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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1931, p. 6

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.,,~ ~*1' y THE CANADIAN ErTATREM, BOWMANVMlLIE, THURSDAY. JANUARY Sth. 1931 ut 1, III 1~ IRaMEs' CLUB T ert and duhc oen iu-at enja>', seeing lien fiends and was M cd iriends in Torontoa...Misses Ina ahI opraeO teosesads rllngton Farmens' Club and Reta Carn, Towni, visitedtui Ct*urtk itleosen1n at Maple Grave on Wed- sister, Mns. C. Shiaw. M. NI te eiiu ante hcîaondor . fervmn the table. During the evening h n 1g at 2 p. m od rdianvnîd usaun nOono werc sung ta th e deight o! Mns. o i eetl>...Miss Myrtle Bradley' spent e hcrt u C. . unis jaiew days with lier parents in Ennis- 0 Sei etee>'fn imusic, a c, Srear.killen. with Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Werny and 2.1 TYRONE HAYDON BLUBY WEDDING Word was recelved here of the ser- Mr. and Mrs. David Graham Sun- Lt.-Col. and Msrs. Win. Faurell Cele- tous lliness of Mrs. L. Y. Grosskurth, dayed at Mrs. Norman Hall's, Oshawa braie Fortleth Anniversary of of Orangeville. «Her mother, Mrs. T. ..Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lormer and Thefr Mariage R. Hoar, Mr. S. T. Hoar and Mrs. babe, Miss Irene Graham, Burketon T. A. Anderson have gone ta hier.... Sundayed at Mr. A. Beech's ...Mr. On the evening of December 3lst, Churcli service next Sunday at 7 p.m. and Mrs. EMer Bradley and f amily, about !Orty friends and relatives as- .... .Women's Instltuteand Ladies' Aid Mrs. Emily Bradley visited at Mr. J. sernbled at the home of Lt.-Col. and vili meet ln the Sunday school raom Bradley's, Enniskillen... Mrs. A. Grant Mrs. Wm. Farrell, 37 ith St., New on Wednesday, January 14th, at 21 and son Bill, Toronto, Sundayed at Toronito, formerW of Tyrone, ta cele- p.m. AU ladies are lnvited ta cone Mr. A. McNeil's ... . Mr. and Mrs. j. brate wth themt the fortleth ani- and brlng sissors and thimbles.... 'Crossman bave returned home after versary af their wedding. Congratulations ta Mr. A. W. Annis visiting at Mr. Wm. Samuelîs, Nestle- About 9 o'clock Mr. J. R. EIlliott, on eln elcte Cancilor .. Scooltan MisesGrace Werry, Alice Supt. of the Ontario Brick & Tile meeting was held Wednesday, Decem- Ashton and Muriel Moore visited atPltMrcocaedte seby ber Slst, when thle former truslees Mr. E. Bradley's ... . Mr. and Mrs. A. ta aider and read the f oilowing ad- voe reelected, Messrs. A. W. Annis, McNeil and famnily were entertained at dress: W. F Pak ad F.F. ..... ~Mr.Wm.Martn'sSatrdayeveing Dear Colonel and Mrs. Farrell: It 'W. F.PrksndMr. Fd. as .... . M. Mis.AdarBeechspetthaeihrissawth great pleasuxe that we, the ]ILR Book, M. ad Ms. has A.. ..Mss da eec spnt he hrit-undersigned, are ga,hered at your Brooks and son, St. CatharinesMr. mas holidays with bier sîster, Mrs. borne sAis New Years Eve ta con- fred Brooks, Cobourg, Mn. and Mrs. Austin Larmner, Burketon ... Miss Meta memorate and ta congratulate you Leslie Brooks and !amily spent the Ashton entertained a number ai young bath in having reached the Fortieth Christmas holiday with the îatter's people at bier home Saturday evening Anniversary af your wedding. We parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks. -. Annual Sunday School meeting have only ta look upon your happy fi being the 64th birthday of the lat- next Monday evening, Jan. l2th. smiflng faces ta know tiat your mas- ter and also belng the 46th anniver- Trustee meeting in the afternoon.... ried lit e tagether bas been a most mary of their wedding. Several beau- Good attendance at Sunda>' Scliool and happy anc. We take the opportun.ity titl lfs hanedhadsand Mr.and Churchi last Sunda>'. Rev. J. R. Trum- of tuis occasion ta present ta you tis tiMr fs. rokswee sed manynnor pour preached a splendid New Ycar's little gif t as a token of tie higi es- Mrs Brokswee wshe maytoee sermon on "To do the Will of God for teem ini wic you are beld by us. jieasant years o! happiness tgte 1931. Trusting tiat you wil be long spared by their relatives and frlends...t ahoer ndoyu lvg MiessEdlth Clemens, Ontario Ladies' ______ aieach atdher and tayourl oing college, Whltby, spent a !ew days at ta1l n iingyualama Mr. A. W. Clemens' .... Mr. and Mrs. CADMUS happy and prosperous New Year, we. Otto Virtue and Mr. Edward Virtue are, spent New Yea's with Mr. and r. Srvice was field Suinda>' morning. Youn New Tdsorntioan Albrt inley... M. ad Ms.A. W.1 A number of the boys supplied the NwTrno Clemens entertained a number of music..... League meeting was lield on At the proper tinse Mrs. C. Ferris frinda~ Nw ears. . r.and~îr. Vcelie.sday night. Bible rcading wvas af Mimico pnesented. tbem witi a W. Lake, Newcastle, visited at Mr. taken by Miss Muriel Fallis followed bautdchilrte a sidedrre.Teta Barold Sknner's .... .Mr. and Mrs. R. b>' the bible study by NMiss l r jOri1c gadblrn ide ari n MeCllug, . renonMculouhPrvon. Topic was given 'by \1iiî.w.Gordon Coulten, on behalf of tic McCuloug, M.Brenon MCugavgh family, presented ticm witb a basket Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davey, Mns. W. D. Fcrgiison, Miîss Hclcn Fowvcr g aveo American Beauty roses, also tic Little spent New Year's at Mn. D.K. a selection on theuklcle nd ý\ i nephews and nieces tram Toronto Fraer', Btheda.. .n. nd vinI iMuriel Fallis a reading. A\t the close A. W. Clemens entertained a *nn lac eague lection of officers took pre sene ie ib aybeuiu pe. President, Mns. W. D. Fergt- agif ta. ber of triends on New Yea's ... M. son; îst vice-president, 'Miss Siiiie Hv- Thke competeandbyrprie.mad Devidayoblet Mr. Wm spt ale'w days CrstlFalsaScetrenM.Ro îc i ousleewbsr prien fore Davl Nobe, nono spnt afe land; 2nd vicc-îresident. 'Miss Heleni quite apprapriate replies. Congratu- with bis sister, Mns. James Storie. Fowler; 3rd vicc-president, Miss D)ella lations wene offered by tic guest.A Mrm. Colin Staples, Clarke. spent a Lathangue; 4thi vice-president, Mis,s dainty luncheon was senved, atteri and Mrs. Arthun Smith and family, Philp; treasuircr, M.\r. WV. 1). Ferguson: entetainment and everybocly cn.oy- Raglan, Sundayed witb bier parents, gnist, Mr. Newell ..Ir. and Mrs.. d tiemselves ta tic limit with nuis- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seott .... Mr. olr Fallis and son Jack of Toronto, ic, progressive cuchre and 'dancing and Mrs. James Dudley spent a few visited lus parents ...NIr. and Mrý.. until tic wee small hours of 1931. dsys wlth frlends in flowmanvîlle and LoadJoblin were Suindayvitosa Oshawa. ... Mn. and Mrs. R. Hathen- 'Mr Evrard Sanderson's...IIr Ro- _________________ ]y, Messrs. Jack, Harry, Frank and Pip r lnGbonadMs iî Clarence Hatherly, Sundayed at MnI. Fallis necentlv visited in Toronto.... nr. and Nirs. W. E. Sanderson and 13. Haaey's, town . ... Mn. and Mrs. Miss Xilla M\imne eelebnatcd lier bîtlî famil>' visited at Mnf. R. Sanderson's, Earl Stephens, Miss Stella Stephens,1 ulav on Thursday by liaving a party Haydon... Mn. and Mns. Clarence Fer- ]Wont Pleasant, Miss Edith Taylor, 1... NIMr. andi Mrs. Sniîb Ferguison and guson, Toronto, spent New Years' with Quêenovllle, spent New Year's at Mr. 1 ollette, llownanville, spent Sindav 'his bohr r .Fruo . W. P. Park's .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Howard: wýitb lier parents. nubfro ber Dratt ed fnea 3¶ndley and Dean, Unionville, re- ,of the late Mliss Rilda Slenon.... eutly vlsited lier parents, Mn. and Misses Elva and Doris Griffin, and Mms Thomas Richards... .Mr. F. L. SALEM MN. Jack Hlerod, Toronto, visited the Byaid, Doneen and Yvonne, Mr. anld former's parents, Mr. and M,\rs. Wm. iÊra. Lutjier Hooper, Monley' and Lorna tGriffin ...Services Sunday evening Mmet New Year's at Mrs. Clara B>'-I Masters Jack, Grant and Neil Mlof- were well attended. Service next Sun- am'a, o .* fat bave returned home aftcn spending day at 7 p.m., at the close of the ser- a couple of weeks with their grand- vice Sacrainent of the Lord's supper parents, Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Squair.... wilI bc aduinistered ...The Griffin SOLIN 1.Miss Annie Thonipson, Woodbridge, famil>' spent New Year's day at Mr. SOIAspent the New Yeans holidays with Melville Griffin's, Catwright. . .Annual Mis enie elma f owna-Mr. and Mrs. F. Foste ..Mr. and schaol meeting was beld on Wednesi MissBernce ellmn ofBowan- rs.Garnet Richards and little Miss day, Dec. 3lst, Mn. F. Ellis was ne- ville spent a few days with Misses Mrs., Toronto, were giists ai bis par- elected trustee. Mr. Howard Pye, IR"e and Muriel Baker .... Mns. Thos. etMn. and M rs. A. Richards, oven janitor ... . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Paseoe and Miss Margaret, Mn. L. T. New Yeans' holidays .... Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. H. F. Werry and Miss Pascoe, Misses Marjanie and Edith, W. J. Werry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bennice Werny, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Hiampton, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink F Hancy and Miss Marion spent New W. C. Wenry, Oshawa, Miss J. H. and baby Loraine, Mr. and Mrs. Clan- Vear's Day with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wcnry, Solina, visitcd at jas. A. ece Tink and Kathleen, Salem, wene Hone>', town... .Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wenny's on Saturday ... . Mn. and Ifrs. among those prescrnt at the family Hodgson and Miss Nina, Mr. and Mrs. Job Grahami, Mr. and MNrs. J. H. party at Mr. H. E. Tink's on New R Clapp, Tyrone, spent Sunday even- Stnong, Purple Hill, visited at Mr.J. Years Day .... Mn. and Mrs. Geo. n at "The Maples...Mri. and Mns. H. Tillborn's ...Mn. and Mrsi. Brad- I Stephens, Salem, Mn. and Mns. Roy W. Fîtzc, Janetville, and Mn. and Mrs. lcy, 'Mn. and Mns. Ross, Brooklin, and c~Gil of Enniskillen, Mrs. Chas. Gen Cornishi were gucsts of Mn\f. and Mns. Thonipson, Detroit, visited at Mn.r e ýS ~Hampton, with Mn. and Mnrs. A. Welsh aonc eyening last week Jas. Bnadhey's..New Yea's visitons I Mus. Roy ..n....... Mn. and Mns. ... Miss Gladys Cann and Mn. Ewart at E. C. Aslhton's: Mn. and Mns. Stan-I Chas. Wer'ryM. and Mns. Thos. Pen- Pollard have neturncd ta their duties lcy May', Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Ma>' fatn, M. and Mrs. aMerooksh and on the teaching staff ai Toronto, aften Sindridgc, Mn. and Mrs. Stewart Rod- fiat- r.and s. am Booksanda pîcasant holiday spent at their ne- man, Part Penny, Rev. and Mns. Harold family, Oshawa, wene recent guests of setv homes; and Mn. Kenneth Staînton, Ronald and Keith, Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Weny .... Mn. and Wn.rhu has neturned ta bis school at Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto and Mn. Mr&. Normans Reynolds and Master! niciaiter a holiday sith bis par- Ina Travelle, Oshawa .... Mn. and Mns. Norman, Mn. and Mns. A. Whitnell, ents... M. Ewart Pollard attendcd S. Pethick and famil>' visited Newton- June and Loramne, Mnr.and Mrs. Wil- the Masonic Banquet an St. John's ville fiends ... . Miss Myntle Brunt and Ia Mssrs. Gardon, Graham and Alan niglu t at Bowmanvillc last .....Mn.M. Frank McGill visited the fonnscr's ~ is Grace Willan, Taranto, Mns. an d Mns. W. Cann entetained at a parents, Mn. and Mns. Levi Bunt's.... Hàfce and Mn. Ted Woodyand, euchne part>' on Tuesdây evening of The Hydro and Bell Telephane men Reyals. . Mr. and Ms. W:ckR. mi ek when a large gathering of anceliusy finishing putting in pales sa ds wcnc.pr.sen. and cnjocd we il soan have the power on iin apa, Misses Helen and Wilma, v er>' pleasant evening, the hostcss and full swing. .Obwvisited at Mn. A. M. Milîsons Miss Gladys scrving a ver>' daint>' Sclool report for S.S. No. 16, Dan- 9 ...Pleased ta, report Mn. A. L. Pas-i luncheon, and the guests departcd in lingtin:-Sn. IV-Bernice Stainton 73, cee home from Bowmanvilhe Hospital the small houns aften cxprcssing their Gardon Stevens 71, Ruth Stevenson 69, usuel impraved in healtb ... .Mr. W. J. gratitude ta Mn. and Mn,. Cannfr Floyd Pcthick 62, Bruce Ashton 59:,0 Bragg, M.P.P., Mn. and Mnrs.. Trvin h1oilcuig en ebc 4 Bragg and famsily, Misses Ileen andvry~P Jr. IV-Gladys Page 72, Lillian Marjory Couch, Bethesda, visitcd at Prie 70. 0 Mr, John Bake's .... Mn. and Mns. Sr. III-Edward Price, 73, Mfildred An-E Mcrvin Hubbs spcnt New Yeans' with HAMPTON drus 71, John Oke 58, Marion Giffin f friends nean Part Hope... .Miss NoaaCifodPtic 4 Werry, Kedran, is visiting Mn. . XL. \liss Edna Reynolds lias returncd Jr5, hiffr Ptihck 4, n Ba-t Pcos.... CÇongnatulations ta Mn. A. fromt a pîcasant visit withu lier brother le%' 51. k '..Pascoe on his election b>' acclama- at Erin. M. an(I Mns.. ilI Gay', Jr. Il-Myrtle Page 63, Alice Steven- i OiSas Blan eeehadonbsnd-letionMrb>'f. and Mns. Albert Gay'. Toronto, son 58, Harold Ashton 51..9 CI"Blachad o hi reeletio byvisited their parenz; , Mn. ,and Mns. W. I-Wilma Ashton 69, Roy' Virtîur 67, acclmaton s Cuncllo o!Daning i .Ga . . lr ;Cssie Rabbins visited Edna Bradley' 65, Wilmen Griffin 65, b tSe Township Council ...Our yaung hier sisten, iMns. WV. 1). Short, Bowvman- Ross Page 62. people are enjoying the skating naw ville ... . M,. Chas. Hastings and Mn. Sr. P.-Helen Ashton, Olg-a Sander- 9 mn our splendid open air rink i n Mn. Chas. Stowiouse spent a week at Bob- son s S. F. Werrn9s flats ...Misses Helen ,y,,, ... .Mr. and Mns..Claude Dun- Jr. Pr-Alvin Page. Ralph Vintue, C and Muriel and Mr. Maurice Baker 10tP, Coldwnter, visited at Mn . Theao- entcrWaned about thint>' five of their dore Saltc's.... .Mns. Emn sa Bennett, Figures denote penrcent. R. M. McGill,W 5S1iqds ta a part>' on New.lYear's Eve, Bowmanville, visited bier sister, Mrs C. teacher. l wbei al report a very enjoabe u Hornn .... .Mn. and Mn,. Gea. ArmouinW -..The fist League meetingo i visited fricnds at Newcastle ..Messrs. COURTICE h new- year was beld Monda>' eveuing Frank Hastings, Wallace Horn, Fred l and "as in change of tbe lse vice-pres., Bliltt, Albert Allin, Tom Sykes, have Mn. and Mns. L. S. Bîgwoad, Oshawa, n Vins. W. R. Courtice lcading... Mn. andi Mns. R. C. Shant, Tan>' Hill, arcý spending the week wîth relatives and friemids. . .. Mn. amud Nins. S. S. Brooks entcnlainetl a nuimnber aif fientîs ta linner Momuda>' cvening wlucn a huappy me svas cnjayed b>' al. ... Sonda>' nonning thue sacrament ai tise Lortl's Supper was senvcd in the cluîclu and our Pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, preachue( an appropniate sermon. A rer>' lange attendance at thie Sunda>' ;cbool session in the afternoon and mn bhe evening Mn. Gardon Maxwell, Oshuawa, gave a ver>' intenesting illus- raîcul lecture ami Peace River district siien the cliorclu was mucanl> fllled wiih eopIe. TENDERS Senied Tenuders will l- reeveul hy the undersfgned ump la 12.00 o'clock noon, an lonuiay, Janumnry 12th. 1931, for a henting system la be Instailed In the East Dur- ham Regfiny OfnIe, nt Port Hope, lowent )r any tender not necesantfly accepted. j AUt tenders ta be plalnly marked 'TENDER FOR HEATING SYSTEM" on itaide of envelope. E. L. MacNACHTAN .1 . 0ountles' Cfenk.L INTERENTS BOWMANVULE CEMTEEY DURING 1930 5-John James Virtue, 75 year. 8-Charlotte E. Uglow, 80. 12-Mary Louise Washington, 70. February 4-Mary Ann Coleman, 75 years. 14-Beatnice Rice, il. 17-Annie Dllng, 60. 22-E. C. Southey. 23.-Sarah McLaughlin, 80. 25--Caroline Montgomery, 74. 28-Infant Allun. Mareh 1-Infant Jcffery. lO--Saloman Harris, 80 years. 12-J. Joncs Smith, 67. 12-Infant Woods. iS-Nathan Haine, 83. 17-Barbara C. WlllarnSan, 70. 18-Margaret Porter 94. 20-Laulsa Kelly, 49. 27-Mary Jane Spry, 57. 25-Robent Oea. McTaggart, 13 months. 27-James McNeil, 88. April 2-Mary Cawker, 79 years. 5-F. John Horne, 54. 6--Robent J. Lindsay, 75. -M.T. H. Slute, 60. 6--Isabella McCrea. 85. 19-Wellington Bowen, 78. 22-Oliver Muttan, 66. 22-Hannlet Williamson, 75. 23--Chas. H. Gibson, 67. 26-Fred S. Maady, 6. 26-George A. Caok, 63. May 3-Herbent Argue, 48 years. 1-Infant Woifnalm. 4-Mary Reider, 77. 7--John H. Morris, 78. 14-Infant Johnston. 16-Wlllie R. Lambert. 30-Robent R. Hoskin, 79. 31-Bessie Staples Riekard, 42. June 2-Neil Smith, 82 years. il-Donoti>' G. Symons, 1. 20 - Sarai S. Bnagg, 71. 26-Jaseph N. Galbraith, 70. Jul>' 3--Christie J. Lamb, 59 ycars. 7-Robent P. Richards, 85. 8-Jouis Allin, 70. 14-Wesley D. Bnagg, 56. 26-Daniel Dnew, 52. 27-AIma Janet Pollard, 46. August 14-Chester Norton, 31 years. 18-Eliza Hunter, 29. 21-Hanny M. Pollard, 57. 22-Agnes Dizendor!. 22-Cecil Gatcheil, 33. 26-Jane Stacey, 66. 28-Eliza Mallory, 88. September 9-Ernest Clame Stapletan, 3 ycars 24--Ciarles Wilfred Tabb. 3 mos. 27-Bessie M. Jollow, 53. 27-Annie Comar, 5 days. 30-Infant Fansey. Ociober 15-Infant Wentland. 22-Hannah Stutt. 30-Vida A. Worden, 37 years. 28-Infant Selby. 25-Infant Lambros. 27-Mary Lyle, 79. November 1-Infant Hailman. 6-Infant Selby. 15-Beverly Ann Henry, 6 mas. 21-Boy Poster. 28. 25--John J. Abernethy, 65. 24-Infant Stevens. 26--Chales G. Searle, 4. December 4-William Emnest Gerry, 52 years 5--Helen Mary Hately, 8. 5-Mary Elizabeth Bradley. 10-Alan M. Williams, 58. 13-Isabella Muttan, 63. 15--Sydney Holland, 61. 19-OmGace Anis Bagneil, 79. 22-Bessie Grace Hicks, 64. 27-Infant Cryderman. 28-John Goodman, 73. MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIO(NS Inaament No. 9 Can Yeu Recail: WHEN "WiIs" Adams preached is, great sermon ta a packed hchurl t one of the revival services, asterb- lng glorlously converted. Msti i that occasion was: "Wilec we w.ere yet sinners Christ died for us." WHEN John Crumnb was tic !am- ous "Nlmrod" o! tic nelghborhood? Hle had more partridges, rabbit' and1 foxes ta bis credit than ais>' then hunter witi many miles. John was the offial "stack-builder" and 11pig- 1 killer" in the communlty, bath vcry! important vacations is tlîas days q WHEN William Cax 'and famly, "Chris," "Syll" and Emma, moved In n om Hampton and occupied 'the big brick bouse in tic famous "ýEver- green Circle"? lIn a terrible blizzardI onse wlnter nlght. twenty-one ai these 1 stately trees went dawn and the ehu- c was foreven broken. WH:EN John Moon, "the champion walker," made bis borne with Char- cey Axford? He was a stately figure wlth bis silk hat, fnock coat and gald hcaded cane. John had a solid gold huntlng case watch-a rare adon- ment is those days- and anc could I The Season's Finest We're lucky and you're luckYl Our close con- nections with a prominent manufacturer of na- tionally advertised men's clothes enableci us to buy a fine stock of overcoats at give-away prices. Some stores refused to pay their bls... he took back these coats and we stepped in and bought at a low price for cash. We aren't allowed to mention the brand names-but we can mention the low price andi can tell you that neyer before have these coats sold at sueh low figures. Croup 1- - Finesi domestic fabules in the new- est styles. Sizes te fit every man. These coats are se good they'fl last for years Croup 2- - Domestic and lmported fabules. There are kerseys, chinchillas, Plaid bachi and many other chelce fabules. Whai styles, what values for enly.. Group 3- - Ail Imported fabules from Entffsh, Scoish and Irish mills. The finesi meney can buy for style and qualiy, and we're glvlng them away ai .. $18,e50 $22.o50 $26.e50 PAGE Sa= MAPLE GROVER Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thlckson, Misses Kay and Eleanor Thickson, Oshawa, vlslted their cousins, Mr.1 and Mrs. R. D. Trimble, on Sunday. *. ... Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden spent a few days with their son Ray1 li Toronto ..... Misses Vera Power, Susie and Annie Laird, Nellie Snow-! den, B E. Souch have returned ta their respective schools atter a pleas- ant holiday at their homes ... Mrs. Milton Samis and Miss E]sle Sainis spent the weekend with the former's sister. Mrs. John Webster, Toronto. ... Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald, Miss Jean and Master Jlm MacDon- ald, Weston, Mr. and Mis. H. Vick- ery, Town, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley.... Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Perrin, Mr. Wm. HEewle. Cameron, and Mr. FYank Webster, Cambray, vlsited the former's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, on Sunday ... Miss F'lorence Foley recently vlsited her aunt. Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Newcastle .... Miss Vera Power spent New Years witb lier sister, Mrs. Stuart Morton, Cobourg ... Mr. Elgin Munday lias returned tao0. A. C.,I Guelph ...Miss Mildred Hunt bas gone ta Toronto University. . .. Miss Vera Trixnble lias gone ta Peterboro Normal. ..>. Mr. John Power, Mr. Charlie Power, Toronto, attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Chester Power, and vlslted their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Power ...Mr. Wil- son Power, Ottawa, attended the funeral of bis brother, and is visit- lng relatives . .The sympathy of this community i extended to Mrs. Chester Power in ber sad bereave- ment ... Maple Grove Anniversary June 2lst and 22nd.. League meet- ing on Dec. 3Oth was well attended with President J. Cator in chair. Bible readlng and devotional topic, by Clifford Swallow. Dora Eames, 4th vice president, took charge of tie following program: Reading, i Mariorle Stevens; solo, ElleenHock- in; a very interesting topic was gîven by Miss Annie Laird on "The Horo- scope of 1931"; reading. Miss Evelyn' Lancaster; duet, May Freeman, Ivai Faley; reading, Vera Trimble. Short contest was enjoyed at the close. Annual Sunday Schoal meeting was ield on Monday evening and the following officers were elected: Hon. Supt.-Mr. Thos. Snowden; Supt.- H. G. Freeman; Asst. Supt.-Mr. A. Laird, Sr.; Secretary-Mr. Edward Foley; Asst. Sec.-Mr. Wm. Laird; Treas.-Mr. L. C. Snowden; Librar- ian-Ethel Axford; Assts. lst, Noble Metcalf. 2nd, Jack Brown, Pianist- Eileen Hockin; Asst. Pianist-Mrs. C. H. Snowden; Miss. Supt.-Mrs. A. Laird; Cradie Roil-Mrs Ivison Mun- day, Mrs. Bruce Metealf; Home De- partment-Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mrs. Charles White; Temperance-Ross Stevens; Teaciers and their Assist- ants: A. B. C.-Ciarlie Snowden; Busy Workers-Susie Laird, MrÉ. W. J. Snowden; Wlde Awake-Mr. A. Laird Sr.; Inter. Glrls--Mrs. F. Swal- low, Mrs. A. Laird; Inter Boys- Howard Foley, Lloyd Snowden: Jun- iors--Miss Edna Swallow, Miss Hilda Foley, Mrs. Roy Truli, Jack Cator; Prlmary-Mrs. Sam Snowden, MUs. M. Munday Jr. Is your subacription due? Look at the label. I 1. r j i. -'Y s. Se G. CHARTRAN MEN'S WEAR 500 Housewives Wanted THAT IS WE WANT YOUR ATTENTION Just to prove that our reg- 186 ular prices for dependable FOOD lowest, look these iteme over: Peas, No. 4 Standard,.............2 tins 15c Choice Cooking Beans .............5 ibs. 25c Canned Tomatoes .........................1Oc tin Canned Pumpkin ....................10Oc tin Peanut Butter, 2 lb. jar .................39c Fry's Cocoa, ½/-1b. tin ...................21c Five Roses Flour, 24 iibs .................90c Orono Sausages, mighty good ........25c lb. B. C. Salmon, whole fish 16c lb.; sliced 20c IL Feed the hens Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMANVULEI MAKES LASTJNG FRIENDS CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD It'can't help but be healthful and appetizing as nothing but the best ingredients are used and baked under the most modern and scientifie methods. ENGLISH PLUSH NUGGETS, 28c LB. A real English Candy Special for Saturday, regular 40e IL for 28c. Wu P. CQRBETT BAKRER A") CONFEMTONER BOWMAP;V=ZL

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