PAGE TWEVE THE ANADi~a STATESRJ ROW>IAMIYTTT 5! '1ffl1930 IthRl f Sot IThe NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT! heB 1 - -- ---- meeting HOCKEY BOYS HAVE WORKOUTI BOWLING ALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 ber l ast year's B, Intermediates and Juniors Give South Ward Leading Bowling League 1ECSL RZ INIGPPL n.$00 yMs uly ore n M Promise of Fast Teams Bad-Ladies RoîlDudle;h Scornilico aty3rd, $2.00, by Mr. C. T. Batty. of serv% O.H.A. Groups AnnouLnced Cascy Martyns Bowling Alleys ar Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Newcastle Publie and High Sehool Essays ar':.R rushing along. He offered three HeshncNti awlTrno uisWo Won High Hlonors Ini Ruby Shaw-lst, $3.00 in books. Battv ai Norm. Taylor, Bowmanville's ice prizes fast week for the highèst i n tr îrsa ftri is oi~i 1929-30, and Received Prizes at the William Rowland-2nd. $2.00 in trn king, is ail smiles these days. Witb dividual score in the league. George Cotîncilior R. W. XVaiîon lias taken Recent Commencement Exercises.bok:otby eora Liay - flot a week of cold weather to work Piper won first prize with a score of a position on the staff of the A.. & P.1bok;ot yMmra Liay on lie has a good sheet of ice already. 329; Harold Dunn 327; Harold Car- store, Boivmanviile. His store is still A child's education begins at hom Board- Athietir Winners Ted ngtteewssaigpenter 323. biing continucd here. where during the flrst fixe year!s 0of Billie, Brunt-Best ail round ath- Tusayngh heewa kaig The standing of the league up to Miss Loiîisa Hcldgcs vho lias been his 1 li e learns a great many lete, Silver Cup, by Rev. W. P. Rog- The picedas Org o o n msic.h date is: unwell and staying at Willowdale things, including a good working ers. The ce asthe ntural ic eul South Ward 20 points Rce.t Home was rerîroved it) tihe Uel- knowledge of the English language Jack Glover and bis Team-Cham- car o svoteo hnayatfca Service Press 17 points erai Hospital, Toronto, Saturday. as it is spoken. He then goes to pions of Basebali Club. Shield, by easier t saturie than any atrc Kemp Bros. 17 points A Ciri.sînîaa Concert and Basket school and continues his education, Mrs. Benj. Moise. adde. Ntutrel ice sm uitfas Philip 15 points Social xiii be field at Brown's SeIlool ,bcginning at thc bottom round of Poster Prize Winners nd doe'atie t he ardquite y Clerks 14 points on riay Dec. l2th, at 8 p.m. Ad- the school ladder, in Newcastle us- Dorothy Bonathan-lst. $1.00. mucli. We av erno t heard f a ny Foundry 14 points mission 25e. Lalic.. xitlî baskets, ually the flrst class in the primary Audrey Bonathan-2nd. 50c. oteratural i e rinkthatmimet n Sas6pit fret. 49-2%v room. The pupil. if normal and arn- Jack Hare--3rd. 25c: ail by Board Mpr aior.5 emstcmlmn Athletes 5 points Tir ilb etn o oe bitious, is then in line for a long llst of Education. i Mr ayo.The ladies' night on Wednesday is aT ierlsxviii bt.aGereing forcwon of prizes as he climbs the ascendingW The Intermediate teain was out in being fairly well patronized, but an il fS.GogsCîrl nladder.1 fo full swing Wednesday niglt and they there is plenty of room for more Tuesday aftrnoon, Dc. 9th at 3 pan. This ist thexi will begin at the Please reserve Monday evening look good again this year. There Miss Winnie Varcoe and Miss Heloise Ilcsekrxiib isMb~Cr- bottom and work upward. Dec. 22nd. for Lake Shore Xmas En- were 15 turned out and more to corne. Thickson both rollcd 260-not a bad wright, LL. D. of Toronto. trarmn n aktSca.A- e This year they have "Scotty" Camer- beginning. If they improve with Mr. Harold Toms, Richmond, Que., Acadeniic Prize Winners mission 25e and 15c; ladies wlth1 son on Db ie,"Stu" Candler, Fred practice the men will have to take and Mr. Eric Toms, Belleville, were RyWih-s okpoiîny baskets f ree. Prizes for prettiest oJ, "Dub" Phipr nFak m fs ekn tedn h o. Ro rgtitBo rfcec and highest priced baskets. JacknanPhilp GrntPranc Ja- a ackseat her las wecendattedingthe os.$5 .00 by Councillor A. O. Parker. UîtdC ieson, "«Stu" James. Dick Brett, Toms famiiy reunion on11tire oceaoiorî i mmiUnieknest o witinB....îrcir-Rev. W. P. Rogers,j "Jm Chartran, John Moorcraf t, HUDSON BAY MISSIONARY of Mr. Toms' seventy-fifth birtlîday. imeLvknItBowrig,.A, Pastor. Sîîndav, Dec. 7-11 a. "Red"_________ud $5 00 by Miss Marjorie Purdy. Morning Worship; 2.30 p.m. Sunday "Rd" Hope, Bu"Brinning. The Commiiitcc of Commiunity Hall Patricia Pearce-2nd Book profle- Sclîool Sclîool; Eveîring service with- "Morg" Lunney, 'Waddy" Oke, "Loi" <Continued f rom page 1) arc lioldiîîg a rcligioU.. service Sîîrîdavý, iency, $5.00 by Reeve W. F. Riekard. tlrawn an aceounit of eommunity ser- Poster. wrintecm a eybg. Dec. 7tli, 7.30 . Sîerkr: Re%. É. Reta Powell-Jr. 3rd proflciency, were inJunicampwasokerybrîght.Harston, LLIBliatr f SiîiîeOi t tphnJsemra y~ vice in hall ait 7.30. TheJuios oo lkea ery prom- TireIhards Iîip..and diffietîlîj. reu-Ut ed CîrrîrcSt.,$O00,axva. SiJover col- H. Jose. United Clt.iGeor, Oshaa.lSiîrerlcol-vH.FJoHe ising aggregation. Theyv have two tced in hiebuildinrg of thre raiixvay lectonS.Gog' .H or three real prospects and aree into Clturclîill fronî Le Pas, in Ruth Honey-Sr. 3rd proficiency, aor A, etr udy, e.7 tra.n.lg alitle ff he ce. This 'Manitoba, werc graplîically dcscribed Tîrere xxas a large attendance at the by Principal Rociger.SeodSdainAvt;.4Bbl training is essentiai and bothi teams bv Mr. 'Martin wiîo xorked aînong th, Young Peopic's Lcague on 'Mondav Muriel Pollard - Arithmetic Ent. Stuîdy Class; Il a.ur. Hoiy Conmmunion, should plan to do the exercises pre- me îrn iecîsrîto ft< eveîîîng, Mr. Geo.. .Con, Fi. :_. Exams., $5.00 by J. E. W. Philp. sermon: Faitir in Holy Scripture; 2 scrlbed every week by Earle Cunning- ille. Wfiiie thie coitry xvas vcrv Prinîci pal, gave thie îopic and Mrs. G. June Brown, pupil of Brown's p.m. Sunday Scliooi; 6.30 p.m. Evtn - lininl The Statesman. iîealthy, with little sickncs -s, tlucre w er E. Pritchard of Trinity Church choir, School-English (Composition, Gram ing Praycr; service haîf hour earlier A god exmple0f cndiion nd -c accîeidents iii tlie coure rof il Boxvmnaîîxiiiec, ontributcd t%'o nruci, mar and Spelling, Ent. Exams, $1.tan0utopri Rco ndcn Robet W Gison emoialby Msondgaioniooatennspeialserice ii- Ne how it makes a team munh auperior, trrictiorî Tiereirai of tliîose ml appreciated vocal numbers. RoetWCisnMmril yMs r onit Hlatten .30. blusrvi Was demonstrated last year when xvio died, whichli ad becîr conducted Mr. Roxvc, boirrir-av f \' 1 Com R. W.ll Gib.3on. Royal Miltary College defeated our by Rev. Martin had met the grcatcst Niaiel Lindsay, anrd a muiiier (,f tit Audrey Bonathan-Ist in Canad- - Ik Intermediates because of good con-, of tiiankfuiness from relatives. While Chiniia Inianîl Miss'ionr, xvîicîî is inter- ian History, $6 .00 in books. by Wom- CHAS. M. EDDY ON THE SCREEN Sets dition. tule 'le" tlienîiseives ivere grcatiy 100v- diorrinatioirai and international, occu- j n's Canadian Club. Bowmanville. 1 Sanie of the players scoiff at the C'1 t dan%, utile kiiîdrîu,. tirattlire itire puipit of tue United Cliorcîr Mrhhpln2d 1Cnda Congratulatis to 'Mr. CM. Eddy ieofarbdw orsoe 1-onSiinday cvening, Nov. 23 and gave Histoy $4.00 in books, by W. C. C., an is hsiit noitipnt i n ida0 u-ono hwror i it let') do f 'rrtlirî. Bwon ll.trance oflnm. veyekow Warn bath after a practice." May 1 W\itlirtire coli iction of tirefune a int " tik linChin and tire veanvîlle.i-Msi Prize, $10.1titcis .EdyaogiihIi we say here that they are very fool- 1 t inrcilil nauHtdoi i a% iin pril 1929 i rriese. W m . E. Hooper M em orial. by his ot e a e ii i.irtn . ir . your, pores full of sweat-not per- \lis..ioii Board of tlire 1irited cliirlir, aird H. R. Pearce of tlir Nexvca..rle June Brown tBrown's Schoo- since lire xas kniec higli to a grass- spiration-good honest sweat-youlr i r rateriai for tlireereetiori'falBoard of Ediestiori anNIriir. t. M. Highest standing Ent. Exams. $10.1 body is not doing its work. You hiur-ibriing. T3 iis erifice (va.. eonrl- Eddy of Broxvn's attendcd a meeting Durham Lodge A. F. & A. M. 1 pr.thing. R ccîrîiyxie in any os ean't breathe through closed pores. 1pieted iin Jrnc of tire saine year. Silret of Newcastle and Clarkc slirool trus- Winners of Special Prizes informai exhibition performance in and if you can't breathe through the tirt tine tire building lias scrvcd as tees anrd secretairie. in riii)rr, last Evelyn Allin-lst on essay, book, Ifoto h orrîiyHl.M.. skin you won't feel fit. Enough of i 'ire of tire nro..î imrportanît of tire oît- Tirursday evening holircar Coi. E. E. value $3.00. by Memorial Library fronîîix o ast of thpniictualr.s of this P. T. talk. P-'t.. of tirenmi.siorary xork of tîrýý Sîider, i.1P.S. expiain the îrexv s3stemr Board. r.Edanhis os nato,(0 The Juniors aie entering the Jun- c irîcli, givirrg tire irreir, for it-, ricarie "'f tri! lie 'eir)oI grainhs anrd tire basis Harold Deline-2nd on essay. book, M gr.Erdrianrd sturs nts.oAnelo ior S. P. A. series at Oshawa. The, '1ý1 rrr ti,, r pace x ier ircy anierm inter ixliithrev xiii ireapportioned. value $2.00, Memiorial Library Board. 1York liirricks rodîîî'unxvs mAi irew games begin next week. There is i 'r ..ciii <r atlrerîrr41.I Practically evcry scirool section iii Evelyn Allin-lst in public speak- rse n ojM.Ed n os no entry fee to this league and twol Cirrrciilili.. 600 iles irortliranrd 1,30 Clarke %vas. reIr-iîtcl. ing contest. $5.00, Nora E. Coleman pesdadio M.Ed n os hours free practice are included. mries cant of \Viriipeg ,r' arl CiIoxu rwet renwo tesrui neran Those who have been out with the o.krf tlirrc barrk..a'rock 1wno feet NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 Ruth Honey-2nd in publie speak- tiiousands of Newx Yorkers anr)lrerveop Juniors 50 far are Tom Spencer, Os- i.r~iic rr e crectioriandule\i COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES it1g, book. . irmicns.rea areitv. , l' car Jam.ieson, Morley Oke. E. Tweed- e 'l(!tt1i> iraxet aii eicv:t'r iv it\i r _____1 Gladys Matchett-3rd in public hr nraiy le, George Piper, George Veale Rs rrre.ii i. rcix r ldire grarinr and Large Auditorium of Hall filled hoi speaking. book. ______ sell Brown, Leon Gunn, Ronald Ad- 'rom wlich it may be siipped tlirrouglir doors ah this popular Annual Event- Winners of Poster Prizes anis, Clarence Oke, Winton Bagnellt Cir'(*i.'dorri 1;a tir Many Pupils receive prizes. George Walton. markets of tlirexvorid. Tlire iiit Evelyn Allin-lst, $1.00. ('irrircirili iling is ah tire junchion of Tlirte arerric ati.riiiiirt of tire' Gertrude Bonathan-2nd, 50c. I Tom Spencer is Rev. C. R. Spene- tire txvo ieading streets of tire town N cxx ca.tIc puble ric pipis, t1iueri Robt. Duck-3rd. 25c: ahl by Board er's son and played for Aura Lee 'l'lire ii.î, l'i ilrri v .r uts ivxersjt if i.,tr ri u' iieofEuain chap and a mighty good prospect. ifri.i, x.c raie reir.1. Hnry' xx iicir thIeli eiatiori is prdn g High Sehool Prize Winners f ireanrd tireecficieic% andi painstaking caie Edwin H-ancock-1st Form. proflc- Morley Oke or 'Mome" is aiso a castrifi-eijrxi.. viitedIri blof tîreir teaciiers'xvcrù brorîglît "rut ili iency, $3.00 by Principal Coyne. M likely player and although he used a partv of I.arnisir expiorcr.. and inte-'r ni urî,t xxay ,rt tiche îiinr Hubert Anderson-lst Form profi- to practice with the Juniors and was )' v aicxtrediti,,n frorr Eîrgland, foi- meurt exercise s t Fririav exe c , 2 d p iz 20 , P i ci a0 O o classed as a midget, he is now quite Il 11w Pav (xvr.chrrire îbi'î..rii'.. flîv h Tic . enuur7.30 inCy, n d rze200.rnia a size and lias lots of hockey ability. xvnu- e't,,bii..lird. -MIitiiese partie-s lcft xx tlir i f'ril W. I lirIlice rictilire 7.30 ore. Bty n idr d in These are the two outstanding new- tilîir ilrprirrrixtir, r'learviurg of tireir cliairmair. :î uaL i oe btyandMired $1 ed5win comers his yer. narw, (.)l tileThe opening gave the audienre a, by Principal Coyne. T i soey Grouping un the O. H. A. series The spreaker coiuil)red traveliiirg Iby good idea of how teachers and pupil.. Lloyd Young-For punctuaîity, at- Ti 8Ol have been aninounced as folIows: acropiauri'trur%in~iu 43 liiruuttes ho tr eirtrer ray's xork ah scirool, xihh tendance, and popularity, $2.50, by .Soko Intermed.iates..-croup 2 Clubs- 1(,gtr.intaveiiur cxx Ilitook 20 days ii.iiniieani! iii 'r rir pipil.. Principal Coyne.Stc ofW Peterboro Hockey Club, Port Hope t" coxer tire 'nuuit li>stlucc île ai..ý, gixilug a 'Iintrrahirri of tire regular Walter Blackburn-2nd Form, pro- Hockey Club, Oshawa A. A. Associa- .i"kc"tix ralt tilvrearioi, tire irele.s morniîrg exercises, tire reciting of tire ficîency, $6.00, by Miss Neya M. January tion, Orono Hockey Club, Bowinian- anrd tiier miodlern inventionuivert (Iil)-.ord's Prayer antI Txxenty Thîrcl Switzer. ville Hockey Club. Convener-W. M. irrg 1ii tirese îrex town. anrd of tule Psaim, tire singing of 0 Canada, thue Walter Blackburn-Lower School ehv Lowe, Port Hope. Meet at Port great need of e'uabiisuruîrg anuI irriii- recital in unison of the plcdgc ho King Hlistory, $5.00 in books, by Men's W a Hope. tairrilug a trise of xvorsiipi in ali ltiuee and couintry, and the' singiirg of the Caniadian Club, Bowmanville. Juniors--Group 2 Clubs-Trenton. uthOwns. Naýtional Anthcrn. Anisabelle H-endry-2nd Forma pro- good ones; al Port Hope. Oshawa, Bowmanville, The eveîiîîg serxice wa.. taken uy Rex. F. H.*Nlasrrrr foiiowed with ficiency, 2nd prize, $4.00, Miss Swit- fur trimmed; Whitby. Convener - Win. Lowe. tlire uashor %vlio gaxe a very iieiîuftl special prayer. zer. Port Hope. Meet in Port Hope. address oui tire xxor,!',"Se, Josiua madie 0f tire nine musical nunibers, sing- Annabelle Hendry-Lower School There ils nlor ing, instrumentai and dance, ail but Englisli. $5.00 in books, by Mrs. (Dr.) the opening exercises and tire hcaltir Fallis, London, Ont. fortunate enoi exercise xx'rc under tire direction of Helen Lycett - Mathematics, Jr. edgtabr Miss Hattie Mason, Supervisor of Matriculation, $5.00 founitain pen, by de e a 'Music. 'Miss Masonu aiso piayed for W. H. Anderson. tire sinrging in tue formrer, uirectcd iy Helen Lycett - Hlghest standing- Principa Rodger, andal.o as,stud Jr. Matriculation, Samuel Willnot MissOrcardin he attr wichwasGold Medal, by WilInot famfly, re- nertheueinning of the progriurti presented in Newcastle by Mrs. D. J. 2 Only Coat,t (X 'i~ 'z,~ z S e ia !lier first roon:: pmpl,. sang a îueaîtîu Helen Lycett - Hlghest standing for quik sale, sng vthi motion, ho tire hîlît of Jr. Matriculation, girls, $125, Thos. qî ih'g'nss Montague Scholarshp, by endow- wvioicsonnc for pupils and groxvntnps ment- TaLie m e L o mw e A chorus of picked pupils in Lovedy books, Prof. John Squair Enddowmnt. 3 OnIy 1ovely ak. adRca Llayrvae arclain oysrtrc, $15.00 in. tIre sethr yofteby'adMontague Scholarship. w, hhigh ga girls' voices as the), sang the sciectinus SeilfleiPbi paigrg r 3. in two parts, a nun ber of recemnt p b s-ec Al rh u bc pal 50 ,wgof rt e e lic sclîool graduates singing tire pub-. oyMs: (Dr.)thu r; Ewinr Hta5n- w ffrth A cliois uio r n..m a.s' Th o. by Mrs .00, y As. . Hanu- Sonrg of tire Wiuat, dcscril . tiey n. $.0 yMr.H .Dd Wlile rocssfrom saviîrg the grain Girls: Audrey Bonathan lst, $5,00, tl)bakng hebread, gave evidence of by Mrs. Butler; Arnabelle Hendry 1O l xr leprogres.. even the youngshers are maigin vocal acquirements under trimmed witha MuwNiss Mason's instruction. The song somne set o fur. concluided witlî each child pulling from slewof apaper bag a liaîf size 12 ounce loafquksaew t lîîîade by Mr. Geo. Meadows -Ad p >hoa 192Bowmnvjle iwin iithirt and tus nordde.los b)'WEDNESDAY each week J* f/A CL J i tIre norning and 9.30 a. mn. to 9.30 P. m. -àMlrinM. slo I)aie uî t ri iv mu tisudToronto Office: ./- Next to F. F. Mi a virirtsi ix, \iAnmxtb, îferk tiv i ' 2143 Danforth Ave. U i :îrîî, .1: n ! tiil u x..' 3ARD OF EDUCATION Board of Edmuentioni ield its iast g for 1930 in the cotîncil cham- st Mfonday evening, but tis Board will Iuoid a final meceting day cvening, janr. 5. The Pub. ol Trustees xviose present ternr -ce xvili expire nîfier tiat dtise Rev. F. H. Niasou, M r. C. T. anid Ni-r. Il. E. Hrîucock. Rt- Higu Sehnol Trunstee.. are: Major H. W. Dudley, aPPOnted bà village council and Mr. W. E. BemamL"' tappointed by the counties' council. To bear is to concjuer our fate. -Campbell. CARTING AND TKUCKDIG Alkinds of CartIng, TruCkIng and %Ivn;local and long dista.nce. J MovlngBAH. iPhone 630 Queen St., Dowmanvllle ed a New Coat? rear that we are flot caught with a Great Big inter Coats that we have to give away in 'y at a lot lesu than we paid for them. eonly 8 Coats Ieft in stock and they are ail ill new this Winter; ail different styles; ail ail fully Iined; 'and ail warmly interlined. rubbish in this lot. The womaný who is ough to secure one of these Coats will in- xgain. Here they are-Cone and get thern: ;, 1black, i brown, it styles, reg. $31.50, Swe offer these, each... $25.00 rquality Black Coats, ade fur trirmmîngs, d 00, for quick sale $ 8 0 eah ......28......00.. Smart Brown Coat, a partieularly hand- rs, regular $40.00, for offer this coat ......... 3 ,5 urn Wolf trimrned really lovely garment, $45.00, for quick his coat ............... $37.o50 FBlack Iml)orted Finýe ifully styled, lavishly beautifully rnatched iat was a good buy [ui.C .sal .e .we .offe i......$ 5 0 .....45.....00. hing to Remember - When Clarence S. ies a Bargain it is Always as Represented. mnce S. Mason [orris Co. Bowrnanvjlle I GI1FTS &ý.ive (the fCIE J Vhat a treat! Plan to give new gifts )r the kitchen. Perhaps a new set of lored pots and pans, a handsome ew bread and cake container set, or înething equally useful. Percolator 98c Pot Cleaners 10e & 15e Potato Mashers 25e .2..-Soap Savers 25e 2c Flax Soap for kitchen usne .Lacquerware inl green red, EgBaes1eu Le, canary yellow, per piece25 . a- - Garbage Pail $1.35 RICE &CO'Y. pposite Post Office Bowmanville M E > 1 6 PAGE TWELVE THE CANADL4s gTATMOI&AN. BOWjL&ýý_ TuiTpqnAv nvnmmÀri2mim Aé-u inen âýý Bowmanville