PAG3E FOT7R SANTA OFFERS YOU A GREAT NEWSPAPER BARGAIN Send a Gift That Lasts the 'Year Through Bach year an increasing number of Statesman subscribers include one or more subscriptions to The States- man among their Christmas remem- brances. No other gif t ill so com- pletely reflect your good wshes. It is a constant weekly reminder ta the reciplent of your regard. This year we make this exceptional offer: Every renewal subscription ta The Statesman at $2.00 per year will entitle you to send The Statesman ta a bona fide new subscriber (in Can- ada) for an additional $1.00 for 12 months. Add 50c on each paper to, U. S. subscribers. HAVE YOU ANY ARTICLES FOR A COMMUNTY SALE? Several citizens have been incauir- ing when we are going ta hold an- aLlier auction communlty sale as they wish ta dispose o! vartous arti- cles they are not needing. If you have any furniture, household efiects, implements, tools, etc.. you wish tc dispose o! in a cammunity sale wifl you advise us at once and we wlll be holding an auction sale within two weelcs. J. J. Mason & Son. Phone 50. I can't roam freely through the world LiMe seems ta shut me in wth bars; And yet a pool that lies quite still, Can mirror flylng birds and stars. -Cheerful Cherub . Why cornes Temptation, but for man ta meet, And master, and make crouch be- neath his feet, And so be pedestaled in triumph. 1 -Robert Browning. INTERLMEDIATE AND JUNIORL SCHEDUJLES REVISED Complete Series of O. H. A. Games ta be Played in Local Groupa (Cut this out for future reference) Intermediate Sehedule Dec. 26-Oshawa at Orono. Bowmanville at Peterboro. 29 -Orono at Port Hope. Peterboro at Oshawa. Jan. 2-Port Hope at Bowmanville. Oshawa at Peterboro. 5-Peterboro at Port Hope. 9-Bowmanville at Oshawa. Peterbaro at Orono. 12-Orono at Bowmanville. Port Hope 4t Oshawa. "16-Orono at Peterboro. Bowmianville at Port Hope. 19-Oshawa at Bowmanville: 23-Port Hope at Peterboro. Bowmanville at Orono. 26-Peterboro at Bowmanvllle. Oshawa at Port Hope. 30-Port Hope at Orono. Feb. 2-Orono at Oshawa. Play-off games Fcbruary 4 and 6. Frst teain in standing to have chioice of gaines. *Junior Schedule Dec. 29-Bawmanville at Oshawa. 31-Whitby at Bowmanville. *Jan. 1-Trenton at Port Hope. *" 6-Port Hope at Bowmanvill( Osntawa at Whitby. 9-Bowmanville at Trenton. P Prt Hope at Oshawa. 12-Wlhitby at Oshawa. " -owmanville at Port Hope. 16-Whltby at Trenton. 19-Oshawa at Port Hope. 20--Bowmanville at Whitby. 2-otHope at Whitby. 23-Oshawa at Bowmanville. 2-Trenton at Whitby. 30Port Hope at Trenton. Feb. 2-Trenton at Oshawa. Whitby at Port Hope 4-Trenton at Bowmanvllle. Play-off games Fcbruary 6 and 9. First team in standing ta have choice o! games. 0F FEMININE CHARM f o Siter Frivolous things bemitching- lY lace trimmed-and smart tailared styles-yau've neyer seen such an array o! cx- quisite teddies, dance dam- binations. slip-ans and pan- tics! There isin't a waman who daesn't -adore" baving quantities of lingerie... S you can buy ber sev( Silk- Vests ............79c to $1.50 Silk Gowns ...............$1.50 up PyJamas .................$2.50 up )w prices veral sets. LeuJmi ne£ Boxed Handkerchiefs ..................5c to 75c Fancy Ribbon Sachet Holders .........35c to 75c Scarfs, in great variety .................$1.25 up Ladies' Kimonas .................$2.95 and $4.95 Children's Iderdown Kimonas, 8-14 years .... $1.95 Genuine Leather Purses ...........$2.25 to $4.95 Fancy Silk Umbrellas .............$2.50 to $8.75 Kid Gloves, new styles .............$1.98 to $2.75 Towel and Face Cloth Sets .................$1.25 AT THE TOP 0F THE CHRISTMAS GIFT PILE HOSIERY No matter how many times she receives thcm, cvery woman thrills at a new pair a! basieny. If you are un daubt as ta wbat will please ber, why flot look aver the varied selection that we are now ashowing. New deep shades for Winter modles; silk fram top ta toe, . . . pruced at anly $1.50 and $200 The Smart Skop SCOWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager. BOWMANVJLLE BOY GIIVEN PUBLICTTY IN GOODYEAR MONTHLY "THE CLAN" Interesting Facts in Life o! Norman R. Greenfleld Revealed in Raey Write-Up Each month "The Wingfoot Clan" contains a biography of one of its prominent employees. In its No- vember issue Norman R. Greenfield, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Greenfield of this town, was in the spotlight. The article foUowný: Norman Robert Greenfield is riight superintendent of the third shift. He has over 12 years eDonti:r 'nus ser- vice with the Goodyear,.le flrst Norman R. Greenfiel1 71 started witb the company in 1910 i0. Bawmanville, but le! t for a period. He worked on hase (not ladies), beits, curing heels (well ones> and tire building. He was also an inspec- tor and a supervisor. He was bomn in Bawmanville about 44 years aga. He uscd ta pay quite a numnber of visits ta the neighboring ýe village a! Orono via on foot andi horse and buggy (wild extravagance) on Sundays, which trips were suc- cessfully cancluded when his persan- ality and thrilling eloquence finally realized for him his drcams and am- bitions. He was marnled on May 7, 1908. in Orono. He naw resides in New Toronto. He neyer had ta hclp with the dishes as be has four daughtcrs. Twa a thcm, former Goodyear cmployces, I are now married. Mildrcd is still with the Goodyear. He aiso has a son called Bob and a grandson called Norman. The grandsan is called a!- ter anc grandfathcr, but looks most like the other. Thus thcy bath got fan even break. He sîcepsalal day and has became accustamed ta keeping awake ati nights. He is îiot a good persan to have around when anc wants ta go ta, bcd early on week-ends. Most o! his spare time is spent shining up his autamobile. When be has nothing in particular to do, and this is quite aften in the day time. he gets a duster and polishes his car. The paint on it is almost worn off f rom constant rubbing. He cant stand any squeaks in bis car. He just bought a new one' last spring and stops in the mniddle.of a trip wth oul can in band to lo2atc and dccl or iip the slightes;t o! squeak,. If he did not do si) ruuich listening hr' would enjoy hi" trips~ marc. So would the rest. Most o! his week-ends this summer were spent on trins to the dealer in Osh- awa from wbom he purchi.,cd thei car. Hle was there so aften and Fc, long that people began ta think that he ewned the establishment. The Proprietor wa-, glad he didn't 1h e dloser. Ho is cquite a mnusician sud can Play any kind of ;musi,-'al instirment. He onece conducted an orchestra at the Goodyear and it was a good one. He was al.,o bandmaster o! the New, Toronto Band. He played in the banu i1 in Bawmanville for years. Outsidc1 o! doing a littie whistling for his own' satisfaction and amusement, he hasýi drapped most o! his active interest in music. He used ta do a littie singing and' has an excellent basa voice. He learned ta sing from aa'ginçg the t-i'-~ dierý to sleep. He n".vc' croans. He likes dogs which also include:,;! "hat dogs'" but bates c,, ta. He neyer useci to like carrots until a demon- stration was gîven by an aluminum salesman. Thcy laoked 50 tempting that he tried them out. He bas a delicate and discriminating appetite. The thinga that wauld tickle bis pal- ate moat are fish. honey. venisan and wild duck. Of course he won't re- fuse turkey, chicken or goose. He seldomn gets mad except wben awakened during bis slecp wben Mil- drpd, Young Bob and Dorothy get in- ta an argument. He then cornes down in bis slippers and pyjamas and settles it and wben he settîca it lIt stays settlcd. THE POWER OF KINDNESS 'The Boston Monitor" Klndness holds peaples and na- tions together in the bonds a!f fiend- ship; indced. it may be said ta be a universal language: for while an in- dividuai may not understand an- other's speech, an act a! kindness is always undcrstood. In its truc mean- ing. kindness is love exprcssed as courtesy. brotherlincas, thoughtful- ness and consideration for others, al o! wbich qualities express the spirit a! the Golden Rule given by Jesus Christ: "As ye would that men should do ta you. do ye aiso ta themn likewise." The spirit o! brotbenly love, or kindncs. is being "shed abroad in aur hearts." and there is in the un:- versaI tbought a divine influence tending ta draw and bold together nations and inclividuals in a dloser bond of union. When many are workîng together toward a commo il purpose, each ane helpir, thc athei the hirzh goal is more ea.À4ly attaîned.l. Heads <ofif usnss concr "rýv an b (r r- nicv 'i* e p fln r" t î h' 'îip-o '>prrjrrand hai nan- ion r - 'ni,'. .1;1n - 1i11'-r nid r f i i!":iiiizrt on (r y buit i more nec nyv perfect w1iinpra e<l by that !- pr t o! lovx'r ' 0'-r1Xcrý tion r'î' dby Isaialir: Thley hplIn- ed cvery anc bis ncigbbou,': and e':i ery anc aaid ta bis brother. be Cf gaad courage. Sa the carpenter en- counaged the goldsmith. and he that, smoatheth with the hammer him that smote the anvll."1 Bowmanville Plays Tie Car Los"s Monday Night - Regularly - Taylor' In Excellein 'Now that the local Junior hockey Iplayers havp a couple of real games under their beits they should feel bbetter. or worse. We have no excuses, alibis or even good reasons ta offer the fans for their defeat on Monday evening at the hands o! Whitby in the S. P. A. series in Oshawa. Bowmanville seemed to be the better team from a sPectator's viewpoint. but they could flot seem ta get the disc past Donnelly. They had twice as many 'hcts at the net as Whitby did, but th"y either went wild or were stop- ci by the efficient Whitby goalie. The first goal of the game was c :ýred by Oscar Jamieson. It was u.t at the beginning. with only %bout twvo minutes gone. when -Ossie- slapped in a back hand shot mwhich the goalie had no chance. Ti]en evcryrne was shooting at the let in a wild melec. but no score re- ýýulI-ed. Whitby took a turn in the Proceedings with about five minutes of the first period rernaining. Brown If~ Whitby fol]owcd in ifter a re- 5hound and timed it just cxactly when Adams had no chance ta save. A little while later -Morne' Oke scorcd, but it was not allowed. Adams was nearly hit in the head in the first period, a hard shot by Brown just skimmed his ears. The peniod end- cd 1-1. Brown seems to be the scorer. and on rebounds too. He reaped his sec- In the Realm of SportI THESTAESMN ROPY WN nt.he oningazeon-j Mondayci me n Frs Wih Wity Bt'BY COUI-Wr TUNV'ý CRUP taken into camp by Oshawa '*Pros." me i Fist ith hity Bt. These two junior teams were weli - Inerm diaes racisig iholding O'-hawa scoreless. In the - - seconde Aand hird Oshawa showed a nt ond tio .~ pi good deal of superiority in condition. last and gave evrything they had. o n d or h e e e ni g in th e se c o d IT h e fin a l sc o re w a s 6 -3 . O rm e sa y s ofraeonatmost en sam te shod 1.lhe doesn't mJnd losing the game, but 1before. Jamieson,Ok an Ppe be didnt like' Coach Ken. Randafl of were threats in this pernod and sev- Osaathe saeine ad cacinghi eral times made lone rushes tlhrough ts tte aetre the defence only ta trip, lose the! Puck or bury it in the goalie's pads. That gaine in Oshawa on Monday Evereyone worked hard in the finalwstocadfrhke.Whte stanza, but condition was none to mercury hovering around below zero good and play was none too peppy it was no fun writing with one baie Bothteas buche a ood ealallhand. We con fairly shiver ta think thotes u nd a o od ea al iof it. It always seems colder inside lly sec that they had much ta îm- i Oshawa rn hnayhr le prove. Nothing happened in the - last period very exciting and thiere' Taylor's Arena is open alniast ev- were no scores. The -ame ended eyngtnwadNm alrsl 2-1 fr Whlby. cits your patrcnage. You wfll fInd Last Thursday the saine teams that natural ice is much easier on Played which resultcd in a draw 1-1,: which to skate than artificial. If s0 it was necessary ta play over: voiî orp not convinced, try it. again. Now Whitby plays Oshawa for 1'-o the Sheriff Plaxton Trophy on Wed- 1 nesday night. This handsome Silver Trophy was We are discontinuing aur course in Line-Up 1presented ta, the Tuxis Softball Physical Training for this year. Next Whitby: Goal-Donnelly; Defence League of Wert Durham by the puh- ýyear we hope ta get started an 1Jt a -SnottMan y ; eont usr ow: lisers .flittle earlier, because once Ice cones -ScottMan Be; Centr-erdw ihso The Canadian Statesman. the players will notdo much prescrib- den, Hodge. Adams, Thompson. 'The cup, whicb was won by the ed exercise. For this reason we have Bowmanville: Goal-Adams, De- Caurtice Tuxis Group for 1930. was flot obtained the rcsults this year fence-Jamieson. Oke; Centre-Pip- presented to the winning tcam by 1 that we would have liked. Mr. Cun- er; Wings-Walton, Lunney; Subs-- John M. James at the Boys' Conclave 'ningham has spent a great deai o! Veale, Gunn. Bagnell, Brown. held at Newcastle recently. Th.- ture and thought dolng this deed o! -0-Statesman Tropby is for annual kindness and we thank him and ane Intrmeiats ae hldig pactcescompetition ta encourage dlean and very grateful for his assistance. Intrmeiats ae hldig pactcesmanly sport among teen age boys in, Any who are doing these exercises nearly every night this week. They this league and must be won by the should continue adciing a little more sure are working off the a'dpose tis- samne teami three consecutive semsons each week, and they wll fInd loy I sue and getting same wind. jta, become the permanent owners. having good hcalth and a fIne body. Es.ptecally Selected ta make ielconue gruts. A most in- tcr-esting aSsortient of col- ors andi ratternr. ail new and smiart. You can't go wrong in rnakinrz your sel- ection from these unusual gift values. 50c to $1.50 Hasts Of smart newv pat- tcrns and color eomIbina- tions. Al wool, silk and mixtures. They're Of un- usual quality for the price, and they're practical gj!ts that Uwill be heartily endors,- cd hy any min. 50C to $1.50 Well made shirts ln broad- eloth or mnadras - with or without attached collars. In white and a big varicty of fashionable colors. Give anc or two of these hand- somne shirts if you wauld really please hlm. $1.50 to $5.00 Men's bracaded satin-trini- mcd and flannel robes. This assortmient inl uie!s rnýbes that are !"ia!'ýùii E'very p,,ttrrn a"i ui,4J a created f(,r t .. ':' ii SeIl;ig . ', . $4.715to $1I 2.00 There's many a slip on gift- giving - .- but you'îl neyer slip an these capeskin gloves thougl t he recipient WinI. They're offered in black and brown, regular and cadet sizes. $1.50 to $4.00 A splendid selection of new4 est holiday patterns. in rh color combinations. They're generous sized, heav.v silk squares . . . a luxurious gift and one that you'il be proud to give. $1.00 to $5.00 EVERY OVERCOAT K IN STORE REDUCED IN PRICE » Te B. GILOHIRIST Direciiy Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville u:$nG'CHRIST'S :::::GILCHRIST'Sf:::GILCHRIST'S t:UGILCHRIST'S U:U GILCHRisTsti THE CANADIAN STATESMLAZ4, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 Juniors Lose S. P. A. Game.. Orono -Ehminated by Oshawa no" IFOR IEVIERV TASTFE '<FOR IEWIIRVY UJIR§!B n ~ 1 HOSTJ I's H '. IRTSI si ef eo -