THE CAMADITAN g9'ATESBIAN. OWIMANVILLE. ,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1931 PAG l HOT TWEED'S DECISION (Belleville Ontario Intelligencer) Tweed Village on Monday decided to buy its Hydro plant and so join the ever-increasing armny of muni- cipalities owning its own distribu-1 tion agency. Tweed did not al- ways express itself, for last year with the Hydro purchase tangled up in election matters It lost, but this year. put forward on nomination day, it carried. The Village Coun- cil was .iustified in going to the ad- ditional expense of this election if! such be the case in order to get a clear view of the electors on the purchase. The electors by 189 to 7 decided to buy the plant for $19,- 000. It is hoped that Tweed wiii find its plant as successfui as Bell- eville has found its purchase to be. Tweed is no mean centre. It is proud of its streets, its stores, its population, wich is growing. and whlch has increased to 1.347 this year from 1,236 last year. It has a waterworks system, and now it hs going to be the proud possessor of a Hydro plant, as weii as bemng a partner ini the great enterprise whlch 15s s potent an agencyr in the development of Ontario. THE EXAMINATION Do you know that the most im- portant part of a pair of glasses ls the examination through which you undergo before the glasses are made. Yeu can undoubtedly get a cheap pair of glasses but wth them you wiil probably get a very poor examination. If the examination is not tborough and the prescription not right the glasses will net be. te you, worth the case that contamns them. Remember it's the examination that counts and it doesn't go with a cheap pair of glasses. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMITRIST Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope O«fce Fours.- WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. m. te 9.30 p. m. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. Y. P. L. MUSICAL PBOGRAM A stranger dropping into the iYoung People's League last Monday iweek migist have been excused if ise » had thought it a meeting of tise IMusic Club; f r the program was o! .music and musicians and by music- i ans. Tise idea was conceived by tise )4th vice president, Mrs. Clarence AI-, 5lin, who rallied to her assistance iMiss Hattie Mason. supervisor of music in the public scisool. After the opening devotionai ex- ercises Miss Mason took chargé and directed the prograrn. As an intro- duction to the theme, Miss Bernice Gilbank, league pianist. read a num- ber of passages f rom the old and new testaments. relating to mnusic, and »made comments on thern-, this in .place of tise usual scripture lesson. 3Miss Mason sisowed pictures of three 5great musicians and composers, Men- tdelssohn, Mozart and Haydn. and 3then gave a brief sketch of Felix 5Mendelssoisn's l! e and works, not- ably his Songs witisout Words, Heb- ride's Overture, Midsummer Night's 1Dreami and St. Paul and Elijah. All his music was like bis disposition, light and joyous. As an example of this Mrs. E. C. Fisher, United Churcis organist. played his Spmnning Song wbicb represents spinning wheels iwisinitig and spinning girls singing. Miss Mason next gave a sketch of Mozart and his works. Mozart was a musical prodigY. He composed and played works of menit at five years of age. His masterpiece was Thse Magie Flute. He died ini absolute poverty and was buried in a pauper's grave. His works which have corne down to us are also, strange as it may seem, of a joyous character. One of these, Romanzo, was lnterpreted by Mrs. Geo. Honey. Miss Mason then turned the atten- tion of ber audience to Haydn, known as the Father of tise Orches- tra. His compositions number over 1000. He was in charge o! tise music for the Court of Austria and was a contemporary of Mozart. His Gypsy Rondo, wbicb is an interpretation of gypsies dancing was played by Mrs. C.ç A. Cowan. Miss Mason tisen touched on the influence of these tbree musicians in the light. of their contributions to sacred music, instrumental and voc- al, and pointed out that 14 o! thse hyrnn tunes in our churcb hymn book are derived f rom their compos- itions. Miss Mason also read Music's Own Autobiograpisy, which was lis- tened to with intense interest. in conclusion nine o! Miss Mason's sen- for music pupils o! tise public scisool sang a isymn to tise tune of Austria whicis is the Austrian national an - them tune and Haydn's last compos- ition before bis deatis. A lady in this town dlaims tise honor o! being at one time the Sun- %1day Scbool teacher o! the present 1Mayor of Toronto. Specials This Week Men's Fleece Shirts and Drawers, 55c each, 2 for $1.00 Men's Ail Wool Socks, made in England, 35c pair, 3 prs. $1 .00 Babies' Crib Blankets, pink and blue, 55c each, 2 for $1 .00 Chitdren's Fleece Bloomers, size 22-32, 35c pair, 3 prs. $1.00 Boys' Penman's Combs. Merino ............$1.w0 Ladies' Wrap-around Corsets ...............$1.00 Ladies' Silk Hose, 81/2 to 10,..35c pr., 3 prs. $1.00 Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose, 81/2, to 10, 35c pair, 3 pra. $1 .00 You can live on your savings if you shop at J. E. MILLER King Street Dry Gooda and Furs Bowmanville, Ont. A "Sweet" 'Suggestion FROM CLEVER MR. CUPID Mr. Cupid has been on this Valentine job for a 1one time, and his advice is: 'Send candy.' Take a til) f rom him and corne in and select your "Sweet" Valen- tine here. Then you'll be sure to reach her heart. For those who are not living on love we would recommend our baking to satisfy hungry apl)etites. Bowmanville Bakery A. W. Jacobs, Proprietor l4dA v d- % AOL UAL - LUAL W~Famous READING Anthra< A Pennsylvania Hard Coal that a.; one of tihe et produced. We Also handie the SOLVAY COKE $1.00 a ton discount will be allow<'d off fallowing prtcs's foi' cash: Steve S16.50; Chstnut $1600: Egg 1316.00; Pea $13.50; Nut Coke $13.00. HENRY LATHROPE Phone 520 Bowmnanville cite + The Newcastle Independent * THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1931 NEWCASTLE WORK PROGRESSING ON WATER NEHWTCUTCAL ET ___STORAGE TANKS 1 HI ____RL OCET Mr. . F Rikar an f mil Wor ontis waer torge ank The Horticultural Society held its Mntred. to To rono n uness mlyst began athWednesyti r. taksannual meeting and election of offic- motoed o Trono o busnes lat bganlas Wedesdy wth r. qs.ers in the council cisamber on Friday Tuesday. Couison, excavating foreman, in evening, Jan. i5tis, with the presi- Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Scultisorpe. charge o! a number o! men, wiso dent, Reeve W. F. Rirkard. in the Hope Tp., visited Mr. and Mrs. W. wth pick and shovel and crow bar 1Chair. Mr. Thos. A. Redgcr acteci H. Pearce. started to dlg tise bole for tise flrst1 as secretary in th'c absence o! Mrs. tank adjolning the present commun-f C. A. Cuwan. The president remark- Mr. Geo. Young, C. N. R. SectionI ity bail cistern. Work on the sec- ed that it wasz unfortunate that this Foreman, Napanee. visited Mr. and ond tank at St. George's Church b- annual meeting clashed with tihe ii- Mrs. P. O'Neii. gan tisis week. Tisey tell us that we lustrated lecture andl musical pro- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Higbee and got Mr. Coulsons and Mr. Moffat's rrarn at St Gcorge&s- Parisis Hall. son Jack visited Dr. and Mrs. Geo. jobs a littie rnlxed, like Mr. Mof ats The attendance as a resuit %was mu _h Carveth the first o! the week. coiicrete that is te be. It's vice versa, i maller tlhan w ual. Adjournment -Rev.W. that i o 5loing aterge ti bse ex- to atnear future date was suggestedi United Church-Rv .P o-cvtn n erewi ostise btte imaority of thse iirectoate ers, B. A.. Pastor. Sunday, Feb. th: concrets work. Harold Coucis. Clin- present f avorcd procceding wth thie il a. m.-Moriling Worship; 2.30 p. ton Burley and Frank Gibson are; reaîîy necessary bucsiness, but makissg r.-Sunday School; 7 p. rn.Even- drawing gravèl with tiseir trucks. the meeting as short as possible. ing Service.. Fred Grahamn will supply a car Of Tise president commended the dir- St. George's Cisurch-Rev. F. H-. cernent, and in the meantime Doug-1 ectors for their iselpful and consist- Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, Feb. las Cuninngham, Bill Lake and other ent efforts in carrying on the work 8tis, Sexagesirna Sunday: 8 a. rn.- youiig farifers are isauiing away tise of the society during tise past year H-oly Communion; il a. m.-Morn- excavated dirt. and congratulated them on thse ing Prayer and Sermon; 2 p. m,. Sunday Scisool; 7 p. m.-Evenlngt Prayer and Sermon. 1 .I Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hare and Jack spent the weekend in Trenton and Brighston, visitlng ber fatiser. Mr. Marsbai Wiliams in tise formerI town and Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Run- dle in the latter. On their return miss Mona Rundle accornpanied tbem for a visit. Mrs. Herb. Toms and Atie re- turned frons Toronto iast week, and everyone 15 pieased te note tisat Artie is so muchim rproved by the treat- ment lie was taking in the city that bie bas now ne furtiser need for his Icrutches, but can bustie around on, is legs without their aid. IThe Newcastle Bowling Clubs. men's and women's cornbined arel holding their annual banquet in theJ Cornmunity Hall on Friday evening of this week wben Mr. and Mrs. H.. J. Ragen, Toronto, wili be present and present tise John Douglas Silver Cup to last year's champion rink jskipped by J. E. W. Piilp. IFAREWELL AND PRESENTATION' TO MR. WILBUR BASKERVIILLE Mr. Wibur Baserville. wo is f or- saking tise farm in favor 0f an office career, le! t for Toronto this week to attend tise Dominion Trade Scisools and take a course in plan reading and blue printing. On tise eve o!bi departure is f riends and neigisisors o! Newcastle, Brown's and the Lake Shore scisool sections gathered at tiser home o! Mr. and Mrs. Truman Clark and presented bim with an address and purse of money. Altisougis it' was a very cold Saturday night and thse roads were heavy, 110 o! those wiso were invited were on hand to bid hirn good bye and wish him suc- cess. Rev. W. P. Rogers offiiated as chairman and Mrs. Trumnan Clark read tise address. Mr. Howard Cryderman presented tise new and bulging purse, a very nice tbing te bave wben going te tise city, and for thse gif t o! which Wilbur suitably expressed bis thanks. Mr. Chsarles Glenney, president o! the Y. P. L., Mr. Ray Brown, Brown's dance manager. and Mr. Fred Coucis, Brown's representative itise Clarke municipal council, foilowed witis cornplimentary speeches. Tise young people danced for a whiie, after, whlcb tise ladies served lunch. O!f ail itise cornmunity none will miss Wllbur so mucis as bis father and mother, wiso wltis botis daugiters marrled and away, are now alone, I Just as they started nearly tblrtyI years ago.I SOME SIL VER WEDDING RE- FLECTIONS Tere were a f ew features in con- ncinwith Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinsons Slv Weddlng whlch were lnadvertently overlooked i last week's issue. One was tise readig o! a telegram of congratu- lations f rom Mrs. Robinson's unce Mr. A. C. (Charles) Lovekin, River- aide; Calif.. another was the signi- cant !act tisat Mr. and Mrs. Robn- son and family are living within hall a mile of tise spot where har great great great grand! atiser ianded from tise waters o! Lake Ontario, with bis canees. bis iired men and is family away back in tise 1790's and are working tise very land f rom which Mrs. Robinsons early an- cesters in this province cleared away. tise timber in order te begin tise very flrst agricultural operations in Clarke Tewnship. Tise land has lest little o! its original fertility. Mrs. Robin- sons brother. F. B. Lovekin Jr.. true te tise long cherisised f amily tradi- tiens that a Lovekin e! cacis gener- ation should serve bis community in1 some public capacity, is new imaking a namne for himself as deputy reeve o! Clarke Township and therefore a niember of Northsumberland & Dur- ham Counties' Ceuncil, aftei' havingi served a faitis!ul apprenticeship as a counicillor of tise township. He. isi sister. Mrs. Robinson. and faiiy and his brother. Ms. C. R. Lovekin.1 and fainily -are o((il5'ang anprs pernng on the ver'.' lan', ichnd tros Lovekins received as Crown grants in tliser aiîeel ent ury. and this ta; ii,)w tise t weçntris hceni ury. Theirs î:, a si ory of bling rei n tise soil qf which 'asv frrnily aneht .l feel t, *roiac: a reýcord (Jo oer'upat banal st a- hilty wich U fw faiilie', can eliiol IlLrweve. t hereire oa fow. the Gib- n'.t he Clar-k.s. . iT- nsadi <'u idliisrsflrepriesprit ing flc '.al tr " .w :rh aîarl'y aupruOacliit. 1) L GDJ.(albiath of course as : WatanrI otanc . sandi liv isusbansl t.,111 v Iran i nsanau<e 400Jfl a <, of th ho illni t îI ladswhi 10 & ia VOiCi an tise fanil for- considevably ovvr 11A0 yearvsantl part of whicii wa; inurclînseri frora tise-I ovekins inic r !(aYs -of lseth(, s. Andi i B,1-. niont. tise finle Lig bir k niaiîsion o'ai1 onse<f thiese old Wilhnot farms live 1 ;John Turner. bi!, wife, Florence. andj their twe sens, George and John. Z' -I SUGAR-CURED BREAKFAST BACON Tender, - SoltNeated LAMB lb. FOREQUARTERS LOINS Flank On LEGS COCS CORN Q =T wWITE PRUNES SANTA CLARA SUN--ERA CEREAL CRISCO For Frylng MlAGIC Baking Powder RED ROSE TEA Blaelk MIMALIADE OIR ANGE splendid financial standing o! the 1 Featured ln This Week'"s A & Sa-le News-w Slores of Out standing Values ln the ,Qualitles You Are ls'avsSure of ut 6 P 244h.0 ie or Whole Sude ULICED 03 CENTRE OTITS, LB., S70 170 lb. 22o 1 PORTERMOUSE WICT AG .29a ib. 290 Holly FarUS&,A Brand àSG PURE PORK. LIN~KS BREAKFASTLIK COUNTRY STYLE Mb. 25e Mb. 22o lb. j!$0 CRUCK OS SHOULDER PRIME RIB SWIFT'S SILVER FUR FOOD 3'bs- 20'8 COCOANUT romu; Pkg. 23o 1A&P RISIN LOAF TN 34o ZTiNS45 A, 29e JARI 33,e !<'~-y2~w:sToilr t 4 Ba s ?5a M 4 GiL A 1. DE.: JLLLY BEAJý 40-az. Jar 21_4c '4 - ib.1e 12-oz.Pail l CAMdPBILL'S IMA,2 19o KING STREET - BOM Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocc We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. -wFISK pu PREPARED FOR TABLE AT NO EXTRA COST FILLETS COD mal£ or Whole S '-ONHait rOwhoie ii?. IL 4 EMELTS No. 1 Pack Mb. 252 a(-E ,)t-ele in exphan -c for m erchandise or ah at ail A & P Stores. F'esh Fruits and Vegetables at Ail ORANGL-S VMANVILLE cry Manager: P. Williams. Phone No. 83 WET PUUMOiii owN, 0 àA& P W oIM PRU OOMM DOWN, TOO FLO RPASTRY CHOICE YOUNG IROABTING P OIRK nurs it l b. 20o lbe.25e Ven, Finest Quaiity Avaabe-Every Careass by A & P Experts. ow R Oà4SES Mb. 130 b. Il40 i b. 220 BUY THEM BY THE DOZEN!-AYLUMR DM 2 Ibn. 21c 1-LB.290 Sn.S Tin 31Il. ASECIAL THAT SPELLS V-A-L-U-E SHORTENINO nmr2omw 27a ib. 21. 2 lou 19e 2 lbu. 290 Mb. IL3o C SLTFOIaNIA «iWDLESS Dom. 2t i 'i Tinpý CUUEAT ATANTIC & 1PA4cJFJrC T1A Ces ____________________________ItI O F (CANAA.,~ society (of which we hope to pub- lish a report later). He expressed the conviction that the borticuiturai society needed and merited the moral and financial support of every citi- zen, even if it went no farther than taking out a membership card.' Hle and bis f ellow officers and direct ors iwerc especiaily appreciative of the capable and efficient services of the secrctary. Mrs. C. A. Cowan. through out the year. Her duties in connect- ion with the distribution of prem- iums and with the spring and fali' flower shows were onerous, but she had f ulfllled them with abiiity and satisfaction. of rst e! officers and directors r-ere re-elected as follows: Pres W. F. Rickard; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs.! J. E. Matchett; 2nd Vice Pres.- Thos. Moffat; Sec'y.-Mrs. C. A. Cowan; Treas.-Mrs. J. R Fishser; Directors for two years-Mrs:« J. Cun- ningham, Mrs. Chris Law, Mrs. J. A. Butler. Mrs. C. T. Batty. Thos A Rodger; Auditors-J. W. Bradley and C. T. Batty; Directors. electedi last year. have one more year to serve-Mrs. Perey Hare, Mri-H E Hancock, Mrs. Herb. Toms, Ms A. Rodger. Fred Fligg. It was resolved te isoid the annual spring flower show on St. Patrick's Day, March l7th, as customary. Save Some Money Owing to the special rate on ail decorating, during January. meeting with a very favorable response, I have decided to give the same terms Up to the end of February, on ail papers sold and work done. There is no catch in this, just a lower rate for the winter months, which benefits us both. It gives me employment ini the duli season and saves you a nice percentage of your decorating bill. This plan is used very widely in the city and Is very popular. Phone early in order to get in on this bargain. J. H. Abernethy Painter and! Decorator Phone 431 Concession St. TENDER ANI) JUICY C- Foit illil. lý. IV ý WING