I~LG TWLVETHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TEMURSDAY, DECEMBERL 11, 1930 GIFT SUGGESTIONS CARVING SETS White handie, Sheffield Stainles $4.90 - $5-50 Always a useful gft SHADOW LAMPS Coniplete wth bulbs $1 .90 One of the newer gifts LYRIC RADIO 7-tube electrie, installed complote $129.80 The Family Gift PREMIER VACUUM CLEANER New and improvedl type, 50% more power $67.25 Includes vacuum cleaner, floor pollaher and Spic-Span hand vacuum for furniture, etc., with blOwer and deodorizer The family gift to mother WHITE HANDLE DESSERT KNIVES Mfrror finish, Sheffield Stainless, '2 doz. $3.45 and $4.75 A gift for everyday use DESSERT KNIVES AND FORKS 12doz. Stainless, per set $4.25 A useful gift ALADDIN LAMPS Complote with shade $12. 75 A gif t for Mother CHINA TEA SETS 23-piece $2.95 A gif t of real value CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Book Ends Saits and Peppers Candle Sticks Vases Electric Iron Electric Toaster Skates and Boots Doils.and Toys specially priced Clocks Tea Pots Casseroles Bon Bon Dishes DUSTAN'S Cash HARDWARE We Serve You Well Bowmanvil le f Frivolous things bewitching- fi' iy lace trimmd-and smart tailored styies-you've nover seen such an array o! ex- quisite toddios. dauce com- hinations. slip-ons and pan- ties! There isn't a woman who dosn't "adore" having quantities o! lingerie .-.- and at these very iow prices you can buy ber sevoral sets. Sik ess ................ 79c to $1.50 Silk Gowns ................$1.50 up P.YJamas ..................$2.50 up GIFT PROBLEM ECONOMICALLY SOLVED Boxed Handkerchiefs ..................5c to 75c Fancy Ribbon Sachet Holders ..........35c to 75c SSars, in great variety ..................$1.25 up Ladies' Kimonas .................$2.95 and $4.95 Chlldren's Iderdown Kimonas, 8-14 years .... $1.95 Genuine Leather Purses ............$2.25 to $4.95 Fancy Silk Umbrellas ..............$2.50 to $8.75 Kid Gloves, new styles ............... $1.98 to $2.75 Towel and Face Cloth Sets ..................$1.25 Z3<C<c- AT THE Top 0F THIE CHRISTMAS GIFT PILE IIOSJERY No matteî- how nxany tUnies she receives them, every woman thriils at a new pair of hosiery. If you are in doubt as to what wil please her, why not look over the varied slection that we are now showiug. New deep shades for Winter modes; siik f rom top to too . . . priced at oniy $1.50 and $2.00. ~~~-.5 '4 ~ 'n THE SMART SHOP COWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager. 'IThe NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT THURSDAy, DECEMJBER llth, 1930 CITIZENS WORSHIP IN NEWCASTLE Mr. Vernon Robeson, our popular COMMLJNITY HALL bank telier, was seized with an at- Scarcity of Newcastle news this tack of appendicitis about Saturday Rev. E. Harstoil, LL.B., of the Suni- week is due to, letter containing cor- midnight and on Sunday morning. clle Street United Chîîrch. Osha;wa, respondence going astray. on the advice of his doctor, went to preached lu the Coniiiiiiiity Hall on This is the second week in Decem- the Toronto General Hospital for an Suhîdaiy evening at the serice arrang- ber; the f rost is out of the ground operation. Ho may or may notj 0(1 by the mauilaging criiaiitiee of the and John Cunningham and others corne back to Newcastle as hoe was hiall. He w s :iccompiîeîelt(,theO are plowing. scheduled for a transfer to Feneloni olatforîn hy Uev. W. P. Rgrs, 13.A., A Chîristmas Concert anld Baskct Falls this week. He was one of the Of hIle United Church, RZeN.. '. W. Social will bc hicld ut IroNvi'q Sch<,<l star members of the Newcastle base- Mason, 1M1A.. of St. George's Chiu rel on Frjdav, Dcc. l2th, at 8 p.m. Ad- bail club. treasurer of the skating and Reeve W. F. Richard, chairman mission 25c. L.adies with task:î,s club. and a most courteous and oh- of the anaing ,....,te.< Mr ~ . I iging officiai of the Bank of Com- Rickrd tatd tat te cmmitee We are sorry to learn of the iilness merce. Should ho be leaving here Rickai-dsted (l lui te coniniteeof Mrs. Geo. Lumsdon who was tak- permanently he willilbe missed in senievfordivtoehold hse conmunii en to the Port Hope hospital the many circies. A Mr. Gandior f rom seivics or liinewoshi fon'mre first of the week, suff ering f rom con- Coniston. near Sudbury. is siated ta to time ini fulfilmient of onetof the plications developing f rom a cold. succeed Mr. Robeson bore. purposes for which the late C. D. Ms e.Hnysgot fteW Massey built and (lonated the hall. Mr. Harry Elson. Millbrook. and r. Goo. Honyst roudine f theW Rex. W. P. Roqers offered the open- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Symons and son Thursday ex'ening at the home of ing prayer and introduced thle pieach- Donald, Welcome. cailed on Mrs. Mrs. (Dlr.)i Butler. Covers were laid er of the evening, Rex'. Ernest Hars- Geo. P. Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. for twonty-two, and inciuded amon', ton as Captain Harston served as a H. E. Hancock last Friday. Mr. El-togusserRv.ad rsW.P chaplain ox erseas lu the Gireut War. Mr.sonas.omse.o i rohrinlw1Rogers, Mr. Percy Haro and Mrs. Before conm*ng to Osh~awa lie xvas inM. o.Tos Haro, president of the W. A. of thc charge o! the Unîited Church ut Camp- Plan now to attend tho Unitod United Church, and the husbands of bellford. Church Sunday Schooi Christmas the marrled members of the group. IEntertainiment on Tuosday, Dec. 23, Pretty place tokens wero used to pair Mi-. Har-ston took as lus text, Mlatt. lit 7.30 p. m. The program wiii bo the dîners and by each plate was a for10 n le r lyui me, e lenhists:o f i rel to ail. Aduits 25c; school favor in the formn of a dainty paper foroneis ourniste, een hrit.children free; other cbildron 15c. jar containing an assortment o! This is onue o! Chîist's niany exhorta- set.Ec ebro h ru tions to buiiîty. At first sight it Master Noei Middioton, youngest set. Ec ebr0 h ru seems îather a strange saying o! the son of Mr. and Mî-s. Elvin Middleton. provided somne part of the menui master teacher. He needed leaders underwent his final oporation at the which inciuded roast heef, maslied o- miasters la the work then. He bas Sick Chiidren's Hospital, Toronto. potatoos. green peas. haked squash. neotlod them aIl down throîîgb tIhe last week for the straightoning and proper relishes. and pumpkîn pie anud ae.He needs tîsem noxv. On oser strengthening o! his ankies. Ho i s whipped cream. Mrs. J. M. Cobble- agsitd i enn em îa hitopce oowti r l. dick, Mrs. C. T. Batty. Mrs. E. C. stiflyHisnienin semS leir. bu t iet wilhobe wathoa sortmontha Fisher, Mrs. Floyd Butler assis1 cd xanteil His apostles and disciples to before h will be a lsodhur mo0f Mrs. (Dr.) Butler- in the necessary ho diffei-ent. Ex-on though Iithey weîe hisfoot hewhsch eae owdinhpiserfprolminaries to the cinner whici) called to leadership, they were to hoe casts. Miss Hattie Mason and Noel's was served at 6.30. The proceeds humible ani lowly lu spirit. He was f 0110w pupils of the intormediate wili go into the W. A. treasuy a xxarning thenm not to hie arrogant, roum of the public achool sent hlm part of this grýoiîp's earnings foi- the prýnlefîij an(]d domineering like ho e eloven newsy. cheery lettors on Mon- year. Scmhes and Pharisees of His day. Theyda.______________________ lilçed to show theil. i îulioity., assume, unito ibemiselves arbitrary poxvers, to Please reserve Monday evonlng, MONEY FOR YOU SEWING AT HONIE hie callod Rabbi. Master, and to ho Dec. 22nd, for Lake Shore Xmas En-inraefo seen Of mon. These thins are in- tortaiinient and Basket Social. Ad- Xrmarrics erar rtr o comipatible xitlî the spirlit O! Clris- mission 25e and 15c; ladies with r<tin.airrIor. .rr-l t iîîit-.An Ch-itin ho all.ows haskets free. Prizes for prettiest rnn ,Ct, nmrur Piqt S lFrI. r- hilliself ho lie puit on a podesta, of and highest priced baskets. Hillt.rr,nn f-ille. Whio cox et s thle appt au se oif the populace. wbu xins tlhe acelaini of tliose arouind hlmii and is calledj nr:t sfotia t nie exponent Of Chiris i tihin principtes. Ho. hy tlhe iniportaince ~f ~ A ~ R ~ ir( assumes andtitehi, bPlace ac-1 OFW A dSE Vi cordedI ii ii y lus roltebalîra ries. isI - rnlltiitig Oit the peo<Pls vision Oif f I .. (Grrt The t i-un Christian, Mie 0Christ j..s h s Master. shoffld hoiethe ser-xant o!r ~ ail an(i win menx foi- Rlis kingdoiî y il the quatity andi fot fhle force of bis W _____ personality. Il isailtraie iciingfori, any Chiristian led )r b heome s -'art lthu flibilr oe that lie eclip- ZÎ oGod amli siits out any xiew o!f M ia. M r. pa1 ' uru est words, nid us peu fr si ie -Im sacrifice, l xxithlIot any ttiLilit of xinning popi- tuti acciaim. tumade altop )imlpressionI onf his Iea rois. Rotpv . Masoli -e:utth ritul, iro teson, 1 Cor. 13. and pi-nn,Iincod(tuhenoit anil tie ModernA À P. Bakery features lai- Three fermentation perlods givec close o! the service est equipment. Inciuding two mod- & P Bread a fine, close texture Thee ws n cfoi. bt MssH-uern c dough «,mixers," total capacit.v Above is shown travelling overheaÈ Thr-wa oc 2r li i ,000 poinds every 15 minutes. Aiso proofer. hlch ce stîtutes secore :sonsprano soloist. sang Rock [O!f shown i. the "'blender," which fermentation. Each process listir Âge, ati i-.ch-anses as weIl as biends the fine ed to the minute. te lnsurc uniform- AeadM.R. W. Walton, hani- îrad-s of flou used. ity In quality. tune, sang. Th(, Lord is my -ligit and 1my Saîvation. M k h tr nrornihoho orh Mrs. E. C. Fishlel.accomipaniod M kOhn Soei ornigbrodyu the, piano and also 1tîlaYed for thse Une of Fruits, Nuts, Peels, Raisins, Candies, etc. Be congregatiotial singiug. .r'FIT O L. A iS. CADMUS Cadmus League Journeyed to Nos- tieton last Thursday night and on- joyed the evenlng with the League o! that place. There was a large at- tendance and ail reported a pleasant evenlng. The puplls o! Devitt's school are holding their Christmas Concert in Devitt's Hall on Monday night. Dec. l5th. Everyone is invited to corne and enjoy an evoning's !un. There wlll ho a iaugh every minute. Miss Henderson spent the weekend at her home at Janetvllo. Miss Susie Hyland spent last l'ri- day near Cobourg. ROBERT WALTON BARITONE Medallst Canadian National Exhibition 1926-28 la open !or engagements for concert work of any klnd. Phone 1204- Newcastle 47-40 YOU HAVE EYES, BUT CAN YOU SEE ? Mereiy to have oyes is flot sufficient to-day - you must have unincumbered vision, if you want to ho success!ul. Many people tbinik they can see, but when emergeucy arises or danger is imminent, and the eyes must seud messages to the brain with lightning-like spoed they fail to function pî-operly, and the resuit is disaster. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Office ][Tours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. Mi. to 9.30 P. m. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. ' Texas Seedlesu Grapefruit GOOD aRE 4 for250 01.0 CIEESE.................................. lb. $10 NEW CHEESE .................................b. 190 NO. 1 ELENDED INDIU TEA ...................Tb. 3i% WRITE BEANS ............................. 4 Ibm. 210 GUN DROPS ...........3Ibs. 27o Fresh Atlantic COD IL 13e Fresh Yellow Tail FLOUNDERS. IL.13e Smoked FINNAN HADDIE.. .1.b. 13c FRESH YOUNG bOASTING PORK P O R K VriFsiîH AMI Can't you imagine ber delîght on Christmas tnorning when she opens your gif t . .. a big, lus- clous box of ber favorite candies ? Just let us knoxv what size box you want and we'il do the rest. 60c to $3.50 Candy Canes le to 50c - Mixed Candies at reai values - Christmas Stockings 5c Up. CHRISTMAS CAKE, plain or almond. 50e lb. GUESSING CONTEST Guess number o! Jelly Beans in bowl in our window. Person guossing correct or noarest nurn- ber gets the hugo stocking. Contost closes Dec. 24 at 4 p. m. Purchaseofo 5c or more entitles you to a guoss. Not more than throo guesses to overy person. COME IN AND SEE OUR CHRISTMAS TREE W. P. CORBETT re. ITravelling iray oven produciu PBicy bcvs ibs ad 2.400 loaves per hou-. Even heut sanltary standards-brcad las ealed nd distribution aud exact timing ni and wrapped, reachlng sou with ail m- process absoiuteiy lusure results. Is pomlty unimpalred. Daiiy dellvery M- No gLrsswnîi:-scicntiflc accurars te Pach A & P Store establisses In E, cry stepj direct ccuiset wlth :,aîr 15075e. teadquarters for ail holiday items. We have a cowl!ete esure and ask the manager about these holiday numbers. ID CAKE -ULL 0F FRUIT Plain LB. 7a Almond 1le" AL 4490 Plain sz L a. 9* Audd "2JMi 3a A & P Enoe BREAD 'd %70 A & P CHERRY CAKE a.Me A NEW A & P BAKERY PRODUCT-ON SALE FRIDAT RYE ]BREAD SEE RE r COU Loof7 PEAMEALED BACK-SMOKED BREAKFAST OUR OWN SUNNYFIML BY THE PIECE lâ %BACIZNIOR SLICED lb29@ FLOUR PA&sTRy j%'i. 23o niAýlv »J ir Af1" . .. 4 VAKeiLLA & P£19 CAM l£ «,yEXTRA SPECIAL! PRIN~ RIB lb. 9o PEAS No. 4 Sieve SHORTF:7iNG Jewel Brand2 RIs 250 TOMATOEIS Cholce Qutaiity , 3 TM 290 CHOICE QUALITY BUTTER, CHURNED IN TUIE FINEST CREAMERIES wEn UT' rER Our Own SILVERBROOK ea ;.y SUNNYFIELD lanoy Pauteurlzed Creamery i PEAMEAL 1109g 3mas230 lb. 32. I.344 BROWN LABEL BROOS EQUALITt AYLMIEB IANCY CORN feah 290 2 mi 27.*' %VIMY EGO GUARANTU EGOS "ROLE l, 0 lor~TfA CAS3ONS DOS- 4 10. LOIN M l RIBROATlb23 KING STREET - BOWMANVILLE Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. William. We Deliver-Extra Charge loc. Phone No. 83 Tww 6R FAT ATire.NTric & P.4*JFic TEA (O - --- -.---- - LIMITED 0F CANAIA,.____- M g) b <i v i Cottage RoIls DE lb 22« Salada Tea BDlaek M27e 1: 53o SAUSAGE COUNTRY lb. 17 ___ rAGE TWELVE A 1-1.11. Tý'ZEAT FOR ALLd« qW 41CW q&d"&«t«