iJ i Ç '~ ru k ~ v-~ - eoîmib t'an With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY l5th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advane * CHURCHNEWSji Bible Clams Annual Meet Annual meeting of Bible lass of St. Joha's Church was held in the Sunday Sobool rooms or, Sunday atternoon when the officeis were re- *elected: President -Joe. Alexandrr: Secretary--Jaaper Smnith. Blasa Campbell was appointel- captain of hockey teamn in Church League. Trinlty Men's Brotherhood Trinity Brotherhood met et the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferg- tison, Liberty street. recentiy when these officers were elected: Hon. Pres.-Rev. J. U. Robins; Pres.- Neil Mutton; Vice Pres-J. E. Allen; Sec.-Treas.-W. J. Berry; Member- ship Commttee-H. N. Bell. W. Kirkton and W. G. Ives; Visitmng and Sick* Committee-T. H. Lockhart, Rev. J. W. Bunner and J. Cox. The host and hostess served candy and a heatty vote of thanks was ac- corded them for opening thei r home foi this meeting. St. Johxn's W.A. 06kcrs Annual meeting of Women's Auxiliary of St. John-, Anglican Ghurch was held in the Parish Hall on Friday when reports were presen- ted. Officers elected are: President -Mrs. C. R. Spencer; Vice Pres.-Mrs. John Spencer; Secretary-M-s. A. H. Bounsall: Treasurer-Miss Raynes; Dorcas Committee-M-. J. W. Alex- ander; Convener Assxtantýý. -Mrs. E. S. Senkier, Mrs. H. Ashlee and Mrs. M. 'Underhill; Living Message Sec- retary-Mrs. R. M. Cale. Thankof- fering Secretary, Mrs. J. Living. A devotional address was given by the Rectar. Rev. C. R. Spencer. Week of Frayer Services Week of Praycr was observed ini Trinity and St. Paul's churches last week. Rev. J. U. Robins gave the address in St. Pails on Monday even- ïng and Rev. Dr. Best in Trinity on Tuesday cvüning. Thtîrsdav cvening the meeting wvas ld in St. Paul's and thec address given by Rev. Geo. Mason. Ail three were vcry helpful messages. Wcdncsday cvcning the worship pcriod was in charge of the C.G.I.T. f rom Trinitv and St. Paul's churches. Hilda Brown prcsided; les- son was read by France, Harvey; prayer by Bernit Staititon; story on Service b y IT1 hMason, ianist, Phyllis Challis. he girls did their parts very crtâitably and received praise f rom the speaker, Rev. A. J. Vining of the Social Service Council who gave a very 'telling address on Narcotic evii which is reportcd cIse- whec in this paper. The meeting losed with prayer by Rev. W. J Todd of St. Andr -'s Church. A.Y.P.A. Elect Officers Miss Janle Mason was elected presi- dent of the Anglican Young Penple's Association o! St. John's Church at an organization meeting beld in the Parish Hall on Monday evening. The supporting officers elected were: vice- president, J. Living; Seci-etary. Reg. Harding; Treasurer, Splby Spéncer; Program Gommlttee. R. Bates. Mis. J. Gunn, Miss Bunny Hewston. Tom Spencer; Social Conxittee, Mrs. C. R. Spencer. Mis. J. Living. Miss Vers Coluter, Harold King; Misslonury Committee, Miss Clara Ashlee, Norman Taylor, Edward Flaxmnan, George Spencer; Visiting Gonmmittee. Jasper Smith, Margaret Spencer. Gordon Flaxman. Gordon Campbell. Rev. C. R. Spencer acted as chairman and plans for the year wcre thoroughly discussed. Programt and Social Coni- mittees met ai the rectory Tue8dayi Pe-ning to further the plans for the Beason. With the co-operation of ev- ery member of the Association in adding to its membership and taking active part In the work there la little dnubt that the A. Y. P. A. wlll be a suceSu ibis year. Trlnîty Women'u ABsOCiAUO Women's Association of Trinit'Y United Gburch met in the Sunday school room on Tuesday afiernoon wlth the presîdent, Mms. J. E. El- liott, preBiding. Meeting opened with bymn, followed by ail repeatlng the Lord's Frayer. Mrs9. Ellioti read the 14th chapier of St. John and con- tlnued the scripture leeson by quot- ing some excellent thoughts on "Friends3hip." Afier a lengthy busi- ness discussion a short program was given as follows: A splendid violin selection by Mr. F. Su lion accompan- led by Mrs. Suiton; two pnenis re- clted by Selma Bartilet and a solo *"Just for To-day" by Mrs. Geo. Prit. chard. Meeting closed with the Miz- pah beniediction afier which the exe- cutive served refreshments. Officers for ibis year are: President, Mrs. J. E. Ellott ac.); lst Vice-President, Mrs. Frank Jacknan; 2nd Vice-Presideni, Toronto Doctor Urges Better Care Be Taken of Lakce Scugog Fisking Secs Great Future For Caej SOCIAL WORKER IS area as Suimmer Resort if SPEAKER AT TRINITY Opportunities are Taken __ -Suggests Paved High- Tells of Evils of White Slave Traffie way From Bowmanville. nnd o! Growing Menace of Narcoties. The possibilities for a splendid fu- Rev. Dr. A. J. Vmning, Secretary ai. ture for Lake Scugog and Caesarea,' the Social Service Coundil o! Can- if the npporrîînity of furthering 115h- ada, (a federation o! churches and ing interests is closely followed. is other bodies for tbe promotion o! stressed in a '.erY forceful and pîrac- social welf are) addtessed a largely tical letiet received this week front a attended Public meeting at Trinity Durhami county boy, Dr. L. B. Wil United Cburcb last Wednesday eve- banwell kîîown Toronto physician ning. In a very interesting sud et liants, Grenan asmmrtimes elaquent and lmpassioned ad- ofidn at Oroe Gares. Dr.Wla ms'r ress Dr. Vining taing asbis themel resieni at a i-asr.Wlias That Neighbbur a! Mine" gave lettr reds:brlefly an outllne o! tbe work the j"I was down t0 Caesarea three weeks couricil bas been carrying an for the ago and found the lake situation rath- suppression o! Commercialised vice, et alarming. 1 have neyer seen the White Slave iraffic, traffie in bad lit- 1-ike anything like as 10w as this lasi erutute, absceno picturos gambling Ifal and no rains since ta appreciably and betting, narcotics; and for tbe alter- the situation. There are only promotion o! good lu the communlty two ways to raise Plite waier level suf- sud national life makiug politics the flciently tî cai-e for the "Big Lunge" science o! social welfare, brother- of Lake Scugofl. either successfully hooe i industrial and commercial pray foi- Januaty thaws, rains, etc. or thfe' justice for ail, protection for dami back ai Lindsay, and probablyth weak and defenseless, bolp for pryris the more diîectly availing. handicapped children such as tbe praereiLaeSuoledoth bllnd, deaf, crlppled, feeblo minded 'Hee i Lie Sugo, feado! heand neglected. most wonderful chain of !reshi water The main part a! the address was lakes. fi bas naturally efficient devoted tei the menace o! tbe growtb spawnhttg beds, but tipstreatu condi- o! the narcotic evils, sbown i the tions, I anm told. are deplorable ai startling increase in tbe distribution Lindsay. 1 am told also that when o! narcotics; among scbaol chlldren several years ago under rather sn- and other young people under 25 ilar conditions the springtime found years o! age. the long shores of the lake sirewn A vlctim o! narcotics is seldom with a decayitig pestilence of what cured. A peculiarity o! tbe user a! liad been te lakes finesi piride, the narcotics la thai every addict seeks Gos ernment did twa things: shovel- tai make others like bimself. The men were sent ouz to buîy the miess speaker warned o! the necessity o! and ai Lindsay lo)cks as the husky protecting unsuspecting youtb and muskelange contitiued ta beat their utged the necessity o! the gavern- heads against the barricade, a man ment establishlug institutions for was stationed there ta lift what hie aduli addicts and sanitorlurns for could in a liandle vet over the wal. *yauihs who bave just !armed the This faci in Itseif evidettees the in- habit. efficiency o! any run-w.ty which I - presumne musi ho there. The hisiory put forth ta itaintain the possibili- o! direct fry replcnishmett.bath in ties o! Lake Scugog fishing, there will suitable kind and meaits emplayed, be a pavement necessary f rom Bow-. while doubtless well iniended, had no manville ta Gaesarea. reasonahle hope (i! success on the very "I have iouched on this, hiii or inisai face of ih. Pieket-el and more pickerel ta give you food for thought hecause but ito otne evel- caught one. you have nover seemed ta me ta ap- 'There are maný angles ta tbis ques- preciate this section. Aa a malter tion not only as ta wbo ought ta ho a! histary I cauld not even drag you wlîo. but what would bear tangible back there by personal invitation t) fruit. This negative legislation o! a cup o! tea, oven when the choicest greaier restriction on behaîf o! the au- af Scugog's fish was placed before ihorities is not particularly praise- yoa. Ih still didn'i work. Ha-Ha. worthy by iself. "In short I think ibis is a real op- "Yet afier al ibis flshlng o! which poriunity for the Statesman. Don'i 1 am speaking is to me anly a nteans let il knock unheedingly." to a greaier end-to wit, a great In-______ fluix ofto iurisi iîavei. The countiee on te bordet-s of the Kaa-artha Lakes Award Bus Contract ltavei't camte ta any îealization of pas- ;ihiliiesAny experience they have Qarton Coach Linos bave been h:ad is not even simple interest in the awarded the cantract toi brlng a prinipl ofthepou1biityand number o! children f rom Brooklil dornciple o tiendponebiiy adyout and nortb o! Wbltby into tbe Whltby do lo ned a sen n'ne aderis-11gh Scbool every scbool day. This liîg fori-l. Wltere there is an excol- new way o! transportation was lent cliniate, scenery, food and abave necessltated by the discontinuatlon aIl good fishing you will have more af the daily train service from Vibit- casht customers than you bave 115h, bY te Lindsay. The coniract waa T don't care 1>0w well you mainiain awarded by Wbltby Board a! Educa- lte fîshing. f îeasonable effort is tian. Céurtail Expenciitures is Advice of Mayor Eiiiott. to 1931 Council I "h t up te the 1931 Council tai curttil expenditurer, sud te watchl every dollar wiibaut barming the nunicipality". tated Mayor M. J. Elliati in bis inaugural addteaa te Towu Counchl on Mouday uigbi. "lWe are fauod" ho added "wibh an unusual year sud wih unusual ox- peuditutos. AUl tbe relief work ibai ba bute" doue in the past f 0w both as tèho pald ibis year sud it will amount te $7.500 sud posslbly more. The raising o! the perceutage liabiliiy under the new Unied Couniies Asseasmeni wll ai- so mean an added expenditureofa fron, $5.000 te $10.000 more ihan lest yoar. and ibis la likoly te ho mucb nearor the latter figure ibsu the former. This wiil prabably mean a raise lu the mil rate o! 4 mils. 'I hope durlug the yea:-"'ho stat- ed "te go tboraughly ihua the matior o! tbe Town Assesnent. I believe tbat some properties Iheibo wn are aasessedi absully bigb wblle athers are assesaed redlculously 10w. An adjusimeut sbould ho madc and bef are the aunual assessannisl made". III would also like ta see the rates adjuâîted at tbe Bownvllo Coi- etery. The ccmotery la not psying and it should be sud Ih wlll ho nec- essary ta take steps ta make it pay". Ho urgod tbat ratepayors whose homes arL not connoctod wiil, waior- works sud sewer. when these pesaj thoir doors, do se imitîxdately Te waterworks was the anly reývenue producing utilty o! the towu and when ht had been laid dawn ai con- sillrablo expense It shauld be used by the ratepayers. The Mayor aunaur.ced that most a! the relief mono.; bad been ex- pende(', on the park and tank. H1e tbought the towu should wpprociate very nuch the glu o! tbe Rotary Club o! the park lands. Ho sug- gested ibai the fint.s which have ai- s0 been purcbased for park purposes be partly used this year to roileve ai:%treas wbero fuel la reedod.Ihere are a great nurober a! irees the utayor siated whli c n bo cut down and used for fuel and would imuprove the appenrauce a! the park Mayor MMt., J. Eubtt .'ansidorsbly. Ile foli ibat wltl, the largo anoutto! noney speni on the roadsanad streets lest year it waîîlci not bave ta bo speur. ibis year as mosi of the roada were lu Food sbîîpe. Ail possible pz.essure %will be ap- plied tao eGaovcrnirmot ta got work on the .,traIghteuinir o! thoe C. P. R. Bridge, cominenced ithe neitr future sud also a building erec- ted ai ibe Boys' Training School. Hc wished 't ta ho pluiuly stated i the pross that any persans Iu- tend-ing te petltc'.'î the coîîîclI foi scwers or wstertvorks, tlloy enter ptit-ious inmedlately so that est i- matetz msy ho obtained aud wark coumenced whil.2il la noat needed. e1r. conclusion I vi1.1ual 'nake you auy promises," the Mayor ad- cI, "but I dais assure you that 1 will do ny very besi, for the Iri- teresta a! ibe aowr. Listly I 'x;,ttotaImpres upon the nmm'eî-s of this board the ueeesslty o! koep- ixxg expenditurés dowu ta a mJi- mulm."9 CELEBRATES 83RD BIRTHIDAY M. A. James Senior Edter o! The Statesman, clobraied bis eigbiy-tbird bitth- day on Wodnosay. January l4th ai the f amily home, Lamne Villa, and receivod numerous congratulations f romn near and far, f ram relatives and friends. His health is stili quie critlcal. The members o! The Statesman staff join with bund- roeda o! other newspaper frieuds tbrougbout Canada in tendering congratulations ta Mr. James on the atiainnient o! anoibor miîestane in a lie which bas been devated to the interests a! the community wbicb. conmuniiy la proud ta ack- uowlodge hlmn as one o! its mosi public splrlted citizons. New Equaiized A ssessment wiii Raise Mill Rate Town WiII Probably Have Increase ~Leçast 4 Mill& on Tax Rate This Year A decision whlch will probably mean a beavier tax rate for the tawn of Bowmsnvllle bas been baud- ed down by His Hanor Caunty Judgo L. V. O'Connor o! Cobourg rogarding the equallsed asseasmont a! the United Counties o! Durbam and Northumberland. The assesament for Bowmanville proviaus ta the oqualization was $1.169.432.000 sud wltb the revaluation bas been raised ta, $3,599,782,48 or nearl.y 200 per cent. bigbor. Tliat, howevoil,, la not the most important factor a! tbe assessment. The main f oture wbicb wilIlho cause o! a hlghor mil rate la tbe faut thai the tewn's sbare a! the Cauntiis' oxpenditure bas been set ai 6.9779%-nearly 7%. This la the tewn's percentageofa lia- bllly under tbe now assesament sud moans ibai 7% a! wbat la expended by the Counties in 1931 and tbe on- sulng years wilU bave te ho paid for by the tewu o! Bowmsuvlle. Taklug for example an expendi- ture o! $360.000 wbicb la an average yearly expenditure lu the counties. ibis wauld mean tbat Bowmanvîlle will bave te psy inte the Couniy Treasury about $25.200, as compar- ed wib 3$15,100 pald lu lest year, whlcb represents an increase of $10.100 te hoe raised by taxation i ibis iowu. Every $2076 raised for tax put- poses I town means an addilaonal mill on tbe tax rate. Thus an added expenditure as shown above would mean a raise ithe, mill rate o! approxlmnately 43/ mils. Whatever tbe Counties spend ibis year it la going ta affect Bawmnanville te a marked dogree sud wiibout a doubti will reise the mil rate ai beasi four nulls. according ta an interview wlth Mayor Elliait sud Tawn Clerk John' Lyle. The report o! His Houar Judge O'Connor sud tbe tables showlug the figures for ail municlpahles are sbown i detail an page 5 o! ibis issue. COMING EVENTS Trinity United Churlit Coilgrega- tional Meeting will bc held on Thurs- day, Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. Aunual Cansigumeni Sale a! Dur- han Sborthorn Association. Thurs- day. Fob. 5th, et Bawmauville. W.C.T.U. will mccl in St. Paul's school roomn on Thursday, Jan. 22, at 3 p.m. AIl ladies arc invited. Reserve Friday evcning, january- 30, for the Hospital Bridge and Five Hun- dred ta be hcld in te Badminton Hall. Group No. i of the Women's Auxil- iar of St. AndreW's Ghurch are put- ting on a sale of Home-made cooking and afîernoom tea iin thc bascmcnt of the Chîirch on Jan. 2.3 from 3.30 to 6 P.m. Regular meeting of Music Study Club wiIl be held it St. Paul's Lecture roomn, an Wednesday, Ja.p. 21, at 8 p.m. The chapter chosenf or the study period will be "Intervals." And a splendid program "An Evening With Mendelssohn" will be presented by Mrs. G. Elmore Reaman. Inaugural Session oF 1931 Council Held in Council Chamber Monciay Large numbers of ratepayers1 attended initial meeting1 -Rev. W. J. Todul offi- ciates at opening-Mem- bers take oath of office are instalied. The newely-elected Town Gouncil met for ts inaugural session lu the council roon ai il a.m. on Mondayj and incidoutalir openod wbat la likely ta ho one o! the mosi diffi- cult years o! administration in the present century. John Lyle, tewu clerk, taok charge o! the openlng proceedings and !ormslly announc-i ed the resuli o! the eloctions. Ho thon callcd each nemnber !orward1 wbo in turn declared that "theyg wauld truly, faithfully and impar-1 tially and te the best a! thoit know- lodge and ability oxocute tbe office1 te wbicb tbey bad been elected wh- out rocoiviug any paymeut or re- ward' ' The aath being duly administered Mayor Milton J. Ellioti congratula- ted thbolad menhors o! counicil ou their re-election and also the new councllars on theit initial appear- suce ai the board. Ho boped for barnonlous slttings, as bad been a featureofo counicil meetings i the pest 9 ycars ibat ho bad been cou- nected wltb the cauncil. Ho thon called on Rev. W. J. Todd, minister o! St. Andrcw's Presbyteriau Cburcb. ta open the year's activities wltb a short dovotional service. Mr. Todd road an appropriate passage o! I cripture aud !oliowed wltb a prayer for divine guidance on the work o! the coundil. A vote o! tbanks te ,Mr. Todd was moved by Reeve Car- ruthers. Deputy Reevo Rehder, sud Cauncillor Lockbart wes appointed ta brlug lu the Standing Commit- tees wbich were later adapted as fol- lows: STANDING COMMITTEES: Financee-Strike, Carruthors Rebder. Eoads & Streets-Carruthors, Ehl- loti, Martyn. Waterworks--Rebdor, Blit. Car-1 ruthers. Public Property-Martyn, NoUles. Fire Depart;nnt-ýtiott. Joues. Rehdor. Police Dept.-Nellea, Strike, Joues. Cemetery-Jones, Lockbart, Mart Yn. Poor Relief & Health-Lockhart, Strike, Noiles. Manufacturers--Strike, Rehdor, Bii- att, Joues, Mayor. Court or BevWson--Mayor. Lockbart, Carruihers, Striko, Joues. EVENIING SESSION Wltb the coundil roan paclced wth ratepayers, the firai business o! the council was held Monday nigbi. It was by farthie largosi turnout o! citizens In the past twelve nonths sud if they came expecting big ibinga te bappen ihey were dsaaP- poinied, for the meeting exctpifor the Mayor's inaugural addesro- ported-elaewbore. was just thesanme as sny other meeting ithe year with only general business trans- acted and conducted tao in record time wltb adjautument ai 9.15 p.m. Comnmunications Communication was read !rom Ontario Gcod Roads Association askiug council ta send delogates tui aunual convention in Tarante ln Match. Laid aver until February meeting. Tarante Sick Chlldren's Hosptal sud the Muskaka Hospital for Con- sumptives asked for annual granis. Re!errod te Finance Cammittee witb power ta aci. Town Treasurer read report o! Fite Chie! Lyle as given elsewbere on this page. Letter was read f rom Washing- ton Loan and Trust Go., glving itate- mont o! expenditute at the McGil building in Wiashington sud also enclasing check for $1313 as Eow- manville's share a! the profits. Oea. A. Stephens o! Salem poti- tioncd coundil ta lot Salem School connected Up with the oqualizer tank ai Salem to prov-lde water for the school. Ho clalmed that more wat- or ran away or was wasted lu the suminer tban tbe scbcol would use ail year. Ho agreed te psy the cosi a! piping and pay a flat rate for water used. Mr. Stephons was ad- vised ta make bis request in wrlt- ing. ReDorts Cauncillar Strike presented Fi- nance report totalling $997.35. Deputy Reove Rebder presented Waterworks, Local Improvement and relief expenditures tatallng, $5659J57 Cauncilaor Lockhart gave a com- probensive repart o! relief work se- compllsbed since reglsterlug un- omployed. Twa tbausand sud tbirty days work bad hoon supplied, psy- mng more iban $5000 i wages ta 120 marrled mon and 80 single mon. Relie! and Finance Canimittees were appoluted ta devise ways and means o! relievlng unemployment and distress and report at spectal meeting. By-laws By-laws were passea pravidiug for the iawn ta barrow $75.000 for current expondituros; re-appolnted Dr. 0. C. Bonnycastle te 111gb Scbool Board, addlng another tbree ypat term ta bis altoady 25 years of ser- vice; sud appointed Rev. J. W. Bun- nov te Bom.rd.»f Heabtis q"d Chie! Sydney Venton as Saultax'y Inspec- ter. Reeve Carruibers reported fsvar- ably an tbo collection o! taxes semi- aunuaUly and suggested that coundil proceed wltb plans te siart next year. Deputy Reeve Rehder rePorted thai 1000 fi. water main extension an Scugog sireet waa needed. H1e wanied wark doue as soan as pas- sible under the relie! plan wlth Goverumont bearlng bal! the cost. A. H. BickeUl was appointed weed inspecter wibhout remuneraion. Coundcillors Lockhart. Nlles sud Martyn were appoluted a commitie by the Mayar ta meet wih the Ro- tary Club in dealings between court- cil sud club re Park. IDeputy Reeve Rehder moved for adjourrnent ai 9.15 pan., the firsi session caming ta an end lu 75 minutes. United States Newspaper Gives Training Sckooi Fine Write-Up Edltar's Note: The f ollowlng article 1 presently came ta know ibat ibese appeared on the Educational Page o! words oxemplified ta a markod degree a, receut Issue a! the Christian the feeling o! teachers sud pupis Science Monitor, o! Boston. m .aelike. We bad entered what looked an outstanding daily paper o! the like a governeut experimentai U. S., wbicb probabiy bas s greater fanu, wiih curvlug driveways. flower world-wido circulation than any bedas, newly planted evergreeus. !armn other paper i Anerica. It la tbe buildings ou the f ar aide a! a brook story o! the Boys' Training Sehool ai and s group a! picturesque brick Bowmiauville as seen by their Ottawa bungalows topping an eminence. In correspondent, Lloyd Roberts, weil a comfortable office hIFeargusan Hall. knowu poot sud wrlter sud a son o! uamed suter G. Howard Ferguson. the famous poet. Charles 0. D. Rob- who, as Premier sud Minister o! Bd- erts. Mr. Roberts, an tbe advice o! ucation a! tbe Province, muai ho giv- Gen. St. Pierre Hughes. brother o! en the credit for sponsoring sud sup- Cion. John Hughes o! Bowmanville. Portig tbe Institution. Dr. Rteaxuan paid a viait ta the scbool sud Uiese launchod euihusiastically into bis are bis impressions as tbey appeared subjeci. iu the Monitor under the caption. Not a Rffornsatory '*Scbcol That Gives Boys Chance ta 'It me fIrst correct a popular Forget Bad Stant": misconception," ho began. "This la "Preveution Is btter iban cure. nat a criminal or refarmatary instî- and wo tbink tbat we bave !aund a tutian. WhileIe h l a state supportedi practical way o! auticipating sud re- scbool h las unique i that no boy cun noving one o! the chie! sources o! be o amtted, but auy boy cau ho criminel troubles hIOutario." admitted provlded ho la nentally The speaker wes a koen-faced sauud. We bave no conceru with a Young educationalist. Dr. G. Bimoro lad's pasi. anlY wltb bis present sud Reamau. supoerinieudeut o! tbe Boys' future. Neibher do we preacb ta hlm Training Schaol at Bowmanvllo. be- o! maraIs, a! gaod habits sud bad. iwoen Toronto aud inlgston, s f 0w but we endeavor ta show hlm that miles back f rom Lake Ontario. Ho the latter are uselesa, wblle the for- bad met ne wiih bis car ai the sta- mer make for successansd bappiness. tian and we wore approacblng aur Our phlloaopby la. 'hi pays te play destination. the game,' sud the boys are quick te "These are aur lads," ho remnarkod grasp the idea sud te put it ihua with s toucb o! prido. practice."1 Dowu the road toward us came a Anoiber unique feature o! the double file a! boys hotween the ages school arganization, according ta Dr. o! 8 sud 15. As tbey pasaed iheir Reaman, la that ihere lsans oppor- bauds kept nisiug te the woolou caps iunity for every boy i the Province i a !rieudly If unmilliary sabute. i who la becoming s delinquent prob- uoted ibat ihoy were uuattended by le oin e taken care o! beo re ho bas au aider persan. ibaitbey appeared gone s0 fat as te appear beo re a cheerful as well as neat and, excepi nagisirate or Judge. If the parent is for ibeit orderly formation. migbt unablo te psy as mail suai per day bave hoon mistaken for a trcop a! the entire cost la borne by the Prov- typical village boys naklug for the ince Or nuniclPaliiy. AUl thatisl de- ball field. mnded by the achoall ib at ho mnuai "We make a point a! puiting thon grade above 80 by the Binet-Simon an ibeir honor. ta teacb thoin self- Intelligence scabe sud ho handed over couirol, seif-reliance, you kuaw." as a ward ta the school authoriies, The car swuug off the main high- ibus ensurlng complete contral over way wbere s aigu bore the name o! the boras training sud bis adjust- the achool sud twa slogans: 4#A mont 1olbowlng graduation. Square Deal" sud "Play the Game."1 Continued ou page 10 At British Empire Fair Ganada Slicer Gorporation of Bow- manville is one of the 48 Canadian flrms wbich is exhibitlng at the British Empire Fair at Buenos Aires, Argentina from March 14 to April 27. The fair will be one of the largest faits ever held on this conti- nent and wfll be opened by the Prince of Wales on bis visît to South Anierica. A Press Bouquet Fergus News-Record banda this little bouquet to The Statesman wblch la greatly appreclated by the editor and staff: "Our congratula- tions are affered to the Bowmanvijle Statesman on Its Improved appear- ance wlth the beginning of the Ne0w Year. The advertislng has been banlshed f rom the front page, new two, coluni-n beadlngs used, and a pleasing layout achieved."1 Wins 0.A.C. Scholarsblp James Hancock, son of Mr. and Hlorace Rancock or Cauttice and a former member of the Older Boys Pariainent for West Durham, w«a winuer o! one of T. Baton Go., $100 scholatsbips on a course at O.A.C. in Guelph. Flfteen scbolarahlpa were awarded and 198 trled for the scbolarship whilh sakes the winn, lng of one ail the Ibore noteworthy. John Dryden o! EtBooklin was another wlnner. Laylng Concrete at Equaliser T. E. Flaxman, local contractor, bas commenced work an the new equalizer tank at Salem. The floor ct tank bas been completed ln record tume. A gang af men commeznced work at 7 a.m. Frlday and contlnued until midnigbt and for a few lhours on Satutday completing the Job long befare dark. Forma wifl now be ereot- ed and the floor allowed ta dry out before the wafls and roof wilU bc erected. Attend Toronto Funerai Mayor M. J. Elliott and Town Clerk John Lyle, J.P., rPReste the town a! Boa -àville at the funeral iTor, <j orc Lewis Corniali jours a toenoIloi rin ~ideat lu ~ lübn Intyre, a ss ofr k andM beiNsa n~~ residents now in5~ u o<mo Interment " i Ioa Pleasant Ceme S.O.E. Off bers Knstafle Sons a! England ofLers were tu- stsiled January 6 wlth District Dmp- uty Leslie Thompson conductlng the ceremony. They are: PaSU Prosdment- Cleo. Pritchard*, President-D. Ar- mlated;, Vice President-F. W Bute- man; Chaplaln-HEarold Kling; SOC'j -R. Halmes; Treas-H. Pm*; Com- mitteemen-C. King, B. King, W. J. Berry, T. Wray, T. Cartwright, Wm. Mitchell. 11.0.-W. J. Jeffrey; 0.0, J. Nicholls. A banquet followed at whiéh the district doputy snd otbur members apoke. A feature of the evenlng.-waa the presentation of a Past Presidents Jew'el to eorge Pritchard. Help thse Ney Citizen who prof ors ta romain anonymous gave Alderman T. B. Lockhart chairman of relief cm- mittee, 100 pounda of honey,, for une among the needy. Mr. Lockhart has handed this very acceptable do- nation to Communlty Welfam Com- mlttee to distribut.. This citum bas the rlght communlty spirit aud bas set a pace where others inlght Weil f olow. Mr. Loekhart or thse Wel! are Commlttee are wifling to accept for relief purposes clothing, vegetables, fruit and other provis- ions for distribution among thse un- eniployed. There are many homes that have more vegetables that cmn pcsbly be ua.d in the course of thse wluter and we suggest that these be given to thts wortby cause rather than left tu waate' or rot. Another suggestion :get an unemployed man to dlean jour sidewalks, collara, tu=u- aces and ather amall chores visicis wauld ho appreclated by jourself and prove acceptable to Jobleas men wbo i most cases much prefor toi wok for pay than roceive a dole or char- itj. On Thursday evenlng, January Stb, the girls of Mins Sparga's clamsor Trinity Sunday sohoal enlayed a so- cial evening ln the !orm o! a skating party et Taylor's Arena. After a pissa- ant time at the rink the girls rlited tbe home of Uma Dasy lareI.-r I.- , e- 5c a Copy No. 3