TEE CANADIAM STA'IAN. DOWMANVH.LE, THURSDAY, FEERUARY 19, 1931 PAGE NUE two packages of Shredded Wheat"'ý IlThere'II be a fuss in our family if you do! The children love it; my hus- band insists on it because he says i t's the perfect food for health and strength. And I like it too. So don't forget to send it, please." TM~ CANADIAN SHRE-DDE-D WIA4 COMPANY., LTD. SHREDDED WIHALL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT ADEQUATE PROTECTI ON With times as they have- been one is 'pt te, neglect theixr insurance. You cannot afford to sacrifice the protection of your home, store, build- ings or contents when the premiums are so reas- onable. Check up nrght now and see exactly what your position would be should your premises be gutted by a fire. Delays are dangerous-do it to-day. Corne in and talk oveî, your insurance problems with us. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7U Coal 7Iat Saifis. And we wlU be glad to fili your bin wlth These prices are now effective: St ove Coal F«g.g Chestnut Pea Bucitwheat Coke .. .......... ........... A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowcd from above pricea. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Bwilders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville 0 sPHOSPHODI4W.q TGreatf EniMU % .ook's R.gulating Compouad aimnes and mvigoraies t= uo 0 A el. alabl.pio i reous system. mates new Blood Wieo.Bo n ti"«Mrm. 4 ~~~~~iold Veins. Uaod for Ntrm'Oui ¶olomo.l fmý4iit etl and B-111ory pk a rsepiofpr«New,psîumgh. matIid THE COCK MEDICINECO., fDAELINGTON RATEPAYER DIBLIKES NEW ASSESSMENT Thos. Stevenson Expresses is Views of Complets e port of Judge O'Connor. Note:-The Statesman is flot re- spoîisîLe for opinions expressed in letters addressed to the editor, but tbey are prinfed as being of interest f0 the public and concern some vital subject wbich is paramount in the minds of people of the district. The foilowing letter is wrtfen by a rate- payer of Darlington and concerns the new Equalized Assessment. Dear Sir.: In the Statesman of January 15th you gave the equalized valuation of the United Counties of Northumber- land and Durham as submnitf cd by His Honor Judge L. V. O'Connor o! Cobourg. I have been waiting for some more able pen than mine f0 deal with this equalization as if deserves and as this does flot seemn to be fort bcommng I wish ta say that this township bas had anything but a square deal. The valuation of Darlington is set down as $65 per acre, of Cartwright $49, and Manvers $26. Il is a fact well known that Darlington is high com- pared to other townships with lands that were formerly mortgaged for $7000 for 200 acres being sold re- cently for $4000 and not the pooresf lands in Darlington eitber. The tait- ing of a f ew o! the latest f armn sales is nof a f air guide as they have largely been trade-ins for town pro- perty. Town property la held so high that a f armer must seli for the value of the land and tbrow the buildings in. Other purchasers are men f romn the city with means who take f0 farming for a hobby and pay a large price which means nothing to themn with their means. . This la no guide for the everyday farmer who has to make a living off bis land and I feel that His Honor sbould show how, froin land valued at $65 per acre. the fariner is f0 grow 60c potatoes, 25c oats. 35c barley and so on inde!- initely. I put tis question fo a seedsman who was here recently and who wanted us to grow peas for $1 per bushel, witb the fariner provld- mng the land, domng the work and then delivering in Oshawa. The departinent o! agriculture sends out f0 the farmers every yeari a leaflet for him to MIl ouf and re- turnn giving the amount 0f grain. hay and other farra produce he pro- uces, thus making the fariner bis own valuator. When the departinent tabulates these lists and distributes the completed report we flnd that the Northumsberland fariner is doing as well as bis brother f ariner in Dur- bain. If he can produce, on bis own evidence, as mucb on bis land as we can in Durham, why then cannot he carry an equal share o! the county tax burden. The statute wbich makes the County Judge arbitrator of land val- ues affer three good men and truc have done the work is uni air to the judge and it is a great deal more so to the victim, in this case the Dar- lington fariner and taxpayer. I do not intend to say that His Honor meant in any way f0 Uc un! air but I consider him out oif bis proper sphere ,when be undertakes f0 value f arn lands. mhis paying 0f the ma- jority of the taxes by one of two municipalities wlll mean the break- ing up o! the Counties Compact with each town and township taking their share o! the indebtedncss of the counties. Wc are told that Cobourg does not like this valuation but they are a great deal nearer the Old People's Home than we in Darling- ton are. They paid in support last year $6000 and got bacit $3200. while Darlington paid $1500 and got back $40 in comparison witb the number o! cases in the home. 11. is also f0 be remembered that this township in the past year paid a lion's share o! all expenditures and yet we have f0 pay one-twelfth o! the cost o! the administration o! Justice wbef ber residents o! our district have any- thing f0 do with the justice being meted out or not. We nafurally ask. what Is golng fa be the remcdy for these wrongs? Are our reeves and depufy-recves when fbey meef in June golng f0 reduce our valua- tion Jusf around 1 million dollars or are tbcy going f0, deal wtb if in a way that fhey may lose the besf spoke in the wheel a! United Coun- fies' Revenue. Yours for a fair deal. Thomas Stevenson. WHAT IS A FRIEND? Wbaf is a friend? I will tell you. If is a person wlf b wbom you dare f0, be yourself. Your soul can be naked wltbh hm. He sems tf0 asit o! you to, put on notbing, only to, Uc what you are. He does nof want you f0 be better or worsc. When you are wtbhlm, f ccl as a prisoner cxqulsltc charin f0 the most finisbed appearance. Dalnty women incvi- tably choose Perian Balin. A vel- vety smnootb lotion, If mates tise skin rose-leaf Ini texture. Recommnended also to soften and whiten the hands. Truly a peerleas tollet requlalte for WALLPAPER If you intcnd dolng some decor- ating in your homes this spring it wiil be to your advantage f0 see rny offerings as soon as pos- sible. We are showing the latest and best in ail Uines of Wallpaper, in- cluding Plastics, Panel and Down Growth designs, as weil as Sani- tiles, Burlaps, Varnish Papers. etc. Prices are better than usual. Paint, Varmish. éec.. supplied. Aiso some real nargains in older stock of Papers. Don't f orget there is a special rate on work for this month. J. H. Abernethy Painter and Decorator Phone 431 Concession St. BOWMANVIILLE "I think Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Comnpound ie wondcrfuli 1 have had six chidren of whlch four arc living and my youngest la a bon- nie baby boy now eight month8 old who weighe 13 pounds. I have taken youmedldna befos tcdiof them wua bor ansd have certainly re, celved poe bmnefi.c fan sit. Iurge my frindla cwtake leas I amn sure dsay wiIl recelve the same help 1 dic" --mm . léon McMailenVanessA, 000 at, the presentit.ine, aven more sfriking is the !act t bat the company bas paid ta policybolders and bene- ficiaries since ifs organizaf ion over bal! a billion dollars-marc than ifs entîre assurance ins force only ten years ago. This is almaosf magical and helps fa explain the widespread fait b o! ordinary men in lu! e assur- ance f rom the standpoinf o! invesf- ment as well as o! famiiy protection. A mosf lnteresting feafure o! the report relates fa the company's_ in- vcsf ment s. The Sun Lu! e bas long been a consistent and success!ul in-1 vesf0r in bigh grade stocks These securif les are valuated on sthe last day o! each year by tUe Canadian Arthur B. Wood Vice-President and Chic! Actuary Sun Li!c Assurance Company o! Canada partment o! insurance on the basis their market price on that day. ih a test this jean, needless f0 say. is a mosf exacting one. Ycf even the abnormally 10w prices prevail- gaf the end o! the jear the con- rsy's comnon stock holdings, taken thenselves. showcd a substantial :css aven cast. Morcover, the acf- Lcash dividends paid duning 1930 the fatal common stocks beld by ýcompany un the previous year ere nearly $I,000,000 in excess o! &dlvldends pald on these identical tres in 1929. Such a satlsfactery me fron the sharpcsf and severest arit "break" in this genenaflon is wondcrful vindication o! the in- finment sagacity o! the conpany. e rate o! 6.44 per cent, earned on ýmean invcsted assets of the con- Lny is a furfher proof o! tbrl!ty Iministration. T~he company annaunced that the ofif s ta policybolders enfifled f0 rtlclpate dunlng the ensuing ycar 11 be allotfed on the same generous ale as bas exlstçd for some fine, id that the speciai maturify dlvi- id whicb bas been s0 popular will ao Uc continued. Keep Douglas' Egyptian Linimýent always in the stable, ready for m- medip te use. Removes proud fleshi and inflammation, Thrush or Hoof Rot, and Infection of cow's teat. "Resuits Were Marvelous" St. Thomas Woman Writes MccCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets ".I was very III wth nervous break- down-after taklng several boxes I feel well and strong agaln."1 Take McCoy's for 28 days-lf you don't gain at lcast 5 pounds of solld, sUay thero flesh - get jour money bsck-8O sugar coated tablets for 60 cent8 at any dnuggla anywhere-just aak for MoCoy's. Salada tea ls gatber.4 rbma the w@rId's fineut gardens Protection eý For Your Radiato r Faite thse big b.ad off jour mimd .. yeu denot bave te treat jour car it. a baby titis 0014 we.thte if9j «% Put eur auti-tree s lution in jour raditer. Tou om lave t eut la theu celdeat wether ad knw titat It lu proteeteil frernold man «ciu->Ternpertume. O0"efili,- wilibumt Feuaul Wiuter. Coeein teda ani ttjour cold weather immnaune Ou r rae lu opm n nht a a y CLEMENS' West End GARAGE King St Wes Bowmanville HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck ln awatiug jour «B ite dliver te jour bauemt thse klad oet . ht hundroda of familes tbroughout t"istown bav, fourne s»atlsatory. You cma depend upon thhi old-estabflmed ceaI yard to f urulis .strlotly hit quUty cosi at &Uai ure. Order now for prompt delivery. -D. L & W. Scranton Coal- The Standard Anthracite steve Coa . . . . . .. . .. . . Ett . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . ... Chestut . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18.00 Duckwheat.......................... lL5 Plut coke ... . . . . . ... .. . . . 13.00 A dimeouat of $1.00 per ton feu& a*wMflbe aUowud from McClellan & Co., Limited Phone 15 BowrnaVMfl AGreatCompany's Diamond Jubilee Mrs. Charles Rutherford, Newtonvile* Liie assurance bas nov.. ap-,arenf- ______ly, reached such a point in public The death occurrcd at Newtonville! est imation and confidence tbat It on February 6tb o! Armina Gilmer, 1ste incmaraie mane fluroma beloved w1f e o! the lafe Charles teodnr aaisadfuta Rutherford, a very respect cd resident fions o! other lines of business. mhe o! that village for a number o! jears. Sun Lif e Assurance Company o! The funeral was held froin the Canada, whose report appears cisc- Presbyterian Cburcb on Monday af- where in f bis issue. seems f0 enjoy ternoon with the minister, Rev. W.J. this public confidence f0 an unusual Todd, Bowmanville, conducting the degree, for if reports new palicies service, asslsted by Rev. Thomas wriffen during the year f0 the nef Wallace, minister of the United amount o! over $700,000,000, the Cburch af Newfonville. The funeral largeaf in the company's bisfory o! was very largely attended. the nuin- sixfy years. erous floral tributes giving mute ev- Tbis jear if celebrafes ifs diamond idence o! the estecin in whicb the jubilee. A graphie picture o! ifs pro- deceased was beld. Mrs. J. R. Stuft * and Mr. R. E. Logan of Bowmanvllle sang "Jesus Lover o! MY Saul" as a duet at the service. Mrs. Jennie i Grahamn o! Bowmanville also attend- ~ cd the funeral. James Prouse, Pickering The Pickerin Nes says: We re- ........ gref to report the dent b of Mr. James Prouse, whlchý. took Place on Thursday night. Feb.-uary 5th, in the Oshawa General Hospital, following an accident which occurred on Jan. 2Ofh. when he feil off a truckt on Cburcb Street resulfing in the frac- ture o! bis fbigb bone.' He was un- mediafely taken f0 the hospif ai, wbere, apparently, be was doing well until pneumonia set in whicb was the immediaf e cause o! deaf h. His funcral, wbicb fook Place on Sunday f0 Ebenezer Cemefery, was very largely attended, wblch showed the high est em in which hc was held in the community. Deceased was born in Devonshire, England, on Augusf 4fb, 1856, and he was thus in bis 75fh jear. He T. B. Macaulay came to Canada ini 1889 and setfled on a farin on the laite shore where President he remained for 35 years, but las Sun Lif e Assurance Company a! been a resident o!f the village for Canada. the past 6 years. His wif e pre-de- gesu bw nterpr hc ceaed unf e jars bu h issu- discloses. decade by decade. ifs vived by two sons and two daugh g rowf h f romn assurances in force in fer:o de y, s. o! TorBon of Par1880 o! lcss than $4,000,000 f0 over hom; Ms. obt Blsdn, ! Fai- $2,800,000,000 foday; and o! an ac- part; and Mrs. Wm. Crossey, o! Bow- cumulation o! assets !rom 1cms thani manvîlle. He is also survived by $500,000 in 1880 ta nearly $590,000,-I several grandcblldren. .IF0.i- V--- TEA IPreeh from the gardene AGONY 0FINDIGESTION Shuddered at Food -Now Eats Anythioeg Don't say that indigestion can't be a top-thanks to Kruschen."-J.H.C. relieved until you have rend this Indigestion la caused by a failure in letter. The mani who wrote it had tried the flow of the gastric or digestive ail kixids of remedies. Ail kinds juices. As a resuit, your food, instead exetone krnd. That one kind was of being assimilated by your sYstem, rshen. Eventuaiiy he took to simply collects and ferments mside you, Kruschen-half-heartedly, as you will producing harmful aeid poisons. The note, be admits. "I first started takmng Kruschen Saits three or four years ago. For vears previousi', I had suffered agony with indigestion Niglit after niglit, for weeks on end, I had ver', littie sieep and I was becoming a wreck of my oid self for want of rest. I got so run domn that I was advised to cut out my ev enîng meal, anid Ias rect mnended to take ail kinds of remedies, but none of themn did me any good. About Christmas-time, three or four years ugo, I saw inmediate efl'ect of the six minerai one of your ndverts 'Take Krus- salts ini Kruseimen is to promote thse chexi Saits and cnjoy your Christmas healthy flow oif the vital juices of thse dinner,' or words to that effect. I body. Your system begins working started taking them, haif-iieartedly, I again like a perflect machine. Ani wiIl admit, but after the first few doses that meansn blessed end to indigestion, my attacks got Iess and Iess. I kept on, and a renewed and whoie-hearted and they completelv disappeared, and enjoyment of your food witbout the 1 have been a reg ilar* Kruselienite' slightest fear of having to pay the old ever since. I ans now 50 years of age, painful penalty. and I can est anytliing ut any time Kruselien Saits is obtainabie at ml without any iii effeuts, and I sleep like Drug Stores at 45c. and 75c. per bottle. FREE TRIAL OFFER 0F KRUSCHfEN Try Kruzchen now at aur expense. We have the test, and thon, If flot entlrely convfnoed distributed a great maay specW al GIANT " that ]Kruschen doos everytblxsg we dlaim it t. packages which make la easy for you tu do the regular bottle la stUl ss good as mew. prov Ou clinu fo yorsef. sk ourTake It back. Your drugglatla authorlsed to drov u r daimsfor th youîl GAN "7. akage.Yreturn your 75c. lmmedlatelyad witiiou drlsfreaew OA 5.PCi question. You have tried Irusoben fr.e a4 This monsita Of Our regalar 75c. bottie togetiier Our expen.e. What oould bo fairor?1 wta separate trial bot tIe-mfficlent for about Manulaetured by E. Ganrmss Husus, Ltd., me eek. OPon theétrl otUs lest, Put 15ta Kao hesObtor, Enul d. (EbUbe"d 176U> Winter TUE CANADIAN RrATMUN, 13OWMANVILLF, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1931 PAGIR'M«