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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1931, p. 9

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THE cAsADiAN sTATEsMau, BowmANvn.LE, THURBDAY, MARCH Sth, 1931 S. PAGE NDlR a grand total of flavor, pep and health TASTE THEM1 Only Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes have that matchless flavor-that good-to-the-last-sp'oonful crispness. Brimful of vim and zest. Ful of crunchy wheat. AU the nourishment of the whoie grain. Plus extra bran for extra health. Just enough added fiber ta be mildly laxative. Flavor, pep and health - ail combined. That's why Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes are better bran flaies. Great for breakfast. Fine f or lunch. A special treat for childrcn at every nîcal. Serve with fruits or honey - with milk or creamn. Look for the red-and-green package at your gro- cer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. IMPORTANT-BelJges Pop Bran Fakes are zaldly laxative. ALI- BRAN-another Kellogg product-is ail bran and guaranteed te relieve botS eemporay and recurring constipation. PEP BRAN FLAKES A great materials moncy cam buyj long-listing flavors. Note how WRIGLEY'S 5freshens the mouth-feel and vigor-sce 5whiter teeth - lips and glroat. Ia.xp.uaIv CHEWING GUM n Cold weather is a severe test for any gas or où. Super Sheil Gas vaporises instantly and aur Zero Oill flow f reely at 10w tem- perature. This of course. means quick starting. Let us serve you. If you use Ccii 0OÙ for llghting your home, we have a message for you that will surely pleas. We are iniporting and can supply you wlth a wonderful quality Coau 011, at the price of the ordlnary grades. Qive it a trial. PHIONE 110 KING 5T EA5T -1 BOWMANVI LI PEP omA unAKs MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS Installment No. 17 Can Tou Recal- WHIEN John and Peter Murdochi, John McMurtry and Biliy Quick and -)r. Henry o! Oshawa bought up most f the apple onchards in the neigli- oriiooc? The Corbetta and W. J. 3 agg came into the game later. Jcnder who's packing them. now? WHEN Maple Grove and Base Uine .cId their joint picnic at "Thc Wil- iws,"~ Burk's Beach? Some o! the oung men weuld drive to the Har- ,or and hire rowboats and row theni wo miles up the shore for tic big lay. It was the thrill o! their young ives when it came the kids' turn for a twenty minute boat ride. And oh the games we playcd la tic pasture field, and the picnic suppers under the great willow trees, and the beau- tii ul pebbles we gatiered on the shore, only to flnd out next morning Visitors to Jasper National Park, in the. heart of the. Canadian Rockies. stand close-to the very act of creation. In this beautiful area, life once was cradled. Convulsion seized the land and reared' rock upward to the skies. Out of the welter came the glorlous peaks to defy tee and time, their rugged beauty a magnetic attrac- tion for thousands of sight-seers. Sma1l wouder mer. mortels stand by and drink ln the grandeur of the peaks. Above ls Maligne Lal c., *s shores framed by mountains. C.N.R. Photo. Ho n. W. R. Motherwell WITH a record of nearly half a century of labor in the interest ~ of farmers and farming industry, ' Hon. W. R. Motherwell, former Minister o! Agriculture for Canada, is a ruerber of the Executive o! the World's Grain Exhibition and Con- ference. When the Exhibition and Conference was organized three years ago Dr. Motherwell, by vîrtue of his position as head of Canada's Agriculture Departnient, bcm the chairînan o! the National Com- ' mittee. Recently, upon his retire.. ment froni the Dominion Govern- ment, he was appointed to the Exe- cutive Committee o! the World's Grain Show in order that he might continue to give to the forthcoming worid-wide event the benefit of bis long agriculture experience. Hon. Mr. Motherwell was. born in Lanark County, Ontario, in 1860, and aller attending public and collegiate schools in that district took a two years' nourse at the Ontario Agricultural College. In 1882 he migrated to the West, locating on a homestead in the Abernethy, Saskat- chewan, district, where at the present tume he owns and operates one o! the most attractive farina in the West. Untiring in his efforts on behalf of the farmers of the West in the early days he soon found a place in the public Ifle o! Saskatchewan and was elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature for the Province for 13 years. In 1921 he was elected to the House of Commons and entered the goverament of that day in charge o! the agricultural departnient. Dr. Motherwell is an honoraryi member of the British Society of Agriculture. In 1923 he was given the degree of LL.D., from the Uni- veruity o! Saskatchewan, and also holda the order of Commander of Agriculture Menit. they ,werejua-tôondlnary as-tones-! I UNITED COUNTIES NEWS OBITUARY WEN there wa.s a nuimber o!f full Trinity United Churci, Cobourg, Albert E. Chapman, Oromo gnown young meni attendlng S.S.wa packed Saturday aftcrnoon for No. 6 durlng the Winten months for the funenal o! Dr. W. G. Jamieson, A well-k.nown reident of Clarke furthen instructions li "Readin' an' notcd specialist in pediatrica, who township passed to reat ut bis home Ritin' an' Rithmetlc,"-Hi Burk, died o! pncunionia on Thursday. in Orono on Satunday morning afterý George Stevens, Fred Bond. Bob a !ew montha' illncas. He was bon Lawnlc, Donald McDonald, Bil Je!- lI an effort to enhance the towi's in Kirby 56 yeia ago, bcing a son o! !cry. Tom Cole, Jack Snowden, Bill beauty the Port Hope Horticultunîl the lite Mn. and Mrs. Isaac Chip- Gay, Fnank Aldsworti. etc? It kept Society la offering a silver trophy for min. He was a sucesaful farmen and tic Master atepping with these big a garden competition among nesi- lived nean Orono thc greater part of fellows. dents whose property la asseased at lis lii e. He married Miss Ethel Rick- WHE Chnle Mcinnn ~ $1500 or lcss. aby, daugîten o! thc lite Mn. and' is good wif e, Julie Iirkpatnick, and Mrs. John W Dundas, an old and hmaJohntlay wo h p nead thein two lusty lads occupied the respected citizen o! Port Hope, diedhmabuayengo ifnel Harvey Burk farm, after Mn. Burk at hen home after a long iliness. She was held on Mondîy iftennoon. scr- movcd to town? The McKinnons la sunvived by hen husband, two dau- Rve . beringcouc rkcdtby u ison liter moved te Meadvllle, Pa., and gliters, Miss ImeUh ut home. and Mrs R . nwStrelnyo ark Ste. CHiurc- wvhcn Tom Kirkpatnick completed bis L. Anderson, Oakwood; a son, Ber-2' md was lrgey ttendedM. HeIssur- teaching ternm te secure a pension he trm on thc homestead; and two ss Chapman, Klrby, and Rcv. J. Fletch- went te Meadville te, make his home ters and two brotiers. er Ciapman. Windsor. and f ive ais- with is sisten. To the very great urpnise o!is hoat o!fniends Tom Intolerant only o! intoîcrance a tens, Mns. Richard Staples, Toronto, f ound a mate there. for he was now acclalmcd as tic watchwand o e! ~IMna. Clarence Cai.,Mns. Gea. Cain, a confiimcd old bachelor. He breuglit ministenlal association o! Nothuni- Orono. Mns. Arthur Wcsh, Bewman- his bride home for the honeymoon, berland and West Durham which ville. and Mrs. HarrBellamy. Carie- and she get the surprise of!lher l11e met ut St. Peten's parlis hall, Ce- vale, Sask. te fInd what a popular husband she bourg. under the presidency o! the -_____ lad selcctcd. Tom went to his long Rev. Andrcw McLauchlin, B.A., B.D., A CRISIS home some ten years mgo. minister of St. Andrew's United iChurch, Gnafton. Little Johnny must be operatcd on WHEN George Witheridge was the champion sheep shearer of the dis- trict and George Gilbert was the of- ficiai tule drainer? Georgie Gilbert was also a great fence builder and replaced many miles of old 'Icrooked rail" fences wlth a new "stake anc rider" design. SKATING at TAYLOR'S RINKI BOW31ANVIMLE With Orthophonie Musi c TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS AdmIssion 25c; ChPldren 15o Motorista Bewue! à The period o! gnace has long since I cxpincd and the Highway Traffic De- partment has lssued instructions te, patrol officcra te declare wan on automobile owncns and drivers wlo àare still te be seen on the higiwîys and byways flauntlng tîcir 1930 mankers. Trafic Officer J. H. Hinch- dlif e e! this district suid that in ac- cordance with instructions le will institute a close check-up. He wishes te point eut that trafflc negulations also requine that the name and ad- dress o! the owncr shafl be paintcd on both aides o! ahl commercial and dual purpose vehicles. and tuat the ~rean neflector be carried on the le!t hand ide of such vehicles. Furthen- more, lie states, any vehicle over 80 inches in width must carry clearance liglits both front and back. There arc numenous offenders In this dis- trict, he declaned, and the check-up Swill include these ulso. right away, the aoctor said. The young mother was !rantic-husband away-the baby to look after-and she would have to be with Johnny at the hoapital. "If Mother were orily here!" Then the telephone. "lMother, can you corne?"l Mother could, and dld-by the first train. Thank goodness for Long Distance! J. HERMON wants POULTRY and APPLES at Fair Prices Phones- Bowmanville-235 Toronto-Trtnity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 46-tf IWHEIRE NATURE DWARFS MANj a fi-'. Balada Orange Peike as a nuosefascinatlng flavour TOWN COUNCEL Increased Cemetery Charges and? Water Rates (Continued f rom page 1) Notice of the admittance to Tor- onto General Hospital of S. Bond, a resident of this town, was given by County Trcpasurer MeNaughton. A comn unication from Ontaio Motor League requesting town to ad- vertise in their road book was re-j ceived and flled. A cheque was recelved f rom Pro- vincial Treasury Department for $5000 covering its share o! the On- taio Government towards local ne- lief of unemployment. Ontario Moton Sales of Oshawa sent a letten asking town to consider them when purchasing a truck. 1 Finance Committee chairmun, Councillor Strike, presented the re- Port showing sundry accounts andi îexpendltures amounting to, $692.96. Chairman o! the Waterworks Committee, Deputy Reeve C. E. Reli- der, read the report of the relief work showlng expenditures amount- ing te $1780. Waterworks chafrmun also pre- sented a recommendation te the e!- f ect that after a careful review o! the whole watenworks system the committee would recommend that the domestie rate be lef t unchanged; that the committee be ernpowered te purchase up to 25 new meters to in- stal l i Places where they are !ound necessary; that the rate on certain industrial plants be changed to make a fair charge, and that the sanltary limits be extended ta Queen Street. Concession Street, Liberty Street and Scugog Street. The report was adopted. Councillon Jones, Chairman o! Cemetery Committec, presentcd a re- port and gave notice o! an umend- ment to cemetery by-law te change the rates at the cemetery as ttollows: 9 by 9 feet plots raIsed $5 li price; 9 by 18 feet plots rîised $10, and the langer plots in the same ratio. The raising o! the pnice o! grave dlgging $1 and the insertion o! a clause pro- viding that concrete foundations be placed under each stone, under sup- ervision o! caretaker, was also among theu recmmiendations. It was ex- Plîined that these proposed in- creases still le!t the rates lIower than those charged at Hampton, Orono and other places. Councillor W. J. Martyn gave notice o! motion to amend by-laws aff ecting transient traders and ped- lars at the next meeting o! coundil. Councillon Lockhart reported on the relief situation in the town and on the new system now in vogue for relie! purposes. He gave the nuniber receiving direct relief through work and grocery orders as 21 with a total expenditune during the month o! February o! $186.00 for this numben, or an average of $8.90 per month for each married man and his family. Mayor Elllott commended the Re- lie! Committee on its work and its handling o! a veny difficult situation in such a satis!actory manner. Deputy Reeve Rehder gave notice o! motion to change Sanltary 1w- law at next meeting o! council. Mayor Elliott neported on the Glood Roada Convention which he and Road Superintendent A. H. Bickell attended in Toronto.-. C. W. Jacobs, who lias been over- charged on bis water account for the pat flve years. was» granted a rebate o! $40. Council adjourned shortly miter ten o'clock. Salaries Pald Civie Officiais For the sake o! comparison It la interesting to know whmt other towns pay their civic officiais. Brampton with a population o! 55001 pays the !ollowing salaries: Con- stable A. Herkes, $1500; Nightwatch- man Ernest Armstrong $1100, paid by a levy on the business section-, William Henry, cîretaker. $1000; Thomas Moore, road overseer, $720; R. B. Martin, caretaken o! cemetery, $95 Per month; F. A. Early and R. W. Hall Jr.. assessors, $300 ecd per annum; Dr. F. Vanderllp, M.O.H., $350 Per annum; John Pollock, day fireman. $25 Per week; Arthur Sut- ton, nlght !lreman, $26 per week; A. H. Milner, tire chie!, $100 per an- nuni. florde Co.. Umited 115 Geoege St., Tormto SSme a free copy of yoe ncw coa& book. owners WILL BUlL» TREM Fi4 lFresb f§rom the gardens' MalkeslHeum 1 LgyMNore Send forTi iE gs- i FMi Batnhdcao I. '5 HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck in awaltlng yer euE 1toiclvSe F. our baaement thse kirnd of ool tisaI isndreulu of famils Ibrougiseut " 1t.wrnbaie fourni a.mtiufat.y. Iton cmndemm pern u<> hIs li-estblihisci ceardu t. forais"sstrictly hhsqnilfty coi at anl liais Order now fer zprompt dSiIVU. -D. L & W. Scranton Codl The. Standard Anthracite Steve (Joal........................$101. Egg . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 16.00 Cisestaut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16.00 Pe . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . 13.5» Buckwhest.............. :.............50l Nul Coke ........................... 13.00 A duscunt of $100 pertIon for cash vil be aflowed fruai above prles M cClellan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bowmanville an0 pen letter to MctaaldznBic;Uk McLAUgHI- BUICK PAGU ZUM,

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