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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1930, p. 9

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PAGE i~lD~3 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1930 TUE SECOND EPISTLE 0F JONAU and they that are deceived thereby- 'doi à a are not wise. nso In Which the Merchants and Pro- 33. Woe unto you ye agenso flfessional Men of Bowmanville whatever kindred, nation or tongueý 0 Back in tbe 80's Are Described. under the whole heavens. for exceed- 1 I mng great is your wickedness and j çContinued f rom issue of Dec. 4th.' cunmnfg. aewîe I he' These "Woes of Jonah" which are 34 Yeadyrey ol in the inno- moi Ir 1 reproduced from the West ~Durham coting n epe pntei %ut N e Qrndu INews of 1887 are supposed to have ea5.:e covr e and ik lousite' been written by Samuel Burden, a 3.Y r de hrsi h they nave cared. probabtizeniffBownfville at flesh o! the people. wo hd knwn. nome prode 36.i Ye go out to the ends o! the As stppe ot o th Grnd It has been remnarked f requently plume o! Jonah: in the secret places are your voices Oetral Station the other day I saw; that the really big man is almost ai- 1. Woe unto you ye lawyers for ye heard. eterlng it a man whose face seemed1 ways modest. The reasons for this confound wisdom with a multitude of . ~Your oily tongues would de- famillar, and after a moment' s a re two-fold. In th-e first place. he words. ceive the very elect. thought I placed him. He is one o f knows how much of his success has 2. Ye wrest the law to the hurt of 38. New. unless ye strip off from the most distingulshed members of been due to causes beyond his own the simple and those of no under-- you your refuge o! lies and repent thie legal profession in America, He control-his birt.h. 'bis education. his standing. and make restitution. ye shaîl in no was a member of the Cabinet of a business opportunities. And he 3. Ye turn away the needy f rom wlse enter into the congregation of former President. and was himself knows, too, what a thin and evanes- justice, ye make a prey o! the widowI the Lord. mentloned for the Presidency. cent thing is fame. and fatherless. 39. Woe unto you ye Butchers. for On a sudden impulse I turned and He has walked through places like 4. Ye say liglit is darkness and ye seil the anclent of your flock and f o.owed hlm. Central Park and looked at the sta- darkness light. cail them lambs. The station was f ull of commuters tues. These are great men who 11v- 5. Your brief s are short but your 40. Ye are extortioners in that ye hurrylng to their trains. They looki- ed only yesterday-flfty or a hundred bills are long and grevious to be want f or one pound the cost o! two ed at hlm, and through hlm and or a hundred and fifty years ago. borne. pounids. and verY o! ten your bonies &round him, but apparently nobody Yet how f ew of them one can recog- 6. Ye offer hope ta the distressed. exceed the weight of your meat. recognized him. He Jostled his way nize without looking at the names. till hope deferred maketh the heart 41. Ye have grown rich, ye add across the great floor, down a pair of And if their fame is already so, fad- sick and anguish and disappointment ,house to house and field to field, your steps to the plat!orm of the subway. ed, what will it be in a thousand. filleth their seul.i eyes stand out with fat, ye are veryj And there the crowd crushed him in- years, or two thousand, or ten? 7. Verily your riches shaîl be grass. to the minimum number of cubic Abraham Lincoln's favorite song thorns in your flesh and canker in 42. Take heed lest the flerce i inches and flung hlm into an express was a mournful hymn entit]ed. "Why your bonies. wrath o! the people be kindled train. Should the Spirit of Mortal Be: 8. Woe unto you ye doctors for 0.gain~st You. My last view of him was as hie Proud?" He knew that the river of ye know flot man's inward parts and 43. Woe unto you ye Shoemakers s9pod wth his face pressed against lif e races on. a.nd that even the most i yu cec s f alsely so-called. for your shoes do not live out haîf tK-glass of the door. a compîeteîy important of us is soon washed out . Whatsaever sickness or afflic- their days. squeezed and harassed looking man, into the big sea of oblivion. tion cometh upon man ye have the 44. Ye put new pieces on the old ln no way different f rom the swelter- 1 le knew it because he was really same remedy. garment and the rent is made worse. ing others in the car. big. It is only the littler men who 10. Ye look wise. f eel the pulse 45. 'Ye are filling the world with Not one of those others knew that act as if they were permanent rocks and examine the tongue and when ye corns and bunions. and verily yourj lie lad been a Cabinet Minister, in the river. towering high above the laiow not the affliction wherewithal work shall be trodden under f eet of helping to shape the destinles of a level.' and destined neyer to be mov- the man is affected ye caîl it somie men and be brought to naught. nation durlng the greatest war. N or Led. name hard to be pronounced andb 46. The woe spoken of the lus- __________________________________________________ harder to be understood. bandmen. 6hall they not appear af - 11. Ye give a man hope when ter the space o! seven days. __________ -there is no hope. and when there i Jonali. hope ye cause hlm to despair. 12. Ye know not what ye do. NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARMER W e W uld A ppr cia e a13. Cosumption. fevers, ages. W o ld A p ec a e a rhuems and divers and dire diseases oMuhSlg throng you ToohMucyetSylaae helpless c save men f rom golag Authorities dlaim that silage is an Share of Y our C hristm as down to the grave. extra good f eed if it is not abused. 14. The hectlc cheek, the hollow Two kinds of abuse are to f eed too eye.th rheumnatic Joint, the palsled much and to let the surplus accuflu- 1 limb, meet you on every hand and late la the mangers. tsolnt B u iI H your sine is impotent to save. be forgotteri that silage is largely 1.Blsed is the man that goeth water. If the cows are encouraged to his long home wthout your as- to cram themselves with silage at sistance. the expense of grain and hay they 16. Woe uinto ye bankers, ye mon- will flot be gettlng enougli nutrients ey changers for ye fatten upon the to sustain their bodies and a profit- trouble and distress o! the people. able flow of Milk. Preferably the 17. Ye put out money at usury grain should be fed on top of the and have cunnlngly devlsed xeculiar silage so that it will be eaten first methods for casting up the interest. and then flot more silage than will 18. Extract the uttermotf rh be eaten readily. if there is a sur- ing. 1 plus it is well to dlean this out o! 19. Ye are like the horse leadli. ye the mangers daily. cry give, give. 20. Your vaults are like unto the r-,ive, they are neyer f ull. 1 More Scbools in Agriculture t 21, Ye speak roughly to the poor! Early establishment tlroughoilt a and the needy, but ye have sof t Ontario of vocational schools in ag-b words for the noble and rich. riculture. administered and operatedr 22. The aged. the widow, and the along lines similar ta those of voca orphan confide to you their little tional sclools in the cities. was fore- I wealth and Io and belold it taketh casi by Hon. Thomas L. Kennedy. to itself wings and fieetl away. Minister of Agriculture. speakiflg at i 23. Ye can carry yourselves a banquet in his honor ai Brampton i proudly, ye are liaughty. ye think vei recently. -We expect.,' dcclared Col- I know more about other men's busi- anel Kennedy, "t have these sclools Here is some information about "SERVUS" Lingerie: Every ness than they know themselves. and in operatian in every county before "'Servus"' garment is MADE IN CANADA and every garment ye looki upon alI who draw nigh unto 1 long. W%ýe can do it and we are go- earries the following Guarantee-a guarantee that reaily means you as though.tley came to cleat or ing to do it." He mentioned that the somthngtoyo:-"Ths ERUSgamet i îtede t gve ta steal. WVýomen's institutes could play an sole st isact on TiSeRVepai- sicua. teehud ro gve 24. 'le grow ridli yourselves. yet imrportant part in the scheme. Witht absoutesatsfacionin veryparicuar. f tereshoud pove ye add not to the riches o! the land. the aid and instruction tley could1 to be anything unsatisfactory about it. no miatter what it is. we 1 25. Happy is the man that enter- supply to girl students la these want you to return it to us so that we can repair or replace it eth not into your gates and is not uchools, any girl would be able. after f re o chrgean wihou quston Alwc skis that you will disquieted by any of your protests. the three months' tuition offered to ore fchrednduns. qetin.Al ehs er, to cook. sew and minister homne tell us what store you purchased it in and about when.' 26du.Oyemrat with what! nursing. The boys would be taught woes shahll e aff ected or with what 1 to grow potatoes and wleat at less oLig re punisîment shaîl ye be overwhelmed. cost and to ipoefrigcni tO rStock o S r u "L n e i 27. Ye spread flaming advertise- tionis generally. Decreased produc- ni rletements before tle people to deceive tion costs xvas one of the Depart- is Miost Co plt the simple. ment's major problems, for which a 28. Ye say your lotl is aIl wool solution was being sought and the '.ests seil at 85e each wlen ye know it is cotton or shoddy. co-operation of ail county counicils Bobettes and Bloomers S1.00 pair 29. Ye say your yardis3inhsaretyoiced Gown SI35 o $.00eaI when it is barely 27 inches. S1.5 t S300 scl j 28. Ye say your pound is 16 oz. New "Better Bull" Area when ye know 15 would tremble ln tle balance. After months o! preparation which icost but ye know ye have a lie in registered bulîs. Middlesex County us tiosts or Iienas your right hand. has now been declared a -better bull 30. in vain i the net spread in area" under tle Provisions o! the Oui toc ofSuprsik Hsics inhids al li. ewet the sigît o! any bird. Cattle Protection Ac, becoming ef- Our toc of*Suerslk"Hoseryincude al th neest31. Ye paint your doors and iin- fective July lst. 1931. Officiais o! wanted slîades. Ah Supersilk" Hosery are pure tlread slk; dows witli "Banikrupt Stock." untl the Ontario Department f Agrictil-1 f ull fashioned o! course. the foreigner. tle wayfarer and the ture and the Middlesex Livestock Pnce at~1 0 $ 49 ~1 5 m S260 airstranger wit.hin our gates thinks Improvemerit Association were veryI Pricd a 1.1.0. 1,1.4, 11.9 andS2.0 pir.there is no lealth nor soundness in largely responsible for having thisî us. done. The object is to raise the 32. Ye are snares and pit! aIls. standard o! pure-bred livestock in S ~ IL 1lEjftik 0F THE WU would nlot puit into tle sanie valin iaty1f hnu o h iclass aIl makes o!fmot.i- cars,, irre-oe Reasonable attention to rigi w spective ! the care tley lad hd iig and tle avoldance o! ovei five yarsatciieldl!te dulgence will increase the number ~~ J ~~~factory. No. we would take it elh years we can hop 0ej C . . a soh consideratiofi, tao begin ,ith, he type Questions concering HealtI. a( o! car. and even more would w e con- dressed to the Canadian Medical A sider the care the car lad recelved sociation, 184 College Street, Toroi One Door West of F. F. Morris Ç<>' sînce ît lad been on the road. to, willI be answered personally1 We do not stant outiInto l!f e wlth letter. s e e e t id o! 'a- ad Ckristmas wiII soon be here OUR STORE-S ARE FILLED WITI1 S4JITABLE GIFTS if you have not aiready madle your Purchases f or the Childrefl or :for the Growfl-ups, visit our limes, look them over. You wili be surprised at what you can get for so littie xnoney. For Childrefl We Have.Doll Beds Doil Carniages Blackboa1rds )M SLKiddie Kars Pedal Cars WagonsToy Sets Sleighs Table and 2 Chairs Doil Cradies Velocipedes For Grown-Ups: Victor Radios Floor Lamps Smokers, ail prices Bridge Lanips Book Cases Table Lamps Kitchen Cabinets Book Ends End Tables Cushions5 O'clock Tea Tables Odd Chairs, ail kinds Victrolas ÇIt~IITIftÇ Carpet Sweepers VictoJr Records Many other lines as well can be seen by a visit to our stores. Fi, F. MORRIS CO* Phone 10 Home Furnishers - Fîiuiture Bowmnille ________________________________________________________ Ir, m-...,z..,, of 751 nt clauses is that ony registered beets, 356 bushels; carrots, 134 bus- P bulls may be off ered for service and lels; tobacco, 1,006 pounds. t no scrub animals can e sold for In approximatehy 75 per cent of c breeding purposes. Under the new these crops an increased yield per 0 egisation île owner may use is acre is indicated over 1929. y »vn grade stock for breedîng but it is said the new measure wilh induce Winter Fair Winners many to butcher tleir grade buhîs. Durham County Junior Farmers captured the Hon. John S. Martin Average Crop Yields trophy in the annual inter-couity The final crop estimates bulletin live stock judging competitiori at the o! the Ontario Department o! Agri- Provincial Wmnter Fair, Guelph, witl culture is o! more than passing in- a teamn score o! 2,191 oui o! a pas- terest. glving as it does île average sible 3,000. Peel Count3' ranked sec- production in practically every field ond, Ontario third, and Wellinigton crop grown in île past year, Th'e !ourtl. Twent3'-flve counties took average yiehd per acre in these crops part in île event. Peel County team. is given as folhows: Faîl wleat. 26.7 won the Glen Ormond Troply for bushels: spring wleat. 22 bushels: île team with île higlest standing oats. 39.5 bushels: barley. 34.3 bus- in leavy horses. in the inter-couflty lels: rye. 17.7 bushels: fiax. 9.8 bus- seed judging competitioli for île hels; buckwleat. 20.6 bushels: peas, Fischer Troply. Oxford County ledi 19.7 bushels; mixed grains. 39 .2 bus- with a total o! 2491. closely !ollowed lels: husking corn. 59.4 bushels; by Durham, Kent and York Couli- beans. 13.4 bushels; !odder coru, ties. The O. A. C. students' live 8.40 tons; ah! alfa. 2.20 tons: alsike. stock judging competitioii for île 1.46 tons; sweet clover. 2.08 tons: Day Trophy was captured by f ourtl potatoes. 114.8 bushels: turnips. 342 year with a score o! 5144 oui o! a .ontested and the f air proved to be Dne o! the mosi successfi.l in manY years. Father of Ton la Hospital Whou rou have a amau fa£m witb a heavy mortgage, snd a faaIil7 of U childrenoloo10k after, you don't 'e lke passing up any chances to eara p f ew extra dolas. This waa DBIMI1JLs position In Northerfl Ontario. H. -u'-' to work lu the aveniige, cttiii* wood and doind choies for hie neigh. bore, because the demande for foc and ciothes at home w.rs no groat. Danilel kept it up for aeyi5..l 7e82 but in time th., atrain told on hlU. and h. de.voloped tuberculouiU. lne was admittedtic the muilkoca Ha f ita.l for ConumptVuy, verT ci However, regt good food and kind- ly care are pprimIflftheir oustoRS4 ary miracle for Dsaiih at h15 Inti- tution. and thore la everY 1hope thaM he w1li soon be sent home, able té take care of hie famly agatu Your subsciiptiofl lua id of Ibis X cellent work Will ho, VOIT 1010l* Please send It 1 to AJEUSý 223 Cologe Stz'.et Tr=lO Christmas Giîts of Footwear Out of Santa's pack on Christmas morning will eome-Slippers, Galoshes, Overshoes, and Rubbers-for ail the family. Chosen because they are practicai, selected for neatness and comfort. You wvil find here the quaiity you like best, and also styles and colors attractively combined. %mie WOMEN'S SL1PPERS Your selection la these cannot be surpassed: Boudoir Slippers 90C Satin quilted $1.75 Juliets. fur trimmeci $1.75 Plaid Felts $1.75 WOMEN'S GALOSHES in all e popular shades, la Jersey Coili and Cotton Jersey $1.95 - $2.35 - 33.00 - 34.50 per pair. MEN'S SLIPPERS You wlll enjoy île sold com- fort o! these cosy Sippers, ln leather or feht: Brownl and black $1.35 Feuts, wlth padded soles. 31.00 ta 32.25 Romneos. elastic aides, 33.25 CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS OVERSHOES One of îe most pleasing gluts r What coud ppease them more for chld s anicepai ofourthan a good warm pair o! these for chhd s a iceairo! or ~ "-' "Oversoes: Cowboy sippers: Child's, 3 buckle $1.95 Chl',8 to 10 85C 10 31.15. Misses', 3 buckle $2.25 Chils. .Misses' rublier Gahoshes. wool Misses'. h10 2 90C ta $1.50 and net lined $2.25 The Elite SImoe Store Wishes ail our customers and friends a very Merry Christmnas. I 5

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