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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FO'~R TEE CANADUq wrA1~jj, BOWM&NVELE, TEURSDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1920 CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL EePort of November and Deceinber Meetiffl Members ail present. Reeve F. A. Hyland preslding. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communications read as fallows and fyled: Report fromn Schoal At- tendant Officer; County Clerk stat- lng Mrs. Kersey in General Hospital; from Judge O'Connor natifying as-1 sessor ta meet him in Mllbrook an eqllzation of assessmnent. By-law duly passed naming D. R. Officers, POil Clerks and Polling placesin case of a municipal election.1 Clerk instructed to put up notices ý asking for tenders on 10 crd Of! wood for Hall; renting of skatingt rlnk; and 50 sticks o! bridge tlinber,t tenders ta be opened Dec. 15, 1930.c Orders signed as follows: Advtg. Voters' iàsts. . $ 3.50 D. W. Bradburn, roads 458.12a Y. Balley, chairs and lumber u for Hall .. . ...92-95 e S. R. Hart Co0. Ltd., rolls S for 1931 .. 24.79 i N. Lathangue, 60 rods wire fence . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Bowmanvile Division Court g tees 11.10h IWO Statutes 2.50 ir Assessr selectlng Jurors 2.00 Clerk selectlng Jurors.,, 2.00B G0- Montgomery, 50 rods wire N fence . . .... ..12.50 E Y. Perguson, refund dog tax 2.00W W. Williams, refund dog tax 2.00 R. Phflp, refund dog tax.. 2.00 S D. W. Bradburn, roails, etc. 158.80u Y. Hyland, reeve.- 30.00«, N. Taylor, councillor 25.00 E] N. Green, coancillor 25.00al J. Watson, councillor 25.00 ai R. Byers, councillor 25.00 cs Clerk, half-year salary 150.00 el The Township Officiais ail being present, the Reeve called the Col-w ketor and Treasurer ta corne for- bi yard. The Colector read an ad- Si dress and the Treasurer presentedIdi the Clerk wth a fountain pen from h the township officias. After wbich d the Clerk spoke, thanklng them for ci aie, foilowed by speeches f romn the 1 i municipal oMfci anid a number Of el ratepayers congratuiatlng the Clerk a au the way he hadt performed his ti uaties the last 25 years and some tefllng of bis badl points. d Council adJourned to meet Dec.T lth, at 730 p. m. Sc W. Beaeock, Clerk. id ai The liappinese of vour 1fr depends WpS the quality of your thoughts; el tberefore guard accordlngly. W -Marcus Aurellus. fe "A TRIP TO EUROPE" Operetta Presented by Boys et thi Training Sehool Filled the Opera House The tblrd annual concert a! thE Choir o! the Boys' Training School was given in tbe Opera Haouse oni Friday evening ta a ful bouse. These concerta are held each year ta pro- vide tbe wberewitbal for the boys, many o! whom bave no bame, ta en- loy a gif t f ram the Cbristmas tree wbich tbis year will be held at tbe Schaol on December l9th. In opening the program Dr. G. El- more Reaman, Superintendent o! tbe School. thanked the Ratariaus, citi- zens sud others wbo had patranized the concert, thus making it possible ta give the boys a bit o! Cbristms cheer. mhe choir consisted o! 50 or 60 members dressed as boys and girls, and after singing tbe apening chor- us, tbey presented J. C. Macy's op- eretta "A Trip ta Europe," wîtb Aunt Sue as chaperane. mhe choruses, Dear Native Land, Seasick Chorus, We are out an the Ses, and the Wihistllng Chorus were ahl especially good aud sung with a vim sud heartiness tbat plessed the audience immensely. mhe Ssilor's Horupipe, dauced by 3elfrey DeGuerre and Cîsyton Moaody, sud the Bell Boys' Dance by Edwin Morrison and Ewart LeBarre, were also, gaad. Vocal solo, "Love's Old Sweet Song" by Wm. Syme; dance, Edwin M1orrison sud Lloyd Bastine; solo, «'Once Upan a Timne," Joe Collins; and the recitatian "mhe Preacher and the Bear" by Belfrey DeGuerre and chorus, were other numbers that called forth the applause a! the audi- ence. mhe gem o! the evening with many was the illuminated Club Swinging by Herbert Stephenson, Wllbert Stewart sud Raymond Nicholîs, un- der direction a! Mr. J. Earl Cunning- ham. This stunt was given in a larkened bail, each boy handling bis clubs witb red illuminated ends in a nanner that produced a very pretty effect and wblch sa Impressed the audience that tbey called for a repe- titian o! this entire act. The singing was under the able direction a! Mr. P. Converse Smith, Toronto, musical director o! the school. asslated by Mr. Gea. L. Day- idge, pianlat, Misa Elaine Reaman and Miss Rose Bracconier, violinlats. st a! characters: Aunt Sue, the cbaperone (a very proper lady)-Ed- ward Palmer; Dick, an "uncertain", 'ellaw (but lucky)--Joe Collins; Baby, an indispensable encumbr (valuable)-Lloyd Bastine; 7 Girl Tourists-Edwln Marrison, Syme, Norman Rare; Two Boy'] ists-Qowrge Bloomfield, Earl Br Captain a! the Steamship- Bleeka; Custom House Officer-E Langshaw; Two Sallors: Bari Bill-Belfrey DeGuerre, Ses Sam-ClMaytan Maody. Be noble! And the noblenesa thai In other men, sleeping, but r dead, Wiil risc in maJesty ta meet thy, -Lc What a Christmas Gif t Here is Clarence S. Mason's Christmas Gift to the Women and Children of Bowmanville and Vicinity A Timely Sale of Warm Winter Coats Two only Coats, 1. black, 1 browri, reg. $31.50-Gift Price $25.00 Three only Coats, ail black, regular $36.00 ....Gift Price $28.00 One only Coat, brown, regular $40.00 ..........Gift Price $3250 One only Black Coat, regular $45.00 ...........Gift Price $37.50 One only Black Coat, regular $56.00 ...........Gift Price $45.00 A Christmas Sale of Silk and Silk and Wool Dresses Five only Dresses, regular p iet 1 . ..... Gift Price $10.0 Twelve only Dresses, regufar pnice to $1'7.50 ...Gift Price $12.95 Seven only Dresses, regular price to $21.00 ....Gift Price $15.00 "Servus" Lingerie Ail Guaranteed to Give Entire Satisfaction Gowns, guaranteed lock stitch, priced .... $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 $3.00 Bloomer & Brassiere Sets, specially priced at ..........$2.00 set Bloomers and Bobettes, ail shades (quality not qauntity kind) $1. Vests to match ail Bloomers, special iy pniced at .............85c "Su persilk" Hosiery Supersilk Full Fashioned.Hosiîe, ail best selling shades, Priced at $1.00, $1.49, $1.5 and $2.00 pair. WE INVITE COMPARISON Clarence S. Mason Next to F. F. Morris Co. Bowmanville FAREWELL SURPRISE e Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor Given Case ot Flatware on Returnlng te Dubarton A very pleasant surprise was giv- en Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Taylor an Friday evening, December Sth. who bave resided on the Frank farm just sauth o! Bowmanville for about four years, when about slxty o! tbe Base Uàne Young people and a few neigh- bars gatbered at tbeir borne ta give tbem a f arewell previaus ta their moving ta their new home near Dun- bartan. mhe guests were calied to order by Mrs. E. J. Burk and the fallowing address was read by Mrs. Roy Metcalf e: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Taylar:.-We, your friends and neighbbrs, do ual apologize for aur abrupt visit ta your home, for your doors bave always been open ta us sud a warmn welcome given wbile you bave been in thi vicinity. We are sarry ta hear that you are leaving us sa soan. but we f eel assured tbat you will make mp' ny new frienda in the cammunity ta' jwbicb yau are going and what will be aur bass will be their gain. 130 we take this opportunity of letting you know tbat we bave appreciated yaur generous baspitality in tbe past, and as a sllgbt token of aur esteem and gaad wisbes, we ask you ta accept this cabinet a! flatware and hope that in years ta came it wlll remind you o! your Darlington and Baw- manville !riends. Signed on bebalf o! your neigbbors and frienda, Blake Short and Roy Metcalfe. At the proper time Mrs. Blake Short presented them wltb a case a! flatware and ail joined beartily In singlng For They are Jolly Goad Fel- laws. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor tbanked their mauy friends for the gif ta and goad wlsbes and extended an invitation ta visit them in their new home. Danc- ing and carda were then enJoyed, a!- ter whic~ refreshments were served. 1 ance Wm. rour- ýrash; -Earl Bruce liacle Salt never ,own. wel. vl CONGREGATION 0F ST. JOHN'S MEETS NEW RECTOR Dcv. C. R. Spencer and Ris Wlfe Are Intredueed at a Happy Social Gathering Held ln Parlsh Hall 1 t ir se ir I- Shortly after eigbt o'clock the meeting was cailed ta arder and witb the People's Warden acting as Chairman a very fine program was given by local talent. Miss Janle Mason, choir leader of the church, rendered the aid favor- ite "Smillng Through" wbich was enthusiasticaily received. "Melisande in the Woods" was given as an en- core. As Miss Mason had to leave early the chairman thanked ber on behslf of the congregation and paid warm tribute ta the cheerful contri- 1bution of her talent always freely given. Mr. C. Coombes, accompanied by Mr. Francis Sutton, arganist o! Trin- ity United Church, gave a very fine rendition on the violin of that beau- tiful selection "In a Monastery Gar- den", which was followed by a vocal selection «'The Pilot" sang by Mr. Loundes. Miss Ploi7ence Oliver gave a very clever nd humorous recital "The Old Black Cat." This was re- ceived wlth roars of laugbter, the chlldren present gave wbole-bearted appreciation of this nuniber. As an encore "An Inventor's Wife", was re- clted. Mr. C. Coombes gave an- other fine violin solo "Loves OId Sweet Sang." Mrs. J. A. Gunn, or- ganist of St. John's, accompanied Miss Mason and Mr. Loundes. At this stage of the program the chairman told Mr. Spencer that he would be very pleased ta, know that in Bowmanvllle a very happy relat- ionship existed between the different church bodies aud in particular the true spirit af Christian service and fellawsbip bound its ministers ta- gether in the great work of building the Kingdom. He then lntroduced ta Mr. Spencer and the gathering the' following ministers wha received a warm welcame from ail present: Rev. J. U. Robins o! Trlnity United Cburch, Rev. W. J. Todd a! St. An- drew's Preshyterlan Church, Rev. D. W. Best, D. D. o! St. Paul's United Church, and Lieut. Fllett o! the Sal- vatian Army. Rev. F. H. Mason, Rector o! St. George's, Newcastle, was also welcamed. The heads o! the varlous organizations af St. John's Church were then introduced ta Mr. Spencer. This was follow- ed by an excellent lunch provlded by the ladies o! the Women's Guild. Mr. Spencer. in bis address ta the cangregation, thanked the cangrega- tion, ministers and others, wbo had been s0 courteous and kind since bis coming ta Bawmanville. He had re- ceived many caurtesies durlng his hf e, he said, but the courtesies pro- ferred since he had came ta Bow- manville hsd b een exceptional. He explained lust what he expect- ed o! the cangregation sud told the congregation wbst ta expect a! hilm. He pleaded for the belp o! the cou- gregation in the work o! the church sud suggested a f ew improvements. He hoped ta sec au evening brauch o! the Women'a Auxillary commeuc- cd ta take cane o! those who were unable ta attend the sfternoon branch. He expressed the wish that the Altar Gulld would become much enlarged sud that s brancb o! the A.Y.P.A. would be tarted here in the ucar future. bis thanka ta the Choir for their e! - forts and help lu brightening the Sunday services. Thsnks was t>xpressed ta those who had coutributcd ta the program sud ta the ladies o! the Guild for the very fine lunch provlded. The siuglug o! God Save the Kng, tollowed by the blessing. brought a very happy eveuiug ta a close. i 1Pers"anBalai preserves and en- hances women's natural heritage of beauty. For sheer feminine loveli- neas it is unrlvalled. Toues and re- Juvenates tIýe akin, and makes it ex- qulaite in texture. Delightful ta use. Smooth and velvety, it impartsaa youthful charm ta every complexion. Indispensable toalal dainty women. Especlally recommended ta, make banda aoft and white. Delicately fragrant. Preservea and enhances th lvletcomplexions. là" $6 TO li. e m AT AmbitOUg4 rellable mon waflted at me$-. part time pay whiie trainini for Aviation MeclianIcu, Garage Work, Drlvlflg. Bat- tory,gEl ectria Acetyleno W.Iding. Mou"o Wlna. UnustKal Eloctrioîty, MaàchIilOt Brlcklayilng PlaterîfliDraftlflgBarber- Ing and Halrdressifll. Act qulck. get your application in now. Write or eau gfer In- formation. DOMINION TRADE SCI40L.S, L.TD. Eaistern rHendquarteru. 7b QuOOen Wut, TorontO. Empioyment aervle-coast ta caOt.l CHIRISTM'AS WILL SOON BE HERE OUR STORES ARE FILLED WITH SUITABLE GIFTS XMA5oLST FU- If you have not already made your purchases for the Children or for the Grown-ups, visit our lines, look them over. You wilI be surprised at what you can get for so little money. For Children We Have:DOîBd Doll Carrnages Blackboards Kiddie Kars Pedal Cars Wagons Toy Sets Sleighs Table and 2 Chairs Doli Cradies Velocipedes For Grown-Ups: Victor Radios Floor Lamps Smokers, ail prieu Bridge Lamps Book Cases Table Lamps Kitchen Cabinets Book Ends End Tables Cushions 5 O'clock Tea Tables Odd Chairs, ail kinds Victrolas Carpet Sweepers Victor Records Many other lines as well can be seen by a visit to our stores. Fe Fe MORRIS CO. Phone 10 Home Furnishera - Firniture Bowmanville DUREHAM COUNTY BOYS A. F. Little et Orono Manages New Hudson Bay Store at Edmonton, Aita. A. Fraser Little, o! Calgary, lias been appointed manager o! the Hud- sou Bay store in Edmonton, and bas already le! t Calgary for Edmonton. Baru in Orona. Ont., Mr. Little came west 23 years aga ta loin tbe Regina Trading Company at Re- gina. After about 15 yeara wlth that flrm, during wbich time be rose ta became general manager, Mr. Lit- tle joiued the Hailingsworth com- pany supervisiug the building aud arganization o! its Calgary and Sask- atoon stores. During bis five years' residence in Calgary Mr. Little play- ed an active part in the social and business Il! e a! that City. The congregation o! St. John's 1Anglcan Cburcb met in tbe Pariait Hall Thursday eveuing, December 4, ta meet their new Rector, Rev. C. R. Spencer, sud Mrs. Spencer. Rev. C. R. Spencer received bis appoint- meut as Rectar o! St. John's on No- vember 14tb. sud was inducted by the Lord Bisbap o! Toronto, The Right Reverend James Sweeuey, D.D. on Sunday, Nov. l6th. It wassbop- ed that the induction o! the new rector would be made at a later date, but owlug ta, the many engagements a! the Lord Bisbop, Nov. 16th was the only near date available for the ceremouy. Since bis induction Mr. Spencer bas bad au opportunity o! meeting many o! his flock sud bas received a very warm welcome from t;hem. He bas also beeu very cord- ally received by many lu the Town o! Bowmanville. mhe social eveniug of Thursday was arranged sa that the cougrega- tion could meet the Rectar sud bis wlfe informally. The eveuing was a very happy one sud great credit la due ta, the very active commitfee o! tbe Women's Guild who were in charge o! the arrangements. The members o! tbe congregation sud visitars were received sud presented ta Mr. sud Mrs. Spencer by the Rec- tor's Warden, Mr. C. B. Kent sud Mrs. Kent, sud by the People'a War- den, Mn. R. M. Cotton aud Mrs. Cot- ton. g. t) j' 1 m 1 - A STATESMAN 0F FIRST RANK Albert Shaw lu the American Re- view o! Reviews writes: More than once we have expressed the view lu this periodical that the world posi- tion of Canada is pivotal: with Mac- kenzie King a statesman o! the firat rank. He bas had no superior- perhaps no ecual-during the past decade among aU tbe palitical lead- ers within the realina that make up wbat our Euglish frieuda (fumbling somewhat lu their effort ta flud a name for a uovelty) bave chosen ta, call the "British Commonwealth o! Nations." Iu bis make-up are found some o! the best qualities o! three British Premiers sud preseut-day party leaders, Baldwin, MacDonald sud Lloyd George. He la better trained in ecouamicsansd hlatony tban any one o! these three, sud ala bas a broader understauding o! the world at large. While showlng in- finite tact in keeping the use! ul re- putation at London o! being a "good imperialist." he bas slways been awanc that Canada ilansuAnierican country. HAMPTON Women's Institute meeting was [held at the home o! Mrs. Jas. Jebson on Thuraday a!ternoou, Dec. 4th. The preaideut, Mrs. H. E. Rundie, was in the chair, sud a!ter the open- ing exercises Miss Liilian Jebson fav- ared with a plana sala. Mrs. C. J. Keralake gave a satis!actory finsucial repart o! work in caunection wit;h the booth for the auxnmer. It waa decided ta discontinue lunch at aur meetings. The same cammittee as last year was appointed ta distribute Xmnas cheer ta the aick sud shut-ins. After a vocal solo "Sunrise sud You" by Misa Lillan Jebson, Miss Edua Reynolds gave au excellent report o! the Provincial Institute Convention held in Toronto Nov. 25, 26, 27. The appreciation o! those present waa expressed by a hearty vote o! thanka. Roll cal "What impreased me the moat in the report", was well respanded ta. Attendance 40. Col- lection $2. Lunch was served by West group. January meeting at hompe o! Mra. W. W. Homu. Program in iffarge a! Mrs. J. Colwill sud com- mlttee on "Home Economica." Dem- onstration o! salada, Mra. R. Avery sud Mrs. J. R. Knox. Ail ladies welcome. The RED and WHITE Stores SPECIAL VALUES FOR DECEMBER 11-12-13 Keep the Whole Famlly Happy by Feedlng Them Grocertes Bought at The Red & White Stores MIXED NUTS, ail new crop .... . 25e CROWN SYRUF, 2 lb. tins ...... 14e PEAR.9, Falcon -Brand, 2s ..... .... 2 for 25e Red & White FLOUR, 5s ._ . ..... ...... 18c bag Standard Quallty No. 4 PEAS, regular size ... 3 for 25o CORN or TOMATOES, regular size .......... 2 for 23e SERVUS ASPARAGUS TIPS, tin .. ...........23e PALM TREE SOAF. real value. ........... 6 for 25o Red & White SOUPS, any kind except Chicken . ... 2 for 21c Red & Wbite COCQA, 1/2-1b. tins . ....... .. ...... 23e Falcon Sweet Mixed PICKLES. family size .... ... 41c Griffin's SEEDED RAISINS, 15 oz. pkgs.............. 2 fer 25c Willard's Season Greeting CHOCOLATES, 2-1b. box .. . 79c XMAS MIXED CANDIES .................19o CHOCOLATE DROPS, per lb ................23e FRESH ROASTED PEANuTSr, per lb . ..... ....ýý--14c NEW MIXED NUTS, per lb.... .......... 23c (Almonds, Walnuts, Large Brazils and Filberts) SNAP HAND CLEANSER, per tin ... ...... 15e LIFEBUOY SOAP, the Health Soap . .... 2... cakes 15C PELS NAPTHA SOAP, 2 cakes Ise Gold Medal MINCEMEAT . ... .... 2 lbs. 35e New LEMON or ORANGE PEEL, per lb......... 19e CITRON PEEL, per lb.............. .29c GLACE CHERR S, per lb.45 Vacuum Cleaned CURRANTS, per lb. 15e Jewel SHORTENINO, per lb..... 15e Australian Sultana RAISINS,......... 2 lbs. 23o Nasmlth ALMOND ICING, 1 lb. 45c; h-lb. 25c ROLLED QATS, , .... _ _ _ ...5 lbs. 19e ICING SUGAR, ....3 1....l.. b.25c WESTONS VARIETY BISCUITS, per pkg. 29e Fruits - Scald Cream - Oyaters FowI F. W. NELLES PHONE 599 WE DELIVER BOWMANVILLER TM CANADIM BT,&TzeauN. BOWMANvndx TRUP.WAY' I)Bcmmm il, ipso t N' ) PAGU Folm

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