TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT.LE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th. 1930 PAGE THREE MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS 4 Instaliment No. 6 Do You Remember- WHENl Maple Grove football tea held the championship of the tow ship, with Fred Bond, Tommy Col Donald McDonald, Will Jeffery, ai the Snowden boys as heavyweighti Who were the other "kickers"? WHEN Dan Coates, a shy counti Youth. lef t his humble cottage to a tend Toronto University, the fIr from this Community to attend Co lege? "Dan" made good and hi been Mathematical Master of Brani f ord Collegiate for a great mai years. WHEN the flrst "self -binderi came inito the neighborhood to ri place the old fashioned cradle ari rake reaper? Mark Munday. Wn FaleY and Samuel Snowden Sr. wei the flrst owaers. WREN the church was renovate and a new alcove built in for tl choir? Joe Clatworthy was the cor tractor and at the opening servicE Mi. Robert Courtice led the cho wth his fanious flute and Mrs. J.. ,Moason assisted with her fine voie WHNthe whole community wa 'Mv.rwheed wth sorrow, when th the body of "Dave" Crumb caix home f rom his tragie death,a brake.anan, on the old Norther DURHAM CLUB The November meeting of the Dur pjam Club was held on Thursday ev ýeiIng. Nov. 27th, at the residence o Dr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Hughes, 47 Dur donald St., Toronto. Dr. Hughes pre slding. A splendid program wa supplied by the following: Mis Kathleen McGill, Miss Margaret Ogg Miss Dorothy Banger, and Messr, George Neil and J. D. Keachie; Mis Marks, accompanist, Mrs, O. C Worden and Miss Lyla Osborne gavý a number of excellent readings, The members of the Club wer pleased ta welcome ta our meetiný Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., who gavi us an lnteresting reminiscent tal The social hour while the refresh. ments weere belng served was enjoye( by all and is one of the very inter. esting parts of the evening. Af tei a vote of thanks was given ta Dr and Mrs. Hughes and the entertain. ers the meeting closed with usua Durham Club singing, Oshawa beat Peterboro, 4-2, in ai exhibition game of hockey on Frida5 night. ma At Top of List Place These. Values Did you ever stop to thrnk .iust how much easier it is to shop for your Christmas gifts wth us ? Everything is in easy reach, with prices plamnly marked on them, and there is such a large selection. No matter what your problem, bring it to us. Lavender Bags f or the dresser drawer or wardrobe. Highly scented and very dainty 50c Travelling Companion - Towel, Face-Cloth and Soaps in rub- ber-llned Cretonne Case $1.00 'ýmgllsh Leather Covered Shopping List, stamped in gold . 1.00 Personal Memo Books, in case. $1.25 For that stocking run "Darm It." Various colored Silks in leather case $1.00 Powder Bowl and 2 Perfume Bot- ties to match various colors, $1.50 Ink Stand and Letter Rack, a most acceptable gif t $2.00 Combination Cloth Brush and Coat Hanger $1.00 lmunusually attractive Cereal Set -Ndaintily colored. for boy or girl. $1.00 It's flot what they get, but what they save I Start them off right with this Bank 500 When "%Xee Miss" cares ta sew with î4#)ther she will feel so "grown-up" with tis Cretonne Bag, assorted designs 50e Four Bridge Table Pencil Holders, with numbers attached $1.50 Beautifully decorated Score Pad with pencil $1.25 Decorated Penili with new style weight 13 1.00 Deeorated Scoring Pencil attached t to fancy score pad 50e ash trays and larger tray foir cig a rettes î.5 0 Frncb Tray, very atistic, a very useful and ornamental gif t, $3.50 Waddington's English Playing Cards, $1.00 single box to $2.30 double box. J.W. JEWELL Big 20 Bookatore BowmanviIIe )le, bs? ýry t- st Dl- las it- 2y id n. mre es )ir J. as he ne as m FOPULAR OFFICER RETIRES Lieut.-Col. Chas. H. Anderson 0. B. E., officer cammanding the lst Hussars, London's cavalry regiment. who relinquished his command 0f the regiment recently. Col. Ander- son had cornmanded the unit since 1928 and comrnandcd the Durhamn Regiment. at Bowmanville. before going ta London. MESSAGES FROM THE WEST The following letter has been re- ofceived by a member of The States- n-mani staff and as it has s0 many nice e- references ta those whose relatives 'sresîde in or around Bowmanville, we is rnay be pardoned if we reveal sorne 0f 1,its contents. The writer, Mrs. T. A. "S. Anderson of Toronto, wha is an a sstour of Western Canada. is apparent- 0. ly enjoying hem visit. She says: ve " a einigta wonder if the cirulaionof heStatesman Lt uni- e versaI for no matter in what town or~ g city I have visited in the west I have ve found a copy 0f the home paper. k.Even in the beautiful city 0f Victoria _ ýwhere I spent five very pleasant ad weeks. I found my cousin, Thos. Cale, - took the good aId Statesman. r At present I arn visiting my cous-I r.in, Mrs. J. J. Tiffin, Lethbridge, Alta., - formerly Allie Wight of Bowmanville. al1 know you are always glad ta hear of the success oaf the home folk and I assure you I got a surprise when I Ln entered her daughters' room. and saw l' twenty-nine flrst prise ribbons and seventeen second and third prize rnb- -bons hanglng on the walls. In the boys' room I counted twen- *ty-four first prize ribbons and forty- three second and third prize rilibons. When you take i:.ýto consideration the fact that the e boys are only thirteen and fifteen years of age re- spectively and have already won these prises in school and city fairs in judging and showing stock, etc., you realize they have had excellent training. They won at the Leth- bridge Fair this yeam over two hun- dred dollars in cash prizes. Com- petition was exccedingly keen this yeam and Ronald, the elder son, got flrst i judging a good dairy cow, ob- taining 95 per cent and halds two silven cups i they are beauties). Stanley won fimst in showmanship. Mi's. Tiffin's daughters are expert needle womeiu. Helen, aged 11. won several fiî'st prizes in mendlng, pitrhJin,ý and cdarning. and Beryl,t aý;Pd 16, competing in the women's class, took prizes in dressmaking. heming. embroidery, crocheting, and rug making. If I hadn't seen Lhose1 girls at wor': I. would haroil., have thcu.gh1,it r9,esîbl? for gÇrls se you:ng tof!oesuch c'xc'c!l'nt work. Tethree eldest children are at- tcnding high schaol. and Helen isr still in public school. All the child-t ren have their allotted wcrk to dof and they do [t willingly Find cheer- f ully. No lack of interest, here. eh? Jack (Mr. Tiffin) is a Rotarian and is off ta town ta dinnen. Allie is busy so I decided to write a few lines ta you. Yeu should sec the sunsets in sunny Alberta; they are beautiful, beyond description. Sincerely. jEdith Anderson. r Lethbridge, Alta.S Stettler. Alta. Nov. 13, 19301 Mm. M. A. James:a Dear Friend :-I think I am saf e f in caliing you that, when I think of Q homv you helped me in my school o days, and spurred me on ta mealize1 Imy ambition ta becorne a school ci mrnam. Weil, wve are both growing E aId. At least, I realîze that I feel r: old since my illness. By the way, p we have a municipal hospital here that only casts tax payers $1,00 per r Iday, or my bill would have been over i. $300.00 at the rate oaf $4.00 per day. w I had the bcst 0f came. too.L There is a big change in Stettler bD duming the twenty-four years that we B have lived here. We have built a s( United Church costing $125,000.00, It dedicated it free of debt; a municipal c( hospital costing over $60,000; and t) have onc of the best towns In Alberta. But last year and this we have had hý crop fallumes, dmouth last year, TI drouth fii-st part of summer this year, A and then hall to cut dawn what growth there was. Fontunately w rnast 0f aur gardens recovered fairly M well, but times are very hard for T farmers and consecsuently for alI big men, but we are optimistlc and look- st lng fomward ta better crops next year. st We are having lovely weather the di last few weeks. Had aur share of di main latter part 0f August. all 0f R, September and part of October, 80 et that threshlng was held up for two itý manths and grain grading 10w as it ve was in the stooks through the wet tr time. ai We look eagerly for The Statesman vi every week-a letter from home sure. n( I often wish same one would write 'Do Yeu Remember?' about Bradley's Sehool and surounding district. Mt. Vernon, etc. With best wishes for your good wý hiealth andI comfart. I remain your til sincere f rlend. g Hattie Soueh. ai Ramn during Saturday night and Sunday bî'ought a measure of relief til ta surrounding drought - stricken n areas. Courage, Sir! L That makes a man or wornan look F ORONO From The News, Nov. 27th.' Miss Dorothy Henry was hon f ram Toronto over the weekend. Mrs. Sheriff, Toronto, is visitin lier sister, Miss Bella Watson. Dr. John Chester and family. Toi onto, were weekend visitors at hi father's, Mr. T. Smith. Mr. Delbert Myles returned hom last week f rom Killarney. Mrs. Beatrice Underwood and MLç Elma Foster, Toronto, attended th funeral of their cousin, Ernest Ro Foster, at Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Mclsaac and familj Toronto, spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leigh re turning with them for the winte months. Officers and a number of the mcxi bers of Orono Lodge, I.O.O.F., visitei Florence Nightingale Lodge, Boiw manville, recently. Mr. Thornton Wilson. Ottawa spent Wednesday at Mrs. C. G. Arm strong's. Mrs. A. A. Rolph is visiting hie cousin, Mrs. A. Townley, Feneloi Falls. Mrs. Hunter is spending a coupli of weeks with her niece, Mrs. Underý twood, Toronto. Mr. Alan Adams, Ornemee, visite his sister. Miss Marjorie Adams. No child should be allowed to sut fer an hour f rom worms wher Prompt relief can be got in a sinpl( but strong rernedy-Mother Graves Worm Exterminator. Mr. and Mrs. Dane Found and in- fant son, William, Oshawa, spent thE weekend at her father's, Mr. W. E Davey. Miss Margaret Brown has taken a Position at the Robert Simpson Co., Toronto. Orono rink management have ap- pointed Mr. W. J. Watson as care- taker and caterer at rink booth. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Junker anc son Preddie rnotored to, Detroit anc spent a few days at hem slster's, Mrs <Dr.) Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and son, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carscadden and daughter, Toronto, spent Sunday at his father's, MLr. C. F. Awde. Mrs. John Henry underwcnt a suc- cessful operation at Oshawa Hospital recently for removal of lher tonsils, and is reported making satisfactory recovery. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, district presi. dent, and Mrs. A. Henry, delegate from Orono branch Women's Insti- tute, are attending convention held at the Royal York, Toronto. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment re- lieves toothache and neuralgia. In- valuable in cases of croup, sore throat and quinsy. Keep a bottle handy. Oronoites will be Proud ta know that Mr. G. Frank Rowe. Ottawa, an old Orono boy, has been awarded the Curtis scholarship for highest stand- ing in summer school work at Queen's University, Kingston. Mr. Rowe recieved his Bachelor's degree tis faîl. Mr. J. L. Buckley, who recently sold his farm, is moving into Orono. Mr. Buckley has bought the William Rowe residence, Mill Street, former- ly the late Robt. Knox residence. Prominent Toronto sportsmen, the president and secretary of the Tor- onto Revolver Club, and Mr. Millar, a Tyrone local cracksman. were in town last week, guests of Mr. A. J. Knox. Mr. W. J. Martyn is making good Progî'ess with the new residence he [s erecting on Duchess St.. south ward. A number of the village sports as- '-istcd the Agricultural rink manage- mient in levelling up the ink founda- tion and it is now in perfect shape for flooding. Persian Babn promotes daintiness, charmn and beauty. Magical in its effect on the skin. There is nothlng like it for creating and preservlng a .ovely complexion. Cooling, caress- .ng, it soothes and relieves aIl rough- riess caused by weather conditions. Delicately f ragrant, it enhances the most flnished appearance. Makes the skin rose-leaf in texture. Tmuly aý Peerless toilet re4uisite for every dis- cerning woman. Mr. John White, Starkville. sent The News a few samples oaf ore f rom, agenerous collection he received from his friend, Mr. Bert Hynde, Station Agent In New Ontario. The ore samples were taken f rom the Eeragami mines, recently reported on by Governrnent Qeologlst Hl. C. Rickaby, an old Orono boy, to be rich in gold and other valuable de- Posits. Orana Women's Institute held its meeting on Frlday, Nov. 2lst. A very interesting and instructive prograrn vas given on Trees versus Human Mie. Musical numbers were given by Miss Viola Noden, Mrs. R. H. Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples. The nciail part was ,much Aenoyed. a er me] le) ,y jr- 'e er n- ed ia, de ed ýs l- ie )theî'. "Why, it's a long trip!" "Not )Y telephane. Look nt that siga- Tisit Home Tonight-by Long Dis- 'acc!' I'm gaing to--right naw, old ian!" Look to your radiations. -elix Adler. 'resents, I of ten say, endear absents. ~Charles Lamb. Texi c mit, busi Leg tian and xvill tiai will Met II pat py Dec slic Thi terf me] be Two Important Items FIRST-Santa Claus wiIl visit Bowmanville in person Saturday, December 6th. SECOND- Nelson's Xmas Ba.zaar opens Thursdlay, Dec. 4th, with a coniplete line of Gift Merchandise f or the whole family. To celebrate these two important events, we offer sorne remarkable values. The two items listed below are a sample of the big savings offered at this Store of Xmas Cheer. Big Shirt Special $1.50 SHIRT VALUE 88C This is without doubt the biggest Shirt Value ever offered in this vieinity. By taking advantage of a timely offering, we can offer you 50 dozen of high-grade TVen's Broadcloth Shirts at less than the price we would regul'arly pay for them. And please note-these are not old patterns or soiled garments, but new 1931 pat- terns which include ail the newest designs, and colorings. These make ideal gifts for the men folk, so don't let this op- portunity pass you. Sizes 14C to 17. Regular value $1.50 .,,each, for ........................... NELSON'S STORE "FRBIGGER AND BETTER BARGAJNS WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT Big Lingerie Special Anotheî' special purchase from Canada's f oremost maker-We bought big quantities and got the price down to our liking. We are shaving our profits down to give you the finest values ever offered in this ine of inerchandise. Included in this purchase are the following:- 10 doz. Heavy Silk Vests, rieg. 69e for ......49c 25 doz. Heavy Silk Bloomers, reg. 7.9e for 59c 25 doz. Heavy Vest & Bloomer Sets, reg. $1.50 for...................................... $1.00 15 doz. Ladies' Silk Petti-Knickers, r-eg. $1.50 for...................................... $.00 5 doz. Ladies' Fancy Silk Nightgowns, reg $1.79 for.................................$.o 5 doz. Ladies' Fancy 511k Nightgowns, reg. $2,50 for ................................$1.59 5 doz. Ladies' Fancy Silk Pyjamas, reg. $2.95 for ................................$1-59 10 doz. Ladies' Heavy Silk Slips, reg. n lar ti s is eta te om I Applications Approved nadian Legion Executive Corn- ýe met Friday evening when iess ta bc placed before the )n was discussed. Ten applica- were approved for membership nitiation of these new members be carried' out. Other applica- have since been received which be submitted ta the Branch. ing Frlday Nlght ie Executive Committee antici- sa good attendance and a snap- eeting in S. 0. E. Hall, Friday, 5th. at 8 p. m. when business Id be concluded by 9 o'clock. will be followed by a social en- inment and beaucoup refresh- s. Comrades from Oshawa will en hand for the program. AUl we have many Camrades who DR. CARL'S DISCOVERY through the hard times are facing STOPS GAS, the prospect of anything but a f es- tive time i their homes. There are CONSTIPATION wornen and klddles of aur Comrades In hMs prlvate practice, iDr. Caàrl who are entitled and are worthy of Weschcke finaL pertected the simpie sorne of lit e's pleasures at this sea- mixture now known as Adlerlka. son. The Executive has arranged Unlike mast remedies, Adlerika acts with Comnrade Tommry Ross te share on BOTH upper and lower bovel in the Show proceeds of Thursday and removes old poisons you would night, December l8th. The picture neyer belleve were i yeir systera. will be "Raffles" ancecaf the best Stops OAS bloating i 10 rninutes! shows on the screen. Tickets wiUl Relieves chronic constipation in 2 be 35c, the regular pnice. EverY hours! Let Adlerika give yosxr stem- Comnade should do hMs share ta pack ach and bawels a REAL eleanlng bath hauses an that night. Tickets and sec haw good you feeli It Winl will be on hand at the meeting. Ev- surprise youi Jury & Loveil, D)rugi. ery Comnrade shauld scîl some and cvery Commade has friends who wil help out. Let us nt forget the oec CO S cause. Take off yous' g's masks and SELL. ' DIIDOLEYS Millen's Worm -Powders attack worms in the stomach and intestines at once, and no worm can came in contact wlth them and live. Tliey also correct the unhealthy condlitions In thc digestive organs that invite and encourage worms, setting up e-' actions that are rnst bene ficalta the grawth of the child. They have attestcd their power in huacdreds of - cases and at ail tirnes are thoroughly trustworthy. r members should bring another ex - service man wha is eligible for mem - bership in the Canadian Legion.I Leave your cames at home or dropj them on the street la the cold for1 that night and came pnepared fora jolly evening. The Legion expect every maxi ta enjoy this duty. Prsnato fCharter h We wiIJ have with us Friday nîgh Conade Rev. C. R. Spencer, Zone Representative of Zone No. 12. EX- ecutive would like eveî'y memben to be present and give hlm a mcal wel- came. We have aur Charter which has not formall3y been presented. The President has asked Comnade Spencer ta, makeé the presentation on bchalf of the Ontario Comnmand. ,Christmas Cheer Concert Christmas wiIl soan be wlth us and The LegioiCorner A Department of Notés of Iatmeet to the War Votera=s of BowmanvilJ. and District. 1 1 of Interest THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMM, THUP.SDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 PAGE THPM