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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1931, p. 6

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PAGE S=X TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLEr, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1931 COMMANDER MAINWAEING T wee l ONdl ReITdISN AV ll Tahe cbeckered years of the Great trated address by Commander Main-1 waring, R.N. in St. George's Parlsh James Powers, Orono Hall, Newcastle, on Friday evenng1 week. commander Mainwarlflgi The village of Kirby lost one of its dealt With naval matters, a subjectE oldest and best known residents of whicb the rnajority of those pre- Thursday, January 22nd. in the per- sent had littie knovjledge outside ofJ son of James Powers, who died in what they bad read. It was especi-s Orono, in his 82nd year. The late ally interesting then to bear f romn Mr. Powers bias resided in tbat, dis- h lips of one wbo bad been reared trict al bis 11e. bavmng lived on tbe in tbe navy since bis early teens,t hornestead wbere he was born. Of one wbo bad sailed the seven seas1 United Empire Loyalist stock. bis an- and served as a naval offilcer al cestors first settled in Quebec fol- tbrougb the Great War. sometbig lowmng tbe American Revolution and of tbe service tbe navy had perform- hmd then corne westward, a branch ed in tbe war and the great service1 of tbe family being included among it bias rendered to ail tbe world in the pioneers o! the Kirby district. establisliing and maintaiflifg the Beside bis wdow, tbe late Mr. freedom of tbe seas and making Powers is survived by one daugbter. tliem saf e for travel and commerce.1 Mrs. Arthur Rolibins. Orono; one The speaker annouriced bis sub- son, Cecil Powers. on tbe old borne- ject as, the surrender o! tbe Ger- stead; and three sisters. Mrs. John man fleet at Scapa Flow, but tliis Rickard. Newcastle, Mrs. John Miller, was not comprebensive enougli for Orono. and Mrs. Bell of Cleveland, all lie, wisbed to say. Some one The funeral was held Saturday af- in the audience liad told him that ternoon f rom tbe Kirby United one of the great regrets of bis if e Churcb to Orono Cemetery. was that lie neyer bad seen a battle- slip. Most of those present could Worms sap the strengtb and un- say the saine. Tbe speaker then, dermine the vitality of children. sensible of this began at tbe begirin- Strengtben tbem by using Mother ing by putting on the screen a sec- Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive tional view of a modern battleship out the parasites. and pointed out its interrial and ex- ternal arrangements and explained somethiflg of its construction andt G as n Stmachflghting equipmeflt. Cruisers. Torpedo Boats. Destroyers, H urts the Heart Submnarines, Mine Sweepers, etc., al illustrated by lantern slides was very enlightening and tended to cleart Don't sufer f rom dangerous gas away some liazy ideas on the part oft pressing around your beart, from his hearers. sourness, bloating or pain of acid in- Some of the higli spots of bist digestion. Stop worrying. Your lecture were his reference to the stomnacb sirnply needs an aikaline. celebrated Germian cruiser, thc Em- For safe, speedy. certain relief take den,.lher lone hand exploits and bier a little Bisurated Magnesia-powder final undoing. the battie of Jutland or tablets. It quickly breaks up the of which there lias been so much. gas, neutralizes the acid. stops the written as to wbo won it, tbe sinkingc pain and keeps the stomadli sweet of H.M.S. Hampshire and the dcath and strong and digestion perfect. It o! Kitchener just after lie lad set1 is doing this every day for tbousands out on his mission to Russia, and1 -it must do the same for you or flnally the surrender of the great rnoney refunded by reliabie druggists German fleet, without a struggle, at the world over. t! Scapa Flow, one of the most inin- __________ ________ -viting and desolate places, Com- Increased Her Weight mander Mainwaring said, lie hias 15 Pounds In Few Months ever seen. He exibited numprous Alides U Ki~i~*~~(1 showing tbe wbole process of the U ~ I U M ~ ,surrender, due to mutiny ofth 1 Mccoy'sGerman crews, fromn start to finish. It was a most huriliating experience Cod Liver Extract Tablets for the German naval officers and autborities wbo bad prided them-1 "Your tablets bave not onlyin x- selves so mucl on their mighty f'lght- creased rny weigbt 15 pounds in a ing slips and their best of moden few rnonths but made me cbeerful "quipment. But as they well knewi and more animated," s0 writes a pro- tbe British fleet had sometblng1 fessional organist. She closes by wbich the Germans bad not, cen- saYing-"MY case was difficult- turies of service in defence o! borne stubborn-your tablets are wonder- and riglit and centuries of glorious fui." Now you know bow to gain traditions of flghting foe and belp- welgbt. Get 60 tablets for 60 cents ing f rlend. at any druggist anywlere-just ask It was especially interesting to for Mecoy's. tf hear tbe speaker mention Jeff rey _________________________ arnol as an intimate acquaintance and friend o! bis fatber and hlm- Bladder Weaknes self. For who was there in thie aud- ience wbo does not revel in a F'arnol tL romance? And bere Commiander Getting-Up-NigKiL Mainwaring was a personal ln wtb tbe author. 0f equal lnterest Quickly Relieved was bis reference to Josephi Con- rad that master of words and in- imitable writer of sea stortes. Tbere Pleaaant Home Treatment Works was no one in all Britain save Fine; Used by Doctor For Josephi Conrad competent to write Many Years the story of the battle of Jutland at the tixne: but as lie had Just lost Wbat bi wonderfui comfort it is to two sons in the war. lie could not sleep- aU nîgt and not get up once bring bimself to do it. So the story f rom Bladder Weakness and Irrita- was îîever wrtten. tion. There was so much of bistorical The daily annoyance, restless fact and so mucli that was educa- niglits o!frisery, backaches and ner- tional in the Commander's Lecture vous irritability that result f rom that those who beard bim wlsled functional Bladder Troubles are tbat ahl the pupils of tbe public and Wrecking the lives of tbousands who higli schools might bave beard bin mlgbt otherwise be in the best of too and seen lis splendid set o! pic- healtb. tures wbîch were liandled in a com- To be at your best, you must have petent manner by tlie lantern oper- peaceful, health-givmng sleep and ator, Mr. Lawrence Gaines. freedom from daily irritation-that's It is a far cry f rom being a Com- whY Dr. Soutliwortli's URATABS mander of a mine sweeping squad- give sucl Wonderful satisfaction.j ron or serving in offlcer's uniformi in Made f rom a special formula and otber capacities and liobnobing witb. used by tbe Doctor for many years- royalty, nobiiity, admirais and staff URATABS, now obtainable f rom your officers to raislng dhlckens on a druggist for inexpensive home use, farrn 1000 miles inland in Canada. have brought quick belp and com- for that is what Mr. Mainwaring is fort to many thousands. doing now. He bas ieased the No matter what your age may be house and some land owned by Mrs. or how rnany medicines you bave Farncomnb on the base line, east. used witbout success, if you want to overîooking lake Ontario. He came forget you have a Bladder and eriioy there last sprlng witl Mrs. Main- the rest o! peaceful, unbroken sicep. waring and tl*eir little daugliter. try URATABS today. Your druggist He speclalizes in fancy fowi and lias willi refund tbe small cost if you are namned bis new bomne, "Tbe An- flot well pleased! chiorage" and lie lias a new rircîn fo friends in tbe farmers round about. Mrs. Mainwaring's parents, Mr. and H owTo Lose Fatuad G et Mrs. Smith came over f rom Engiand las sumerand are now staying at That Youthful Feeling MTr ad Ms. eo. PrcmOh awa. were instrumental in securing Ove I Gr.î lritn len mri the Orpheus Maie Quartet o! that I Ok rin G rt e a Biir o! I e a m an'1 -4-ey m ent com m ad e ain w rç f qin lec- emolient-nlust hüllp you 1or ooey less and perf ect in action, aonù afî, il back-generOUS tube 60c-all ulrggista Itimes willec foinnd a healtliv nmc -made in Canada. 'cine. strengtlening t lw irfanVi', stonmach and maintaining it in v!g- orous operation, so that, besides be- OIing an effective vermifuge, tIcs' are Jo in -E astonical and health-giving in their ef - ORONO COUNTIES COUNCIL AP>POINTS îFrom The News January 29tb.) 13 TNIGCMITE Mr. C. A. Cîaprnan expects to re- Reeve Carruthers Honored With turn borne Friday f rom Guelpb Hos- Charmansbip of Roads and pital. Bridges Committee Mrs. Herbert Rundle a2d Florence, Hampton, visited lier parents. Mr. First session o! United Counties and Mrs. R. H. Wood, over the week- Council for 1931 was beld at Cobourg end. last week and as reported in the last Heal your horse while it works. Statesman Reeve George H. Hooton, Apply Douglas' Egyptian Liniment to Cavan, was elected Warden on the sore necks and galls. A sure, speedy l9th ballot. Reeve W . H. Carrutbers treatment. o! Bowmanville, another candidate Mrs. Alvina Powers, Toronto, at- for tbe wardensbip, made a good run tentled tbe f uneral o! the late James as also did Reeve W. F. Rickard o! L. Powers, at Kirby, and remained Newcastle. Immediately a! ter the for tbe week with Orono f riends. election o! the warden the newlY Mrs. A. J. Staples, wbo bas been elected chie! officer o! the United suffering from the efects o! bigli Counties retired and was attired in blood pressure for some time past. the robes o! office and wvas escorted was taken to Port Hope Hospital on to bis seat by bis mover and second- Sunday. er, Reeve Hancock o! Port Hope and Mrs. Adoîpli Henry was called to Deputy Reeve McGill o! Cavan. Bowmanviile Wednesday last, lier In a sbort inaugural address War- father, Cien. John Hughes. bavlng den Hooton pledged bimself to a year been taken with a weak spell, but is of strict economy in county expendi- now greatly recovered. tures, subject bowever, to a polmcy o! The home o! Mr. and Mrs. R. H. keeping up the standard o! municipal Wood was the scene o! a very pleas- administration set by bis predeces- ant surprise party Saturday. January sors. 24th, the occasion being Mrs. Wood's Counties council met this year with birthday. The family were ahI at 41 members for the flrst time, thie home. Mfter a very appetizing sup- additional one being the Second per the evening was spent in music Deputy Reeve for Cobourg. and games. Standing Committees were ap- Citizens learned witb mudli regret pointed as f ollows: o! the deatli o! Mrs. John Green, Finance Wednesday evening in St. Micbael's W. F. Rickard, Chairman; Baker. Hospital. Toronto. Mrs. Green was Darling, T. A. Davidson, Edwards. taken to the hospital Sunday a! ter- Goodfellow, Green, Hancock. Hol- noon for an operation for appendic- man, Innis, McNeill, McGill. McColl. itîs, and was thouglit to le making Milligan, Mercer, Parker. Pratt. Pas- satisfactory recox'ery. She is surviv- coe. Relider. Smitb, Stinson. Wood. ed by ber busband, daugîter Marion, Wilson, Whitton. and son Milton. Roads and Bridges Mr. Garnet Gamsby, manager o! W. H. Carruthers. General Chair- the Rosedale Packing Co. o! this man; Gordon Parker, Chaîrman o! town. accompanied by Earl Mc- Northiumberland; Percy Stinson. Cutdheon. were motoring soutl on Chairman o! Durham; Annis, J. H. the Orono highway Friday. and when Davidson, Duncan, T. A. Davidson. opposite the residence o! Mr. Norman Edwards, Green, Goodfellow. Han- Allin the car skidded on the icy1 cock, Hartt, Holman, Lythe. McGill. pavement and turned over twice to, Merrill, Quinn, Rickard. Richardson, land in the ditch. The body o! tbe Stone, Wilson, Walsh, Wbitton. car was badly damaged but botb oc- tWood. cupants escaped serious injury. Schools The social evening by thc Wornen's W. C. Wdod, Clairmanl Baker, Institute in the council dliamber on Corbett. Darling, Duncan, Davey, Friday. January 23rd, was well pat- Denyes, Lovekin, McNeiil, McColl, ronized. Various games were played Milligan, Pascoe, Parker. Rickard. and everybody lad a good time. The Redber, Sanders, Smithi, Stinson, 500 prize was won by Mrs. C. G. Whitton. Wilson. Armstrong, and the euchre prizes by County Property Miss Cowan and Mr. J. R. Cooper. N. R. Hartt, Clairman: Annis. A splendid lundch was provided by the Baker, Carrutliers, Corbett. Davey, members, after wbicb the Linton- Goodfehlow. Green, Hancok. Innis, Allen orchestra entertained for the Lovekin. Merrill, Mercer, Parker. balance o! the evening. Quinn, Rickard, Richardson, Stin- Mr. Johin N. Powers was taken witli son. Stone, Smith, Wilson. Wood, a weak spehi Sattîrday and is still Whitton. conflned to lis bed. Mr. Milton Agriculture Morris o! central office was called to P. R. Darling, Chairman; Annis, deliver a message to Mr. Powers and Carrutbers, Denyes. J. H. Davidson. on going to lis residence and receiv- T. A. Davidson. Holman, Innis. Lytie, ing no response to bis repeated McNeill. Merrîll, Millîgan, Parker, knocks opened tbe door to flnd bim Rickard, Sanders, Walsb, Wood. doubled Up on the floor inside. A Legisiative and By-Laws doctor was immediately called. Mr. J. N. Stone, Clairmari; Corbett. Powers las been living alone sinceiDuncan. Davey, Denyes, Lovekîn. the death o! bis wife. but for the MdNeill, McCol, Pascoe. Quinn. Red- present is being cared for by lis her, Smith. Whitton. niece. Mrs. Albert Morton, and other Contingencies friends. W. Davey, Clairman; Baker, J. H. A near tragedy was narrowiy Davidson, Duncan, Darling, Hartt. avertedi one day last week when Lox'ekln, MeNeilll Parker, Sanders, 3obby. young son o! Mr. and Mrs. Walsh. :)llie Cooper, in company witl two ither little ones, were playing near COUNTIES COUNCIL ACCEPTS le pump bouse at Forestry Station. JUDGE'S ASSESSMENT RULING n some way f ell into the creek that asses tîrougli these grounds, and Wide Interest la Manlfest In Except- iad it not been f or the f rigbtened onal iow Cost of Judicial ries o! the other cfidren whidh at- racted thie attention o! two o! the Equalization - Usual Costs lorestry employees. Messrs. Jack Much Bigher ludson and Arthur Clougli, wlo iurried to see what the trouble was. The formal acceptance o! Judge ndoubtedly wouid bave perisbed ini L. V. 0'Coniior's revision o! the le ice cold water whicb was above eoualization o! assessment for the is waist in deptl. United Counties involving the surn of The flrst masquerade carnival o! $51.000.000 in valuation o! property le season, Wednesday, on the Agri- was a feature o! the session of ultural rink, was a fine success ICounties Couidi in Cobourg las! /Iany o! the claracter personatlon week. A statenient of the expenses 'iere original and among the besti incurred by the counties in the re- ver seen on an Orono rink. There vaiuation was also landed to the vas a good attendance, excellent council. It was witl considerable -nusic, and everybody pronouinced it satisfaction this amnounted to only i jolly evening. The prize winners $2000. It was pointed out at the vere: Best ladies' claracter costume. meeting that the counties lave bad Mfiss Oda Gamsby; gent's claracter this work donc exceptionally cleap iostume, Chas. Thackery; ladies' in view o! the fact that perlaps nc -omic costume. Miss Margaret Aluin: other municipality in the province gents comic costume. Raymond las lad its nsscssment reviewed for Clapman; girls' claracter costume. less rnoney under the Ontario Assess- Viola Noden; boys' claracter cos- ment Act provisions. Ordinarily, tume, Ernie Allen; girls' comic cos- judicial equalization runs anywhere turne, Lenora Cooper; boys' comic f rom $15.000 to $30.000 and even costume John Grady; best lady skat- more. er, Miss Olive Davey; best gent skat- Thc items o! expense reportcd tc or, Gordon Yeo; !fancy skatcr. John Major E. L. MacNacltan. counties Cornish; boys' race, George Rowc: clerk and treasurer. include court ex- gents' race, Gordon Watson. Judges pense. $435: stenograpler $425; wit- -Wmn. J. Riddell, Raîpli Ritter. Ai- ness f ees (assessors) $120.58; sher- bert Wcst. iff's fees $7025. Tlese items total ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. LTD. Bowmanville - Ont. w ___ IN THE EDITORS' MAIL ~-~I package can you get the Quaker flavour Quzciand rich food value QUAKoER OAm Ts Cooks in 2/2 minutes after the water boils SA.FE for COLDS Prompt relief from HEADACHES, SORE THROAT, LUMBAGO RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, COLDS, ACHES nd PAINS DOES NOT HARM Major Gertie F. Hollande i e newing lier subscription to the home town paper informas us she bas beenI trans!erred f romn Montreal to thei Women's Hospital whidb is under i the direction o! the Salvation Army i at 65-67 Bloor St. E., Toronto. She adds: Kindly remnember me te your Dad and tell hlm I amn still pushing thec daims o! Jesus Christ forward. Mrs. Margaret A. Young, 211 Ruby St.. Winnipeg, Man.: I am enclosing renewal to tbe home paper. It is lndeed an item o! lnterest in our borne and is looked for eagerly every week. Our weatber is won- derful this winter, so rnlld and a real pleasure to be outside In the Manil-! toba sunshine. Klnd regards te the Senior Editor. .Fred R. Foley, 98 St. Paul Street, St. Catherines: Wlll you klndly con- vey te the Senior Editor rny greet- ings and good wlsles as lie burries aiong past the 83rd mile post. l'Il bet le saw old Fatber Time with lis sickle and bour glass and long grey whiskers hiding beblnd the post but lie just winked bis eye and neyer let on le saw hlm. I note tbat le is stongernowtanIlwentease is qte feeble ut l'i entre e the first mile post so, wly despair? I was pleased to read the bit o! Maple Grove hlstory f rom the pen o!f our old friend Cbarley Axford. i will watdl for bis articles wtl in- terest. Perlaps lie will tell us more about the old farrn on whidb1 the dhurci and hall and school lave i been phantcd. In my time I can remember several occupants o! that f arin commencing with John Foley wlio became one o! the plonerso Manitoba: Steve Dobson vh o reported some tirne ago as giving the dlock to thec durci. Then for many years it was the home o! the Axford's and Clarley named it the -Hole in the Wall" to the amuse- ment o! the younger fry. His sistex Nellie was a very popular young lady in the neigliborhood and took a very active part in dhurci. Sunday Scbool tc. Her mother was a sweet old saint. I think there were 110 bug- gies at her funeral. We always used to count rigs at funerals. Then it became the home o! Robert Beitl and his famous hackneys wtl John 3pry as general manager tlll they moved to the Waverly Stables on tIc Western Hill. The old farmn lias been occupied by Cliarley Snow- Jcn and lis good wife wlio was a daugîter o! Cbarley Axford for many years. only $1.050.83. heaving nearly $1.000 of the estimated maximum to taýke care o! sundry items o! expenditure.1 Judge OConnor in!ormcd thc counties rouncil that througlout I thc hearing o! the appeal by certain towns and villages against revalua- tion o! 1930, le had endcavored to kecp expenses to the absolute mini- mnum campatible witl an efficient rcview and decision. The methods cmployed by Judgel OConnor are cxpected to set a pie- cedent in Ontario where. in many centr-es as it v.as in Northumberland and Durham, sclcntiflc cqualization 1 has been long neglected. Demonstratirin by the Judge o! the unted counties o! Nortlumberland' and Durhami that judclal cqualiza- tiomî (an le carried out at no formi- idable cost will le studied witli wide iiiterest it is expected. TIat Judgc OConnor devotcd many extra liours each day to the study o! evidence submitted during the heaiing o! assessoi-s is deoply appreciated by countics counicil mcm- bers. The evidence collected and placed in bound volumes were turned over to the Warden o! the Council wlth the suggestion that tley be kept Isafely for future reference. .À lm3 ----------- - ------ ASPIRIN TRAOE-MARK REG. Arcept onlY "As pirin" package which contains proven directions. Ilandy "Aspirin" boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100-Ail druggists. Made in Canada" THE HEART

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