lady and the latter as f act, this partîcular class was se iack- leadership of Mr. Suttaxi. inlty still continue ta take a very reputatian as a geo logist, and Prof!. the gentleman. This dance received ing in intelligence that the remark The Oratorical Contests and the great interest in educatiaxial affairs. DeLury. upan whom Queen's Univer- the warm applaus1e o! the audience. was made that 'No slow motion Pic- Inter-schooh Debates have affarded a 1tm t arn sure, be a source Of! sity bas conf erred the degree o! Miss Phyllis Chahls, a clever yaung ture camnera was ever invented slow mneans a! expression ta aspiring or- igeat aifcint i t nWta L .pianit, rendered a two-piece Piano enaugh ta take a student giving an ators. Bowmanvile High School a u t - acnithetdebatese whlchthoweverDw erni Uschool1 is in such a prosperous Then, too, perhaps the bighest selectioti, May Night" and "Dans- answer in 2nd Fan hliteratuire class.'ý bas hiad a particularly gaod record coniton;teknO tat heattndFine Teacher and Fniend discontiflued last year. ance istnotnly large but tbe largest is one o! aur scholars, Dr. Jabez H.Miste anhsbn thufo Wth tteeornitaslxte we have bhad since the sch~o1 wBB Elitt; and certainly one o! the Mr. Mikado Cleverly Acted Wtotteeognztosi h organ ne of th m stedin I s aol. a student's 1f e would be We havnesathresn bollst gh feroncemast igly ebp aea tem tkn three years as ClassicS teacher. ratsheroesdd nl ha fu tie smanynmsih oî spaid lawyers li theprviceis andlsoitdnmeso h r-thttm ehv on eape-wh aehdasaei h ep when the flxst bigh schaal building one of aur old boys. Mr. W. N. Tilley; gan ap"reciite d o,"mbe rc te pro- tat tie edlhgavea e pr ec-whbaehdasrelteepo- was opened. No doubt the incree.5- and 1 notice that the recextly ap- graonwasl"r M uiao," a pfrcebs atehe ided anags asneer isbe- ties o! these activities can realze ed attendance !ully justifies tbe ac- pointed manager o! the Canada Lite Tedsonumlbert & suIlivn's Op he erafore. anMiss ten a 15al ve thein value in roundiflg out and per- tinofteBoard in building an ad- Assurance Ca. is one o! aur old boys, Ti uberswad prste ssystheteacrand bahepus.enAt real fn end ng a student's ie. t0lon a! rtherg fol- NwfgonHcy aNtogirshesrto manY a! ikete pup i te tissiTe time in 4th and 5th Forn sed ditiaxi to the school, as it would be Mr. AIred N. Mitchell. NellwngHcny NwspAhtnedhul iet pyatiut aMs utterly impossible ta crowd 250shl These ar but a few o!furgrd Chas. Cawkei', Bradley Honeymnaf Stedmaxi's work on the Screech Owl. by with amazing rapldity. In Fltth I 1nabidn dsge eacm utslvn nToot.TeeaeForin we had that important decisioxi anslx abuldig esgnd t aco- ate lvig n Troto Tere areinoish-tusb), Douglas Adamxs, Oea. For the past tbnee yeans Miss tamae-ha w wnegong ta do m od te nly 10 . o her liin in Tor nto as w ý gnkew let wh gh sc oal h madteonl 10.other ps vigfitheronon wellasinWenry, Bin Ingram, Albert CulleY, maxi has beexi a most efficient con-tei Coulpetent and Faithful Staff oterprt !0 h DomiinwoDn Williamis, Stanley Rckard sulting editr. It is largely due te whre lethg col hr have made good and who are mare or heoiBa) enebMarris (Xo- lber interest and suggestions and co- was ever present befare us, taa, the suffi i n d fe sr ta ms ohe B a ob Shemon (Mk.pa), he a s eattinethe ursccess tmagazine ruatîzatiox that soon we wauld grad- But numbers alone are netsfift leAnproIi elueth l also ie.) obfCrbtt(M. ikdo.1aentis tht urs ha m b. a re andaebhn oee h temake a success!ul schl. Toe b wlln aadi ta HatrolJur (K atishoo h a);Eey iîo, ss Whaindthe n Ms t eaebsidfuee h t aw o u ld b I O g d endm t h t h a - M ll om ui g c h o i e w a d e j y d s mke seto!d athwfustave f' aevrsess wngtthe ayraveig hadwa IAda Allin, Marion Slernoni, Berenice bth specialists by namne and by We have gone forth f nom B. H. S. tecmetentand !it havelstaf !'lrgl oigtate rixig hyStaititon, Jean Millson, Elsie Car- practice, bave been with us, Miss witli somethiiig o! sadness li aur teces n e uthaesuts received in the Bowmanville 11gb uhrWni ikr n lnrWitna eytoog n x who are willing ta work and anXi.uS ch<ooluterWlni ika r ndixirWitlsaveytoog n x hearts, fan we realize that that chap- ta leaxn, studefits who can apprejCal awe edre in Sykes; Three little ids fro e-'~ cellent teacher o! French and Ger- ter o! aur lives is closed. It is partly ate the pivileges they enjoy in bein hri akrrnee in Berniece Bellman (Yulm-Yur11), Bea- maxi, and Miss Ogden as a capable the pleasant associates !ormed at able ta attend school. We f eel sure sOlO "Dutoche Taxize No. 1" by Bee- trice Crydermnan (Peep-ba), anid Hel- and intenesting ixstructor in History. school that make the 111e there se that we bave a competent staff o! thoven, wich was a very pleasing en Argue (Pitti Sing). Miss Paker was a new addition ta dear ta us and yet tbereiso thg teachers. men and women who are rendian!acascanubr The story contained maiiy local tbe staff ast year, and altbougb no more that makes thase associations spendiflg the best o! their lives in1 Presents AthletlC Pnizes ,touches and was veny bumorauis anid member o! Fanm V studied under doubly dean te us. It is that school teachi.ng others the way ta live. An well presented by the youiig artists. ber, I knaw that she was a favorite spirit-that feeling o! kinship arng onie o! aur teachers tald me a short Dr. G. c. Boxixycastle, chairflan The music, wich is always popular in the lawer fanms. tesuet-hc sprasbs tinie ago that he cudnet wish for, of the Property Committee, li pre- with a Bawmaiiville audience, was epesda okyo ub ae a better class o! pupils than we have senting the athletic prises, coixixiext- as usual greatly enjoyed. Mn. Sut- Gie Schoc Board Creit Buxpre sda a hockea elirgbyditi lin the school at present. eti on the splendid achievements o! tan was the accampaflîst. The high tane of a schoal depends that saie spiit wbich makes us who That the school bas been doing the pupils and read an article !rom The Suwanee Dance was given by se largely on the kind a! teachers bave graduated speak with pide o! goad work during the past year was the New York Timnes whcb re!erred Misses Helen Masoli, Marlon Sleman, emplye hee And I think ahi j ur ld school and which will in aften sbowxi by the splendid results af the ta the atbletcfm !BWaiil Yvonne Tighe, Jean Wight, Margaret , kinds o! credit sbauld go ta the years make us se glad ta know that mldsumnmer exams., wben the school High School. Wightrnafl and Jean Morris, wear- School Board who bave nealized this, the ld school is still carryiig an li net onily did well as a wbale, but did The silver traphy competeti for by 'ing typIcal southerxi outflts. It wasj for B. H. S. bas ever bad an academic'the best way. y ujet frwic ot omavllWityan t erac- Mis-Wiiredcrd t e g epssiblelevel. The Baar teachers and students deserve gneat shos a o hsya yBw thusiastically recalled jby the audi- wrerd tebstaalal credit. ~~~~manville, and the cup was presented ence. Miss Grace Crawfarth was the weayhr hs emoyed the s avalable Mnypol ak Wati h The schaol bas not anly done well ta Mrn. valueriso! a hlgh scnhool educst.atioi?"f butngscbolstcave xn idaeics.nes, e!a!e clb. Indian hteosýas been and stin is 5under the chair- If we compare the ideals that we bad butthe hae dne ellin thltic. kowldge inbri! bt curtou costume recited with splendid ex- manship o! Mn. Couch, wbafater jin First Fanin ta those we had when For ini a contest which took place wards. pression Pauline Jahnsoii's poem h is many years o! servc nonb-w rdaei eraieta hr in Oshawa a short time ago aur Mr. Haroldi Slemnon. on bebaîf of "The Cattle Thief." bl! s tilasm c inrested as bas beexi a penlad o! gradual ee- scoldid better than the Whitby the Rugby tearn. presenteti Mr. W., ever 11f a uh neese s a ee ero f rd e vep and ort Peny schools combined, se Paterson witb a signet ring, as a Valedictory Address Bor din ep s ce ll braT ohe S tl me t ax i ghe on ceptioaneo!io that while the schol aims ta tumxi slight appreciatioii o! is services as iBadkeswl bes ftetmsadhge ocpino iehv out scholars wth trained and cultur- coach o!the teamn. This also was Miss Marlon Rickard, daugbter a! alang the Uine o! educatianal facil- camne ta us. We have camne ta know ed minds, they are evidently tnying acknowledged by the recipient who Mn. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickand, wha ities. The material evidence o! this that school is net menely a place ta te send them out wth strong and congratulateti the boys on theix is now attending Toronto University, is this splendid new building erected acquire facts and mnucb less a place vigros bdis, r s te ldGreeks f aithful practice and unselflshnless. was the Valedictorian. having made hast year witb alI the flnest modern ita waste time. We bave learned viaulsaybodisorsthd id in the highest standing throughout ber equipmient. The Board 15 foreveri that by co-operatinig with aur coin- sound bodies. Yolung Athletes Receive Medals course at the high school f nom which sbawing their thoughtfulness in some muxity, teachers, parents and friends Ishe graduated this year. Miss Rlck- manner anid one o! the maxiy thîngs we can obtain the best results. Hence Reason ta be Proud of School M.M .V ali .Awaad na dean voice anid pleasing whicb tbey did hast year which was thtb iing in graciaus cpera taeseadoreat interest in sport and manneri, gave titis veny ixteresting greatly appreciated. particularly ta tien. what we can ta those wba give an sure we have reason ta f eel misss any events put on1 and informative address. the out-of -tawli pupils. was tbe in- what we cannot we can best serve - - - e~.hn. .1-1,nt. nly for the, by the studelits, is, a laver o! boys,MnCaimnLdes&G tle: stallation of an electric stove. Tbis 1not only aur awn age but also pas- >od orlc it i dom now but or a d sp ke vry hghiY Ol Llt~ OUl Tha eve t wncn w tihot luncaehest offprotUfltie batitlis on i th p st So e f he pre en d y oy a o ser ed an ic pa ed - urnra ua io - ha tm e adtn od n s nc lo a ccus tei ty__ __ gct w.b Ur POtJLTRY $ 80,fOoOUU.u" MO NEY The annuelal e aipoultr7 moDsylfln CanedD aDd ngyour hu eI oe0 ~(f~REGUUnR AmrM&zHsLay More Ews 0 6hn PRATT FOCD CO. OF CANADA LTID., 328 caI.w Av-., Toronto, OU. No FRIEND LUCE AN OLD FRIEND For thirty.five years millions have shown preference for Shredded Wheat over ail other cereal foods - aend it's so easy to understand why. It's the whole wheat in its mnost digest- ible form. The crisp, crunchy shreds encourage thorough chewing-afld the more you chew it the better you like it. So easy to serve a quick break. fast because it is ready-eooked. Deli. clous for any meal. SHREDDED fyou may not know that we have and expenienced by himfself. Names cone. To-n ght the memberS of the of cu inary art on the part of the yen more professors to Toronto1 of the boys and girls receiving the 1930 graduatiflg class are formally girs Also we have corne to know how thn n ohr -ig mdlsapeared in aur last issue. main herfinalfaeelifw fntely much can be accompllshed- rnivrsit tha anyothe weremedto a ai theril o! te 1930 cfass First Impressions B. H. S. if we would f ollow the advice of that M=University of Toronto, from Queen's pressions of high school. I think my seeking what the morroVJ w±U bring, S REpH P. Unierit, rot heNoma Sholsfirst distinct one, and especially ta and each day that Fortune grant you,Si at Stratford, Toronto and Peterboro, those O! us Who came f rom smnafl count as gain.' Whlch in my inter- P U T N F N Ywhile others would tell us that for lost in such a maze. so it seemed, f most, every day. of the opportunitiesWINALTE RN the present they are living at home. corridors and class-roomfs and pupils. afforded us. And ta you, who are O,'~i",~ F TH-E WHOLE WHEAT & P cAnd In whatever life-work we have I also have a distinct recollectian f in the school niow, and have the fin- Il ~~R Echosen. I sîncerely hope that each standing somewhat in awe of those est f acilities for advancemeflt alang §tDE HA MPN L & M A E T O S o e o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ody raursk ow sFit or nelet al n p yiallnsIws y ~of those flnest ambitions whlch were mers. The bridge between lst Formn you could realize this ta the fullest Don't wait tîli you've got to eall us in a hurry so, largely instllled in us at hlgh and 5th Formn seemed a very long extent. For I'm sure those Who ____________________________ to r nsalia ew school. But no matter what achieve- one indeed. But gradually aur feel- don't make the n'ost of their appar- or a real emergeflcy repair o ntl e ments shall be ours in the f uture, I ings of perplexity were smothed out tunities will regret it later. Sa I furnace. Do it to-day before the cold. weather know that our years spent at B. H. S. and we settled dawn ta the routine of al a aeeYoeo o i h will remain one of the most treasured aur new school. life. words a! the Latin paet: 'Snatch sets in. Then your furnace will be in good conl- memories o! aur hearts. Duirng the fIrst two years one je eagerly the gi te o! the present and<; baund ta, remain rather on the fringe each sinigle day that Fortune shal School Days Revlewed o h eho-ciite. Bt hsgat>acunsgi dition for a hard wnter's work.oth colatvte.Bthsgrnyuon sgi. As e rvle au hgh chal dyswas more than made Up foar by the In loslfg I 'would liko to <piate _______________Arns narll rev ert t hghscoo aux, rather reckless hllarity a!f thase years part o! a paem wrtten by a graduate teachers, whose influences have 50such as the settlng off fixe Crack hi f 128 or e s ret hinkl the thestffwa cmpsemomsx eac-and bt. I jutewel emember, .sentiment o! the 1930 graduatlng ~~Ve Recon'im end and Seil guld~~tedtaur ilvcmes. urfsit ear i a a bter duite erltalivntigwlhV~~smwaItl h ers Mr Marisnthepricipl. r.to. the girls in Form I, wha were class: esot Mr. Mrin h priMisslr. Isametimes referred to as angels, We stand upon the threshold o! the McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACES ScttB r.ow n g Miss Smitha,. Mnss maklng a quite dllapldated chair ap-; world, secjuent years we have had many dif - pear sa! e. thereby causlng a certain. enpastin fotemcurtinoftrie HA TOLB R E Sferent teachers, namely, Miss Sissonstahrwatogth a on a epue ncnepaino h HAR OL B RN RSMiss Haines. Miss Hcks, Mr. Coake, sit in securty some dscamftllre and past, cueian akover your heating problerns Mr. Henry and Miss 'rhornburn. embarIr.ssment. With visions of the future in aur Conei adtakIt would be qulte beyond my pow In Third Fanm we began ta take. eyes. with s. e toenurnerate all the splendid lite a littie more serlously, for that' inheentin heseteaher, yar w ha au flst tsteo! e-1 Schoal days were f air, with friends wihu.qualities ihrn nteetahrya ehdorfrttseo e and camrades many, but each one of them hbas contributed partmental exBIfl. We also began With studies lntermlixed wlth mare than we realize ta aur lives and ta be mare intlmately connected with gaeanpesue I wish we could canvey ta therniaurtevaluscalognatn. We travelled 'neath the teachers' deep gratitude. social Lite of School gulding hands Th ieaySceypoie o er oilsomeas anresyinHERE COMES YOUR COAL Len Elliott, The Plu inber 1 Formier Principal Remembeie h leay alt vedd o g ood ome as.as i Poe38Bownmanvinli e especialy remtember Mr. W. J most o! the social lit e o! the schoahW rvlo ih vrgoighp Our truck je awMufl yoflr eàU1te, delivor b 70ow Marrison, who was aur principanlhe wy oeHalaWeenies. et Avelconithce er grwinghope b.uement, the kid ogcoai that bundrede of famles f or s0 many years and ta hr h skating parties and( inc.Bt Adcniecec al ak ~ubu hetwlbv OD .nlfCOY schoal owes much credit. We knew the high -llght o! the social events camplete, tho cea dopea tuon ha» od calbllih dclyr gtetacngwas the annual Commencement Ex- Inspires ta greater effort, we can To mdpe uo hb <jualtcal at a oi i es. hlm toi be a man a But do ecin riss h h rauts Rcp aur ettoi th Gad ta guide Order now for promptaueliver abilities, vitally lnterested in 1jeris eswltote Gadute' dcop nur htwt ot gierd o frpmt dve schaol and cammunlty, and o! the tinour feet, .L .ScatnCa hlghest moral lntegrlty. We would in 1928 the Llterary Society staged D .& W catnCa say a! hlm as Antany a! old sald a! the Shakespearean play "Twel!th The Minuet was very prettlly danc- Brutus, "the elements 50 mixed li Nlght." This wB.5 under the direct- ed by Misses Yvonne Tlghe and Mar- The Stanldard Anlthracite hlm that nature mlght stand Up and ian o! miss Smith, whose drarnatlc ion Sieman, their attractive costumes 5tv Ca 16.50 abilities are not the least o! her ac- and Steve Coal 16.00wInin Eg say this was a man'." ha complishnients. The Lierary Soc- niany appreclative commient. <estnt 16.00 Lb ~ ~~~grams throughallt the year, one o!f h clTanngEhbtOlPa13.50 f the staff which we hdls which the most amusing and like- The Physical Traininlg exhibition BuCkWheat1.5 yerI cannot speak too ghyMr wise most territying was the one that is aîways a f eature on such occasions NtCk 30 Dippell camne ta US as principal. lI called for impromptu speeches. and the audience sat spell-bound as view o! what I sald just a minute aga, The Girls' and B3oys' Athletic Soc-~ the boys presented the diff erent feats A discounlt of $1.00 per ton for cash wHil ho alowed f rom lç j nayou will agree that no highei' pralse 1leties provîded in part for the physi- wt p~ei aeadaiiy h above priCe. could be given Mr. Dippeli than ta cal developmient o!f h tuis class included Newton Hackney, HEee oua i-erPOOOnsyh a rvdhlmselt a most1 B. H. S. has ever been active in ail Douglas Adams, Orland Pluminer,L m t d TCuionti particulay attctive In copetent and admirable successor branches o! sport land in inter-school IDlck Wright, Wlnton Bagnell, Ted ilta Mr. Morrisan. games, and in 1929 secured both the Bagnell. Harold Calmer, Russell 1)1 <"iellan.& C , i te Wlnter. AI year tickets wth stop-over Although I was not privlleged ta rugby and hockey champlonshlps f or Hayes and Alex Colville. The boys avB rotinve . th NM were trained and directed by Mr. TPhone 15 BwnfVU diiffear t ee Incld ictNoriah know that he made the study o! xeln uiesTaiig A ilr .A Pacific resorteof Vancouver -Vctramathernatics a most interestlng one MExcellent BuB.sineand MraiE.ln. wýhere Canadas ,mart set gathers, each and that he is held in the highest The Screech Owl le the afficiai lit- Stediflan. B. A., deserve special _______________________________ Mis Smth e te oly ooks Rgultin Coipond UU'AWo»57he rat rglish preparaifl Mitr G l id n , h k n , a m n o s s S m a lth o Is t h only teacher erary organ o ! the scho l. in it credit for the training o ! the dances O D lP on S a. ,..o rC I he whI wlnter. Golf rldlng, hlldnte eapmiton esteerig bylall and knawihlm. issHdayenI . A. ad Mss . __a_________________________the___i and many Ooferpopulaf pilstimilléawalt whom we have been fortunae every student is given a chance to and the play. porm a ae daUru04nvu %e. ae e o w l al o ffo ds ex ell nt bu ine sfvih t, . . S-1- No. I. 8 ntqbo'uL.liy, Menta l ,.i lirg n I Fm ORIO lfO"O u 6 or ighscoo cure.Sh hs v-heexception o! the presenta- vcsof i,.gth-,-No .1.1 er had an enviable reputato saofasoafrseclen uieswt the prizes and diplomas by M~~1 s>d,cv cfEe~.paittonoth tece fFec n nlsse- The two musical organizations we Mr. A. M. Hardy, Rev. Dr. D. W. ra ore.ripr t of ro- the Hea rt, Iailing Meoy Price $2 pe. box J à aiing these hast two years in Eng- 1928 Bes' Rev. Geo' Mason, Mr D. D. ftmCINp 10.ZORONTS.OflV lish . She . for so mn e ar , t ak m uch have h ad- th e G lee C lubs o ! 1928 Best. Rev. Gea. M aosan. Mn.o D. D.New PeMP lit _______________________________________ nterest in girls' athletics. I well and 1929. and the orchestra o! last Barton, and Mr. L. W. Dppell. anprlmEr .TO T . PINKY HAD A BRIGHT IDE__________ _ _L -fb __________________________ ~ M~,Wf IF~(IOO~'I Pl-i AI FIrI\N Terry Gilkison q 4 'e p Il 4b d

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