TEE CANADIAZ< STA'IT~SMAN, BOWMAZqVnLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 w LOCAL AND> OTHERWIU e. GOODYEAR EIIM OTES' PARTY WHAT TOWN COUNCIL Dm R TE Mr. Ernest Wllton, Montreal, re Jack Cawood Given Send O0f on Held December meeting Monday 2,cONNErLAtnoronHatoNovembCon cently vslted Mr. and Mgrs. W. j. Leavlng for Holiday in EngImid night with Mayor Elott preslding nel. (nee Marie Werry), a daughter- Culley.- and members ail present., (Charlotte Isobel). Mr. Leslie Tudor, Toronto, was' As a farewell send-ofi to Mr. J. Complaint front Mrs. S. E. Wood- DeNURE-At Kingston (Jeneral Hos- aweek-end visitai of Mr. Howard Cawoocl of the office staff of the ger, Centre St., that water tram pitaI, on Nov. 26t1î, 193), to Mr. and Mrs. BlekTi.Qooyea Tie ad Rbbe Co, astret as ma~ng er roprmyA. Edwin DeNure (nite Margaret Ab- Bickll.Gooyea Tie ad RuberCo. a tret ws daagig ler roprtyernethy) a daugbter-Ailce Jean. Miss Vera Baker, ,-olina, spent the socal gatherlng was held at the was referred to Roads & Streets LARMER - At Siruc.. Grove Fanin, weekend ithMisss StllaBalnmoral Hotel on Friday evening. Coin. for adjustment. Cartwright, on Tueeday, Novermber 25th, wee-ed it Msss telaand Maud Ater a sumptuous turkey dinner D. R. Morrison and Bey. C. R. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Austin Larmer, Reynolds. which everyone f ully enjoyed, toasts Spencer, on behalf of Communlty tinee Phoebe Beech), a son (Murray Aus- Messrs. Hubert Osborne and Ross were proposed: To the King, pro- Welfare Commlttee, asked counicil Lane are vslting frlends and rela- posed by Mr. H-. M. Nanson; te Mr. for grant of $125, belng hall estim- tives i St. Marys. Cawood, proposed by Mr. A. M. Har- ated cost to feed transients who stop DEATHS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Byers are sr.end- dy, superintendent; to the Toronto over here during wlnter. Meals are HATELY4II Bowmanviîîe, on Wed- ing a few days In Toronto visiting guests, proposed by Mr. D. R. Mor- to be 25e cadi. Finance Comn. WII nesday, December 3rd, 1930, Helen Mary, their sons and daughters. r 11son, and responded to by Mr. K. E. report. 3ouugest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs J.E.Ellot wa inToont jBarton; to the two newly-marrled o! Notice was received that Wm. J. klateîy, aged 8 yea.rs, 6 menthe. Mrs.J. . Eliot wasin oro t ch staff, Walton Pascoe and Elgin Cowle had been admltted te Toronto Funeral Friday ai 2.30 p. mi. to Bow- onWednesday vsltlng lier sister, Varcoe, by Chas. Cattran, to which Hospital for Conisumptives. GeRR-nBwry ilonTedy Miss Annie MouttJoy, who 15 1in. the young men mentioned made J. A. Eli.s of Ontario Unemploy- D.,cember 2nd, 1930, William E. Gerry, Mrs. J. T. Bragg lias returned froni suitable replies; to those unxnarried. ment Relief Board asked for month- beloved huaband of Madeline Dustan a seven months' visit with relatives proposed by Mr. M. A. Neal, and re- ly records of men given employment Gerry. in Aberta, Sasltatchewan and Mani- sponded to by Edsail Oliver. An under agreement with govcrnment. DFunerl on Threldncç t r.30 . . t toba. She had a most enjoyable vîsit address o! much interest to all was J. W. Lancaster sent letter of Bowrnanville Cenietery. but was glad to get home. given by Mr. Geo. McCrae of Tor- tianks from Newtonvillc United LUNN-In Cavan Townshlp nWd Mrs. W. H. Argue and Miss Helen onto. Tis pleasant event closed Church for aid fire brigade had giv- nesday, Nov. 26th, 1930, Robert Lunn, Argu wer in artwightonon. with a dance, the music being sup- en when their church was dsryd uhslt er day attending the funeral o! the forai. plcd by Tuerk's Orchestra. Mr. J L,. Morden o! John MacKay LEWIS-In Hope, Nov,. 26th, 1930, Al-1 er's brother-in-law, Mr. John McKee, Cawood is taking a holiday trip to Lîmited offered $100 for lot opposite bert J. Lewis, beloveil lîusband of Rachel] MoretonInhs5t ,r1 who passed away on Friday after a visit relatives in England. . Cream o! Barley Camp to be uscd nEWb hîs hwao rsdy o short iIness.for rabbit farm. Chick hatchery o! vember 27th, 1930, Mary Caroline Coad shr lns.WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ASSIST IN 56,000 cgg capacity was bcing estab- Drew, beloved wife of E. W. Drew. Stialslde edavr u-WLAEWR lished on land used for rabbits. Of- KERR-At Cobourg, ou Thurday, No- cessful high tea and sale o! borne feacetd vernljer 27th, 1930, Eiza Jane rrfr cooking on Tliursday afteraoon and 1j i3scuss Canadian Industries - Dis- J. MeIntyre, on behalf o! rate- uierly of Bowmanvilîe, <ge 76 years. 1 evening. Srnall tables (laiftily laid,1 pense wth Christmas Gifts - payers on Ciurch Street between McKEE-in Cartrght, 'on Friday,1 with attentive waiters servîî3g a very j Will Provide Milk for Children Division and George Streets, ad- liusband or mabel Argue, in his filst appetizing meal, cormbined to make 1 dresscd counceil rcgarding assessment year. everyone have an enjoyable time. 1 A splendid attendance of memnbers Of pavement on Churci St. bcing MOTT-ln 1Hawtrey, ont., on Sunday, Trinity Young Peoples Meeting on1 and others were present at the Wo- wider than petition callcd for. Mat- Nov. 30th, 1930, Alice 'il. Mott, wldow ofS Monday, Decembeî lat, was in charge men's Institute meeting in the S.O.E. ter was referred to Finance Corn. for the late Elias Mott, lu ber 9sit year.r of the Fellowship Dept., of wîiclî1\11-s, hall on Friday aftcrnoon. President settlement. Mother of Mrs. F. F . Morris, iBowman-f G. E. Pritchard is convenor. Presi. Mca. Harry Allin presided. and con- General accounits were passed for TAMBLYN-At Calgary, Alta., Nov. dent. Snith Ferguson, took the chair. ducted tic opening exercises and $122724; Waterworks $1780.14; and 21st, 1930, Margaret Cimic, Nwdo,ç f the Vocal solos were rendered by Miss business. It was decided that in- special unemployment relief wonk laite Thomias Taniblyn, and riaugbter off Marlon Hanîley and Mr. Francis Suît- stead of the usual exchange o! $657.55. th 9 e aeRv n rs. Jh iiiae ton, which wece greatlY enjoyed h3- Christmas gifts. cach member wouldi Reeve Canruthens reported gnading 95 yHOLs. N lndy e. b aIl. Scripture reading was taken hy cantribute 25e at next meeting to- and ditching had been completcd on D30, at the Bowmanville Hospital, Miqs Mr. Smith Fer-guson. The pastor. wards the Community Fund. Milk Middle Raad. Tabb's Road and Base Alico M. Nicholson, daugliter or the iate Rev. J. U. Robins, took the topic, for a number of undcrnourished pub- Line.1 Rob'ert Nicbolson, 'Strathroy. Interreda "Pentecost and Sex," and deait with lic school childrcn will as usual be Dcputy-Rccve Reider stated new inl Strathroy. the subject in a vecy efficient manner. furnisied durlng the wlnten months. gasoline engine in pujnp house would TOTTEN-At the Western Hospitli, Miss Florence Ires gave a reading. Mns. F. C. Clmner conducted the Rail be ready for use within a week. Toronto, Dec. lai, 1930, Edgar Alexauder Totten, D.D.S., Port Ii9pe, l.eloveîl hua- The meeting was bî'nught to a close caîl. Mr. Reider also initimated council baud of Violet Roberts. San of the late withthe izpa beredicion.The Program. which was in charge was not neady to report on tenders Rev. J. W. Totten anuilM. qTatten o! wit te iaai enditin. Next o! Mns. J. Thickson and bier gnoup, for eclualizer tank as ali contractons Totteubani. Monday's meeting In charge of the oPened with cammunity singing leci sbmitting tenders objected to clause Literary and Music Gî'oîp. Plan to by Mrs. A. Calvîlle, with Mrs. J1. E. in agreement ta engage men out o!fNMMRA attend. ~~Anderson lat tic piano. Mrs. Col- wonk. Following council meetingINMORA T. B. Gilchrist's cloting store will ville sang «Land a! tic Fnee"; and members met in clerk's office and Iu loviug memory off susanuah Yel- be open cvcnings !rom Monday, De- Mrs. Cameron rcadFspem"i aftcr considenable discussion decidcd lQwlPes, who diedD. 8b 9 cm n8t.House by tic Side o! tic Road." ta have tic cxcavating for tis wonk gC; ball ased the cnethat sad daay, J. R. Moore, Jewelen. suggests a Tic subject for tic day was "Can- donc under supervision of town en- As years roilll)y, we'll miss ber stil, f Bulova wnst watch as an appropniate adian Industries" and was ably tak- gincer wio will use unemployed lab- FOrget ber ' No, we neyer wîîî. gi.t to bring joy to therecpent. en by Mrs. W. Adams wo began or. Tenders will be calld later for lmsed yLli n ak ______________________ Iwith tic ealiest record o! !anming concrete work. Contractons sub- atAnnapolis, N. S.. its devlopmcnt mitting tenders anc T. E. Flaxman,COLGEE S througi the provinces o! tic Domin- W. J. Culley and Ontario Bridge Co. MN E NT ________________________ion. dealixg with minlng, forcstry, Electnic ligit wiil be placcd at con- ______________________fruit. papen and ail kinds of machin-: ner o! Brown and Durham Streets. Boys' Training Sciool Christmas ery. autos, airplanes, radio. etc. Mrs. Councillor Campbcll stated Rotary Concert, Friday, December 5th. a fThickson gave a vcry intcrcsting Club had purchased Cowan and Allen Resenve F'iday, Dec. 19th, forE The Store Around the paper on Canadian Waterways and lots at foot o! Division St. and were Christmas Concert at Siaws' School.P the pnoposed scieme for better and negotiating for Williams lot ad.ioin- Reserve Monday, Dec. 22nd, for Corner cîcaper transportation o! aur grain. ing which propenty would be given Christmas Concert at Base Uine No 3. a etc., ta thc markets acnoss tic scas. to town for park purpose to be used RsrDTcdy Dc 6h o We are ail ready te fil your orders Mrs. ColvIlle sang "Land o! Hope as a central entrance to tic Raynes Concert under auspices o! the Mis- of' withirod tMgs or yur nd Glony", and Mrs. Cameron gave property. This offcned a frontage sion Bands o! Trlnity Churci. wit gol tlns fr yur a reading "I amn content wth Can- on Queen St. o 250 feet, witî depti eg8 ad.Refreshments were served and o! 300 f eet. This was one o! the Rguar manthly meeting of the CHISTMAS CAKES AND) the usual social houn enjoyed. proJects toalad unemployed and comn- Women's Hospital Auxiliary wililibe PUDDINGSmittee o! Messrs. Lockhart, Fletcher, icld In tic Nurses' Residexce, on PUDNSCarruthers and Mayor was appointed Friday, December 5th, at 3.30 p.m. S Providence School wlf hold a to work in conJunction wti Rotany Quarterly tea, meeting a! thc Mission 0 Chistmas Tree and Concert at thc Club and start tis wonk at once. Circle wlll aicet In the board room ofa! school on December 18, at 8 o'clock. Councillor Garton lntroduccd mo- Trinity Churci, Tuesday, December Good program. 47-50 tion wiici canied te malte a fixcd 9th, at 6 p.m. Al nembers tcy and I Currants - Seeded Raisins - effl- L. O. L. 2384 will iold a Xmas charge o! $75 when fine brigade ne- attend. less Raisins - Sultan Raisins ITnee and Entertairiment. Watch for sponds to cail outside o! town limita enir aig ati i ul Valnci Risis -l)tes- igeJ frter nnuncmen 95 t dte, etc. and $25 extra fon each hour a!ter Study Club pragra'm a1X Oshawa on Shelled Walnuts - Shelled l m1nds Ini tic meantinie ail members are first hour. odyenigwl pasnteht 8 nequested to, get in touch witi tie By-laws wene passed appointingMndyenigwlllesnoett Mlxed Peels - Marachino Cherries commlttee, Bros. Gilfilan, Swindclls, Oscar Hudson Ce. auditors for 1930 a bus lias been chartered ta convey Extracts - Spices - Etc. Mitchell and T. Bennett. at $400; to hold municipal élections thein, and wlll leave bus station at AM atModWate Pims.for coundcil and school trustees Jan. 7 p.m.Sharp. Aflat 0d1~5e ilOS. SALE 0F HAN» PAINTED CHINA 5ti, wth nomination meeting Dec. Regular meeting a! the Home and *2ti. Deputy Retunniing Officens Sciaol Club will be held In Central Sale o! Hand-Painted china and and Poil Clerk appolnted are: West Public School on Wednesday, Decem- Feed Blatchtord's Egg Maah - Cash Candies will be held at mY studio Ward-Wesley Perey, Thos. Hamil- ber lt, at 8 p.m. Rev. J. IU. Robins Pald for Eggs - We Deliver every Friday and Saturday In Dec- ton; North Ward No. 1-W. C. Tait, will address tic club. Program In Phione 450. ember. Jos. Childs: North Ward No. 2-H. charge of Gcaup 4, Mrs. G. F. Purdy, Ethel Morris Humphies, Roy Jones;-Souti Ward canvenor Phone 626 Hlorsey St. -Edward Bird, Alvin Fletcher. ____ ROBT W. OLME. - Request o! grant for $100 to Junior ROB . W H LME. OUSE WANTED TO BU-O6 or 7~ Hockey Club was not entertained. SUN»AY AT LOCAL CHURCHES __________________________ oome, witb modemn conv'-niences, carn- Clerk nequested committees ta ______________________trally located; will pay cash. Apply bring in report o! expenditures for St. Andrew's Presbyterlazt Church ________________________I tatlng terme to Drawer B. Bowmazîville. year at Statutory meeting on Dcc. Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister 49-tf l5th. Morning Worshlpat il a. m. Sun- Lost or Found HEIFER LOST-Red 2-year-old heu! er, strayed from lot 28, con. 1, Darlng-: ton, about mid(ie Of Noveber. SendI Information to Walter E.Rundle, R. R. 1 l3owmniîîe. Phone 176r5. 49-2 COW ESTRAY-Strayed ta tht pren- tees o! Lot 16, Cou 3, Cartwright, on or about Nov. 27th, a ble and white cow, Point broken off right hr. Owner cao have same by proving property and pay- lut; expenses. H. A. GUalbraith, Bre ton R. R. 1. 9t r"ELP You'l Make No Mistake in Giving Jewelry of Quality Selected Here SOLITAIRE RINGS NECKLACES BOYS' WATCHES Nothing more beautiful or ap- Beautiful Crystal, Topaz, Amny- 15-J Swiss movernents, guar- preciative than a Diamond thest Necklaces. for every oc- anteed movements, li attract- 18k White Qolci, $9.95 to $125. casion, Ive case, f rom 18k Green Gold. $9.95 te $95. $1.45 - $2.45 - $10.00 $7.45s - $10.00 - $15.0o LADIES' WATCHES LEATHER HANU PURSES TOILETWARE SETS J 15-J Swlss movements in beau- Genuine Leather Hand Purses Toiletware Sets in blue. green, tiful engraved green and white in attractive shades and excel- maize, orchld, rose, natural gold case. from lent quality. f rom JPearl, $7.95 - $30.00 $3.75 - $6.95 $ 12-95 - $15.00 SMOKERS' SUNDRIES ONYX RINGS SIGNET RINGS Solld Brass Smoking Sets Ladies' or Gents' Genuine Onyx Gentlemen's S i g n e t Rings, $2.95 - $3.50 Rings, encrusted wth whte b gold initial, engraved shanks, batifully engraved, shank Cigarette Llghters, 51.45 - $4.95 ranglng from wth 18k white gold, overlay Cigarette Cases, $1.00 - $5.95 $10.00 - $12.75 - $15.00 cigarette Humldors, Silver or See these before decldlng on top and figured ide. Brass, 51.25 - $2.95 any XMas gift. $4.95 - $7.75 $ 10.00 J. R. MOORE, Jeweller Next te Coch, johnston & Crydermaa's BOWMaavlll aay chool at 2.30 p. M.--venlng Worhi at 7 P. m. Strangers cor- dlly welcomed. St. JIohn's Anglican Church Rey. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Second Sunday in Advent, December 7th, 1930: il a. m.-Holy Commun- Ion and Sermon; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School and Bible Class; 7 p. m- Evening Prayer. Trinlty United Church Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor Sunday Services at il a. m. and 7 P. M. Rev. J. M. Whyte, Enniskil- len, wlll preach at both services. 2.30 P. m.-Sunday School and Bible Classes. Public welcome at ail ser- vices. St. Paul's United Church Bey. D. WV. Best, D. D., Minister il a. m.-Mornlng Worship - The Bey. J. H. Arnup, D. D., of Toronto, will speak. 7 P. m.-Evenlng Wor- shiP-The Minister wlll preach on the subject, "Where and What is IndePendence?" 2.30 p. m.-Sanday School. Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-50 acres, belng lot 22, con. 5, Darllngton, on whJch are brick 8-roomed house wlth modern conven- lences; bard and sort water; outbulld- ings ln good repair: 3 acres orchard. For partîculars apply on the premiseï to r. Haggith, Hanmpton. ]Phone 198-21. 42-tf. i-bUSE FOR SALE-Brick residence, containing eight roams, bathrooîx, clos- etC and pantry; bardwood fonr; and al modern conveniences; good vegetable gardex; double garage; ver>' desirable location. For terme and particulare ap- ply on the promises ta w. j. Bragg, cor- ner Elgin and Horney Sts., or box 29, Bowmanville. Phono 125. 30-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Bout bulit house on Carlisle Avenue. takes on!>' four tons of cake Per winter for furnace and ateve, bas dons It tho ,lent four Winters: now renting for 125 per month; thre roonia and threo closets upstairs, six raons sMd bal inciuding bedroom and bathroom downstaira; cellar divided with cernent wall: garage and bsn bouse. Terme easy. ApplY ta C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton. jOnt. 5t LAUNDRY WANTED AUl kinde o! laundry work done, prompt- ]Y, satisfactorily and at reasonable prica.. Write Post Office BSox 12, or cail Mis. W. Miajorarn, King Street Bast, Bow. maville. Phtne 478. WANTED - Comfortable roorn with board, close to business section. Apphy at Statesman Office. 49-2 WANTED-Boarders, good homie, con- vemieuces. APPlY teo Mrs. R. West, Duke St., Bowmanvlle. 49-1' POSITION WANTED-Girl would like Position as niother's help. Apply Miss E. Giles , Pontypool, R. R. 3. 49-tf WANTED- 'hiteý Leghorn or Rock pullet or Year aid hen. Silas Poster, Bowmanville; box 236; phone 546. 49-1 WANTED-Robert Pawson ls prepared ta repair boots, shoes and rubbers, neatj Job, nioderate prices. Leave at Sidney Morris', Wellington Street, Bowmanville. 48-3w* H ELP WANTED-Earn money weekly, growving musbcooms for us, ail wlnter f in waste cellar spaces. Ligbt, Pleasant work for either sex. Illustrated book- ]et free. Canadian Musbrooni Company, Toronto. 49-1 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED -for Bowuianville andi District, for tbe -Old Reliable Fonthili Nurseries.' A splendid opening, with exclusive territocy riglîts. Send for circular mattean fu Il information. Stone & Welingtn," Toronto 2. 48-Ï Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Two Pair off skates andi boots, gicl's size 4, boy's sizýe 5. Ap- Ply Phone 668, Bowmauville. 49-1; FOR SALE - Two fresh Milch Cows, and four caetle for staîl feeding. Levi Ward, Enulekîhlen. Phone 199r4. 48-2 FOR SALE-Good General Purpose Horse, 12 years aid. Apply ta Leslie Brooks, Hamnpton. Phone 3OSr5. 48-2 FOR SALE-Nordbelmer Piano, apact- ment size, Plain case and nice ivory keysý usUal tant; $135 ouneasY termes. Fred J. Mitchell, Bo'vmanviîîe. Phone-105. 4.9-t PIANOS FOR SALE-Willîais Pla>Iyer Piano, walnut finish, used only a littie wbile, cannot be told fromni ew, regular prIce 1$60000, wIll Iseli foc $450001; also fumed oak Player Piano, excellent con- dition, sPeclal prnce $395.00. Special sale ou ail this week. Tht Jobns Piano Store, 80 Siîxcae St. North, Oshawa. 47-3w' HOUSE To R ENT-Seven roonîs, wat- erworke, bath, elecric ights, located K lg & Onta ro St., Bowmanvîlle . Ap - ply X. A. Colwill. Newcastle. 51-tf TO RENT-Brick bouse, $40 mnoxtb; alisa frame cottage, $30 month; on thé Dr. Baldwin property; wondecful location fr bigb class bigbway house or oharm- .ng private horne. APPlY Mc. Larmour on property, or Jury & Lovelpa Drug Store. 47-tf Apartments to Rent COMPORTABLE APARTMENT - in Statesman Block, 5 racina, newly den- orated, modern convenlences, ecoacin- cailY heated. Apply Oeo. W. James, or phone 53. ROBERT WALTO DARITON Medalist Canadien National EXchibition 1926-28 la open for enggment for concert work of any klnd. phone 1204 - Newcatue 47-401 1 1 . ,- REinstiIAI AL A MOST EXTRAORDINARY EVENT 2TROUSER NAVY BLUE SUITS e24,50 and O'COATS $22-50 for This tremendous holiday selling of fine suits and overcoats is a boon to every man who is giving thought to his holiday attire. It offers the opportunity to buy a suit or overcoat now at a price usually reserved for end-of-sea- son sales. These values are ex- ceptional dnd it is our belief that such an opportumity has not been equalled in recent years. These suits have two trousers. Over- coats are big, warm models of durable fabrics, bautifully silk lined. B3. GILCHRIST :ly Opposite Poe6 $14.95 $21,75 of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville 0 v. Jt's Not Christmas You don't have to bc wlthout a dellcious fruit cake thMs Christmas Just because you haveut the time, courage or facilities to mak eone. Our fruit cakes are made of the best butter, eggs, ripe fruitsandi selected mild Wlnter wheat flour. You eau serve them as your own and be proud of them Place your order now. Avold delay or dlsappolntment. W. P. CORBETT An Exquisite Gift That Will Thril Her! From France... from the exclusive shops of the Rue de la Paix cornes these ex- quisite articles. Delighttujjy shaped botties.. a darllng atomnizer. . . perfumes for every taste... delightfui gllts' Yardley's Toilet Sets 85c te $10.00 De Vilbiss Atomizers 51.00 to, 58.00 Individual Perfumes 25e to $7.00 Cutex Manicure Sets 60e to, $4.00 St. Denis Bath Sets 50c te 5$3.00 i Seventeen Perfume Sets $1.00 to, 85.00 Elizabeth Arden Tolletries 51.00 te $10.00 SANTA <LAUS SPECIAL Reg. 35e Ehlargement of ô x 7 Inches - Speia for 18e. JURY & LOVELL THE CANADIAN STATMOMAN, BONVàLANVILLE, THUPJMAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 PAMR #«ý $35-00 for