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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1931, p. 4

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I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMNVILE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1931 A Warm Bed FeIIow ON A COLD NIGHT Dýont miss this factory-to-you Sale ! HOT WATER BOTTLES (every one guaranteed) We buy direct from manufacturer, cutting out the mlddle-man. You benefit by taking advantage of this extra proflt-saving aow. $1.25 Belmont Bottle, 1 year guarantee $2.25 Sampson Bottle, 2 year guarantee 69c $1.491 Jury & Loveil Mhen we test eYes it is done properly. Select - Your Valentines Froua This Big Collection Alter ail, there's nothing like a lovely Valentine ta put that essential sentimental toucb into February 14. Here you wlll ftnd Just the Valentine you are lookmng for to carry your message 0f love. le to 50e each Then we have Valentine Place Cards, Serviettes, etc. WALL PAPER BARGAINS Special lot actually marked below cost price ta clear irn- rnediately. J. W. Jewell' Ola 20 Bookstore Bowmanvlll. NOTICE TO MOTORISTS AND OTHERS 1 wlsh ta inform the public 1 have opened a GENERAL GARAGE and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP at the corner of Ontario & King Streets I leave it with you as to my ability ta look a! ter your car as I bave been repairimg autos in tbis town for years. A share o! your business will be apprcciated and will be well looked a! 1er. WM.e VIRTUE Phone 289J1 BowmanviUe Mrs. Susannah Werry, Dundalk At the home of ber daughter, Mrs. E. E. Hockridge, Hopeville, the death occurred Thursday, January 29th, of Mrs. Susannah Werry, widow of W. T. Werry, formerly of Mossbank, Sask., and Dundalk, Ont. Two dau- ghters and one son survive: Mrs. E. E. Hockridge, Hopeville; Mrs. John Hood, Hamiota, Man.; and Carman Werry of Mossbank, Sask. The funeral was held Saturday at Hope- ville. Interment in Dundalk Cern- etery. Mrs. Werry was the second daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock of Cartwright, where she was born 76 years ago, and lived for many years. Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Bowman- ville, are sisters. The former at- tended the funeral on Saturday. George E. Ingham, Peterboro George E. Ingham passed away at his home. 195 Crescent Street. Peter- boro on Thursday Jan. 29. He wàs born in 1858, in Northumberland County, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ingham. The de- ceased was a merchant in Roseneath for 39 years. and his disposition was always kindly. especially towards Ithe Indians of the vicinity. He was superintendent of the Sunday School at Roseneath United Church for 35 or 40 years. Mr. Ingham has lived in retirement only for the past two Ilor three years. He is survived by his wif e and son, ,Bruce E. Ingham. M.A.. LL.D.. Bow- manville. The funeral took place f rom his late residence Saturday afternoon, With Rev. A. E. Moorehouse of St. James' United Churcb oficiating. Interment was made in Little Lake Cemetery. ICRIME ON DECREASE IN BOWMANVILLE Continued f rom page 1) IArrested 68 Arrested for other depts.. 4 Violation Traffic Act 144 Violation o! L.C.A. 40 Thef t 24 IVagrancy 5 IAssault 6 jFalse Pretences 2 Nom-Support .i Intoxicated la charge car 5 Indecent act 1 Nom-payaient o! wages 3 Children's Protection Act 12 Trespassing . -19 Accessory afier the faci 1 Criminal Negligence ... 1 IGame & Fishery Acti.. .. 5 Aiding and abetting ... . 2 Cruelty to animais ..... .. 3 Selling Cigarettes ta a minor 1 Attempitat commit suicide 1 Non-payaient o! baard . . 1 Money Collected by Police Dept. ,Total mioncys collected , $2619*25 IMoney Paid to Town Treasurer F ines and fees in palice court 1039.25 Statute labour & dog tax 736.00 Street Licenses 10.00 $1785.25 These fines and f ces do nat include those made by Magistrate Floyd a! wihIbve no record. Sanitary Inspection Investigated complaînts re sani- tary conditions 14 No. o!frnilk testa from ail dainies sent ta Toronto 5 Carda far variaus diseases put up 1911 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE High School Orchestra IA dance orchestra is being farmed at Bowrnanville High Sehool under the direction o! Robert W. Scott, better known as Scotty the Cleaner wlio bas had wide experience in tis line of work. For maay years be had bis owa orchestra at Stratford and la at the present the Musical director a! the Pine Lake Club Or- chestra o! Toronto. A aumber o! students have expressed their inten- tions of joining thc organizationi wbich is hopcd ta shortly play for aschool dances held in connection with visita o! oui o! town students to tic school. Daughters of England Officers Installation o! officers of Daugh- ters o! England. Lodge Durham 28, took place Jan. 8 with visltlng Lodg- es Princeas Mary. Whitby and Em- press o! India, Oshawa, attending. E.trc Deputy Grand Presideni. E.Simmons o! Oshawa, Installed thie follawing officers: President, Mrs. Walter Wooley; Past President, Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard; Vice President, Mrs. J. H. Swindells; Chaplain, Mrs. John Ligiterneas, ir; Secretary, Mrs. Thos. Bennett, jr.; Treasurer, Miss Lillian Pritchard: Firat Guide, Mrs. Thos. Gould; Sec. Guide, Mrs. E. E. Downcy; 3rd Guide, Mra. Percy Bycra; 4th Guide, Mrs. W, Woolner; Pianisi, Miss Jessie Downey; Inside Guard, Mrs. T. Bemnet, sr.; Outside Guard, Mrs. J. Poolton; Auditors, Mrs. Jas. Childs, Mrs. L. B. Park- er and Mrs. Jas. Childs: Surgeon. Dr. C. W. Slemon. D.D.G.P. E. Simmons, presented past President Mrs. Gea. E. Pritch- ard with Jewel, after which a social evening was spent. aorobI dren ad adulte. ]BUS fflV s w ith he r cda uiter j, Mirs. Ha, rold iacï- ner Mr. Harold Skinner is spead- ing a few days in Toronto. 1 HAMPTON Miss F. Wood spent Sunday at ber home inOrono. Mr. A. L. Pascoe, Solîna, spent a few days with relatives bere. We are sorry to repart Mrs. Hil- ton Peters under the doctor's carc. Mrs. T. Salter is waiting an ber daughter Mrs. H. Peters, during ber ilîness. Miss Mari orie Pascoe spent a few days with Toronto and Oshawa f riends. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink and family, Solina. spent Sunday ai Mr. L. T. Pascoc's. Miss Eva Souci is in Enniskillen waiting an ber sister Mrs. J. Pye who is quite ill. Mrs. W. H. Halfacre, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Orono, visited wxtb Mrs. James Curtis. Mr. P. Hastings, Guelph and Mr. Wallace Horn, Kingston, speat the week end ai their homes here. Womem's Institute held a quilting in the basement o! the churcli on ITuesday when several quilis were made ready for charity wark. Sunday Scbaol service was well attended Sunday afternoon. The M.issionary prograrn was given by members o! Mrs. Kaox's Class. Mr. Bruce Ferguson bas com-] nenced bis twice daily trips ta Bow- nanville with the teamn and sleighs carrying B.H.S. students ta and from school. We arc now experleacing a touch of the real good aid Winter time. Lots o! snow calîs f orth the horse and cutter mode o! transportation vhich evcryone enjoys. A nuaiber o! frieads met as a surprise party, at Mrs. W. G. WiI- bur's to celebrate tbe occasion o! her birthday. A pleasant evening was spent in games etc. and lunch ras served. The sudden deatb o! Miss Shirley Day carne as a sbock to this com- mu.aity. The syznpathy of their îany !riends gaes out ta Mr. aad i v s b b v v n r k rrs. Gay and family in their sad )ereavernent. What Price This Farmers in Durham County are lsomewhat discouraged at the prices they are receiving for their produce,I but when they read the foilowingl prices which are being paid today at Burgess, Sask., they will think they have something to be thankfuli for. Tbese prices were given to Mrs. E. V. Scobell by a client living in that western towni: Eggs 5c a doz- en, 6 pound chicken at 25e each, cattle at 1 ta 3c a pound live weight, and flrst class wheat 33e a bushel. The writer also stated that water was scarce and there was only a very little snow so far this winter. He stated however that farmers have lots to cat but have no money. that comrnodlty being a stranger in imost of the homes. Another instance was related o! conditions in another part of the samne province where a crop failure made tirnes harder than they have ever been. AUCTION SALES Thursday, Feb. th at 1.30 p.r.- Durham County Shorthorn Breeders 10th annual consignment sale at Col. R. J. Gill's Farm, 1 mile east of Bowrnanvllle. 21 bulls and il fe- males in offering. See advt. on an- ather page. Duncan Brown, Shed- dem, Auctiomeer. Wednesday, February llth-John Spry will seli in Leskard ah 0of bis household furni.shlngs including bed- room, dining room, and parlour fur- niture also a cutter and a quantity of soft standing timber. Sale at 1 p.m. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctiomeer. 5-2' Thursday Fcbruary, 19-Marjorie H. Collacoti. will selI by public auction on Lot 11, Con. 3, Darling- ton, ah o! ber farm stock, impIe- ments etc. Sale ai 1.30 p.m. Sec bis. Gea. Jackson and Son. Auc- tioneers. Seed Cleaning 1The~ Seüd Cleaning plant at the Boys' Trai"n ig chollprépared-t10 dean ail kin.Is of grain, grass and Clover Seed. Grain 6c per bushél. Clover and Grasiq Soedr 15e per buohel. Farmners are urged to bring In their seed early in order ta avold delays In the spring. 8-11 SOLINA Mrs. John Pascoe visited Oshawa f riends reccntly. Mrs. John Baker at Mr. Howard Couch's, Bcthcsda. Mr. B. G. Stevens was in Toronto last week attending Grand Divisian. Remember Division meeting this Friday evening in S.S. rooc a p.m. Our League is mnvited to visit Ty- rame league on Tbursday evening Feb. l2th. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink and Miss Fevelyn at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's Hampton. Mrs. Twist o! Toronto spent the weekemd at Mr. Harold Pascoe's with bier son Ernest. Mrs. Twist and Ernest are moving this week to Maple Grave. Women's Institute will meet in schoolroom of churcli Friday after- noan Feb. 13th. at 2.30 p.m. Pro- gram in charge o! group 4. Rol Caîl "How ta make our homes more attractive ta the Young people o! today." AUl ladies welcome. League meeting Monday evcnimg was In charge o! -our lst Vice Presi- dent Miss Vera Baker. Af ter the business, Mr. Wesley Yeilowlees took charge o! the Devotianal Period. Piano solo by Miss Evelyn Tink. Topic was takea by Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Reading by Miss L. Dearborn. Mr. Harold Shuttleworth !avored witli a vocal solo and Mr. Charles Shortrldge gave a readiag. Progressive Lost Heir party at Sons' Hall last Wednesday evenlng under the auspices o! Women's In- stitute was a decided success wlthi betwcen 80 and 90 present. The1 prizes for hlgbest scores were won by Mrs. Gordon Leask and Mr. WIUl Baker, whlle the consolation prizes1 were won by Mrs. J. T. -Rundle and Mr. Gordon Leask. Lunch was served by the ladies and a good tine enJoyed. BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Susan Hooey is visiting Mrs. Albert Hooey. Miss F. Parr visiied friendsinl To- ronto recently. Mr. Ceccl Hyde spent Sunday ai Dr. Whittaker's. Mrs. George Ncsbitt la visitiag Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey. Messrs. T. Smith, W. Forest, V. IBrown are selcnding a !ew days in Toronto. Mr. Weir Swain and ncphew, Mas- ter Percy Swain, vislted f rienda in Lindsay rccently. A nuaiber o! local hockey fans at- tended the game between Port Perry and Lindsay, at Part Perry. Mr. John Toms, Mrs. Samuel Jef- frey and Mr. Stanford Swaia are sick. Hope for a quick recavery. Mr. Percy Edgertoa bas boughtI Mr. Poster Fergusom's Store, Nesile- ion Station. and taken possession. At the Vestry meeting o! St. John's Churcb, Messrs. Leslie Graham and Arthur Bailey were appointed War- dens. J vs.~ Eliza Marlow, who has been turned 10 ber son's, Mr. Wallace Marlaw. Mr. John Smith bas returned bhorne afier an cml oyable visit with relatives on St. Jasepb's Island, Sauli Ste Marie, and Pick!ford. Midi. Regular monthly mceting of the W. M.S. will tir' eld In the Corn- munity Hall, Wedmesday, Pcb. 111h ai 2.30 p. m. Program in charge oïlI the Whitc group W. M. S. o! tie Umited Churcli are holdin, a tea and concert in the Community Hall mcxi Tucsday even- ing ta celebrate tie tenili annivers- ary o! tic organizing of the prescrnt W. M. S. Victorian Women's Institute met in tic Commumity Hall on Friday and quîlted tireciuilts. The gentle- mcm were invited for the evening whcn lunch was served and euchre enjoyed. The prize winners were Mrs. Fred Bailcy and Mr. Arthur Bailey.11 SALEM LEAGUEI Y. P. L. meeting Sunday a! ternoon was opened by President S. Buttery, aftcr which Mr. Cator led ln prayer. Mrs. Welsh, lst Vice, occupied the chair and read the bible lesson; piano solo. Mr. L. Collacutt; read- ings, Mrs. Cator, Viola Francis andj Messrs. K. Squair, F. Cator. L. Pos- ter and R. Coombes; mouth orga solo, R. Coombes. Meeting closed wth a hymn and the benediction. SALEM1 AL RV Mrs. F. L. Squair was called ta, the1 Mr. MAPeLEarOndMssE a home o! her daughter Mrs. Moffat, 1 Thornpson, Toronto, spent the week- Orono, last week owing to the seri-' end witb the formers parents, Mr. ous illness o! their little baby, but and Mrs. A. Laird.. Mr. and Mrs. it was improving at time of writing. Mark Blackburn and f amily, New- Mr. and Mrs. Heard, Oshawa, vis- castle, recently visited ber mother, ited with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cornish Mrs. Walter Foley.. Mrs. Ivan Law last Tbursday. Mr. Cornlsh bas spent a f ew days last week with ber been doctoring a sick horse ail last f ather, Mr. Oates, Cherrywood ... week. Mr. Elgmn Munday, O. A. C., Guelph, spent the weekend at home .... Mr. and Mrs. Will Worden, Tyrone, visit- TYRONE ed bis mother, Mrs. J. B. Worden, on Tuesday . - Mr. and Mrs. Russel Miss C. Mackenzie, Toronto, sf Worderi visited their niece, Mrs. witb ber sister, Mrs. Willis Stewart, Leonard Richards, Salem, on Sun- wbo is conflned ta bed.. Miss Edith day.... Annual congregational meet- Taylor bas returned home after ing will be beld on Friday evening, spending a week witli ler sister, Mrs. Feb. 6th, in the bail ai 8 p. m. Ltt W. F. Park. Mr. Edward Virtue is there be a good turn oui. Refresb- visiting at the home of his daugliter, ments and a social tirne wiIl be beld Mrs. Talbert Findley, Thornbill ý.. at the close. Everybody come... Mr. Wm. Staples visited friends in Miss Etelka Trimble bas accepted a Toronto recently Miss Olive Mill- position in the T. Eaton Office, Town son, Toronto, is visiti.ng Mr. Herbert Mir. E. R. Freeman, St. Cathar- Cameron. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. D. ines, visited his brother, Mr. H. G. Hodgson and Glenn. Oshawa, spent Freeman, on Saturday League a few days witb Mrs. Laura Hicks meeting met Wednesday, the presi- and other friends,_ Mr. Thomas dent in the chair After hymn and Scott recemtly visited his daugliter, prayer by Ross Stevens, Bible read- Mrs. Arthur Smith, Raglan, Mrs. ing was given by Iva Foley; devotion- Henry Miller wishes to thank the al tapic, Lavonne Trimble. Dora Wamen's Institute and Ladies' Aid Eames, 4th Vice President, took for their kindness during her ilîness. charge and the followimg program 1 Glad ta see so many out ta, Sun- was given: Reading, Eileen Hockin; day School on Sunday Mr. Thom- solo, Miss B. E. Souci; Mr. A, Laird as Curtis is visiting at Mr. Jas. Sr. gave a very interesting talk on Oke's Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bcd- Music; solo. Edna Swallow; readimg. ford, Dorothy and Jiai. Miss H. Ern- Etelka Trimble; duet, Misses Betty rnersom and Mrs. Eastman, Bowman- and Mildred Snowden: reading, Mil- ville, recemtly visited with Mr. and tan Graham; duet, Rev. and Mrs. H. Mvrs. Byron Moore Church service C. Wolf raim_ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. iext Sunday at 7 p. m.., Mrs. W. Snowdea. Mr. Thos. Snowdem, visit- Lake lias returmed ta bher home atie d their brother, Mr. Richard Snow- 'ewc.astle- after spending- a few days 1 dem, Oshawa, on Wedmesday. COURTICE t The C.GI.T. wlll be entertained i the Parsonage ibis Frlday evealng. Miss Evelyn Gay, Oshawa, vislted - Mr. Russell Gay aad family on Sun- day. hirs. S. S. Brooks is in Toronto visiting ber daugbter Mrs. Marshall Soules. Mr. Stone and Miss Marion Stone, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden. L On account of the road conditions 1Sumaay morniag, the attendance to cburcb service was not large. In the cvening the service was in charge o! the C.G.I.T. and was aicely at- tended. On Friday the "Sunbeams" Mis- sion Band held its monthly meeting in No. 8 school with a good attend- ance. The President, Miss Audrey Trevail, was in the chair and the program was in charge o! Miss Frances Reynolds' group. La the devotional part, one o! the girls gave a bible story and the watch towcr was responded ta by some o! the members. Recitations, readings and music made Up the programa and Miss Sadie Muir read the story "A Day in Japan."' The annual quilting bec o! the W. M. S. will be held In the S. School room on Tbursday Fcb. 12th. AUl ladies are invited ta be present and brimg lunch along. The leader, Miss Arnold, and President Miss Velma Gay had charge o! the service and presided over the meeting in a very creditable manner. The choir 1ofti was fllled witb C.G.I.T. and led in the sing- ing, also sang a chorus very aicely. A vocal solao vas splemdidly sung by Miss Elsie Oke and tic speaker was Miss Haraton o! Simcoe St. Churcli, Oshawa, who presented tic meaming o! C.G.I.T. in a most iaterestimg way, Miss Harstom's address was full of inspiration and the way in which she cxplained the work o! the C.G.I T. was vcry helpful ta those wbo listened. During the service Miss Louise Caurtice gave a rcading whicli was fine and the girls with their Leader and President deserve rnuch ipraise for the way the service was carried throughaut. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. F. Ellis visited friends in Co- prgan ne iLi yuu su etinI1IwVVLII bourg. while about the Raisin Bread and Whole- Miss Eva Souch is visiting her sis- somne White Bread we are selling so much of th r village seems quiet now that these days. Try a loaf of this bread andi you tecars are ntrnig will know why it is so satisfying and popular Mr. W. G. Stainton unioaded a carintsdstc. load of Western oats this week.intsdsrc. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis visited Orsoei vnnstî ek telatter's parentsMr and Mrs. J Slemon. Orsor sopen vn gstiwek Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robbins Les-[ kard, recently vlsited Mr. andý Mrs. W. H. Moore.I Dr. H. Ferguson was entertained to dinner at the Royal York on Thursday evening. thWloeB sn P. CORBETT Misslonary program was given day School, Miss Margaret Dalton BAKER ANID CONFECTIONIER BOWMBANVUML gave a report of the 111e o! William Carey. A vocal cluet was nicely given by Misses Reva McGiII and Alice Ashton and a short readlng by ______________________________ Bernice Stainton. In spite o! the weather and roads 3rd Vce-Mr. David Slmpklns; 4th led in prayer. Bible reading wua a very good congregation was out Vice-..-M15s Annie Oke; Secretary- taken by Miss Elsie Moore; devo- Sunday evenlng, our pastor Rev. J. Mr- Norman Carrington; Treasurer tional by Norman Carrington and M. Whyte gave a good sermon on -Mr. Edgar Wright; Planist-Mlss short reading by Arthiur Carrington. The Curses of War. The choir ren- Muriel Moore; Ass't-Miss Annie The Prp.sidnt th-pn took charge of dered one number and Mr. H. W. Oke; Librarian-Miss Clara Page; the business. It wus dWclded to Pointen favorcd wth a cornet solo Ass't Librarian-Miss Vera Shiackle- entertain Haydon league on Feb. whlch was rnuch appreciated . ton; Audtor-Mr. Frank Dorland. Ilth. Piano duet by Misses Elva Officers of Young People's League League meeting on Jan. 28th was and Velma Orchard was enjoyed by for 1931 are: Presdent-Mlss Audrey in charge of 3rd vice President Davi ail. Topic was well gwven by Alvin Dorland; lst Vice-Miss Vera Shack- h mpklns. Meeting opened with a Boyd. The meeting closed wlth the leton; 2nd Vice-Miss Alice Ashton; hymn atter whlch Rev. J. M. Whyte Mlzaqph benedictIon. Look at prices in my windows. Sa G. CHARTRAN ePAGE POUR Start Your Decorating Early I amn showing two f ull limes of the new 1931 Wall Paper at 10e per roll and Up. Everything to suit every purse. Job right and price right. P. HAYWARD Painter and Decorator Phone 374r6 Tyrone -a C 100 Horses For Sale We wlll have about 100 of the very best horses we have had for some considerable time, for sale in a few weeks time. These horses are aU trled and proved, and mostly Young, sound horses. Owmng to the tact that very f ew lumber companles have been operatlng this year, there wilU fot be the great number of horses aval- able this spring f rom the lumber camps, that there bas been in years past. We expect our horses to commence to arrive back ix about three weeks time. These wiU be sold at our own stables, and we invite inspection. There wiil be a scarcity of horses i Ontario this season. We expect to announce later the arrivai date of these horses com- ing into our barns. If you want good horses, see us. The John Carew Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONES 106 or 14W LINDSAY Hear «TIhe 3 Bakers» ON THE RADIO EACH MONDAY FROM 9 to 9.30 p. m. You wiIl certainly enjoy this popular trio of entertainers in their interesting and unique c c s Ir 1 c 1

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