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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1930, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 PAGE SEVN BUY CIIRISTMAS BEEF Thaât--You Know lWhere It Cornes From' You often hear it said you have to take a lot on faith these days. That doesn't apply to meat you buy at our store. For we go right to the best farmers in Durham County and select the best fed animais in their stables. Our reputa- tion of over 75 years has stood for the best meat money can buy. THIS YEAR IS NO EXCEPTION Here is some cattle we have already bought for oui' Christmas and winter retailing: 20 Choice Steers from F. W. Bowen, M. P., and they are dandies-no better young fat steers in the county. 6 Choice Steers from W. H. Gibson. 4 Choice Steers from Thos. Gibbs, Tyrone. 6 Lambs from our own stable. BRING ON THE POULTRY FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER 1:7 Cheery faces. . . - ~sparkling eyes .-.- laughing voices .-.- keen appetites! Every one seated in his place ... with joyous anticipation .- mouths watered by the delicious aroma of crisp, brown tur- key. Here is contentrnent . . . the kind that cornes 1only with peace of mind ... with money in the bank. How true it is that he who saves for a rainy day can best enjoy the sunshine! Order youxi poultry for Christmas now. We can fil your order any time that suits you. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville THERE'S JOY IN JEWELRY BEAUTIFUL . 0e 0 0 Yet Servicea hie Here is a set that com- bines beauty with utility. It is fine grade flatware .- the kind that can be handed down from one generation to another and still retain its aristocratie air. The four pieces com- plete are moderate in Special- Silver plated flatwaî-e in individual pieces. Each $2.00 A Happy Gift Thought A WRIST WATCH Watches .. . of practically every design, size anîd make are to be seen here, so if you are thinking of giving that supreme gift, a watch, don't fail to ex- amine the many beautiful ones we show._One group of good time-keepers is priced, each, $7.45 to $37.50 JEWELRY GIFTS Rings, brooches, pendants ear-rings and scores Of novelty pieces suitable fori gifts are shown here. COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks were in Toronto Sunday, guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Winl Perey . ... Miss Ruth Fish- leigh, Oshawa, spent the weekend wlth Miss Louise Courtice.... Miss Hobbs, Oshawa, was a weekend guest of Miss Beth Gay Mr. and Mrs. Jack Short visited Mr. and Mrs. Swaiiow on Sunday. On Friday evening our C. G. I. T. put on an en- tertainmnent and box social which proved to be quite a success. They1 opened the entertainment wth a pretty chorus by C G. I. T. A play- let, "The Fatal Quest," which was himiorous and caused a good deal of laughter, was nicely put on by some of the girls. Mr. Albert Wo«V 0 Tyrone, candidate for Boys'Pai- ment, then gave an address in a, masterly way and won splendid ap- plause f rom the audience. A play entitled "The Slippers of Cinderella" was presented by C. G. 1. T. Miss Louise Courtice gave a reading. and the C. G. I. T. sang very nicely "Waneta." A short dialogue was then given "Catherine and Parr" by ,Misses Ada Annis and Annie Wil- kins and littie Miss Velxna Pearce, which deserves much praise. At the close o! the program the boxes were sold with Mr. Chas. Found as auc- tioneer, and afterwards a pleasant time spent in testing the good thlngs in the boxes. Proceeds were $57.00. .On Sunday, although the weath- er was disagreeable, the services of the day were fairly well attended. Our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, de- livered two excellent sermons. and iIn the afternoon the S. S. session was Igood as usual Sorry to note that Mr. F. W. Rundle is indisposed, but we hope to see him out again in good health shortly Mrs. Chas. Web- ster and Mrs. Turner, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. A. F. Rundle on Sunday Sunday evening next the service will be in charge of the Mission Circle when the speaker wlll be Mrs. (Rev.) Sterling of Orono. Everyone invit- ed to attend., Mrs. John Worden has returned home after vislting in Toronto at her son's, Mr. Otis Wor- den, for a month. SALE 0F HAN» PAINTED CHINA Sale of Hand-Painted China and Candles will be held at my studio every Friday and Saturday in Dec- ember. EhlMri Phone 626 Horsey St. 49-â TO BE SOL» BY AUCTION Ford Coupe, Model T, Serial No. ; C248043,iàcense No. CX564, wili be I sold by auction to cover storage ex- penses on Saturday, Dec. 13th, at Wm. J. Chals' Show Rooms, King St., immedlately followlng Scobell's Sale on same premises. J. D. Carrte. AUCTION SALE The undersigned has recelved in- structions to seil by public auction the Household Effects of the late MES. R. W. SCOBELL of Leyton Cottage, King St. East Bowmanvllie on SATTJRDAY, DECEMBER 13th. at 1.30 o'clock. Sale will contain complete house- hold furnlshlngs, lncludlng R. S. Williams Parlor Grand Piano, dining room, living room, bedroom and kit- chen f urniture, also many odd rock- lng chairs, carpets, bllnds, linoleums, and choice electrlc llght fIxtures. Owlng to the property being rent- cd, this sale will be held on the vac- ant lot of the new Dodge Show Rooms, in front of Skating Rink,j King Street East. Terms-Cash. This sale wlll be carrled on, min or shine. j Wm. J. ChaHla, Auctioneer. 'g HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick resldenoe. contalning elght rooms3, bathrooin, clos- e and pantry; hardwood floors; and ail modern conveniences; good vegletable fgarden; double garage; very desirable location. For ternms and particulars ap- ply on the premisaes to W. J. Bragg, cor- ner Elgin and Horaey St.. or box 29, Bowmanvlile. Phone 125. 30-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Beat built houa. on Carlisle Avenue, takes only four tous o! coke per winter for furnaan d steve. bas done lt the lait four winters; now rentlng for $25 per month; titres rooma and three clouets upsiatra, six rooms and hall includlng bedroom and bathroom downstairs; cellar divided wltb coment waU.; garage and hen house. Terni eazy. Apply ta C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hamnpton, Ont. 88-tf ACCOUNTAN'r To know your business it is nec- essary to keep close check on all de- tails. This can only be done by sys- tematic checklng and accounting. Margins of profits are very close, costs must be kept down. Have your books and records made up regularly and expertly, daily, weekly or mnonthly. Business statements pre- pared. Income tax returns prepar- ed. General accounting. R. M. Cotton P. O. Drawer E, Bowrnanvlfle Phones 32 or 611. $25.00 Reward For information leading to the jarrf st and conviction of persoas Stealirg gravel and sand from Los12 and 13, Brolken Front Conessonknown as Burk Sut- to fn;ess ownship of alntn F. P. TEFFT 148 Hlfldale Ave. Eaut T019ONTO - ONTARIO Phone: Hy. 2534 LOCAL AMM OTHERWISE flITES Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Greenfield havel TINK - In Bowmanviiie Hospital on beenvistin frendain oroto. December 4th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Hil- Len isiing rieds n Toont. ;ton Tink, a ilaughter (Margaret Lor- Key found. Appiy (o The States-, aine). man office. 1 __ Mrs. Royal Quinn and daughter 1 DEATHS Joan are visîting friends in Toronto., Miss Eva Wakelin lias returned from 1 WILLIAMS-ln Bowmanville, on Mon- spending a couple of months with beri day, Decc.mber 8th, 1930, Alan :N. %vil- sister ini Hamilton. i lams, aged 58 yenrs. HAMM-In Bowmanviile, on Sunday, Miss E. M. Stedman, B.A., and M rs. December 7th, 1930, Edlth May Maguire, H. D Wihtmn sent he eekendbeioved wife of Mr. H. W. Hammn, aged with friends in Kingston. 4 er. Itre tOoo Miss Helen Murray, Hamil ton, spent the week-end with Miss Rena INMEORA Caveriy, Weilingtdli- street. In loving memory of Wrn. Jennings Mrs. Nellie Garhutt, Sycaniore, Ill., who died at Newcastle, Dec. l2th, 1927. is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.I Wife and Daughters. Alex. Wight, and other relatives here.' BENNETT-In loving memory of our Master Chas. Papineau, Oshawa, Idear son Benny, who passed away Dec. spent the week-end at the home of th, 1919, in hia ninth year. 1Deep ln our heart theres a picture, bis grandfather, Mr. Henry Lathrope. Worth more than silver or gold, Misses Marie Anies and Voe It ls the picture of our dear Benny, V io Whose memnory will never grow old. Wheeier, town, and Mr. Dan Dudley,. Sadly missed and remembered by Mother, Coîborne, spent Sunday in Belleville. Father, Sister and Brother. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Challis and family, Orono, spent the week-end Loat or Found with Mr. and Mrs. John Challis and HEIFER LOST-Red 2-year-old heif- other frienda. er, strayed fram lot 28, con. 1, Darling- Mr. and Mis, C. H. Rowan and ton, about middle of November. Send information to Walter B. Rundle, R. R. .2, daughter. o! Bethany. were week-end Bowmanville. Phone 176r6. 49-2 guests o! ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 J. H. Werry. ESTRAV-Came on my premaises ori 1Saturday, November 29th, four I,-eicest~r Miss Dorothy Barton, Wooler, Miss Ewes. Owner may have saine by prov- Pearl Meyers, Trenton, Miss Lena and JIn,. property and paying expenses. Mn. owad MoanFranfor, Mn j orae Hancock, Countice. Phone 134-14. Mr oadMrn rnfý i I50 3. Russel Gardner, Norwood, visited ati - the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. COW ESTRAY-Strayed to the premo- W. L. Barton, Waverly Rond, on Sun- Ises of Lot 16, Con 3, Cartwright, on or about Nov. 27th, a blue and white 00w, day. point broken off right horn. Owner can Dr. and Mrs. William Stuart Cunrie have samne by pnoving property and pay- announce the engagement of thein iilg expenses. H-. A. Gabraith, Burke- niece, Jeanne Curnie Harper, daughter tnR .1 9t of the late Mi. nnd Mrs. George Dance W t Harper, to Mi. Edward Philp Tilley, W ne son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Alhert WANTED - Comnfortable roorn witiî Sidney Tilley, Bowinnville, the mar- board, close to business section. Âpply niage to take place on the 19th of at Statesman Office. 49-2 December at Grace Chur-ch-on-the-Hill, WANTED-Robert Pawson In prepared Toronto. to repair boots, shoes and rublbers, neat Scoring a total of 2,191 points out of Job, mioderate prices. Leave at Sidney a possible 3,000, the Durli Cotîntv Morris', Wellington Street, Bowxnanvilie. live stock judging teanm, coached by483 E. A. Summers, agicultural represen- LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTEO tative at Port Hope, carried off the -for Bowmanviiie and District, for the Joh S.Marin nopy n te anua ~'ldReliable Fonthili Nurseries.' A JohnS. arti trphy n tý anualsplendid opening, with exclusive terrltory înter-coîinty jtîdging competition, con- rights. Send for circular matter and ducted at the Ontario Provincial full information. Stone & Wellilngton, Wiîîten Fair on Monday at Guelph. Toronto 2. 48-4 Asnong those f rom Bowmanvilleil tending the Shnrine BaIl, Dec. -1 at Articles For Sale Royal York Hotel were, MNfr. and 'Mns. Strke, Mr.andMns ~ FOR SALE --ood General Puriiose W. R Stike Mr an Mr. J R.Horse, 12 years oId. Appiy ta Lenlie Stu, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Comstock, Brooks, Hampton. Phone 308r5. 48-4 Mfr. and Mns. T. A. Garton, Mr. and MNir. Geo. Downey, Mr. Fred C. Hoar FOR SALE-Slnging Canaries, an ideal andMis Fl. Har.Over two thons,- Christmas gif t. Guananteed singens. andMis Fb Hor.$5.00 each. Apply ta Mrs. A. L.8Darch, and guests werc prescrnt. Each couple King Street, Bowmanville. 50-3e wvas introduced and wclcomed by the Potentate, Hon. Geo. S. Henrv and CAR FOR SALE - Star tourlng car, 12 odel, mechnnically good as newv, Mrs. Henry. The cvening wvas spent four new tires. Cheap for cash. Apply in cards, dancing, moving pietuireof Mrs. W. Hl. Argue, Carlisle Ave., Bow- the Shrine parade held in Toronto mnanville. Phone 525. 50-ur last June, and a dinner. WOOD FOR SALE-First cans, dry, The congregation of Trinity United heavy, hiard Wood slabs, sawed and de- Chunch was pleased to have as their livered at $12. cord or $3. quartier cord. 'Preche onSunayRev J.M. 'hye H E Bartiett. Church & Lfberty Sts., prechr o Sndy, ev J M.WhteBýwrraviIle. Phone 110W. 50-3' of Ennlsklllen, Who gave two practical sermons dealing with missionary work. FOR SALE-Two young Jersey oows, Thespekershoed rUemisionryone renewed and the other due ln 2 The speakt lter ho e tru fh inisinnyweks; also two geese and a gander; and wor strte intheheat o th i- a Ford %-ton truck, in good runnlng dividual and that the strongest weap- shape. Ivan M. Law, Bowmanvllle. on for effective work at home and Phone 133rl3. 50-1- ahnoad was faith ln God and prayer. FOR SALE - Freed-Elsemiann Radio Mr. Whyte not only holds bis«hearers' Recelver, with tubes and Tower L. S. attention by bis earnest messages but at a price little above cost o! Speaker. This la a very high clam and good- by bis dry humor and plain Interpre- looking set. Fred J. Mitchell, Bowman. tation o! man's duty to God and his ville. Phone 105. 50-tj fellowman. Solos were Sung ln the morning by Mrs. F. Hl. Moody and in To Let the evenlng by Miss Clo Anderson. Miss Ada Allun sang a solo at the HOUSE TO RENT--Seven roomms, wat- Sunday school session. ervorks, bath, 6eectria lighte, iocated King & Ontarlo St., Bowmanvllle. Ap- Mrs. Herbert Jamieson has been piy A. A. Colwill. Newcaatle. 51-bf vislting frlends in Toronto. We regret the name of Miss Mar- HOUSE TO RENT - Brick realdence, oontaining 7 rooms, on King St. Eat garet Trebllcock waS OMltted last ln good condition; biard and Soft wateî week from llSt o! citizens who at- ln kitchen. Apply Box 68, Bowman- tended banquet given Hon. G. H. ville. 50-t: Ferguson at Royal York Hotel. TORN-nc hue.$0not In the "Laymore", Egg 01uesslng also frame cottage, $30 month; on the Contest conducted by Swift Can- Dr. Baldwin property; wonderful location adian Co. at Royal Winter Fair, for hlgh clans hlghway house or cha.rm- Lorezo TuHHamponIng private home. APPly Mr. Larmour LornzoTrul, amp o obtalned on property, or Jury & Lovell'a Drug fi-st prize which entities hlm tW 150 Store. 47-t. Sprucelelgh White Leghorn baby chlcks to be pick of sprlng hatch Ra saeFrSl f rom Brantford Poultry Farmn. Ra s eFrSl Especially selected to miake welcome gift. A most la- teresting assortment of col- ors and patterns, aU new and smart. You can't go wroag in makiag your sel- ection from these unusual gfft values. 50c to $1.50 Hosts of smart new pat- terns and color combina- tions. Ail wooi, silk and mixtures. They're of un- usual quality for the price, and they're practical gifts that wiU be heartily endors- cd by any man. 50C to $1.50 4* Well made shirts ln broad- eloth or madras - wlth or without attached coflars. la white and a big varlety of fashionable colors. Give ue or two of these hand- some shirts If you would rcally please hlmi. $1.50 to $5.00 Men's brocaded uatn-trlm- mcd and flannel robes. This assortuient includes robes that arc lined and unlined. Every pattern and color was created for this season'a seiling. Many rlch colora. $4.75to $1 2.00 There's many a slip on gitt- giving .-.. but You'Ii neyer slip on these capeskln glaives though the reciplent will. They're offered ln black and brown, regular and cadet aises. $1.50 to $4.00 A splendid selection of new- est holiday patteras, In rich color combinations. They're geerous aized, heavy silk squares .. . a luzurlous gif t and one that you'i be prend to give. $1000 to $5.00 4-i T. B. GILCHRIST Direcly Oposite Po6 Bownianville e e On a amall deposit we will lay by your purchases tilI Christma8. J. R. MOORE, Jeweller Neit to Couch, Johaston & Crydermaulen-vn w. 1 Fioso ISHIRT 1 ROBES 1 PAGE SEVM THE CANADIAN STATEMffl, BOWMANVMIM, TRURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 BewmanYM 4 eg

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