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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1930, p. 11

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PAGE MXMVE TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 Making your profits Permanent 11, lngs after yeus of unremiling tol and have re-lnvested only ta f lose their profits in unwise speoe. I lation. 140 annuities provi de san invincible protection against 3 such calamities. In May, 1928, a group of North Dakota business men sold theïr * extensive holdings. While the deal wau pouding they decided - ta reinvest the proceedsin l 1fe tinte paid the Sun Life Ait- t urance Cmpany of canada ove SUN LIFElio ASSUrA nCpEmim fo COMPANY 0FCANtADA.Thywl HEAD OFFICEy he MONTREancn veninceof heseannitis adu IAfteatheutargexrcise- G«Tery j or eau CORDIAL la 6 oz. or 16 oz. DottiesJ YOU CANT KEEF A GOD HING buried.,Thats El'why Reading Anthracite is mined for us to deliver to people who insist on heating satisfaction -order today. Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanville THAT BETTER ?ENNSYLVANIA BARD COAL PUTTING OFF ONLY MAKES IT WORSE Don't wait till you've got to cail us in a hurry or a real ernergency to repair or instali a new furnace. Do it to-day before the cold xeather mets in. Then your furnace will be in good con- dition for a hard winter's work. We Recommend and Seli McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACES HART OIL BURJERS Corne in and talk over your heating problems with us. Len Ellioti, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville aiitrn TE evr pulI &II-year PlaYsround, Winter. Ail year tickets witk stap-over Il privileges ive you the choice of several Il different routes lncluding the North IlPicific rmrors ol Vancouver -Victoria Il where Cnada's smort set gathers each flwinter. Golf ridlng, hilclng, badminton and rnany ot"r tpopular pastimes oai~t yaur indulgence. Fo complote Inomaion wste L<3'Y1] rI M 7X4 I r [ e 0 PD -G ýE .EST-T A EL- YSEM FIIFTEENTH INSTALLMENT I What Has Gono Boforo Giles Chittenham sets out ta make Julie Farrow lave hlm, intending ta tlrow lier over in revenge for the suicide of bis brathor Radney, whamj Julio haci cast off. Ho succeecis, but fincis that lielias fallen desperately in lave wtl lier himself. Thon le discovers that it was nat this Julie IFarraw, but lier cousin of the samei name, wha haci driven bis brother ta deatli. But Giles is marrieci, ta an American girl nameci Sncb Barraw,1 witl wham le bas nat liveci for a long tino. Sadie unexpectedly turns up in London, at a party at Giles'1 mather's hauso, but bath koep silent about thoir marriago. Julie, disillusianeci, enters inta the wild nglit lifeofai Londan ta try ta drown 1er anguish. Lawrence Scba- field wants ta marry ber. Lombard, wbohadcifirst intraducoci ler ta dhit- tenliam, domancis maney fram Giles witl the throat that if le is not paid lie wil tell Sclafield that Chitten- ham andi Julie spent the night to- gether an the St. Bernard Pass. Later Julie confesses ta Cittenliam that she loves hlm. At a spirltualist seance at Gilles' mathor's house Sadie Barrow, bis wif e, suddenly goes blinci. She calls ta hlm andi le responcis, rovoalmng the fact that she is bis wife. Julie, wha lias sent Schofiold away be- cause of 1er lave for Chittenham, goes home in despair. Chittenham follows her, but she sencis him away andi decides sho will accept Schafield. Sho goos ta Schofield's hatel. Ho is out, but she leaves a note f or hlm. Schofield's reply s te, return Julie's note unopeneci. Later he cails on Chittonham andi tels lin thnt Lom- bard lias tolci him aof the night that Giles and Julie spont together at St. Bernard. Ho believos the warst af Julie. Giles thraws Sclhofleld out. Sa that is what the world boliovos about the girl lie loves! Now Go On With the Story It was long alter mliniglit naw and there wore many motor-cars andi taxi-cabs spooding along the streots, carrying people hamowards f romn dancos and theatres. Giles wonderod what Julie was do- ing. Lyng awake perhnps. hating and dospising him-tbe thougbt was like a knlfe bolng turned in bis lieart. Andi le was tied hand and foot by the dlaims of a helploss womnn wlio wauld perhaps walk li darkxiess for the rest ai! ber lif e. . Tiroci out as lie was, Chittonian1 nover closoci bis eyes ail niglit, buti towards onrly marning, just as the grey daylght was sliowlig between the curtains ho fe11 into a restloss dozo, ta bo awakened almost immoci- iatoly, it seemod, by the insistent ringiig ai! the toloplione at lis lbaw. "Huflo--yos! huilo! wha is t "Is that you, Mr. Chittonham?. Bim. Lonnax speaking-" . "Ys --oh, yes, Miss Lennox.", Giles was fully awake naw, andi yet the power af thaugbt soemed ta have desertec i hm. Something haci happonoci ta Julie - something terrible - something tragiç and unalterable wblch wauld nover permit hlm ta see lier ag&in. Sornthing- "'Hulao! hullo-" Bim's vaice at the 'plione again. "Julie's gon-" Bim's volce was very clear andi quiet, anci yet its un- dorlylng agitation was uximistakable.1 "I came back to town early this morning. I1liadx't heard f rom lier for sorne days, andi I was worriod. I came up on the early train. and Il was in the fiat by hall -past nino, but she liacigane. There was a »ote bot for me-a note te be postec-she does not say wbere she is going-she just says slio Is not comlng back any more." For the flrst tino lier steady volce sliook. andi broke wth a ring af an- guisli. j'"Oh. Mr. Chittenham, what does it mean? Wliat can have happeneci te lier?" "I'11 corne round at once." haci nover taken se long te dress- bis had ho ota ebungboci everythlng-eacli moment seemeci an oternity, andi yet in less thon tliree- quartrs of an hour ho was round at the flat. Bim still wore lier coat andi bat, andi ler calm face anci steady eyes lookecl straixiec and ai raid. She attompteci no greeting - shel just lianded i hm the letter wliuch Julie lad bf t. "Dear Bu., 11 arn goixig away. I'm so slck of ny Ilile. I have trie<-you kxiow I have--anc I'vo faileci ailround. So I'm Just golig away, andi not coming back any more. Don't worry about me-I'il finci happlnoss sornolow. '*Julie." Giles roaci the lettor, anci laid it down on the table. His face was groy, andi thougli ho trioci te spoak, lie coulci finci noawords- Rilm wasq watchlng hum steaclilv ham. Schofield reeled out into the laughmng at him again. Why should stroot from Mrs. Ardron's bouse liko this man mention the St. Bernard of a drunken man. For the moment le'all places? was maci witl passionate rage and Witl an effort lie pulleci himself the bitterness of disllusionment. ýtogether. He had made an idol of Julie, andi, "No I've neyer been te, Switzer- cruel hands haci dragged it down' land." f ram tbe pedestal wbereon lie lad set "No! I know every inch of it. Had it, andi broken it. a tour on a motor-bike there last Ho was in' na fit stato ta listen te summer. She was some bike, too! I reasan or ta be sanely just. As is so lad a speclal engine fitted te her." ai ten the way wth single-hearted He wauld have launched out Into people, the first poisoneci arrow haci a glowing description of the machine. takon deadly aim.1 but Scholfield cut him short. The depths of lis love was aiso' "Who was the waman who drove the measurement of bis dospair and; a car up there? I knew one once-" jealousy-he belloveci the worst of He brake off witli a sharp mornory Julie - ho lmpllcitly believeci the of the reckless way [Ln whlch Julie twisted stery teld te hlm by Lombard h aci baasted ta hlm aiflier achieve- aif that nigît she had spent wlth ment. Gioes Chittenham on the St. Bernard. "I did it all right- only I couldn't For weeks le had knawn that lier get down-tlie snaw was too bad- reckless gaiety was but a blinci to' andi the wnd!" caver a great unhappiness, and now He remembereci haw she haci shlv- lie foît like a man wha for long lias ered-"ýI neyer beard thie wlnd howl groped li a dark room and las had like it did that night-lt was as if the a blinci suddonly jerked Up in bis sauls of ail the damneci were Up face ta admit a dazzling liglit. thore. scroaming for mercy." Bitter word wbich Julie bad fnad- That was Sa like lier-she haci been vertently lot drap, little incidents fond af talking extravagantly. whicli le himself baci subconsclousl j Andi it must have been the very absorveci seerned suddeniy te fit like niglit she had spent wîtli Chitten- pieces of a puzzle inta one complote ham. whale. The ather rnan went on cheerily: At tbe end af the roaci le turneci "I nover knew lier name, but she bllndily ta cross over-he had no setI was a little slip 0f a tblng-f air. I Idea in his minc-le dinat care always like fair wamen-eh? I re- wbere ho went or wbat became of member notlcing lier bec-auso sho was him. It was anly wbon a warnlng the anly waman li the htel-a rot- shaut andi the sharp grlnding of ten batel. taa-she lad a man wth brakos penetrateci bis rnisery that ho' ber-a decent sort of chap. I rernem- She will always ho prend of a GENE11AL ELECTRJC p ICTURE lier deliglit on Clistas A rnorning when she secs your gfta/ Cernerai Electric Refrigerator! For days V and months and years to corne she wil always Le proud of its gleaming beauty *proud of the way it liglitens lier "iodof hnm-drum drudgry .. . proud of the way it saves rnoncy on food huUsç. Best of ail, you can give lier a General Eleetrlc Refrigerator no casily thal your pocketbook wifl scarcely f ccl it. Nqow la the tine to drop in and sec the Chrstmnas display of Generai Elerie Refrigerators et the nearest dcaler's. E4SY TERMS ARRA4NGED GEwrNERAL0EvmuLECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFIRIGERATOR1 ER-300D For Sale by-u. THE HYDRO ELECTRIt POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO BOWMUNVILLEONTARIO Guaranteed by CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., iniîed Fôon' t Look for Mercy f rom Fire ",It's ail my fant-ail my tault. Oh, My <ad! What a brute F O HO E 1 I M N been to her." N O E ISIM N realised how nearly heebâad been run ber lie gave me a tip about a new en- oe.A wing of the big car that. gine he- Its visit a take yubu ssurprise, and when had alinost kllled hlm, struck bis' Agamn Schofield cut in imPatlentlY myyu .: shoulder and sent him down on bis "'You don't remember bis naine? its flaming fingers have reduced your home knees in the greasy road. It's strange, but two people did that When he dragged himnself Up agam trip and-" the driver was beside him. anxious, The other man laughed. and possessions to pathetie ruins you will angry and apologetlc. "Yes, oddl3l enougli, I lrflacrossreiethtflpoecou she nysae -My God, that was a near shave! him. only a day or two ago--Chitten- raieta ulpoeto steol n What the heUl do you mean by wan- ham, bis name was-what di youpocy dering about Plccadilly like that-I say?" oiy hope you're not burt-No? Sure "Only that it's a comncidence, but I you're flot? WeU. cone along wth know Chittenham. Surprislng ho* me and have a drink. I've got a flat small the -world la." TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE flot flvo minutes away."' "You know hlm? Reaily. I liko thie And bel ore lie could answer or! f eilow. He and I sat Up ail that niglitBudomr e th y aefl cv resist, Schofield foumd himsel in a talklng motorsIt was too darned colciBtddoe. e htyuaeflycv cosy bachelor-looking roomn off St. to sleep. He knew a lot about engines ee gia os e sgv o ulpr James' Street witli a servant taklng 1-lie told me we ..."e d g nslo . Ltus iv yufllpr bis coat away to be brusheci, andi bis "You mean that niglit at St. Ber- tclr nisrneta iIpoetyu host mlxlng a stiff whiskey and soda. nard?" tclr nisrneta ilpoetyu He was dazed and sore. and yet in "Yes. You see. we-" _________________________ a way the shock had brouglit hlm Sohofielci got Up suddenly, hits face back to bis senses. white, bis eyes lmplorlng. liraiedta e haci made a "WIUl you swear that this la the j* J ri A S N & S N foo ofhiasefand the realisation truth?" lie asked thlckly.J . MIO& SN was flot pleasant. He gulpeci downI The other man stareci. the whisky and soda, and made no "The trutli? Why. wliat on earth Rm8.1 Ltate andi Insurauc rkr objection when bis glass was refilec. .i Phonoli 50 Kin StL E Bownmanville The driver of the car stooci watch- is It true that you and lie sat Up lng with klndly. sympathetlc eyes. ail niglit? Oh, I know 1 must seem bîtten f ace that lookeci as if It hadt me. If you know what tbis moans te ,___________________ been exposeci to ail weathers. and lie me-" had a deep, Jovial voice. But bef oro the answer came lie j"Glad you're not hurt," lie sali knew what it would be; knew Justf after a moment. "It was a near how base and unfoundeci were Lom- save, eh? By Jove. you gave me a bard's lies, knew Just how cruelly he niasty turn. I can tell you. I've bac insjudged Julie-knew also that driven thousands of mlles in my tîrne wlth bis own hands lie had wilfully on motor-bikes and in ail sorts of brouglit bis last hope of happiness te Tin Lizzles. but this la the first time the ground and broken ItL I've knocked any one down. Rotten sensation, I assure you! However. Bim Lennox and Chittenham as long as you're not hurt-have souglit everywhere for Julie, wthout soute more whisky." success. They enqufred af every ane He went on talkmng as lie fetcheci whom sbe lad ever known. and the decanter. searched every spot li London she "You a motorist? No! Neyer drive haci ever visîteci. byourself-WeUl I won't let any one Chtttenham was tomn between lits bdrive me-makes me nervous as a anxlety for Julie and lits distress for 1woman. Thougli talklng about wo- Sadie. 1men. I once met one wlth some pluck Ho haci told i Bm the whole atory. -Drove a car up the St. Bernard 1«I only wlsh teoacid I liac told you -in a blizzard. Know the roaci Up the before," lie sald, wlien lie read tne 1St. Bernard?" kindly sympathy and understandlng "No." There was a curlously sharp In lier eyes. note In Schofleld's voico. "When we finci Jule-" He broko E It alinost seernec as if Fate was Dff as Blrn turned away. "You don't -1 .-- Ielteve we shall ever find hler." lie 3accused ber angrily. 'You're afrald toH RE C M S OU COAL 9 admit ItL but you belleve she is dead." (>E, b .utg YOUr el1dliv ey t Blm made no answer, and lie went Ourto . lasa .t cFmi a te umir te.1Faoiur LO E on passionately. driven by bis own trb eumt th e ',. bea00e9tou t luretaftu \;i l i-'er dreaci and pain dept hi eai haw .m-..sbhhh» ai ern * [FA N (VL "People don't take their lUves s otc pudBs thw~ in l eai d e u lIMd. 5ad-a iid easlly. Julie was nover a coward. She- t fr" eur amnvuryclie ntils Busy haday ouI. Perasan 'Il corne back. .." d . L»w fe W. Scunton Coal -y d' i ad dyot es But lis own hope was not veryD.L & W raio C» 1P h kmsi n real. Ho was haulnteci by the dreadTh StnadA hrce Pliable. Rernoves redness that soute day lie would road JmatTh StnadA haCe an eivs~sucb another heaciline in the papers steve Ceai ............. 814M adrlee rtto.as that wbicli lad announced hor s At wur Ds&U.ci cousln's traglc death. Ho spent hisun .....>............ lAd 8 tlme between the nursing home 18Wnt ...... ........ P fuRP .N wliere Sadie was and Bim's fiat. Peu .... l...a.... Doris Clardener's lieart gave a Huckwheat.... ... ........ ... u 2 A M queor little throb of pain wlionover Nat Cokie......... .................. 13.0 -13A M -"sho thouglit of Gilos Chitteniain, and there were times when she hoped A discount of $1.00 per ton fer cam& will b. aflowed trom passlonately that Sadie would dite abeve pucle. e andi set hlm f ree. But Sadie showed Nip that Cold no signs of obllging. She haci ~clianged wondorfuily since the flrst in the Bud sliock, and haci grown quiet and s oeden. he idevryhin se as McClellan & Co., Limited 'f Cppe or pnemonia may deve4o. 3%~ told wltb pathetlc eagerness. and she 11- 1Bomn le e at the fin-st symptomi-icfi, 811e1162 or was always gentie and grateful ta I cljiltakea ZTOOTABLT. ney Giles. cl hil-tkea ZTO TALE. Tey CONTINUJED NEXT WEEK s top the pain and lever and help nature 0 3I I aid OSPgoraoE . d :ok'à ogultingComound )UIL.ý3.7#eGreat English Petion ilowu off. Taken in time, they wif euaigMuPuu erossse ae e lo ~gh. Aweaon hatcores ownas til ndiesne.. Md in thece . in old Veins. Used for Nervcus As snowfiakes fail upon the sod; e fsruth-No. 1, si' . ~j~Andi executes a freeman's wilo2 83; No. 3, 85 per boit ebilit>', ManfidandaiDrain Worry As llgltning does the will of Go ' Seldi£y &Il druiýuista, or sent Dt$Mnonicy, Loy-a of E -t Palpitation -t = on reocuipt of prioe., the Heart, Fadting Memo r>v ce $2pe, box. 3 y r And f rom its force no doors nor locks ~~pamphIet. Addreau: C foi J5.14 Sold by ail drugamnes. or mauled in plian Can shielci you . . 'Tis the Ballot-bx.THE COOK MEDICINECO., k.nr.:eo rv a aplkme rýýc-John Plerpont.1011:318T0.0161.(C ormed/tviandm * ,v.yUE WOODPOuOiCSw co.zMowv.emn. ec e M, G -- Rmmmý

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