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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1931, p. 6

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PAON SiX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, P'EBRUARY 26, 1931 The Suit that made history lest year- s, t- 1' i 1~ 'r 200 FAB R ICS Att, ONE PRICE T. B. (ilichrisi Dlrectly opposite Bank Montreal BOWMANVILLE - I CO4JRTICE ENNISKILLEN Ebenezer and Maple Grove Chur- Rev. Wm. Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. clies raised a total of over $6500 dur-1 J. D. Brown and Olive, Mr. and Mrs. ing the year. Despite the economic Fred Tamblyn, Orono, recentiy visit- depression. the Courtice pastoral ed Mrs. A. Tamblyn, who is improv- charge, comprismng the churches at i mg from her recent illness.. Miss Ebenezer and Mapie Grove, had a 'Helen McKlnnon, Toronto, spent the very successful year in 1930. Dur- weekend with Mrs. H. J. Werry.. ing the year these churches raised League meeting on Wednesday was for al purposes the splend.id surn of in charge of 2nd Vice President, Miss $6513. Of this amounit, '«a sum of Alice Ashton. Meeting opened witli $2828 was raised for outside pux.poses hymn and Lord's prayer. Bible which Included the foiiowing: Mis- reading was taken by Miss Muriel slonary and Maintenance Fund (ai- Thompson; devotionai, by Oswald location exceeded by $56.00) $1736; Pethick; topic by Miss M. Dalton on Woman's Misslonary Society organ- Japan; reading by Bruce Ashton; ization $736; Conference and Pres- piano solo, Audrey Dorland; read- bytery Fund $33; for ail other pur- ings, Ted Hornett and MISS N. Vir- poses, including hospitals, Bible Soc- tue; Rev. Whyte gave a short talk iety, Prohibition Union, $323. The on Business of the Christian Churcli. present total membersblp is 400, of! Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry wliom 38 are non-resident members. spent Sunday with friends in Biack- stock.. Miss Eva Souci is still with hier sister, Mrs. J. Pye, wlio is im- proving slowly .. Mr. and Mrs. Er- SALEM nest Werry visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cole, Bethesda ... Mrs. C. Awde, Orono, visited with Mrs. Wm. Griffjn is withliher daugh- Mrs. W. Cann on Friday iast.. ter, Mrs. Walter Ralim, Who bas a Mrs. Eva Bonapart, Port Hope, is baby boy. Congratulations! ..Mr. spending a few days with Mr. and and Mrs. J. G. Rundle, Solina, visited Mrs. F. L. Squair Mrs. D. Hoop- 1Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt on Satur- er, Orono. spent Friday a! ternoonday Miss Grace Hastings, Hamp- with Mrs. E. J. Doidge. Mr. and ton, spent the weekend with Miss Mrs. T. Armstrong visited her moth- Muriel Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.1 er, Mrs. Way, who is stili quite il in Wotten and family visited bier par- Toronto hospital Miss Gladys ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herring.. Cann. Toronto, spent the weekend W. M. S. held a successfui quilting with bier parents Mr. and Mrs. R. on Wednesday, Feb. 25tli, when four Winters, Oshawa, were Sunday cuilts were quiited Mr. and Mrs. guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish. J. Shackleton and Douglas spent Miss Marjory Colacott's sale of Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson, stock and implements at Beechdale Burketon.- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. on Thursday last drew a large crowd Sanderson and family visited Mr. of buyers despite the disagreeabie and Mrs. R. Ormiston on Sunday, weather. and bidding and selling was Mr. J. A. Werry is doing some re- quite keen Mrs. A. Welsh receiv- modelling to his new home before ed word that ber brother. Mr. Ai- moving in Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert bert Chapman, of Orono, is not as Smith and family, Oshawa. visited well The many Salemi friends of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Woodger were grieved and F. W. Smith, Miss Maud Ashton, shocked to hear of ber sudden pass- Toronto, Mr. Ira Travail. Oshawa, ing in Bowmanville last week. Mrs. spent the weekend with the form- Woodger (nee Miss Cole) was a res- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ash- ident of Salem for some time years ton. ago and was loved and respected by A basket social will be held in the ail who knew her, and deepest symn- basement o! the church on Tuesday, pathy is extended to lier bereaved March 3rd, at 8 p. m. Readings by sister. Her late husband, Rev. Miss Edna Cameron, Tyrone; musi- Woodger, who predeceased her some cal numbers by Mr. Harold Shuttie- f ew years ago. was at one time a worth. Sauina; and Burketon Orches- Young minister on the Tyrone cir- tra; dialogues by local talent. Ad- cuit. and later years after being sup- mission 25e and 15c. Ladies witb erannuated often occupied the Sal- baskets free. em puipit Mrs. F. Cator and grandson Douglas have returned BLACKSTOCK from visiting her sister, Mrs. John E___ Pring, and her daugliter, Mrs. How- Mr. O. Carley, Toronto, visited atc ard Hobbs, and son, Mr. A. Cator, Mr. S. Swain's recently .. Missa Toronto. Marion Hill bas been visiting her i uncle, Mr. Roy Ferguson,. Mrs.r Ira Argue spent the weekend in Pet-i HAMPTON rboro Congratulations to Mr. and ' Mrs. Ernest Larmer on the arrivai Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. of a baby girl The many friends Charlie Stainton (nee Marjorie of Mrs. M. Fallis, who is sick in Tor- MrY)on their recent . onto, wish her a quick recovery atn>marriage, Miss Marjory Marlow, Toronto. hast Miss Edna Reynolds visited friends been visiting lier mother, Mrs. Ger- in Solina recentiy Mrs. Sulas Wil- tueMro r.N er n liams is waiting on lher daugliter, lttide Mson.Jaevi. Mhave_.envisit- Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowmanvifle, who ltl oJntilhv envst ~S iii M.LviRatie l'j ing ber parents. Mr. anid Mrs. Fred igfriends in Toronto Mr. C. W. ialy Sryt er htMs zIsig swring tBbago Whittaker is ill. Hope for a quick aiasing swriga cyen return to health Mr. Ivan Tbomp- gan Mrs. C. Smart spent a week son visited his uncle. Mr. Alex Dever. *xth Toronto friends The League meeingFriayeveingwasinrecently Mr. O. Edgerton enter-1 meeaig o! Mr W. Grenawa Tin tained a number o! Young men to Bible lesson was rend by Mr. Ray- duck dinner on Friday evenmng..i snond Burns, and the devotional per- Mrs. Gertrude Marlow gave a euchre' iod led by Mr. G. A. Barron. Mr. party last week at which Mrs. Fred Groat gave a talk on the "British Bailey and Mr. Luther Mountjoy Empire" whicb was very instructive. were the iucky winners. . Rev. F. The groups met at the close of the W. Newell lias returned fromn Detroit programn to make provision for fut- wbere lie was called to see his f ath- ure meetings. We wlll welcome the er who is seriousiy il. Miss Gladys Tyrone League on Friday vng Newell accompanied hier brother to next.evng Detroit and remained with ber f atler ... Miss Dempsey spent the February meeting of the W. M. S. weekend in Toronto. The shower was beld at the Parsonage on Tues- for Mr. Harold Larmer and bride on day, Feb. l7th. President Mrs. J. Friday evening was well attended Colwill opened the meeting witb a Mrs. R. Lansing, Miss P. Hooey, hymn and prayer. Business being and Mr. Bert Hooey, Toronto, and completed, Mrs. Bick, leader of group Mrs. Herman Hooey vislted Mr. and one, took charge o! tlie f ollowing Mrs. Geo. Hooey recently. At the program: Mrs. C. J. Kerslake gave a euclire party given by Miss Mary short readlng on Cliina; Mrs. Sykes Parr, Mr. Charles Vennlng and Miss on India; Miss Reynolds led in pray- & F. Parr were the lucky winners.-. er; Mrs. Bick talked on the devotion- Mr. John Rutledge, Toronto, spent al leaflet, subiect "Lead us not into the' weekend wlth bis sister, Mrs. Temptation", closing with tie Lord's Norman McNally .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Frayer li unison; Mrs. Bick favored Grlffn vlsited tie latter's brother. witli a piano solo; followed by a talk Mr. F. Stinson, recently.. Day of on Japan given by Mrs. Knox; ques- Frayer was held in the United tions and answers were given on the Churcli Friday when the ladies o! samne. Meeting closed with a hymn St. john's Churci Joined with the and the Mizpah Benediction. Next ladies o! the United Church. Feb- meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. ruary meeting o! the Young People's Barron. Everyone is invited to at- Association o! St. John's Church was tend the annual "At Home" to be held at the home o! Mr. Leslie Ora- heid in the Sunday Schooi roomn on ham on Monday evening... Mr. Mardi 4th. John Edwards is taking a course in acetylene welding In Toronto, two evenings a week.. Mr. and Mrs. TYRONE Wesley eccenrtid a num- Party in bonor o! their son Lloyd's Mrs. Robt. McCullough and Mrs. birthday Regular W. A. meeting Donald Davey Sundayed at Mr. D. K. was held at the home o! Mrs. Emma Frasers, Betbesda, and visited the Forder on Friday evening, Feb. 20th. !ormer's mother, Mrs. W. Little Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain enter- Miss Mae Cameron, Toronto, spent tained a number of Young people Ithe weekend with lier parents, Mr. Monday evening in honor o! their and Mrs. Herbert Cameron Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Milton Sanderson. Enoch Stevens, Hampton, Sundayed Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Osmond es Mml A.1W.Annis n P-M-.W. ni..sar o!.teir weding_ n Mon Teevening came to a happy cIÔde 'witb expectations o! again Joininz! < R LA " with our towfl frlends . L-,eague; K R L.K - program Thursday evening was in r v.. DIoUPENOABLU omua $TOI charge o! tie 3rd vice president. Mr., Albert E. Wood, who took the devo-, Laxacold (tablets) tional; reading by Miss Irene Cam- reduces lever, relievea eron; vocal solo by Mrn. Theodore h#eadache and breaks Down; a splendid topic was given hy Up a o - 25c. Mr. (Rev.) J.. R. Trumpour; read- ing *by Mr. Clàréfi6e Hatherly. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Taunton, vlsited at Mr. J. Cross- man's.. Misses Velma and Milly Bradley and Clarence Bradley, Ty- rone, Sundayed at Mr. E. Bradley's. --Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, spent tic weekend at ber home.. Mr. Roy and Miss Muriel Tbompson spent tic weekend in Toronto - Misses Meta Ashton, Mabel Beeci and Rema Bradley vlsited at Mr. Wm. Moore's, Eniniskillen, on Sun- day ... Several Young people were entertained at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Worden last Saturday ev- ening.. Misses Helen Worden and Reta Jolmston, Toronto, iipent the weekend at Mr. W. Worden's... Misses Meta Ashton and Helen Wor- den, Toronto, attended a play pre- scntcd at tic Hart Hlouse recently in which Mr. Ben Flaxington acted tlie part o! one o! the main ciaracters. ...Temperance program in charge o! Miss Myrtie Cowling was given at Sunday School last Sunday. Chap- ter on "Stimulants" taken f rom Temperance Book was weli given by Mr. C. Avery; chorus from ,Mrs. Ash- ton's class, readings by Mrs. A. Hare and Mrs. T. Cowling.- Sunday School and Cburcb next Sunday at usuai time. 2 p. m. and 3 p. m. SOLINA Our young people are presenting their play "Tea Toper Tavern" in the Eldad Churcli on Wednesday even- ing, Marci 4ti. Music between acts. Admission 25c and 15c. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam visit- ed Port Perry friends recently, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle visited at Mr. Levi Brunt's, Enniskilien Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonnacott enter- tained at n party Snturday night and celcbrated their second wedding anniversary Congratulations to Miss Muriel Baker in winning sec- ond prize bu our county in the Essay competition in connection with tic trip to the Royal Winter Fair Our Young People entertained the Zion Young People last Fi'iday even- ing wlien about seventy were present. A splendid program was put on by tic Zion class, after whîch our Young people iad charge o! thc soc- ial period and served lunch Leag- ýue meeting Monday evening was in charge o! tic 4ti vice president, Miss Evelyn Tink. After the busi- ness. the following program- was gibv- en: Devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Isaac Hardy; the topic was ably taken by Mr. Chas. Sbortridge: piano solos by Mrs. Everett Cryder- mnan and Miss May Westlake: read-I ings by Messrs. Bill Nicol and Mer- vin Hobbs; and Mms. John Baker favored witb a vocal solo. After a contest the meeting closed with the League benediction Our young People have been invited to present their play "Tea Toper Tavern' at 1 Noithminstem Churci. Oshawa, Fi-i day evening, Mardli 6th.i MIAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton, son Jackr, and baby Norma, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Providence, spent Sunday wili their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Power. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley and son Edward, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mr. and JMrs. R. L. Worden, Mrs. H. Vlckery, Town, spent Thursday with their niece, Mrs. Len Richards, Salem.... Mr. John Cator anci Miss Dora IEamnes visited friends in Toronto on Wednesday. Miss Enid Twist spent tic weekend witli !riends in Wiitby.. Miss Ruby Cook and Mr. Edgar Cooper, Toronto, spent Sun- day wîth tic latter's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett. . League meeting was beld as usual. Mr. Wm. Laird opened the meeting la tic ab- sence of President John Cator. Ail repeated tic 23rd Psalxn; Bible read- ing, May Freeman; devotional topic, Mildred Snowden. Mr. Jack Brown, 3rd Vice, took charge o! tic !ollow- ing program: Chorus, Scbooi Boys, "Cock-a-doodie-doo"; topic "Giving" by Miss Betty Snowden; vocal solo, Mr. Owen Nicholas, Town, wbich was encored; reading, Dorothy Stevenis; chorus, sciool boys, "Tic Hlking, Song"; reading, Mrs. Stephen Jefi - ery; reading, Winnie Lancaster; a short contest was tien enjoyed. Mr. Wm. Laird tien led a sing song. Meeting closed with the Mizpab ben- AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 19311 at 1.30 p. m. Tic undersigned bas received in- structions to seli by public auction the !oilowing almost new Furniture: 4 Iron Beds, Springs and Mattmess; 2 Dressers; 1 Baby Carniage; I large Congoleuin Rug <new); Kitchen Chairs; Happy Tiougbt Range; Housebold Sundnies; Car Robes; Buffalo Robes, etc. Aiso: 1 Bulldog Wild Oat Sepamat- or; 2 Automobile Trailers; 1 Hand Cutting Straw Box; 1 Pony Tnap witb rubber wheels; 1 li-bole Seed Drill, Massey Harris; 1 Barrel Spray- ing Machine. hand power; 1 Double Mouid Board Plough; I Double Wag- on, box and stock rack combined; 1 Set o! Truck Wbeeis; 1 Set of Wag- on Wheels; i Cider Press; 1 Single Cutter; 1 disc, stbff tooti Cuitivator, Massey Harris; 1 Land Rouler; 1 Mower, five foot cut; 1 Set Bob- sleighs; 1 Waiking Plougi; 2 Horses. Sale wili take place at KINGSWAY NURSERIES (Dr. Baldwin Estate) opposite aid Agricultural Faim Grounds, 2 blocks east of Liberty Street on Highway. Terms: Cash. Theo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer. 98c. You'll marvel at the excellent quality of this lovely silk stock- ing. Ail perfect quality. FARMERS' CLUB Providence Farmers' Club wll meet ln Siaw's Scbooi on Tuesday, Marcb 3rd, at 8 p. m. Important business. O. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, President. Secretary. STOCK SALE Thuruday.,arch 5th.-Mr. Walter Ferguson, Lot 28,- Con. 9, Darllngton, will sel 8 bead o! horses, 10 cattie- cows, bei!ers and steers, and four sows and a number of pigs. Sale at 1.30 p. m. Sec blls for termas. Tico M. Siemon, auctioneer. Seed Cleaning The Seed Cleanlng plant at the Boys' Training School la prepared te dlean ail kînds cf grain, grass and Clover Seed. Grain lie per bushel. Ciever and Grass Seed 15e per bushel. Farmers are Urged ta brlng ln their seed early ln order te avcid delays ln the spring. 3-11 TENDERS Tenders wlIl be received by the under- signed Up te Twelve o'clcck noon on 2Sth Fruary 1931 for supply of bread to Gaol and House of Refuge. Lowcst or any tender net necessarily accepted. Ail tenders te be marked "Tenders for Bread" on outalde of envelope. E. L. MacNACHTAN, 8-2 Counties' Cberk. TENDERS Tenders wili be recelved by the under- slgned Up te Twelve o'clock neon on 28th February 1931 for construction of an eutside entrance te Turnkey's Ape.rt- ments at Counties' Gaol, Cobourg. Par- ticulars thereef may be obtained froni the Governer cf the Oac.. ,,,owst or any tender net neoessarily accepted. Ail tenders te be marked "Tenders for Outslde Entr&nce' en outaide of en- velope. E. L. MacNACHTAN, 8-2 Ceunties' Clerir. INEW SPRING FROCKS u .4 a Il YOUR '-FAVORITE ilSHOPPING. CENTRE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS mmumrnmrnuumm mmmmmuumu s They're ail smartly new, with fascinating necklines, saucy smart sleeves and tricky skirts. Some are in plain Celanese crepe; others are in prints as gay as spring. Sizes 14 to 44. Splendid assortment of colors. S ma rt Group $1O.95 Just unpacked. Plain anid printed, pure silk crepe dr'esses. Jacket, boero and peplum ef- feets. Advanced spî'ing fashions made to seil at considerabiy higher price. $4m95 Fcks $13u50 The lightweight woolen frocks are destined to play an impor't- ant role in the 1931 spring mode. This grouping includes one anid two-piece frocks. + offers stili greater Value this Spring I * Introduced to Canadian men last year Royal York Clothes met with univers- ai favor. Now, this spring, you can buy your Royal York suit or topcoat with assurance of even greater value. For this season's Royal York Clothes are even better value than the famous quality that first made them favorites. Buying a Royal York suit or coat you are offered a wide selection of mater- ials to choose from-fin- est tailoring to your meas- ure by W. IR. Johnston and Company, Canada's oldest tailoring house- guaranteed fit and smart- est style. One price only $27,50-the greatest dol- lar-f or-dollar clothing val- ue in Canada. Corne in today and see the Royal York fabrics for Spring. TRIS IS THE SPECIAL S AL E YOV WERE TO WATCH FOR FREE PREMIUMS will be given with each cash purchase of $1.00 or more. No phone orders accepted. WITH EACH $1.00 CASH PURCHSAE One piece of grey granite ware will be given away. WITH EACH $5.00 CASH PURCHASE Your choice of any one of the foUlowing articles: (1) Pisve pieces Grey Graniteware. (2) One piece 1847 Rogers Silverware. (3) One piece popular brassware. (4) One piece well known "Pyrex" oven ware. Make a list of your Spring requirements in Hardware and take advantage of this Free Premium offer while they last. SALE STARTS MONDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1931 Mason 8& Dale Hardware & Sport Goods Bowmanville Fuil FasIîioned SiIk Hose $1350 Service and chiffon weight, full fashioned silk hose, in de- lightful range of nexv shades. BWMAN VILLE R E. - M I T PAOB Mx THE CANADLIIN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1931 7

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