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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1930, p. 1

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ce'l a~na bXin With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News Vt-1 r ,r rr r A 1 ri ý%- -1 1 Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. k Christmas Suggestions in Abundance Neyer have we had such a display of Gifts that happily link usefulness with beauty. We have kept this in mind in our buying and you will see the resuits ail over this store. HOSIERY - GLOVES - HANDKERCHIEFS PURSES - SILK UNDERWEAR - LADIES' COATS - MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS When shopping for' Christmas Gifts visit our store where assortment and prices will appeal to you. Silk & WooI Hose, ail shades, at ...75c, 95c, $1.00 Silk Hose, an extra good wearing line at ....75c Full Fashioned Silk Hose, extra fine quality, at ................................... $1.50 and $2.00 Kid Gloves, in domes and pullovers, and Cham- isett, from ...................................... 60e u Handkerchiefs fnom .................Sc up to 75c Handkerchiefs in gift boxes .........25c to $1.00 iA beautiful line of Leather Purses, $2.00 to $6.00 SPECIAL REDUCTION THIS WEEK IN LADIES' COAT-S AND DRESSESJ SILK UNDERWEAR In Bloomers, Vests, Nightgowns and Pyjama& Bloomersand Vests from ............$1.00 stup Ladies' Umbrellas, latest styles, $1.50 to $4.50 Wool Blankets from .........................$4.00 up Also the celebrated Kenwood Blankets in plain and checked. Ladies' Japanese Coolie Coats anel Kimona.s, $3.50 up LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND TABLE NAPKINS Special Values, regular $4.50, For $3.00 MEN'S WEAR FOR LESS Men's $1.00 Socks, Fnd. and Sat. for ..........79c Underwear, reg. $1.15 for ....................89c Winter Overcoats,..............$15-00 to $37.50 Men's Leather Windbreakers ..........$895 up Boys' Leather Windbreakers ............$695 up Yoi*hs' Colored Cheviot Suits, 2 pants, reg. $25.00 for ...................................... $18.50 Men's Scarves from .................75c to $450 Men's Sweater Coats from .........$1.50 to $5.95 Men's Shirts, wonderful range .......90c to $4.50 Ties from ................................... 25C to $1.50 Pyjamas from ..........................$1.95 to $575 TUXEDO SUITS Let us flli your order for a Ready-to-Wear Tuxedo or a special measure order. Accessories for Evening Dress. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman LIMITE» BOWMMNVILLE BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 TRINITY W. M. S. HOLSTEIN BREEDERS CLUB Mrs. F. A. Poster Elected President Annual Meeting at Balmoral Hotel -Bequest and GlUt Received Wednesday, Dec. lOth. The regulai meeting of Trinity Durham County Holstein Breeders' Women's Missionary Society was held Club will hold its annual meeting at in the school rooni or the eburch on the Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville, on Tuesday afternoon with a splendid at- Wednesday, December 101h, at 10 a.mi. tendance. On motion Mrs. B. W. Warn- and banquet at 12.30. Addresses will ica was elected to preside. Anîong be given by Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, De- the business items reported was a be- puty Minister of Agriculture, and oth- quest from. the estate of the late ers, good musical program. Ail breed- Clara Goode of $100; $25 was also re- ers are cordially invited to be present. ceived in miemnry of tIhe late Rev. H. Ladies are invited to the banquet. A. Strike. The newly eleeted officers are: Presîdent, Mrs. F. A. Foster; First COUNTIES COUNCIL MEETS Vice, Mrs. G. L. Wagar; Second Vice, Mrs. W. H. Argue; Reeordlng Secre-1 AT COBOURG DEC. 9th. tary, Mrs. F. M. Cryderman; Corres- ponding Seeretary, Miss Florence Renewal of Lease for Part of Co- Riekard; Treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Mc- bourg Town Hall Will Be Discused Cready; Secretary Christian Steward- Tuesday, December 9, will see the shlpandFinaceMrs B. . Wrn-counties council of Northumberland ica; Strangers' Secretary, Miss Peters; uDrhmcne frteials- Monthly Secretary, Mrs. W. C. Fergu- sion of 1930. The date is announced son; Literature Secretary, Mrs. J. E. by Warden W. H. Nelson of the Un- Elliott; Supply Secretary, Mrs. W. C. ited Counties. Washington: Press Secretary, Mrs. Routine business, chiefiy eoncerned A W Pickard; Associate Helpers Sec- .ihcern pdealwi o b retary, Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Mrs. H. iincoiing council of 1931, will feature W. Foster; Temiperance Secretary, the meeting. Mrs. S. Tole and Mrs. T.H. Loek- 1 The matter of renewing the coun- hart; Mite Box Secretary. Mrs. M. A.J ties' lease of part of the Coboîrîgi Balson and 'Mrs. T. G. Mason: Pianist, town hall will be up for discussion. Mrs. Hl. W. Foster; Superintendents: The enuncil, it is understood, will Mission Bands, 'Mrs. B. M. Warniea1 naine an arbitrator who will actt with and Mrs. W. C. Ives; Superintendent one to be named by the Cobourg town Baby Band, ln charge of the Y.W.A.; couneil. Cobourg asks an annual ren- Finance Committee, Mrs. B. M. Waru- ta], $2,000 now being paid. ica, Mrs. F. A. Foster, Mrs. A. E. Mce-______ Cready, Mrs. M. A. Balson. Mrs. T . G. Mason, Mrs. J. W. Bunner, Mrs., CANADIAN LEGION, POPPY AND C. W. Slemon, Mrs. Ella Strîke. MEMORIAL DAY REPORT SANTA OFFERS YOU A GREAT Realîzed over $200 on FirsI Appeal NEWSPAPER BARGAIN for Relief Purposes. Send a Gift That Lasts the The connnitecini charge of the Year Tlirough Bowvnianvilc Poppy and Mernorial Day activities, is 11o% in a position 10 miake Each year an increaslng number a rcport on their stewardship. As of Statesman subscribers include one contributions arc still coming to lîand, or more subscriptions to The States- it must only be considered in thec na- man among their Christmas remem- ture of an interimn report. brances. No other gift will 80 comn-, Theirs is a feeling of gratefulness pletely refiect your good wishes. It to think thai the citizens of Bownian- is a constant weekly reminder to the ville and vicinity are so conscious of recipient of your regard. thc nced as 10 respond nobly 10, this oir year we make this exceptional appeal. And wvhile tIhe collections on ofe:Every renewal subscription to Popp>- Day, Nov. 8, might bave beciî The Statesman at $2.00 per year will greater lîad thc full staff of canvasscrs~ entitle you to 'send The Statesman to matcrialized, it is felt tIsait tIs, our a bona fide new subscriber (ini Can- first appeal, had been re, ;ondcd 10 ada) for an additional $1.00 for 12, ni1ost creditabîy. months. Add 50c on eacli papier to Statenient of receipts are: U. S. subscribers. Poppy box collection......... $173.03t This offer also stands good for that Anonymous .................... 1.00o neiglibor o! yours wlio doesn't take Companions of tIhe Forest...... 2.00 The Statesman, but borrows your Couch, Jolinston and Crydermian 5.00 copy encli week-often before you get 10.FO..F..................... 5.00 through reading it yourself. Just Jerusalemn Lodge, AF. & A.M. 5.00 mark this paragraph before she bar- F. F. Morris & Co ............500 rows tlie paper this week. Order of the Easter Star....... 5.00 P'alestine Cîsapter, RAM ...... 5.00 [Mrs. E. S. Senkler............. 5.00 ~ N .J 1~Sons of England............. 5.00 A L P d Francis Sutton ................ 1.00 WED. - TERMS. - FUI. DECEMBER 3 - 4 - 5 Yau've neyer seen anything like it. Cecil B. DeMie's Amazing .Production "MAbDAME SATA" A niglit of revelry and love clm- axed by the wreck of a zeppelin witli ailabroad. Wlth Kay Johnston, ReglaaMd Denny. Lillian Roth and Roland Young. Frlday-Goody.ar Recreation Club Nlght-Flrst Performance at 8 p. m. sharp. SAT. - MON.- TUES. DECEMBER 6 8 - 40 "MAN TROUBLE" Is always caused by some woman and Dorothy Mackatli stlrred Up plenty when she pltted Milton B"I against Kenneth MaKenna in this excltlng and emotional Fox movietone draina. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. m. Silyerware Night Everr Tuesda DECEMBER 10 - Il - 12 WED. - THURS. - FRU. "THE BIG HOUSE" Wlth Wallace Beery, Rob'rt Mont- gomery, Lylia Hyams and Chester Morris. Also Prt Chapter of THE INDIANS ARE COMING The Serial Sensation of the Year! With Col. TAm McCoy, Allene Ray Twelve of the most exciting Talk- ing episodes you've ever seen or heard! Gigantic batties between reds and whites! Dastardly plots by ruthless white men and more ruthless Indians! Daredevil rid- ing, flghting, stunts! A story that will hold you breathless with its suspense as it makes the bload punlp madly tlirough your veins with its action! Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. Every child attendlng Wednesday Matinee wiil be given a coupon good for 5c to apply on S9aturday Matinee. In addition, grateful acknowledge- ment miust be made for the follow- ing welcomne contributions: Glen Rae Dairy .... $500 milk tickets F. C. Vanstone........ 200 Ibs. flour While the aims and objects of this special fund are generally known, may Iwe repeat that it ivas raised t0 relieve any pressing distress among ex-serie. I men of o anil and vicinity, a measure of relief that might otberwise fail on the respective municipalities. I This assistance is being giveil, in the form of provisions, fuel, rent, clotîhing, meals, accommodationi for transients, etc., but only after careful investiga- tion. There are no administration ex- penses to this fund, as ail investigation and Othier services are rendered gratuî- tousIy. In consequence, apart from the cost of the poppies, and a smnall matter of postage, the bulk of the fund is avail- able for relief. And even iii tic pur- chase of the POPPies tl'emselves, there is a further relief, as these poppies are product of crippled veterans in te Vetcraft Slîops, a numnber of meni he- ing s0 employed througlîout the year as the result of your generosity. Your Legion is indeed grateftil for your splendid and timely assistance. FREDERICK H. NfOOIY, Chai rna n I YOU AND I1 The world lias not gone to the dogs. Business seems bad because you and I have postponed our spending. We've been waiting for the other fellow to bring back prosperity - to do our JIob for us. We've been pass- ing tlie buck. Shirking responsibility is not a Canadian trait-but that Is wliat we have been doing. We've been afraid-afraid of liard tintes. And our fear has produced liard times. Let's stop It. Let's throw this f ear off and get our lieads up instead of (',Wn. Pessimism is more catching than the meases-but so is optim- ism. What we need now is an epi- demic of oPtimsm-with no quaran- tine. You and I can start ItL That's our part. The spreading will take care of itself. Here is the plan: You spend wliat you can for things you need. M'I do the saine. We'il seil the idea to our f riends. And this will be the result,-lndus- try will have to speed Up to take care of our needs. More men wUl be ema- ployd. oreraw materlals will be purcliaâsed. More money wiil be in circulation. And prosperlty wiil bei witli us before yau knaw It.1 Il the merchants are celebratingi dhidren souvenirs. so be on procession. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES MUSIC STUDY CLUB LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE AT HIGH SCHOOL Entertains Port Hope Club Whose Mrs. W. F. Quick and Donald spent Citizens F111 Auditorium Both Niglits Memnbers Give Delghtful Program the weekend i Toronto. -Fine Pragram by Students Skating was held at Taylor's Rink -Valedictory Address by Mis The Music Study Club held a very Tuesday evening for flrst tinte this Marion Riekard. successful meeting on Wednesday season. evening in St. Paul's Lecture Room.~ Ar .Wceto aat Anong shaded ligts from Japan- They had as their visitors the Music vistd LaaMe Vina of roatao ese anterns and other fancy decora- Club from Port Hope who put on a vted tLocu.la nffdy f tions combined with the beautiful very interesting program. mhe presi- tron and artistic costumes o! the students, dent, Mrs. Cecil H. Dudley, welcom- Mrs. Mary A. Darke, Port Hope, la the stage o! the Assembly Hall o! ed the visitors !rorn the biliside town, spending a few days witli ler sister, Bowmanville Higli School presented after whicli O Canada was sung wltli Mrs. R. W. Holmes. a most attractive appearance at theI mucli zest. The roll eaUl was re- Many !riends o! Mr. Markus Mayer anulCommencement Exercises onf sponded ta by an excellent percent- will be sorry ta learn that lie suifer- Thursday and Frlday evenings last, age. Business was then transacted ed a stroke o! paralysAs on Tuesday. when the auditorium was filled t and ciglit new members were enroil- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Plckard and capaclty bath evenlngs. . ed. making a total mernbersh.ip of !amil'y spent Sunday with their Mr. W. B. Coucli, wloio s rounding 101 in the local club, cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brockcen- out 92 years o! use! ul 111e, cliairman Miss Tours o! Port Hope acted as shire, Toronto. o! the Board and benefactor o! the chaimman, and called an Miss Ben- Ms .A abati ootl school for over 50 years, presided nett who rendered a very clarming sen . A. a loupleo! ronto, wit over the gatherings o! parents, vis- voa.sl. M.lv erete Pi aculeo oltswt itors and others interested i the favoured his audience with two love- e son, Mr. Malcolmn Galbraitl, at welfare o! the school. Others on lY vocaT selections, one bemng There Iaamazoo, Mch. the platformn the flrst night were is a green hill far away." Miss Hos- Mrs. A. Calville was anc o! the Principal L. W. Dippeil, B. A.; Mr. ki was a very able accompanist for sOloists who dellglited a large audi- M. G. V. Gould, B. A.; and Dr. G. C. bth vocalists. Miss Tours then ence at Seagrave United Churcli Bonnycastle. gave a well explained and very inter- Bazaar on Nvember 2st. 6 The School Orchestra. under dir esting address on the Passion Play Old timers i town wlIi be interest- ection o! Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. which she was privileged to witness ed in the "Woes o! Janali," a word Bac., with Miss Grace Crawfortli and last summer while i Europe. pieture o! Bowmanvilce back i the Mr. John M. H. Jury at the piano Miss Greta Wickett moved a vote 80's, whlch appears on page 4. and Reed organ, furnished the open- o! tbanks ta those assisting on the Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Gibson and ing selections which were greatly en- Program which was seconded by Mrs. little son, o! Oshiawa, recently vlsited Joyed. Members o! the orchestra D. W. Best and approved by a hearty bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mus. are: Violls-Chester Jury, Bradley clap o! the hands f rom the Bowman- Geo. Thompson, Temperance et. Houeyman, Jack Bennett, Ned Reli- ville Club members. der, Fred Wood; larinets-Douglas A dainty lunch was served f rom a Bowmanville stores are open f Adams, Kenneth Wood; cornet- pettily decorated table which was day on Wednesdays durng December. Charlie Cawker; trombone-Kenneth covered with a handsome cuny lace Some stores are aso remaining open Morrs. 1luncheon cloth. four yellow candles evenings for canvenience o! custom- Mrrs.'i silver holders and centred wlth a ers. Venerable Chairman's . Address beautiful bouquet o! yellow munts. In the football standing o! Dar- IMrs. J. Hamilton Bateman poured lington and Clarke League published "O.Canada" was heartlly sung. a! -i coffee. last week Lesksard shouud have be Prom lis ice Palace away Up at tlie Northi Pale, where lie speuds maot a! the year preparing ta 1fin the hearta o! children with Joy at Chmistmas UAme, Santa Claus lias sent a wlreless Message ta The Statesman ta advise ail the chidren and parents lu West Durhiam and Bawmanville that lic S wlll spend Saturday afternoon and evening, December Ofli, visitlng the Bowmanvllle Stores. S Santa Clans furtlier states lie wilU arrive at the Post Office at 2.30 p. mn. where Mayor M. J. Efllotf aud other dignitamies o! the town have prom- ised ta give ald Bt. Nicholas a royal welcome. The Mayor wlll preseut Santa witli a golden key' and the frcedom o!flihe towu. For the rest o! the a! temnoon and evcning Santa will make a tour o! some o! the stores on King Street, where lielias almeady shlpped all kids o! useful and acceptable arti- cles for Christmas gift. Borne o! Santa's visit ta their store by givlng the hand ta Join in the Jolly aid !ellow's In the meantime folks should rcad the special Christmnas advfs. i The Statesman and be farnillar with the real ternpting values Bawrn- ville mercliants are offeing. Yon will fiud prices arcernuch lower than i prcvlous ycars, as our local merchants are makiug a commendable effort ta asslst i rducing flic coat a! living. Sa thcrc's no uced a! sendlng your money ouf o!f own or shopping elaewhers. ter which Mr. Couch in his opening address, said: Ladies and Gentlemen: - I arn glad, indeed, ta see sucli a large audience here to-niglit. It goes ta prove, if proof were necessary, that the citizens o! Bowmanville and vic- <Continued on page 8) HOME FOR B. T. S. GRADUATES OPENE!) IN CITY Boys to be Looked After for Tirne Following Their Release As a forward step in looking after boys released f rom Boys' Training School, a home lias been opened in Toronto by the department o! public welfare at which these boys rnay, if they so desire, be looked after and supervised until they are able to re- babilitate themselves. This announcernent was made by Hon. W. G. Martin, Ministero! Pub- lic Welfare, during the course o! an address before the Ontario Liberal- Conservative Association at theRy al York Hotel Tuesday. Suci a methad would carry still further thc idea o! looking after youths wlio have ftnishcd their term at the Bowrnan-1 ville School, the minister declared. The home will provide a protective envimoninent for fli c shool boy on his release !rorn the institution. It wlll be staffed by a liause father"l and a "hause mother"' who wlil eu- deavor ta make the transition !rarn Lnstltutional 111e ta normal lite as easy as possible for the boys. Sorethig new itle line a! Prime was offered at flic A. M. O. S. I cuclire in flie I.0.O1r. Hall on Fmi- i day evcniug. Borne slxty odd play-'t crs cnJaYed a pleasant evenlng and tlie fallowing cammlcd off the prises: lst for ladies-Mrs. H. Harris, bag f flour; lst for gents-Mm. R. Thornp- son. bag sugar, consolation, ladies- Mrs. E. Ormiston, 3-lb. pail shorten-a ing; consolation, gents-lir. F. Coul- fer, live roaster. Santa Claus Coming HUDSON BAY MISSIONARY SPEARS AT TRINITY CHURCH Minister Paints Touchlng Picture of LA! e of Christian Workers An Northern Canada Ais excellent service for the promno- tion of Home Missions wvas conducted ils Triniîy Unitcd Chîurch on Sunday înorning and also aItishe Sunday Scliool session by Rcv. Sam A. Mar- t in, a native of Prince Edward Island whvlo is doimsg -vonderful missionary % vork in Norîliern Manitoba. He told a moqt interesting s tory of the early of otiser îsew towns, and of the efforts 10 establisls a United Clsurch building in evcrv bowrs wlere tise railroad goes. The msen who have gone mbt the country are nsen who have gone in searcli of opportunity and tîsose who for sonse reason wish t0 escape f rom civilization. Rev. Martin painîed a touching pic- hure of the dîfficulties that confronted Rev. D. K. Burns, the first mission- ary to esîablisb a clsurch at Flin FMon, tise new mining camp in the north. lHe had ta travel in 10 the camp, ai firsh, as the trappers weuî by canoe and on foot; and prcached bis first sermon ho a gathering of miners from a tree sîump. Later Mrs. Burns Ira- velled the last five miles of her honey- moon trip by foot. The norh was made up of aIl types and nationalities of men who needed the guidance and help that the church could give 10 them. Men were there, f rom evcry province of the Dominion, the British Isles, and glany of the counîries of Furope. Thlese men are grateful for what bas been donc for them, so that it is an obligation that we who liye in Ontario, a province with churches and Christian life, ta help in the work tIsat hhis new terri- tory offers. The opportunity for Christian work amnong the two thousand men who (Cantinued an page 12) rto Town Saturday credlted with one Victorywlien tliey de eated Orono. The naines o! Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. B. 1BleUle were inadvertantly amtted last week from the lit o! those con- tributing flowers at the funeral of the late E. Roy Foster. Mrs. F. F. Morris attended the fun- eral o! ber mother, the late Mrs. Elias Mott, who passed away on Sun- day a ter several months' llness t Hawtrey, near Norwich, Ontario. Regardless o! where you buy your bread every citizen should read the large advt. on page 4. It's cammon sense and the trutli and sliould ap- peal strongly ta every fair mindcd reader. Mrs. Fred Shortridge, Mrs. Blake Wilkins, Mr. James H. Darcl, Mr. Edward Darcli and Mr. Fred Partner motored to Raglan on saturday, Nov. 29th, to the funeral a! their cousin, Mrs. George White. Judge L. V. O'Connor, Cobourg, was in Bowmanville Tuesday exain- ining Bowntanville and Darlington assessors i connection wlth appeai o! revaluation and assessrent ln the United Counties. Na decisian wMl be given tin all the municipalities are vsted. our extra pages are required again this wcek ta accammodate the increased demand for advcrtising space i The Statesnian, as wel as the many columus a! Interestlng loc- al news happenings ram tawn and district which appear an every anc a! the 12 pages. Reg. Joues aud Bld. Little won the tollowing prizes at Rayai Wintcz, Pair On White Leghorns: Rrd, 4th, ltl on len: th pullet; th cocker- el; 1sf Young Pen: lst aid peu. They also were awarded tlic covetd prise -fli Eckhart Slver Trophy-.or best Peuni show, aver ail breeda. Mrs. Norman Lanktree St. Marra, Ont., called at Lamne Villa ne day last week thluking ta fiud Mrs. Mary L. Washington wlia dicdi Bowman- ville Hospital lest Jauuary. The twa ladies werc !riends sud neiglibors t Marden, Man., for same years. Mrs. Lanktree had cailed ta sec lier old trlend on a former visit here, and liad not licard a!flier deafli. West Durlam was wel represeufed at the Royal Pair this year aud car- rid off a fair share a! prises. Aiiong the exhibitors a! sleep ws notice fthe naies o! Harald Skinuer, Tyrans, W, D. Rbbins, . B. Glaspeil and Al!. Ayre, Hampton. l fIc lianores, Oswald Cowau, Orona, wins firat on lits pacer "Hazel H." Messrs. Joues' & Little cleansd up a number ar Primesi poultry, and thus put Bow- manville on tlie map agahi this yar. Amag thse f ram town wlia t- tended the arcwell banquet ta Hon. -0. Howard ergusn and Mrs. Fr- gusan at flie Rayai York Hatel i Toranto Tuesday evenlg were Mayor and Mrs. M. J. Elliatt, Dr. and lira. V. H. StoeY, Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastle, Mm. and Mrs. Alan Campbell, Mir. and Mrs. W. L. 3l- Ilott, Mr. and lr. Fred Crydermn, Mr. and Mrs. . C. Pthck, Mr. aud lira. T. W. Cawker, Mr. sud lira. C. T. Rass, Mr. aud ira. CG. A. Edmond- stone, Mr. and lirs. W. A. Shane, Miss Ina'Pcthlck and lMr. Jack Me- USE YOUR PENCIL Shop Through These Pages Every page ln this issue cantains some buying news that wull be a! interest and advantage. Every issue contains enougli maney-saving buys to make the readlng a! ail the ad- vertisements a profitable, as well as an lnteresting task. This week's pages are particularly interesting because many new business an- nauncements appear af particular in- terest ta every reader witliin tlie pur- cliasing area o! Bowmanvlle. The stores of Bowmanviile each week dis- play theil, most attractive afferinga in the shop windows a! The States-. man's pages - The windows that corne riglit into your home for In- spection. %*,tteman Arrives at Post Office 2.30 p. mi. - To Be Welcomed by Mayor Elliott and Given Freedoni of Town PHONE 104 L %-M IJY 1 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Conv Nn AQ

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