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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1931, p. 1

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ttateman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l9th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance -5e a Copy No. 8 LOCAL NEWS 1 Huge Utilities Corporation Applies Il For Gas Franchise in BowmanviIIe~ A Heping Rand Every cmployee of thse Great At- "aatic and Pacifie Tea Company's Corporation Officiais Inter- HAMILTON MAN WAS OtarSw in Ontario are contributingM emch week a portion of their wages view Members of Town SPEAKER AT B. T. S. for the relief of unenxployment. This Councii - Wiîi Make sum ls sent ta the head office o! the company each weelc and la distrib- Formai Application for H. G. Lockhart, M. A., of Hamilton uted through variotis centres each Normal School Gave Fine Addresa week. Tis week Bowmanville needy Franchise at March Meet- on Teache Training benefit ta, the extent a! $5.00 whlch rof ouc- liasbee pad inby embrs 0 _____H. G. Lockhart. M. A., a member the staff of the local store. Mr. of the Hamiltan Normal School staff Percy Williamis, the local manager, The possibility of the establish- was the speaker at the Staff Lun- hia handed this sum. ta Mr. T. H. ment o! a gas and coke plant in cheon at the Boys' Training School Locekhart ta, be applied ta relief Bowmanville la seen by the visit here on Tuesday evening glvuxg an en-1 funds. last weck o! executives of the Utill lightening address on "Teacher __________ities Power and Light Corporation o!f rilg" r ocbr1elvrda Chicago, Illinois, who intervlewed a address which ably demanstrated the Power Farnilng Conference committee of Mayor EUliott, Reeve enthusiasgm which Hamiltan Normal Carruthers and Councillor Strike Sho ecesg bu hi ok An interesting power farming con- wth a view ta securing a franchise Sho ecesg bu hi ok ference wll be beld in Bowmanvile for the establishment in Bowman- Mr. Lackhart was introduced by onFebruary 2th whcn motion pic- ville of such a plant. The remuit of G. E. Reaman. who was at Queen's1 times, discussions, and mechanical the meeting is that the executives with the speaker. Mr. P. L. Beckett,1 demonstrations will feature the wiil returix ta Bowmanville on March prniplof B.-T. S was trained un-à meeting at Kemp Brothers Garage, 2ndl~ and interview the Council at itj der Mir. Lackhart. under the direction o! the Ford regular meeting. "Teacher Training. the speaker Motor Company o! Canada, through The company la one o! the largest sald, la a very broad subject. It be- Ueir local agents, the Cox Motor, of its ind ix the world and la an gan in 1874 when Egerton Ryerson Sales o! Oshawa. The session will international utilities company oper- opened the f lrst normal achool. In open at 10.30 a. m. with mechanical ating electric, water and gas plants those days the general public had a dàscussion which wlll last until nmon, ail over this continent and in Eng- poor opinion o! school teachers and Alter lunch commencing at 1.30 p. land. The company is ta-day sup- a great need was f cît for properlyt m. films wiil be shawn and talks plying 460 towns and cities in Great trained teachers. Since tbat time3 given o! variaus subjects o! utmost Britain with gas, light or water and Teacher Training has developed veryt intereat ta fammers. The program, in the United States is opcrating rapily. It has the effect o! weed- iich should be attended by every 'more than 1000 plants with some ing Out unquallfied teachers from fermer or other lnterestcd in tract- 650,000 customers. The company those who aspire te go inta the or' farmmng and uses, wll close at owns or contrais 10 ather subsidiary teaching profession. Today not onlY t 5.46 p. m. companies. is the need for traincd teachers fet' __________ In the event a! a franchise bcing u rlig oolfrtchiical granted the company wauld have teachers and a bilingual normalI Short Wave Station sole rlght ta, operate a plant in the school are among the latest additions town and wauld be rcquircd ta lay to teacher training!' For the information o! short wave their awn mains at their own ex- To mnake a good teacher. anc must enthusiasts in this district, Chie! jpense and build their own plant. have the material ta train. The cal- Migineer Bert Shane of C K G W What this would mean in work to ibre of tis material must be gaod. annouinces the haurs durlng which local workmen would be stupendous At the. present time, lie contcnded, oeie experimental short wave station for it would be an undertaklng o! that high achool teachers were un- wjll be running in future. The cail great magnitude un which thousands derpaid except in the case of a new letters for tis station which la run a! dollars would have ta be invested teacher direct !rom the universitY. ln conunction With C K G W sta- locally by the campany. No doubt Sa many who are not fltted for1 ttoe ar V E G W. The bours it op- it would provide steady work for a teaching go inta the high school etates are from 6.45 a. ni. ta 8 a. m. number o! employees un the plant teaching profession because big and f rom 3 p. ni. to 12 nildiiglit ev- and on maintenance. mroney la off ered at the atart but tis ey week night and f rom 12.30 p. m. of course it resta solely wth the mancy la only raised a littie and ta 11.15 P. m. every Sunday. Every- Council and ratepayers as ta whether when a teacher bas become thor-1 mie reporting having received this tbey corne here or whether or not it oughly competent and experienced1 station on their short wave sets are wauld be desirable ta have the con- lie finds he la undcrpaid, consequelit- aked to report it ta the station ad- pany locate here. If the conipany is ly some o! the best of the profession dressed at Bowmianville 'when a spec- given a franchise no daubt the couai- leave it for something cisc. using it lIM card o! recognition will be sent. cil will include in the granting that a only as a atepping atone ta somne- Incldently tis card was deslgned by reasonable maximumn ratélor gas be thing better. sanie of the Most ar own Bowmanvllle ertiat and car-~ charged in keeping wth the general promnxent men in the counitry, In- toanst, Bernard Mitchell, who la a run o! pinces for tins utlllty cisc- cluding Premier Bennett, and Hon. mxember o! the C K G W operating where. It la generally recognized Robt. Welr. Minister o! Agriculture. staff.that there la no superlor fuel for were school teachers in their earlyt cooking than gas and its installation days. If the very best in the coun- here wauld mean savings o! a con- try are wanted, teacliers must be Cla"afied Ada Pay siderable suin un fuel bills besides the paid a reasonablY high salary for Again this week the value of posslbility o! gtting cake at a con- their work otherwlse the profession c1alfed dvrtsin ws rovn e-sîderable saving. will continue ta, be used as a step- oaed a dubtita be aseful factar While the niatter is yct in its early ping atone ta blgger thlngs in the in the flndlng o! lost articles whcn stages many benefits can be seen business world. Mmr. E. Winnacott, Liberty Stret, fr its establishment here if satis- What are the aima o! the Normal advetisd fr apairof lases ue actory ternis arc arrangcd. If there School? lie asked. Firat we try ta ad est. for aDarin Blke !odare any drawbacks to the installation develap teacblng technique. Tcach- theni and thus the owncr rctrleved th.ese will likely be brought out at crs are made and are not boni. We a valuable pair o! glasses et a trivial the next counicil meeting. can tel imniedlately whether a per- oSt. Here la another instance o! son la cut out for teachiixg and these the value o! belng represented in aur 1 we bave little trouble ta prepare, but buisiness directory. Miss Jane Mas- LOCAL and OTHERWISL others have the wlll to be teachera mx advertlsed dancing lessons and on and with bard work become teachera, the openlng nlght eleven students o! Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyarj although they are not natural born is art turned up for lessons, wbîcb have been spending a few days wth' teechers. He explained at length impa'essed Miss Mason of value o! relatives ix Toronto. the methods of teacblng at Harnil- sdvertising. If you bave something Dr. and Mra. P. C. Trebilcock. To- tan where sports and social activities lix sel,. or a service ta render the ronto, spent Sunday with his mother are stressed every bit as much as cSimunity f 0110w those wlio bave Mrs. P. C. Trebilcocis. teaching, because a teacher la ex- made a auccess by advertising in The Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pearce, Osha- pected ta, lead bis community in al Statesmri wh.lch cavera Bowman- wa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. of these things. He apoke on the vie and the whale o! West Durhami Jas. E. Flett, George St. value o! public speaking and debat- like a blanket. Miss Jane Mason la going ta, Buf- lD.g in teacher training and explalncd ______falo, N. Y. next week as a member how students are trained In Hamili- o! the Mendelssohn Choir, tan. Twenty minutes bef are tliey pare.gj PMti Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly, Rena are scheduled toapaiear in a debate and Harold spent the weekend wth thcy are given, their aubect and A ver'> pleasant social gatliering friends in Galt and Hamilton. mutgie at shrn-m ie opre a tO(& place on Saturda>' evening. Pcb. Pollyanna Jr. Who takes the part it afteir only tbt shrt me o! pire- 7th, et the home o! Mr. and Mra. in the play o! that name here on Mar. paration and tlreakbewa ffed Aluin, wlien the membera a! 10 ia only 9 years old, but la said ta brimiant addrcsses are given. Me -Baya' Training Schaol staff as- be very clever. Mr. P. L. Beckett and Dr. G. E. senbled ta do lionour and bld fare- Mr. J. T. Hoaper informas us that Reaman movcd votes o! thanlca ta wel to two members o! the staff, bis dlary shows that the Disciple the speaker for his addresa wblih amnci>'. Mr. anid Mra. Mitchell. be- Church <naw St. Andrew's) was was mucli appreclated by those pros- fare their departure ta, take up new apened on Februar>' 22 1891-40 cnt. The guests included, L. W. duties at the Ontario Hospital. years ago next Sunday. Dippeli, principal o! the High Schoal, Whltby. lira. J. C. Cairns, in a Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Farrow, and Mra. Dlppell, Mr. and Mira. 0. L. short appropriate address, made the Oshawa, were married in East Whit- Wagar. Principal J. H. Jolinstan, Mir. presentation ta Mr. and lira. Mitch'- by, on Februar>' 14, 1861, by Rev. F. c. Coiiley. Mir. R. McLeod, Dr. &L. on bebaif o! the staff, o! a din- Walter Ayres pastor of Medcalf St. and Mra. V. H. Storey and Mrs. o. ner and tea set comblned. Dr. G. E Methdst Church, Oshawa. They W. James Reaman followed wlth a few words celebrated their golden anniversary sa to their value while on the staff. on Saturday lest. Eight children sur- Bath expressed their surprise and vi. THE CHURCRES~ gratitude ta the staff for their_____ .fUtf1n thought!ulness. The remainder aof the cvening was spent I carda and LOCAL MAN INJURED Trmnlty United Church-Rev. J. U. cm ntysinging. Boi t obina. pastar. Sunda>' services: ccumuityclsln wth When a car crashed into the rear Preachlng at Il a. m. and 7 P. Mi. Auld Lang Syne. af a coal truck he was drivingr about sunday Schoal et 2.30 p. m a mile west of Bwawnivlle, Tom Yooui~ Harris, driver for Willdns Coal Ca. St. Andrcw's Preabyterlan Churcli .Juge foir Tu wss knocked ta the ground suffering -Rev. W. j. Todd, MinistOir. Ser- one hears mucli contiravcrsy these a number o! severe bruises. The car vices on Sunday et il a. mi. and 7 <fly as ta whicli are the suporlor driven b>' R. Fitzgibbons, of Cobourg, p., M. Saath School at 2.30 p. mi. meteen productions. those whicli have was badly damaged by the impact. The minlator will preach. their birtliplace in Hollywood or The accident was investigated b>' Pro- thase by British producers. Sa Many vincial Constable Smith, o! Bowman- St. Peul's Church-Re¶'. D. W. HQRTICULTURISTS DURHAM COUNTY IS PLAN BIG MEETING WELL REPRESENTED ON FEBRUARY 23RD.1 IN TORONTO ROTARY Gardeming Troubles WUI Be Freel.y Many From This County Are Prom- Dlscussed and Questions Answered tuent Toronto Business Men - by QualIfed Men 2 Out of 4 Toronto Controilers A very enthuslastic meeting of the DramMn Executive of the Bownianville Haiti- Last Frlday the meeting of the cultural Society was held F'riday, Toronto Rotary Club held at Royal, Feb. lSth, when plans for the work york Hotel might aimost have been of the Society for the year were Out- teme a Durham Old Boys' Meet- licd, looking forward ta a greater ing. Mayor W. J. Stewart and the lnterest by aur citizens in hortlcult- four Controliers were guests of the tirai matters and in the beautifica- Club and it developed that-two Out tion of Our town. in tis is lncluded of the four ContraLiers, namely the care of the Memorial Plot at the Mesar. Robblns and Hacker, are Town Hall, the holding Of Flower bath Durham Old Boys. Controller Shows durlng the ssean, lectures by Robblns havlng corne from Enniskfl- popular speakers on tapies of inter- len and Controlier Hacker from Port est ta, the Society, practical service Hope. Seated next ta Controiler ta those asling informuation Onl horti- Rabbins was another Durhamx Old cultural imatters. It looks as if there Boy, Mel. J3.Hutchinson, Directar of is a busy time ahead for 80omebody. Advertislng of Hugh C. MacLean A public meeting la belng held in Publications, Llnxlted, a directar of the Coundcil ROOM on Feb. 23rd, at the Toronta Rotary Club, and a Past 8 P. m. at whlch questions may be District Gavernor of Rotary Inter- asked, verbafly or in writing, on any national. gardening troubles, and a committee Among the membersliip o! the o! four local menx bave arranged to Toronto Rotary Club there werc the be on hand ta, answer in a practical following other Durhamx Old Bays: way ail questions Put ta them by Dr. James L. Hughes; Fred Buller, those present. treasurer central reglon, Canadian A vigorous cainpaign is belng Put Ntoa alas ereBlwn on by the members of the Executive atieoaways: Geoltrge ainr tsecure a record membership, h ota l-nown hrtlculturestn ix or- yea. Fund ae rquiedforusebYmember o! the Rotary Club of that the Society in town beautification clty for bis splendid record in con- and in an endeavor ta increase in-nci wtthtrsPtai O leret i hotIclturl mttes. it-soldiers from the Christie St. Hospi- iens are urgently requested ta 10i tal ta the regular meetings o! the the Society now and so do their bit Rotary Club. Three men !rom that in this good work . The Society ba institution have been braught ta the many matters in view tcnding to- meetings of the Club as guests for wards the horticultural improvement more than 550 consecutive Fridays, of our town, but it requires encaur- due to the efforts of George Baldwin. agement and support fromn the citi- Rotarlan Charlie Miller, manager of zens ta accompllsh the cammendable the Toronto office of the Red Rose objectives set by tis Saclety. Tea Company, la a native o! Orana and was also at the meeting, ac- COMIG EV NTS ompanlOd by Reeve W. F. Rlckard COMIG EV NTS 0f Newcastle. Rotarian Ceccl Scobeil, proprietar o! Leatherdale Studios Reserve Thuraday and Friday, and a native of Bowmanvllle, was ýFeb. 26th and 27th, for "Sheridan also in attendanoe at this meeting. Rivals" Put or by Bowmanvile High as was Rotarlan Harold Gufly, Vice Schcol students. 6-4 President of Sllverwcods, Llnxlted, Reserve Thursday evening, Mardi and he toc, daims Bowmanvllle as bis 5th, ta, hear lllustrated lecture by birthplaee. Rev. E. crossley Hunter, Toronta, under auspices of Trlnlty Men's Bro- W.CT.U ilme.inS.Pu' Bhromnilcdoe' Institutes chool room on Thursday, Pcb. 26th, wmliet o Fr eb. 7t, at 3 p. m, Al ladies are welcome. thl ee .o.nE., Ha. p.lix harge Trlnity Choral Class members ofMs.FC.C1i jO1up. Val- pleae.-note tUne of!-zneet4nug la entine P.grae.changed ta Frlday evening ixisVeaofof Reserve TuesdaY, March loth, for Tiicsday. "pollyanna", a comedy in four acta, Mrs. F. J. Cole and daughter ta be Presented by Oshawa talent, Margaret are in Toranto attendlng under auspices of group 2 o! Trlnlty the Hîalrdressers' Canvention at the W. A. in Opera Ho)use, Bowmnanvile. King Edward Hotel. Town Council Aciopts New Policy In Distribution of Relief Labor Those in Most Need Receive the Most Work - New Questionnaire is Expîained - New System Assures Town That None Wiiî Cet Relief Who Do Not Need It Ow-ing ta the town bcing literaI>' theni the stignia, if any exlsted, o! miade "the goat"' by certain unscrup- recclving relief f ram the town. Bach ulous persans who bave prcyed upon man ta given a certain emount o! tue council for relie! whon that bas wouik for which ho la pald et the rate nat been necossar>'. the Relief and o! 30c an hour. The amount provld- Finance Comnulttees af Town Coun- cd dePenda entirelY.- on the number cil have devlsod waya and means of in bis fenil>'and thua thoso wlth protecting bath the ratepayers and large familles are getting more work those who are reellu in ned o!fre- than those wlth sael familles. lie! by the use o! application forma. Instead o! paying in cash the It la on]> f air ta, those men who are counci libas decldcd ta use a syatem ..-ally in need o!flielp tbat an ex- o! checks or due bilas and the a- pantion o! thse new systeni be giv- mount o! supplies ta, be issucd la en. niarked plelnly an thse checka and On thecfirai day thse sysieni was thse tirade la divldcd among the local put inta affect seven were found niercliants. One coupon la for gro- eligible. It cen be plaill> seen cernes, one for bread, one for mllk. that thse systeni la ta the best anc for nicat. The purchaser can Interests o! bath tise town and tise thon bu>' wbat groccries lic ieeds Up need2y, and-while it protecta tise town to the amaunt merked on bis coup- frani being used as thse proverbial ons. To an average f emul>'o! four goat. it ferrets ouitithe ncedy wlio persan about $6 Is allawed whIch lias arc givon the chance ta cearn enough. Ita be paid for un 20 bours work ta be et least, ta, keep body and soul ta- cone for the town during tise week gether.that tise relief is lssued. Accordung ta gether.i e number o! very young children a The applicant for relief us first "e'tain amauint o! mllk ta allowed requlred ta f111 out an application "'id the reat a! the money ta dlvided foru on which a nuniber o! questions noma.gcelsndba. arc to be answeuied. Sanie af these To even the mosi hard-to-please questiong et furst appear ta, be quite individuel tis nethod o! deeling pei'aoial but upon makiixg a close wlth the situation will eppeer not atudy It can ho plaini>' seen that if on]> f air ta aill concernd, but cx- thse town la ta be !orced ta suppi>' ceedingly well thouglit out. Those work foui the need>' It naturally uic- wha are in tise most need roceive the qulies ta, know absolute conditions most relief and arc given the moet pcrtainlng ta the applicaxit. Ques- work ta pay for tisis relief, tions askic f a maen owns a radio, but Mri. Lockhart. head o! the Relief thaso wha do need have no appuie- Conimittee and ta Mr. Striko, hcad hension about tis question. The a! tise Finance Committee. ta wham town will nat require hlm ta cîther tise cuiedit must go f or this systeni soUl or stop using bis radia. The towix are ta be congratulatcd on the care- does howcver require an>' man drew- fui and efficient way tho>' are hand- ing relie! work ta stop uslng ia car ling a voir>' tcklish situation. Nover and ta hand in his liquor permit, beore in the histor> o! tise town bas bath o! these bcing considcred iiot the couneil been confronted with neccasar>' ta thce ernlng o! a living, aucis a prabloni but those responsible but are rightly classed as luxurles. for thse meeting af this cmeuigoncy Thon agein an applicant la aakcd have donc wcll in their solving o! ut. et what bank lie deala, theoabject o! It la sincerel>' hoped thet tise tis question being that a manx who Roads Dcpartmont under Mir. A. H. bas a bank account should rightly Blckle and thse Wateirwouiks Dcpert- use thisaeccount to liveoan befare the ment undor lMr. Kennedy wilfl ho for- tawn puiovidea wouik and susteixaice tunate enaugis ta f md onougis wouik foui bis fenil>'. ta keep the mon bus>' until thinga The full ilat o! questions arc as Iteke a decided tumix for thc botter in foilows: Naine, married oui single. the. ,pring. nuniber of cildiron, Iwhere laat cm- One suggestion bas been put f or- ploycd, average amaunt earned per ward b>' a well known citizen ta the 1week. own an>' puopeuit>. tenant or' offeat that tise town purchase a. ten owncui, amoUnt a! rentai, nameofa!mcr tract of waads and put thc un- bani s ued. lquor permit, car. radia eniploye ta wauk cutting thse wood and telepisone. and thua suppi>' themselves wlth fuel Tisas wio aue recoeMng relief b>'and mrning a wage ta provide tise tis syutem bave lied remnoved fromi other neceuuitlec ofaif!e. Bowmanville Business Men's Assn. Is Organized With Sixty Members c 1 f t r IL e 9 0 n e t. b c I 9 e a p r c 1 IL t COL. McCORMICK ADDRESSED ROTARY Oshawa Industriel Commission Tells Rotaiy Some Plain Fas ea* Weekly Lunchoon "'In ever>' smafl town there la, if wc on>' laok for it, a spark a! genlus, dormant and latent talent, wblch if klndled into an ember and then a flane will provide that town with the necessar>' abllity ta socure new industries," stated Col. B. J. Mc- Cormick, Industri Commisalonor nd Secrctary o! the Chamber a! Commerce o! Oshawa, in thse course o! a short address given before the Roter>' Club et its wcekly lunchean on Frida>'. "Thse securing o! industries,", he added, "la the siniplest tbing lin the wouild if anc goca tise right way about h. In Toronto the>' flsh with a big net. in Oshawa wlth a smalier net, and lin most towns the aise o! Bawmanvllle oui>' with a hoaknd lime. Even thon If the right bait la uscd industries cen be aecurcd. The trouble lin the smai tawn la tbat evcryone seenis to be ai raid a! the other. The>' don't give thia spark a! genlus the neccsar>' !anning ta produce the flame a! cnthusasm. The>' seem ta be a! raid o! youth when qulto often tbat speuik a! gen- ius la in youth nilawbat ho was given b>' bis creatar. Don't be afreid a! youth." ho urged. "There la often Just as much nd more talent lYlng dormant and lat- ent in the youth o! the tawn as ihere la in the older people. I was born an American citizen, but was in Canada et the outbreak o! war nd I dclded ibat if tis country' was good enougli for me ta live in, good enaugh for me ta reer ni>'f aili>' ihen i was worth flghting for, nd that la wby I Joined the Canadian Ar>' in Auguat 1914."1 He told o! incidents lIn Franco in wich mon for ever>' cancoivable job was found whcn looked for. Wlien a requlsition came up tise lino for a piano tuner, there wcre many lin the regiment; when e steel ceble splicer was wanted tisere wcre three pires- 1 ont; "nd evon uhen a, pe'cecher was wanted anc af tixese were f oun&,.ta&. This shows that wble we are not ai- ways awarc of the talent whicis anl aur nidst we must roniember that wbatever Job there la ta ho donc theme lasasme persan riglin our own tawn wis a n do it. "There la aomebody in Bowman- ville who bas the talent ta secure industries nd you wll nover get enythlng donc unlesa you look among your own cuiawd to do it. I am tald ýyou bave a ncw club here nd tbat already you bave 190 mcm- hors. I asked when I hoard this whether the>' wcnt around lin littie groupa oui did Uic>' wauk altagether and I was tald tso>'wcre as a unit. Thet la what la nccded. "The cammunuty must ho a unit ai worklng tagether for tise bettermont o! the twn. If yous a community bave an>' ambition ta guiow, ta accure new Industries thon you must dis- pIl>' tise communit>' spirit nd you must organizo. We lin Oshawa, wha bave donc this, wlll h pleased ta help you but you have gat ta bave maasod layait>' o! the communit>'. Thon you cen go a! te>' enytUun you wantnd get ut. That la tise reason we are able ta secure Indusreli Oshawa because we bave tise corn- munit>' spirit nd whon aur Chamber o! Commerce decides ta do sometbing Uic>' bave thc council nd Uic wisale cli>' beblnd theni. Witis this metisad wbatever you do wll ays go ove>'. In conclusion do not farget you want the co-operativo communit>' spirit. Then you must flixd out what yau want ta do, and tison do h." Col. McCormlck offcuied ta came ta Bowmanvllo again nd givo a long- or talk lix wich he wauid give tse Ratariens tise idesa!o the type o! citizons and officiais ta make Uic tawx pragressive. The speaker was lntroduced b>' Rotarian W. Rasa Strik nd Rotar- Ian Gea. E. Chsase movcd a heer>' vote o! tisans ta the speaker foi bis fine address. Tis being Industrial Day et tise club, manufacturera o! the tawn were present as guests. The>' lncluded: A. M. Hardy, R. M. Cotton, C. Bois- dem. P. C. Colmer and Paul Wilson. Otiser guesta included, Mr. B. P. Bradi o! tise B T Snd Rotarlan Wlllard Rupe o! Michigan, tise father o! a club lu tbat sate. Melville D)ale hed charge o! the musical prograni lin whlch Rotarians Tom Holgate and George Chase rcndeuied solos. The ncxt meeting o! tise club wll be Scoûta' Nîgisind tise Boy scouts o! Bowmanille wlll pravido Uic sup- per and tise puiograni. The Public Scisool Board formail>' thankcd tise Roter>' Club b>' letter for the fine rlnk pmovldod et Central Public Sohoal for use.o! tise atudents. '4 Association Assures Thirty 'Members in West Durham Agriculturai Society - T. A. Dustan la Elected First President of New Organ- ization. With a atrong list o! supporting omeiera nd directors, Thomas A. Dustan, local hardware merchant, was elected Uic fIrat puesidont of the newly arganized Bownvinll Busi- ness Menla Association et the Inaug- ural meeting of that body' hcld In the Balmoral Hatel an Monda>' niglit. It was tise most enthusiastla meet- ing o! business mon held here In 25 yeara and was attendcd b>' oves' elghty merchants and prof essional men a! Bowmanvlle, ail apparonti>' desirous o! daing their ahane tawarda maklng local business conditions better b>' adopting tise slogan of "Bowmanillc First." The meeting opencd with Oea. W. James as cisairman, andUic repqrt a! tise commlttee appolnted tbe puieviaus week ta dlcci officers was read and adopted unanimoul>'. Lst o! officers arc: Fresidnt-T. A. Dustan; Vice Presldept-Hariy Ai- lin; Secretary-L. C. Mason; Treas- urer-Melvilie S. Dale; Dinector- F. R. Kerslako, C. B. Hurle>', T. W. Cawkcr, T. B. Gilchislt, W. P. Cor- bett, Dr. J. C. Devitt, Dr. W. H. The by-laies a! the Associationi wcuie uiad b>' the chairman as drat- cd b>'tise spocîal committec wisa bave met thireUies during Uic woek foui a thorougs discussion ot tise constitution. It was moved tbe& the by-laws ho taken ciause forj clause and dlscussed andUic result- ant discussion was a benefit tao ve>'> one present. A great number of theni volced their opinions on var- iaus tapies o! gencral Interettand et tise conclusion the by-laws a! tihe Asaociation weuic adopied as follows: That this association b. known as the "Bowmanvllc Business Mena Association." Purpose of Association (a) To faster a, communil>' spls* oi sputual goodwm..ad Sc-operati am<ing the residents o! Bowmaavme (b) To initiate or support an" mavemont wiich appears ta be ln thc best interests et Uic commuait> et large. (c) To encourage tise members of tis Assocation, nid citizens gener- ally, toadopt the Idea of 'uowmaa- ville Firat"lu inaupporting local In- dustries and institutions, b>' buylng in Bowmanvlle, and ta refrain tram patranizing outalde soncemus wiso solicît business, deliver or peddle merchandise in town who are nol ircaldonts or tagpayers of Uic corpor'- ation. (d) Ta prohibit thse selling in stores and offIces of tickets for con- certs, suppera, etc.; seeklng dona- tions for chant>' or otiser caume; aaliclting adveutising for progrema or catalogues or canvaasing for sui- scriptions foui an" private or public purpose. The followlng shall ho dligible far membersbip lu Uic Association- Re- tail Meuchants--owners and mana- gera o! stores; Professlonal Mn.- doctars. lawyera. dentiste; Agent- insuance, real estate, imnplemeot. hotolmon, contrectoirs, mlniaters bankers, garage ownern or managera, service station owneuis or managers, and principals ai achools. The uemainlng by-Iaws were pure- 1>' cancernlng aflIcersand their dut- les. When Uic firat memberaip drive was inaugurated aitii.e meet- ing 60 members pald lhiser dues ad beceme charter members. Tise>'are: A. S. Baker, J. W. Jewell. T. W. Cawker, John Hatel>'. Harr>'Alln. C. T. Ross, T. S. Holgate, 0»o. Cuiombie, Oea, Humpage, P. R. Est- alako, C. B. Hurle>', P. Wiliams, A. J. Holiday, H. Latbrope, C. A. [Bartîcit, M. W. Temblyn, L. C. Mason, T. A. Dustan, C. H. MaMi. P. Cown, T. A. Garton. P. Lam- buiose, W. Marjoreni, Oea. W. James, Wni. Clarkce, W. P. Corbett. W. C. Caveri>', P. Willilams. W. J. Bagusu. Art Colo, W. Claude Ives, W. J. Richards, J. M. Rowe. Dr. R. E. Dia- niwel, S. J. Henry, Oea. Pritcard. F. M. Cryderman, W. J. Martyn, B. B. Burber, James Brown, J. E. Milcr J. R. Moore, C. S. Mason, 1. O. Ref- key, B. 8S. Naylor, A.- J. Wbalea. Cocil Osborne, J. H. Needham, AIe« McOregor. F. P. Morris, C. H. DUl- le>', 0 O.cCo>' W. J. ]Dudley', P. W. NoIles, Wmn. Bavage, T.- H. Kntght. Oua Bounsal, M. S. Dale, L. W. Nel- son, A. J. Wadisams. At an executive meeting held later in Uic week Uic f olowing were ap- pointedl a Membrshlp Comitte.%

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