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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1930, p. 9

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--- ......v rsw..yur iza £th. 1980 1 fl'....lR a g e s , T U S u Y b tan d e t h n ..k o s - i, l . I b e b e t e c ! t e c n l v Mentors wcrc present represet'ting for Coneu ptveC- tàbu lt 1ýn i tbi e H[astigs. Prince Etivantianti Non- Soe i ws OOthtIt hem he tva cahndidates-JohnSREE M. H.ILL thumbeniaild coutities. The confer- al othi g tw oergal. bUt he hîlwS1j to J ry o B avi llie, anti Albert E.G o e Y M n g r -W li m ne v s a idtisuccess anti re- anyth on o esol ey, od !Tyrone-are tva very fn boneaonad j KINo M M n ge :G .STREET - B W I L * n c e w a s she ybn iach - te w rk e u ch WuD e l v e r - X tI ' flceirubceil ou bhc Trentonl uonce mare tedutY Of 8ksupportiropetielie hoe o.8 @Omiteehede b Lrn Jck ok si has thie. YOun ub-tidats Their speeches onrlt »sn. district vice-preident o! the Fr tien la aak*Jd. WV r. A. rnMs re rpnned in this issue, so fren s on ra ul te La e n I5 ne '. e 2 Iolage j uO I E A c'a'4 & P teF s A C BOff5 oard.Bovmanvie mc u o en aWr oritroOt. Torout ve sýhalnot tiveli ou lhem.& A S cT À Outside leaders preseul vere HOW- P r Letti Y aeW S uh .s T hstinili en S l bivi e ug e ha g 1 e. P o o o.8 am SOharfe, Dr. Frank Langfolfd sud the Boy" PSJandm e ot ebis year va s ci onsm. Tey veetive t iil _______ ,.oeiNNwA ______________________ Gerdos Lapp. Ted Leonard, one cf also presen tspetaheoy.tOecoswtbCuteNvs-.. - ID p ~I j 1' PAGE mm qloqu-qum". Mr_-_ -- TUE CA&NADIAN STATESMAN BOWMUANVMIL, ThUJLI Maple Grove anýd Hampton in the Durham Teen Age Boys' Corner nToeam~rvdn______ other section. A merry battie en- sue il w s cnm e tea d wCourti c he d a- a NOTICE TO WEST DURHAM VOTERS GREAT GATHERING F BOYS ue as coimer anutiwe e h t- Wîe aoDustan's Toyiand , ý1 AT NEWCASTLE CONCLAVE tamed the upper hanti in one section Saturday, Deeb- tisVtagDynd Salem ini the other. They play- Decemer Gt, is otingDay ev. Charlie Danlels and Ed. Delt ed the finals andi the wnner was Candidates are Albert E. Wood, Tyrone, andi Johni M. H. Jury, in Charge - Newcastle Boys Carry; Courtice. heCnadian StatesmanI herChid Domnil.Vote f or the man you like, but be sure te vote. Lit OfB enToh - Courtice donateti a silver cup to the league et Polling Districts. Deputy Returnrng Officers anti Votmng HusI loW Ta rsetdWt he States- I or nnul omptiton Peoliig District Deputy Returning Offilcer Hours of Votiig manCul>.o!heroednSn Ebenezer Mr. George Penberthy 1 P. M. to 8 P. m. At this stageoftepcednsn Maple Grove Mr. Ross Stevens 1 p. M. te 8 P. im. ast spring when the Boys' Con- the programn Mr. John M. James was h o 'D e m Bowmanvlle Mr.J. H. Jhnston p. in. to 6 p. in. ference was helti at St. Paul's calleti upon te present the trophY h o ' D e m omanvin S. au'sMhr. .H. ohsofhurch, Bowmanviile, Mr. C F'to the Courtice team. Mr. James Newcastle Rev. W. P. Rogers 6 P. m. to 8 P. im. Plewman. Secretary Ontario CBoys' expresseti pleasure that the league Newtonville Mr. R. J. Rowe I t. m. to 8 Px. M. Work Boarti, in charge of proceeti- abenscasuesth yr of Y uletide Kendall Mr. James Surnbrick 1 P. m- to 8 P. m. ings, suggested that a conclave antiad hadtnsuh a h s uccssths ear Oroilo, Kirby anti Leskarti Rev. Wmn. Stirling l P. M- to 8 P. m. tournamnent be helti in Newcastle in annual competition. The team to Tyon ev J . runou lP m. te8P w.terfel The time was not set. nor Win the cup for three consecutive J y o n H do Mr. Freti many preparaM.tten8 maM.ie.rbutayears would.be acclaimed owner. o s C m EnsilsRev.J. M. Whye 1m t .m the idea was there. Mr Gam<ay o! Courtice receiveti HmtnMr. George Barron 1 p. m. to 8 p.' m. Newcastle boys accepteti the chai- Setrpaintii wftii e .J... BurketOR i . m. te 8 P~ . ee ev. W. P. Rogers, their mrsv tio ea!of bis tea' ,.i: Ti.iw Biacksto<* Mr. Norman McNaUlY 1 p. m. to 8 p. ni. mentor anti chie! ativisor. coera- is apprdation o! the donation. _b». ..:r Nedmsttn Mr. HaroDti Prteusn p. m. te P . ed with Stanley Rickarti, memnber o! ocuigtefn rgaRv AR-AR!Bo NetepmMr.arl PreosBoys' Parliament for West Durham, mllncilge in e rogin- ev. theR RARAo rn bOoirsn! ere Votmng will aise take place at Solina, Zion anti Salem betweefl1 andon Saturtiay the conclave be- chileilesniel gave an enlighten-s th pm. anti 8 p. m. Deputy Returniflg Officers are still unappointeti for camne a reality. ing atitress, the theme betng "Speak Boys wiil be advseti by the D. R. 0. o! their district as te the Over 75 boys enrolleti for the in- Truth-Keep CleanFollow Jesus." KMEILL DENISUOfls lcktN1C!Thaege h bhese centres. ON" plce f otig her tis s etalrad unertooi.terstnganti instructive program, ail He gave illustrations f rom lif!eee the Cnadan playwright, "ose e~~pae !vtngweetis notaretyunirtot.of whom camne !rom West Durham. these four traits or practices he.d lBrothels lu Ârms" and other bu- cre ihtegenlgtgoit Alex. MoGregor, Returning Officer.i Boys f rom Port Hope were inviteti yieieti mighty rewartis.e morous pîcturel of 111e la "The Pop! Here cornes Jack-in-the-box . 1 but diti not attend. The Tuxis closiiig was used to Unherolc North" have madie his With those big, beautiful, life-like PL T O MSO AN IA ESF RELC N Mr. Plewman was schetiuledtiet complete the conclave. nam wexî-k.nown abrcy&d, haisioles as spectators. Airpianes, sleds, ta l r e o h r g , b tt r n d i s . H a n o -t e w rb u s y o fa i n , b f s a l s r e a n m i g Albert E. Wood, Tyrone John M. H. Jury, BowrnuvilS. owing to ille a' as Cocieito beti tripayie a » hew itîng ot-gnbls aes rcs nm Abert Woodi was bornianti receiveti John Jury, son o! Rev. Qoion S Rv Calidanes niEti. 1H.Dev-Wlnners ln Older Boys' Tournarnent pletIng a erles of Z6. which wil I ... lt's a boyse or gtrl's ieu of par- ai his earbier training ini Englanti. Jury, Rangoon, Burma, anti grand- thade the proceetilngs effect- ho broadcê he esnby the iun ejoable. Every chili Atteaeo ih ebecame a sno r.JÏh.Juy or a ntiiv letiNewcastle boys, memnbers o! the Canadlaii National mailW&YS uni every growfl-up toe la welconle Ateb eofS. eit er' oy'C oi n ville, receiveti bis early trali g uI F o thenronglennMr1ux S qSuare anti Trail Ranger tramcontieutal haini of dm'leDt&-S O LA is home town anti at the samne time Rangkoon. Returning with is Par- Daniels led the boys in a short ser- Camp, both unter the mentorsip o! tins. Mada play -will del witb joieti the Boy Scouts. ents on !urlough be remaineti With vice o! wýorship anti sing song. Mr. Rev. Wý. P. Rogers, acquitteti them- an aspect o! CaDadiSIl hister?. Meet good old Sauta Claus ut our At scool Albert secured gooti is grand!f ather to complete bis ed-1 Dails s a past master in the art selves with special credit anti took a andtinluhlm remarches, the writer standing, bu tteaeo 4wso!gertting the most out o! tcto nCnd.0g he boys. very superior standing lu last Sat- bau found that Canadilun hletory store neit Saturday. b t a th ag o! 4 w AS ct io n u a n a d a i a i n es a p u d y a t r o n s t u n m n , h l & u m s l m o a t - t o orcor tolevescoteonacouta! teisEntcneoxaintinoheHe asinchrg o te bysfcmeeroi'ntornaenarege s.uofoa theoyfl btoyo eaanilyhîs class anti since entering 'at Lak cggîs unirat n ionectioxi with the Oltier Boys' lunes. Although ho was educat- he tieath o! bis mother ant i l D use( go ats mi e n a y i o circamstances. For some timne be B. H. S. has won two general profic- o! the boys who were there will vouch Conclave at Newcastle. Three teams ad an erohitect-4i0 atudied aut be workedtiet assist bis sister anti îency prizes, ist Form anti 2nti Foru, frbs aaiity. o! six boys each competetii the iivsreity of Toronto, the Uni- younzer brother, but finally tiecideti anti last year matie the enviable re- M1r. Danlels is a minister at Sun- tourna.met o! relay games i comn- yoraltv of PenueYlvaflia andtui Iiis as te emigrate to one o! the colonies. cot !svnfrtcls ak u !terlandtianti spentis ail sunimer in petitinwt easfrmBwman- pari--and egafl hie theatriCal In ebruary 1926 e entereti one o! seven papers trieti on is Midle charge of boys' anti girls' camps. ville. Orono, Tyrone anti Solina, anti work am à designer, DenisoUm teFegn Homes anti a ter f ourteen Schoel examinatlons.1 Next year ne expects te have a big- fnishet inhi rst. second anti thirti sen discovereti that wrtlg motb' am raingemgrtei ohievemnents he bas been an active He hopes to have a camp for senior PThe three teams consistet o!: architactUTe. H bas publi5hed Canada. He as sltuated f or two r7H yer tStouffvllle anti theti camne to member o! the Literary Society Ex boys, one for juniors anti one for ist, Junior Teaul-Billie Brunt, leat- four book». lneludlng "Boobe la The ShoP of Useful Gifts Ibi1ditict. At present e is witb ecutive o! B. Hl. S. anti Screech Owi girls, This off rs the youth o! West er. Harry Couc, Geo. Graamt", lb. Wods" a number of koth« A. W. Annis, Tyrone. staff anti this year is editor o! the Durbam a fine opportunlty to attend Garnet Ricicarti, Charlie Clemeilce, et vhat ho oalla bis "unhappr For some time now he as beon creecb Owl. a real camp andtet enjoy anti bene- Billie Rowland. 2n, Interneiate dvefturil', s a slUflme, resort ofth lain mmbr o Bavr For two years he bas been a mem- fit by experiences there. Team-Tomn Spencer, leader, Adair ovuer. cf IbeSqeadir e mbon.e noeaens ber o! the B. H. S. Rugby team aud Rev. W. P. Rogers. Newcastle, 'wei- Hancock, Fred Covan. Sidney Brown,-.outmdhiasuiboygve'b FrBrisutcad-D.Thn ofTas Sqae, Trone. ue immas as lye-ispstinwe is comed the boys to the conclave anti Newton Ashton, Oswalt Andierson. f apossible 42. The Junior teamRevn. .Rgers; the incenti'Je of a as' Eclectnic OM vi take theie m o f tht or an ation k n h m as a r e a s o h O m n il x r s e e r t t a r l w a r e lT a - o g a r g t u n o c l . I 1 Junior Tennis Champiolshil. vas nt able to attend ant i ase that Waltr Blackburn. James Wright, ceis ,1,VWp;y',ae yhm eb f>ykthns h Last year wenthe Swastika thene were no members froin Port Billie Tomns. Allan Clemerîce, Mrand the intermediate team tieti witb stniven for iau athletiec ontest, han inlueverykthns htI a Sqaeo t.Pu' hen hwso- oe e undtepormorBte.Mra h Tyrone tearn for third place wth anti the bard practice Put hninluau be available aI any tume. Teel Mr.iselctooi. ltor 0 rpatoo eqied Sqared ohSt. au lCbud rasor- o e E. Heiturnhoetthe rgra"overin Buheleir gop ne 1ceis fott i httoh ealo h lt h uno c Re baas pletiget bssef, if electetitteeghi1 Tndet21ocreditstheffort a dvinutsatntropby;ntn tail o! nohprlearutiofl requfred tJusanarpun teou anirryououuttheaeana dicusioninncnthie te TaiSership o! Douglas Wright, won the Tlue encouragement te traicc- i a eatiutttealrudtai l t» the branod ain antith M.r Wods Pulofn aet ohn aele cadpetoro!toE .letat, o etthegroup enio leopNiueienthe eade 1. ha w festeo! the y o! W srt ofln John la a popular m a -ond no such thing as a standard prograit' M. p., ith a total o! 38 credits out improe the tesiet condition o! a caps last Saturay aternoot.cas ato ehr worl uart efosten or the aspirno!candidate anti pletiges binisel! to for Tuxis boys. Some Squares spec-I wond bothrbot i ou ow an hicarry out the f ollowlng plat! onu 1if alizet inh the physical aspect. vhile f ocig lands. lectedteb the Tenth Older Boys' othens might go i for the discussion 2. That wasaPraietgv la et.gnoups, on the social, or the religious. our utmost support 'te the etitor o! n ru htwa eitrdwt aur Priamentay Paper "Tue New' Mr. JUry's Plalfonu the Ontaro Boys' Work Boardi anti Citizen" by (a) contributi nevs A.-At Parlianient: folovet the openlng ceremony andM SE F A FR V C articles, (b) acquiring nev subscrib- 1. That the Worlti Brtherhood the itials o! Tuis. i e. Training for T N P E F AP Tl-R I F «amovement be fostereti both at home service, Christ the centre, you ant I 3. Tuat an effort be matie te have ant i wt other lands on ither sitie anti nobotiy but Christ p' more churches co-operute ln ua 2. That the Bond Selling Cami- et'wcen us, vas a Tuais group antid boys' work program mu thereby palgu be agai adopteti as the meth- va .foin g the Tuxis prograni. mhake tis moreluea dtolln5ît'lotio! raislng funds 10 carry on Boys' Alex. Mcoregon. a former mcm- 4. nil a t eaga. s teBodWonk lu Ontario ber o! Boys' Parliament, anti Re-) 4. Tat e aahi se he ond 3. That full support be given to turiiing Officen hi the Boys' Electiat' Sellng Campaigil ta finance our the "Nev Citizen," the Parllameintary for West Durham, spoke on "Puttlug vo5 fo. h ctngya. paper. Boys' Work on the Map i West 5.Tuat the members o! this Par-, B.-At Home: Durhami." Mn. McGregon bas mate lament contiue their responsibili- 7i. Ta more intercst be arouset quite a survey o! local conditions sud - ty fan the et'tire yeai' by daing the in Tuxis anti Trail Ranger wonk. has esîinateti that thene are over . a) Aovl tng orkshchertdistrct:n 2. Thut a conclave be heul i the 30 leaders needeti vanlous parts a!of (etra)sisthigehrcadhe s cr onspring te arrange for: .the district. He eniphasizeti the bettr TailRaner ntiTuas vrk. (a) District Camp-fullen co-open- fact that thene are many boys i the (b) Supporting district camps anti ation with South Ontario county. section who are anxious te join Tuais senhignepeseitaive tatheleai- (b) Attendaiice o! leaders anti oit- work. *but there anc no squares lu ership camp at Beausoleil anti Beau er boys at the Leader'ship Training their' section. He mae an appeal Ms d B« ta -iae Camps ut Beausoleil mut Beau Riv- teaial boys present ta prepare them- £0; ta s i the Largest me.'z specia A &P idetifcto'r hpe Wb os m o (c ) P ro m o ti g c o n cla v es a n ti c o n - a e s l es_ _ __s n t e o O ve pe? a e & S f e o » L ee , ê p o u flil o m eu T am ~ ? ~ m k p u e selvs otake over the leadiership aof a &ae v 'WA~ t N ma a oiusl eeceintedsrc.(c) A blggen and betten Softbal new squares. Most o! the active scrwtec orId Q 4 m e Pl Orpubsttutin. à, & p f il e P Trin uMRt waZhUs&tbe (d) Makirg the 1931 election a League. squares arc nov too coded for real minLs for A P 1 stores. inrl ihqat.fehedto success. (ci) A Fail con! enence te anouse wonk anti nevs ones anc needet. Mr. Wood bas adoptedthe cplat- interest for the !olloing vinter ohm etng Hall basem ethea ....D n la'M fd !orrn o! John Lauiflai, a premier- vonk. Com uneyHalImBi t hee shpcandidate. 3. Tuat every support be given tW reiay tounnament toah place. BUns.s àoae te M r .v h i . B to u n e n . T hP .2 ACTlYITY BLN,_______IN Durhami, off ereti a trophy ta thee - the191 letin escc'i M. red W. ov en , edfrM. P. Coo tta g e R O U S OLDER BOYS' WORK eamnene thse t nent omNcwe.r- aeuinville Mass meeting castle, anc !rom Bowmanvile, one, .eta*.. Mass Meebig o! the boy electons from Tynone. Eldad, Orono. The SAL(4 1 7 ofBwavleaddistrict vas heltid ' ~cMp etîtion too tef n o ely I! Stwanlle auntiy choo ro&onraces. Thcy vere Intian club plac- hiSt Puls unA SchoOlnom on ing. umb-bell nelay. plg-a-back ne- Mr o n t i a y s e v e n g . %to u g t h ea y , a n i j u m p i g r l a y , s t r a i g h t , ' W H E E E C O N M Y M I I grou o!boy atentetalthughthe?~- runin ca, vheclbarrov relay. nuM ber present vas n t as lange a u ni g r aV H REbOl14 i epce. A e visitons aisoe I wat le seniors won firs1 place e expecte r. EfeW obea -in the tournament, wibb the Nevcas- I u ItVAT LRA VALLEY Paui's Cburcb, vas lu the chair andNwateierd.idfo hd1F f u l f I i e t is u t i e s v e r y c a p a b l y . T ue me b t i v o g a e b a t b i s b o y sRNESve l i meetingopencti vith a hymnn, faoi bucoaceti anRotes h bospenlhld ? R si b 2 N lowig wbicb Dr. D . W. Best neati a coahSA LMdUthe shok0>'0 'ior p assag e o scr ip u re an t led i p ra y - b ask etb all o k a i ) . 1 e IN S e. A sng-so ig follo e t lu hic b tT e N w ate snos a d itr everyne joinet wtb entusiasm. eitssaeashr aktalC u k oiàlb 12 ,m pV-L TNIe Tue candidates for election i 11 HELP! HELP! HELP! game aler the tournament. This Tyrone was int o uced by Alex Me- W ould you lice t help the child fe t greatly enjoye t by ev ryo e. P t Theb. 1 4 f E AtîP .%4 AT IN TO Y U Bob poe apbl nt tisyerTuheCniîms iibevs otRoitO Tt ~ROWN NECTAR Grego anti John -ury b Donald o! bbc unemployet a! Bovman'ville seniors won the gre but the score r k t B o lb. 2 D e d d h i a b bosexlanti echplik arfuly el teminsmeqa. oo ntIrialv u nisy. i. Tuedldi b Bah xhrtt te oy a ot fr Th By cut ae ilig a u shol onio!th nietCbrh ICITQALTYONAIODUETE CURE»I TI INS UEAERE

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