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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGETTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 R edecorate For Winter Wlnter is a long, cold, drab time of the year, and it's a trne when you stay ln the bouse more. Make your home brlght and cheery wfth aew decoratlng so your Win- ter wiU be enjoyable. Any wail paper we have on baud le goig dirt cheap. Get your share and save a lot of money. Geo. Pritchard Painter and Decorator (Over Statesman Office) Phone 489 Bowmanvflle Dag- "My daughter Catherine ta fifteen years old. She waa very Irregular, often sick at her etomach and had to stay in bed two or three day* t a dxuo. One of your bookiets was sent to s bfy mail so I got her a bore ofVegetabte Com- Pound. Catherine has been taking fitregularly and ahe ta gainlng in weght and ev way. 1 told the neighboru a four other girls are takingfi with ood results -Mm y.u loe, Ontario. Lydia 1. Pilkiiiils jUc~mii ~auabhu GRNT FLEMING. MEASLES 0f ail the communicable disease. with which the human race has t( contend, measies is the most raPidj3 spread. It is essentiaily a disease ol childhood. and very few escape it IRarely seen under five months of age it reaches its greatest incidence be- tween the sixth and seventh years. The younger the child, the morE seriaus the condition. Aniong thE r communicable disease of childhood measies ranks second as a cause cf 'death. and approximately ninety pe, cent of death f rom measies occur i: children under five years of age. IBecause measles is a common dis- ease, it is generally not taken seri- ously by parents, many of whon seem to regard it as an annoying ex- perience whlch has to be gone through, as has the cutting of teeth. This attitude of regarding measles as a trivial condition is flot justif- iable. True it is that the vast major- ity of children who contract the dis- ease recover with no0 apparent iii re- 'suits. It is also true. however, that measles destroy many lives. It may not appear that the child died of measles: in many cases it will be saic that death was due to broncho-pneu- monia. This is correct, but the chutd would not have developed broncho- pneumania if he had not contracted measies. Among the children wha recover f rom an attack, there are many who VICTORY Three interesting and very differ-1 cnt experiences occurred one Sun- jday last fail. In the morning we sat in the chapel o! an historic academny in New England and, while the preach- er praycd, we peeked a little. Our eyes wandered over the bowed heads o! the boys; aur imaginations were bnsy with thaughts af what might be in store for them. Riding back to New York on the train we read an impressive speech by the President ai the United States. When the train stopped at Hart- fard we looketi out ai the window ta sec a crowd fllling the air with rice and confetti, and presently an cm- 'barrassed but happy young couple hurried thraugh the car and into a drawlng room. Of these events-the prayer in the academy chapel, the speech a! Mr. 'Hoover, the marriage ai an unknown and apparently comman-place young couple-which was the most import- ant? Wbich will leave the most last- ing impression an history? No anc can possibly tell. If every child and every happening were labelled "This is important" or "This is unimportant" the business ofa living wauld 50011 lose its zest. The That the British and American people should assist the Kuornin- tang Nanking Government in the continuation of its diffcult task of drawing China together, la the opinion of Col. Haley Hall, D.S.O., British Customs Commisaluner, late of Tientsin, intervlewed recently wblle en route to London, England, hy (',a-adian Pactc Rallway. "The bri:ns, military power and general abiiity are to be found In this Southern Government, and oanly %a ben (China la reorganized wl business conditions became stabil- lzed." he added. These popular winter mrst are quickly and comfortably reached via Canadian National v and connections. Choice of interesting routes. Costs are reasonable. Add zest, to the California trip by going or returning the Canadian route via Vancouver and Victoria. Ank anW Aiet of Canaila National Railways foir funl hdfomadon, bookieta and reservations. M M M M6M OBONO b- ~~VJAE~THE NII (Prom The News Dec. 4th.) Orono pistol club, af ter a lapse of PRES eight years, is again dolng business.PU S 0F TEEMrs. H. J. Hoidge, Lindsay, is~ OF TRE ~ spending a few weeks wltb ber sis- IEC0 ter, Mrs. P. W. Tamblyn. dh~1~tr±uJ~Uunrf,,se Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. *A~ljxI n\V:rG V ~ ~V444.IM W4S ewcastle, spent Sunday at his father's, Mr. D. T. Alln. Editcd»by Mr. Clarence McMullen, Toronto, ~~ and Miss Marlon Green, Peterboroi M.-ASSOCIATE SECRETARy Normal, spent Sunday at home. willhavesom Peranet daage Newtonville United Church man- wil hae sme ermnen daageagement are already planning re- done to eyes, ears, lungs, heart and building their church destroyed by es other parts of the body. It is also ob- fire a week ago. ' ;o served that the general 1055 of resis- oga'Eyta iieti s ltance due ta an attack of Dugaeasiesn inmet s Is sees t faorthedevloment es pecially recommended for spider, or1 of infection ai cow'shtest. Invaluaboe it. tuberculosis. and 50 we not infreq-infeon fcwsta.Ivlal je uently see that measles gives tuber- s n cases of sîavins. curbs and culasis a chance ta establish itself inispxtts the child. Mr. George Armstrong, accampan- 'e pr ~ ~ o~reas~eied by Miss Viola Siebert and Mr. presnte inordr t case arets as.Reynolds, Cleveland, Oi realze hy eases houd b re spent the weekend at bis mother's )f ded seriously. The yaunger the child. .Amtag the more serious the condition. 50 Mr. Bruce Waddell is spendlng a i rn we should mnake every reasonable couple of weeks at Ridgetown, guest effort ta prevent Young children, par- ai. Editar E. V. Bingham of The Do- ticularly thase under three years of minion, and Mrs. Bingham who was age, f ram coming in contact with farmerly Miss Annie Waddell ai An-i anyone suffering fram the disease. tioch. n It is a well-established fact that if Mrs. Fairbairn, Messrs. T. A. Reid, children with fever or acute colds are Capt. J. C. Gamey and R. R. Wad- ýe put ta bed. and the condition later deli attended the Porvincial Conser-1i 1turns out ta be measles, such children vative Convention. and also the ýs because they have been kept warm great banquet tendered ta Premier -and at rest in1 bed, are more apt ta Howard Ferguson in the Royal Yark - escape the seriaus complications. Hotel, Toronto. -j This suggests that bed is the place Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan an- for the child who is sneezing, or who nounce the engagement o! their thas a running nase and watery red yaungest daughter. Alice Jean, to y eyes. The condition may not be Russell Hutchison Ransberry, eldest'~rtso f measles, but it very ai ten is, because son af Mr. and Mrs. James Rans- Eeigrtso J measles begins with the same sYmP- berry, the marriage to take place the. (st aton-to-st oison) - toms as the common cold, and, in latter part of December. negiýn as 7 >.m. M I bath cases. the child should be put taO rooWmns sttt etbg nas 8.30 P.m. bed. 1OooWmI' ntttewl et"Long Distance"j ai in the caunicil chamber on Friday, ber you want-its Qudeseton concerning Health, a Dec..l2th, at 2.30 p. m. Rail caîl: s ewc.dtn socaton CnaianMe4ciPs~Bible quotations suitable for Xmas. b te istan will be answered personally by letter. will be given by the delegate, Mrs. WlIrr ou A. Henry. Pragram cammittee- P Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Mrs. M. H. Stap - 01 les, Mrs. A. Knox, Mrs. Mitchell. 64 Miller's Worm Powders flot anly exterminste intestinal and other y ,warms,' but they are a remedy for many other alIments af children., Tbey strengthen the young stomach' against biliousness and are tonical in their effects where thecidsufr LA3àm [qf rom loss af appetite. C..eers conditions they will be found useful and they will serve toasllay pain and eternal uncertainty afiit keeps it ex- griping in1 the stoach. f rom which citing. children so aiten suifer. For example, a King o! England, Mr. Gardon Mofftt and bride were on Devotion and its Meaning, whl.le 1 coming down f rom Scotland, stopped given a reception at the home ai bis Mr. Werry toak as bis theme the frrefreshinent at a little tawn cali- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt, word, Reverence. Bath addresses1 ed Scraoby. The young man who Enterprise, Wednesday evening. Dur- were weil recelved. Music by Mrs. waited an the table was so obscure ing the evening an address was read (Dr.) Colville and Roy, Elleen Rid- that the king probably neyer naticed and they were presented with a deil, Marlon Barrabail, Alden Haw, him. But wha is more important in handsome library suite. Many Bill Brown and Colin Taylor, with the light of history, the weak King friends f rom aIl parts of the section Mrs. R. Brown and Miss A. Cowan James I af England or the strang were present and with dancing andi as accompanists, were received wlth Young man William Brewster wha other amusements an evening long i bearty applause. Two special f eat- sailed an the Mayflower and became ta be remembered ivas enjoyed. A uires were: flrst, a visit f rom the the first governar of Massachusetts? nice buffet luncheon was served. candidate for the lth Older Boys' In 1704 accurred the Battle af Orona L. O. L. No. 409 bas in- Parliament, Albert Wood of Tyrone. Blenheim. Most o! us remember no0- stalled officers elect for ensuing year, The expression voiced by all present thing about It except the last lines Rt. W. Bro. E. J. Hamm, County was that be was one o! the most o! Robert Southey's poem:- Master. Installing OffIcer: W. Mas- capable and likely candidates ever "And what was the use of it al?" ter-Bro. Orville Hooey; I. P. M. heard by the Young people af Park asked little Tweedledee. Bro. John Gîbson Jr.; D. Master- street cburcb. Incidentaily, bie saîd "I don't know." the man said, "but Bro Neil P. Porter; Secretary-Bro. that during bis campalgn he bad at- 'twas a famous victory." Howard J. Walsh; Asst. Secretary- tendedPanySt League ma eins n Just ane year before, not far f rom Bro. W. E. Davey; Financlal Sere- thaot ork St. L an a thendanet the battle-!leld, was born a red faced tary-Bo lbrSoro;Tesrrc' onta rga adatna baby. His name was John Wesley. -Bro. E. J. Hamnm, Chaplain-Bro. ofEnysit ued. Sidney g an ande Battles. klngdoms, fartunes-they George Hird; D. of C.-Bro. Martin Ens arr w egemmes are ahl part of the great human dra- Lintan; 1. G.-Bro. Ed. Morton; Ikc. j iem the eviciantfitheeartur ma. But the thrill lies in the fact turers-Bros. George Morton, Harold iore nad the eagu te, as an ue that a Word drapped into the f ertile Hooey. foj nlnteLege sa x mindof aboyor youg coplepression of gratitude for their inter- mmd i a oyor ayoug cople For Prost Bites and Chilblains.- lest and service rendered, presented starting a new home or a helpless Chilblains came f rom undue exposure each af the boys with an Eversharp infant utterlng Its Ilrst cry-these to, slush and cold and irost-bite from pencil. Neil Ralney readlng the ad- also may have undylng signiflcance. the icy winds of winter. In the dress while Robert Hancock made Any any one of us, quite unwit- treatment af either an excellent pre- tbe presentation. Tbe boys respond- tingly, may be a part of a famous paratian is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 ed approprlately and in hearty fash- victory. as it caunteracts the inflammation ion. _______and relieves the pain. The action af A Foe ta Asthma. Give Asthna1 the ail is prompt and its application hall a chance and it gains graund I Park Street Women's Missianary, ments ai Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma TI. Society new officers are: Presdent- 1 Remedy and it will faîl back even Id T e j Miss Davy; Vice Presldent-Mrs. faster. There is fia half way meaý;- M55) Sterling; 2nd Vce-Mrs. R. Sherwln; urc about this remcdy. It goes right 3rd Vice-Mrs. C. C. Cain; Rec. Sec. to work and driý'e., asthma out It Officlly closng the 1930 sblp- -Mrs. J. A. Green; Cor. Sec.-Miss reaches the ininast breathing pass. »lng season as far as lnward baund P. Cabbîedîck; Treas.-Mrs. W. M. I sges andi leaveG no place for the Quebec terminus shlps are 'con- Stutt; Secretarles: Flnance-Mrs. A. trouble ta lurk. Have it by you for cerned, Canadian Pacific liner Emn- J. knox; Strangers-Mrs. A. A. tready use. Pre-s of Australia docked at An- Rolph: Supplles-Mrs. H. J. Best; aient Capital November 21, carrying Temperance-Mrs. F. Kelley; Lit. It xlà just 25 3'ears q1nee the pro- back fram the Imperial Conference and Miss. Monthly-Mrs. R. Rainey; vinces of Albe'rta and Saskatche- Premuier Ferguson af Ontario, ll "' Supt. Mission Band-Mrs. W. H. wan were croated. At thst tirno Hugli Guthrle, Minuster o! Justice; Rowe; Supt. Baby Band-Mrs. M. H. tbe popuilation af Alberta was Hon. C. H. Cahaz, Secretary o« Staples; Pianst--Mrs. Haw. 185,00. It now about 650,000. Sate. an d Hon. Te o tshLapals Another largely attended meeting Saiskatchewaz 11 19015 had a popu- ofaNations.laet teLege o! the Young People's League, Park lat ion of shont 195.000; now it Is o!Ntin.Street United Church, was held an arr ,und 867,01,0. Total aresa!o Dressed poultry shows are belng Tuesday evenlng. The program, wlth land under ciiltivst'o- in Albierta, held ln Regina on December 10th Miss Cale in charge, was speclally in- 25 yesrs arge. was 660,a"e acres. and in Saskatoon on December teresting. Mr. Robert Sherwln spoke and In Sas%'atthewan, 2,000,000. Ilt fo th pupos-of'--s-n To-day the twa p)rovinces have 15,- llthfor he prpoe a!arauins000,000 and 30.0,JO.000 acres under frlendly competition in poultry pro- Father of Ten la Hospital cro',rseciey duction amnong the farmers af the ___P epciey province and further toa atvertise When you have a sinal arm wlth the pouitry indn.stry, according to a heavy mortgage and a tamlly of ton Two big bill meose--ene of thern chlldren te look aSter. you dent tee one or the finest this yearta come W. Waldron, provincial markets 1l1k. - -sh.nu. tny-chances.te1es bdaze. One Standard Quality AT PRICES BELOW STANDARD If yen look for quality lu building materils you wIU bc attracted bere. And if you look for economy you will bc doubly attraeted. We supply ail types of construction materials-from materls for minos' alterations and repaire te complete bouses. Get acquaintcd with our low pnices. We know we eau save you money an every klnd of construction work. Estimates cheerfully furulsbed. McCLELLAN & CO* Phone 15 Bowmauvlue L g Bach package marked C hinaware containsaa piece of fine English ware, old ivory tint, new irregular bordera. Q z î OUAICER COOKS IN 21/2 MINUTES AFFERTHE WATER PINKY'S SCHEME LOOKS BEST L)ZNtY FIMSV Terry Gilkison e s ".rlyone" catis non' Vigbt rates fast give the num- speeds up 1number, Il Ook It was wonderful to be engaged but it was mien- able cao because Djck was out on the road Ai week and letters were difficult wben he moved arotind so much. Then ane night, wben he wau specW4allIonel% be telepbaned ber from bis zoom in the botel. IR was the nicest present be could bave given but and it cost less than the price of a movie. It was so easy and it madle them bath so mudi happiez that they arranged regular visits by telp phone evezy Tuesday and Tbuzsday evening -e. moments of affection ta remnember and look foP ward ta. The weeks seemed only bal as lon&. Telepboning le tbe next best thing obk together. Out-of-town cailsame simple, able, inexpensive - and qnkktez no'w than eve a IL '. à6ý - Ul ILI 'n F--l Di PAGE ICIGHT THi-WAfÉR-1

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