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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1930, p. 1

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foant THIM ISSUE OVER 4000 COPIES DURHAM COUNTY'S 401 GREAT FAMILY JOURNAL With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. I3OWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER l8th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5e a Copy N o. 51 Bowmanvulle Merchants' hrstasShopping Eitioin FOLLOW THE BUSY SHOPPERS TO Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Store z M inyClU Hits EVERY DEPT. OFFERS iUSEFUL, BEAUTIFUL, DESIRED GIFTS Silk Pyjama Sets ....................$1.75 - $2.75 511k Nightgowns .....................$1.75 - $2.75 Coolie Coats ..............................$3.75 - $7.50 Fancy Blankets .....................$4.00 to $9.00 Silk Bloomers, assorted sizes in peach, l)ifk, green, maize and mauve,............59C - $1.50 Umbrellas-Silk and wool mixture on strong frames with amber tips and fertile, and ehoice of faney handies, regular $3.25,...$1.50 - $5.00 Pure Thread Silk Hose, first quality hose of beau- tiful silk, in ail the best shades and sizes 81/2 to 10; a gift worth while .............75c to $2.00 Smart Handbags, popular shades in various leath- ers and styles ......... .......$2.00 - $6.00 Swiss Embroidered Handkerehiefs, fine quality with hemstitehed and scalloped edges, 5c to $1. Children's Sweaters, red, green, blue and sand, in ail wool with V-necks or small collars, sizes 1 to 3 years,.............................$1.25 to $2.25 Chamoisette Gloves, regular 75e value, in beige, modes and greys,....................60c - $1.00 Boxed J4ankies, fine Swiss Hankies with colored embroideries and hemstitched or embroidered edges,................................... 25c to $1.00 Women's Blanket Cloth Dressing Gowns ...$4.25 Silk Spreads, attractive design in rose, gold or blue, size 80xl00 inehes,............$4.50 - $7.50 Bridge Sets, including cloth and 4 serviettes, in pretty design, a practical gift at ..........$1.50 Linen Lunch Sets, 54-inch cloth with six napkins to match, assorted colored borders, $1.50 - $2.75 Leatherette Skating Coats, red, green, blue and brown ................................... $2.75 - $5.75 Motor Rugs, a variety of plaids in variotis weights and colorings with fringed ends, at $2.50 - $7.50 Crib Blankets, rose or blue with nursery figures, reasonably priced from ............59c to $1.50 Bath Towels ....................25c to $1.00 each Men's Searves, various silks in choice of colors, $1.00 to $4.50 MEN'S WEAR FOR LESS Men's $1.00 Soeks, Fr1. and Sat. for ...........79c Underwear, reg. $1.15 for ....................89c î inter Overcoats,...............$15-00 to $37.50 en' Leather Windbreakers ...........$8.95 up Boys' Leather Windbreakers .............$6.95 up Youths' Colored Cheviot Suits. 2 pants, reg. $25.00 for ...................................... $18-50 Men's Scarves from ..................75c to $4.50 Men's Sweater Coats from -..........$1.50 to $5.95 Men's Shirts, wonderful range ........90c to $4.50 Ties from ................................... 25c to $1.50 Pyjamas from ...........................$1.95 to $5.75 Jaeger Soeks for' men make acceptable gifts. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 104 LIrMTED BOVWMANVILLE e p Sm.I.BKahenLxn;ja Waodward and Winifmed Wood, equal; Domthy Cannons, Raymond Fice, Annie Martin. Teacher-Miss M. G. Cllacott. Roamn 2-Jr. 1-Robent West, Doug- las Norton, Kenneth Cole, Eileen Stephens. Jr. Pr.-Marion Stephens, Ruth Harris, Kenneth Nickerson, Lais Large. Jr. Pr.-Doris Piper, Marion Coni- nars, Douglas Wiseman, Jean Hend- erson. Teacher-Misa Margaret McGrcgor. COMING EVENTS Reserve Friday, Dec. lgth, for Christmas Concert at Shaws' Schaal. The annual Christmas Tree and Entetainmcnt ln St. Andrew's Pres- bytenian Sunday Schoal will be held, on Tuesday evening. Dec. 23rd. at 8 P. ni. Admisr4onL. 8ilver collection. Base UIne School Concert wifl e beld on Monday, Dec. 22nd, at8p.m Good proran. Admission: Silver collection; public schaal chilciren f ree. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey, Part Penny, le! t on Wcdnesday fon Flanida, whenc they will spcnd the winteir. ti ue and unseifish characters. We SALEM pray you may be sparcd many more _____ ycars af happinssa with us, and 110W Mm. ordn LppFied ScreamyMother. we ask you ta, accept this 'tir Godon app Fild Screaryring, and Fathen these cuff links, as ai Boys' Work Board, assisted by a a saîîi token o! aur love andi ap- Tyrane local boy, conducted the after- preclation ta us. noon service on Sunday. The Choir And aur souls etain thein power ta, endercd special music, and a larger think upon each fadeci yeam, congregatian than usual were in at- In every bright or shadawed haur, tendance with sorte irom other parts aur hearts shail hold our pan- and ail were very nîuch pleased with ents dear; Mr. Lapp's discourse .....Congratu- The hilîs may towcr. the waves lations ta Miss Gladys Canni who lias may risc and rail between youn been transferred fmom the occasional home and me, to the regular teaching staff ai To- Yet shal aur quenchless memanies ronto; Miss Gladys is another anc ai turn with undying lave ta thee. our Salem girls who is sumely inaking Slgned on behalU of youn chilciren. good ........Word bias been received Bawnianviile, Dec. 12, 1930. that Mr. Chas. Gray and Mr. Fred At the proper time Master Nanann Groombridge who left our neighhor- Tabb andi Kenneth Living presented hood a few weeks ago en route for their grancipaments with a ring and *England, have arrived safely and had pair af cuff links. Mr. Burns made a very pleasant voyage acrass .....a vemy suitable reply on bebal! a! bis Mrs. F. L. Squair visited with her wife and bimseii. In the early daughter, Mrs. W. Moffat, Orono re hours af morning the guests left for cently ....Glad to note that Mms. C. their homes, wlshing their parents Schalls, (nec Madeline ýStephens>, many mare years a! happy wedded North Carolina, who bas been s0 very life. ilI , is convalescent and hope shie will soon be fully recovered...... Mr. and Skating at Taylor's Rlnk Tuesday, Mis. L. Collacott and little daughters, Thursday and Saturday evenlngs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Doidge, visitedl with Mr. and Mrs. C. Billings, Orono,8 Miss Irene Petley. Toronta, spent on Sunday îast. Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. Orniiston. îng was given by Mrs. 1. 0. ±±eiiey. Mm. J. U. Robins presideci during the election a! officens. whlcb resulted as follows: Hon. Pres.-Mrs. J. 'U. Robins; Presiclent-Mrs. Elton Wen- my; Vice Pres.-Mrs. Ross Strike; 2nd Vice-Mrs. S. Fergusan; Con. Sec'y.- Mrs. Inwln Bragg; Rec. Sec'y.-Miss Florence Werny; Treas.-Mrs. C. H. Mason; Christian Stewardship-Mlss Leta Jackson; Strangers-Mrs. W. J. Found; Monthly-Miss Annie Allin; Literature-MLsis Spanga; Supply- Mrs. Elmen Cax; Press--Miss E. E. Haycmait; Assaciate Heipers-Mrs. H. M. Foster; Tcmperance-Mrs. R. Hobbs; Mite Bax-Mrs. Wrigbtsan Wight; Pianist-Mrs. C. H. Dudley: Baby Band Supt.-Mrs. T. B. Gil- christ. SHORTHORN BREEDERS, ATTENTfON I Durham County Shomthorn Brced- ers' annual meeting wlll be hcld at the Balmoral Hlotel, Bowmanvlle, on Saturday, Dec. 20, at 2 o'clock p. m. Members and breeders who have animais te affer for sale are partic- ularly requestcd ta attend. The Sec- retary has outside enquiries for im-j mediate delivery o! arders. S. C. Aluin, 3. Baker, President. Secretary 1 KENDAL MAN KILLED IN Sading oF PuIIic School Students,-CR-vATKURV1N1 Let's Go on a Shopping Trip For kIL and 1 B. H. S. Whenl o therBaksnvile Store For N vem6ier and Decem6er Hit by Aileged HtadRn oteBw avleSoe ________________________ Driver-Fleeing Man Crashes Head-On with Truck, Killing The following are the namnes o f the, COMMUNITY WELFAREHielan Inr gRiSo JUNIOR MISSION BANDSCrStlB5whisgitpoes highest standing pupils in each class I ODCRSMSCNET is the question of the day in most for Noventber and December. We ' ilApelfrMe' lt ig Alleged to have bit Stanley Rick- HL HITA OCR minds-young and aid. What ta only publish one-quarter of t& en- SeilApa o e' ltigIarci. 19 year olci son of Mr. andi Mrs. choose and where ta choose it is of rolen ineah ooman tereor iW. J. S. Rickard. Shaws and then ta Children Are Entertaiiied ta Supper paramounit importance. As a prac- there are pupils in many rooms whosc in Comunity .ambr e Commitee ne have crashed into a truck owned by yWoe'MlinyScey tical solution for these gift perpiex- naines are flot published, wvho have M< Cunilhmber Tu pesday eemng heicWbite Sons. Dyers and Cleaners Amoeisrngihtwudb ities we have deviseci a plan whereby honor stndin. mebersbein preent.of Toronto, Albert Hutchinson of Amoeisrngigtwudb Mr. and Mrs. Christmas Shopper and honou staning.Receipts since last meeting: Home Kendal was alrnost instantiy killed bard ta, behold tban the bright faces their famiiy may chaose their gifts Room I-Sr. 4th-Selma Bartlett and School Club, $12.32; Dr. V. H. near the Kurv Inn on Wednesday ev- aOf about 75 boys and girls, members fram the wdl-stocked stores of Bow- Doris Dudley, Tomn Dustan, Hughi Storey, $2000. ening. His son, Albert is in tbe Bow- of the Sparling and Alice Jackson mnanvfie witb case, comfort and Smale, Bob. Clark, Ada Clark, Helen Committee reported on deputation mnanvilie Hospital suffering from se-I Mission Bands, wha gave a very i- econamy. Pritchard, Clara Beilman, Muriel ta Council ta ask for 50%> cost of vere lacerations about the face and t eresting program on Tuesday even- It will pay you handsomely, both Stocker, Marjorie Jones, Audrey meals provided for transients. Coun- bead. Stanley Rickard sustained a mng i Trinity Unitedi Church school i dollars and time, ta sit down right Elliott. cil agrecd ta give 50%, provided on 1Y double fracture of the leg and is re- room.. now and read every page and every Teacher-J. H. Johnston. Police handle the meal tickets. It is ported today ta be progressing favor- The members were first entertain.. advt. i this "Special Bowms.nville Room 2-Fourth Class-Freeborne agreed that Police only handle the ably. Police state tbat Hutchinson eci ta supper by tbe aiternoon Aux- Merchants' Christmas Shopping Edi- Colville, Sybil Mutton, Water Gives, meal tickets. had first bit the Rickard boy and iliary of the W. M. S., tbe tables be- tion." These progressive merchants Mlargaret Sellers, Fred Callan, Robert Bowmanville people are therefore haci then lef t tbe scene of the acci- ing attractive with Christmas decor- bave co-operateci with the publishers Wiseman, Ross Williams, John Poul- asked to send aIl transients calling at dent witbout stopping andi was pro- ations andi good tbings ta est. After of The Statesman to, scnd their ton, Glen Mcllveen, Herbert Yeo. their homes ta the Police. The PoliceI ceeding at a very fast rate when bie ail had donc justice the tables were tinieiy andi interesting shopping aews Teachr-F. . Co Iey will see to it that the transients do1 bit the other truck an the dangerous cleared away and tbe little people ta every home withln the purchasing Rom eahe-F C Cnly.not starve or freeze. bend near Kurv Inn. T. E. Oliver, wcre shawn about 50 siides of Warid area of Bowmanville. Four thousand Rom3- Jr. 4th - Mary Birks, Community Welfare Comnittee ap- driver of the Toronto truck stated Friencis, Mrs. B. M. Warnica telling copies of The Statesman are being MdeMoses, Billie McFeeters, Jean peals for men's clothing, especially, that Hutchinson was driving wtb tbe story and Miss V. Bunner oper- distributeci this week as messengers Con;Bert Johnston, Frank Taylor,, as the caîl for lotbing is mostly fromn only one ligbt and came across, ating the iantern. from the local merchants direct ta equal; Fred Neal, Thelma Little, men and very little bas coin. the higbway and finisbed in a head- The program was introduceci by your fIresides. Greta Raby, Florence Hooper. j Clothing af any kind, fit to wear, will on collision with his truck. Police are Pastor Robins, wha made a very af- Bowmanviile merchants have long Teachr-Minie M Jenings be gladly received at St. John s Parishiniclineci ta believe this story after an fable chairman. Choruses: Farenodanevabeeptio o Room 4 - Sr. Ill - Marion Scott, Hall each day between il a.m. and investigation. and Oliver was not Round the World. Hark the Heraici1 carrying dependable merchandise Omery Mitchell, Walter Hall, Ruth i' noon. held. Sbortly after the Rickard boy Angels Sing, Away in a Manger. ît above tbe average. This accounts Ives, Dorothy Bai-ton, Gertrude The Comnittee is deepîy grateful haci been bit, the police were natif-I Came upon the Midnigbt Clear. were for many people from distant pointa Wagar, Eric Swindells, Dorothy for the assistance aîready given and icci andi had sent word aheaci ta stopj sung by tbe members; recitations by comingbhere regularly ta shap. This lradt, Helen Morden, Jean McMullen, hp and trust tiiat al willI do thi Hutchinson. It was wbile escapingi Betty Eciger, Mary Brown, Frances year local stores are more attractive Helen Foster. . hope te leit hesfeigtisf ram the scene of the f irst accident Rawe, Helen Brooking, Louise Cox, than usuai with seasonable and gift share to allviateMtoerss.ering thi that lie is believed ta have met bis Kelvin Symans, Helen Hooper, Bessie goocis. well displayed and at price Room 5-Sr. 111-Helen Glanville, - - death. Bath trucks were badly dam- Simpson. Dorothy Richards, Rutb that are lower than they have been Greta Tomlinson, Dorothy Knox, Gor- aged but the driver ai the Toronto James, Evelyn Harnden, Mildred for mnany years. don Martin, Icleen Haîlman, James MR. AND MRS. ALBIN CLEMENS truck escaped witb sligbt injuries. Luxtan, Eleanor Crawfortb, Gertrude Do Your Christmas Shopping In Fowler, James Martin, V/erna Lenh- CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING Hutchinson bad moveci anly re- Wagar, Geraldine Coulter. Marion Bawmanville. dart, Lena Kellar, Earl Clark, Jean centiy ta Kendal from Toronto. He is Knox; piano solos, Dorothy Harndcn, Rundle. Couple Given Surprise Party and surviveci by bis wife and seven cbild- Margaret Wood, Bert Jobnston, Jean Extra demanci for advertising Teacher: Robt. A. McLeod. Presente'J With Case of ren. His bady was remaved ta Marris' McMullen, Darotby Bracit, Norma space has crowded out several col- Roomn 6-Jr. III-Charlie Churchill, Silverware undertakmng parlors where a jury will Searle, Ruth Ives; vialin sala. Fred umns ai important news. Jack Underhill, Benniy Rose, Jack bie impaneleci by Coroner V. H. Wood; exercise, "Babe ai Bethle- Fisher, Paul Symons, Helen Williams, On Friday evenhîg at 6.30 about Storey. Chief of Police Sydney Ven- hem,"~ Frances Rawe. Hazel Wood, Kathleen Blunt; Olive Ward, Fred forty relatives and friends. gatbered ton, assisted by Provincial Constable Winnifred Wood, Milcireci Luxton, Laphen, equal; Marion Martin; Helen at the home afilber mother, Mrs.W- E. Smitb investigateci tbe acci- Margaret Rowe, Mavis Garton, Mar- R Cotton, Theodore Lambros, equal. Alex. Taylor, Concession SI., as a et ae etwaRt tvnB R9 Teacher-G. M. Wickett. surprise ta Mr. and Mrs. Aibin Clem- bara Rehder, Helen Hooper, Mildred Room7-J. Il-Ruh Crderan;ens. On beirarrvai r. lenCoulter, Joye Richards, Evelyn - Willim Jmesl-Rudhard Her, ugnsn. Ontebewari tbe brd e, îa-RUBY WEDDING Harnden, -Marlon McDonald, Kath- Wiliam JaesEdwrdHooerHuhso, nphw o th bide ply-leen Luxtan; Christmas exercise: WED. - THURS. - FEI. equal; Helen 'Virtue, Ethel Graham, cd the wedding marci. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burns Cele-,Louise Hobbs, Dorothy Smale, Lamna DECEMBER 17 - 18 - 19 Edward Pugh, Jack Colville, Charles Aiter they haci recovered from brate the Fortieth Anlversary Sanciers, Irene Joncs, Audrey Com- Somerscales, Jack Honcyman, Bill their surprise the frie'nds wcre seat- of Their Marriage stock, Ruth Purdy, Jean Rundie,"R F L S Tait; Edith Richards, George Morris, ed and alI enjayed a fowl dinner, Veda Purdy, Jean McMullcn; Story, equal. cake and ice cream. The bridesmaid A social evening was spent on Fri- "Unlucky Jiru" Donald Mason; vocal andc Teacher-Leta L. Bragg. and groomsman of 25 years ago, Mrs. day, Dec. l2tb, at the home af Mr. slo Ruth Stevens. The Thrce Kings "THE INDIANS ARE COMING" Room 8-Sr. II-Roy Swindells, S. Hughson and Mr. H. Eagleson, andi Mrs. Michael Burns, when their i sotohe Orient were represented inh Carol Martyn, Ruth 'Virtue, Dorothy were among the guests present. The chilciren, grancichilciren, sisters and solos by Misses Helen Foster, Audrey Thursday Nlght, aid of Canadia Smale, Kenneth Sumersiord, Norma table was prettily decorateci with brothers gathereci to spenci a pleas- Elllott and Ada Clark, and chorus by Legion Xmas Cheer Fund. Searle. Jr. II - Donelda Creasser' carnations and silver streamers and ant time witb tbem, it being the oc- Ithe members. The programi closedi Silverware Nlght Every Tueday. Eleanor Crawforth, Tommy Martin, i the centre a tbrec-story wedding casion af their 40tb wcddlng anni- wlth a "Gooci Night" chorus i whlch _______________ LoieWlo.cake decked in silver and white nes-vrar.BbaeRhe gveaectio Louise-EdnWilson.ll.tled.vrayBabr ed gearcito; TeacheSr 1-Br-En a.well. ter everything was cîcareci awayI The cbildren are: Mrs. Thos. Kis "Goa<i Bye." Prograni closed wlth SA'Ik - MON. - TUERS. Cha. H-r. l-Byrobn, Crard the bride and groom af 25 years were man, Mrs. A. Living, Mr. Fred Burns the bénédiction by the pastor. DECEMBR 20 - 22 - 23 Chga.,Hoa, AlanTo abyn,'Jeanl seated and Mr. Clark Taylor, Yong and Mr. Arthur Burns, of Oshawa; At the close each chlld receivcd a Wre rs rsn Tommy Rehder, ,iesitn Koren, Bfaihe bride, read the Mrs. Chas. Tabb, Mapie Grove; gift of candy. The trees were laclen Wre rs rsn TomyRedrLilinKoen Ban ouwigadres:Msss.CBurnsnNranBuns by Wit "COURAGE"edbyte CO RA E Elliott; Elva Pte n Doris Virtue, Dear Aggie and AIbin :-We, your Mrs. Gardon Richards, and Miss Liz- chilciren whlch wll be distributed equal. ece-isV Bne. near relatives and fricnds, have zie Burns, Bowmanville. Ail were among the needy ones. Apwru rm famte Teacer-ias . H Buner.gathered here this evenîng ta celc- present with the exception of Mr. Ar- Much crédit la due the leaders, Apwru rm !amte Room lJ-Sr. I-Marlon Dudley, brate the occasion o! your Sîlver thur Burns who was ill Mrs. B. M. Warnlca and Mrs. C. J. who fInds a spectre from the past Margaret Storey, Sidney Rundle; Wedding. Although you bave had The guests arriveci about 8 o'ciock Smale, for the boys; Mrs. W. C. Ives, menacing lier home and happi- Alan Brooking, Donald Allin, equal; trials andi troubles we know you have and enjoyed the early part of the Min. E. J .Wood, Mms. D. J. Cham- ness, and haw she triumphs Moira Dinniwell, Bobby Purdy, Henry enjoyeci anc another's company for evenlng i games and dancing, afteri bers and Miss Vivian Buniner, fort through the courage and loyalty Wightman; Ross Backus, Jimamie 25 years. You have alsa had your whlch a buffet lunch was served. the girls; and to, Mr. Francis Sultan, of her yaunigest boy. Clark, equal. Jr. 1-Laura Wilson, twa sons, Laverne and Norman, spar- The following address was rcad by Mus. Bac, for the singing. WIth Belle Bennett, Mariais Nix- Helen Pringle. ed ta you. and we ail join in wishing Mr. 0. Richards: on1, Leois Janney, and a treat cast. Teacher-F. E. Moore. you many happy years. We hope you Dear Father and Mather :-We, LOCAL AND OTIEMWIEE Room il -Jr. - Peggy Moses; will be spared ta celebrate your gai- your children and grandchildren, - E.-TIE.-Fl Jean Pattinson, Ethel Donoghue, den wcdding. We ask you ta accept bave gathered at home this cvenlng A letter is te, hand from Miss Belle WD HR.-FI equal; Kith Slemon, Mark Lam- this case of silver as a token af aur ta cnjay a f ew hours with you on this 0. Allen who left asat manth on a DECEMBEN. 24 - 25 - 26 boumne. Sr. Pr. A.-Donald Venton, love and affection. your 40tli Wedding Anniversary. On1 mater trip te Florida whlch she says Matlnee Xmas Day at 3 .'c"e. Jean Johnson, equal; Wesley Martin, At the praper tinie Mr. Norman looking ito the future, 40 years la was a mast wonderful and interest- Helen Lambras. Sr. Pr. B.-Bernicc Taylor, eidest brother of the bride, a long time ta look aheaci and f ew ing journey. Hem address for the More Amusing Than Rimble; Audrey Foley ,Albert Darch, pnesentcd the case af silver. Although bave thé privilege ta live that tinie winten will be cia, Hotel Sait Air, "They Had Ta Se Paris"~ equal. greatiy taken by surprise, the groonm tagether, so we an unbrokcn iamily West Palm Beach, Flanida. She fur- His latest ail talking Fax Tece-.M. Sargent. made a suitable reply. Everybady arc thankful ta be wlth you, aur par- ther says: My window averlooksaaMvitn Room 12-Primer Class-Class A- then loined in hi nging "For They Are ents. During tumes of sorrow and îoveîy cocoanut grave and the out- oite Jean Trimble, Allan Mahood, Elmer Joliy Good Fellows." The rcmaind- trouble, you have bad each othen ta uine af the lake. It la neally mare WW lRffri Gibson, Irla Jackman, Joyce Rich- cm o! the cvcning was spent In sing- -onfide lu and thus made life pleas- lovely than I expccted and the flow- ards, Ernest Morris. Class B.-Lorne ing and gamcs. Thnoughout the ev-- îîter for each other andi yaur famly, crs are beyond words te, describe "50O THIS IS LONDON" Gibson, Margaret Westaway, Ruth ening hame-made candy and fruit as wcîî as tinies ai cnjoyment. and them. Stevens. Class C.-Vivian Nicholîs, was servcd. bave been able ta say: rntY.W uliymeTes Doris Clapp, Kenncth Hlooper. ' riends fram a distance were: Mr~ Whcn cames the wiid weatber, Trievni Y.nW.tAuxLia et' Tues- TahrMs ar at.and Mrs. C. P. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. cames sleet or snow, dyecigi h ais ls _______S. J. Hughson, andi Mn. Glen Hugli- We will stand by each other, how- Rom. Miss Spargo, presîdent, pre- sonTornto Mr ani Mr. F 01m. t bow;sided. the pogram being In charge SOT AD C L es.nd orntMn. . Hakn, OshaP.a; Mr. ever ia! ;ofMms. Smith Ferguson's group I SOT ADSHO nand M r. . H alsan, Osa a; r.;ad Oppression and sickness and sor- Devotianal reading was taken by F r a and rs.H. EgleonCoborg;and row and pain Ms .M oe isHlnAge I f r a Room I-Sm. II-Madeleine Calver, Miss E. Pascac. Hampton. Shahl be ta aur truc lave as lins Mr s.ol. owccoMpaiseleArue Lewis Wiseman, Gerald Bird. A message a! good wisbes was re- ta a chain. sanguasol onacempianoid b Mr. Sr. I. A.-Hazel Aider and Kath- ceived from Mrs. Vida Sinclair. New Yau bave donc your best ta teach Fergcs uson on the p ln ancMn leen Byng, equal; Maiorie Bvnoe. York, wha was unable ta, be present. us the rigbt way of living by your 4-- -. - - -- - T -- .1 u.-auuIÇ The Committee of NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL haV'e engaged BURTON TILL AND HIS ORCHESTRA for an Informai Dance ta be given Tuesday, Dec. 30 1930 Dancing 9 p. mi. te 1 a. nm. TICKETS 75c. SPECTATORS 50. We have the best floor in the district. 61-2 C-7 Mý, 9!

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