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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1931, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Sth, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 6 Crime-,ýon Decrease in Bowmanville ChieF S. Venton's Report Reveals GAVEL AND BLOCK TO BE PRESENTED TO LOCAL LEGION BRANCH- Formatian af a Braneh of the Ladies' Auxliary of the Canadian Leglon of the B. E. S. L. Cozrades from Oshsawa are cail- ing on tise local Legion Friduy even- ing Fel. tis. as their laterest neyer lessens. To thezu we are indebted for our formation andi inauguration, for couusei and lielp. Now tisey are coming back to present to us a Gavel sud Block. Let every mem- ber be on land to give them a wel- orne and show tise deep uppreela- tion o! Bowmunville Brandi. An open meeting is being held inla St. Johsn's Parisis Hall on Weduesday Fel. 1liti t 8 p.m. to formn a Branch' et tise Ladies' Auxiliary o! tise Can- adian Legion o! tise B.E.SL. AIl Comrudes are askcd to le present and bring witis tlem tiseir ladies wlio are eligible for membership. Accrding to tise Constitution o! Itie Ladies Auxiliary ail women are eligible for membership wlio have scrvcd wtl tise forces o! tise Britishs Bmpire or 1er Allies la tise Great War, or in any o! tise wars o! tise &knpire. and tise mothers, eisters, and daugîters o! sudh women, or wlo are widows. wlvcs, motisers, sisters and daughters, aise grand- motisers, grandaugisters. (18 years aud overi o! tise men who served wth tle Forces durlng tise Great,' War. The Aims and Objects o! tise1 Ladies' Auxiliary are tise same as 1 tisse o! tise Canadian Legion. Lady Willingdon is tise Houorary President o! tise Ladies' Auxllary, sud Mrs. W. D. Ross and Mrs. A. E.I Cooderisaz are tise Honorary Vice- Presideuts. Tise meeting Wednesduy vil l e addressed by tise President o! tise Ontario Provincial Command o! tise Ladies' Auxiliury, Mis. A. G. Green1 af Toronto and tise Provincial Sec-; retary Mrs. E. Ginu o! Toronto'1 An invitation wiii also le extendedI ta tise President an.d members o! tise Oshawa Ladies' Auxliary to, le1 present. The Ladies' Auxliury o! tise Can- adian Legion is an immense under-' taklng, is Branhes, are ta le founci !rom Halifax ta Vancouver. In Ontario alone tise Ontario Provc-, il Commnand have over sevety Branches. There are isuudreds o! ladies in Bowmanville and district wlo are eligible for membershlp la the organization. Al members ac- cepteci ut tise firsi meeting lu Bow- manvile wil automuatically become Charter Members. Ail ladies wiso are eligible will finci a weicome ut ts meeting. You wli heur things that wlll make you proud o! wisat tise ladies lhave doue and are doing.1 aud o! tise Principles o! tise Ladies' Auxliary o! tise Caxiadîan Legion o!f tise Britishs Empire Service League. Exceptionally Fine Report Was Submitted by Chief of Police Sydney Venton at Council Meeting on Monday - Revenue by Fines Take Big Drop with Crime Decrease. Crime slowed a notable decrease during tise past year lu Bowmanville it was revealed in tise annual report o! Chie! o! Police Sydney Venton submitted to Council on Mouday nigist. Tise report was read by Coundillor W. G. Neles, Chiarman o! the Police Commttee, and Its reading brought forth vpry favorable comment f rom Mayor lUott. Tin f ull report was us xollows: To tise Mayor and Members o! tise Municipal Council o! tiseTon ! Bowmanville, Gentlemen:- I beg to sulmit to you mny report for tle yeur ending December 318t. 1930. There las been a very noticeable decrease in tise number o! cases brougît to tise police court during* the year. This o! course meant a noticeuble decrease lu tise fines col- lected. While we only had two town policemen this year iustead o! three, we had stationeci in Bowrn- ville a Higiswuy Trufflo Officer and a Provincial Police Officer whidh gave tise tawn force great assistance, wiih n0 doubt accounts somewliat for tise deerease o! tise lawlessness iu tis comuunlty. There were 57 cases o! tise!t re- ported o! which uumber 5 were motor cars, ail belng recovered; 13 bicycles, 7 being recovered andi 34 petty tise!ts. goods being recovered iu 12 cases. Tise only case report- ed and tise goods not recovereci o! greater value tisan $10,00 was an outbourd motor bout engine valued' ut $125.00. 0f tisis nuxuber o! tIc! ts reporteci 24 o! tisese cases were taken to tise police court, con- victions being registered practicai]y la every case. During tise year there were 23 reporteci accidents lui tise tawn against 47 o! tise previous year andi none serious. A number o!, no parking, slgns were put up on different streets whidh I believe were o! great assis- tance in keeplng tise traif ic regulat- ed. iI wisis ta tiank ail tise ivlc offi- ciais andi others wiso lave assisted me durlug tise year. I have tise ionour to le, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, S. Venton. PoIlce Department Statltlcs Cases tried lu year !930 278 Convictions 239 Cases dismisseci 14 Cases witldrawn 25 Summons 210 1 Continued on page 4) T. A. Dustan Elected President of Bowmanville Horticultural Society J. H. H. Jury Resigns From ed and would muke tise year a gen- Secretary's Office After Mr. Jury read tise secretury's re- Many ears'Servie -port wiicl showed considerable work ManyYe4rs'Serice accomplisisedinlatise pasi year. F. O. George E. Carr Gives En- MeIlveen reac tise finandial state- ment sisowing total receipts o! lightening Addres.s OnI $16111 sud expenditures o! $130.92 WToners f Plnt Lfe -leaving a balance o! $30.19. Tise Wondrs o Plat Lie -presidenit andi Geo. E. Carr were up- New Directors Elected. pointeci delegates to tise provincial convention in Tor'onto on February 12th, With C. A. Cuwker and N. Yei- Thomas A. Dustun was electe i lowvlees as alternates. presideut o! Bowmanville Horticut- Tise feature o! thse evening was a tirai Society t tise unnual meeting splendid address by George E. Carr, held lu tise counicil roomn on Tuesday F.R. H. S. andi superintendent o! night witl a large number cfisorti- isrticultural work ut tise Boys' cultural enthusiasts present." J. H. Training Scisool, who spoke on tise H. Jury, for muny years secretary o! subject -Wonders o! Plant Life." tise society, a former president and a His address told o! tise origin o! charter member, resigned as secre-1 flowers and tise various ways they tary. bis resignation being tise cause adapt tisenselves ta conditions wiich of mucis regret. suirround them. His address wus iu- Tise meeting openeci with Mr. Dus- tenqely interesting andi was foilowed tan lu tise chair lu tise absence o! by lantern sldes o! wiid flowers that tise retirlng president. M. L. Han- arc adaprtable ta garden use. Pic- cock, wiso bas le! t town, and o! Miss turcs of Hollund bulbs werc also Helen Carruthers. lst vice president. shown andi a description of tiseir wlo was indisposeci. Mr'. J. H. care was given. Johnston, Mr. C. A. Cawker and Mis. Geo. Webster wcî'e appointed a nom- Trinity Sunday Scisool Officers inating coînmittee. Officers elected Omfcers who wili supervise tise aci- are: Presdent-T. A. Dustan; istivIities of Trinity United Cisurcis dur- Vice Presidcnt-C. A. Cawker; 2nd ine. 1u31 ad who were elected utj Vice President-Neil Yeilowlees: Sec- the aniual meeting iseld recentlyl ret.ucy Treasurer-Mrs. E. V. Sco- are:. Superintendeut: Dr'. J. C. bell; Atiditoîs-F. O. Mdllveen, J. H. Dcitt; Assistants-W. R. Stike and Il. Jury: Directors---Cisarles Bagneli, W.- F. Dale; Honorary Superinteri- Miss H. Carrutisers. A. S. Baker, Geo. dents-Williami Trewin aud C. Reis- E. Carr and A. H. Fletcher. der: Secreta'y--Churles H. Muson; In bis presidential addî'ess Mr. Assistans-Jin Devitt and Gregory Dustan stressed tise great need o! a Colmcx': Ticasurer-M. H. Minore; mutcis larger society lu Bowmanville. Assistant-Jack Minor'e: Literary Thse citizens, he said, have tise de- Seccctary-j. E. Elloit; Librarian- sire aud tise feeling for iorticultural John Stacey; Assistants-Mis. John work but someisow tise co-operation Allun. Mrs. H. Balson. Elmer Cox. did ni exlst. He expressec tise Alan Knigist andi Haroldi Siemon; hope tisat tise socty would tisis year Supt.o! Temperunce Dept.-W. C. meet every montis and tisai a pro- Ferguson; Supt. a! Mîsslonary Dept. gram o! work undertaken durlng tise -Mrs. G. L. Wagar; Supt. o! Home comlng summer. He suggested thpt Dept.- Assistant durlug tise summer. visits le made ta -Mrs. Richard Bragg; Supi. o! tise varlous nurseries around town, Craie Roll Dept.-Mrs. John Durcis; also to some o! tise lest gardens in Musical Director-Francis Sutton, the towu wisere sisot tulks would le Mus. Bac.; Director o! Orchestra- given on tise type o! work visted. Hl. Fletcher; Piaulis-MIss Helen Thsis would create intereat lie daim- G. Morris. ELECTED PRESIDENT Thomas A. Dustan who was elected president of tise Bowmanville Horticultural Society at thse annual meeting Tuesday niglit. Mr. Dustan has been keenly interest- ed in horticulture for a number of years. NEW EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT MEANS LOWER SCHOOL GRANTS The Statesman's Newcastle corres- pondent, who is well versed in legis- lative grants to school, states tisat one effeet of thse raising of Newcas- tle's equalized assessment f rom thse former figure of $194,508 to $448,367 will be to reduce tise public scisool legisiative grant by $522.00, figured on the new basis of apportioning thse salaries grant which camne into e!- feet last fafl. Every town, village and scisool section in these United Counties will be tise loser, we think, and it wou]d be interestlng for all the scisool trustees or their officiais to, figure out what their salaries grants will be in 1932 as compared with what tliey would be if tise Equalized Assess- ments isad remained as they were wisen thse Provincial Governmnent mn- troduced the new system. The total reduction in legislative grants; to tise scisools tisrougisout these countie.3 will amount to several thousand dol- lars. THE C HURCHES Trlnity United Church-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor. Sunday services: Preaching at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Scisool at 2.30 p. m St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church- Rev. W. J. Todd, minister. Morning Worship, Il arn., Sunday School 2.30 p.m., Evening worsliip, 7 p.m. Preach- er tlie minister. St. Paul's Churcli-Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister. il a. m.- Morning Worshlp. "A Prisoner and his Tisree Wlises"; 7 p. m.-Evening Worship, "Jesus and tise People": 2.30 P. m.--Sunday Scisool. St. Johsn's Anglican Cisurch--Sex- aguesima Sunday, February 8tis: Holy Communion 8 a. m.. Mornlng Prayer il a. mn.; Sunday Scisool and Bible class 2.30 p. m.; Evenlng Pray- er 7 p. m. Thse Rector wlll preach. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Crawforth and daugisters Grace and Eleanor, lef t Saturday for their new home ut Strathroy wlere Mr. Crawforth lias been for some montlis, liavlng been transferred f rom tise Managershlp of tise Bank of Commerce here to similar position in thse branci n tisat western town. Tise best wishes of ail our citizens go wltli themn. MAY HEAD CANADA DAIRIES John A. McFeeters Accordiiig ta tise Finandial Post, Mr. John A. McFeeters Toronto. a wcll known Durhsam Couuty Boy, is lîkely to be tise new l)i'sident o! Canada Dainies Company. Tise re- p>or't eads: 'Canada Dairies, whicis is tise nucleus o! tise Ontar'io oi'gan- ization of Dairy Corp. of Canada, has been actively at work under tise new management since tise turu o! tise year. Tise naninos of new direct- ors bave flot yet been announceci but it is generaily expedtec tisai J. A. McFeeters, a director o! Dalry Corp. andi a former director o! Farmers' Dalry, wlll le tise new presideni. John Russell, former presîdent o! Canada Dainies before is purdisase, will prolably le on tise lourd, and it ls expected tisai Wellington Hay willl le a director." Mr. McFeeters is a brother o! Mrs. W.YJ. Henderson, Bowsnanville, and Mrs. A. W. Anuls, Tyrone. j1LOCAL NEWSj MERCHANTS ATTENTION ! Anl merdhants of Bowmanviile are requested to attend a meeting to be leld lu tise Balmoral Hotel on Mon- day evenlng next, February 9t1, ut 8 p. m. ut which questions o!fniutual interest to, ail wll be cliscussed. Durham Boy Wins Honors It lias been uotlced in tise January issue o! 'Telico", tise officiai )~rgan o! tise Empire Life Insurance Com- pany, published monthly. tisat our townsmun, Mr. Fred R. Foley, iseads tise list for ail Canada in tiseir "App- A-Week" club, and is third on tise lst in tiseir Century club. Tis speaks well for St. Cathsarines dis- trict as weil as for Mr. Foley, per- sonaily.-St. Cathsarines Standard. Realized $170 at Hospital Party More than $170 was raised by tise members o! tise Women's Hospital Auxillary ut its aninual Bridge party held ut tise Badminton Club on Fr1- day evening. Sixty-six couples sut' down to a tlioroughiy enjoyable ev- enlag o! cards while tise ladies o! tise Auxiliary served dainty refresismeuts during tise evenlng. Tisose la charge are mucli pleased witi tise generous response made by tise public and are greatly aîded li tieir work for tise lospital by tise kuowledge thut citi-, zens o! tise town are beild tise work o! tise Auxllary. What Win it Be Having gone ta press be! oie tise game started on Weduesday, we were unuble ta publisi tise report o! tise Junior hockey match wltl Trenton. If Bowmanvllle were tise winuers o! Wednesday nlglit's game there will be a gume in Bowrnunvii.le on Friday nigît with Oshsawa in tise first o! thse playoffs. If tise gume was lost tley wlll have to, play Trenton. again on Frlday la tise first o! home and home games to decide tise second place. Wlere tise game wili be played is not known. Dies Under Strange Circumstances The deatis occind under patletlc: clrcumistances lxil'BoWmnav.le on Friday evenlng, January 30t1, o! Shirley E. Gay, daugîter o! Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gay o! Hampton, lanlier 28th year. Dr. V. H. Storey, coroner, isus ordered an inquest lata the ci- cumstances o! tise deatis ta le leld in tise counicil room on Monday next. Miss Gay is reported to, have been in poor healtis for some tinie previous to 1er untimeiy deatis. Miss Gay dled ut tise residence o! Mr. and Mis. J. A. McClellan where sise las been employed for tise past five years. COMING EVENTS Reserve Tisursday and Frlday, Feb. 26th and 27t1. for "Sheridan Rivais" put on by Bowmanville Higis Scisool students. 6-4 The regular montisly meeting o! tise Women's Hospital Auxlhary wll le leld in tise Nurses' Residence on Frlduy, February 6tis, ut 3.30 p. m. Reserve Tlursda3 ev ng, Murcis 5tis, ta isear lLlusttatg lecture by Rev. E. Crossley hjujter, Toronto, uinder auspices o! Trjity Men's Bro- therhood. The Woman's GuUld o! St. John's Church will hld a Home-made Cooking Suie and also serve After- noon Tea in tise Parisis Hall on Sut- urday, Feb. 7th, ut 3.30 p. m. Home and Scisool Club wiil meet ln Central Public Scisool Weduesduy, February lltis, ut 8 p. mn. Rev. W. J. Todd wlll address the club. Mrs. W. P. Hall. convener. Ail motisers welcome. Fel. l8th-ut Newcastle, tise Dur-' baun & Northumberland Apple Growers' Convention banquet ut' noon. Good speakers. Sc advt. next week's issue. D. J. Gibson. Vice President. on Tuesday February 10 ut '7 p.m. thl' Men's Canadian Club will hld a banquet ut tise Bowman House when Mr. C. H-. Carlisle, Toronto.' President o! tise Canadian Brancis o! tise Goodyear Tire and Rubler Co., wiUl give an address on 'Thse Industrial Future o! Canada". Thse Ladies' Association o! Trin- ity United Clurcis will hld a, Valentine tea and musical in tise. Sunday Scisool room on Tuesday alternoon, February lOtis. !rom 4 tili 6 o'clock. Admission 25c. AI- so a suie o! home made cooking.1 Mrs. H. W. Foster and Mrs. W. R. Strike. conveners. Tise regular montisly meeting o! thse Anglican Young People's Assoc- iation o! St. John's Cisurcis wlll be lwpld in tise Parish Hall on Monday ut 8 p. m. Mr. Geo. E. Cari-,. FR. H.S. mill give an address which wvill le followed by an intereqtlng pr~o- grain. Tise social cornxnittee arc also NATIONAL TRUST DIRECTOR. A. N. Mitchell General Manager and Director o! tise Canada Life Assurance Company, who las been elected to tise Board of Directors o! National Trust Com- pany, Toronto. Mr. Mitchell is eld-1 er son o! tise late Dr. J. C. Mitchell o! Ennisisillen, and Mis. Mitchell, Toronto. CONTROLLER J. RORBINS ADDRESSED DURHAM CLUB Fine Meeting Was HeId at Women's Art Association Building-Mr. and Mru. R. W. Ring Were Hast and Hostess January meeting o! tise Durhsam Club o! Toronto was leld la tise Women's Art Association Building ut 23 Prince Arthsur Ave.. Toronto, on Thursday evening, Jan. 29. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. King, 10 Wulmer Road, were the liost and hostess for tise occasion and Dr. James L. Hughes presided ut tise meeting. Tisere was. a large gatisering o! former Durhamn county residents and tiseir frlends and one o! tise most pleasant evenings for some montiss wus enjoyed. Tise progrum cousis- ted o! solos by Miss Dorothy Banger and Miss Jessie McDougull with Miss Tuggart and Miss Marks accompany- iug on tise piano. Miss McDougal is one o! tise most promisiug o! To- ronto's young vocalists. Miss Lila Osborne gave some delightful read- ings. Mi. Fred W. Bowen. M. P. for Durham, always a welcome guest, was present during tise evening and gave a short address, wllle tise presi- dent o! tise club entertuaned la lis inimitable way wtl Scotchs .okes. Controller J. Robbins, anotiser Dur- hum Old Boy, gave a very interesting talk on tise work o! tise City Council lu relation ta two major problems, isealtis and unemployment Durlug tise serving o! refresisments a social isal! hour was spent tulklng of old times la Durhsam County. The tisanks o! tise club for tise fine even- ing's entertalameut was exteuded ta Mr, and Mis. King and ail who lad taken part litise program Trinity Men's Brotherhood Trlnity Men's Brotiserhood iseld an isour o! worshiip ut tiseisome o! Mrs. John Westlake, King St. E. on Tues- day, Feb. 3rd. Ater a isalf-isour's "song o! pralse" Rev. H. C. Wolfralm o! Courtîce gave a very lnspirlng ad- dress, very lelpful to ail. Solos by Mrs. Chambers and Mr. A. E. Hir- cock were suug witl very great feel- ing and added inspiration to tise meeting. Prayer by Mr. R. E. Os- borne brouglit a very fine meeting to a close. Mr. John Allin preslded. RESIGNS AS SECRETARY Civic OFficiais are Appointed 6y Town Council at February Meeting "I SEE BY THE PAPER" Committee of Whole Court- This Is the Month of Genuine Bar- clWl osdrW ï gains with Bowmanvllle Merchants and Means of Making Februury is noted as tise monthin e eer ad Wtr wiic real stimulating bargains are works Departments More off ered by local mercisants to tise buying public. Thse Stutesman re- Profitable - Will Hold flects this in its pages tisis week. S"ilMei . Tisat February is bargain montis no SeilM eig one wiil dispute, but seldom lias this month brouglit forth sudh extremely The appolntment o! town officiais, and ridiculously 10w prices li ail tise llttle flare Up about tise water- lies of merclandise. works belng wrongly termed a lia- bllity, and tise appointment of a del- A glunce througl tise advertising egation to see tise proper authorities columns reveals Walker Stores to obtain a supplementary unem- tempting tise puise strings with a ployment grant were the main Items giguntic "«clearaway" sale in almost o! business conducted at tise Febru- every dept. o! tiseir big store. ary meeting o! town coundil on Mon- Nelsn'sStoe isoffrinday niglit. Mayor Ellott preslded Nelon' Streis ff.rlg a big lUne and ail members were present ex- of goods purchased at a "mil clear- cept Councillor Lockisart who wau ance," belng retalled ut a fraction indjsposed wîtis a bad cold. o! tiseir real values. Communications Coucli, Jolinston & Cr3derman are A. H. Bounsail applied for re- this week offerlng a list o! super- appolntment as assessor and later lia values and they very rlghtly <aU tistise meeting lie recelved this office. "Tise roll cail o! remarkable values'"IW. F. Dale asked permission ta knowing fuil well that neyer li theirI erect a gasoline punip on Ontario long and eventful hlstory have tliey street. Referred ta Roads and been able to offer sucis truly money- Streets Com. witli power to act. suving specials. D. A. J. Swanson, Osliawa, wi'ote In tise men's clothlng linie S. G coundil concernlng injuries to Win1- Cisartran is selling out a fine hne of>ilam Terry wisile i tise employ af winter overcoats at half price whichstw nDc 2 ecamd2 means ut less tisan tise wliolesaîe days iost work at $3.50 per day and I ost Tise purcliase o! an overcoat; a doctor's bill of $14 maklng $84 in now' would be a wortiswiile lnet-1 ail. Councillor Strlke moved that ment for next winter. ine Mr. Terry be pald for 14 days ut 35e per hour for an 8 isour day tisis be- J. E. Miller is retalllng this week- lng tise time given ta marrledme end a nuniber of umazing dollar val- as unemploymeiit relief. ues whicis de! y comparison even Alan Campbell, secretary of Ro- from luge city stores, tary Club extended on belialf of tise club an Invitation ta tise couneil Thsis is tise slack time of year for' to attend tise Rotary luncisean tixis painters and decorators and couse- Frlday wisen Alderman Fred Baker quently it wii be noted tise local men of Toronto wlU give an address on a in this trade are offering very spec- subect o! interest ta municipal il inducements to have your decor- workers. Tise Invitation was se- ating done now. while tise price isi cepted. little more tisan hlai of sUunmer time Ontario Township Road Associa- prices. 'tion wanted town to send represent,- atives ta Its convention on FPebruary YouÉll be hsappy to read aIse, Harry 24. No action was taken. Allin in lis corner grocery, lias selected a fine varlety o! merclian- Dptto dise f<y cansigument ta tise imner Ur. L.' W; 'DlppeUl - Tepretiflg man at prîces away below regular. tise Public Library Board. presented Read tise advertisements. They are tise annual repart of that body also news and very important news. requestlng counclita give a grant to caver entIre expenses of library. Re- f erred toFinance Com. Trlnlty Young People's Society J. Byers complained tisat lie lad been assessed for two sewer connec- Trinlty Young Peoples' meeting on tions wlien only one had been In- Monday evening was lu charge O!, stalled. Deputy Reeve Relider, wlf Mr. Kennetis Morris. Program ii- investigate. cluded a humorous reading by miss Mr. C. W. Jacobs camplalned that Jackson. Piano solo. Mis. Ruby for the past five years lie lad been Danils; Vocal solo, Mrs. 0. E. overcharged for water ie lias used Pritchard and Mrs. D. J. ChambIers. being cliarged for that wlildli W" Mr. W. C. Ferguson gave tise toplc pald by flat rate by a tenant over "Pentecost and tise natural order,' lis store. Tise water apparently Mr. Smith Ferguson read Romans went through is s meter and the ten- 8-22to 27 on whlcli the address was based. (Contlnued on page 5) Remarkable Healtk Record Attained By Bowmanville During Year 1930 Only 29 Cases of Commun- admit that the splendid water sup- icable Disease Reported jdowed, is partly responsible, as wefl to Health Authorities as thse fact tisat tise town is situ- ated igi and dry and la tise midât During 1930 - Twelve o! one of thse finest sections of the Were Cases of Infantile local Board o! Healtis, ieaded b' Paraysi Wih Oter is-Dr. W. H. Blrks, M.H.O., for theïr Paraysi Wih Oter is-successful efforts in isealtis admrin- eases Very Low. istration. j The regular scisool inspections made by tise Public Healtis Nurse ITise remarkable absence of much.iss Olga Tod and acting Healtis serlous sickness in Bowmanville was Nurse Mrs. Glen Martyn, durlng tise evidenced again during 1930 wlen year have also had a marked effect througisout tise entire tweive montîs on tise prevention of disease among only 29 cases o! communicable dis- scisool children, as also did tise ease were reported to tise lealtis au- meetings o! tise Home and Scisool thorities. For a town with a popu- Club whlcl are educational lanisealth 1wtion of 3660 this is a remarkable matters. Even witiste efforts of record and one iu whicl tise town tiese persons and bodies tise situa- inay look upon witis considerable tion would not have been so credit- satisfaction. Tise report o! tise able isad it not been for tise fine communicable diseuses is especiully co-operation given by the public ta noticeable for its absence o! some tise Board o! Healthin l prevention diseuses whicl are very prevalent lu work. Citizens o! this town are most towns sometime durlng tise now fully acqualnted wi tiste fact. year. Wliooping cougis which tisat prevention Is better than cure, dlaims, in most municipalties, a and are dolng tiseir sisare in pro- large number eacl year, was only moting healtis. wlth whicli is neces- responsible for two cases in Bow- sarily coupled isappluess, In Bow- rnanvile duriflg 1930. Wlile a most manville. 'unusuai oiseuse wnîcn oîîîy visits a neighborhood once in a decade was responsible for nearly bai! o! tise J. Il. H. Jury communicable diseuse cases iu tise r ~ igedas ecîetry ! tsetown during tise pust year. This who u ýinda sceayo h diseuse wvas Poliomyelitis, more Horticultural Society ut tise annual commonly known as infantile paru- meeting on Tuesday nigît complet- lysis. ihere being 12 cases during tise in.- more tissu 40 yeai's' service with ycar. Tise complete report o! John tisat organizution. Lyle. Secretui'y o! Board o! Healtis _____________________________shows tise individual diseuses listed i as f!ollows:1 B. H. S. NOTES Scurlet fever 6 Messies 6 O rdyJa.30, tise boys' Poliomyliltis 12 basketball team played inl Oshawa. Mumps2 Score was 26-8 in favor o! Oshawa- Dipistierla 1 Tise same evenlng tise girls' team Whooping cougis 2 went ta Port Hope. Even a!ter tiseir colci drive, they played a Ttl2 splendid game. Port Hope secured oal2 tise firsi basket, but Bowmanville Healtis autisorities lu town are soon beesme accustomed to tise floor. particuiarly pieased wi tiste ab- makiug a fiuai score o! 22-6 lu seuce o! any epidemlc o! communic- favor of B. H. S. able diseuse during tise ycar ai- Don't miss tise game on Frlday tisougli ut times tise poliomyclltls evenîng when B. H. S. girls play cases tisreatened ta reucis a figure Cobourg isere. It la tise lusi o! tise whlcis would le consldei'ed un epi- sdlieduled gaies. Be sure ta come. deie. Wile most citizefla viii Trlnity Afternaon Auxlllary Tise Aternoon ýAuxlllary o! Trinlty ýW. M. S. met lu t ~iool room on Tuesday, Fcb. 3r p. m. for tiseir regular month ing, President Mrs. F. A. Pos 'sdug. After opening exercisL Jsecretary treas- urer's report was l n y Mrs. Mc- Cready; Mrs. W. A. unncr took tise Devotional Leaflet, sulJect "Tise Lord's Prayer" andi gave a very help- fuI and lntercstlng talk. Mrs. R. Thompson andi Mrs. W. A. Bunner sang a duet "Wby Stand Ye Here Icile", accompauleci by Mis. Robins, wbicis was very effective. Mis. Rob- ins ihen gave a very fine talk ou Japan, lst chapter o! tise Study Book, wihlsal found very iselp!ul and most Interestlng. Meeting clos- ed wlth tise MIeais Benediction. Mrs. Purdy and Mis. Plckard's group were lu charge ofý program. but ow- lng to bereaveMlent Mis. Poster, president, conducted tise entlre pro- gram.

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