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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1931, p. 10

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TEE CANADIAN STrATESMLAN, BOWMANVILLE. THtYRDAY, FEBRUARY 5th. 1931 ()HUE&CH CHOIR ENTERTMINED The United Church Choir by spec- Wa invitation, met at the home of Mrs. Geol. P. Rickard and Mrs. W. D. Bragg on Fridiay evening. and after its usual weekiy practice. held its an- nuai business meeting and election of officers. Leader W. J. S. Rickard conducted the practîce with Mrs. Geo. Honey at the piano. substltutiflg for Mrs. L. M. Fisher whose presence was required at the Bowling Club Banquet. Rov. W. P. Rogers slipped away froen the Bowlers' event for a while and happily came on the scene jus in time to preside over the eeto which resulted as follows: P.eidn -W. H. Cooke; Vice Pres.-Mrs. Gea. Honey: Secretary-Mrs. W D. Bragg; Treasurer-Mrs. T. A. Rod- ger; Music Committee-Howard AI- lin. E. C. Hoar, Mrs. Honey and Miss <race Bragg. The leader, W . J. S. Riokard. and the organist, Mrs. L. M. Fisher. are appointed by the Official Board o! the church. The business conciuded. Mrs. Rick- ard and Mrs. Bragg. assisted by Misses Beatrice and Grace Bragg. served a ldelicious lunch, the menu consisting of bot biscuits and jeily. cake, cookies and coffee. Be! ore dis- perslng Mr. W. H. Cooke moved and Mr. W. J. S. Rickard seconded a vote of tbanks to the gracious bostesses. to which Mrs. Bragg briefly replied. NEWCASTLE CHURCHES St. John's R. C. Church Rev. Father James McGuire an- nounced at Hoiy Mas-s on Sumday morning that hereafter. for sorne tUme at east, be would be present to hoid mass only every second Sunday, as he couid not be spared for New- castle and Bowmanvin'e every Sun- day. The time will aiternate with St. Joseph's Church. Bowmanviile. as forrneriy. Thus Father McGuire wil be at St. John's again onSuay Feb. 22nd, at 8.30 a. m. and on Sun,- day, Marcb 8th. at 10.30 a. m Unted Church United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B. A.. Pastor. Sunday. February lth: Il a. m.-Morning Worship: 2.30 p. m.-ýSunday Schooi: 7 p. m.- Evening Service. On Thursday at 3 p. m. the Wo- men's Association will nieet at the home of Mrs. John Douglas. with Mrs. J. W. Gienney's group in charge o! the program. Mrs. J. C. Hancock and Miss Win-' nifred Rickard. teachers of the Prim- arY class of the Sunday School, are planning a valentine party for the chlldren and tbeir mothers in the S. S. rooms on the af terfloofl of St. Valentine Day, Saturday. Feb. 14th. NOTICE Re Overland Touring Car Model 85-4. serial number 46752. lidense No. L.T.649 1l930). If nol clamed and charges paid before March 5th, 1931, will be sold by auic- tion to cover storage charges. E. C. Hoar, 7-1~ Newcastle Garage Ever Think of ain Eye Examination When you get those duli nauseatmng headaches, or when the print flees after you read awhile' Statistics prove that seven out of every ten headaches are caused by eye- strain and can be eliminated by proper ftting glasses. G. M. Bosnell OPOHETRST Office Over Flood* Store Port Hope WEDNESDAY each week 9.34 a. m. te 9.30 1). m. Toronto Office: 2143 Dantorth Ave. in Street * The Newcastle Independent * THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1931 OBITUARY NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE UNITED Mms. I. N. Selby, Newcastle w. Middleton, harness maker, CONGREGATIONALD i omanviiie. late of Oshawa.Necsl ntdCu Mention was made in a recent is Miss Elizabeth Hancock, St. Cath- congregational meeting1 sue of the faunerai o! Mrs. Isaac Sel- 1iares, spent the weekend at home. Hall Wednesday evenmlg Iby who was released f rom lier s arin with the pastor, Rev. W f erings on Saturday, Jan. 1ltb Her Mms. w. H.Pearce visîted ber ain h hi.Teew iilness dated f romn the sumrmer o! ter, Mrs. S. C. Scaîthorpe, Welcome tndne the ar hll bein 1929, but there were periods wben~ Miss Norma Orchard spent the flled. The meetingo aber condition seemed much lmproved1 weekend with relatives in Port Per- congregational singingm and her f amily were en>ouraged to ry. C ihra h in hop fo a ecoery Hoeve. fr jMrs. AI!fred Farncomb bas been and scripture lesson by some weeks prior to hier deatb it be- visiting hier daughter. Mrs. A. N. Mc- Officiais submitted glom came evident to ail that the flamne Evoy, Detroit. wich gave every evidei of l! e was s0 weak and flickering it Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragen and church is well organizec might go out at any time. daughters. Dorothy and Audrey, Tor- ed and is looking wellai It was noticeable that at the f un- onto, were weekend guests of ber local and connexional wi erai on Tuesday, Jan. 20th, aitbougb mother, Mrs. John Douglas. ligations. there was a large numnber o! ladies Mrs. S. Jose returned home last Mr. A. A. Colwill,C and Young people present. the num- Thursday fromn St. Mary's and vicin- Session, reported on th, re fmnod a out t om the ity wbere she h as been visitlng sînce strength of the church, countryron abu oso thi the funeral o! hier brotber-in-law. Iance at communion s sympathy for the bereaved busband, the late Dr. Jose, V. S. commended the worko was especialiy large. Mr. Gus Deline. Napanee, bas been leader, Mr. W. J. S. Riciý Rev. W. P. Rogers spoke o! bis visiting bis brother. Mr. Walter De- members o! the senior visits to the home during Mrs. Sel- line, since tbe beginning o! tbe New choirs. Mr. Colwill aise by's iliness and how lie always foand Year. He once resided here seme financial statemeist of her patient and fuail of faith, thus years ago witb his fatheîr and School, prepared by th manifesting two o! the finest Christ- mother. Mr. Irwin Colwill. Mrs. lais graces. patience and f aith. Mr. presented the GoldenE W. Fred Riding. Emmanuiel College. Miss Lillian Clemences Sunday Band report. coveringf Toronto. a nephew o! deceased. leci Schooi class o! girls held a sieigbing statistics. Mrs. W. P. Rc in prayer. party on the bilis just east of the ed for tbe W. M. S. anc village last Saturclay afternoon and and stressed the principl Among the mnmerous floral trib- finished ap with refresbments and each is founded and tI utes were the foiiowing: Pillow f romn some more f un at the Community objects and ideals o! eaci the farnily; Wreaths frein Sisters, Hall. epcai !hwwl Miss Simpsonl and Henry, Mrs. Raby IM.J .Brde a nsyfî .S. is lyorganize wi and Evelyn, General Motors Parts Mri .W rde a at alM .i raie.wt and Service. Mr. N. R. Gilbank. Osh- on the sidewalk between the comn- partmental secretary awa; Basket f rom Nieces and Nepb- munity bail corner and bis homne isat roup doing its work ci ews; SheaVeS from Women's Assoc- Wednesday and spllntered bis sheul- weli. Well written rep iation of the United Cbarch. Mlr. and der bonie. He will likeiy have te car- W. M. S., by Mrs. H. Mrs. H. W. Dudley. Mr. and Mrs. ry bis armi in a sling for at Mrs Pperc y reprn t Fred AllUn and Luther, Mr. J. F. Os- 1tbree weeks. Mr.PryHaepeet borne ansd family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. Herb. Toms returned te Tor- cial standing and stati H. Pearce, Grandchildrefl Sprays i onto after spending tbe weekend at Woman's Association i frorn the Drew family. Mr. :and Mrs. home. It is thought advisable for viewed its past year's ac P. O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.- Fisher Artie te rernain in the city for per- Lillian Clemence, Rec.- and Emierson. the Lawlor Farnily, haps another month te continue theY. P. L. reviewed the 1 the Orchard Girls. Mr~. and Mrs. H.> ' treatment on the one leg wbicb is as that organization and R. Pearce. United Churcb. the Rid- yet net quite restored te normalcy. . financial and statistica ing Fmily theGrievs, GelphMMr. the year 1930. Mr.A ing~~~~~~~ aiy.teGiesGulbM.congratulations te Mr. and c c testre gv and Mrs. W. Marsden. Ned Btickley i Geo. Alun on the arrival o! their the ur ret und. showe .and McEachern Farnily. Young: flrst boni, a daugbter, in Bowmnan rte ceipt ad xnd.soi People's League. May and Mrs. ville last Thursday. Mr. Frank Ai- local ptapdse Mr.J. LMann. lin, ex-reeve o! Clarke, and new sec- lclProe.M.J Messages o! condolence were re- retary-treasurer o! the Newcastle report wvas Purely fi .ceived frorn the fellowing distant Men's Bowling Club . is a proud friends: Mr. Loftus Buckley. New-I grandpa. »rmarket; Mr. and Mrs. Earle Kane. Young Peoples League e! Port Tonawanda. N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. Hope United Churcb wli piesent the Fred Rowe. Sydenhamt; Mrs. Thomas musical comedy -The Miriýtéi"s cBrown. Toronto; aise f rom the W. M. Wtfe's New Bonnett"l in the United 1. S., the Sunday Scheol. and the W. A. Churcb Sunday School lial on ivion- Sof the United Churcb. Newcastle. day, February 23rd. at 8 p. m. ander - The pail bearers wvere ail nephews auspices o! Young Peoples League. of deceased: Messrs. Will Drew. Nor- Aduits 25c; cbildreis 15c. 7-2 nsan Legge. Eljah Mann, Win. Bone. Miss Annabelle Hendry's party iast Fred Drew and Wn. Riding. Two Friday evening was the big event ef !.unes ef flower bearers fermed an the week in tbe Lake Shore section. the casket from the heuse te the bood were there and bad a very .illy funeral car. The cortege then pro- time. Amnong the Newcastle yoang ceded te, Bowmanviile Cemetery, the ladies present were Misses Ruby place o! interment. Reeve W. F. Shaw and Margaret Toms. hîgh eRickard's and Mr. Percy Hare's cars schooi cbums of Annabelie. carried the flowers and Mr. Howard The Counties' Ceuncil bas appoint- - Pearce conveyed the chie! mourners. ed Mr. J. H. Jose a higb scbool trus- Many other cars conveying relatives tee for the ensuing tbree year term andfrind foloedmaknga lngin succession te Mr. W. E. Beman procession. 1 who bad served on the Board o! Ed-R The late Mrs. Seiby before hier ucation for six years and asked net marriage was Miss Emma Cole O! te be re-appointed. Mr. Jose toek Bewrnanville. Besides ber twe s'S-bis seat for the flrst time at the in- ters. Mrs. Harriet Bene and Mrs. augural meeting e! the Board last Eliza Brimacembe, Oshawa, and nu- Wednesday evening. merous nepbews and nieces. she is Mis artaawsuna'cbo threeedaabt ler s Mrs. r. .N Hs aet LwsSndySh sured bybneorlusandhomre;I.n. cîass of girls enjoyed a sleigb ride Sheby: one s,Car. a hoellndteOrone and back on Monday even- (Marjorie), Lake Shore. Clarke is ing and on returning repaired te, the TH Minnie at hoe: and Miss ri.cemmnity bal for lunch and fur- Minnie.:at borne an M i Mre.ther amusement. Abet Pearce, ac Ohawa:of .aise die randPoweld.. companied by bis chum, Billom, chilren f Mr an Mrs Powll. took the girls witb bis teamn and bob- sleigh, wbile Miss Helen Lycett went St. George's Church witb Miss Law and the others as cbaperene. The Men's Club o! St. Georges5 Severa.i departments o! the scbeol Cburch beid a social evening in the are buslly planning their valentine Parish Hall Wednesday evening and parties. Miss Mason's and Miss Or- entertained tbe ladies whom tbey es- chard's roems will bold theirs separ- peciaily invited. Mfter an enloyable ately on Frldav afternoen at the period o! games. ladies reciprecat- jchQooi Principal Rodger's rooma ed tbe favor extended thern by serv- plans te beid one on St. Valentine ing a delectable lunch. Everyone Day at the Çommunity Hall. Higb f rom the recter, Rev. F. H. Masen. Scbool la planning a joyous affair to and the Club President. Mr. Walter take tbe torm o! a banquet witb Crowther. up and f rom the Recter toasts and singing in the bail on Fri- and the President down is entbused day evening. the l3th. St. Vaientlne's with the good time be or sbe bad Eve. and is hope! ai o! enjeying anether Wilmot Street, as ail Newcastle- 1Suchevesing h-Bny Fb. tonians know, as neer been a thr- 5t. Georqgesihurch-BWIdSun-eb .ougbfare for vehicular traffic. Ferl iStb. Qu1nages-oima <Sraee Sn- three quarters o! its length it is a Holy Communion; 2 p. n.--Sunday deep ravine where grow trees and Schol;7 . ni.-veingPraermarsb grass. Quite a volume o! aS on . m vnrgPae water courses tixiongi it in the I Mrs. F. H. Mason is playîng the spring time. Hewever, there has ai-j pip oran or t. eore'sChuchways been a path for pedestrians. ehv p evcwipeoga orS.Ger' hrshviclose te the nortb fence. a kind of servngi etwit.M. Farcomb iS VS-levers' lane. This is te be changed 50 thatî iting for now they are utllizing the excav-, * i Deroi. Iated dirt f romn tbe new water storage why we tanks te make a driveway aiong theI Wear, V nortb side o! the street and thus pro- vide a short cut f rom Mill St. te bers, at North St. for tbis section o! the vil-foth , ~Ii~fl lage. fr1h On MonriR.y evenine. Feb. 2nd. I kman s MlBsHlld1 ails,1)lakan blu, $125 Mieseto imissplonIde sonapavien wblescb b, ad enarhofatthe W.rM. rails, hakî &bluegrain,5.meting on ehe aurdaypretie nd t cfthe und reoosefssoiongo ack~~~~~~~ an le...$2 ISna- tec prseaiA. on s HALF PRICE This Week OnIy Te B. GILCHR1ST Directly Opposite Bowmanville eports of the .E. Hancock, ese coiumns. -- . ed the finan- tistics of the showed how much the congregation the ne'w treasurer of the Parsonage Mark Allun, and Harold Aluin, accom- and also re- had contributed through variousEndowment F'und, presented her re- panied by Mrs. C. A. Çowan, and a itivities. Mis: channflis to the M. & M. F1.ifd and porlt. duet by Misses Muriel and Gladys -Sec. cof tho i' 0w nsuch he had ýcnt ta the gen2rali Mr. Mýark Blackburn and Mr. Geo. Pollard, accompanied by their moth- Sactivlties of treasurer. Rexv. W. P. Rogers report-: Coyne were elected members of the eir. Mrs. Albert Pollard. 1presented a ed for the juvenile corigregation and conmîttee of stewards to fill vac- i The evening closed with a social ,al report for Cie C.S.E.T. organizations. the Ttaxis. CII 'ies caused by the death of Mr. period and refreshments served by a A. 0. Parker, Square and Trail Ranigers. There W. D. Bragg, formnerly chairman of, conimittee of the Women's Auxiliary. ea report of are at present 32 boys in the two the cominittee. and the removai to ing the gross groups. Any boy whose 12th birth- Claremnent of Mr. Eric Pearce. Miss Elleen Cooke. Victoria Col- ures for ail day will fali any time titis year, 1931. Reprts ere interspersed witi5 lege, Toronto, spent the weekend E. W. Philp's i now eligîbie to in the Trail -,ocal nmbers by the maie quiartet,,with Miss Dorothy Riekard at The financiai and Rangers' Camp. Mrs. W. H. Cooke.:W. j. S. Rickard. 1Howard Aluin. Grange. A- 1- . .d ovan s Big Moving Sale [URSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY LAST THREE BIG DAYS )QWN GO PRI CES 'e decided that on the last three days of our Big Moving Sale to cut our prices to shreds it wil tempt the rnost akeptical buyers. We cannet move ail our stock, that is the reason eare giving goods away at such Iow-cut prices. Thousands of dollars worth of Men's Work Clothes, Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, Wornen's and Children's Shoes and Rub- tprices that wilI neyer be offered agairi in this part of the country. Tremendous savings whole family. FREE i FREE FREE Friday and Saturday Mornings From 9 a. m. to 12 a. m. ers buying $5.00 worth or more we wiIl give f ree either one pair of high grade Men's s or a pair of Women's Overshoes. This offer doesn't hold good after 12 o'clock. Teill iends about the offer and corne yourself. ROVAN 'S Opposite Bowman House Bowmnanville PAGE TECN s I t. 10 QNLY ÀUT Clearing at Rank of Montreal

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