THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM.&NVILLE, THURWDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 PAGE SezvE You can Live on Your Savings ý IF YOU SHOP AT MILLER'S CHRISTMAS WEEK SPECIALS Ladies' Silk Bloomer and Vest Set ..........-$1.10 Ladies' finest quality Sweaters, sizes 34 to 44, at ......................................... $2.W0 Large assortment Misses Pullovers, $1.45 to $1,85 Men's Shirts .............................89c to $1.35 Men's Sweater Coats, 100% pure wool ......$3.69 Men's Black Pullovers .....................$2.00 Ail above articles in Christmas boxes. J. E. MILLER Dry Goods & Furs Phone 170 Bowmanville 'q N For CIhristmas Dinner WHAT WILL IT BE - TURKEY, GOOSE, DUCK OR CHICKEN? We can fill your order with a real plump, choice bird o! cither variety you desire. Just let us know wbat you want and it will be delivered whenever you want it. SOME TEMPTING WEEK-END SPECIALS Cocoa, 1-lb. tin Tea, lb.. Coffee, lb. Easifirst, 1-lb. print 25e Rolled Pot Roast 39e Roiled Rib Roast 39C Fresh Hams o! Pork (wbole or bal!) 15e Pure Lard, 1-lb. print 22e lb. 25e lb. 20e lM. 19e PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Edmnondstone's PURE FOOD STORE IPhone 21 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE SHOOTING MATCHES Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fletcher, Mr.; A Shooting Match wiil be held at Almond Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Elmno1 Wrightson Wight's farm, south of Anderson, and Mrs. Robt. Greenfleld 1 Boys' Training School, on Saturday. were ini Toronto over the weekend Dec. 20th, at 1 p. m. Shot guns wiil visitmng the former's brother. Mr.. be used. 20 geese will be offered as Charlie Fletcher, who la critically in. prizes. Ira F. Pearce, Manager. Miss Ina Pethick, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. A Shooting Match will be held on Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, Misa the premises o! W. J. Leask, Lot 34, Margaret Thomas, and Mr. Geo. Con. 6, Darlington, two miles forth attendceg tere uneMllrolateelote a unto0p.nm. turey ade4 0 larg Sptencer were IneMilofthlaste o aunton, on a turdsandec.02large Rev. Canon Allen, Millbrook. pure' bred Barred Rock roosters. Mr tJas.o Satoudyalligoronold il n ho u ob sd Mr. Ja ons. cDugdyall Torono ld il n ho u 0b sd f riends who are always glad to see Shooting Match will be held on the him. He was guest of Mr .and Mrs. premises of John Shackleton, V¼-mile John Mclntyre. west of Enniskillen, on Saturday, Mrs J. N. Lawrie was in Toronto Dec. 2th, at 1 p. m. Good geese.1 over the weekend visiting ber bro- Shot guns to be used. ther, Mr. David McPberson, who un- derwent a very serious operation last Shootmng Match for geese will be week but is reported making good beld by Green Bros. on the Craw- progress. ford Farm, Lot 17, Con. 3, Darling- Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Clemens and ton, on Saturday, Dec. 20, at 2 p. M. Mr. Irving Clemens motored to Shotgun and rifle shot shelas free. ICampbellford recently f0 visit Mr. and Mrs. Dawson. b Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cole and daugh- SUNDAY AT LOCAL CHURCHES t er and Miss Hilda Curtis, Toronto, spent Sunday withtheir mother, Mrs. St. John's Anglican Church 1 John Curtis, Carlisle Ave. Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Mrs. A. W .Pickard was called to Fourth Sunday in Advent, December Hopeville last week to attend fun- 21st, 1930 (St. Thomas' Day): il a. eral o! hier nephew, Mr. E. E. Hock- m.-Holy Communion and Sermon; ridge. wbose wile was Miss Ethel 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School and Bible Werry. niece of Mrs. W. C. Fergutson Class; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. and Mrs. Pickard. Rcv. J. U. Robins of Trinity United Trinity United Church Church took for his subject on Sun- Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor day morning "John the Baptist." Sunday services at 1l a. m. and 71 showing the difficulties met with in p. ms. Special Christmas sermons. those days were sîmîlar to those en- Choir under leadership of Mr. countered now. In the evening his Francis Sutton. Mus. Bac., is prepar- subject was "The Luggage o! Life" ing a special program of Christmas whicb bie made very interesting. music. You are invited. iSolos were sung in the morning by Mr. W. R. Strike, in Sunday School St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church b)' Miss Marguerite Joness, and in Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister thse evening by Mrs. D. J. Chambers. Christmas Sunday. December 21st: Abouît 25 neighbors and a few Morning 11 o'clock, Sabbath School friends gave Mrs. W. C. Washington 2.30 p. m.; Evening 7 o'clock. Spec-1 a pleasant surprise on Saturday a!- ial anthems will be rendered by the ternoon at hier home on Division St. choir, and Christmas hymns used at After all were comfortably seated. both services. Preacher: Rev. W. J. Mîrs. W. H. Spargo on behaîf o! those Todd. You are heartily invited to c present made known the object of attend. the gathering and presented Mrs. iWashington with a large flowering St. Paui's United Church azalea plant with the good wishes Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister o! ail. Mrs. Washington was 86 1l a. m.-Morning Worship-"ýThe years old on Sunday, December 14th, Meaning o! Christmas." 7 p. m- and bier friends thought this a fltting Evening Worship - "Glimpses into way o! remembering the occasion. the City o! God." Christmsas music Re!reshments were served and a will be sung at both services. 2.30 p. pleasant social hour enjoyed. Mrs. m.-Sunday School. The Sunday Washington is remarkably smart for School members will attend morning a lady o! hier years, having the past worship when their "White Gift"' ser- summer travelled to the Pacific vice will be held. Coast and returned. visiting bier St. Paul's S. S. Christmsas Tree and tbree children and other friends en- Entertainusent, Monday evening, De- route. cember 22nd, at 8 o'clock. SALE 0F HAND PAINTED CHINA Sale o! Hand-Painted China and Candles wlll be beld at my studio every Friday and Saturday in Dec- ember. Ethel Morris Phone 626 Horsey St. ACCOUNTANT It la not always possible to keep a book-keeper ail the time, but it is possible, by having your books writ- ten up weekly, to keep an accurate account o! your business at llttle cost. Your books wrltten up daily, week- ly or monthly. Statements prepared. Income Tax Returns, Auditlng and General Accountlng. IL. M. Cotton IP. O. Drawer E. Bowmanville, Ont. m J ,Phones 32 or 611. lxv(01 After aIl, there is nothing quite so appealing to a woman's heart or a mnan's fancy as a well chosen gif t from our jewelry store. Sornething to keep and to cherish ... that is what we are f eat- uring these days. Corne in ... view the myriad exquisite gif ts that are charrning in design as they are varied in price.. gifts that are treasured. NECKLACES Exquisite solid gold Necklaces, neatly engraved, $10 to $15. Other Necklaces priced f rom $1,00 to 20.00. COMMUNITY PLATE Every woman recognizes in this unit a wall mirror o! distin- guished elegance and servlng tray that she would be proud of; beautl!ully. framed in French manner witb handles a lft-out pad, in Commun- ,Patterns of charming elo- 26 Piece Set, $37.25 34 Plece Set, $47,70 DIAMOND RINGS Beautiful Dlamond Engage- ment Rings, 18k white gold o! unusual designs, $10 to $50. DAINTY CLOCKS Dainty little dresser dlock with gold finish and pearl dial, $4.50 and $5.00. Mahogany finish, $9.00. WATCHES Daînty 1O'2 ligne watch, white and green gold case. 15 jewel, Swiss movement, $7.45 - $7.95 - $10,00 Beautiful 63/4 ligne rectangular watch. chrome finish, 15 ,lewel movement, stay-fold mesh bracelet, $10,00. Gent's strap watch wlth brace- let, 15 jewel movement, $7.A5 to $37.50. J. R. MOORE Jeweler NEXT COUCH, JOI-NSTON LIRYDERMAN'S BOWMANVILLE TOILETWARE Individual pleces or sets in fas- cinating colours and designs, guaranteed quality. 3-piece sets o! brush, comb, mirror, priced fromn $12,95 to $17.95. CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Guaranteed qualîty in green, white and modernistic designs. $1,50 to $650. Combination Cigarette Lighter and Case, $8 and $9. STORE OPEN EVENINOS. SOLE AGENT BRUNER MASTERBILT WATCHES BIRTHS BOYD-în Clarke, on Wednesday, De- cember 3rd, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Whitney I3oyd, a daugbter. CLAVTON-In Bowmanville, on Wed- nesday, December 17tb, 1930, to Mr. and Nirs. Allan Clayton, a daughter. DREW - In Bownianville Hospital, on Saturday, December 13th, 1930. to Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Drew, Newcastle, twlns, boy and girl. DAVIS-At Masonic Hospital, El Paso, Texas, on Monday, December Stb, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar D. Davis, a daugh- ter <Mary Catherine). Botb doing w,-11 DEAT13S CURTIS - In Hampton, on Tuesday, December 16th, 1930, James Curtis, ln bis 76th year. Funeral on Thursday, December lSth, at Hamipton United Churcb, at 2 p. ni. Internient ln Hampton Cemetery. BAGNELL-In Bowmanville, on Tues- dlay, Decernber l6th, 1930, Grace Ann Mutton, widow of the late William Bag- nelI, lnnlber 79tb year. Funeral troni the residence of ber son, Mr. Charles W. Bagneli, King St., on Friday, Deceniber l9th, at 2.30 p. ni. TERWILLEGAR-At Harniony, East Wbitby, Dec. lltb, 1930, John Terwillegar, ln bis 60th year. HOLLAND - At Toronto, on Friday, December 12th, 1930, Sidney William Itolland, aged 61 years. Interred at Ilownianville. HOCKRIDGE - In Durhami Hospital, Dec. 10th, 1930, E. B. Hockridge, Hope- ville, beloved husband of Ethel Werry, aged 53 years. MAUNDER-In Lindsay, on Tuesday, Deceniber tb, 1930, Mary Ann Osborne, beloved wife of Mr. William Maunder, in ber Stb year. MUTTON-Suddenly in Bowmanville, on Friday, Decernber l2th, 1930, Isabella Maud Pluniner, beloved wite of Mr. J. J. Mutton, aged 63 yeaxs. ELLIOTT-At 682 William Street, Lon- don, on Sunday morning, Deceniber 14th, 13,Mrgaret J., beloved wite of John Eliiott. former Principal of l3owmanville Hii Scboocl. Interred at Walkerton. BOYLAN-On November 27th, 1930, at Smithills. ILancashire, England, George Hlenry Boylan, son of the late Thomas iioyian of Bray Co., Wicklow, Ireland, and Caroline Perry-Moulds, daugbler of James Moulds, Esq., of St. Mary's Ramx- sey, H-untingdon, England. Brother of Miss M. Iioylan, Iiownianville, formerly of Huntlngdon. IN MEMORIAM GILHOOLY - In ever loving rmm brance of little Dorotby who passed away l)ecember lSth, 1928. Grandpa and Grandrnn. In loving nfory of Thomas Pascoe, .vbo fW asleoi) on Dcecember 1Sth, 1921. In our meniory ever lear. Wif e and Family. GILHOOLY-ln loving menior.v of Dor- otby, dear I1111e iagtrof '.%r. and Mis. . A. ilhooly, Duke Street, died t Toronto 2 earsao b-day, l>îc. lSth, 928, ageîi nine yenrs. \t iii1lî:,v the lsr amne AXndlîvlt niong 1 lis flowers, *1 e tmivei d th c sweteut onec hy on e, Amd took Ibis one of ours. S.ldly mssd Mother, Father, Marie, T1, tty andl Donald. Lost or Found LOSTr--1letween Mr. Matt llrowns cor- ner andi Irs. Art. Parkors, a black fur buîffalo robe;~ a black andl hrown rug between 1 and 1.30 p. ni. on Wednesday, i )e. 115h. i, er n olNew- en-sile P. 0. or 0O Crai. Parker; New- cas t 1e. 61-1- To Let HOUSE TO RENT-seven mrne., wat- erworks, bath, electrIc lights, looated King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Ap- piy A. A. Colwill. Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RIENT - Brick residence, containg 7 roonis, on King St. East; ln izood condition; baril and sott water ville. 50-tf Mr. Jas. Orlgg, Winnipeg, Man., la vlsltlng Mrs. John Qrlgg. Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar Palsley, Cooksville, spent the weekend wlth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oea. IH. Biekell. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-One well bred Yorkshire 80W.d ue about'Jan. 2nd. Price $60.00. Ph'one 196r5. 51-1 RADIO FOR SALE-$8.00, cost $24000, easY ternis. Phone 78, or cail at Jury & Loveil's. Bowmanville. 51-1 FOR SALE-O-ood General Purpose Horse, 12 years old. Apply to Leslie Brooks, Hampton. Phone 30gr5. 48-4 FOR SALE-Singing Canaries, an ideal Christmas gît t. Ouaranteed singera. 65.00 each. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Darch, King Street, Bownianville. 50-3* FOR SALE-Nine young renewed Hol- stein cows and springers: $65 each for quick -sale. Apply to J. L. Metcalfeý l3owmanville R. R. 2. Phone 183r5. 51-tf PIANO FOR SALE-Heintzrnan, slight- ]y used, for sale cheap, lovely rich tone, would niake a grand Christmnas present. Phone or see Bob Holden, 9.1 Simcoe St. à;., Oshawa. 51-1* CAR FOR SALE - Star touring car, 1926 niodel, mechanicallv good as ncw, tour néw tires. Cheap for cash. Apply Mrs. W. H. Argue, Carlisle Ave., Bow- manville. Phone 525. 50-tf WOOD FOR SALE-Pirst class, dry, heavy, bard wood slabs. sawed and de- llvered et $12. cord or $3. quarter cord. H-. E. Bartlett, Church & Liberty Sts., Bowmanville. Phone 110W. 50-3* FOR SALE - Freed-Eiseniann Radio Receiver, with tubes and Tower L. S. at a price littie above cost ot Speaker. This is a very high class and good- looking set. Fred J. Mitchell, Bowman- ville. Phone 105. 50-tf Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-On Lot 13, Con. 8, Larlington, 55 acres ail cluared land, 12 acre.s orchard just coming into bear, 10 atcres seceded, reniainder plougbed in good condition for spring crop; new wirc fence througbout; good buildings; new barn; garage, two wells; good cistern; fine tramne bous. lately been remodelled and l)ainted. For further particulars apply on the î)remises to C. A. Avery, north of Haydon. Phone 320rl4. 51-2- HOUSE FOR SALE-Best bult houlel on Carlisle Avenue, takes only tour tons of coke per winter for furnace and stove. bas done It the lait tour winters; now renting for $25 per rnonth; tbree roonis and tbree closes upetairs, six roomsa snd hall including bedrooni and batbroon downstairs; cellar divided with cernent wall. garage and hen bouse. Ternme easy. Apply to C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton, Ont. 85-tf Wanted WANTED 25 or 30 barrels of real good Spies, $3.50; Must be good. Phone 196r5. 51-1 DRY WOOD FOR SALE-Apply -Mrs. T. Olsen, R. R . ;, Bowmanviiie. Phone 181r5. 51-tf WANTED - Comfortable roon with board, close to business section. Apply at Stateanian Office. 49-2 FOR SALE - Nlan's fur coat, uncut beaver, large size, good as new. Apply at Statesnian Office, Bowmanville. 51-3 WANTEO-Robert Pawson la prepared to repair boots, sboeu and rubbers, neat Job, * oderate prices. Leave at Sidney Morris'. Wellington Street, Bowmanville. 51-3- BOARDERS WANTED- Two respect- able gentlemen; also a cosy bed-sittlng roomn for rent, witb or without board. For particulars Plione 487j, Bowmanville. v 51-1 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED -for Bowmanville and District, for the -'Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries.' A splendid openlng, with exclusive territory rigbts. Send for circular niatter san fullIinformation. Stone & Wellington. Toronto 2. 48-4 MisM. Jennie Grahamn spent the weekend wlth ber sister and other relatives in Toronto. Kingsway Nurseries WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR GREEN- HOUSES AT AIL HOUES WEEK DAYS OR FROM 2 TO 5 P. M. SUNDAYS. WE HAVE A DISPLAY 0F FLOWERS THAT WILL PLEASE YOTJ. BRING TOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU AS WE WISH TO SHOW EVERY- BODY WHAT WE HAVE ACCOMPURRED 1IN LESS THAN TWO MONTHS' TIE. Azaleas Gerannmis Begonlas Cyclamens Sweet Peas Carnations Lilles Xmnaa Cherries Xmas Peppers Ferna TuiIps Hyaeinths Xmas Pana Daffodils Ripe Tomatao fris Cinerarias Scotch Marigol Poinsettias Primulas Mustard and Cres Ail are in Prime Condition Artlflcial Wreaths for the Cemetery. Floral Designs for Funerals or Weddings. Leave Orders for Xma Roses or Phone 144. IKingsway Nurseries On Highway 3 Streets East of Liberty Street BOWMANVILLE ~ o , Moderately Priced GuftsI PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS 25c to $15.00 SNAPSHOT ALBUM SPECIAL A regular $1.50 album of 50 leaves in a nice loose-leaf cloth binding 98c YARDLEY'S OLD ENGLISH LAVENDER Beautiful sets for ladies or gents 85C to $10.0 Also a complete range of in- dividual preparations. PURSES, HAND BAGS BILL FOLDS Many designs, moderately prie- ed. Make splendid presents for lady or gentleman. IF HE SMOKES We would suggest Tuckett's Christmas Wrapped Tobaccos - Cigars - Cigarettes THE REXALL STORE Srniles 'n Chuckles Those delicious chocélates, fresh f rom one of the most modem candy factorles on the entire continent. In special Christmas wrappmng with a sprig o! holly on each box. lIn 1/2 lb., 1 lb., 11/ lb.. 2 lb., 3 lb. and 5 lb. boxes. 60e a lb. Neiisons, Metcaife's and United Candy Co. 60c to $5.00 Speclal Aeropiane Package 85e KODAKS CINE KODAKS BROWNIE CAMERAS A Brownle for a boy or girl. $1.25 to $5.00 Kodaks, foldlng .... $5. to $60. Cine Kodaka, Movlng pleture cameras . $85. to $160. TOILET SETS Brush, comb and inirror sets, lni pretty cases, and ianicure sets in boxes or roUa. $3.00 to $25.00 Eversharp Pencils Waterman Pencils These make good gifts for old or young, prices range f rom 50C to $5.00 FOUNTAIN PENS AND DESK SETS Waterman, Parker, Sheaffer Pens .. ..... Î.5@ t. $sui Desk Sets ..... ...$700up Also beautiful Pen and Pendi Sets in cases. PEARLTONE TOILETWARE brushes, mirrors, combs, trays, Beautiful pearl and aniber buffers, scissors, files, cuticle knlves, lamps and dlocks. IMPORTED ENGLISH CHINA Beautiful Designa Speclal Cups and Saucers, reg. $1.25 for Rose Bowls ...75e Comporta . ...sé Plates, asat. . .... e BOWMANVLU il i WON'TBELONG NO W HAVEN'T DONE YOUR SHOPPING YET Corne to the. Big 20 Book Store and Gift Shop where you will fnd it possible to select presents for your entire git list. Suggestions galore at prices you can a ord-not expensive yet goods of quality will be found here. J. W. JE WELL Big 20 Book Store Bowrnanville Look over this list of useful gifts bof ore doing your Christmas Shopping: Kodaks Face Creams Rair Brushes Hot Water Botties Brownie Cameras Per urnes Toliet Sets Bridge Sets Snap Albums Tollet Waters . Key Cases Piaying Carda Bath Saits SmIIes 'n Cbuckies Puises Thermos Botties Dustlng Powder Riley's Toffee FlashlIghts Safety Razor. Face Powder Nellson's Chocolates Fountain Pens Shaving Brushes Talcums Pearitone Tolletware Eversharp Penis Shaving Lotions Fancy Soaps Military Brushes Statlonery Shavlng Sets JURY & LQVELL 'I