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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1931, p. 5

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TES CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEC, TEURSDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1931 PAGE FIVE h q SEED CLEANING Tuhe Seed Cleanlng plant at the Baye' Training School ia prepared ta dlean al kindu of grain, graun and Claver Seed. Grain 5c per bushel. Claver and Grams Seed 15o per bushel. Farrners are urged ta bring In their seed early In order ta avoid delays in the spring. 3-11 Best Fiction AT LOWEST PRICES AT OURE LENDING LIBRARY It only oSts 3c aday. Over 200 books ta choose froni, inciudlng these New Books Added This Week M. A. Cady: -The River Fury"l Coningsby Dawson: Trhe Auctioning of Mary Angel"' James B. Hendry. "Blood on the Yukon Traill" Maran Kelth: "Farrest Barrier"' William J. Locke: "The Sharn Lamb" Harold MacGrath: -,The Blue Rajah Murder'I Edison Marahall: *?Sleeper of the Moonlit Rans W. B. Maxwell: *'To What Green Atar?" Frank R. Packard: "Jimmie Dale and the Blue En. - velape Murder."1 William MacLeod Raine: "'Rutiedge Tralls the Ace of t'pades"' Rafaei Sabastini* "The King'& Minion"' Pauline Stiles: "The Moto and the Beam"I Margaret Wlddimer: IIAil the Kinga Horne." J. W. JEWELL Big 20 sookstore Dowmanville Business Announcement We, the undersigned, having completed al- terations to our Funeral Parlours, are in a position to give immediate service from this date. Phones: Office 58; House 523. Northcutt & Smith, Successor to Alan WiUiams King St. West Bownianville An Announcement! BROOKHAM & McMULLEN GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Messrs. Amnos Brookham and Harry MeMullen wish to announce the opening of a Garage and Service Station on King Street West, at Harry Allin's Bicycle Shop. They will be pleased to receive a trial of their services from the motoring public and can assure them of first class work. SUPERTEST GASOLINE AND MOTOR OILS Phone 285 Bowmanville BIG REDUCTIONS IN FORD PRICES ALL MODELS AFFECTED Ford Model A Cars have been a great success-production econonues have been effected. DIcansequence. we are pleased to have the apportunlty to affer the public new 10w prices on every model, bath passenger and commercial. LOCAL RETAIL PRICES We shail at any time be glad ta give yau the details of aur local prices. Corne ln now and let us show you what they mean to, you. TERMS You may purchase a Ford Car or Truck on canvenient econmical terns. Ask us for partculars. COX MOTOR SALES OSHAWA AND BOWMANVILLE KEMP BROS LOCAL RBEPREENATIVS King Street Bowxnanville BAT. - MON. TUES. JANUARY 24- 26 - 27 "RENEGADES" Wth Warner Baxter, Myrna Loy and Noah Beey. A grlpplng story of love, sacrifice and heroism in the wllds of Mor- occo, wlth four members of the famous Foreign Leglon and an ai- iurlng woman spy as the principal characters. The first taikie wth the 1oregn Leglon as a back- ground. Matlnee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Slverware Nlght Every Tuesday WED. - THIJRS. - FR1. JANUARY 28 - 29 - 30 Wheel What a time you're golng to have! You've neyer laughed so hard and long as you will watch- ing Eddie Cantor caper through Flo Ziegfeid's greatest comedy sPectacle. He's Henry the hypo- chondrac-so healthy he's sick trYing ta think of what ails him. You'll roar, rock, rave over this rip-snorting comnedy. Eddie Cantor in "WHOOPEE" AU Techinicolor. Matinee Wed. at 4 p. mi. No advanoe In prices. ACCOUNTANT R.L M. COTTON Audlting - Accountlng Books wrltten up dafly, weekly or monthly. Mantbly and annual statement and Incarne Tax Returns prepared. P. O. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. BLACKSMITHS D. RL ALLDREAD - skates Sharpened - Acetylene Welding Horse Shoelng and Generai Blacksmlthing - Woadworklng - King Street E. Phone 508 GARAGES Garage and Service Station Batteries Charged - Towlng and General Repairs on ail makes of cars. Acetylene Weldlng Supertest Oas and Oils - Accessorles BIROOKHAM and McMULLEN Phone 285 King Si. W. BowmanvMle RESTAURANTS OLYMPIA CAFE BowrnanvWle's Popular Eating Place Deliclous Sandwiches - On toast wthout extra charge. Try our 40e meal. Ring Street E. Phone 537 Annual Meeting Bowmanville Harticultural Society Councll Room TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd. 8 p. ni. sharp. Election o! Ofllcers and Financlal Report for 1930 MR. CARR Superintendent o! Horticultural Work at Bays' Training School will given an address on WOLJ) FLOWERS AIl lovera o! flawers welcome. Admission free. A. M. OS. KRUCHE . .0. F. HALL Friciay, Jan. 3Oth 000» PRMZS REPRESHNMPq LOCAL and OTHERWISE Miss N. minore, Lindsay, Is visit- lng her brother. Mr. M. H. Minore. Mr. and Mrs. Grant, Kingston, visited at Mr. Narman Taylor's laut week. Mrs. A. D. McDonald, Kingston. is here on account of the serlous inI- nesof her aunt, Mrs. John Hanilyn. Mr. W. J. A. Stutt. Winnipeg, Man. recently vlslted his brother, Mr. J. Ross Stutt o! Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Rev. E. A. Tonkin, who is staylng with his daughter, Mrs. Oea. Jack- son. Port Perry, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson quiet- ly celebrated the 45th annlversary of their marriage on Saturday Jan- uary lSth. The Statesman through its news colunin, brings town and country dloser together. AdvertLslng is Im- Portant news. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sutton are spending a few days in New York City taklng In several important musical events. Mrs. (Dr.) W. T. Veale and daugh- ter Mary, Harrow, are vlsiting her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Avery John- ston, Church St. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Eagleson, Audrey and Bruce, Cobourg, vislted his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brock. on Sunday. Mr. L. L. Mason. Orillia, who was attending the National Shoe Con- vention in Taronto iast week vlsited his father, Mr. F. H. masan. Mrs. W. N. Tlley, Mrs. A. N. Mitchell and Mrs. S. Oreey, Toronto, were guests o! Mrs. W. E. Tlley, Beech Ave, on Sunday. Mrs. Tllley alsa visited ber sister, Mrs. F. A. E!addy, who is quite inI. Trlnity Men's Brotherhood held a Prayer and praise service at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson remperance St., on Wednesday iast. [t is dolng a good work anxong the shut-Ins of this congregation. Mrs. Naylor, who has been with rier daughter, Mrs. C. Thompsan, at Bowmanvlle, since bef are Christ- mas, returned home on Saturday nlgbt and is vislting her brother and sister in Napanee.-Deseronto Post. On Monday, Jan. 12th. the Ugo Igo Club held a real successful meeting at the home a! Mrs. Wm. Tardiff, Queen Street, Mrs. Jennlngs being the hostess. The living-room and Uining-room were taste!ul.y decorat- ed f or the occasion. Mrs. Francis Clarke, president, opened the meet- ing, the members singing their wel- orne sang: roil was called; President expressed her pleasure at the record ttendance and hoped ail wauld en- deavor ta make the club a success. Three tables of eucbre and one of whist were played. Re!reshments z were served. The hastess was asslst- ed by Mrs. Howard Hailman and Urs. Haward King. After Mrs. Glb- son gave a piano sala. Dancing foi- lwed, Mrs. Braugh playlng the har- monica. After heartlly thanklng Mrs. e leninga and her mother for their aospltaiity ail departed for home. DEATHS HOUSE FOR SALE-13ieet built bouse on Carlile Avenue,1 takes oniy fo,,r tons of coke per winter for furnaoe and etove, bas done It the last four winters; now renting for $25 per montb; threc roonis andi three claaete uPetairs, six moarne and bail Including bedroomn and bathroam dawntairs; cellar divided wtth cernent wali; garage and ben bouse. Terme easy. Apply ta C. N. Ruse. R. R L., Hampton, Ont. 35-tf Opporiunlty only cornes once In a lie- tintme. Changes in aur plans for 1931 ici t a few vadancien for agente ta sei the well known Menit Hosiery and 7tnder- weair. direct ta consumner. A steady in- carne for yeux full or spare tirne. No ex- penience necessary. Let us show you haw. Ment Mile, 126-130 Wellington St. West. Toronto, Ont.4- A war story revlved: The front-lune sentrY heard foot- steps approachlng. "HaItl" he caffle. #*Who goes there?" "What the blankety-blank has thatj got ta do Wlth you?" aald a volee. "Pau, Canadiani" »I ute ntzy-!1 day. January 21st, 1931, Ida Dewel widow of the late Mattsew DwlelD. age 17 yeara. Funeral fram EIiad Church on Frida> Janiuary 23rd. Service at 2.30 p. nr Cortege ta Hamptan Cemetery. HENDERSON-In Orona, on Saturday Jan. 17th, 1931, Thomas Hendersan, fi hie Sird year. GRIFFIN-At Enniekillen, on Thura day, January lSth, 1931, Wilrner B. R. son of Mr. and lire. Wrn. Griffin, agc 8 yeare. HOOEY-At Blaeketack, on Januax] 1Sth, 1931, .Albert W., beloved hunbanc af Amnelia Williamuon, in bis 64th year Interred et Cadmua. GRaVES-At Gravenhurst, on Monday January 1Mt, 1931, John Graves, farrn. erly of Orapa. ln hie 84th year. Inter. ment at Bowmanville. BROWN-In Taranto, on Saturday, January l7th, 1931, Mas Howard Brown, beloved wife af Mr. Wm. H. Brown, Bawmanvifle, aged 50 yeare. SELBY - In Newcastle, on Saturday, January 17t!h, 1931, Emma Jane, beloved witf Mlr. Isaac N. Selby, ln her 63rd year. Interred ln Bawmanviile. Cem- etery. IN MEMORIAM McKESSOCi< - In loving menlory of Robert James McI<esack, wbo departed this life on the 26th of January, 1930. "He lives ln the hearta of titane he left bebind." Wife and Family. REYNOLDS-In lovinz memary of my ticar mother, Mrs. John Rteynolds, w2ho died Jan. 25th, 1929. No lengtb af ilme, no lapse of years Can dim my motber's past, For treasured mernoriee hold ber dear And wil! while mernory lait. * Bessie V. Reynolds. WALTON-Th loving memory af Laura Marie Moles, beloved daugitter aoflMr. and Mns. Aneon Walton, Newcastle. who passed away Jan. 16th, 1929. In the shadawy vaie af bygonê :rears We travel to-nlgbt alone, Our dean daugihter we anIlobved best Has Passed ta the Great Unknown. -Tan dearly loved ta be forgotten. Mother, Father. Sisters and Brathers. CLEMENS-In laving memnory of Wil- liam John Clemens, wba passed away at Boiwmanville, Jan. l9tb, 1929. In aur hearts yaun memnory lingers, Sweetly, fond and truc; There le not a day, dear father We do not think af you. Friends may tbink we have forgatten, When at times tlhey see us ernile; But they do neot know the beartache That irnile bides ail the wbile. Wife and P'amily. Floral Designs First clans work for an occasions. Wreathe, Sprays, Piilows, Brides' Bou- quets, etc. Also permanent Wreatbs far the cemetery ln beautiful floral effect. KINGSWAV NURSERIES On Highway 2 etreets east of Liberty St. Phone 144 Bowmanville Lost or Fouad FOUND-Truck. tire betw'een Hampton and Sauina. Owner may have eaine by paying expenees. H. A. Pascoe, Sonna. Pbanc 167r3 2-3 Wanted WANTED-A capable wornora gen- eraI bousewonk in a faxnily of two. Ap- Ply to lins. E. S. Senkler, Boch~ Ave., iowmianvlle. Phone 149. 4-1 Wanted-Robert Pawson la prepared to repaîr boots, eboca and rubbers, neat Job, moderate prices. Leave at Sidney Monris'. Wellington Street, Bowmanvillc. Phone 424 . "rtcles For Sale FOR SALE-100 fence poste. APPIy to U D. Sykes, R. IL 6, Bawmanvillc. baone 237r2. 4-2 MORSE FOR SALE--One heavy drafti àorse, 7 Ycars aid, good warkcr aingle or luble. Phone: Bowmanville 1ISsI. 2-3 FOR SAL.E--600 egg Sirncoe Inonhator, sed In three batahee. Cost $48 wil oeil or 120. J. C. Alldncad, Tyrone, Phone 196 r 5.3-2 FOR SALE-New 5-raomed 9coud brick lue on Wellington St., ail conven- nces. APply ta Albert Hiraock, Lib- Tty St., BowmanviUce. 4-tf FOR SAL'E.Alladin HangingLaxnp and 7leman Gasaline Larnp for sale, bath ,d ai ncw. Seli at real bargain as >w bave cicctricity. Francia Wcrry, DniekIllen, Phone 383-6 3-3 FOR SALE-Cornpletc set af 10 vol- [ms af ecyciopcdia "The World Book", laborately Icather bound ln art craft weny home wbcre there are cldren hould have tcese wonderful boaks af mowlcdge, profusely Illustrated. Wini ake $25 Jean titan ariginal prias. Boakel ry be seen at The Statesman Office or rte "J. R." Drawcr B. Bowmianviilc. 2-tf ToLe.« FOR RENT-Eaet End Garage, dan be cd for blackemitit nhop. Apply ta W. .Dale ai Mason & Dale'n, Bowman- le. 8--t FOR RENT-Brick baunc, 7 roorna, on ivision St., balf a block narth of King twitb conveniences. Apply ta J. B. artyn, Bowmanville. 4-20 -fOUSE Ta RENT-SBevs restas. wat. wokbath. electrlclght. Iocat.d Ing & Ontario St.. Bowmaaville. Ap- yA. A. CalwliI. Newca.stle. s1-tf MOUSE TO RENT - Brick residence, îtaining 7 rooms. on King St. Elast; good condition: bard and naît water .kitchen. APPlY Bt,£ 68, Bowman-1 Neyer have we held a January Clear-ance which represented such aatound- ing bargains!1 Every coat in this group is reduced to remarkable values& Richly trinimed with Lapin Fox, Car acul, Wolf and other luxwiious fuis Each has been made to seli for much moie ...and each is an almost lun- heard of value at g ['urizimmed' SPECIAL SALE MEN'S OVERCOATS COATS COATS COATS' COATS COATS COATS REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR $19.50 $28.50 $32.50 $35.00 $48.50 $62.50 FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR * LADIES' BIG REDUCTION WINTER HATS IN ALL KINDS 0F 1 $1.00 Each -1 DRESSES1 ..........$19M0 ...........$24.50 ...........$25.W0 .$......5.. We have laid out for quick sale 10 Men'a Overcoats at the followmng prices: 2 only, regular $35.00 at ........$22-50 1 only, riegular $85.00 at ........$17.50 1 only, regular $32.50 at .........$21.50 1 only, regular $27.5 0 at .........$17.50 1 only, regular $26.50 at ........$16.50 1 only, regular $24.50 at .........$15.50 2 only, regular $23.50 at ........$14.50 The above are up-to-date in style, but must be cleared before stock taking. Men'a Leatherette Coats, $8.75 for .......$6.50 See our made to offler Tuxedo Suits at ..$27-50 A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN SUIT DURING STOCK-TAKING ANY Couch, Johnston & Cryderman t" f I M. Y. - 8 IA ý 1 il 1 Nightmare -Couldnot h more agonizing or ful o! horror than for mather ta lie awake listening ta Jahnny in the next roam cough, cough, caugh. Of course she reallzed he bad a littie sniffle an gaing ta bed but didn't thlnk it would develap inta a hard hacking cough In s0 short a time. The trouble is Johnny Bot only keeps hi Ief awake but everyone in the whoie house, and such a pity whon a dose o! REXALL CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP given on going ta bed would have saved the situation. It's pleasant and cherry flavour appeais ta any child and its qulck sedative action recammends it as a staple hause- hold product. Stop in ta-day and take home a bttle- &5c and 60e Jury & Loveli lVhen we test eyes k lu done PAGE PM mU PHONE FOR FOOD Phone 18 6 This is ONION. WEEK So in ordeji that you may properly celebrate this event we offer: MNONS - 25c PECK or 90e BUSHEL Fry's Cocoa, 1/2-1b. tin .............................21c Hand Picked Tomatoes, tin ...................IOc Fairsex Toilet Soap, reg. 10e bar .......6 bars 31c Canned Pumpkin, choice quality ............ejl British Columnbia Salmon, per lb ..............16c Fullline Spratt's Dog Biscuits. Full-O-Pep Egg Mash - Oyster Sheîl - Grit WE WANT POULTRY IÀve - Rough Dressed - I.bised HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMANI<VLLE

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