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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1930, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 PAGE VIVE NW EW FOR HRISTMAS GIFI ERCHANDISE OUR THREE BIG DAYS' SALE Boys' Leather Helmets Sheepskin Leather Aviation style Helmets, in tan and chocolate shades only; fitted with adjust- able, flexible celluloid goggles, with sliding str.ap adjustment under chin; warmlry lined; sizes 6½/ to 71/; any boy would ap- l)reciate this as a gift; usual $1.50 value. During Lofty, el'T Big Days, each .... ... 98C Bath Towels 59c Lotheavily napped, vr b sorbent, fancy Jacquard Turkish Towels. Note the extra large size, 24x45 inches; white ground with fancy figured stripes and borders, and self ali-over de- signs; colors in attractive shades of blue, rose, gold, lavender and green; would be splendid value if offered at 75c. During Three Big Days,59 Each...................... 9 Pure Linen Lunch Cloths 98c 50 x 50 inches Pure Linen Lunch Cloth of dur, able quality crash, woven in check designs in combination colors of rose with green, gold with green, and lavender with gold; regular $1.25 value. Dur- ing Three Big TDays, 98 Each...................... 8 Reliable, Extra Value H E Soap 5c TIH Walker's "Big Beauty" four full ounces of good quality Soap; lilac and rose; lay in your sup- ply for the month; a regular 10e cake. During Three 5e Big Days. per cake ........ Gift Purses $3.49 Men's Handk'rchiefs 19c or 6 Handkerchiefs $1.00 Men's fine lawn hemstitched Handkerchiefs, made of fine Egyptian yarn; white with wide and vaii-colored borders in deli- cate blue, mauve, grey, etc. A great manufacturer's sacrifice al- so made this value possible; reg. 35c. During Three i9 Big Days, each ..........19 Lustrous, Rayon Bed Spreads $2.95 A Rayon Spread with bright lustrous finish, in fancy floral and conventional designs, scalloped edges all round; meas- ures about 80 x 100 inches; in colors of rose, gold, blue or ivory; two attractive designs on display in the store; usual $4.50 quality. During Three Big Days, each.......................................$ .9 Crepe Gift Scarves $1.59 A heavy, pure silk 17x54 inch Crepe Scarf; several attractive new stencilled designs from which to choose; ail the wanted colore and combination effects; usually sold at $2.00. During Three Big Days, $15 Each ...............$ 5 Attractive Clocks 98c A C8f t Clock for the Boudoir Marbie Clocks, several different style cases from which to, choose; bright finish with dainty colorings; movement is encased in brass; white dial. See these at our store During Three Big Days,98 Each.................................... 8 Big DoIls 95c A big beautiful Doîl, with un- breakable head; has loud, long cry; daintily dressed in bonnet, dress and panties, in pink, blue, etc. You must see these dolls to fully appreciate them. The fine features and dainty dressing will appeal to you. About 21 inches taîl. Extra value. During Three Big Days,95 Each ......................95 Fine Neckwear 49c Men's Four-in-Hand Ties of im- -~ ported materials; in a large as- sortment of biright and subdued colors; conservative patterns in s3trPles, diagonals and jacquards. Usually ties of this ciualty seli at 75c. Each in a Christmas box. During Three Big 49c Days, each ........... Fi ne Cashmere Hose 69c Full fashioned pure wool Cash- inere Hose, seamless feet, color- ed tipped tops; in, plain colore of grey, camel, gunmetal, tansan, burlwood, and black; size 8½/ to 10/; ail fixmt quality hose of English make; good value at $1.00. During Three 69 Big Days.................69 Scotch Fingering Yarn 98c Lb. Bright finish Scotch 4-ply Fin- gering Yarn, full weight, soif yarn, suitable for ail general pur- poses; put upin /4-1b. hanks; in colore of black, white, buif, mid- grey and heather; an uuaml purchase opportunity in which we shared enables us to give you this value; note our price. Dur- ing Three Big Days, . 8 prlb ..............._398 Men's Mufflers 98c Imported fine quality Rayon Silk Squares for men; attmeatively colored ail-over plaid and check designs; several choice color de- signs; you will be well pleased with these at $1.50 each; note our price Dun*ng Three.8 Kid Oloves for Oifts $1.69 See these exceptional Purses at our store Underarm and Pouch Bags, made in the newest de- signs; mostly back-strap styles, some with top handies; superior quality plain and grain finished genuine caîf; also suede finish; in wanted colors such as black, brown, tan, etc.; ail well equipped and smartly trimmed; reg. $5 value. During Three Big Days, each ........... 34 ON SECOND FLOOR m NOW OPEN m WALK ER YORFAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE STOIRE Phono 164 BOWMANVILLE Many Attractive Styles and an Unusual Opportunity A varietv of newest and smartest styles in French and other imported Kid Gloves; a great assortment of fancy cuifs and stitchings and tailored effects; in colors of mode, beaver, barown, grey and black with white; in sizes 6 to 73/4; usually $2.25 to $2.75. During Three Big Days, per pair ....................................... 16 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS i tmtn:l :urnu Mr. Alex. Sleightholm, the genial assistant chef of the Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, bias received a pro- motion and lias gone to Bowmanville as chef li the Boys' School tliere. mrs. George Hayman (nee Birdie Oke), sister to William and Fred Oke, port Hope, died li London on Sun- day aight. urnrnm John Dryden, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dryden, of Brooklin, is a can- didate for the riding of South On- tario for the Tenth Boys' Parliament of Ontario. Fenelon Townshlp presented a cane to Mr. Manley Maybee, who is retiring from the treasurership of the townshlp after 33 years' service, and a brooch to Mrs. Maybee. Sunday Norham United Cliurcli celebrated Its diamond Jubilee. In the morning, Rev. M. E. Wilson, pas- tor forty years ago. was the preacher. In the afternoon RaUy of Sunday Schools. At the evening service tlie preaclier was Carmen Danks, Presi- dent of the Quinte Conference Lay- man's Association. Rev. D. R. Clare is pastor. A Warkworth milkman, when his horse died. evoived a new system by driving lis milk-producing cow to tlie homes of lits customers and milk- ing the quantity desired. Miss Pope, Field Secretary Upper Canada Tract Society, la in town soliciting funds for this wortby cause. For nearly one hundred years this Society has mIistered by means of ;uuuuuu the printed page, i many languages to those in hospitals, i prison, ini homes. Winners of the Carter Scholarships i South Omtario are: FIrst to Law- rence H. Cragg. soni of Rev. C. E. Cragg, pastor o! King Street 'United Churcli, Oshawa, $100; second to C. Gordon King of Uxbridge High Scliool. $60; third to Orville L. Rob- ertson, Whitby Higli School, $40. Captain John Breen, former resi- dent of Port Hope, and widely known sailor. passed away i Peterboro on Saturday, Nov. 29th, aged 80 years. Brooklln Dominion Bank was rob- bed of $1000 by a bandit wlio entered i the a! ternoon and made lis de- manda at the point of a revolver. A WEEKLY THEILL Grandrnother doesn't, of course. find mnanY thrlls In 111e gwaa One whicli she does get-wbich she treasures and looks forward to-h that which cornes every week when lier littie grand-daugliter taiks tb her on the long distance telephone. The words whIch no letter cmn equal are: "la that you, gmadniother?,, i. i .1 - - i I 12 I I e mu ýý 1 Il THE CANADIAN STATFMdAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 PAGE Fm

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