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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1930, p. 5

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M m-r Am.ATAM 'PA'1'SUAN, OWMANVILLE. THURSAY, DEEMER11, 1930 THELWCA141WITABL The Store Around the Corner We are an ready to IU your orders wth tood thinga for your CHISTMAS CAKES AND PUDDINGS Currants - Seeded Raisins - Seed- less Rasins - Sultan Raisins Valencia Raisins - Dates - Figs Shelled Walnuts - Shelled Almonds Mixed Peels - Marachino Cherries Extracts - Spices - Etc. AU at Moderato Prices. Feed Blatchford's Egg Mash - Cash Paid for Eggs - We Deiver Phone 450. ROBT. W. HOLMES Grant us, O Lord, the strength today NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARMER CLARKE TOWNSHIP (JOUNOIL CARTWRIGHT ORANGE LODGES For every task that we shail face; Lowerlng the Cost Meeting of Clarke Council was EIOct Officers for Comlng Year Teach us the kindiier word to, say, held December 2nd, with members al Whlch lif ts us from the common- one authority makes the follow- present, Reeve Hoinian presidlng. The annual meeting o! L. O. L. place, ig suggestions for loweriiig the cost Communications were read as fol- No. 133, Blacgstock, was held in the And let us In some little way, of mllk production: (1) Elirinate lows: IF. D. Boggs, Clerk o! the Orange Hall, on Monday, Dec. lst, Wth thoughtfulness oui Jourfley IneffIilent producers. (2) Raise your Peace; The Municipal World re ans- f ollowing officers were elected when grace. -Edgar A. Ouest. own f eed for the herd. Legurne wer to question submitted; Hydro when the following off icers were roughages wlll reduce the need for Power Com. nottfied council of can- elected: _____________________purchased concentrates. Ralsing celling contract No. 73. W. M.-B. Hyland. more legumes wlll also increase grain Coci. Dep. M.-M. Malcolm. yelds. (3) Provide warm water for oni was ujiable tc entertamn Chaplain-L. Joblin. Notie t Cre ito s trequest of S. S. Lockhart for a re- Rec, Sec-S. Vancamp. Noic t C edtosthe herd in wlnter, preferably kept duction in his taxes owing to iotal Fin. Sec.-H. Swain. - water supply has a greater effect reenlysutane fre eas.-W. Marlow. % IN THE ESTATE OF RAYMOND on production than is commonly re- C. F. Awde, S. A.O0., discussed wlth1 D. of C.- H. Thompson. ARNOLD PETTIT, Laborer, deceaeed. alized. council contents of his final sclitool îst Lecturer-O. Edgerton. report for 1930. Com.-F. Hyland, J. Byers, Dr. C. E. AU epersons having any claims agaiflat Wlater Feeding Problem A petition presented by Percy Pat- Whittaker. E. Dorrell, Wm.Hooey. the etate of Raymonld Arnold Pettit, late ton and slgned by Henry C. Bowen Visiting and Sick Com.-S. Willams, of the Township of Darlington, In the Asact !bt onslg n n i te aeaeswsbfr yad .Mlom r .E County of Durham, Labourer, Dcae, Asact fbt onslg n n i te aeaeswsbfr'B yad .Mlom r .E who died on or about the 22,decdaye o ots, the two home-grown sources councUl and disposed o! by resolution Whlittaker. October, 1930, are hereby notUfled to o! succulence, wll complicate the No. 814. ___ send their namnes and axdresses with feeding situation this winter in Road Supt. Henry was authorlzed full particulars and proof of their dlaims Western Ontario at least. Corn is a to purchase 200 f eet o! snow f en ce The annual meeting of the Ladies' to the undersigned admnistratrix of said fr a on estate or ber solicitor, on or betore the short crop, though of good quality,fo use a on on sideroad lead- Orange Benevolent Association No. 5th day of January, 1930. atter whicli and roots less than ha].! a crop. Nor ing froro Newtonville to C. P. R. sta- 849, was held in the Orange Hall, on Iast narned date the sald admifistratrix is bay very plentiful. There is an thion.1 Friday, Nov. 28th, when these officers will proct ed to distribute the passets of abundance o! straw o! which much Purchase o! land to improve roadi were elected: the deceased among those entitled thereto, having regard to suchdas will be fed. The large use o! straw conditions on Con. 8, Lots 4 and 5, W M.-Mrs. A. Wright. only as shall then have been made. presents a dual feeding problem. f rom G. M. Soper for $20, was auth- De yM.Ms .'eit Daedths ndda o Dcebe, ~'0Succulence and proteins will have to orlzed. Chaplain-Mrs. W. Crawford. ELIZABETH PETTIT, be supplied in larger measure than In reply to a deputation o! Trus- e.Sc.-Miss Lena Weatherilt. Hampton, Ontario, in previous years. Such rich meals tees and Ratepayers o! S. S. 18, In eci. Sec.Ms ni aitn Admnitrtrx.as ohîcake. cotton seed and gluten reference to transportation of cbild Fin. e .-Mss AnnWie amito By L. C. mason, Bowmanville, Ontario, will provide the protein, althougb in ren to scbool, the whole matter, lst Lecturer-Mrs. F. Hyland. 491 er Solcitor. the case o! cotton seed care must be which has been under discussion, 'S Dep Lecturer-Mrs. F. Hamilton. exercised because it is constipating. to be referred to the proper legal IDofC-r.LGahm Succulence can bo supplied by molas- department o! Education for a re- Do! C.Mrs. . Grahm. ses and by soaking dried beet puîp. port. 0. G.-Mr. R. Hatinson. Where there is some silage it should Buis were paid: urinM.CDet. be mixed witb cut straw 24 hours in George Brown, refund in Cm edmsJ erW advance o!foeding in ordor to make taxes owlng to error In Cown, J.Mesdaes J. Henty. W it go as far as possible. copying . $ 2.00 LS.Mountjoy. Wm. Payne, sheep damages. 15.001 Auditors-Messrs. B. Hyland and F. lodine For Live Stock Norman Aflin, sbeep inspector 3.00 Hamilton. E. L. MacNacbtan, Treas., According to Dr. Lionel Stevenson, hospital fee H. Wbeeler to provincial zoologhst, most losses Oct. 24.. ...... 15.75 among live stock, partlcularly thoso J. R. Cooper, supplies for S. S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON o! such a nature as goitre in lambs indigent 3.49 and calves, hairlessness among bog A. E. West, supplies for indg- Sehool Report for November litters and joint hl in foals. cani eas- ent... 4.35 ily bo prevented if lodine is incor- Jno. W. Bradley, court f ees, Sr. IV-Sydney Worden 56%. porated in the rations o! the breed- self and Bahliff Jackson. 24.00 Jr. IV-Douglas Oko 57, Doris ing stock and especlally in the ra- Mrs. E. J. Randail, monthly 1 Wade 53, Allan Vinson 52. thons o! pregnant animais. Its regu- payment R. vs F. ý--. 48.00. Jr. mI-volma Pearce 78. lar use is essential during the per- R. H. Wood, caretaker . . 1050 1Sr. II-June Marshall 77, Ralph iod when the stock is stabled, as Jno. Henry, Road Supt. Nov. 97:001 Found 74, Eleanor Vinson 70, Flora- there is then absolutoly no chance Municipal World, stationery-. 8.85 belle Marshall 48. o! picklng up any iodine in its nat- Bernard Cairns, signature Class I - Eleen Pickell. Muriel ural state. stamps .-ý... - 1.65 Found, Louise Pearce. Stophen For convenience sake hodine is us- C. F. Awde, S. A. O. fees 1930 10.00 Kickho, Peter Kickbo. ually !ed in the form o! potassium Jno. Henry, Road Supt. main- Primer - Lucille Wade, Annie lodide, being mixed with sait. feed tenance Nov. -..--.. .. 842.87 Kickho. or R E 0ateJ o It Is quite simple to Counchl adjourned to meet Dec.,. Pr. - Robert Rundie, Jc UREOFYOU ~~~handle,an according o the best lSth, 1930).' er. live stock opinion in Canada is a A. j. Staples, M. J. Holman, i Pass: 60%; Honours: 75%. g you couIU give cheap insurance against many live Clerk. Reeve. Susie Laird, teacher. ppreciated more. stock losses. As doses vary wth the problm bydifferent animais, stockmon are wel polmnow b advised to secure a pamphlet entit- Go put your creed into your deed. When you doubt, abstain. ointment. Ou.r led "The Significanceofo lodine in -Emerson. -Zoroaster. of lghtng 1îdtributed on request by the Canadian an wl artisie sudyIt covrs the whole subect gving see ill ~3prve.the metbods o! administration and .let us makçe that the particular doses for the various ow. o ned oftypes of live stock, undor varlous ,vn. Satisfaction Winter Care of Machlnery S ejj. ,. Winter care o!f farm machinery is o! decided economic importance and this cannot be offected without a FU P RISsbed for shelter. Weatbering caused H eur if f...Y rianville Phone 256 bY snow coverings and continual iods in fail and spring brings rapid FILL YOUR COAL BIN WITH WIHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coai Thet Sctîzfie These prices are effective from Nov. lat: Stove Coal ..................$1650 Egg.............................. 16.00 Chestnut....................... 1600 Pea............................. 13.50 Buckwheat .................... 11.50 Coke ........................... 13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed from above prices. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville WEST END GARAGE 24 HOUR SERVICE WEST END GARAGE IS THE ONLY GARAGE IN TOWN GIVING AN ALL-DAY AND ALL-NIGHT SERVICE Many of our custorners tell us this is a great con- venience to them. They can bring their car in at night, have it repaired or washed, and it's ready for thern in the rnorning. Then often an emergency eall cornes in and we 're right there to give you immediate service. Phone 188W. CLEMEN1,1S' WestEnd GARAGE g St w«tBowmanville metal parts and bearings t r;ust. This weakens the implements andi rusty, stiff bearings are often a source o! costly breakages. Not onlY willi the period o! use! uiness be iengtbened by housing the machin- ery during the long idie perhod, but at the time o! storing the mud and thick grease can be removed, bear- ings ouled, shares and mouid boards greased, and lists made o! repair parts necessary to put the machin- ery in shape for the !ollowing sea- son. The farmer who bas his ma- chlnery housed bas a mucb better opportunlty to repair tbe machines during the wlnter montbs than bas the farmer who has bis machines buried in tbe snow. Value of the Institute At the annual convention o! Wo- men's Institutes recentiy, Superin- tendent 0. A. Putnam discussed the value o! tbe Institute in providlng opportunity for ail women and girls in the rural communities to meet once a month on common ground for discussion of probiems o! mutual interest and to have a social hal! hour. The Institute was recognlzed as the great rural service club, it made surveys as to the community's needs. provided assistance where re- quired and f requently it !urnished proper treatment and care for crip- pied chldren. Pointing to the en- viable record o! Women's Institutes, he declared tbat its f orm o! organ- Ization was belng cophed in many lands and that it was one o! the strongest forces to combat the tend- ency to rebellion against exlsting methods and Institutions. The Gov- Uerniment was very generous in its off or to provide instructors, because it feît that money spent in this way was worth whlle. Good Demand For Apples The lifting o! the Brtish embargo against the lower grades o! United States apples on Nov. 15 bas made no difference in prices generally throughout the British Isles accord- ing to Andrew Fulton, overseas ro- presentative of the Ontario Fruit Orowers' Association. As a matter o! fact, Mr. Fulton says that there is a keener demand for bath dessert and cooklng apples wth a marked tendency for bigher values. There la a good demand for btter quality red apples wth every Indication that this situation wlll continue. "It is my opinion that Ontario shippers can export with considerable con- fidence In receling sathsf actory prices, provIdlng the apples are at- tractive," Mr. Fulton states. Ontario growers wtb appies to sbIP are urged to mark all tbe barrels plainly wtt the words "Canadian Apples" or "Empire Apples." Fallure to com- ply with this regulation has created no small hardshlp both In clearing shlpments from the port o! entry Into the United Iingdom as well as the losa o! several good sales. WHY GOOD-BYE? "Good-bye" ls a word whlch no one likes to say. There is somethlng too solemn, too final, about It. Nowa- days people are more and more grow- ing to say, 11So long! 121 telophonel soon." T7hey conserve their f riend- shlp by long distance telephone. SOI AGE Canadan Nationa aiwy ' E ME I4APPINEÇS TWINS (Standard TUrne) W/EST BOUNO EAST BOUND 8.60 a. m. 8.42 a. mi - - 1.51 p. . 1.15 p. mn. 6.48 p. . 2.26 p. s 7.42 p. . 7.60 p. mi. 9.53 p. nm. 12.46 a. mi. p WEST BOUNO EAST BOUNI $ 6.17 a. m. D 10.03 a. m. o 7.10 a. m. D) 3.11 p. m. - 7.55 a. m.- 9.30 p. m. D) 3.11 p. m. Z 12.20 a. ni. D 7.17 p. ni. o 1.18 a. mi. D-Daly; --Dally exoept SUDdaY; t-Daly for points west of Toronto. o-DaiIy for passengers to and froni Toronto. IDI 't, WHAT COULD BE NICER ? What could be nicer as a Ximas Gif t for mother, !ath- or, grandmnother or grand- father than a pair o! scien- tifIcally fltted SPECTACLES Think of the days and even- ings of pleasure these wUl bring in the future. Bo Useful and So Laatlng We shall be pleased to have you consuit oui Registered Optometrist, Mr. R. M. Mit- chell, about this matter now. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglst - OptometrkMt Phono 92 Cold weather is a severe test f or any gas or où. Super 8hefL Gas vaporizes lnstantly and our Zero Ois flow freely at 10w tem- perature. This of course, means quick startlng. Let us serve you. If you use Coal 011 for lighting your home, we have a message for you that will surely please. We are impcrting and can supplY you wlth a wonderful quality Coal Oil, at the price of the ordlnary grades. Give lt a trial. PHONE 110 KING 5T. EAUT Performance ExtraoTrdnar*y Value far above the price!. TTNTIL you have seen Clarion Clarion dealer ..... hear Clarion ..... heard it ..... compared check it ..... point for point..... ..................................... you cannot appreciate its feature for feature with any other artistic beauty...... its substantia1 radio, regarclless of price. You can construction...... its performance save dollars and obtain the utmost in extraordinary. radio satisfaction. Before you buy a radio .., go to a Any Clarion dealer will gladly oblige. ,Wholesale Distributors SPOTTON ENGINEERING CO. - GUELPH, ONTARIO LE Crû RBROWN PHO0NE BOWMANVILLE 281 !E ST. Manujicturedinh Canada by C404 STEINITE RADIO 0F CANADA, LIMITED, WINDSOR, ONTARIO, CANADA PAGE Fm THAT P1CTI There is nothing that would be a] Solve your gift making an app special process finishing assures whieh ail who Don't deay . . picture of you nc going out of tow guaranteed. HARRY H Horsey St. Bowm J. HERMON wants POULTRY and APPLES at Fair Prices Phonos: Bowmanvile-235 Toronto-TriflltY 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 46-tf J L -J

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