PAGE =I OBITUARY Harry L. Brown, inunedosa, Man. In the Cottage Hospital, Minne, dosa, Man., on Saturday, Novembe: l5th, there dieci Harry L. Brown i the 82nd year of his age. The fun. eral service was held on the followý Ing Sunday afternoon in the Unitec Church where he had been a value member of the choir until recently andi was largely attended by citizen who haci known the deceased for th( Past flteen years and who had pass. eci from them after a brie! lllness. Harry Leach Brown was the thirc son o! the late Willam Brown anÉ his flrst wife. Maria Leach, and wa born on the aid family homestead s> long occupied by his brother, tht late 1. L. Brown, and which is nom the praperty o! Mr. W. E. Stevens west o! Tyrone in Darlington town- ship. He attended sehool at S. S No. 10, one a! his teachers being thE late John Hughes. While he was yet in his teens, he was apprenticed ta the late Matthew Cale a! Tyrone with wham he learn- ed the trade a! blacksmithmng and with whom he spent severai years as jaurneyman. In 1872 he went tc Western Ontario and opened up a blacksmithing business in the village o! Winchelsea, Caunty o! Huron, which he conducted for many years. Ini 1876 he was married ta Miss Mary McIntyre o! Leskard and fram this union there were born one daughter and three sons, one a! whom died in early manhood. In 1914 he went ta Manitoba and settled in the town o! Minnedosa where he has been resident till the tiine o! his demise. Back in the 70's every village had its own brass bandi and Harry Brown was the arganizer and leader o! the flrst brass band in Tyrone o! which Frank Northcote. George Gibbard, John Hoar. Jabez Vanstone and Joe Brown were some o! its members, Of these only the last named is now living. Surviving him are two f ull sisters, Mrs. Middleton tMaggie), o! Ham- iota, Man., Mrs. White o! MeCan- neil, Man.. and Joseph o! Minne- dosa. There are also five haif- sisters stiII living, one o! whom is Mrs. Enoch Stevens o! Hampton ; also two haif-brothers, Mr. T. A. Brown a! Ottawa, andi Rev. S. G. Brown o! Richmond, Que. NOTICE Mr. Alan Willhiams, undertaker. Bowmanville, wishes to acivise thei Public that he has made arrange- ments with a first-cas licensed un- derta.ker of Iloic expei-ei-cxn t--n to his businr;s during his fllness. Prompt attention w-i h begiven ta al calis by phaning 159 or 58. 48-il Gift Slip pers, Foi- any membeî' of the alwax's welcome. At these miakeý eveî'yone happy w slippeî's. Theîre is a laigea sizes and mateîials.-95c KNOX SHO. Footwear & Travelling Goc, THE CANADIAIN STATESIL&, BOWMANVRLLE, THUR.SDAy, DEDCEMMERit«h. 1930 OBITUJARY 1 COURTICE MAPLE GROVE ENFIELD John J. Abernethy, Darlington Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A.flin, Toronto, Mrs. Ray Snowden, daughter Helen,!1 Messrs. Sam and Frank Bray at- were Sunday visitors at Mr. G. F.1 Toronto, visited ber parents Mr. and 1 tended the funeral of Mrs. Bray's D_ After a long and pailfuJl llness Anns'.Mrs. R. R. Stevens.... Mr. Ray Snow-,brother, Mr. Bradshiaw, at Brantford, r there passed ta rest on MondaY, Mrs. L. J. Short spent a few days .den, Toronto, spent Sunday with hisreety..Mr Gdre Bo an n~~~~~~~~ Niebr2tJh .Aenty n Toronto last week. parents. Mrs. Snowden and daughter Brussels, sPent the week-end at home i- a highiy respected farmer of South-.1 - Darllngton, aged 65 years. Deceas- Misses Ada and Annie Ailin. Bow- returneci home with him. . .. On Fri-.Re J. U. Robins, Bowmanvllle, cI ed was barn on a farm at Stone- mlanville, spent the weekend wlth day evening, Noveniber 28th, aboutiwill preach here next Sunday after- ci haven, Scotland, an May 6ith, 1865, Miss Ada Annis. 20 friends of Mr'. Grant Bennett met 1 aon in the interests of the M. & M. y, and came ta Canada in 1888, settiing Mr. Arthur Burgesslhad a very at his home to spend a social time,.Fund.. Neil ïMcCullough, son of Mr. is in Scarboro township. He has ai- successful wood sale on Manday, seli- and ta wlsh him nmany happy returnistOliver MeClogbsifniepr te ways been a fariner, and after lng about five acres of woad. of his birthday. The evening was1 alysis. Clog.hsianlepr -warking out for three years after Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. pleasantly spent in ganies of variousi______ commng ta this country he rented the Eci. DeNure, Klngston, an the arrivai kinds and music. On in the evening1 ,d 50-acre farma of Robert Loveless of of a baby girl, Alice Jean. Mrs. De- the company was called to onden and i SALEM d Scarboro. He was marrieci in 1892 Nure (nee Margaret Abernethy) Mr. Bennett was pnesented with a ýs ta Mary Hagg, a native of Montrose, taught music in Caurtice for several fountain pen .... Mn. in(] Mrs. John Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, spent o Scotland. From Scarboro hie moved years and is well known in this comn- Saowden recently visitedl Rev. and the week-end witb her parents ..Mr. ýe ta Darlington township ta a farm munity. Mrs. J. H. Staintoni, Pickering .... Mrs. and Mrs. Fred J. Foster visited i wth w narth of Hampton where hie iived for Last Thursday the ladies of aur Will.Vorden, Tyrone, spent Tuesd ay relatives at Kendall on Sunday .. sseventeen years. He then maved to Berean Class met in the home of with hier mother-in-iaw, Mrs. J. B. [Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornish, Oshawa, -the Lake Shore ta the F. T. Guy Mrs. Russell Gay for the monthly Worden and brother. Mr. R. L. War- vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornish.... farm where he has since resided. meeting when the main business of den. Mr. andi Mrs. W. Fitze, Janetville, eHe has always been interesteci in the meeting was the election of of- League meeting was heicI as usuaileeas ussatteCrihhm stock-raising and was nated for his fîcers. Mrs. Esli Oke was electeci on Wednesday evenlng. Nov. 26th, in 1. ... On Saturday from 1 p.m. ta 6 p.mi. efine herd of Ayreshires. Starting president, and the ather officiers were the hall, with the usual gaod attend- , Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squalr are open- vwith one he purchased framn Mr. Guy, pretty much the samne as îast year. ance. Openlng exercises were pre.. j ing thei r home as a polling booth f or he gradually increased until he had A vote af appreciation was given by sided over by President John Catorvoters in the Boys' Parliament elec- abot 3 had f hes fie atte. the ladies ta the retiring president, andi prayer by Pastor Wlr: ton. AIl boys from 14 to 21 are en- S He has always taken a lively ini- Mrs. Blake Oke. who has served Most Pragram was in charge of 4th Viceljtitieci ta have their namnes on the cterest in Church wark. being a mem- faithfully for two years. In the President, Miss Dora Eames, and hier 1 voters' list .... Mr. Edward Darch iber af St. Paul's United Ckurch, devotional periad the bible lessan assistants. Miss B. E. Souch and Mr . 1attended the f uneral of a friend at eformeriy Presbyterian, and for a was read by Mrs. Cecil Adams, and Vernon Trimbie, and the failowinglIRaglan. ... Sorry ta learn of the ser- numbex' of years was the faithful fterwards expflaîned in a masterful! înteresting programi was given: Bible fousilness of Mrs. Chas. Scholl (neel superintendent of the Base Line Un- way by Mrs. Arthur Oke. A prograin reading, Hector Sadien; devotianal 1 Madeline Stephens) of North Carolina sion Sunday School. of piano duet by Misses Hazel Riîn-. topic, Greta Munday; reading, Allan ,n oe e aenswl1so e Besides his widaw lhe leaves a f am- die and Sadie Muir: vocal solo by Clark; instrumental, Ellen Gimblett, . oe benîraenneswlsoof ber iiy of five boys and one girl, amly MissVrWer:tnaupstr topic, Edna Swallow; reading u-ICniin James H., J. Wilson, Frank L., A. 1 Rev. H. C. Wolf rý'mr. gave a beauti- seli Gimblett; solo, Mrs. IvisanMu-______ Ferguson, and W. Gardon, ail of 1 fuI talk on "Home." Most enjoyable day; reading, Cliiford Swailw.A Bowmanville and vicinity, and Mstie wa'ipr-- . ... ..., ter this a short contest was enjoyed. OIN Ed. DeNure (Margaret) of!:Kingst.mcre sert;c, and Ml.,. Gay ancietn isdwt M.phbn-SLN One son Archibald predeacedhm Velma wereideal hostesses. diction. Messrs. Gordon and Harvey Hardy He is aiso survived by threebotes Sunday although the ramn came for Gardon Lapp af Ontario Boys' visited with Lindsay friends... Mns. James and Archie Abernethy, Ton- which everyone shoulci be thankful. Wark Board, is caming ta Tyrane AlaIn McKessock is spending a week onto, and William Abernethy, St. the congregation in the morning was Sunday evening, December 14th. with ber parents, Mr. andi Mns. F. A. Thomas. small and those who stayed at home Smnith, Thainiesfond Mî.ýll. and Mrs. The funeral, which was largely at- missed an excellent sermon preached DARLINGTON James Hoî-top and Miss Valde, Port tended, took place f rom the f amilv by our pastor on "The joY of the Penny, visited at-N. H. E. Tink's.... residence on Tuesday, November 25, Golden Rule!" In the evening the Report of S. S. No. 3, Darlington, Mn. and Mîrs. Gtordon Leask-. Mn. and service being conducted by Rev. Dr. t service was fairly well attended and for Navember: Mns. Hugh Annis, visited at Mn. Best, his minister, assisted by Rev. j we en.ioyed another good sermon on Sr. IV-Annie Kush 73, Alaysius John Slenîon's, Enniskilien .... Miss H. C. Wlfraim and Rev. Geo. Mason. "Great deeds by common people." Kush 73, HaroldI Forsythe 68. Vena Baker with the Misses Reynolds Mesr, F. ACbertrsrag, MJas. MetakifMPO Sr. III-*Elsie Flint 75, Hazel Mis. Chas. Howsam \'i5ited at Mn. A. Meur, . AbeC. aos M BackfHMP NFlint 73. Williams, Port Penny ..Master Rus- John Hait and John Metcaif. 1 :~eSlsWiiîsiiTx îhl Jr, III - *Berniece Roberts 79, sel Hardy visited with bis grn1 Beautiful flowers expressed the Cienk, J. D. Hogarth, itiarle t business J Hazel Truli 76, *Helen Rundie 75, father, Mr. Jas. Reeson, Columbus.... sympathy a! a large number o! trip î(î cnb<îtî.g i;st j ee ' 1 Maurice Morphy 70, Louise Foley 66, Several from here atteaded the Royal friends and were borne bY Messrs. ,anti tis. Hobson.Mn and Mîîs. W. Hazel Roberts 65, Vera Gibson 60, Winter Fain last week..Mir. andj George VanDyke, L. C. Snawden. iJefflney and 'Mn. anti Mis. tiace Jef- tSammy Van Camp 57. Mrs. Menvin Hobbs spent Sunday with1 Samuel Snowden, Arthur Moore, J. ifrev, Torotno,<t, vsiletiMr at Ms r.f-A'turFrsth 3, Eddie fniends in Bowmatnvil.. 11e sony to ne-I1 r D Sevns JhnSnade, eoge'w w l"Iîn anti otiien relativ es iIFryh 9 port that three members o! oun com-1 Hoît. Blake Short, George Brown. J. te ýilL9e .... Chieken pie suitpen andi j Jr. II-*Jean Metcaif 79, Peggy munity are in flowmanviile hospital.C Herbent Power. tîcnWnelneyaene tWti Sr. Pr.-*Eveline Gibson, *Marie Mrs. John Kiveli for remaval of ton ________nesti a'Y anti tinog hequ)jej e,.I Finnigan 63. sils and Mn. A. L. Pascoe and Miss. ceilent eaon g.h The suîtpi ie n W0 Ch- landI *Viola Roberts (equal), *Gordon Pboebe Shortridge for- appendicitis op-1e .iv ;11](1lie Truli. eain . O r ettse g oec l ENNISKILLEN Osiî:wa t trient w.t5 weii ga C ;iii Jr. Pr.-*Madeline Metcalf, *Glenn eain.Orbs ihsg îec Mis Reit eGii senttut xi-ep-ec(iafFetl iy ail... Mts. J. Pye, En- MoafGro etaf f them for, a speedy recovery.. .. it isv I îikiii. iitt wtt in ntthoI osyh. MkeBnk oped that the cbur-ch wiii be fiiled ont end witb Mr. andi Mns. Wylie, WVes- Mi. C. W. Soucli.. . . Ilcunîis. -Honors; t-below 60% on total Sunday afternoon to bear Dr. Franks ton .... . Miss M. Young, Miss Nlaudi Oiono, Mn. Paul Curtis. Tf i- i:. n. Rýuby M. Bragg, teacher:* Langford o! Toronto speak. Special Aslton, Tttnto. 'Mnr. îiît MIs. S. with their brother, Mn. j. ~i. whla itnnScugog, Mn. Ira Travail, Osh- la qutte 111 ..Mrs. Milton Siemnon, -- awa, sl)ent the Week-end at Mi.'FE. C. Haydon, who is ilI again ls wlth her___________________ Asiîn' M.Stl,,rt 'Mark andi Mn. mother. Mrs. flenba Jos.... SeveF - Perey Jeffrey are spending a few days from aur village attended the Roya iwitb their brother and si.te,, Mn. and Winter Fair at Torontoa. .. .Mrs.C Mrs. Orr Jeffrey .... Rev. J. U. Roîbins, Langmaad visited frientis at New Bowmanville, will preach on this ;cir- castle fast week .... Messrs. Franl cuit next Sunday, Deceitihet . cý., ln Hastings, Guelph, Fred Blllett, T> the intereat of the M. & M. Funci. ranto, andi Wallace Horn, Kingston Evei-yone welcome ..Miss Mae Mar- wene home aven the week end an( tin, Baseline, is apending a Weç days attended High School commencemený with ber cousins, Mr. andi Mna. W. H exercises at Bowmanvllle on Fnida: NMoore. .... Our scbroil is busy practis nlght .... .Mr. W. Inch, Weston, visitec ijng for their annual Christmas con his mother, Mns. T. Rowe..... Sanry t( cet to be beid oin Monday, Decembet learn that Mn. A. C. Truli lost on( 22nd.... The regular montbly meeting o! a fine team o! hanses last week.... of the W.M.S. was helti Wetinesday, The kitdiles are enjoylng Jack Frost', Novenîben l9tb, at the home of Mrs. visit ta the pond and the hand siedfi J. A. Werry. The president, Mrs. as well as skates are maklng thelr (Dr.) Ferguson, waa in change. A appeanance .... Mns. S. T. Mountjoy Tbanksgivlng pragram and rearllngs anti son, Mn. Theron Mountjoy, Hay- on World Peace were given by sev. don, spent the week-end at the home eral members. A review o! the Blue of hen slsten's, Mrs. H. A. Bird, Mount Book on our Canadian Missioaary en- Hamilton, and also visiteci ber mother, tertînise wit5 well given by the pris!. Mrs. E. Brimacombe... .Misses Sadie dent. Discussion foilowed on aide fan and Launa Virtue, Toronto, spent the the needy at Christmas. Each mem- week-end at Mrs. Thos. Pascoe's.... ber Is ta bnlng a toy, game or cloth- Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Pascoe, Mn. and ing to our Decemnber meeting. Num- Mns. Wm. Plerson, andi famlly, Osh- ber present 16. A social boun was awa, spent SuniaY' at L. T. Pascoe's spent antd lunch was served ...The . .. . Mn. andi Mns. F. Rogers spent Sun- mon are btîa) wiring the chtincb andi day la Whitby. shedi. Gardon Lapp o! Ontario Boys' Gardon Lapp o! Ontario Boys' Work Board, Is comlng to Tyrone Wark Board, is coming ta Tyrone B unday evening, December l4th. Sunday evening, December l4th.j BLACKSTOCKE -- A quiet, but very pretty weddlng took place at the home of Mn. andi Mrs. J. English, Wednesday, Nov. 26, when their yaungen daughter, Edna, and Mn. Wilbui~ Vance were uniteti la the holy bonds o! matrimony. The ç bride was gawned becomingly in blue. The ceremony was performeti by Rev. F. W. Newell of the Unitedi Church, Blackstock. The young couple who were unattendeti, left after a sumptu- ous weddlng dinner, fon Toronto and Niagara. Tbey received many useful and beautiful gi!ts, amnitg themn be- ing a very geneî'ous cheque f rom the bnie's father. The community wlsh tbem every bappiness in thein mar- ieti life. Tbey wlll reside an the groam's farm, Purple Hill..... Mrs. S. Swaln has neturneti fram a week's vis- it witt her sister anti brother-in-law, - , '.îMrs. anti Mr. A. Powers, Lndsay.... Mn. and Mrs. Gea. A. Wells, Mn. R. J. Newell and Miss Gladys Newell visited Mn. and irs F. Newell recently, at the parsonage. Mn. anti Mrs. Wells have nettînnedti t Detroit, but Mn. Neweii anti Miss Newell are staying fora lne visit . ... Glad ta report ifpqLia MatirDonald Graham la well enîtugli ftn- bis mother ta return home M. ~front Toront.. Mn. anti Mrs. Chas. Siniill, at sons, Oliver anti Bobbie, visitedth te Roîyal Pair last week anti also visite I Mirs. Smitb's aisten, Mns. Archer anti Master Donald Graham, btlh of whoiii are la St. ihe' ~I- ~ 1' Hospital, TnnoM .anti Mna. 0 of ~. L< O C o r e! F. Stinson visiteti he on hr M ',Vin.N t iis week. .... Tire cour- fa iy adteyaeiiîînity w-ns satîdeneti by the tieath if anutrîy ae nr. JoinoNicKee, last Priiay. The e rare l)rices you can n.ymilîity i idal is extontietita lus wîîlî,w at itiniîens c>! bis famlly. Ie vith a pair of these Nvas laidto ta in l the Anglican ei assorment f coln-stfli-ty iiu Mtîntlay afternoon. Service assitmnt f olos, ascoiiuctetl by Rev. F. Wi. Neweii to $.5o.... -Mn.dtîîl Ms. McGuire have unoveti intri the boause formeriy occupieti by te late Ni, AMeMinna..Week-endl C>DCCC isitors tii Toronto: Mra. S. Swain, Mýisa9 Maigninet Swain, andi Mr. Harolti Swain w ith Itev. anti Mrs. Milton San- E S TO R Eerson; Miss Mary Parr with hem îd Bw anile Gi,la m n lr George Crawford, Jr., Aa Bowmanville ti 4M.if>knl;,s Smith wlth fienda; labnftorle Marlow, Toronto, j sîtefi naIber home bore. fjL*. 111 tîici c e'at q1rîe satL i ou witb the olti OmîrtAiteams at lirîî e Gaines j i concludeti d Hil ti-îri Ont., for %--picketi up tb i t do!honora. ,:idif 1 May y Sr O. niade a ve' t-editable '.n-.*' was the . tatement o! T , 'i riitten, itn c'arge of the "viiýr wba hun:, up several il-w ina mks ai the mîeeting. He ihtgtthe Games wouiti be of ln- 5 callcujlable value ta the Empire am 9 t a %hîte, since they bought ail r irs or il together at one time r tî.d one place. The inaiden voyage o! the new <'.raiian Pacific fiLagsbip of the Patcific. the Empres a!Japau, frîm Yokohama to, Victoria, wae niiiPleteti in eight tisys. six boutrg ennd 23 Minutes, beaîing the Eut- Piesoaf Canada record for the rut, #,stablishet Inli1918, hy four boums font thirty minutes. E. W. Beatty, chairmnan and president o! the rail- Vi company wlreti congratula- lions ta Captain E. ikman, general niiperintentient of the Company's Pacifie steamshlp fleet. Records tso felI on the Atlantic when thé. comPany's liner Ducbess o! York iravelleti between Greenoclc, Scot- lanti, anti Quebec City In 5 days. 17 blours anti 20 minutes, even btter- ing the time hung up by the Duch- ess of Richmond on ber previous trip frout Belfast ta Quebec, whlcii ta a bundreti miles sharter. Speaking at a banquet gtven b7 the Saint John Board of Trade to Inaugurate the service of the now Canadian Pacifie steamer Princes» Helene, on the Saint Jahn-Digby route, E. W. Beatty, chairman and rîresident o! the rallway, sald ho thaught Canada would respanti mare quickly than otiier colintrie., even wealthier than hersel!, ta mea- Bures taken by remponsible gavera- ments anti large industrial organi- zations ta alleviate unemployment. Hle atideti that In bis opinion thé Maritime Provinces were particu- lariy favorably placeti In this res- Dresseci ln white anti blue kirtles uinti the tratitional Nommandy caps, fifty Louisiana girls. descendants of the Acadians expeilei froun Nova Scotia 175 years ago, assistei ln the celebrations at Grand Pre ne- ently, at wbicb iaany Acadians living ln the Unaitedi States anti Canada attendeti. The Uniteti States, France, Great Bnitain and Canada were representeti at the celebratians which weme held an the site of the aId village anti arounti the Memorlai Cburch matie ever famous by I.ongfellaw's poem af Evangelîne, In the provision of telephone coimmunications lIn villes of 60000 anti aven and lntconversations per eapita, Canada leatis lte wanld, ac- comding to statistics rprently pub. liahet. In these cîties ('anada bau 2.1.2 t(,elontos per 100 inhabitants îiaaltihe UnitediStates' 21.9. la 1929 <'anatilans matie 241.1 caone- ilatirina per heati o! population as 'npaelwiib 2,10.7 ln the Uniteti States, hem nearest rival. A to~tia! o 18,029,973 telegrmi rttransmitteti anti recelveti ln r'i.>in 1929, an incroase o! 1,- 172 7'ý'!aven 1.928. Thens are .160,- q' miles of telegrapi lunes in Can- ada. PHONE FOR FOOD Phone 186 HARRY ALLIN, GROCER Let uis flIl your order. Pxrices throughout our store have been reduced in many lines: Christmas Irnported Peel, sliced, lemon, orange, citron ................................ 20C IL Prunes, good values at ....l10c lb; 2 lbs. 25c; 15C lb. Spies, good winter apples .............$1.25 bus. September Cheese ..............................23c lb. MacLaren's Cream Cheese .............2 pkgs. 25c acue, larige jar............. 4uc ................2 tinsl1& ...................1oc tin ETEMPTING AROMA of & Sanborne 'rand Coffee is it's absolutely.5 per lb .........5 'uoou vioruiniu viariuai.- Frankford Brand Peas. Canned Ptimpkin .... j Feed the hiens Fi t THI Chase H fE[ S eal B: <Pî'oofJ k~CU FEE fresh, IIARRY At PHONE 186 mrusie by the choir.. Our Chi st> s concert under the auspices of theo C.G.I.T. will be helti Tuesulay evening. Decemben *23i't. Full panticulars later ...Lenîgue meeting Monday evening i,'as in charge oif the finat vice-pi'esi- dent, Miss Ruth McKessock, and was ýweii attendeti. Dex-otionai peritîtiwas itakien by Miss Eveiyn Tink; piano ýsolo, Mns. Isaac Har'dy; the tril on "Pentecost anti Sex" was ably takenj Sunday evenlng, December l4tb. c ,LI N, Grocer by Mrs. John Baker. Vocal duet, Mn. A. J. Balson and Alan; reading, Miss Nora Werny. Meeting closeti with the League benediction .... Mn. Ed. Law and Miss Ethel, Toi'onto, Mr. and Mrs. C. MBride anti son, Burton, M. andt Mi's. Delmage, Peterboro, vislted with Mn. and Mrs. Geo. White. Gardon Lapp ig Ontario Boys' Work Board, is omlng to Tyrone Crepe de chine ini ail the new pastel shades . .. either tailored or trimmed . . . fashions these lovely lingerie gifts. You will find a wide selection of the new- est designs and deails ... some- thing to please every feminine taste. These are very unusual values . . . and a very happy solution to Christmas gift prob- lems. GIFT GLOVES GIFT SCARFS In endless variety, shades, and at prices WhiCh are really bar- gains. Variegated ecol1o rs, shapes and designs to add a finishing touch to the coat. The ne west shades & styles. GIFT UMBRELLAS GIFT PtJRSES They are really smar't in designs ýand so attractive. c GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS A Elandkerchief ih al- ways a welcome gift, particularly if chosen from oui' assortment. A real useful and acceptable gift, in the newest shapes. The above are onîy a few suggestions to Christmas shoppers in search of useful and beautiful gifts. THE SMART SHOP OWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager. mI~ Corne, See! Yardley's Tollet Goodu Orane's Fine Wrlting Pape, Waterma'aPeus Jergçn's Toilet Se"s and you will want smre of thern for your Xmas Gi! ts. Leave vour order naw for Personal GreeUng c"&i KERSLAKES-' THE DEPENDAULE DRUG STORIE Unusual Offerings'in Gif t Lingerie 1s 6 ,a] C W. ik :Ld nt iy Bd to 2e Ir )y y- te it r, le ýe d 1- Et L- e It You Must Eat GIFT HOSIERY